HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-02-27, Page 6MUM EXPOSIT6R, SEV, 011+., FED. 2/i
sedation with .221 Easter Seal service 'Club's, are opening their :Cam-
paign ,soon for more than 13,500 crippled :children 'in the 'proyince.,.;
They must raise $770;000 to continue 6,...provide the serVices:, that
have been available for so many years One iinportant. part .of.'kz
crippled child's life is holiday at the suninler carat's Maintained by ,
the society. At the camps they „have the Ahappye-environitent_,;(if
sunshine, fresh air, water and all the aetiVitiee camp '
Easter Seal ,Campaign funs ,entil Easter SundaY,..Mareh 29; and is r.
sponsored locally,by the .Lions Club, ' • '.
Charles & MacNaughtoo, auxin
MLA,- in Iii S maiden speech in the
Legislative AsseMbly, teRS-of Hur-
on problems as follows.:
Wlaile I reeognize in the fullest
Hureil hAve conferred: upon me;
in -eleetieg. Me as the representa-
'tive of: his historic riding, 'never-
theless; the ;dreemstances which
resulted in •-•MY .61ection were. and:
Will con -dime tebe a matter of pro-
found , regret, The.late Toni Pryde
was en3Y,nerglahor, and true 'friend.
TrulY,„le, was a dedicated sereant
of the •adoptecl„ countryhe, laved
so well. To have Iglawn , him and.
friend. was ,:an honer
"and priVilege :I will not in my life:
tinier forget and the: many kindlY
refereitees ,I have ' heard from
'Members �f this laouseare mat -
tet' Of Personal satisfaction to me,
axir sure thee) are te his lam-
ily and. all these' whom , he served
so faithbilly; and • Well. '
.1 feel 1-WoU1d rerniSs [VI n.eg-
.1e'cted, to congratulate the -„th-ort.
PriMelVlinister on :the anann'er in
which ,has recently strengthen -
d.' the 'Cabinet.. ;Those ,Whoin:, he
has. ChoSen a•his lieutenants are
all .Worthy; tnen.:, capable- ef,:per-
fortning the ;ditties of their -respec-
tiVe officeS,:in a Manner -which
in keening With the high Standards
the people -of this Province , have
conietOE expeet..bf tiaoSe 'Who7 di-.
, . rect.; their affairs m Goverernent.
most concise ',terms- neSsible,,,;tri
:deal. ,with - the .„ irdereS ts „of -the', rid,'
ing of.11ureie, its history, lea peonie:
and' their. aintS and aspirations,.•:as'
we]i„ as • the g,eneral, economy .of
thiS,„ wonderful: part -of our great
Province, relating-i,:.all in a :general
way,- te sirnilar.:situations, .which
nridatibtedirprevail in. many Othee,
rural sections of Ontario
.it is not possible to discuss in
,alabreviated the 'ebiiiplete
history of • thiS.: fannies section of
• Jack IVIcIve.r is a patient in Strat- Jack Melver:
ford General HospitaL 0•
• Miss • Agnes O'Sullivan, Guelph,
• spent the weekend with, her moth-
er, Mrs,' Theresa O'SuRivan,
Miss Rosemary Lane visited in
Mr. and Mrs. Martin. purcell and
Maxine, , of Kitchener, with Mrs.
::Miss Mary -Melady and -Miss,
• „ and:
,Anne Morris. s;aent :the -weekend, in
O Miss isle'reen palton, Brantford;.
.Miss Mary IVIiirray, London,;-; Miss
.Cieo BeWreare, Miss MarY:Cathare
ine _Meech; Miss. Mark' Cronin
Miss Clare, Malone, Stratford, at:
their homes. -
".-TOrdSloarij_ Gobourg, and Mis,S”,
London,. Witlx1;_fri
and Mrs.: janteS-Sidan;
„ • Miss Beatrice ,Murray,. Water-.
loo, with Wilfred M1mpv.. •
.. 4
Ontarie:"R ether I -propose to touch
on 'Certain, of the highlights. " =
The first. white man .to visit the
;area is acknowledged io lOe, a,
YOung :associate', of 'Champlain,
known- as Etienne ,T3rule •He e -
'genie , Singularly, arlepteat master-
ing varieusehidian dialects and,: in
due' course, 'he 'became - the .fore -
"nest liegtiist anci interpreter.. of
bis.time. ' In 1610, by , agreenient
ce a -e-utriregidenee Avith
the Hut=
on. tribe and • he shared their ens -
terns and exiSteneeeptil 16330 When
h 6 '2,1ie 4 victim,f the a
-• • l
eusteins and W as,kille'cl,l.quarteeed;
boiled and nten by tkiO'ge who had.
hieri •'llis,;.bloodhrethers
ker,2 Canna refr a in
f6iti_,.obserVitig .itAhls-,7tiailiif
'ftiSterY rePeat$ itSelf,
and i=that a similar :fate maY:.,soon
'be in•stere :far anhon.e,rileinher'ef
••the "leader of a:7.Very
as ,.sojo,urne
:ever -long. atireasPhete;in
which 7be scems tcr me tQ he.. as
incernpatible . as, was -,tiiiS yoehg.
Freachmn'ofaariter,:•. days:,
. • For'thest7praCtical pUrpoSes; the:.
L - ' •-
'1..Itirore,Traet7 ceinnienceS jn.abetit
,1.824 'or1825 With , the formationof
`Canada -COMegiik:
bet 26T1824,.'some, 1,384,413. acres.
Were sekl-frore Crown:rosrve in
.Hpner CanadOi,'te the, Canada Com
paeY;,0: at -,n'Priee •6f, three'shillings
elird eixPlenee: Ter, acre,.. grant of
land Of. 4V9i# 80,0;001/ a...ere .d.prgy
r:eer.:Veg• Wa:8 eventeally, Converted
A:honey !grant. I Might'
„Mr: 'Sneaker,that there ,•,:ereF0 Still
properties in Huron .lie1d.onjleedS0
originallyegr.anted by the Cana.cln
• • :This was a ltisfY in'!,the,
historyeef;•canada.:, It_e,vaS ,no less director, :,Mr. Arthur Bolton-, :and
lusty- hi :Heron e_anct„..itS,,•;.„yagour-ehf.41,51.4,:nnt4 H rndmb1up and
,S.e.eirtrned,11:01TI: :the Men'-andi'We-.1'their....inctivitles: .:aecorriplish-
. 'men wile Made, the,histarY of the torits nut ,fee „to -lei -at ei
din eS.••BUb it Was.'the first 'Warden '. this. 'inest important .field of •agtit
Who enlerged,inS the _Meat e010.11-4,. ,cultniai."endeaVour in the preVirice.,
aggreSSiVe.-and now almost legen May T•eole-t out Mr, Speaker,' to tioiiai EninloYMent Service ireGoe,
Art„hutikasey , • Ezeter.-•daty• personality of his day1 re you and . he bon Menlb re- ef this erich on Wednesday,!iFebruary..4
that.* Myopinion a, unique -.lase: who reported OS fol-
.• • • •
to .0avallitSelf of the 'enter-' Caj •That the reiinber:of claims
p and, ability of our farmers, .in'the "Go-derich office AS,at Janu
for the 'egiansIon.' a .ag.yietittuTo. ary 3.1; , 1958,, or aeyear •;•• agee wa
protinetion ininortant 1),122.': .7. ,• .. • •
.field, .1 7. 'believei sir,. that : the (b) That e the 'nuinber of -Claims
Sonthern, or, theeExeter area Of in the,Godericli office, as ,at Janu
:Huron,: has an .acreage r and predpe• ary,-31, 1959., or loday:was,1,4e.., or
ficiePt; to '..pigiiithitt,,.cotojilete-pra -ago, ' •. , • • '
cessing, and sugar'..refining, facilia further asked him, whether -or
ties.; particularly' ,When it ,is reeog not This decrease , cOuld,„ be largely.
nized •-th'at Canada rirtidnees Only altributed:to the .programS ;Of both
'frprn0 per .eeiffto 25 Per eentuf 'federal- . hod proyindial.. goverit-;.
.itt, Sugar„requirements. I would'. mentto provide for winter enie
point out that. the ,Town ,o Exeter ,plOyMent-Ilis aesWer was an. un
.seems to, offer:the cOniplete'Sep; qualified I was furtherAre
Vices required, for, this tyPe of in formed that • at the RCAE.,,Statiexi_
, dustry: .Morrison Dare at Clinton, winter „einployraenthed
. sures... an adequate simply of, -Water;,-, been Made.. availab1eLlOr45L-pa1nt- •
both r alt. aod •i-tritelt : transportation. ers; eight. carpente,r, Live
Reserve your Sale Date now
X.R. 3 ,Phone Clinton
Seaforth !III. 2-7534
READExeter, Ontario
• President: • „ -0
Mex Rohde: -- 3,,IVIitchell
• .vice-preadeikt „-
Milton Mectirdy 1; Milt -ban
E. Clayton:-Celquhounce.R.Ree-14
Scieneellill; Martin Feeney, -A:It.
2, Dublin; Robert'G.aidiner,
R.. 1, Or�mty»Timothy.B.
Toohey, Lucan,:
. Agents: •
Ci5ates, 'R:It: Centralia.;
-r-i-o-KI-rUttlfelr; • Stanley
„Ilitehelt .
W, ,G. Cochrane - - Eider
fer to the 'famous or ,infainims,lbr, Canada's iaIt eapital, -These and
William. Dunlop,' Or better known 1 other iniportant projeet,e, whith 1
aed remembered as -"Tiger 'Dun- Will refer to later, trtay Cenir
lop." His pentribut,ion•i•-to the de- bine. to .be hut the forerunner- of
felopment of . the entire district a trend whick,in. the corilparatiee-
was:- that: of :ylgerotts-.-greqn ly near Ititure, reault fn Gode,
he, •represelited the dratrict which .rielf.becoining 'the first communitk
then comp rised Huron l'erth and in Huron, to attain' citY statue '
pat5' of-'Latriht:On and:Middlesex, iteetagnition .Of the- advantages01
in the .'first p,arliament• Of Hpper Seaford". has,.- been'tecently,
nam -
Canada, -•at 'Kington jn7,184.1:. fested in the peinPlOtieri • of the.
this rola, nealtabeedett. his brother new modern ..,,,Plant:'"ofe'SeefOrth
who was the. ftrat.:1wi.p.x.., iniduho sloes Limited which
dird :after. a „shorttem,,,i_othee lyincreaies, their production • ,ca-,
„Captain Itabert'l)unlen; RN.,',epii;i0; -paCity,:: The decision to expenti-.'.in
tested the: first election against ate this .locatien: was in mea -
other .colerftil • digere,of sure..:due to the „foresight ,,anclene
•Lielit„.Celener AntlionY'. W.: Van ,Eg, .operationof the council and people
mend, ewinning bY"a eeinfortable al this 'thriving Ilinen..coraininutY.
margin., - Van, „Egmohel was, an-ar- .Industrial eXnansioil In Exeter
dent "Reformer,' and:I can oiily„. Con- has been: marked reeentlY, by the
, dude that eveh ..as ,ftoday, e he 'ran location of_ a ,nevrnloclern
.on the tiCket. , „, - and' Warehouse for,. the; Canadian
., Mr. 'Speaker,,,this: waS ,the start branch of one of the leading'learitt-'
Of an era m Huron ,which lanneh..-'' fa (titters 0± poitltrye.. ded'• anini al ,
edths development of:What is ncee.0 feed : additives .Ond,niedieiries,' and
.recognized to he • the., hest ',0farm. is adjoined 'by,.' the 'new', modern
'erl.„"Slue W,ater.LIfigh-Ve-aVe;HAbetit
of Dr Wilhaiy Tiger". Hidden to' be Ontarip's 7:largest .:turkey., three,Milee south of Godersch
Marks tne 0 Theatre"), Of "iiitiel" ..ef'dts : When .04inipleted itWill..-rearleLthe
. beginning :and. AS, I • Clinton and ' , Xeter ,. have • long fidfilinent. 'of the late TOM ': Prydefs:.
.ge,kt that the Historica11otheties henefitted.eniturallY and coninler dreate :and .legneY or Jot* and
ef the proVinee. would do Well ,to esaily froto proxifmty o RCAF: ,.a.l.se . keen interest , of
Onside?' its 'Mere 4-PlrOl>riAte re- 'StatiOns.','.:During-• and ..,..sinee the he Government in 1,hiS.: linnet -tent.
cognitien iniirrovernent.and:reaiiie , 'Second 'War . War many thousands ,' field Of ,...lantirtanitatian'.Seryie.e:'.To
tenanee; 7 ! :airmen and : titeirL fairtiliet heVe, ,Huron • it Will be:•. the .first provin
. I: .,1),/r'. 0 Speaker,' •thaele., their Mane among'',utz. At bial ,inttitUtion within its boundar
to relate the lusterandleigeteuS; Agetingetalitirenr$Lhospitaliti;,--iSt-res,-,4P(1;'*illproyi,k_...erenlayment.
clustry' And development of :earliat the : fact that -Many . -,and :.ekPancled,
times; .to.;.theCanearifiilia4inantOl'antt tireinent rbmained in'.ehr,Varioes, geode" and services of our :'agricule
sir the vision ofojir ploneers has The village ....of ',.11enSa,14 by Vir-2al people..„. • .
hew :±457.h.„-.VerSeLeeiaSicletableettent: 'fee May ":11".alSo.;: commend the Hon
'filltiped arid the; :eharaCterittieS:' Of, haridlieg::::faellisties'i::::hasiong been. .:Minister Of 'pobli:-weif*re for tak
•the.,:fotin4ers..otHurori are,nfabileSt , known as the bean eapital, .01 Cane, irig a 1OrWartl ,Step m the direction
to the boundiess opportunities ada It i,a watter of fact and of',1Ceigeterine:rraPrOeinent of the
•WhiCh..exiSt at, this...,ehallerigthg"...i.H.-. record, that .,-,reore•HT,White beans: .liheinplayinent sitnat,ion.,His re
..i.64? of the !-.history oi One Province dear the elevators: ef., this prosper, ' edit '..inenlOrandiiik.::te,;,,institittleha
and, Nation 01irecent„.yearS .-our 'bes village than any 'ether, village. .under the direction ofe,his*,,elepart.„
population nas been swelled hY pere, town „,on,city,in Canada HiiaII ment urging them 'tq "Buy Cana
ple lof ether, lands to all ',Of ,,w,he in,. „alSe is 41e, home of 0 General COAch than : .GOOde"!, at every every • ,PesSible , Ort7
We..7,eXteed-.,a traditional %nen wel Works„ nianufacturers Of n'robfle polrtuiuty, was!rtee. more than ,SOUnd
Came ,,- The. customs' and .trarlitems, homes,' who recently ...transported _recogeittini„,7Of.,_•We.2;prineinie!7that
of 'their hatiVe'•ceuritrieS, have al by air a :,,,prefabricated trailer cbarity.begios:.at home' 1 urge
ready, enriched us and a new typi home together 'with, :a: crew Of .
eel's.. Canadian' culture emerges WritkinenLte,,,GOOSe'slaY,',.,Labeadori.: Soon as possible pohcy which
,SPeOker,', Shenid, Say,. that The hame. was delivered,, .afferb; Would:,require all departnients'...Of
the economy and industry Of pres! 'bled and the 'workmen retuyned GoVetnnieht,. all agencies' and in
Huron is in a large mea home„ in a'•matter,,:ef a few hentS,'.,Stitilti. ens, that are naderrilie,,•diree-
ture;::- associated with •;.agrieultilte. who are
Tho±e Who are :het riireetly -engag-.: SetiihWestern„Ontatio..: and haymik: tateiviiig; ;:fidaanial:; -assislenee?z.in
eel in farming” are depenclent,:te..a as !..,a •.' frtondly sunimer resort 1 the form Of grants . froM., the Gaye
ver considerable .extent . the ',additioh,,..it, is heitie to one of the'. eriment to1 give a;:'llriea'rntefer,-
4gricUlt.arq,1.-:iiidastryleritheir • ein okIes mot effieient fishnig fleets eace.'t-O ,goods Of :Canadian nianu
prOsperity,and indeed their 1,11:yell, • ie•,Dalfe.'1,-hiren,..Zurich;'..,a,feW miles facture ,Which '414: fabricated.
duction dEliariey,;;.:'seeoriet in dry,-, :prising marketing coed*. , ,•To,„ give you Mr.. Speaker and
heatiS;',:and.tiairdin Mixed erainS.' ThiS''.then,..,:Mr,?' Speaker is a the Jroit.:.;•!Attemhers...,of this- HoUSe,
Huron cornbines',..3441'. j!!,:tieight)01. brief ',$unimatY.,,Of . the, of , What • e: imlley Of , the
Perth to .fead . by a Wide !Margin ebenerey of ',;.Htitotte' and, I: should kmd would mean ire terns Of
hog prednettorie Hitren0,. ranks: now like to.. eomment on cortain Pleyneent;Tietnle relate., to
fut 111 the!...prorhictioryol'eattle for if *ea': refeiied to by the Hozi some information ..076yid,ed by
beef: ; The toWn-:.:Of.'Exeter and :the Leader Of; the OpPoSitien,, 'with re firm in thy
_sue.ronedinge area,elead .44 tlie pro, sneet to:',ItheihnlOYMent;,,,Particitlan'' itteesealine. off-equipinent used exe
duction 01 rutabagas Department of
haS:loiig,•,heeiv.ationg;the top pro In discussrng unemployment miy Highways 1 a. • referring:1•tk.readi
ducers of .poultry „hi OrLtario, In 1 remind tbe Hon,-':meinher'• for :grading, , read mamtenance and ,
short, Mr peaker,I..,Hutee.:by:„vir ,Waterloo North that lus counter snow removal etelipment,
tue of. the,'volume and variety of part .in the Federal fieldattenipt 1 eireInfornied.„,by,.. the : general
production of .farro:predneta. Might ,e,dtodraW;,,the.'*.tnenstreitiSj',redner Manager' '01,this„,,fititi.„.1that it ree
Vell'-be .CensidetedpalttefiTitr7 rT,WOrTiltidinnieyroehr a cross.. -.the guires about 1:;200elaiitirS'et,proBue
agtie-WOre ..path,:.!of,:thet'laW7Vederalr,.election .tiye -1a.bor for: ,the'::::mannfacttire,'Of
which attests to the industry '.• and: one heaVY,,,.duty.,grader.:'..,An:,addi-
effreieecy:: of ,ItS.,.;farniers,,,.. We ni not to ,say:- that ,1 do not recognize .tiohel'40,0.heueS .of supervisory and
Hltioneare,,,preed. :of the 0a,ceene, the seriousness of the ixne'nploy ldx)nnistrative Jabor per machine
p4fhirients.: Of iicnir,:fatMerS .0 and par.': Merit!, s ituat:on but . 1 confess 1 was: -js reqthred Add to this a fur
tichlarlY.,,preud:!that,-,0 in :71058,- :,.Mr;, -disaPPeinted.• and ant confident 'ther.::49.0;.1foOrs'.;:tik'prOdnetiVe'ad
eap-,-• the people cif 'Ontario, were:.,,.disap4..ininiStrative.!,:and:',..SUperVisory labor,
,thredetWeeWerldeGhaMpienships-, at, :lipintecL'.74 .see -c03:t...:2.#30,Cana
the Royal Wmter Fan In,.fairnnss,.,JJLak. .0± pesiti've.•tiggegtiOiiglfrare • dian'itail..h-taii*?.go...,:loto the, Pr -
I must eXpresSi.'apPreciatiOn lo the hihr „ as .to inethed$,,' Of ,earreetnig ductfai'Of every heavy duty road
,:,,Agrienittire,":!and.'il., It is alt iery well for Fnm to grader by tTns ftrm Or to
ip '.particelar to the ealibite,101.:agri,, •tell this honk that. We:ate in the reduce this to even Mere,: effective
cultural:Trent. dnta'live w bave midst ot,,a,..•te.ehnoogieai::-'-re'Volii.,.. -terms-employment : for :one iiicinth•
Served Hunan over ...thp .years Uri tion but •1 frankly- doubt Whether ,for 11 Men
Clet the able directiori of Mr lor, this ' diselostire, will , provide uneine' The foregoing: can be related in
4viat';;"40... "fsiarytik terms 'te'..eVerything,,,the
tiltall ',Officer,: Mr, 'Gerald Mottt-,:markett-degree,O,f:eornfert.,,,,, gevernhientand!Many,,,,MetittitionS'
gent ery;•.. nOW'.industrial-agent,-.Witn, His a'Saertieiii.;;•,Mre,SPe Aker,. that ; directly or indireetlY ..Uncier
;the ,•:Cenadiati.;Natienal, Railwas this .,Gevernment, and the, Federail buy aiid
and our- ilreseet---•,,,,rapresentative; ,4111164,410415t-stigge sting:, that :a.,
Mr DouglaS,..MileS; . Its associate ,rialiing • • effeetiVe epef; it .ii-Snbe•sireable proprtion, of the ,go,,od$
-s,talitiallY,iiteariereLat least a, far ariod..serVieeS....thLtyqUire are not
aS,.1Thren, ',conceriiet1Tas .1 now :new,"...be"PCFCTligliet in Canada, 1 an±.
propoSe.te..deseribe..±� lain and to 'sLiggesting that 'there is ..a .
all Hon, .1.11enilieis..„:gitstlY14: Me, ,:r.atifiet,"...boad.',..11 :Of items Which
say that .1:obtained thy informa-„ are-fr,Ora'tiine to 444e:43:might 'froth
tide, :froin.... the manager:Of 'ether., ••-eoulitires,;. 'that ,,,could,..•.and
shuld be bought in. Canada and
O .
Miss IVIarjerie Boyd, of MiltOnt,
spent the Weekend"at the home of
tier parents, 1Vir- and Mrs, &Am
- „Mr. John Pethick is ha • Scott
Memorial Hospital, where he ip
receiving treatment.
• The WMS and WA_ of avan.
chitrh, Winthrop, wjll meet on
Wednesday, March '04th, in the
church - will --have
charge- -a- the lunch and Circle
four the program. The roll- call
will he "a favorite Bible verse."
. ,
'Jot& Roberts, together with the
Commission, arranged for approv-
,in' a matter of day S after the
request and application w,as made.
I3oth the Hon. Leader of the Op-
po.sition. and Ron. Member for
York South have criticized the
Government for taking no effec-
tive steps to relieve the unemploYe
rnent situation. We, in Huron, can-
not agree With them, for reasons
which I have just _supported with
facts and figures., .
'0 Mr. Speaker, I know the people
of Huron. would wish Me to refer
to tile: Hospital -School ;for Ketard-
ed Children to be erected on the
shore of Lake Huron, offthe farn-
. Miss Sharon McBride, a pupa of
A/11Pa' Greta Xiatnnlie, dITrensall,
received...the results of Grade, II
'theory examination whieh she tried
l'ecently in.Londou. She;has taken
firSt-class honors, and is to be con-
Mr.',and Mrs, Norman Dickert,
accomliapled- by their 'daughter
and son -m -law, Mr. and Mrs, lien
McLellan, and Jill visited Sunday
afternoon with relatives in CLif-
ford. ' •
OF 411E :11WEEIC
Mr. and Mr$, Terry Tayloi, !et
Kitchener, Sunday at tho
home of Mrs. R. 1)hts4ale andMiset
IVf. Whiteman.
• Mr., and Mrs. Stewart Beattie,
of Wingham", visited recently with
Mrs. Robert Mdiride at the.
Queensway Nursin.g Home, Hear
Mr. and Mrs: Wililam Kyle; fit.,
and Mrs, John Anderson and Mr.
Lloyd Veinier attended the regi*
O tered shoot, Sunday at Hamilton.
Average rale of la
Swift's n(A`v Sky -Hi ..16 was developed especially for the
poultry raiser who depends upon his laying flock for
income. It combines , high produetion with good feed
„ _conversion for reallassembly-line" efficiency. And, unlike
many high producers, Swift's new Sky -Hi 316 maintains an
'extremely high rate of lay without sacrificing egg sae. n
• Here 1s4 corripletety new strain -cross Leghorn that exoals
in all eharacteristics of economic importance. In extensive
tests' of this and, other strain-croSsesthe. Sky -4-1i'316
proved superior . -It had the highest egg production, earliest
maturity; and greatest livability of all layers tested During
, ,
an 11 -month period, the Sky -Hi 316 achieved a pmduCtion
• ''0± 281 eggs . . .an average -rate of lay of 86%1 And the
'egg ,weight kept consistently high.
'Order this top money-maker for your flock the Sky -Hi
• 316 IS; ideal for either floor or cage. Sky -Hi isa trademark
of 'Swift Canadian -Co..; LiMithd.,For-thel Sky -Hi' 316and
- other fine Swift chicks, contact: "7' ' -
--R R- No. 4 Clinton
. . ,
a Serve Y,d43r, fartn:•Cle:dr;amily,'ireffer
deep soft
Chevrolet puts deep, easy -
flexing coil springs to work
for your comfort. You're
cradled in velvety, floating
comfort over every road you
,travel. That's because Chev-
rolet's coil springs are iso-
lated from braking and ac-
celeration stresses, they're
free to work full-time on
smoothing your ride. Find out
for yourself, take a Revela-
tion Ride, today! .
GO CA/~167"-
DatidyS VOiC ... it's the" first- ,titaity
warttrandi wonderful 'moments in ,store fee Surte:
motin'eas that will conze ta her, by tellfihone, her'
whole life through, -
The lives of all Otis are constantly enriched by
- „
heating the voices of out children, etir parents,
our friends--' loved:ones who maybe out of,sight
or far away but are never out of reach by telephone:
O The telePhone keep S es in touch with them all --
as so much for so little.
facilitieS,,are as well, as
new ,mOdern'and secondary schools,
hew hospital;, and more iinportant-
ly, a Stable labor market. 1 sug-
gest to the Hon. Minister of,' Agri. -
culture and.;,the lion,` Minister 'of
1?lanning. and,DeveloPnient that this
P0tentra1- opportunity,is worthy of
exhauative 'investigation by "their
:respective departments:,"
While industry has. been, • some;
what 'slow to .reeognim the Many
advantages ottere4 by Huron, there'
has been consitietable eVidenee in
recent years. that I this trend is
changing. The hiatorie towns of
.Goderich„ teat of our,.ecninty gov-
eintlent, haklung" been2recognized
'as one ,o e tnicip. ..epo
ila`Ontainot witheextensiVe terin,inal
gran' storage and .sIglaping
•ties; Annually; inellY million g 'of
,bushels :of 'grain -clear through
these ,terrnihals- for. distribution
0 Yet: widespreadearea -of -Vireaterff
'Ontario. Of recent yeaes,,,„ these
facilities have ' beeiCenlarged. an1..
improved, anit,--With.+tre"-adie-nt 0±
tha:' pt. :LaWrenae Seaway, Gode-
rieh will •undoubtedly attain 'great-
er prominence in the, intporta_nt
sphere of lAke shipping, and inland'
•0 L- •
At present, a Shaft is being cell-
striteted,Sue Gode.rieh for what will
very likely beton:L.% the „Moat, im-
portant source 01 raW sett-, m Cane
ada. 'When' completed, and added -
to the existing ,talt indattrY; Gode,
may:well lay 'claim to being
tweelectricians, and two plumb s;
and that. this,. Welt 'prOgrana WOUld
net norrnallY.liave :beerelindertak-.
.1V1r, Speale,r,::' I ani • net in a -
Position to describe the advantages'
whih :would. acerne beyond the
,Inore or: less speeifie ternis I have
.u$e4000inb these,.ternarkS. .Neverthe-
.10..Ss, Members w:11 be
aware that there; are Many assedi-
ated:benefitti` the '.aocto. income
Would 'Inject, 'into the' ,eConorny
.-our Pities lowns.and villages:
O "Did you get his ,niiinber'i" the
.cop atkedtbe Pickpocket who had
been, hit bY. •`, ; , •
• „ hhe
e said, `.but re t • his
office of ,the •HonAlini'ster
of Planning and•-Develepinent, has.
informed me , that a _wint,er Work
project has been imderWay: ,for.
several months oii the. A.tiS Sauble
Conservation. Autherity, eniploYmg.
28 mail. This,projeet eonthine\
for „several Months, more. :Last
Winter tile :figure !employedby this:
Authority' was-'rell.:
A Prograin of winter work is be
mg carried. 611 by the DepartMent
of the :Hon: MiniSter Of . Public
Works On the site ofthe proPoted
new *time: ter' Rai:WU:eh:1T
dren near Goderich, employing, 20
men...Phis-program was instituted
for the snecifieparpose 0± 'proviil
in wint.er :work 'inimediately the
7f, TlirotiglOhe,pron-ipt action. of the
Minister orPlanning and trevelon-
jfecti obtained seedy • approVA
end, as a .resitlt, Construction, of
14 rental honies wili conamence At
once in Rodench and, as soon as
a site is approved, ernastruetion of
12 will be underway. in Clinton;
• Seafertli, te, euoble the tvn
to 'take advantage of whiter' ern-
06p:trent', asaistance, speedy', 'an -
prove' was granted by ;the Ontario;
Water 'Readure,00,- CominiSsion for
'a, .$400,000,00 sewage •systeni„ In
'.„Speaker„ the •Hon. Mr.
TOMATO' JUICE=. ---2, 20.49z. Tins .
LD.-Duji'0-ii.ctEANSg.,R-L-:.:i4;:oz-, tips
Doles' Hawaiian'
,$t. Wiilianis' Assorted
, aJades,
• ANULATER GA.1.7-,51b'..- Bag
Lux , . -
'TOILETSOAr-- Bars.... :...
" '
ee Soperier Ad in London Free Press
For Additi.onal,Values
• ,„?:,• .
195.3 DO]'Ok SEDAN
1980IVIONA11011 SED
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No Reasonabie ,Otfer Itefitsed