HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-02-27, Page 2LAFF C)F THE WE FEDERATION NEWS- . -BY *T• CARL HEM ,r,ITGWAY Since 1860 .$6-iving: the Coniniuititt! rink" - .ftlaiishe(i. at OAFORTH;:_014.TAR16,7_every._31iursaay,...morbing., b IVIcLeaTt Bros, Pubhshers• ANDREW. Y. MeLi1AN, Editor • StiBsdigPtoN RATES , . Canada- (in aciwine,e) $2,50 a, Year. IIIkited States:(in advance) .$3.50• a Year. sni4E COPIES CTS -EACH hod u Second Class Post Mice Departinent Ottawa- „ . $tAFORTI1 ONTARIO FEBRUARY 27 1959 What Is Future For Hog Marketing? What -is going tO. happen now to -'. actions. Objections raisedas a ye= 'hog marketing in view of the. • sUlt of functional and administrative Supreme Court- decision ,declaring. 'difficulties Seem to have sulisided:' as "!null• and voie-the-veite;6171ast-surit-THi.... Allhillatketilag:'401-icy has gained ex - mer approving compulSory'market- pprience in carrying,out the provi- ing by Ontario's 78,000 hog 1)1.6007.- ,,:.sionS of :the ,adt. , The basic ..objection:„ ers? . of those opposed to compulsory Mar- • While the degigion indiigat4d the .keting wag rbfteted in a col:pa/lent of vote was ".of effect: whats'oeiier"the court to the effect that we, are hog producers apparentlY continneto , dealing with very fundakiental_hu- be restrieted in thir. hog sales by. ,mn rights handled: in .an offhand, 1949 regulations linder. which 'dikers must sell their-ihoga,:,thrOugh, _ Member Canadian Weeny Newspapers - Association way - Whether another vote kWlll be talc - agencies designated by th-market- en, Or what action can be contemplat- mg board, Since its introduction 'soine-tiMe, ago, 'compulsory marketing of hogs has aroused discontent in certain quarters, despite' the- 'generat-oon- 'census that a reasonably good job, : was being dime. Objeeti-ons•-raised were based, on the denial 6f tWfight of individuals to determiiielheir own_ • cd,.. mist await decisions of, the raar- age9,937-;, who,' -.,ls--expected7tch ineet with hog pro.P1,11.c.ern'sotahatatnielapr.i • Ai'llie Huron County 'Federation of ,Agriculture. ,directors, meeting; the Secketary-fieldman, outlined the, 'hew' rates. - compensation being Offered by 'Ontario 1-1ydre. for the. construction of lines" across farm land.. The -0FA has been negotiat- ing for several. Months -and," will still not i -satisfied with the cont. pensation, the new ; offer- is about three -times the-oid rates.. view 'of thenew. ',line that is to be -constructed shortly from Sea-, forth to Clinton, it wap agreed that' the -Federation convene a nieeting of .the farmerS' affected.,aud the 'township -federations,: in -order that the., laildewners -might 'have «all aVailable inforination. IR. this same -Matter Of `land' acquisition, the, Meeting 'agreed that the Conn; .ty.Fedetation protest the proposed straightening. Of the bend at 'All' b,unt, This road ' Was only ton- „striteted. son* three Years ago, and 'hardly, seenTS reasonable that it is 'now bbSOlete. •. • The County,Federation agreed to assist -the -.Wonten's.--;7Cortimittee 'with:their • esSaY ..contest and'. that the: fieldinan..Send Out Copies, 'to each toWnship, Of the rules of. the contest. •Iliese ,are' te 'he 'Clistri,but, ed. to:eaChcof the viral. Schools: Mrs. Vera Greig; _vice-thairman of Ontario Farm. Forum,. reported on. the .anrival-.conventionheldin •:Saskatoon. Due largely to the in- terest* ;shown, ha • this. area in _the farm programs and the: TV farm forfuns,. the' CHC. putting ..-regtilar.farin,pregrainS in the; near 'futtire. AlSovit is eX- peeted that. there -,Will beseveral private,,.statiOnS, carrying the:, TV ,farm :forum' ' 'There was, 'considerable.: disc -i Sit* en the 'freight -Slibikly now ing 'paid Western.:;feecl.::.grain coming Many...Seenied to feef•that' this Was ...Of no benefit to the- aVeragefariner,..-but was -4 spetial advantage' to .the large: and Vertically integrated.feeder. It was agreed by the Meeting ajar:this. question should:he takenback to the farmetS in the Jownships-tO learn the feeling of -the 'producers: The results Will then be passed ..on to the' county and-. to ' the OFA. The resolutions conainittee. was ;asked..,to fOrmulate a resolution that would prOtett the fainter .-in- obtaining Screenings taken, from dealers: .ThiP will be, Presented at...the ic,ie-kt- “simpsofirthis is my walls you t� spend' the..cortee break with him and teach him. all yon know about the business.'• at-Y.'... dafe. menrwhile; lt Rev. sou To Louden d there, will be n , The Rev: .Harold. Snell,Minister- -chanke existm' arrange---- of ;lames StreetU4ted;Church;-Ex- ,inents-7-cektahily.nOt untiI the ar, eter,forthpasyashsac- 'ted. Oa rid e Acres- raligemeht is confirmed orrejected utteevhocii.;,:torfcte,-gahd • • , ' start hisTpaStorate on July 1. Rev. In -a,- new vote of producers. There Is NO Need To -Be. s aired ..Of a Profit made an averageprofit after taxes of 5.2 cents on the', sales dollar Por long years there has been 'a :tendency to 'regard profit some- thing evil; and too frequently busi- neSs-49ig and ilittle—has been timid 'about setting . the facts straight.. • • .IsToW the head -Of Sun-QiI, -in a re- cent speech, haSiStated.hluntly, "bus- iness is out tO thake Profit.”. The speaker, Robert Dunlop, said: oocl ' • 0 • . sifell, was a former rniniSter. at Knox 'United Church. charge, ,•Au.,' bnin.--Blyth Standard. •• Walking Bitted Rank - Ork. Monday and s Tuesday six pints : of whOle block' Were, used ;at Clinton -Public hospital. through • tbe,ServiceP.of the `Walking.Bkied Bank" recently.. organi4ed. „there: Two_lpints• ..pbtained,. from 'RCAF cadet-S7aildlourfroin her of -Clinton l3ranch, 140, Cana - 11 a •:t ?spayer ''reci.neSts 'an 'in- - - • dim LegiOn The ur f the ' his taxes th t' ' " al P P se o crease.in: • a s news..But'' - w king -bleed bank" ' ' t . h ' thatis*hat liaS;happened_in: Colling-.,-z, . panerd7anbslemtothjiVerleolaeowdhdeoanr:timienisEhtit-gO 'Wood recently - haVe.. their' blood • ,.typed." at ?the. "If we 'an demonstrate that . ' . . ' - .. .• hospatal.. tii6a . Wilen need for . it ' • ------"'-J-.....,...4.....'Browil..e., president ,.. of' ,th.c.. ,,...'.1aliaes',,.,•tifTe are -called' in4.'and;the, and why it must do s0•if It isto:siii,... 40.6.fg.i*...a..''.04ina'.06#voiii.-, 114s: writ- ,,,,, 07,11,,,,—Ne4,:iireit('Hdt4T,..!1,1if.117...-'7. -• „Attually ,IS: 'out t6 Make:,,a. prOfit';-',-;;.:.,' :'''.' :" ' ' — IfSh ' ' ' ' ' . . ' - '-f -.'-''.-.."t - ' " 71 ' ' '..' --. - ' . " vive-s-4- bSilei.V4 We--a—d4(411P-i'_ _ AO_Pd.':.., l'ItPiT::..C.04.11c,1:,..:.:asking1 it. to cancel a - . ' r. Request .ingllei Pay .... ' ileAl. We: cannot 46 -tyWthixikg- as .. WdIgalAfir's-ge-giftWit frOinIAStJan - :, ,.., : At the-regular;Febriiarkniectint - iortgr-rtr--W-'ai:Li-Ae.IP*V_...'k,.o.atlptO_i:t:' Ark..., '..i.'-.-,+.„...;............,:...,,,,,.,..._._:_:, ,' : , ; ,IiinitBwing4.0171.., Di.strict ...,,Iligh , .i.fits--,as long as Vire act.-aS..thel-WW.0.- .• :-Itatep-iyars-V-TOtedinjjarillariy,"4-95g '..' 'Lirof leaN-,,,,,;:ii.c.,Titiil'e'silaotei:e1-: are ahnost.. ashattie&, . of ..earni.ng:.•, 6, grant the ',Coinpank 'fixed: ' assess - them" ,, . .bers who.pleced.befOre theiliciarcl,a " - VeiVed"--Uldelegation.. Of -,-.S taff.)-rneni, xnen. 9 : . ; ... 9y . ,, years, ,. ' request, 'for salary increase .The ' - - t : 1 '$5-060 f "10 " ' . thent''• .'''':- , : .' : ' -7'-'"' ' ` ' . "It ii high time that we tooli..the '. Mr.::: Browne Wrdte. that :the coin, : reqtteat,-if. Met by the board, would, arnothipALtetal increase -Of . offensive on the subject of profits— . . fianY. has -expanded '' and .'progressed '. Proximate1y.',!.,25,0001in ,...blier,ating to gettefOre the Public the true Story : to the ::Tioirit 'where .' the- tat reltof , Is . costs ' 'Lick l'hos :.;toclicis' of whItTiirefits,:werinfake and, irthere. no - longer -'essential; :.He ,-requested , ..: 4e.'Pehtt4. 9'4 ..#`4t9'1':it - reason-, for „asking for increased they go, he .said. 2 '' ..„ ., , ,., cancellation of the aria, niem—ent;.,„ey.... reason ''‘Arrs'.' the ' 'faCt .;.- that the teaching. ProfeSsion ,-cloes , itot.,:re.. 1,• CA114dian inaillifa.et*erg•en though it.haSfiVe years. to'run - ' ,its mind about ;eliminating Fketer Midgets ,• from.; W04.; -playoffs. WOAA -thieW:Exeter ,,,Midgets; out. Of comftetition'Satttrdoy when -it award-kone...:_of .tive_ganteso the series .te '-'dinton-liecatise. an, En,. ter--player.Was not -signed. Clinten second game; thus , the WOAA rultrig automatically . gave the series to -Clinton. Eketer Times -Advocate. ' , , . , . • ' ceive. salari'es comparable to -tl:tat , • . - ,of men antic women who have the same amount of• education and take positions in commerce and industry. -,-. Wingham Advance- , Seek Court Adieu - Exeter 11Qnor HockeyAssocia- tion. threatens to Seek a court in - 'junction against, the Western •Ath- letic Assodation if', it • does not • allovv Exeter "Midgets to resume -their playoff series with' Clinton- •A letter.sent to WOAA business man- ager Alf Lockridge by 'registered mail Monday gave the association until Saturday Feb. 28 to charige 034.11 Battle For Directors- .'• After, an ,furishecessfid try' -last 3aar, • .ja,oti„, Seotchmer, was eleCted:Tar' director .of the Hay. TOWnShip• :EarnierSr,Mutual, . Fire Insnrante Conipany;., at their an 1itial,Tineeting . on Monday • after. noon. at 'the -Hay Zurich': Previous hoard, StanleY'loWnSiiip Only:One directorOn the 'corapanY, *hile-Steplien- and.•Hay:.also a keen eleCtion" battle, tWe former .direc, Otto Willert,' Dashwood,- and 1.1arVey-Taylor,.'Stanley, were both returned -.to' ,office. . 'Amither ,for- iner'direeter; ; 'IaoVe; .of Grand; Bend', was.'defeated. in the waP, . John.. Morrissey,. ItirMer. Over, 300. '.13olicYholderaTtook..„.part in-the,election; whiOh•Was. Need „CO.iiiteons • tt --4SUGP,iR AND PI w. (Bill) T. SMILEY !vforrian recently wrote -the 'edi- tor Of the Beyvnianville Statesman, lasking him, why In -the world his. paper carried this Sugar and Spite column by this, Smiley fellow. She claimed she had 'never ,yet found anything interesting or amusing' in it, Objected:to callous. way he, spoke of. his fanigx, and suggested that he 'waS Merely an unpleasant sort of person Who refused to ac cept the .responSibilities of -family life.- She.-added;that she, had seV-, era., children -of berown; 'se hrieW' something about • such respOnsi- bilities. • ' ” • The • lady .is absolutely right.- I 'refuSe tccePt, ties I also, reftise ,to accept, the fact that I dm not yming 'and hand. some,' .It 'makes' Me feel better to battle these things. VVhen I begin .accenting familY respoisibii- ties, I 'will; have ceased to be a free man, or the remna.nts Of cone, aid -will have-- become, the _mere plodding, senseless statistic this qcrazy North Ainerican society„of :our would diketo make 'each one' • • So is long' as 'there's breath' in my body, or I don't break one of iny , tYpewriting fingers, I'll fight the Owe'. fight. against the slow strangulation of the free man in the .ariaconda •coils of famliy. re- •sponsibility: When I say that I refuse to ac- cept . these , resPonsibilities, •it ,doesn't mean that I don't flint • A .rieW feWn• traffic and Parking by-law ' Won't solve alt'.'problems •atitornatically,., no -itiattert7how-- carefully 'it. is worded, -.Mayor . E. C.- Thher warned at - Police ' ‘CernmisSion Meeting 'Fri- day.- "I've itistsgot this "to said 'lite- raayor,'...Whe. is chairman. 'of the CornyniSsion:•.,"Even though. 'we ,epine '14k:with a. be* bylaW• UnlsS We use 'cornmon senSe ,the -.Pollee force, we tan' still inn •into . trouble.", At :the same time, the !hiayor and ;other. mem- bers of the cothmission sPolce high, lysof ,the general'effieiency, of ,the toWS nevi Po/ice force." tegy is important," cominented IVIayer-Tisher. He said. tut. ,taan.y... people ,here sewn to have a. deep- robted 'animosity towards. ,police. Until this attitude is brokendown through .the, .passage oftiide, local, ofliOers must -.be- ektra .Courtemis, suggested the .cznayor. — Gederielr $' rtal-Star ; -- While - it was net the.', kind of weather tomake 'one think of Out- door gatherings, .the meeting, .did suggest that the directors shpidd bring in' ',their ideas on ',an, proved Worship,. service' this year., It was also .agreed,Aliat. the Fed- eration -give a ',grant • of; s25,o0 to the Soil and Crop ' Improvement -ASSoCiationTfOr:-their !animal ,seed _ them. 011, do. I do. 13ot- being a packmtde doesn't necessarily mean you ,enjoy, lugging large, loads about on your back; And being. a family Mart doesn't neces- saril3r-mean you enjoy wet -nursing a lot of people just because yoir happened to 'marry them br father- * * " ,Seerns to me that the joys of family life are greatly over -rated, and all. I try to do is ;maintain some, -sort of'- Animals know- how to deal with 'families. They have them often, teach them to eat and- get along_ in the world, then turn, them out to fend for them- . . ; That, of course, is much, too, simple for brilliant, .monogantous *mans. We make an almighty fetish out of Marriage and a virtual. hysteriaina out of producing a , child. Then, id" the name of fam- ily ',responsibilities, we, _spend the ..... next-, -.and- the best, twenty _years "of Our' lives trying to ,-hatch"...the - 'egg. without breaking the shell.. AS - result; -all too often, when -the, shell does break, the -yolk is -either hard or rotten. . ; "But .he was *alw,ays such . a GOOD boy!" Wails ' the Mother whese/ dangerous yOung nurtured -ofi'..the idea' that the . world is his oyster' and allhe needs to open it is a switch. -knife, has just „carved up some other human. • . • ..,, , _ ' viricial Credit to help' out.the. in- fatnier,,,,tirany•pf'. Whom find. it difficult to teinpete:effee, ji.VelYltidaf." ' _ ••• .• Ontario' I-TYCIro'!. paid a „I'Orcinth artistli.O;000.- for a painting -.--and the average. viewer ther'-it's-rigiit.side: up or...net;:.it .Was..ProVed.in; -the. Hoy:se reeently,.. Arthur .S..Reaume,,', peppery Lib- .eral..ineirther. for ,ESSeic 'un- veiled:a .large,:phOtographic'..repro- dUction of the painting' 'M.' the lElotiseandeVeri:govertirnentmeni- berS couldn't tellhim hether he had, it. right' way Up. :The.ritederia; istie.. nintal; ..decorating ; the ,:;'neW... Hydro' ,PoWer ••„station on, 'the', LaVitrence,';a:t Cornwall, looks. as thengli • `,`Sorn,e""driniken painterS' get confused or disgusted ; S.a-Ta 'the hetk with it and '(thresW;their.: paint' against the'.Wall,": commented 'Mr." • Mr. illeauiner.tited.another in- stanee Cif:•HYdre•:„.spenilinga thSt; PentIle,Set • toniniiSsiOned to write:a ;•syrkaphimic • ,"St. 'LaWrerice Siitte" m honor of the opemng of the.Seaway power 'Projeet.'' for • See the all-new •appliances for 1959 by. PRIGIDAIRE t. :and . SEICVIC at, priees tfiat call4 J.3C bat!.', R ;AGOIIE Interesting iters gleaned frOni ' The Huron Expositor of 2.5,. -50 and 75 Years age. • our_ Legislature - Cke...story:13.6-047:7foia- abOut the Northern' Ontarin'Nattir- involVing members,,of:- the provincial Legis; lat•147.. : • • '•-• 1, • • •oppoaitton • leaderS-- at 9tieeit's park are.nnanimous in their charg-. .es that it ItasnotT4that the inVesti- gatiOn'of 'the sales of Nong stock by'Attorne3r General Kelso Hobert Should:he . Carried further. by :a ,koyar ComMission, But. Premier, LeslieFrost has taken ,the: stand that. If Xs. gOvernment's integrity —Or ,questioned, he will ,-e-a-tiiittTra'ele!.0ePtIPOPP's'illeti 'Leader Tohrt J. Wintermeyer, himself initheeilt; iy .nivoliect in :Non % stock, docu- mented. tlie ease for fdrther MveSti; gation'of the coinpany in a recent 'speiattotenhe.y- 1-141.1p0erinate.!sd,r'..eopuot4thsaittowq.bede nearly,a,„ third' Of ;the gas 'com- pany's- stock, traded before public Sale, was transferred to'a Vancou. Ver".brokerage- firm ----PConVestb.''. What. happened •.-to „these ,245,000. ShareS 'could not be determined; :M.r.-WinternieYer Said, becauSeethe *vestment. COnipany".s officers in Bt."Ceuld not be made :fo' appear before the ()Marie tribunal,' ' CCF:Leader'D,„ •C,:McDtinald has Urged. the; GOvernment ;.tall for - ...met Mines IVIMister. P. T.' key mart in the Nong affair, the House for Aneatiolittvg; The -Liberals have termed this proposal "dramatic,' hut' not •responsibto".•• But -bbth OppoSitionfactions agree on the teed for Spree further prob- south _oil ;Nen 4 highNy? Both .the his farm t onmthe13th. ttconce.ssion t ththee ariefsailrgna—tionws hoiefit„tlahreaes batter and.truck were' ent„Siderabx 'teoaltiltheetoffltdicilliarregterr; din; Vbleveeedrdillinig.' et o r Henryy aerr. ly dantagecl. ,- • • bitkterh. Weettehre thaattoctitbwy aas tdeoirgerleai.it pogrerstasr,tite'ff_gucorenks.i.entvthateivOe‘ntoarrgiolud,Vzrao; Charlie "WOod, 13 -year -Old son 'Of• Mr. and' Mrs. John Wood, Gode-; 'ftek•• " •• • tier/. • rich street....westi_vteg_.$etieesisi. • While skating the other:evening, - lured -Satindasr,,, He Ten off, a tp„. EgrrjOhliStaley 'of the fifth line • • ' Aimoit-UnnOtitedrin the hectic- hoggan directly frontofa car. . of ROA.* fell'elitlis Shoulder and debate§ on natural gas stock that He suffered a broken leg and aim,. -broke his collarbone. • Frigidaire impirial Autotriatit Washer its new Fabric SeleOtor helps -you sSleCt yoUr ,correct wash" and rinee temperatuee, agititoc speed; spin dry Speed. time eyole for eathiebric. SATO:No-1 for washing Oar clothes cleanest. tt "bathea" deep,clirt out without- beating: Has 'Underwater Cietergetit Dtatilbutor.. ' • Lint Chaser. Built-tn tOdsliktater-Sayet. 6 CblaYS. Height' 38' Width 21" Depth 261/4* " • - • SPECIALS!. Ott Ail r959 FRIGI DAME e Refrigerators •,eck otir low prices 1, I few '58 Models still in stock _ • From The Huron. 'Expositor March 2, 1934 '• Mr.. Thomas Chapman, ',fucker - smith,' WAS seriously injured Wed- nesday morning at l3rucefield, vviten the eutter he was driving was struck by a large truck going all right again. A football match was played be- tween SchooltsSeetions No. 3- and No. 4, on Thursday. last, whfeh resulted in a victory for NO. 3; by 1 goal to _O. • Mr. Ball, Of Clintdn,Aiis sold - Under -the'9'•gil4.se--Pflejlig'--Igo()V' Parent's, arbedatisei'We 'haven't the • intestinal fortitude: ; give battle; we., accept all. the. reSponsi- bilities of our children. And there- by we steal their -self-reliance,: . dermine their ; independence '... of, • thought and -imbue; thern.'„witlf't,he -• • charming idea thartheresTalways--- • Somebody around. to de the dirty . _ _ work and pull the • theStnutS.. out of the fire. •' With ,; each generastichi; children row- inore 'surly ‘and..their parents .• ,more "".seryile: -They •Wak smarter,. as. 'their Parent§ bec9me • Don't blame the. kids: It's only . .aniazing'• that .so rnartY . of them 'turn out 'as. wellas they ,..do., If . 'many- modern riadthers•;.had -their , way,'their sons „WoUld: never •• mar- ry, just-stay.„--hOme_ with Many'. niodern, fathers cannot; eon- ceive Of ,a•--yeting man Pure enough.. to niarr3r their flower-like daugh- , . . . goVernmentliropopal to Set.up, "wilderness .areas'"; rj Unsettled' Parts :of the, Province has.„.corrie under .fire.lfrOntreutsidethe Dr. •James . MeClintori,-: otTirri.H mins,'.preSident ,of .the.NOrthern Ci• Ca mtParthrpitoeeisetAe.;:ig6sa'c ir;inattsaetild-n' ti:fin°egh' abtfii:1°b, ras which,oei -Was .intriniticed,by,;Landa-and For-. eSts Minister J. W. :Spooner.. Under -•:the: bill, certain, 1res1' 'of public. land would .be set 'aside and' preseryed.,."as. nearly as tioaaibra id their natural :state." 7 Ohly ped- ple Withspecific permission Woudd bealloWedto enter the 'areas. Said. Dr. -IVIcelinten:'''"There. are now between 00,;000• and ,I,000,00 square miles of vv'ildernesa...in this Provinee..' WhY.: has the. •Overn.. ment depided' We need morel" • He...added thatthe proposed bill wOUld. ;,deter ,deVelopment ' Of :po- tential, ore -reserVeS,' restrict har- vesting • 'of •mature', tiinber, and hdtiper 'people. Whe?..jitSt- like to live in the wOods:;" have featured the current session Mr. Leo Hagan, an employee, at * of the Legislature was a, step that The Huron • Expositor, .suffered ktonf The tIuren, gipositor will mean .a stnifieant. advance in painful burns to his riht e.y6 an • dF.eilruary. 29; ism: ffir' 11h°t understatdin' g of Provincial lace (kir-Friday afterptim Molten, ,Metai, with , vanth e . was mr. ' T. • Brititnell,- Ifensall,.. reL :OalivaerS(14°thetrael—OrI6eY11 dF0utahr)4,611ather , . Whet, . ,. casting stereos, splashed: On him.. ' }false agreed that daily copiea of .. Mr. A. C.4Itutledge has sold, his . residence on North Main Street to 'Mr. Jane § lieridersOn: 'When the large oil truck belong - 'lig to Ross Scott, BrueetleId.], dis- istributory•--turned-_out to pass it 'learn on NO,, 8:highway, tvet of, town, it ' gOt leo far c& the road and tuned over 'on -its side in the &telt.. Little damage cently purchased...Irani. Mr. IL% • of0Hillsgreeh, the 'himse and Tots Hansard .should be sent to the at present: occupiecrhy Mr...,Sarn- tors of eVery: weekly newspaper in '—trigidalre-Imperiat Automatic Dry& ..• Clothes always dry just Tsght MO Dryer because its Fabric Guide Control givet; you a choice Of ',Normal, Delicate and NO Heat. Arid ifs "lAirinkles4way" cycle dries Many of yOur washables with searcety a wrrnkle,"' so you save on Ironing time, Built-ln' Clothes Dampener. Colors. Height a6" Width 27" Depth MA"' SALES AND ERVICE "•'' * From The: guron.ExPositOr February 26, 1909 net 1VInies, henSall. _ A few clays agb while Mr: 4`phn Esser y and wife were driving front _Exeter,Ahe horse left the....traCk t4rotoing them ont,..and cracking Mrs. ESserY,'s,.0011arbotie, but it IS thongtit- 'he Will,soon recover, he: e'residence of Mr. Sohn Rinchley,13nin, was.. deStroyed. - by lire Wednaday everdrig. The --,,T.A.-realisife-ereditsystein -fortOn, fire waS 'first deteateil 'between tario faiMerv waS strongly urged antt 9 O'clock;: and irsupposed to by OppositiOn Leader, Wintertheyer in. his first MajOr policy speeCh in .the house, Mr. Winterineyer .de- fined'a soma credit policy for an individual farmer as "one that Would. perinit him to go out and, buy and equip n farte'," present r,estrietions fern] .oreclit are, un-, realistic for: -1959, he .sugge'sted, especially in: re§pect le ago, limits • Oiatnrio.. 'Ena means that the full, Official, day-to-day: retord df the HonSe aVailable to all edi- tors, in the Province. Previously, sard Was sent only to 'editors of a sele-aicra ofPaPerS- chosen. .the Speaker. Said Mr, Oliver:, ."This' does not seeni. ade- quate ' " ' She: "I'in breaking our en- gagement, because my feelings to. ward you have completely chang- ffe; "Well, hoW about -giving back the ring?" 0 -She: 440h, -they"- haven't' chang. ed that completely." " The hilarious' part is that, after' we liave sacrificed,' fortheirsake,. . our.dignity,,,our health,: our •free.. dOrn'and our integrity, we are liOr. rifled ; to fincl therri leaking upon.: us with the SUbdned diSgust; with - which -One inight-..eye;_a_jelzer,:15V0., -are:-,-practiCally-7sterted*itW4l010-1-Y-7,;-- when -they. cast its -off ,like Old;. rubber boet, ' • , , I feelzat` times. a ,great „pity for; the '3rOirtli; Ofrtoday. -They -.;are-'at• : heart; as eager,. as adventurous,;aS: keen to savour 'life,' as, ever any 'generalioryWas,,...Hot.,--in thename. of lanailY responsibilities,: Or seine.: Such twaddle; we're 'giving:therm*. poor basis for hiring.; ' However, there's no use. getting.. worked up aboitt'this. I refuse to' accept, my farollY responsibilities,. and I do it proudly. Stop fighting hack for .one minute, and your;. wife .-and children start_ treating , you with the disguatirig patronage accorded a Dagwood Buinstead; There's nothing noble about a door -mat. Ani-ridaian°tywt)' '0'460[Yr:the, eintveititsaetioninSe'tictI Kim's birthday. party,- then- help, Hugh with a, ,couple Of .those'rug- ged arithmetic- rquestion' s',.° then do. tlin,dishes,,,while my wife's at a meeting. But never7fear; 'I'll be riiht-back. * there' tomorrow at lunchtime, battling for • the van- ishing, prestige of parenthood. And .getting, a _lot of lip:1mM ' ail. oar- ters, no doubt. . 1 AFORT . small., Ore. inone of the rooint have been caused by ...defective.. of the biel House 'cal_led'ont the ,stovenipes: 1 - brigade, Monday evening. , Fortun- Thursday was the toldeat day We day, oWever, -the blaze Was havebad "Since. SamiarY; The titer- tingtuslied: Without the aid Of the iliometer was as low..as.zero early firemen and before_ any teriouS httlie niOriling. • datne was done: . Tendert, aro being asked fOr the :Alex Wilson; Of .Seaforth,'.ereetion a' the ncW nianae atg hag, heert protnoted thaApOsitiOn. " : • 64,4 .w 1)f the.. 'grifit'S.111111" at IIiiidefield'Oatbkiwri 'Tarn mortgages ,ate. Lieutenanttoloriet in. command, The sraokest,ack of Mr. grnith's and terms'of evaluation. .0,ORT one. mi.. Heith, Of Usborne, liact' a down lasv,weelti -,and'eOnsidetilite risk:" he said. "The loss on Inert- ' • narrow escape front-iislityrktOon daraage done to tans- gages' on ' repayment ,of 'interest ' ped front th in ! j' * - , • frac: gas w eh esea e g t.he mill to le idle. for a few and. capita are little or nothing.. stoVe, bnt after a day or so Was daya. ' ' ' He -urg extetasive 1111 Of PO- Re,;DOGJ CLi%1VIAT inview of the disregard by the general.pub7 lic of the recent proelaxpation .issued by the„ TQW`n CoPncil, re the 'confinement of dogs, and the _fact that they are not to runt large py time, the ,;Council feels that charges must' be laid under • this By-law. Any oWner harbtiurek of a dog who allowS to run at- large _ can, 'be snthn-6ned; into bouri fitieln -- kind could be $50.00 and costs. The Council and tnyself would ask all citi- zens concerned to comply with the laws and • avoid the consequencei. . ',CHRISTIE, Mayor