The Huron Expositor, 1959-02-20, Page 2Since 1860 Serving 04 CommaiiN Five
'Tsiblijahed at SEAFORTg, ONTARIO, every. Thursday morning b
ANDREW Y„ McLEAN, Editor.:
'Canada (inadvance)$2.50 a Year
United States (in advance) $3.50 a Tear
Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa
Me• mber of
Canadian Weekly
• Newspapers
1777 -/ER •71HAAI
y Hesitation. in Investig
• The Way in whichthe TUNIC.: is
learning, piecemeal, ofthe dealings
!by inembers of theFrost Cabinet and
of the Legislature in stock of the
Northern Ontario Natural Gas.,,C9,,,
is such as to arouse suspicions :that
cannot be laid to rest without auim-
partial inquiry. One cannot but won,:
der why. Premier Frost res,iSts_de-
mands for such an investigation:
By hinting that if, the issue is
pressed' he might dissolve the Legis-
lature and appeal to 'the highest tri-
bunal in Ontario the jury otthe peo-
pie," Premier Frost is attempting to
gain a decision With9U-t-trik faetaTbe-
• mg disclosed.
A snap election Waiild, settle ijotJir.
ing. Certainly it wouldn't determine
whetheror. :not the Frost. Govern-
ment was lax in its handling „of the
gas development , in
course"to such an -election on thepa•
of Mr. Frost can only leave the im-
pression that he prefers:• conii1i:r
sion, . the frequent reeourse to the .
'dernagogery o he hustings to -the -
Farm Accident Survey . an
h merit in the 13r0
posal of the Ontario Department -of
Aftioulture to c-onduc-
throughout Ontario to detennine the .
atirtg Gas Deals?
reasoned consideration of a ..judicial
inquiry as a means of determining
instwhat did go . on. Such a_ conclu-
'Sion leaves the, impression, perhaps
unfairly, that the Premier does not -
wish the full story to be known.
Demands fpr an impartial inquiry
are by no Means liinited to partisan
Ann —thisupPoiter of the
e ment„ the. TorOntO-Tele-grain
th*S"-to say: "Meanwhile, a, sliko
eiecti 'would settle the political fu-
ture of; the Government and the op-
position parties for the next four
years tht,u
e naral gas issue one:way or the
other. hep.so_,, wuo:tldget the
1 in
major causes of farm accidents. The
. survey, which gets under way
March 1, is preparatory to—a earn
paign designed to reduce the
ber of those who are killed, or who
suffer injury while carrying ourthetr
No Need For Public Relatt
The- only way in which the public
can decide whether there has been
extensive impropriety in the dealings
the Frost Government has had with
the 'various gas companies is by con-
-report- preSented by- a
judicial ; inqUiry. If Premier, Frost is
interested -in-disclosing the -complete-
story, he ca,nnot refuse' sueli an in
Attendance Lower
In his report to the board on
Monday evening, Public School
Principal T. S. Beattie said that
, ,
attendance for January was 93.54
j5eiCeiit7SoitiewhatlaWer than-- us
ual due alinost entirely to bad
weather ant...a _good deal of -sick-
-ness-.---Sarri-e-498-pupilS-•ate---eiaria -1led
but there were 587 lost days in the
--quiry ' ' - ." - . ' •
__-. •• Zmieli :G p tong ,
-Lead.- to Eliminating CaUses, ' . Condition of *nth Wein); 17,, Zur-.,
,. , ,, . . . •„. • , , .. , - , , . . ; ' • ,..• .. -, . 40
0lof an
achee, :tuffigsring,., sirt°111.' sae7hgeHhosepaid.7
' are 8 11.
,0: e91.11:1 -:Q111)140, ,'We ..fait to re-
, a ize e number there: are .m any accident earl,y SathrdaY Morning , 1, • London as' .a ‘ result .:
:7..f tali.le, rn-ipimitiliShe-..-was:„
, .given:Ke_ar, .andlthe_extent,to-Whiefr-'1.--.K-
',.. ;Such: accidents contribute to incireasL :. i: a' Car whicliitrent Outl'afs,erolirtral.
: ;,.r.Le- ,:' - - -i-' - ' and struck .4 .tree,. at -the Corner
, ttl--.4rX11-10.1..ratii"g-',co-,sr.P- The truthof- :of Wharncliffe and Western ruadS•,
. : the matter of c,is that fa:killing: London toWnshiP„:abOut 215 am.
.. ., ._ - ourse,
day-to-day taSks in the farming_cout_
• ,
A cOmrnittee,:.- representative of -•
each township, in, the county, )?‘Vas
formed at a meeting held last Week;
The Huron chairman is Harry Du -
gall, of Usborne. • - •
Perhaps because farm accidentS:
• is,a highly ,hazatdoils, • SaturdaY: Rosalie Mcilard,, 20, :RR
L'eu!IP,ict tiUn'
'•, Fq#411Y-tirliOe th-ie 6. .are many other
hazardous occupations,but unfor-
tunately the 'accident ' rate among
farnierSis higher ;than in 'other coin -
J. Could the difference he in the fact
that nrMost other industries there is
.n P isfen e a safety conseiencen
not- present in those engaged in farm
acti,vities? Perhaps action based on
the results disclosed by the survey
will assist in correcting this situation.
ons People in Government
3 P rkhill off edafat ed
a ,s er r. e ur
jaw arid broken teeth; ..Joseph
Hogan; RR 8; Parkhill, head cuts;
• and -Philip Charrette,-,RR 1., Dash-
wood, a bruised nose. - Exeter
Times -Advocate.
--- -
Rabies in St,anley
_A rabid fox found at the Victor
• le y_er fa hi onwcorichssion ?, Stan-
nis,Ta'ywrigiarPning t:ggi 'Beat
• kin, Clinton, -arid the „body, aking
with that of the Taylor dog, which
it had been fighting, were Mein-
• erated. The family noticed the fox
One of the developments that has can't- encourage the idea that
come about under the Diefenbaker Canada can Increase its trade by
Government is the practise of, goads out of the world
pl9ying public relations • people to market.,"
present certain of .the ,members of '
the governrrie,nt in a more palatable . -Learning Facts
Finance Minister Donaid—fle—rn-in-g--: The -Ottawa' Citizen agrees that
is one of those who is endeavoririg to PiP1,-,e'Phlister.,.1).efenhaker: was on
court public popularity through the:prett3rol1d ground when he turned
modern medium of hiring press 'ag4- -.'doWn the Canadian -Labor Congress's,
exits. It's -not necessary, concludes the_ _Anaiii proposal for actionbY- the fed -
Edmonton journal, who explains: eral goVernment..You:can't, he said
"He will earn the gratitude of the have ,it both 'wayS.....,-Voit cant have
Canadian people if, with the assist- more ,Soe'ial ...securitY, and reduced
ance of jhe experts in his depart
ment, he will tell them the facts Of
their economic life, all too little un-
derstood -by millions of -Canadians.,
He will have to be brave.. and tell'
.them that the governmerit can't his party have -contested more than
spend more and tax less, can't, print one general 'election on a platform. of
new money, regardless of productiv,- increased services, along "with,rechic-
ty, without stimulating inflation,: • ecl,ta,xes.'
taxes', at, the same time.
' The Citizenordds: "And ,Mr. DiefL-
enbaker is to be, congratula,ted, for
appearing to have grasped these eco-
• ramie. facts' of life himself. He and
fighting . their , small dog, and
phoned -Mr. Batkin who is a hunter
'arid -trapper.' With Clarence.: Per,::
due;he•droire ',the •farin.:and
saw the in'th'ebarriyard.-. APt
Preaohirig :the ,hatiSe,' -they,: WatCh-,
each -of. the 'Men atoodiguard :at
-a'-eortier.ef ;the' building...The,dii,,'
.e aSed: animal_e dine retied
GrT-1dn'S way, and wh,eixwithinseven
ton...NeWS,Eiecoict. '
•,turahase/Oldlrheatcre •
---Purehase'nf 'ffie.CaPitaliTlinatre"
,for •••$1,5,375.,WaS approved by Town
Couried,'••Fritlay., ',Connell 'plans 'to
:take ...itePs -centiert
.iJart,a the.Theatre,into afire
„At., a :Previotia' Meeting it
. . - .
• tOticrite floor,: •the fire Siren
1.and make „repairs . and, improve -
nets to the. heating syStem the
theatre. 'Town .Blake
informed coxincil FridaY that: the,
Treasury•,Bbard. at Ottawa .has'. ap,-;
provedthe ,Town Offiee
-swap, .Subject to 'the' 'clearingup
of techni c aliti eon-
cern/1g- title to the, town hall -pro-•
perty. 'Under the • terms .of the,
ther:-town: will• reeptve--the
present- post,,office ,Plus•$14000:•in
exeh'ange ,for ;the, toWn hall' prOper-'
ty; less -a-strip, of -land -36 1r
,feet •b,•
70,feet:facing Newgate Street' The
1958.cOlincil "proposed building . a
iWffreha11on thisstrip 'and.
at an estimated eest .4, $11.;000.
Plans,' 10i, the. rieW fire hall .: Were
discarded' in laver of:•cotiverting
part of the, old theatreinto afire
hall.- odench Signa -Star. ,
' Interesting items gleated front,
The, Huron Expositor of 25,50
and 75 years d'O.
. .
1953 .1),01SiGE sppA
•-1952 CHEVDAN
No Reationable Offer Refused.
From The gurop Expositor
February 23, 1934
„Miss Doreen Clark, daughter of
Mr, and Mr.s. Ephriarn Clark,of
Constance, underwent an operation
Lor appendicitis' in Scott Memorial
Hospital on Sunday morning.
Mrd L'aylor, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Taylor, of near Hen-
sall, had the misfortune an Friday
afternoon while cutting woocl with
IVIr., Bert Riley, to have a tree fall
upon him, fracturing his leg in
four Places •
Seaforth'S' junior N.H.L. • team
were the happy recipients of a
dozen brand new _hockey sticks
this 'week_ .The donor -was F. Van
Nest, Of 95 Colin Ave.. Toronto.
Mr. George Bethune and Mr. G.
A. Jackson left MondaY for New
'York, from where they ' sailed
Wednesday' on :a 28 -day cruise to
'the -West Indies,
Mrs. C. Eckert, who has been
in St. Joseph's `Hospital, London,
for the past four welts following
a serious operation, has sofficient-
ly recovered to be able .to return
to her home here..
Mr. Casey__Way,, Chiselhurst, is
araund--igam after having had his
tonsils removed at Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seafchth.
Miss Audrey Dinnin and Rev. T.
Turners, both of Staffa, attended
the training school in Stratford
last welt. •
prop Th_c Hider& ,Expositor
Eebruary 19 1909
IVIiss Somerville, of Winthrop, a
daughter, of Mr. Arch Somerville,
who has been ill since last sum-
iner, undertvent an operation on
• Tuesday, which was successful.
While Train No. 7 of the GTR
was running from Seaforth to, Clin-
'ton. Thursday' evening,a revolver -
bullet erashed through the rear
passenger 'toach,- Close fo the
• smoking -cempartment. The, bullet
struck the' opposite tide • of the
coach, narreWly missing 'the heads,
of two peaSengers. Unforttinately,
congitierable distande had been
covered before the train crew be-
camware of the shooting, or
ail attenipt might have been made
to, capture the perpetrator.
• Mr, John Beattie recently: mir-
ehaged the old Bank of Commerce
biotic,. and Will ottlipy the ,south
Store iii the blOck, next debt to the
cuStorns office,'Where he Will en• -
gage in the seed andproduce bust,
nenmaking ePeelnitSr f seeds,prod'nee and'llour.
fire: truck the home Of rs'
TagueY, ilear
the -time the brigade got, to the.
scene 'the fire had destroyed Prat.
ty much of thekitchen part of
the louse.. A1S6 the • roof • 'a the
main part of the house .and the
contents were damaged, .by snioke
• Councillor Manx McKay,laad the,
misfortune . to injure some of ,the
fingers On his right hand the other
day, by allowing a pulley to drop.
on them. while engakedin work
at The BellEngine Work's. •
• ,
, Messrs. E. J. 'MurPity and W.
• Winter are opening a bowling- 51 -
,in the Whitney. block, in the
store 'formerly occupied by Mrs:
McCanirriond. • -- •
, •,
• The House •of Refuge committee
:of the County Council met • at the
institution- On Friday last .and in-
spected -the various'"•departmelits,
and found the 94 inmates:carefully
:prOvided for; -and dtie eeiniOnlY .1.1s-
'ect in conducting the institution. .
From The Mixon gipositor
February 22, 1884
We, are glad fo learn that our
young friend, Mr. S. G, Suther-
land, of Ilensall, has been appoint-
ed a commissioner, in the High
Court of Justice for the County
.of Huron. • • '
Mr. Vali Egmond has Purehakedi
the maehinery and plant Of the
Hamilton Imitting factory.
Sosiah Watson, of Egrnond-
Ville, met with a very painful acci-
dent one daylast 'week- while em-
ploy,ed inXyle and MuStard's saw
tnid. His left hand came in -.con-
tact with the saw, and the middle
finger was taken clean off and two
others badly mangled. •
T. O'Neil, of Brussels, of ' the
• Queen's Hotel, has gild out to R.
}-efl. Tuck, formerly` general merch-
ant of that place, who takes pos,,
session this week.
• tiering a windSt6rm recently,
Mr. Sohn Ilunithis, of .Usborne,
had two Valuable steers killed by
a stra7 stack falling upon therm
One day last week Mrs. Tighe,
wife -of Mr, Ed. Tighe, of Hullett,
had the misfortune to slip down
and break her arm above the
Seaforih High School Glee Club
gave an entertainment in the Al-
bion Hall, Dublin last Friday night.
Mr • W. T. Aikens intends to re-
build the hotel in EgntortdVille,
formerly kept by' Mrs. Mitchell,
III, the' spring, and tenders for
blinding will be issued shortlY--
The ' Reef Producers have been
•rather quiiet lately, so perhaps 'I
should saY a little, about their
plans: :During the, past ;months
the county president, Bob McGre-
gor; has been gettirig a fewquer-
• ies about another bus trip. The,
one two years' ago seemed to be
greatly enjoyedy, so Mr. McGregor
has been gathering ,a bit of infor-
mation on a little bigger -tour,
One that is being thought of is
a three-day tour into Michigan to
a. beef cattle show and sale,* to
be followed by a a pack,
ing plant. that is • processing, ,this
very ,choice, grade of, cattle:, We,
Would' then „calf, in at some of the
large, coinniercial 'feed ',lets' and
other nointa of interest on the way.
Already :15 have reserved. Seats
on the.. buS, so it -looks as if we
will beable to arrange it. A meet-
ing of the directors will be held„
shortly plan' details: and to Make
the final '.decision. •,
. It has been, broughtt� • My
tention..that Hydro' is . a
new frorn :Seaforth
to . very •shortly. ' Rniay
be "that:, other, lities. Will be built
this 'fdar:-. been able' able ta increaSe, the rate.Of
cenipensation'greatlY °Ver. 'the pre-
vious payments,. but still feel, there
is Sornethhig ,to be d,esired. If you
are faced with :this. kind .of prob-
lem, : Wond be, very . to
learn what you. landowners think
is. a jest- 'settlement for these
-Anether; :project., that...has Coine-
r:LW - way is the straightening of
some „of ' highways by Cutting-.
off cornerS'and going -,across farm
off •carriers and • going .acresS.
Tarns. Would - -like know-how You Lfeel,.aliout the •offers• that
are ',being madeAlsowwould
like,.-te- knew whether
feel the iniproVement justifies the
be` straightened', truckerS are, reL
ported to, be able .to at60„,
mile's 'Per hoar .with
„This. Would_seem_Ao .be,good .en'
°Ugh, since On. Speed Unit Is .1Still
50,,What,cle yen -think about ,it?
During last" Week's 'dreadfOl`
storm: here, MY -wife and I got
• talking, a'S people will, about what
we'd do if- the Storm lasted a
month. It wasn't hard to imagine,
at the time. We at huddled in the
living -room, listening to the pagan
howling of the wind, watching the
drape,s flutter fitfully in the breeze
coming in around the windows.
- • First thing we 'thought of was
food. As it happened, we were
poorly stocked that night. There
'wasn't a potato in -the house, for
example. rd bought two bags front
a farmer, but they were' still sit-
ting,up,in the offiee. There was
almost no meat: a hunk of bol-
ogna; a little bacon. and:a'can of
bully - beef, which I always' keep
around to remind hie that no mat-
ter how poor a meal the cook con-
trives,. it's better •than the bully
beef lups and compo tea of pre-
dawn breakfasts in Normandy.
••Eyen our canned gods were low,
as, nobody had, done -,any heavy
shopping for week: A couple
'Of tins of the -eternal soup', ' one
of fruit, • one of salmon.' What
about all those , preserves n the
cellar, yoir say?- Cut the .kidding,
Mac! -The only thing that',s• been
preserved in our cellar since we
moved in here is the look of the
place: a cross between the cata-
combs of Rome and -the seWerS of
,We took stock further: half a
loaf a bread...and 'half a, pound of
shriller junk in a box, enough for
one brealdast; a stale end of
cheese and a bbx of soda crackers;
a _little jath and peanut butter;
sniall quantities of salt, tea, cof-
iee,' milk and Sugar; enough sPic-
es, savouries; garlic and season-
ings to tasty up the food for a
'farge convention, -but' -not niuch
en I, a former inmate of Stal-
ag,-Luft I, and an old starver, was
beginning .to blanch at the thought
of making this paltry hoard last
nswersi0Query, a
Poultr)/ Feed
What's in a. bag,,ef peultry feed?
.7 -A7 -few: years ago -,-it '-contairred-
'simPle feed -stuffs - like whole, graund.grains, Or -smile
produet ofthe. niilling industry
stich hranif: ahort§' and Middlings.'
or a' hightproteinL:supp1errient4ike
I inseed',oi1 oil meal, ish- meal Or
/neat meal: ,
Today the bag..Cbi-ilainst.a: COM=
,ents 'designed. to. satisfy the ,com-;
plete • nutritional : reuirements of
growthlaying'd ,
' A ration.' milat, contain energy,'
Proteirrs,. minerals and vitamins to
satisfy, requirements for ..grOWth,
fattening or:: reproduction. Origin-.•
'ally-. these.! needt were Supplied.:
-from farniiiaj ,i/atural...feedatuffs.
Today„- however, rrianY,. -s,Ytithette
thetic amino acids„-are_stibStittit,
Additionally, a number - :Of -in-,:
iredientS .which: cannot' be 'Claasi-.
'fled as eSsentiat 7.nutrients: ' are
added, ...These. ,include 'co/ripen/ids.
WO. .aritibioties, -arsenicals and:
others,V1iicli.tend to promote tato
. grdwth litinany cases rations
also,cootaiir-certain medicaments
for eontrol. .er 'treatment of
drseases.: ' • .„ • •
• :Because of taclay's,.,Multiplicity
of' ingredients,, there is 'often an
•air 'Of; mysterY surrounding a bag,
.of feed, :,,says T. M, IVIaelrttyker
bcTIL,T.ymitithInist..wit4. the Canada.
Experimental Farm at Nappan,
N.S; ut, he. • 'adds, in each case
there are nutritional reasons for
iriebrporating the _partieular, Pro-
duct in the ration. •
.Souice, ofEnergy .
.At''the Nappan farm; it has been
proved that synthetic aanino acids'
can he successful where • natural
'products fail,. Inedible animal -fal-
low or soirie other fatty product
Ids been ,fotind to. be a' useful
Source Of energy:. •Addition :of fat
results .in ' imProVed: feed effici-
ency, and' MOSt,.: broiler aud many
laying rations new,eontain added
TOO, . use Of ingredients Stieh as
antibioties and_ medicaments whieh
aretiot generally classed as nittri
entsl. liaVe• -restated in, lowered Mor-
tality and ,iinProVed greWth and.
thus indirectly contribute to • fin -
proved nutrition. , .• •
'Iii general, each'new' addition
means more meat and. eggs from
a bag of feed,", sums up Mr. Ude-
First Tenant: "Do you mind
children?" ,•
Second Tenant: "I'll -say rdol"
Fiest- Tenant: "Good! 'Would
• You Mind this one for a bit while
I go shopping?"
The wedding ceremony was at
an end. .The bride- dabbed at :her
pretty eyes 'with a filmy handker-
chief., One of the bridesmaid,s wag
also• affected to tears. 'Why -do
pail Weep?"' 'asked a 'gentleman
guest. -"It's not SMUT W64tling:!
The girl looked at him sco
fully:- "That's the reason!" she
"Calm down; „son," said the
father of the marriageable daugh-
ter to, the fidgeting young man.
'"I bet yon want th marry My
daughter and you're shY about ask-
ing her., Well, take her, my boy
marry her and good luck you.
"Oh,, no, It wasn't that, Mr.
•Sniith,' the suitor answered, "I
just wondered If YOU Odd lend
'tendsou OW.rlodedDa4.
.'t hardly
"I should Jay,noti
know yotitn.
a Month. Getting.• a little'...tense,
even though Wewere only inaagin-
hig,•• Tr leaped Up, headed for the
kitchen, and began foraging., ,
, WelL-sir; -you'd never .beireve 'the'
'gruff. the' average woman -has tick --
.ed away, .• that-, she never. -gets
.around :to ,uSing: In one cupboard
'shelf I found .not but fain'
family -size boxes Of :various types
of pre-cooked Vereal.'..About '"every
.mentlis.MY,wite,decide.s wean.,
need a hearty breakfast: she
.buys,, a' whacking great boX, i".if vita:
niin -packed; easy -th make, .Por-
ridge.. We twiee;,,nob.odY
tine ,to .eat
aWaY..-. -There' was: •'„-eniugli:•oaf-
Meal" on 'that :shelf toiItia,k,e.1-is1111
breakfast far '„a /ninth.. '
•'That settled one inea.a day.
kept on , exploring.. Next chs ov„
ery-was'abig'bag of paneake nark!,
We ' .have,,panCakeS about 'every'
ShrOvf .TueSday, .There .was „en-
ough ,piuckinthatbagtomake at
least 'a ,htilidred• flapjackS.. And in
2,4ark ,Corner:. Of the:eh/Set% Under
the stairs ; located- .of
rimple..Syrtip; - -gathering E maul&
EverY; -.Year ..we -buy.. -a-gallon ef.
sYrup,,, eat ,a ,Pint, -and let the rest'
That,. was. • treasure indeed, but
there. was More to, cornet a „five-
poond- bag. of _ beans,: stored away
for the Semi-annual potof baked
beans and used between.-tiines. by
the " kids•to _play bingo. Enough
for she
asses to cook them hi; birt,lobated
a can of nialt-left over from our
last ',homebretv, Venture, which
would do as 11. And -six 'three=
year-old jars tif chili sauce, :with
onlY , an ihch of bltie-mold, to gin-
ger fiP the:beans.- -
. .
, *, , •
. , • .
• 'We kept right at it and iftearth-
ed-na only a box of pie erust mix,
but six large, cans of :pumpkin,
bought a .year ago on sale, to make
pies, ,and resting since .behind my
tackle baxin, the 'utility room.
Also one _large box of spaghetti
with gil the trindibings„ enough for
three meals. Alsosa, huge •bowl of
bread' crusts;:saved to Make: tur-
key dressing 'hut sufficient nor to
fashion a couple of mighty _bread,:
• *•
The yegetable an old hat-
box kept on the cellar Stairs; Yield-
-ea areal prize: a bag :of onions„
one slightly withered cabbage, and!
a: large turnip. Thickened '
little rice, of which a full jack -
age turned up,, there was enough.„
soup -stew for four days.
• * Pie
• But something was missi g,,N6
meat. Neither fiesh'•nor fowl, Mar
good red herring. Alia! Red her--
ring? Quick as a light I inade,a
dart for the Shed, Sure enough, was, frozen solid. That
beautiful - five -pound 'lake trout a
slightly, inebriated ,first-footer ' had
deposited with 'a,' flourish Am viir•
kit,chiin table, New Year'S: Eitel" -
Surfeited with turkey and. ham„,
vve'd put it in the ,cleep-freeze, the 2_
back shed.
Returning in triumph, ,the trout
clutched to my bosom„ stumbled
over a fat black Spaniel pup. Little
•did he realize, as be scurried awaY
Yelping', that I was cooly estimat-
ing what he weuld leek like skin-
ned, triissed and stuffed- ,with,
bread crUinbs,
Never fear, chaps. I.fthe • Big
Snow -does come, and you're cut
off, come to the Srnileys. We've
toad to burn. And while' some of ..
it Should have been,burned a year
ago, we'lLbe glad to have you, and
there'll be plenty for all.
Miss . Jane Spuierville, daughter
af 1Vfr. and Mrs. Archie Somerville,
and lVfiss- l3arbara,Driscoll, daugh-
ter of Mr. and IVIrs. Ross Driscoll;
received their cans at a' ceremony--
.in theAuxiliary r0Orristof_the Sonti
_oron,llospital,-Exeter, last week.
Thetwo girls are in training at the
Exeter Ilosnital.
-The Wonien's Association' held a
meeting at the home of -1VIrs.Win.
Koehler With 11 present. Mrs. Irvin.
Rock was in charge of the devo-
tionar period:- Rev. Amaclaer react -
the scripture and offered Drayer.
Ei Arnaeher took charge of '•
the 'business meeting at which el- ,
ection of officers took Place. Mrs,
Art Nicholwaselected president,
,with . Mrs. Either Koehler, as vice-
president; treasurer, Mrs. Laverni •
„Hoegy; secretary,Mrs Irvin Rock, .
and -Mrs. Wrn, Koehler aS „social,
secretary. Reports, Were -given by
each- 'officer, Thauk-you 'letter&
were read from Mr. andMrs,
Mohr, -Salvation -Army, -Care, '
Of Cana.da fon' the- 425 donation
they each _received
„ The next Meeting is lo be held
at the home Of'1VIrs.'.Nichols, -
Mrs. Smyth and Mrs. Dicruson
• .
chargeLunch was served by the -
• Trustees' Named •
,The annual meetingOf the meta- •
hers of McKillop Evangelical Unit-,
ed Brethren Church was held with,
,the election of officers for the new
ytar,. results being, as fellows:
trustees, Irvin Rock, Eliner Koeh-
ler; Secretary, Northan 'Eggert;' '
treasurer, Elmer Koehler; finan-
cial secretary,. Irvin Rock; mis-
slot-161,y treasurer,. Win. Kciehler;
.pianist, Mrs. Wm. Koehler; assiSt-.
ant pianist, Mrs. Harry Itegele. •
eports forthe past year Were
given with suitable financial stand-
ings. Paul Rock- arid- Earl Rose'
-were norninated _as
The Sunday School elected the-
• f011owing • officers: superintendent,
Lavern 'Hoegy;assistant suPerin=
tendent, Ite,ck;• secretary=
-treasurer, Fred Rose; pianist, Di --
ane Rock. Thereport for the past
year was given by Lavern -1Ioegy
and showed a very good attend-
ance reeord and financial' report.
?red Rose, past superintendent,
spoken few words, thanking ev,cry-
one for their siiPport during his
years. as superintendent. . •-
.Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Koehler.
and sans visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Moore at Seatorth.
Gordon Koehler is able to attend
school', after recuperating from in-'
juries -he reepived in a car acci-
dent 'early iti jam:tar-Y. • '
n of Senfort
To facilitate snow removal, No Parking on
the Streets of this Municipality will be alloW-
ed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Thi.s order will be strictly enforced inaceord-
ance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section
43, Subsection a
Municipality will not be responsible for any
damages caused to parked vehicles as th0
result of snow removal operations*
Clerk., Town Seaforth