The Huron Expositor, 1959-02-13, Page 9ORGANIZEHURON . SAFETY GROUP::
Harry, Dougall, 'Exeter, ' was.
chosen ' chairman of the Huron
-County Farm Safety. Committee at
its, inaugural meeting Monday:
Meeting at the agricultural .board
rooms • in Clinton,. the -committee
ei was organized with members front'
;ihecounty naming a chairman for
k each township.'. Art Bolton, assoei-,
ate' agricultural representative for.
Huron, was named secretary-treas-
ecretary treas-
The coninaittee was formed to
y assist with the province -wide farm,
safety survey, which will start on
March 1. The committee will have
theresponsibility,of organizing and
conducting the survey within their
respective townships.
Other members oLthe committee
include: Elmer Robertson, Col-
borne township;`Bil1 Elston, -Mor-
' Cis township; Jack Knight; Grey
township; ,. Harry. Dougall, IJsborne
township; Roy Morenz, Stephen.
township; Ted Dunn, Stanley town
ship; Lloyd Hendrick,; - Hay tawn-
ship• Mrs. 'Will3,air Andrew,' Ash
field' township; Merton IJeYs,.�'uak
ersrnith township; John ,]Reeves,
C,oderich towiislup; , Earl McSpad-'
den,. McKillop township;' Frank
Thompson,. EastWawanosh. town -
shit); ,Blake Alton, 'West Wawanosh.
;township; Oscar Kieffer, • Turnber
lry township;' Jim Renwick, Haw-
ick township; Mrs: Lloyd Pipe, i.
Hullett township,
In: each :of the-town$hipa; •these
:chairmen will be enlisting; the aid
of their fellow farm people' to coin
pile a record of the, accidents iiap
pening'to.allfarm £alk throughout'
the area, A similar plan;, will be
put 'into operation :in .every- towi}-
.ship across,the prolrince The.pU -
pose; 'of "I he--sinrirey is .t t gather„
the, Nets and figures about faran.
accidents ..This research. will'then
be. used as the basis for' organized,
farm: safety educational programs
to. follow. `•
Night' doubles traffic troubles:',
Smoke - and Waiter= -Damage
Stock on Sane:
Phone 592
• Seaforth
The postponed, February meeting
of the Seaforth Woinen's Institute:
will beheld on Tuesday evening,
February 24, at 8:30 in -the Sea -
forth •'District High School, with
Dr, J. Semple;. of Egmondville, as
Pest speaker. : Members are ask-
ed' to ; :bring . a ' cake to., the• next
eucbre.= .
Miss>1Vfary Schulman in Buffalo,.
Mr. and. Mrs. William Stapleton
have . left for Florida.
Mr.. and Mrs: 'Jelin Cleary, of
London, With Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank
Evans:. ,
Miss Marie •Morrison ' and Jim-
my, Kitchener; with Mx. and Mrs.
James . Morrison. '
Mrs.:. George Holland, St. Clem-
ents', at her home,
Miss Ilene Whetham, Kitchener,
:with Mr. and . Mrs. A. Whethain,
Mr. Neil Stapleton,' Kitchener,'
and Mr. Kenneth Stapleton, Toron-
'oronto, at'lliei;r homes.
Miss Nancy Kelly is ,a patient in,
Scott 'Memorial Hospital, `'Sea -
- Mr.' H Fteriks, -of Elliot Lake,
with Mrs. Freriks and children.
Mr. Tam Butters is attending the
Hardware Convention in: Toronto:
Some fabrics , just don't 'take
towater;--they_just=seem 'to
fade away. Let us keep those .
precious. fabrics_ new, color-
ful and crisp looking with, our
exert low-cost cle;anin :-
p g _
`' 'NE S
_ CLEA.,_..R,
Phone8g_, Seaforth
BY Maba:I
Y'i<NoyV, 8ERF:,,THE ,A, THREE„
oNe'Is t4AMESd - -
Morrist i :ship council :net ;:in
the Township—Hall—nwith--all--the-
ztn'embers.,:present - 1Vlotlons" iriclud
ed: .
Moved''by Stewart ':Procter, , see-
onded by;R'oss, Duncan;':That ,we
given the Huron• Crop:,;.•Iiriprove-
:inept:Association , a grant , ofi•-$S5:
R s Dunc
' o.. , an - Walter Short.. ted:
That "we advertise for applications
Lor warble fly inspector at-=,$La0
per hoax, p1u`s'7 .cents per 'mile, and
a helper who_is_'to look;'after` the
books at `90. cents per,.hour, and'
tenders:: to. supply, 1,000 -;pounds of
Warble flY powder. Carried.
' Gordan'Wiikinson - Walter Short -
reed: • That the Post Publishing
Tl959ousefar be $18re 5.e00."ngaged as printed for
.Stewart Procter .- Joss Duncan:
That.—By=Lave No..3;_.1959;-setting;
tlier a appropriation for $35,000,
be passed as read the first,. second
and. third times,' subject to 'the ap-
proval of the District: Municipal
Engineer •.Carried:
. _. ip - � .
he. matter, -of .the approval -of
the `constrtietion of `.an addition to
the- Wip`gham District 13agb. School.
-Was 'brought before' the council by,
William King, and °after a lengthy
discussion -it .was moved. l ji Ger-;
don, Wilkinson; , seconded .by Wa1
ter Shortreed, aiuci. tarried, .:that
council approve the construction
of an addition to the; Wingham Dis
triet High School.
Gorden Wilkinson - Stewart Proc
ter:•That ' we . 'advertise :for ten
ders:to suppIy, crush-and:deliver
If you're looking for the value huy'of the year, here are just a
few of the reasons Why' Dodge gives you more- Swivel front
that ease' you in or out of the ar so smoothly, lock securelyinp6ce
while you, drive, 'Push-button controls`for drive selector and. heater-
_. defroster;`Torsion-AIRE Ride: to tame the roughest road or tigh st
curve. Add to these Total -Contact brakes, Ori:1ow shock absorbers,
%dependent parking brake (and many moret) and •'-: you begin to see
why Dodge gives you . the most car atthe lowest possible ,-price
If you want luxury and adventure, this is your kind' of car, Thi
brilliant new De Soto. And look -at the wonderfulideas that help
make it so.. The finest combination' of agile, . high-spirited ,V 8
go -power and'sa a smooth stop povber ever mounted 011 a'single
Chassis. Finger-tip driving ",ease for the. controls you use -most
(TarqueFlite automatic drive; new De Soto heating system): Inspect
the fresh new' fashion' and features that are De Soto—only! Then ask
the 'price. ` Wepromise to turn your head -De Soto -ward!:
_..-y yy-u wa it -the --tough ,st, best -looking
triiok 'for your, kind. of : ,job, put ` a ;new
'59 Sweptline Dodge to work for *oil:And
" ,y'ou cal expect your`jobs`te-be' a whale:of-a
lot 'easier! $it), new, iltsury-styled, cabs are
':comfort -designed.; Clutch' pedals are hydrau- -
• lically actuated for much easier operation:
Erake . and clutch' pedals" are suspended` to
'.give you more' footroo'm..We''ll be happy,' to
help you select the Dodge•truck for your job
--from this handsome. new Sweptline all the
way up to' 49,0004b., mag G V WPower;
Giants; . See. th'erii.`liow' <`
Ston in and test-drive the value-. .packed Dodge :.. the luxurious` and spirited De Soto ...or a sleek, strapping new Dodge' Truck-toda
r A Uithi
Fanners' Union Meet -..
Mr, Carl Govier., president of the
4014,01.: Local; presided., fir the
Farmers" Union Meeting held re
cently- in the• Aubburn .Orange ,Hall..
The guest speaker, 1►fis. ; .H.. - Ho,p-
kins, fhe women's president of the
'Ontario Farriers' Union, gave -a;
very inspiring address.. = '
is not because • the fanners
have failed to become efficient that
they find themselves in Asqueeze,".
she said, ;`the farmer is in trou-.
'bee- only •because be: bas .not built.
for himself an organization strong
enough to bargain for his rightful:
Since the war, farm production'.
increased in .efficiency` by :more
than '2i/z times: I. doubt if every„
industry could:: match this: Since
1951, operating- costs :'have con
tinually risen :because of the price'
increase ingeods and'services,the
farmer; has 7 to:' buy,••. His. total, nn!
come. did not `:advance•.until -last
year;, and then only by, 1., -per
tent ',At the same time; Canada
has had' an , increase 'Of. over,; .one
million people to feedf While the
number' of farmers has decreased
over 150008--
•Tlie.,,proven -fact remains.•- that'
"the' decreaSe'in` farmers' has not:
solved <our problems AS. has been,
suggested by goterninent sponsor --
ed 'collegestoo- be the -answer. •
The need, for. a;strdng member.-::
ship eOntrolled. and •financed organ-
;ization to speak. for the farmer, is
the ;only -Help ;of realizing• (Air fair
share of the • national•-infoine. - Giv
ing the farmer a, sense of seeur-
ity and .the .removal :;of his long
time .fear • that prices will : fall
away. to nothing while ,his Prop is
growing., or his livestock develop
'ing -to.=mar- eT size;-;is-oniy=-as1drtg`
for equality in'. keeping pace and
advancing with economic, develop
sment .in other::rndusfr""les.
The:. preservation of the family;
farm;.., better..liwmg conditions:'and
=security .for._ -.the (?,i7�ta`rio. warmer,
his .wife .and-:family.°is our- main
object ve; The`, organization
:'ly as• `,strong a$. its. ynrembership,'
and,-,if•.:we are.: to:keep the ~farm•,
viewpoint' before our,':'; legislators,',
we:wauld° ask ;the support of ev-
•.ery member in helping to increase
the inembeTship - in ;'the 'O: F: Un=-
Women, by tele con`st'itution, have
been';given"'equal rights and °priv
ileges "with -man .in 'The.: first
family `organization,, in the • Cana.
dian•:Farm . Moveinent, thereby
,doubling . the ' membership `-''a n d
strength of theorganizapublic'tion;' the
prootion•of" good relations
with th'ecommunity leaders and
crganizations; -;as 'well' "as ,:capable:
secretaries and 's tial conveners,
would„:minimize-the” value of 7 wo ,
risen in building this family" ,rnem-
bershrp, organizata ^; What mem-
her. of; thearinily feels the;:,'cost
price s'uueem
ze: ore'.than- the farm
:btusewife-? Or can contribute more
in the inahing-of farm: -policy. .With
the threat •of_ahe .family farm be
.ing ,exploited .by.factory-farms er
vertical integration; we',rnnst ;give
a great deal.:of 'consideration to
our price support program.'..The
price received. must"supply pro=-
-duction:—cost;: plus, a -reasonable
profit:,; Admini'stratior--inust-,be is
such a manner- that supports- 'are
directed to -the bonafide.farn)ers;2
and are paid -:on •an.,agreed `maxi
mum, of eaeh 'farmer's: proddction.;
Any 'additional pr"odtictiofi `would
be sold m the.:norinal: manner; and
would:: 'not' be eligible' for .'defici-
ency payments,-, With: ,Our organ
izaa 'having;- achieved •• the
• crease,'in compensation for cattle,
ordeired destroyed ander the Ani
101 Coaitagious Disease ,pct,: we
are:pressirig.,for aliin als lostfrorri
eagles: Also fo .be. included, in the:
act whereby farrraers, would receive.
compensation; ;for their: tosses;;free„
vaccine for. cattle arid' medical- as
sistance for humans 'being expos
'ed to rabies; are also being sought:.
approximately 12,000°`:cubic yards,
of gravel through a.3/i-inch screen:
.Tenders, to be,in'by.March 2, 1959,
at: 12 :o'clock: noon. A marled:
Olean e,for.$2004o he' enclosed: with.
eaeh .:tender -Carried -
Waiter Shortrend Ross` .`Dun
can:: That the road `accounts as
presented by -the Toad super:inten
dennt ,be paid. �arri`ed
• Ross Dane an Walter.Shortreed
That --the general , accounts as pre-,
sented be paid. Carried. . "
Stewart Procter Gordon Wilk-'
insert: ,'That we give a grant: of
$25, the. Wingham :Salvation.
Army. Carried . -
Accounts approved for. payment
included Milnicrpal World,
plies and'sufiscriptioni`, $32:28; :Ad=
vance-Times, .advertising, :$5.90;
County . of Huron,` indigent .fees
$66; Brussels , Telephone, to s,
.$6,50-„!. Huron Crop' Improvement
Association, •grant, x.:$25 , Geo:. °Hie-
girs,, fox bounty, $4; Blyth. Stand,
ard, advertising, ,$3;. relief, acct.;
$15;...Salvation Army, grant, $25....
tY Bf2d Aedertsr
Mtn $ICPbT WILL, i+ilT-t you
THE. '15001-4.S.
ea for
-----'1-PHONE 541
T-- ADS _,BRING, RESULTS: — Phone 141 'or, 142
READ`TI E ADVERTISEMENTS :.It's a Profitable Pastime
1t leads.`. all competitors!
Just look at' these 'figures;
SHAVER STARCROSS 288 won first place
in;the'1,958 Canadian.;Central Random.Test .
AVERAGE 288':;`
Netincbrne':over Chick and Feed Costs.:.
Average egg 1productioq per chick started (reckoned
to 500 days of age on 110
Percent Mortm ality-fro7 daysto'500 days of Age..:.,
• Lbs: of feed per dozen
Percentage of all eggs laid grading large:::
' 63.9
TheSHAVER STARCROSS 288 was also Top Quartile Perlin
the 1958 Missouri Random Test : and Shaver has been m,
the leader for the first three years ofrthe-Central Test in
Ottawa Your Swift:hatcheryman:can show you the figures::
front these tests.
Order the new:SHAVER,STARCROSS.288 today
R.R. No: 4,: Clinton,' Phone Seaforth.-847' r 5
Tstce rorec:.7;ii.>z.114 X�snu?1°r cz7J-'s
PLUS an additional saving .
,,,of . 5% by paying, cash: before-
There's no better way to ., cut fer-
tilizer costs than to : take bdvantage
--of._-the early._ season_ discounts on
•Co-op Feretilizer.
u.IFA caaoeran s ar *000