HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-02-06, Page 44 -THE HIIR9N EKRQS.ITOR,. $EAF� H2ONT,fE,B. 6, 1158• a Coming Events TIP:ME-ACT COMEDY, "Silas Sinidge From Turnip Ridge,"- St, Columban Parish PridaY, liarell 13 too 8:30j 1-4$4 'SVEINE TEA will be h'eld, 4 First. Presbyterian Chime* Manse on. WedneSdaYr April 29 at 3 p4n, under "the Auspices • a the Fireside GrOW,01. the ulllfle 1 .6:Notices' • HIGHEST CASH PRICES. in surrounding district 'for dead, old,. sick .'or disabled horses and cattle. Old -bp or slaughter at Se per pound. • For Prompt,' sanitary disposal, 24-hour, service. T „EROY- ACHESON 'Atwood 153, -Collect. • :1!e1,Hp Wanted • 9N'7".efferii-64.M. ortimitr=f-er-rgrolying frPeollle t6rongli,servioing •families n YPPr. eossinunitY, Write, stating- telenbone num- ber,p-tro Box 801„. "Tap HURON BOS5- Tort, seafaitli. 4-484. -- GJtL wivefi,b to misfit in Seaforth bone six (lays --a .week. Live in and ,help with housework. ". All modern convenienoes, 141-rid3ng :luta:antic waaher and d,ryer'. APplg Box 890, ROBON Ex,Posrrog, _WANTE11: Reliable maxi as. dealer -Lin. Sturon 'ClumtY. -Experience not neeessary. A fine."opportunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh's- Products haVe,, been sold for years. -Big Profit4. Products tarnished on credit. ' Write ItAWLEIGIVS, Dept. B 353-163, 4005 Itichelieu, Montreal • 4-484 NUAL MEETING nisei Meeting a the inembers of The 151c.!.. Killop "Mixtual Fire."..Instirance l'COM.PriPY will beheld in the To-WO'Hall. Seaferfh, Ortt„ on Friday, Febrar 53, 1959; at '2 &clock for general linsiness, adop- tion ireperts and the election of. three •- All Members are invited to be PreSeat: • The:retiring directors, a1re J. FL INICEwing, 3•.Tiewarthzi and "11. Fuller. ' MISS NORMA J'EFFERY Township of Hullett" APPLICATIONS 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS • In the Estate of CLINTON Erns SMITH - All persons having claims -against the Estate of Clinton Ernes Smith, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County a nor- IN.IgAThant, deceased, wbo.- died on the 91th day of OCO3ber, 1958;--gre lagreby Red to send .in full- particulars a their elainis to the- underaigned on or before the 2/th day, of FebruarY, 1969, after whieh 'date the assets will be distributed, haying regard, _only:Jo_ claims _ thenre ceived„ • n.A.Tgo ,et Sea -forth, this 3rd day of February, 1959. . . ' MoCONNELL & STEWART, •Seaforth, Ontario, ' solieit2rs for the Executrix. , The Connell of the Township of liiiillett , will receive apAcations, or One ' Warble Fly, Inspector for the. Townshlp 1Or 1959, spraying a cattle • foi Warble •Fly. Salary to be 85a per hour E,4nd .05e per ,:nuile •mileage whilc working in the. APplidations to be in the hands of the Clerk -February -28, 1959:1. "f- HARRY' F., TEB13.UTT.,_:.Clerk,; • Londesborp, TOTICE ownslrip- of Tuekersmith OPIEto REDITQRS ' BRODHAGEN, Douglas Milton Eickmeir, infant son of Mr, and Mrs.. Oscar Eick, meir, wag baptized during the Sun- da y morning sets -vice by Pastor E. J. Fiseher. The sponsors, .alnng with -the .parents, were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hillebrecht and ,l‘Ar. And. Mrs, - • Visitors with IVIts. ,Lena were Mr. and Mrs Oscay Elligext, I rSharon, Dennis and. famce, of Kit- t-eltener;- Mr. anti Mrs; --Henry Ben- i•newies and Mrs, Louise IVIorenz, of Mitchell. g 'tints to the smith' .A11. PersoDs P.win" aec° • d -to Pay Shog Store lierehy r.11U,48ee the • 21st day of 9'ebrear4 ' 22-48-3 • . RatePaYers . and .inhaiiitalts of- the Townsliiii Of •Tuekersmith :are readeeted by the -Council, to not park ears on tows., ship, rdads and streets during the:- winter months, in order to, fa.cilitate snowplowing operations, • - ' Counthl will not be responsible for dam.- In'tlie Estate of ,LITLIf D $AVAUGE 'Al/ persons -.having claims against , the Estate of Lulu 11.- Savauge, late, of the Town. of Seaforth, in the County of Flur-- 'on, deceased; Who died on or. 30th December 1908 are herbby notified ages to any -vehiCies.-parked 'on- roads or to send in to, the .undersigned on or be. • ' .'„ fore the 19th 'day of. February,- 1959, full- ' particulars of: 'their:. dal*. • . -E.: P.: CIIESNEY.,'.., . . , , . ,Inmiediately' "after ,the 'said. last mention-- Tuckersm - • • diite,_'th,1_e.USseta .Of the said-gstate wiU 1.-9-•46-"FIZbe 51i,stribilt4; aMosgst-the 'parties entitfeil . -thereto, having rtuffird only to Minis of , which...the .iiiideraignecl 1shall,th nr.haVe:nn".. tice to- - exclusion•1""Of • - • '"7"'"33e undefaigned gnir REEDING,.. elOn.n.., the ,und4riimlecl , ,5h511 not -then .have notice- for the asta ..so2,AiStri.LbUted,:or,,ariy part 4here6f..."1".'" MiSilleiS--01/130rtairti LONG ESTABLISHED liveOtock.ek, • ing business for sale., . P.C.V:, ,ense. Equipinent. inchides" Mon " stake body Fargo, truck and a 'barn 36x50. Will. sell separately. „For More information, contact W.: P. JCiRDAN; Dublin. Phone 32, 5-47,r3 7., Situations "Wanted..- E}LPERIENCED iniddle-ed wants c/o Grommet -Vs,' 4,1Seaforfli. Phorie AUCTION SALE Rib on farm. Apply -to WILLIAM BLAIR, this" 29th--day.-of- "Where.-Better--Bulls- Ate -'MeV, .i• - , • ' ' , • ' ' -SUppl,Y,'--artificial• hreedin , ser*4-1,--,19!, , 4 t1,4eir-i,sou4itors.. in21)*e.453-:701-5itt-TrEh6n--„ciinton:.zeriito .,.,....„--,-..„.,,,,„..,„--„,'„. ,,,,,-i- , „.,_.,..„6...„ _ ..9::6-050,1-1:-F.or...,.-s:e:rvide..xii,-.tmore,„ infOrtination, , . 41_-,,v_'.1.1N.: vv . .3.1-1-4,-P-al.'1. • ,, Seafortli, Ontario, • .:411:,hetween: .7:::so::na...-10:014 a.ni.' week ' ' 1: • ' ,. 22-484 days,. A :oo and ,8.:00 P.M. SatudayfeVenings.- ; .. For caws nriticed:in heat on"Sunday Morn-; . , trigs. 'do not,, en:11 .until; Monday Morning. • The -quality fa- high and„the ,Cost low.' ' Auction Sales Stock For:Sale -TURICEYS FOR Started lair';.; ionr_sobblers .and- Appry to, ED. ANMIEWS` RIC forth. Phone Phone 851 r 11. . titE•rEEN,-i.Ins. eight vteelci ph, WILLIAM ALEXANDER Walton. -Phone Sea:forth -8413 r 15." . " CoAricu:sT;rirti:es.•tf'llYairv !Cattle at -..6ot dicrithpand4F/4 west of t. 9rk _ -3o '::-Frof$tei17.' heifers, ranging :from two calreaLcit-fOoti.;h1 redinder. February tsiekhree „ye40.. ,a anraber ;fresh with Ma ch.- ',All -vaCc'nated.- ' 'Sale will, be held. urider 'cover, TERMS -Gas ...PrOpieter..AIEX-:Me.13ELATE .„ Auctioneer; Earold. JaCkson, , • - •• Cards of , Thanks • V/ISII to thiink the Brucefield Fire Department. and all 'that aSsistei in Put- ting out our chimney fire, , MIL A_ND MRS. SAM 1VInCLUNG! • . , • • • : • ' • , . -ine-sent- cards, flowers -a.nd-treita- whil a_ Pailent in Victoria Hospital', tendOn;'Cit .• cial thanks-"tii those - who helped is an REq 25. Personals:—. 1Vit.; and., MrS. 1Vl• anitel •Beuer- Mann and 1V1r.,,and lqrS: Sholdice With .Mr. and'.Mrs. Rhine Kahle kt' h 11 Messrs. •Ford. Dickison. and Mer- viir-Leonttardt-irr-Torento for_a_few days on., business: , ' Mr.. and: Mrs, Lew'- Hicks :spent the ,weekend,in Toronto. Mrs., 'Jack Eisler •and: .'Mrs Bill Coty;. Of Seafortit,.-witlis . " anxr Mra-Manneiffrenermatin_.recent,,IY--,:- Mr: Ah Donald ren's :and' Miss. tee , liarrocks; 'Of'.,Hainiltort,;. 'with -Mr. and Mrs .• ChatleS Ahrens (icier .the weekend:: Mr., WaYne,,Beitermann, London,- with:. his parents, ...a.n..d. Mr_.• Manuel Behermann, over the WeeTE 'Mi., Calvin Diegel• and 111,11Ss Bet- ty. Hartman, 'of' Waterloo, with -Mr. and: Mrs.,. Wm. 'Riegel, over • the • The'follbWing,fiorn here -Attend-. ed• the' ftth,eral of Henry 'Walters,: 39-,7Tf:11`-1.;istowel; on, Saturday: the husband,..of,,, the' ,foriner, Annie Schneidef!'"MrS: B;Ock',...MrS, Katherine' HiRebrecht, Tred A-.' stn. -Cr, Rock,. Henry Mr.- 'and Mrs. Leslie WieterSen'and...Mr'.and Mrs: 7.; spent last , week, visiting: .in',.Kitehener with Mr. .ana.1VIrs. Henry': Me,yerand Msss Clara ' 1Vleyer; • ••• „ • The aiiiitinl meeting Of Stewards f Houle, Married ,Conples).'Was held in ,the •baseinerit 'of -; St., Peter's. Lutheran.r.'Church With' 30 attendance. .DeVotionS. Were,:in:•charge .of Mr: --and- naSell,-..Sholdiee;:',Alt.. and Mrs: Lvern ,Welfe -and Mr.,. and .Mrs. EdWard ,SOlierbarth; Jr. filin. 'Jungle River' Parish" in .British;,' • ., The litisines Chargeof4,-Presidentl•Wilited.:Ah'-- ren3.1\ rS:'.Forti.theklisot gave -11'1e secretary's -,,.report„ -':-Aad' 13ntiek, treasurer's- • -The'follewing officers were' ele et - ed ::for ,..1959: '•-.preSident,, Mr.', and Mrs:, ',Ronald vice-president, Edgar Eiligseni retary, 7 Mr, and -Mrs, .1VIMitiel, n Ur& :and •DYGIENIC SUPPLIES "(Rubber' Gooda), mailed Tostpai in plain sealed. envelope with price list • 6 samples 250. 24 eam- NOVA -,-BIJBBER! CO 13ox 91 ' THIRrk-FIVE .PIGS:, -sev.en weeks. old: Rippen. Phone. Herisall__677,--:,i 21.•';'Tenders: Wanted - -Apply Ps GEORGE GLIFTONJUR. 8 -1. - - • - pp:partr" " -:early markets.. Other lfiarch-Apr • Bray chicks now. 15150 PrOunst shipment dayolds- and some stat- ,ed'Broiler Chicks,-.• AineS. cka iPoad cockerels and pullets. ReavY docirr' erels. Price list. Agent: WALTER' Mc- it.E. 9,, Sisafrirth.' Phone 844. r - - Ilsed Cars ,For Sale 1949 DESOTO' goad Condition ; fufls . egtiipped; _good tires. -ReasOnable--„dAimi •iktuivrOlsr1M.Yr--% R-8, 3. segoL•th.- • -fe-ma tEl\T±DERS . For 'Fgreibildvale.1111it6cli Cliore):1 'fenders 1;Y, Wedne.sda, aryl. Enel, Oil to' be No.- 1 or NO. 2;'. with a -13.T,U. of -10,000-.40 Cyer: . ART.- IIENDERSit:IN, • il-11,?b4gleaarfiC-rtli! 11. Articles FOrSale- ICODAli• MOVIE Brownie camera.. lights-, f 1.9 lens, caftying base.. Rest offer.' Ap- ply to D. W1DDIS. • Pbone--210.W; • '01:43x1' . 24 11013R,Filra Serviee. In bY back by 3;30 pan, next day. ST AFVElirS GIFTS. 11434 FURNACE, 'water Pines.- oil IfOrner., two' oil storage. tanks. tire -radiators:". -All in A-1. shape. ^ PFIONE • 69` r 4, . 13RAIN 'TILE 'Call 193, Lres,are HYDATS: aRIOIC AND 'TOM- LTD. • ELG,INFIELD, ONTARM 1149x51 MAGIC MARKEHS-Instant; "dry, Va.. :terProcd, write on any surface: just pall off cap and Magic. Marker is ready-' to asiailahle. Nine colors ink. 7731E .nunwr EXPOffilTOR., VENTIXATING s3iatems for barna. and. • ionitri.' houses,- :A side wall fan giveS ecemobileal ventilation, prolongii the life of, your .building rod iniproves the , health . OfiyoUr stock. For. eirthaitteS• ,see .SRAItr,S- MAINTENANCE smaylop. Phone ;See- ferth 861 r 6.•.• • • , • • 11-47X3: . ,BEE TEC LD,W.I‘EleED, hfib inuility New Idea mapure loaders, engineered. to fit -popular makes Of 'tiactora; :'Dne. of ' 4+w these new mantire, loaders: will 'he ,giVen° ewer free with the Purchase of a neW tractor at Oonnox .114c4Avix •SOrts; Walton, Orit.i .1a:int. Nuffield, New Holland, New Idea and Coed/tenth 'arm neo 1147- 12. Wanted To guv ". The. Cenndil of the Township of liullett 21-45-1 Township of Hullett TENDERS — 'Scottl_memoria.i. uospaut. oo JarillarYr aild.---Mfs. W.- E91, n' SO= ••sall,,ife.4•Cuy.to,nunouutW61Arni.of Son!' at Clinton -HcisPit,4 : Wetineg-- • da,,Y.,; :Tliirty-seeoild, *rand- ' Child".for Mr1-' and .M.ra.RObert, Baker,. .DitAGEI&T.-At"..Bc411,11lleinoriad lioopitaI. -On - 'FnTirtiary: Eind;:grs: Sesfortlf.' g 'daughter: • : : SCOTT -At' Stott MeMorial •Bespitel, on :Telurnary r to . Mrs, Wayne 28. Deaths ' • • ' .LondOia on lVfonday FebruerY , The Council of the Township!of Hallett will receive tenders for the spraying of cattle in the Township for Warble Ely: .Ten'd,ers to be soqueli" per head per moat, for two sprays ..Tenders to be in the hands of :the `Cler February„.,2-8.. 19394.; _ -1..,ow it or any tender , not necessarilY F: TEBBUTT Clerk ' Londesboro. Township of Hullett TENDERS , The Council of the Township of Hallett '1551, receive tenders for the supply 63- six hundred< 'and fifty (650) pounds of - Warble Ply Powder in fifteen (15) pound bafis' and'fifty (50) pounds in .0neTh(l) Pound 13agsrior the spraying of_bhttle for 'Warble Fly in 1959. . • All tenders tti be in the hands ,of the Clerk, February 28, 1059, - Lowest or any tender not lieceisarily accepted. HARRY -F.- 'PEBBITI'T Clerk ondesboro• , . 2142-3 ullett END RS • Will r,eceive tenders fOr the Crushing and haalin of approximately 12,000 cabin 'Yards of gravel for the roads in the Term - shin ; gravel to be efuShed and put thropgh th -inch screen. All gravel te be crOsh- •ed and spread to the- satisfaction of r the P-Perintendeni-and-r-the-Distrkt--,Eri-- itincer. A marked Cheque of 0200:00 its to •4?e,coinpany, each „tender. - • Ltroveat or any tender not necessarily accepted. • . Tenders' to_le.in',the hands of the Road ,Superintendent rebruarY SS.' 1959, • LEN CALDNVELL, 'Rd. Supt., Londesboro, R.E. 1. • 21-48-3 22 Legal Notices WANTED: Between 600 and 1,000 bales of mixed bay. APPIY Box $02, tor., UB - ON Seafortlt. .1/48g1 filktat:t. 5ea.OD304 and barn. Ckise t� to*n„. higliaray. MES:;• -•:VAN t,-)nfo Telephone 849, -r 22, , ••• 13-47x2 • , • ATGEFF,ST oagn iinoZ.S.paid for Sich, doisira and disabled,,fiivn satin:41s. Prompt, einiffeebb dead:, rind dianbled fern( aiiinssuti , and %Meg. Call ' Collect, ND. AITDHEWS, •r $ea.; `faith. ASSociateti with pai•liftg: bo .,Canada Ltd. " •ot , • 1. Property For,;Rent ' APACTMENT for., rent IMMUdiatery. .0111,VSM6I OIM. • 'Phone 16041E, Seatexth: ,, 451-494f • 19.NotiCeS.; . . • , ill his 29.4ti MORRISON---rin „Seaforth; "on February,8, James H, Morrison; of 'the late: Elizabeth Hillen, ia ' year:, • 0..ADItti” REPAIRS For' all- kinds Of at, 'IHREY'H RADIO 'SERVICE., .00t1041to. Seaforth, ''hone 1.642att • tt/AIPLETE 'LAUNDETEitiii in 8eat tortlf and. &Strict and Ors,. .Clettiting Ser., vice. :Wanton Seaforth, agent. for Erady Cleaners. 4.4,T,annflefarria • fatil.g Exeter. WE . WILL 'CUSTOM KILL YOur chicken or 'And oieps.1,e• It tor. but locket. or 'home' freezer. -1?hone for- priceo and aPpointmentt, • • . , • „ . Str.ArtnQuEST, Potifiralt. f`',.A.10/ none 171 r14 Exeter. . 19-484f, ear. Tuesday, hUsband his 57th uhior 'Institute- (COntinued froin Page I) Sandra ,poig was elected• gate to the -conference at Gdelph • •• 'Hear DAC Speaker ':During theineeting of the Junior Farmers .-Ttiesday night • Andrew, ,DaVidson'andr,DaveTrenteer Were named to represent'the club at the Guelphconfect-epee in, March: Bruce COlem.art was Chosen ,the county direttor'for the' Club: RoR.Call was aniWered ',0}low 'many cattle do you-haVe, and what„Idrul," jaCIE Crozietintrad4ced the:guest' speaker,.. Dr. Clarence Rennie, of the anirrial husbandry department of the 'OAC, who.;SPoke on f,`Aninrial Breeding" was' thanked by Bruce Coleman'..1 • • .' ' joint, Group .Make - • Jack, Crozier, 1Veil•McGaVin. and Mr. and Mrs. :Merton, Keys were elected to, look "aftetidans .f.or the anrinal banratiet when Abe clubs met 'jointly.: The junior Farmers also marminined they a draw for seed. • The.joint group are planning a dance -thiS week. Larry Wheatley Was tommated to have his name' sent as a candidate for the "0ver- sees , Trip" this- year., " , Betterma n, eas , . s..= George,' jaireuth; „pianist, J. -Fischer; aSSistant,.MrS.: Sholdllce; visiting committee,' Mr. and IVIrs:}farold Elligsen, and -Mrs. -Lloyd Prueter...;:zrecreation.' fo , seciais, , Mr.' attid. -Mrs:, Ross: liebithardt, Mr. and „Mrs. Glenn Megk,.ntr. and Mrs:Mervin god- gOrt; botch' coniniittee for ,socialS, Mr... and Mrs, Lavern Woller,7-Mr. ship and 'telenhone comonfireeT.mr.• and Mrs. Robert-LBeuernialim-MT- and Mrs., Leonard •RiAe,' Mr., and. Mrs. Wilbur' Hoegy.,, ,anditors, and Mrs. R,. Sholdiee.".• " ' It' WaS deCided :to hive . a. $3,00 3, • 'couple membership: fee and a free-will offering. at' the • Meetings during 1959'; Mrs. -Wilf,r.e.d, Ahrens ,reported the group- Picture.',was. framed' and: ready •to be hung-' -in the church' ,basement. ' • - - THIS IS FUNCTIONAL EXTERIOR of liensalPs new Rost Office, -which was brought into use on Thursday. The 28-foot.hy 38.feot brick bu ding is locatedon WellingtonStreet, behind he New Commercial Hotel and opposite the 'CYR right-of-way., Brilliantly lighted, the building. has completely new appointments and 'provides considerably more -working space for Postmaster Cecil Kipfer And his assistant, Mrs. Elgin MCCLinchey. The building was erected: by R, Middleton, who rents It to Federal Depiartment of -Publie WorkS. (Expositor photo by Phillips). , DISTRICT -FAR FORUMS -CRITICIZE—EDUCATION METHODS EIREsIDE FORUM . Fireside Farm FOrina Inlet at the, home of Mi.' arid Mrs: Joseph' 'Babcock With fa, present.' Subject fot-diScusSion',: .waS- "Edtfnation.", This forum ;thought subjects', for ,good basic- education, should. , be rea,ding, ,Writing, Arithmetic, ,Eng- lish. and ..sei_encei. history, `;getigra- Phy•'and art..4•The-ehild Of today is rot 'gelf,114.askdiitl aThaSid:eduea-- 'Don as lit-MilS,4alietore .thisl.neW course of •'studies;.eaMe into effect ,The , course. of: studies: varies'Aoe : Selina tor , a, hardship --,to :the pupils jif Tellotirh:Faritither-hTher:enrrieuluna;,_ the gro1p thought, - should,: be NOTICE.tO'CREDITORS . • . Iri the Estate If FLounNcum. 5,OW4E13 All, person's, . hr.ving ridjnis againat the -Estate-, of Florence M, Fewlery, Tate of the ToNim. bf.Seaforth in -the ,ObtotY.. of Union, dedeated, .who died on or about the 12th MeCember. .1958, aro...hereby notified to send in to the'nndersigned oh o'„Wore the 19th day 'a TebrUarY, 1959, M1 par- ticulars of their ' trontediatoly after the saia last Mention- ed :date, tlie assets of the said estate liellistruhtited arming:it Cad parties- entitled thetetO; havingr,egard only to elairds Of whith the".rinciermied shrill then haVe tice tO the exclusion a' all others arid undersigned 'will not be lialsie to, anY person of Whose claim -..the undersigned shall not then 'have notice felt the "risaefel SO -:distributed or anY. Part theteot. • • . or.A'rgo at Seafvrth„ this 29th day ot January, 1059. 5"i; Abell' Solicitors, 'ALVIN W,ILLERY, •- • SearoFt11, 'Ontario. , 22-42=2 BRLJCEFIELD •iHqntall' Churt Annual' The' annual cong-regational meet-. ing'•of 'St:',Paul's Anglican: Church;' Hensa.11;',waS' held Friday,. :chaired' by „the rector'ReV: Breit •De Vries:: eleeteil-Were:''•Reenit's• warden, , John ilenderseir; kden,,FraiiIEKliwook treasurer': W. O. :Condw,in; veStry elerk, jack Ilendersen;r :lay delegate,: ,R,. •Md1etoi.snb.deiegate7 -W;' .0;( :Frank' .._EarreStijack Henderson, E, .RobertS,'„' 'Lavender,",'' Torn Lavender; -''board- Of Managers, MiS-.7.Fra FerieSt7. jvaele Lavender, Mrs':..Midtlleton"."..and .the other ..Offieers: ' ' ' ' , ". FUNERAL , ALFRED W.' ItElICHERt.: • : FUneral. services 'Vero •held.-Sunday,,..ianuary. 1St: Peter's. Lutheran -Church, . Zur- Telt, for Alfred Reichert,: Hen: - sail, Who pissed away suddenly, in Clinten.•Public 'Hospital. . Rev. -0. Winter officiated and, interment. Was in the Lutheran' cemetery, "..,ThepallbearerS ;were_ Clarence' Adkins, Williarn Hess,'tErneat ;Laid; laW and Clarence„ Brenner, • Deceased was born. in Hay' town - 'ship on January 21,- I.878,' where he resided 'all his life.. SurViving• be- sides ' his Wife, ,rthe former Lavine: 'Fuss, arethred ions-: _Orland, Hay townshin,tErvin„ Clinton; -Ivan, :at home; One..daugnteri• .1VIrg:' Frank (Latiretta) Fields,: Hat townshiP;•, 'and ' eight ,grandebildren.. Mr.. and -.Mrs: ' Melvin Graham Were in London- on.SettirclaYowing -to the 111n& Mrs.. Graham's father; Mr.' C.• Parks; at Victoria 'Hospital. '• _ Misg Georgine McCartney, nurse, •intraining, -Strat,foid, spent the, weekend. with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. VVilsen McCartney:- ;DonaldHickey have mOved into the village. Mr. and Mrs. ,Allan ..Shouldiee 'andMrs Shouldice's mother, xrp. Buffam,- of St. ThernigThave, mo- -ed into -Mrs. George' Clifton's new - HENSALL--- , 'Miss • Maja. Roobol, • nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital,: Lon- don, visited with her parents, .Mr. ,and Mrs.: Sim Roobol, thio Week: ' Members of: the Women's Mis- sionary Seeiety .of the • United -Church niet in the Church gelionl- room "on ,Monday a this 'week for a Minting bee. They have five quilts in the frames. - • A South Huron -rally was held in Hensall United.Church TueSclaY. The PreSbytery 'Dating People's Of- fleerS ,dirtleted the "variout, groups on, OiScussitts-relatiVe Work in the ,eliurch anti the coni-: ames no4it led the worship servide,,,: Following: the 'program', recreation was 'held' and luhch served by .p;it--4:1fts0il. SecietY un- der the, boxivehership .of Gwen' dard. The standards of teachers should be raised by better , educa- tion, and teachers should not be allowed -to teach. with just high school eduCation- and .-summer • . Tte 'slow worker' should be giv- en. a lot of extra help at home,' -and, if the teacher has -the----time-to Spare the 'child cbuld be given ex- tra' helpat school, but Most Coun,-,, try "teachers have sufficienfpupil& th teach,withont-putting extra time- enT.the l'slow worker, unless :the others-, 'are neglected, the gronti, , . . at„the hoine and.:1VDts;:,:janies .Howatt.. EueliTe whinerwverevg.anies,ingh; Mrs', '.Coliver ,An erson,,,,an nryey, Taylor; •.: lone ,liair.,,Mrs, ,•:JanoeS HOWatt Undlolin Ilifiggart;'; consola- tion, Mts. ,-George,...,,iloggart. 'and Randy Bab:Cock, • . ' • -ParLine '„ Fortm, met- „at , the honie y, Mks, • Geyer. . Subject for .•disetissioxi was ,`.`.ETIncatiOn Parr, Line .group felt .subjects ' snotadhe„ reading,.;',.writwg ariflinaetie,',..i40- -gialiliy_•-•-andEn-glish,, hut:4E0Y'; lieVed good 'discipline. ..knes'f' With . the,tasic'editcation,'The,'group -al- so thoughtitis' a ranst.•.tOilearif to, ,:speak• tliengliSh,langitage pro- berly,.. • ".Readings., good' benks pro- vide,s irinch beip'i.n„this *respect, Parr . Line:Said there school.: is. troViding-o'igoOd,hasit::•edtiCatiOn tiniler';the,‘-piregrastatiCes. fOr What' arrionrit TO iiiiprOVe.'standards',..- it neeeisary:'„:.to iniProVe, ',both' what' ..they're tatightand., how. The -slow”: le,arnei•S ':''Should•.: be • in 4 elass...bY• theins,elyes wherever' possible, the .8TO4P.:Tlecided, ''• • LOve, and. :-Keith Love, The next; meeting ',Wilt 'be . at. 'the "home of DaVid•-•BlaekW0112, • ST.. COLUMBAN —1vIland.-11/frs:---Jank-Kelly,_ of -Kit- chener,. :with Mr. and Mrs. Joselall Connolly, ---- - llisS Marie O'Connor, London, with Mr. andMr.' James O'Con- 'We are 'sorry to report. that Mr ” Willi a m Scott is ,in VictOriai:Hos-• Pital, 'London.' • " Mr. and Mrs, -oSs • Scott Jt`Spent the -,weekend with friends iii Lon- - At the/January meeting .of the Bengali Branch of the Canadian, Legion, held Monday evening,. chaired by President Wm, BroWil, $10 was voted to the WeStrriblater. bingo fund. The regular meeting nights will be the first Virednesday of each month, inteafl Of the.first Monday. - Misa tiOdgson, a iiatiie'bf Fxeter, who is attending IVtacdon- Instittite, Guelnli, will be the MRS. AICHARD HDY- , WALTON '= Mrs: .Mithard. Hoy;, .,a resident of Walton for. many years, diedin. the Whigham Ilespitat on- Thursday -in 74th - year. She ',was formerlY„.Isabelle Cusick, a " daughter of •. -the late ',Tarries and 'Alice 'Donglas Cusick.. She' Con'dneted cd" grocery bUsinesS• in the Village .of Walton for soMe years.- ' ._ SheiS :survived by ,three daugh-• 'tem; •'.;;Aliee,': Edmonton:, Isabel; Bnrlington;:' Laura, •LOndon;.. nine grandchildren and six great grand - Mr. brew Swan, Miss 'Edith BoVeY and Mr. and , Mrs. Glen Swan attended the ftmeral of the late Mr. John Calvert in Ildertort on Friday. - Mr. and- Mrs. Fred McGregox• attended the funeral of Mr. Mc- Gregor's aunt, Mrs Willrecl• Aik- enhead, in Clinton on Saturday. Congregational Meting . ° Brdeefield- -United:-Churelt con; gregatiop meeting- was held Wed- nesday evening; January 28, in the schoolroom with a fair attendance, Reports ofl the different organiza- tions were heard and gave evidence of Progress. Rev. S. Davison was ehairinan. Mks. Edgar Allen was elected secretary for the evening, Following a short worship period, Rev: S. Davistm led in Prayer:The finances of the congregation are in splendid condition with • a bal- ance figure over that of last year, The -retiring -- members •of - the Board. of Managers, who 'Served for- ^three , years, were Messrs. Cliff. Henderson, Gorden" Elliott, and Archie Mustard. Mr; Elliott asked to be relieved and the fol- lO,Wing managers were elected: Cliff Henderson, John Broadfoot and Stewart. Wilkn., •• Birthday congratulations were sent 'to Mrs. 'Thomas Baird, Sr„ fretn-the congregation, she having entered her one hundredth year on jahuary 36. M'Lady program oriTuesday, Feb., 10, at 42:3() and -will demonstrate three kind of winter salads, liurondale Wo- nami's Institute will be studio guests., and some of them will be guest of Miss Margaret trophey interviewed ,by Miss Brophey. The bOdy was at the D. A. Rann funeral home, Brussels, where a service' was conducted- at 2:00 p.m. on •Saturday by Rev. • Kenneth Jaggs, of : 8t. John's Anglican Church., Burial- followed Brus- sels cemetery. Pallbearers were Harold Hudie; Art Henderson, Gordon Murray,. Ed, Dougan, Stewart Humphries and Ralph, Travis. WATSON BROws Watson Brown, 58, -Molesworth, prominent Grey tOwnship' farmer, cellapsed_ and died on -Main St.., Listowel: -about .6 Thtirst day afternoon: Death,' was attri- buted to a heart condition,„ with Which lie tad been troubled for the past two years. Active in communitY and church' affairs, Mr. rown had served as n member of the. Grey township area publie school board since its incention about II year agO,, and had only recently been elected chairman.- He is a past president of the Listhwel District High School Home and Schocil. Associa- tion, n, member of the Board of. Management of St. Andrew's Tres- 71*teriart ,Chmx14---MOItgwOttk,-,aUti: of Bernard Lodge, No. 225, AF and AM, Listowel. -- - A native of Grey township, re was borft„.on a farm onAlte,Second" concessiOn, where be lived Ins en- tire lifetime.' He was' a son of the late George Brown and his, viife, jestie Sangster. ' Besides his wife,i., the former Mabel ttlgar, is'suvived. by one .son, .Edgar, Howick township; one daughter, Mrs, William (Flor- ence) Btratychuk, Brussels; three brOthers, Getitge, Gorrie; John, an Stratford, d Murra3r, ICitchen- es.; two sisters,.Mrs. Joseph Pear- son, tthel, and Mr. Wilfred Hoy, Brussels, and four grandchildren. Funeral services 'were conduct- ed Monday at St. Andrew's, Pre'a= byterian Chuteh, MoleSWorth, , ' • --1Barbara—Kifithian Has ee Miss . Noreen Dalton, Brantford; 'Miss Regina Bowman, London; -Miss-Cleo-Bownran, Stratford; and - Miss Clare Malone, Stratford, spent the weekend at their tomes. Mr. and:Mrs: Gerdan Staples and family visited :in Waterloo witt--Mr.-and Mrs.: john•McMillan and son, Bill McMillan; Detroit, spent the Week end • With IVIT. 'and. • r and ,niirs Angus- 'Kennedy. 'And Miss :Rita •Kennedy visited in Turner's ,•Church ears_Encourpgiing etio.rits. COn,'• Work. The annual 'meeting of 'Tinter's ' Church was held Tuesday with. . theev.in' Grant tg- 7a.'Pil4e4s117. • ,Crich was apOointpd•secretary for„ The treasure*, Jack Turner, re; ,.borted quite an increase over last year on the 'balance on hand. Other reports' "were: :WA, Mrs, McGregor;_,_ Junior Cengregation, Mrs, Ed.' Layton; Sunday School, 'ES30eber,g1,eavv,Turnson;er;envYeeighnoegi ,.sPt.:,wOpalrett. Mrs. IVIcGregor. It was .00ted that the WA had unite a substantial, _balance_ en hand for the. year;-, and - :a vote. „Of ,thinlii..-War-teffderel7 "thsPeemcia'.1"ilud'ell6tillong)-ttheerMrgsr?-uids'. LvvieP'-:' • ton for. looking after the. irfstrue-,. tion of the .Tunior Congregatinn. A vote of thanks was alSoAen-' ,dered to M. Mills for.his untiring' efforts during the year. - The: .secretary , of the Sunday , Selma]; 'George' Turner, .-read the -:.-• 'Minutes .of the last S.S.. annual meeting, ,followed by; the appoint.= ent_of_Frank-FaIconer-a,s-super intended, to replace Howard. jOhias who. had held that position for nine ear -S. On 'conclusion, a social hour was ,soant, Mill§ shOwing• films . .which - were greatly enjoYed,, lowed 'by lunch by ••the ladies. , , . . Maloney -Mrs. Doyle retutrned with having spent": the past -month with her parent's. • , , Posing .the firm,er with his- . .4eger.„_age_Zsert.„-ferpicturer-t-th0.-- ohotographer, stiggesthd that the.... • • boy...staWith..his. :hand on 4ather's4.•-shofilder,-,- - "If You want, itto'lOok natural," -- ,•aid the long-suffering parents, he , - could puthis,hanO in my pocket." _St:?Augustine ,With- Mr..; and • ES.: iCinnehan, and :and./i/ts. 3a,ck..Meiver and Mr. -and • . .1Virs., -Thomas-Purcell: ,.' .'. ' ' '' .F•• ad' ile.,L.. , .. - .. ... .-. . .. . , . SEAFORTI1 coinlY01,203'.':uelrOre • ,with Mr. and. :Mrs. Peter Hick- .' ._., ,... . '''Mr.' and Mrs. .Pt , nItirray :and • r. •, ‘,,,,:,01,,Ris ..oildiEsTRA . : . ,Quaid. and Mr...and ' Mrs'• Gilbert children, "Iondorty, sp.ent' the :Weekz ' . • ' • ••• ,- ' ... '' • . , ., . . , . . . , . . .. . end with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Admission 75c .--,,Litneh providecL-. .SPonsored bY -Safortii. WOMen'S'' • ;-3 - Miss Agnes }Dolmen, Kitchener, ri ay, • , Institute Miss Beatrice Maloney, Water- loo, -with -Wilfred-Maloney, - - Jun 1 , gs on, _pent ,the 'weekend with Mr. arid ,Mrs. Frank HOCKEY GAME ensall vs. Winthrop SEAFORTH ARENA MONDAY NIGIIT ' February 9tb Added Attraetion: 131.001111)A Game. Rensall Flirts vs. Winthrop Skbie - at g:00 o'clock The JanuarY meeting of the Bar- bara Kirkman •Auxiliary„ of First Chin -ch' was, held at the 'home' of Mrs.- W. & Wright. • Mrs. Wright, president of the auxiliary, welcom- ed the 'members and opened the meeting'- with a•poem:, Following the opening hymn; sife.,•led-. in brayer:- .1 • Thenty-five members answered the roll call with a. verse of scrip- ture.'' After a short business ses.. sion, Mrs. 3 E. ,Patterson conduct- ed the devotional part -of the meet-: ing:. The scriptmrel.essonwas read by Mrs Har- old WIi,Y.ter'''.1tfitesrre°4 a rrandYerl.‘r .1irIVIs- rs7aWr-, A. W, rigli_t:nd Mrs. p‘,.. I.,..'Elcler, favored, the meeting with. a duet. • Speaker of ,the eVening was Rev. D. L. Elder, chooSing as' Ins -topic;' 'Mission Activity in-' the Early Church"Lunch wag' served by the com- enjeyed. • • - - mittee in charge, -and a sociatbetir 'MRS. AGNES BAIRD enter- , ed her 100th year on Friday when she obserVed her birth- day at -,the- homeof her son, • Thomas Baird., at Bruce- , field, Mrs.„Baird is in reaso,n- ably , good health'despite her years.- ' . EE . -- RKET SERVIC E. L. m"FicKirovidEetlagOsPorteNumiTSY.....-',..----0- Hensall, :Ontarie Beans -$6 3D Lpen_cwt pluStruck Wheat -:-'1.40 per ,bushel 0ats-62e per bushel.' Mixed -Grain ---60q per bushel: - Malt. iBurle:y-1-41.06 er .h_UShe eelB:rll-96r:bushel Pree.aes;bet to'ch a-lg Withoutloticee''- , , , Fast,Cotrtou;. Service Storage Fa-CiliHAvailable • Phone Hensall 103 , . , . ,Dqjtou'sWhite,Rose Service Station Gas Oil rease Stove Oil Anti -Freeze Batteries Confectionery IVIistellaneous Arc and Acetylene Welding -Why wait for your welding?.:Do it now -- our pa ro age un e appreciated MURRAY DALTON - Phone' 774 "The Man Who Knows - Bus White Rose" 0 plus Ihie to severe •*eather cOnditions- we hate eXtenaed the $2.00 perion • JanuarY Early' Delivery' Dikount to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14th , . , BUY YOUR FERTILIZER NOW andtake delivery before Feb. 14 and receive $2 per ion discount; p1us-5% for paying -Cash before March-1.4th onunekild7R-0-dirW7aiii7+1 Inqulre today d. t,:adn-,itAhave no eta:i EdDPjaees .,_SEEDd ,. seeding tune!' 144 per Bushel. 10 !mite "The Most :Value For the Farmer's Dollar" one 7 ,Seaforth