HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-02-06, Page 2Since 1800 ;5er'S.ing _the Com,munity First
Vublishect at PEAF'!()ATI-1, .ONT ART°, every l'hursday morning
" IVIcLean Bros., 'Publishers
AxiaRniv Y. 1V1cLEAX,,Editor
Canada, (in advance). $2.50 a Year
United States (in advance). $3.50 a -Year
Authorized as Second CIaas Mail, post °Like Departnient, Ottawa -
by Member of
Canadian Weekly
roRtEni ef-ccAvos
• EARs.
TONT.A.li,I9,.-FEiqRuARY, 6, 1959
No me Like Health Week For a Checkup
, .
Canadians on the whole enjoy a Mature death has won over our goad '
'pretty high standard of living. They intentions: '
have the wherewithal to inddlge in - This week, February 1st - 7th, is
-.most of their deSires. On this basis, National Health Week, We will see
—then it must -13e assumed that many ma,nrreferencesto-healthpromatian
of them just aren't interested in their sponsored by the Health League of
-health; because certainlythey don't Canada in ca -operation With. govern- .
bother to spend the money in order merit at various 4eve1s.
--ta_have a regular medical checkup, ,This is one "week". that has a per -
Perhaps it is because we are in somal meaning for evaiy Canadian.
credibly casua-1---,----orwou1dcateless4e-- ---Ona-way of observing it is for -ed-ch
a better word—aboutour health. of U.S,_.WhO has, not had a physical
Each- of us realizes that .regular ,examination within the past -six
physical cheekups are -desirable if months, to make' an appointment at
,LACTI.01.1.,i illness is to be prevented. But, once ''-and to arrange with our • doc-
we never get around to it.Tirst thing tor for further examiiii,Eqini-a-fsii
we know it is too late; illness or pre- month intervals thereafter.
• County. Public‘ty.
We agree wholelieartedlY.With ,-,-Manii-faCtiring; and processing car -
suggestion advanced by the Exeter ried On in 'Hiiran,--the county may be
Times -Advocate that. the Huron -zone able,ta attract similar plants - which.
of the Midwestern DeVelOPPlent balarice.the econOmy, We.
sociation could -do mueh to indicate,. think ,-Huron people - should know
the manufacturing capacity existing about their . awn industries; too,...anel. I
' in this county. The fact that substan- be encouraged'to support them.
tial industrial elements exist in. -.'wherever and whenever ' passible.".
of the county townsand villages is additional editorial corninent4ha:'
evidence to potential industry that Exeter paper congratulates Seafortli-
El.117011 has something of value to on the» opening of the new 'plant of
-ler it. ,' -Shoes-Shoes-Ltd. p.a,r_tictilar-' •
After listing a number of theelarg 'appreCiatathe, concluding .para-
er firraS that carry on successful , -'graPhin Times -Advocate
' eratiOns in the county, the Time- editor was ,kind" enough to say; -
Advocate has tlifiTta-Say!' - "We don't.1„ featilre:', ;of ;:the-apening , Was -a
ineau:to belittle . the -major :edition,..Published by our Con-
tainly most important industry, agti;-• temporary,.71.re....-KlireU_ 'Expositor,
culture, but rwe,feel that by.publiciz;- .which -a, .tc, the 6orinija;nyi
ing _the,.. successful ,operations 111 COITIIII1114-ty,7all 7 e. newspaper, _L.__
Do Too Many' Organizations Diain Leadership?
- -"Too-many-organizations is cry
we have heard for Some years now
and- the fact that-This`so is .going,..to
• start to have its 'pay-off": befOre
• many more years- pass by, the - St:
Marys Journal -Argus predicts. ,
'There are only so rnany. capable
leaders among every group of people
. and once these leaders have taken
their turns in the officeS. of the 'var.:.
- ious organizations tiler!are very few
left Who are capable of -shouldering
the responsibilities of •leadership.
The result is that the organization
starts to suffer, withers, and will ev-
entually have to 'fold up' unless neW
WA:a-61'81dr) can .be brought in, or ol
leadera are willing to take- over for a --
`second round'. -
"The pity of it all is that reallY
worthwhile organizations suffer be—
cause of this shortage ,of leadership,
and, municipalboards and councils,
suffer the most There is afgeneral
paucity of people Willing to fake Office .
_on the variouspublicboards and
°ujcils be ause so many people have
their 1 spar: timd all tied up
at executive jobs in organizations
which are -unproductive as far as
comunity welfare and .roggressc_a
concerned, -).'-the rusetre
• Ottawa, 28th Jamtary, 1959.
Editor, The Huron Expositor.
Dear Sir: it may be of interest
to you M.:know that during the -
month of•Decernber Canadian Post
Offices hanclled more than 500 mil-
lion -items of mail matter. Regular
post office staffs were augmented
by• more than 40,000 teinporarY
helpers, but without the widespread
, co-operation Of the public we would
hardly have been able to cope with
the airalanche of nail prior , to
Christmas. • 00 0
I -find that reports received, from
Postmasters throughout the, coun-
try almOst invariably comniented
•on the fact at 0 their local nem/sr,
papers rendered a potable
service ha stressing, through photo-
graphs and special articles, the
need for cooperation iximailing "
• 1 am therefore 1Vriting Specially'
-on-.behalf of the Postal Service of
Canada, to7express' to newspapers.
My 'appreciation of their efforts in
the public interest in making Our;
• citizens ,aware of the advantages
nfailing early
„ Yours aincerely, ,
. , •
• • G. A. BOYLE;., .•
. •
Deputy Postmaster
General; '
• A town' polieernan, liStEThiday,
explained. 'to ,lylayer Ernie Fishor,-
hOW a ear Was itoproPerly,, Parked,
pa• rking .tieket . should begivi
this , particular .Case;:'siriCe-Jt'.pro,
trtidedever the 'space allowed; and
business property "if the car -is
iinproperly parked; :by.. all means
Mit a :ticket On it," ilYlayar -Fisher '
.or Fisher a; few minutes later .
cane: to. get thecar he ..wasdriir-
ing he found,. a parkbig jlieket on it,
He.haS since paid. the Iiii.e.-4Gode-.
Need More P0
, ect!for,.1ii.ereased. spade in tbe
'hic• reaShigly ,pressing,, anct:the'l)e-
Pattnietit ,of ' .Works
taWa hasl• giv,en.theittaWn an:. "A",
„rating list, Of -municipalities
rieeding7bither--rieW �r 17eiaciVated.
Putt, Offices, --ThpnreSent-peatzof....-
Lee'. WaS,.I.Milt.i.a.the.early,..19.0(ra.
and, has: not- the, Capacity ' to 'aprie;
preperly:' : .Acceding:
Ballirpoatinastet,"-there is tte,ed for,
At present there - are 00 lotk.broxes
for the Use- of the public.. ,There
:are over lOp Teeple :receivthg•. mail
threngli 'general delivery:. A: total
of 20Q. is eonSidercie,t-a large gen.-
,04.1 demj_er :hi' Most'Pnst Offices.
are 'as. ::'inany
TaS.:'three -families uSitig,the Same.
'POP .,around ;the
house, things .are liable' to tiiin 'Op
hi. the most unlikely places: 'In this
.donnection,.".,Bert Worsen hAS
story to, tell ;about his nine-year
Son;Robertand the 'five-month
'old pup which was- Acquired by: the.
• •
household '' a •'-whie' ago • Seems' 't
WaS'..ear-iii.speetion- time and -Bob:
ert'S,"rnother, Was checking .to make,
'stire- there ' no ..waX,H'•.Neither ,
aim's ear. Aiocaidoctorwas
ed 'and he.' ieirieVed :the: Objeet.'It
Was saya. ; of, the. -PuP's;
baby teetii-7*Ilichniitat7haVe.cirop,'
ped in the boy's ear during
ift.th seliffle ,witlii'-the,:•family,; Pet,
IRobert ,:.hadn't,0 Con-Li:dallied; he
eVen hnOW. , it Was , there
,Dad 0'CoinMents'PhilosophiCally
"Well, yoii couldn't say he didn't'
have.A'..toothin his head."-LGode-
• Iiipies Fox With ShoVel:.
", Another -grini-iWarningebent
rabies epidemic • .cane ,! Tuesday
-4tfaZit-ed7 a Mart ."•On- a ,
Biddilph-township -read . as .ehildren.
were • coining • home .,frem_ school.,
Wesley ,Callcott ' MberSevilie•'0 gen-
eral stare owner,. Warded off the
el, :finally_ subdued it after7,-a i!ight•
lasting seVeral'. rithiuteS, • "It-, was
the -m�st horrible experience I'Ve:
ever...,hart'.E.'11.6 ;•,The hanirnak•-
lept four And , five feet off .• the:
'several Aniles, away: The general.
,store • Manager was making liiae'gg
rroute When-he.0 eathe'opon the ani-,
trial ' approximately • three- • • miles
northeastof Mooresville.Eluid was
runiiing from'•its
ithat children °were -on ' their „way,
:home from •schoolfhe 'tried to rain
down. --the .fox with his truck, -but,
failed. • Taking his shovel which he
kept in the .front:seat .he • get • out..
of the car and the fox attacked:
arb faimer,Earl Greenlee,.
shot the fox .after • Callbott.had
jured it to the extent_ tha.
[couldn't get ili).--ExtOis
'vocaleo • ,• •• 1
. •
its mAsrms CONTROL
A...ecordirig to. the Ontario:Ye-ter-
inarY: -College - fiiffire'PrOgresS in
the control •mastitis in. dairy
cattle' Will: ilependUPOn .the
cation of: known: disease ,Control
Measures. Treatinent, only .-pat he
ot-s-olL alitreITS.°111111T.Th-
in educating the dairyinan
. , . -
era ..interested in milk, production.
The_veterinaria „muslie......coneern...
ed about his 'responsibilities in the
ler7niilkati61. r O -
arY,C011ege :recommend . good :herd.,
Cediire, NeterinaryAiagitosis' When
the :disease appears ,and!'yeterin-
arY, treatment of itifeetedfeasea to
oontixi.F.•,!MaStitis dairy- °herds.
When .these four Principle's areut-,,
iliied with close co,opei•atiOn• be-
tween 'the herd "Owner and his.'.vet;
eririariAn the:huge annuat•expendi
turd for, drugs . and the 'leases , due
to mastitis will ,be. dra.stiCally rer
- -Arrangements-are now being
made in Ontario counties and dis-
tricts for-the-carr3dng _out ,of the_
province -wide Farm Accident Sur-
vey, reports R. Hilliard, direc-
tor of the Extension Branch, On-
tario 'Department of Agriculture.
7' The. surVey, under the stipervi-
sion of the Extension...Branch, will
formally get -under way on 1Vlarch
1, 1959. It will atteinpt 'te-cleter-
mine the ciuses,, typeS, extent and
cost of _farm accidents, in Ontario;
and to disclose the -farm accident
picture --for, each -coinity_anddin
trict The survey wi.11 Conclud,e on
• February 29, 1960.
'Just ag,improved farming one.
flees are the result of scientific re-
search applied to actual farining
conditions, .so can a sound ,farin
safety program result only' from
research On actual farm acci-
dents," states the Extension
BranchDirector. "Once the re-
search is completed, farm safety
programs can then be devised
whieh are based on actual fartn.;-
ing conditions" 0 -
IfiltelY-7;000-Ontari farm people
It,' is estimated 41at approxi -
have agreed to act -a farm acci-
dent reporters in the survey, They
ask the co-operation ••of their neigh-
bors in order that they •ir1a3r re-
cord all -accidents occurring on On-
tario farms over the one-year per-
• "ThiS spontaneous co-operation
of Ontario farm people and farm
organizations in' carrying out this
survey is very ,encouraging," says
Mr: Hilliard. 'It shows that the
• farm people are just as earnest as
the Ontario Department •of Agri-
culture .that something • be . done
about the farm -accident- problem.
I know Ontario farm, people will
0 -operate in ,stipp.Iying the neces-
sary aecident Mformatioxi to make
this survey worthwhile." • -,
Why grieve because allyour
beautiful dreams didn't come true?
Neither did your nightmares.
You ve-the ePPertunitif
to invest, your money ,safely
so it will earn
in -a -British -Mortgage Certifleatt%
To inveet'— just mail your cheqUe, British Mortgage does the rest.
Don't delay —, interest begins the day you invest,
Founded in 1877
• Fiona The Huron Expositor
- -February 9, 1934
O Fire -destroyed the beautiful stone
farm home of Mr, and Mrs: Joe
Sanderson, Gorrie, on Wednesday
due to the stove pipe i catching
fire and falling on a bed.
At the meeting of Carnegie Lib-
rary Board on WednesdaY Wililam
Ha.rtry was again elected presi-
dent and John Finlaysons secre-
Thomas Sole, one of the oldest
members of the Toronto Chib
Printing House Craftsmen, was
made honorary, president of the
club at a recent meeting, Mr.
Soole was a graduate of The Ex-
positor office a good many years
Dr. W., D. Swan, medieal officer
of the Medical Canadian Naval
Volunteer Reserve, Hamilton, has
been promoted to Surgeon Lieuten-
ant Commander-, the third- medical
officer.in the Reserve iri Canada to
receive this rank. Dr., wan is an
only son of James Swan, ,Bruce -
field. . ' • '
Miss ,JesSie-Grainge*.inatrin00
t of
the Ctuiton Hospital, ,was guest
this week at the home of Mi. and
Mrs W A. Wright.
Miss .Margaret -Armstrong spent
the weekend in London. ,
*Miss Mabel Turnbull, Miss Jean
Sinith and- Miss Margaret Grieve
Motored to Toronto and spent the
weekend and alio attended the
Huron Old Boys,' At -Home on Fri-
day: evening, •
• § §
From..The Aaron EXpoSitor,
- February Si i909.
Mr. George Turner, BrUcefield,
sailed for, -the 0Icl Country by the
Steamer Corsican. He expects to
be gone several months.. ,
On Friday last Mr. John Bands.
drove into the village a Constance
and tied „his horse in the church
ahed. It broke loose and came in
contact with. a ,poStand badly de-
molished thebuggy. •
Mr, 'Sohn. McKenzie had. the infsa
forturte o lxip and fall, breaking a
SMEd1 • bone in' hit . ankle,. whlle
practising hoeitcy in the . rank re.
willianu,,Hays, son of Mr. T,
O Interesting items gleanedfrom
The [Huron Expositor of 25, 50
and 75 years ago.' .
. -
E. Flays, left on. Wedneaday for
New York, where he will tuidergo
instruction -in voice culture,
Mrs, John Devereaux, Sr., of the
Huron] Road East, had the misfk-•
time to sprain her aakle one day
Mr. P. Scott, of Brussels; was
visiting friends in town the fore
part of the week,
?riot to leaving to take tfie man-
agement of the Dominion tank at
Guelph, Mr..,A. R. Sampson, form-
erly of Seaforth, • was preseoted
,with a gold watch,
Mayor McCallum, Seaforth, is.
confined, to his home through' ill-,
ry W. B. T. SMILEY
They're at it again. Every few
years, after a happy, peaceful per-
iod of damning the Yanks, berating
the British, scoffing at theFreneh,
and 'being leery of- the Russians,
'the people of Canada turn and rend
themselves with the savage tender;
ness of a dog- attacking his 'ovvn
§ § •
O om The Huron Expositor
• February 8, 1&34
_ ,
'Mr. Wilhant Hall weighed two
steers on Monday which -tipped the
beam at 2,020 pounds,_and a 'heifer
which7weighed-9-4-0-' pounds. The-
steeri will not be two years old
OnY 1Iast •weak- while Mr
John Stephensoli,of Clinton, was
at work on his new house•On. Hur-
on Street, he slippedfrom the seaf-
folding to the ground, and was_ ser-
1°'uslYWe b
Aeaging to 'John McLeod,
of near Goderich, gave birth to a
lamb on the 19th of January, and
in spite of the old weather, it is
-doing '
A very sad accident proved fatal
to "Witham Brownette, eldest son
of•Mr. George trcrwnette,.., of the
Goshen Line, Stanley. The- yborig
11 man was, ill. the bush chopping
down „trees, and while felling a
tree it -lodged against -another -and
-flew back and Struck 'hini in the
fiee- and knocked, lain?. 'senaeless.
A little girl was nearly strangled
the other day in trying to get a
sleigh ride. Her scarf caught on
the sleigh and she fell off immatic-
ed by the driver, and when dis-
covered was .nearly chocked. ,
On Stinday a horse became
frightened at the Salvation Min
• and bolting, upset ,the Otte,
throwing the occupants out No
setiOns damage:,Was„ clone,
Mlle Mrs. "'Arens, Stanley, Was
going M her SOWS: hett.se the other
• day, • she stepped into a hole and
fracttired her ankle,
• § §
It's always the -same, Some edi-
torial writer,. aware that the "let-
ters -to -the -editor" column has been
growing- dull of late, sends up a
trial balloon about a distinctive
Canadian flag,- Oh,ohe doesn't. have
to Commit either himself or his'
paper. He merely "demands that
the government stop shilly-shally-
ing with this vital matter, which
has been-clillied--and dallied -with
for years.
That does it. The horse is no
sooner out of the barn than good,
soli&Canadians flock in their leg -
inns, to lock the door or _yank` it
off the- hinges: For the -next -six
months, letters to the editor will be
couched in the most belligerent
terms; and signed, variously:
"Throw off the Yoke", or "There'll
Alvvays he an England", or "Lers
Grow Up" br "ILE. Loyalist" or
"Down with Popery" or "The Un-
-ion- Jack Forever".
In fact those letters will COP-
taiit such a rich, heady -mixture of,
the loyal, the heretical,the stand -
fat, the railicalc the true-blue and
the red revolutionary, that our edi-
torial friend Will be kept in a
continual state of chortling good
§ §
Well, they're.•not getting me into
_if _this lime. E,our or five years
ago, during:the
took a stand and declared myself
_for • Canadian flag, In -fact,
I went so fares to outline a dis-
tinctive design_that. ;would s. have
made our -flag- stand out "anywhere.
• ,I've forgOten some of the de-
tails, but the general-. outline,' was
somethhig• like this. in the. mid-
dle, a parole "pig, representing tile
dignified prosperity- of7the Cana-
dian people, rampant on a field ,of
rye '"(Canadian. Club, of . course),
Yi'lctothutha.a.',Okan.agan apple his
"§ §
The hag, the rye and, the apple,
you. see, would cover Ontario, the
PakieProyhices and B.C. To
pacify - Citiebec, we'd put- in -one
corner an .illustration of Rocket
-Riehard--jugghng two..cansof_Hab - urn
tent ,pea soup. In • the -opposite-
corner, we'd have. to ,lurnp the-.
Maritimes and Newfie by a 'figare-
stowing a cod- crossed with Joey:
SmallWood. • -
There were- .a fe.w, other little"
touches. • I think I. Suggested a'
Miniattire ' Jolly ,Roger with a cou-: ,
pie of sections of PiPeline sulbstit -
„tilted for the crossbones.. And, oh.
:yes, the 'entire' flag would be •out-
lined' with cutout figures; in scar- ••,
let, of the Mounties oineir
musical ride, .
Now that, in my opinion; would.
have' been a truly distinctive, thor-
oughly Canadian flag not one of ,
`these morphodytic
that tries to ease the ego of every
immigrant • who ever stumbled,
ashore, seasick, ,in the , true north'
strong . and free. There, wouldn't,
ben another like it in the world., •
of_ courseLl.
that my unique 'design, so „clean-
caf'and vivid, ,so representational,.
• Wonld ever " survive the stuffy
sentimentality,. t e nationalistic'
narrowneas, that prevails-
taiva. rdid learn, •froin- a friend
there, that it electrified the core,7„,_
rnittee-in eharge Of selecting -
-,design_for:a_new_Lflagj_,At least .r -
think that's the word he used.
;I- must adm# I was a :bit.
hart that my design wasn't evert
acknowledged., Unless, of course,.
you want to count that letter from.
;the Minister, of Infernal Affa#s„
offering the job _of Canadian
postmaster at Tierrn-Der -Fudge::
,That was. So Obviously 'n ---case of a
scared government- trying'to
a brilliant- •inind that I treater:1'1f,',
have lived on thc,salary- _
"any_way, as I...learned, wheil I wrote,.
§ § • ----
No sir, they're not gettim,r-- me
info any maudlin argument' about--
a Canadian flag. I riiiisr -admit
rin-- a bit faseinated, ,though., by _
the prospect of a-distinetiVe Cana-
dian national anthern ,
An • organization called the Na-
tive Sons (.ebvionslY, a terroristic
group of Indian origin) fs, boosting
for our ' natter -fa) anthem, that 'old: • ,
Iroquois . drinking song,. "0 'Ka
•Nufidith": ,13ut I lean, myself, to-,
ward- that • grand old, Canadian.
song, "The May •I'ull Lee'". What,
you don't know the words? Non--
sense,--every--=sehool--child knows-
them, ":rhe IVIay 'Pull Lee, Fourern
-own of Son o
To facilitate snoW removal No Parking o
the Streets of this IVInnicipality will be allow-
ed between the hours of 2Lm. and 8 am.
This order Willbe strictly enforced in accord-
ance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section
43, Subsection -9.
• Municipality win not be responsiblelor any
damages caused to 0 parked" vehicles as the
-result of snow reinOval operations.
Clerk, Town of Seatorth
Its Regal appearance initches its fine per-
-formance --. • . 30 Inches wide. Bik
lighted oven. with Cooking :chart., deluxe-
bioiler drawer, flouresent top 'lighting
con Any Electric Range
'MUM Phone