HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-30, Page 4• USE :MESE. VLASSIVICATIONS' • . TO 'YOUR. ADVANITAGE TilE MYRON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH, .OIT., JAN. 30 1959 'Ociknjpg ; Events . 2.. toot: ' 8'-rPP.T4' ; 4- HOP *Anted Busies --OPPOrtunities . Te.actiers Wanted - SatiMis Wanted 1. !Steck f.'„or 9.' .31on1try For Sale, " • 10. '14Pc1 , Cars For Sale 11. Artisi4 For 12; Wanted' TO BUY 13. Wanted . • 1 14'r. Fo 15:.Propertir For Aga 16. Fon' Sale or Rent ,; '17. Wanted TO Rent ' 18. Property Wanted 19.' ,'Afietion Sales • 21 Tenders ;Wanted ,' 22- 'Legal Notices 23, ,Carde. of Thanks 24. In...Memoriam, gs. . Personals The cost is low: ClasSiecationa 2, 3, 9,, 9, 19, 11 1.3, Is. 15;. 95 cents an. lasertiOn. All other 'claasi- cations, mininnim 50 centspeeinsertion, except Autions Sales (20), 'Teaders,liVarit- ed (21)". and Legal ,Notices (22), rat,es .ea app4eation. 1 Coining RVOkti‘.. - vAL.ENTIN-E- ed Church: Thursday, Febrilary 12, 1959. Come. and enjoy; .a hot roast _beef. meal: ' • "7146;2 15.:Prol)erty For 'tent Al'Axam&NT 'rent •immedi:AtelY- ORVIT.14" ORE. Phone 1760-11, „Seafortb.. 15-434f , ' TWO-BEDROOM," heated apartment on East William. Street,' near new shoe fee - tory, Available. .january 27. ROBERT D. SCOTT.... Pliona 250. • *464 9. Notices PAPERHANGING,' Phinting See , our, 1959 ivallpapers. DOUG -DALTON. Phone 261-W,, • Seaforth: • ' " „1947-1. . • . . ARAPIO REPAIRS' -; 'For •16lxi61 lla TERRF'S nAmo sEnylOg,' oppbsite,j,p)iek: House, Seaforth. 'Phone 19484f , compLETE .'LlkIINDETERIA in - Sea - forth and 'district and Dry Cleaning 'Ser.. ' WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth„, Itg.ght for l3rady Cleanera & Ledndeteria Ltd.,, Exeter. 19-434f - WE WILL CITS130111 KILL ' tOu.rchicken.. or fowl. and prepare it .for vOur "locker :or •homo-free,zer,,,, 'Phone for. CARD PARTY and Dance, Lcindesboro Hall: Norris Grcheitra. Sponsor: Hal- lett Federation. 'Cards, ,8:30 p.ni; Lunch counter in hall. . 147-1 • THE ANNUAL MEETING of The Chil-. Iran's Aid SoCieti of Huron County Will ,., be held at Court House; Goderich. Ontario,. on Wednesday, February llth, at '2.30 cordially invited: • , Prices'. alid:Uppointnierst, •• ; • • , .SIDVESCREST. P1:31-HWY-FARM-, CASH':PRICES Paid in surrounding, district . for :dead, old, 'sick 'or disabled horses' and cattle. Old hOrses. for slaughter at 5c per pound.; • For . pronapt,, sanitary, disposal, 24-hour A SERIES of prenatal' creases' will be. . g.inTuesday. Eebraary • in the...Health Unit Oce, ,..seconsi floor,' sititc memorial ne-s-Ntat 'Tse 'wfll b4 held :at weekly hater -vale 'for.-ttine ;Weeks.:, Those interested Ad ptitelid s the-Ertiotp- date:Or "phOne. the Public' Health, ." Nurse t 295-w' betimsa: 6:00 .pM. .,'"'"and800 ., 1471 - 4. Help `Wanted 'GIRL REQUIRED for general house. work -far one month,: beginning February 16. PHONE 2, Dublin. ••, 4-474 GIRL OR WOMAN for - ,full , or, .part - tithe general housework. ,.. Apply, Bois '800, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. . -4 • 110.7 WANTED for Ravrleigh busineiss. Sell to- 1500 families. Write today RAW - LEIGH'S, Dept, 4-368=SA, 4005 RiChelieu, Montreal. I 4-47-1 'F'hone LEROY, ACHES9N •.Township' of Tuckersn?ith. .- Ratepayers:end' pf,••' the. TersViiShip of :rPaCkeisniitla .r4questeit„; by,theOoipciJ, to itotmi.r.k: care •Cia..tawn." :ship. reeds -and ;.,istreeta.'.. td :facilitate • erib.9 3 . . , • .Q0,tincil Will ;not be. responsible. for dare- akea.„...M.. any.: vehicles parked On roads.' or 'ruckerstrilth. . ATTLE 'BREEDING• 'ASSOCIATION: „ . -Where. Better" Bulls' Are Used". ' ATTRACTIVE- ;OFFER for. Career , „ . , high-class .cOsmetics. Write DCR.,...._AT.D.TNA SuPply , artificial breeding service- for 'COSMETICS CO.: P.O. Boa 8,, Station C, all ,breeds of cattle. 11. phoning -long disc Montre4 or MRS. E. HEYWOOD. Box lance, simplY ask ; for f . Clinton "Zenith . 443, Winghara, Ont Phone. a' ball call„ usec.-.2our- niamber: Cliitoii" 'HU.- 2:3441'.'„'ThF• LARGE United • States, Ana', 'Canadian tween.: 7;130' ancl' /0:00 a.m. "-week days,' 'Manufacturing Company requires District 600 and 8:00 p.m. 'Saturday,' e'venixv.,,, , Managers in Hullett and mgcurop Tow/17 'For cows noticed 'in -heat ,on 'Sunday morn - ships. Porceptionally -high earnings. 'Guar-. 10g;' do hot ean until Monday . morning:. anteed repeat buainese. Automobile' essen- The quality is' high . and -the cost'16,*„. tial. Agricultural or farming backg-rotind , • . , • . ,f9.4 . most, important. -Sales training, Rents.' tb BOX, $4, London, Ontaxio. • - • 441-7, 5. Business Opportunities DCING ESTABLISHED livestOcit truc".k ing Misiness for •sale. l'.C:V., elute. Equipmsni includes 3. -toil strike , body, Fargo truck an,d a barn 26X50. Will sell separately. For 'more information, contael, W., P 'Phone; •• Auction Sales _ UCTION SALE Aneltion S61e .of Dairy -Cattle at Lot 5, -COnCesSion`' ,,EtarileY Miles °Mirth Mid.144.,„iveSt of-.KisMen; on TCES-. REBRUAEY.,;10tii,-,"at. • ,ratiging-,'"frdoi""ti" • - Heir at foot • reananider due in . ebruary Fantin Stock ..yo,r Saie ' FOURTEEN P105 stir Week:v-01r°' AP- • ply OSCAR TEBBIITT, Seaforth. Ii47x1 A GOOD. • sraorto bunch "of York chunkti-for- winter. ..,A. R....D.OHDB, Phone Seaferth 861 r 14e' 8-47-1 BELL BRED Cheviot. sbearling- ram, , large type, for sale, or would prefer to exchange for a Suffolk ram:- JOHN ' PERRIE; R.E. 3, Brussels. - • 846,i2, • 10.. Used cars -Tor Sale. 1952' CHEV. half -ton .tuck: also 1 colt. Apply to. HAROLD PECE, RR. No. 1, Zurich.. 10-47X1 Ar#Cles. FOr S -ale TEeltita PUPS ,for' 224-11, Seafortb.. . •. .11.47x/ — . ' COMBINATION freezer 'and ' refrigera- tor. good as new.- DUBLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, 'Dublin. 11-464 ONE "SET of heavy- duty tractor" tire chains will St AID to 1540, Can•he Seen at ZILER & ',MOTT'S 'WELDINGr-sgop,. Egintindville. • ' ' • - 11-47X1. USED 17 and 214nch TV sets, in good condition: .-used refrigerators': used drier and 10 reconditioned used washer. „BOX • FURNITURE, Seaforth. 11-46-2, COMBINATION trial, wood and electric range: -combination ctsal. Wood and grier range. DUBLIN =crate. "%One 'TO r. 2. • 1146-2 1)/tATIST'.' " can in; Liman RYDALL BRIOE AND ,,,TILE LTD- ELGINFIELD, oNTAme youLTET EQMPMENT--:4 oil. bullies: 2 electric brooders; 12 feeders, hanging • fr vniteters. , This -equipment - Was 1. 'only used for one. season. Appy' , RYAN, Dublin, 40 r• 4. ,11474 MAGIC MARRERS-tililstant terprOot write on inV srdrftreeir just Mill off cap and 111100- Marker ' is ready' to nee. Refilla available. Nine Colors . THE HURON EXPOS/TOE. ' MAN'S. WINTER, 00.142,, size 44, ,tan • plush ' cellar; train's overshoee, size ,caehmere, hiack ; cheaterteld and 'ane. chair, wipe color, almost new; chemical toilet and outside toilet;:, triinntitY of 'Ceder. APPII" to 'JOH RIL,IFF,.slt.R. I, Clinton. Phorie Seaforth 841,.r 3, 11.444 vraNTILATIXO aye:hints for barna rind prinitry houses." A side wall fan ItiVa eeoniunical ventilation, prolongs the • life of your building and improves the health of ymit ate*: For 'otirhatee see SHARrS. •KAINT.ENANCE SERVICE: 'Merle, Ses fottitt 851 r 5. • 11.4'9t3 rah, LOW-Pit:WEDhigh oualitY'Ne, Idea Manulo re adhrs, engineered to At Popular' Makes, Of Aractots:Otie of manure "N011 he given .nwtY-4,ree-*Itb.-the-7purelisuie- of 41. heiV- traettir 'at GOnnolkt Men,AviS.:& '51)10, waisom„ Otto your, NtifBehi, Nero moan& • Nair, /atm and CoeItatiutil• Earris'Euulamerm nevitsra.. 2. Wanted 'To Buy E -Aim, 6 to 50 acr"eit, holite arid barn. CloSe to town,, on a highway. AP* to MRS. VAN vtrOnt, Bit, 1, • Settfetel., Telephone 940: r 22. ' 147*2 Ift4n2a1 -omit ?niers ism(' for 41t*ai mid, disabled firm anirnals, •ProraPt rtersots ,c4illect10t • of all 'dead.and d gabled farm anl bides: Call Collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, ,Sea - form, Associated witli-PArhti8 2 ole., of coxiid.4 Ltd; ."12-43,tf rind knich. :411 'Vac ci'neted. , 'Sale wil/, he held Under- coer. "" "FrOpi-ieter; `ALEX: McBEA:1-1•1". ; Auctioneer, 'Flarold Jackson,. AUCTION SALE • ... • . Auction Sale ,Ur,d 'Farms Stock at Dot 16; Concessien• 13, McKillop Town, ship, on: WEDNESDAY,'"IPPETTARY 4th, .at, 'I pan:, 2,1/4". milek:sputir and 21/4- east of,. Walton-, or. ,8 Milea,north of Seaforth, and...24(2, „eastr.. . - ; • :CATIDE41Registered, 'fully • aecredit- ed, Ayrshire coWs, . fresh and springing.; 27; .whiterfaied feeder.' cattle; , steers,' and liei5 , calves,: good Registered Ayr shire lierd sire; rising 2 yhars old.',. obrinksr, about .80 .peunds: ' Electric 'roller and 2. ILP: motor; „ FARIVIr-50,acre,farrri, Part Leta 11 -aad 12 McXilldp TeWriahisr; 20 'acres . Work- able' land.'rehrrainder bush' land, 1 ., , • . TERIVIS-Ohattels, caSh. - PropertY, 7.0!'70 bo,aliinee • 39 days. ,' PPrietor,1: GLEN 'McNICHOL''. ' • Auctioneer,'. Harold "Jackson • , Clerk, H, T, ehegno. , 20,44 2 ards' of Thanks " A ;malt SINCERE thank yen to, school bus mates on Bu4,18„ Your; kiridness and sympathy at the Airrie of raw sudden be- teavemenin wad deeplY appreciated, 30-414 • HAMILTON FAMILY. • 41`"111B-FAMIIX of' the late ,Helen. Grace Traquaii. wish to'. extend their ;,hes.rtfelt thanka- 'and apprecia-timi to all those' who -helped in an way during theft' recent' sad bereavement, . • ,• 22,47-1 1 1,7.134 t-0,extelld myterieete thanka "to all who •vindly remembered ree with greetirlt`die end" Rowers' .Wliffel was a Patient in' Chatham General HosPital and at 'any bowie; • . • 2347X1 *, Dotigt,As BEYS MRS.- T. memignAEL,Evelyn,. Mr...and Mrs, Robert McMichael" and ”.51r, and. Mrs. Williant 1, Da/e -wish to thank their friends for the many acts of ,kindness and' messages '.01 , sYmPatilY received duriag their •recent 'bereavement, ..„ WISH to, thank my friends and neigh., hors for visits', cards and &cats while patient in Seaf Orth VaSPits:1,. SPecial thanks to nrady and Iturse Elliott and the hoepital Staff.. • - 28-47x1 MRS. INGS, Varna MR. Ett..., PRY= 'would like' at this tithe 10exPireas tharilicto all ,those who visited him sent.I1OWert, treats and' cards While a patient An Victoria - 'dart. Many thaiilts -to. Dr. ,Brady, Rr Malkuso arid all who helped in any BV&Ythihat wb„g. deergy.anr.reOat,ed, • . .• ' 2.34'r-1 2T. .ersOnals'. y-, PlYGIENIO'RUPPLIES I/lubber Goods), mailed pilstpaid in plain sealed envelope With Price list.6 sanalileI 25e; 24 sam- ples 51.00, Order Dept, T-78, EoVA enenEat ,CO:, Brix 91, Hamilton. Parson Webster,Phoned.the board of:health- to ask that a dead mule be retrieved froin in front of Ills house, ' The yOung clerk who arise/bred thought he'd be ,smart., -` thought you ministers took care 6f the dead," he remarked. , • "We do," anSweret1 the parson, "but first tve get in, touch with their relatives!" g • THAT ktbs-r VqAs A , CHOOOLATE%-lill)GH' UPSIDEDOWN CR Arsil `CAKE:1 WON A -r TI -IE CHURCH BAZAAR. . . .F,orrest,', en th Brantfor n a : Hospital; 4eekeridwith,' ter:: parentS;::Mr. 'and Mrs: Wiiham IVIfs,:,,liarol-C1011-at -Was -hOstess „ . 'at her bbnie-TuesdaY.fpt thenieet- ing 'of. the Kiriette: ;Chili. •The.inotiori•-to.. buy' chairs .for the arena., ,Wa s,: down,. by" .the T. Kinsmen Club,- The: raffle WaS...Won '.bY.,.-MrS,;-;.,B6.1i' Baker,- Jr; The • next -Meeting:is .to take the ,forni:df".,a: ride,party, witlythe husbands:, -.". IVIrs.7,,'August Peterson,, :been .spending'- the paSt.Weeks..With, .her, 'sister'''. :arid broth er-indaW,.,f,Mr.. andIVIrs Q. L. Jthks,., has7.returned •to her hex -nein Rapid S.D.S. , . _ Winners,' •:Birigo.4inners at Ithe:Legicirr Sat- tirday. nighti,,,were:;1:11/1iS: . JohnStMi, „. Norm an, ...B.aird.; ,,,,B rue& (.4 );'". Sharon. •'Sn7ale, Ruth Snide: .(tied)'; Shaken' Srriale;..MiS... lstrit Peoiole ttend Rally :Fivehundredand seventy attend-, main ."Bible diSeourse:, ,Elitira•'.:DiStrict' High -School naaxing „a.:-three-clay,,.cenferenee Of 'WitneSseS. -'' Delegates from 'Seaprth 'and; district ;gath-1 era. - with -,,reniesentatives.:, from,: ;e:',,ht.,„Congregatiptis,' for 'a,:prograni of discourses and pr ctical, dem-4" onStrations to aid' them "to. become, better ministers a their- . 26.;.• , elIA-ABERS---At: St, JoSeph's HosPital. London.; on.' 3 a.rmarY .26: -to .Mn. and. Mrs., Raymond'Chambers,. London, ti .00n. , CONSITT„--Ray an,d- Coasitt, • "...;v KipPen, wish :to announce the .ar-. ; rival . of their daughter, Debra Marie, on 'January 23, at • Cliriten.•Public, Hes- "D4IG-s,At Seett " 3.anuary.;•23, toMr. 5pa.ivri-5. Ken ,Doig; . ;Seaforth... a sOn:;;,., Wellesley Hospital,. Toronto, Mar.gatrite and . Ronald- Evans; a' .dausrliter; .Sister .for .Craig,, parriela. and 'OODI<IN-g;At Scott' Mernorial„Hosipital, on ..•..larintiry '22, 'to Mr. and-, NiZ41. • GodkiT•gn_. R.R. -2.' Walton.' a....„4„aught-er: ii71, 'onooW-.:At scow , mihsoffirE7i::, .•.-i-alt; 00. a'atruirsi 26... tO Mr , And ,32xii.• Gertit •Gxesottitiis, Seafortli, a.'dmighter. STOREY.-cAt ;Scott Meniorial JanuaiY-..?_7,_-.ti,_Mr, • and ..Mrs....E014.m;s1: ,ti ---daughter,„ -,„„rnArvEra---„.At scat. -111.emoxal . January. 27„ te Mr,- and "TWIllirun Trapnell,. Seaforth," seri. Introduting . . tog This Ditiic The Brother • Sevvin oc 1,110 • . - Advanced 'Degree- Master • • :..•Of -Setvitit!' GiThianteed Gdod lionsekeeping 11,1 a ga erei. Service Bureau, .of Parents Magazine: „ Carries .25:year guarantee; with- , parts -available at any" /Eine.", "'CHOOSE .111E SELECTA mmic at only '$259.50 IVIakei dozens: of automatic stitch- es with just the turn ole dial; has arm for darning and mending. The -Amazing Beautiful Streandhie STRAIGHT IVIACHINE with Greist Decorative Stitch Attaehinent it$130.50 • Get one of these. GreiSt'Decorative Stitch Attachments 'for your 'Spring sewing- Fits any rnachme and sells - at '$11.60. See these Machines and Grist Attachments at Flora lieelscher's Dressmaking Silo St- George Street Seaforth One blonk 'east of, the Library,. or .eill'ad7.-W int home denionstration, .'...ikamoiproviorii,01111i1119010,111000mi, ' Dpitg,,ToneBrueefield;. Mrs.- Clar- ence..Reid,-.'Ilensall;. Mr. S'vvartzen- trobe3,-Exeter,_(2),; Mrs:.A. Foster-, HenSall Mrs.. Norman Baird;';Mrs.' Wes :"Venner (tied). Special, 'Mrs: Robert trakTI.,-,-,11-Ckpot 'this Sat- urday will be '1:;vorth. $106.00 ,in .57, .Calls. ' ' • KIPPEN . Mr ,:, and Mri. Alf Moffatt 'left, London ;SnndaY by bus :for ar.:trin Son, William-; -threes .'danghters. IVIri and ;Mrs.„Mobainura,- 'Rini and • Linda' Spent .the 'Weekend. in Oakville Visiting' the. fornier's.:Par- ents, 'Mr. 'and Mrs. ,1Vieternura, Sr. • Mrs: Williain_Winder, :who :haS been ;a patientin SouthHuron. Hos-, pital,”- Exeter,. :for, two weeks, 2're-' turned' herne on. Saturday. "Mr. LleYd , and Idiss -Ella ;Dow- day,brother and sister4n- lavv,, Mr." and Mrs, EISton Dowson. Mr: and -,D9Wson spent Tuesday afternoon in London.: , , dviseOn Use:. O.f insUiation - What' are seine :.:Of. the point i to keep in mind, when considering the Insulation .of teria-I- one Amportan , factor, Thiekn any 'building?ess of'the ,the insidating ,stateS _Tref. _F.,...'H._.Theakston, _ partnient of, Engineering 'Science, Ofitario -Agricultural' College."Oth- er 7 .qualities being equ.al; the thiek, er--thematerial the better is -the insulating Location of the material -is a.fac:, ter 'also, Sinte, Mote heat tries 't6: escape through the ceiling 'than the insulation thicknesS' ,at the top ef. any room shbulti. be. greater than that- on the walls: To increase'the insulating-„pro- e• rty of material,:.a ,."vapour 'har- rier” IS :often. used. It .is alWays. - placed Ori ::lliewarin side of a'ai1r or ceiling. IVO, exarnple,', in dairy, • rifr'aii. PbultrY: hpuseS, ,where there is .warm, .ntOistiire-laden air .inside,,thebatrier,Wthild be placed. agairistIlieinSide-Ofthe insulation mtriaI, in cold ';.storages or deep=-; :freeze: iMits,I.VirlierEthaLwarnt is the' ontSide,' th yapaut b4r#gr. Would be Pleeed.' %outside ..,of 'the: wall:: There: are - a number . of tYpes- of insulation material.„ There are batt'tYpes- which, come in, standard sizes. to fit in between .8tudsanst: joists'. :There., islooSeAnstletiori. Whieh Can'be"pOUreeP-or;b1OWri into spec:es:in the wall', btit this has a. ten'dency to ' settle:after a period of tithe thus- thiest(Ot give Uni- form results, Reflective iiistdation„ is another, type; arid; works ,on.;the principle' of, irefleetingl.heat..-beek. 'into the rooln; . The proper insidatien of ,all buiid ings ott the- farm; which hOuseani4r, inals,..poultrY.,or pee* can ,be very ''sound .inveStinent'hoth from a production ,'point 'and a heat-laVing rinciple. ct (This , is the: first in a series of four, artieles--by. Gordon MeGavin;- of Walton. Mr. IdeGayin accoin- parried' Canadian Plowmen to Ger- -inahY), ' • The. Canadian team' conmetingin the World; Plowing Match Stutt- gart, 'Germany, assembled in To- rehto at noon on. SePtenlber A farewell patty. With' AleX. • McKinney of the .World'S Qr- ganizatkrn as :master ofceremon.- .TeSTWWheld 'in the' Rc.arViirk. Hotel. attenclanceLw_ereLtli G21•1110i3. bensul, repi•esentatiyeS' o the Iinperial,Oil Who. spin sors 'the "team; Department: 'of 'Ag mA-thei .press and. TV; WOuldlike mentiehour Can •adian , team ' was made ,a, Tran ,•. Of 'Claterrient,", 'and Allan Han:mbad, ' Of ":Lacbutei Quebec Joe, -is a veteran; Plowman, being the Esso:, eharapion' and competito in Sweden thre:eVears i a well-knoWn[farrner in the Teron o ' . ,.? ' - • ,SPeaking 'Deputy 1V1iniS ter Dr, C.: -D. Grahani 'Wished -Site teSs.to the te'arn and expressed the (Minion th:at the partY.. Would; re present :Canada,' in the,''plew ing 'contests: end %be -arrilda d 9f-peace-..as-,-Well:TTlieGerrirafFeell Sul expressed his .:good wishes and :assured the .,p,arty ,.of the _German h.espitality they 'would be met with arid ,hop ed ,they :Would- enjoy .the beauties o'his country, . ..In accepting these Wishes for !boo Voyage and -for success in the World's. 'Matcli,,; it encouraged 'us greatly to knoW, we had,"a strong cheering section, even though the Ocean betWeen .Us... This -feel- ing; was .strengthened When We. re- .frarri ':Jetry::„'iMontgothery;',.former 'agricultural representative , o Huron County, :and departed LIVIaltenAir rPortWith--a-warfn-feel, 'oinn hearts: -.Af the air port we found, ,axicr who .bY,..other friends' Of : and:. Ale*, :MeKiimey. Wetook off' at 3...85 'with. the tem- Perature about. -80; and, although We, did .Seern, enclosed :in 'cleirdS Tor a:,'shOrt time, We . soon'rose' 'above the= clouds and4:-enjeyed' -brilliant 'sunshine. .seerixed,..;:no'Airrie We,"'were ..cOrning., at'.MOntreal: Allan • HaratP91id',S,-'heine is about- 45 phoned . his wife te say -'we 'were on - • our way. 'Herald had a Man- to meetiftis;. there with the, deSire: of, getting .pictures :and Material to, :have -on. view at the. Internatieril Provring: Match "at. CrySier; and : after; eOffe:e with him. We.4e,re,.,,read.3ifte.LboardLthe41arie, We,:noticed 'coming.Mto.and leaV- nig • Montreal the' lengn airdw. fieldS on many of 'Which , water ',W,aSiviS- ible- ari ,was7, able to ilk siv.e."rainfalls':theY aad. the, difficulty they haVe e#erierie- ed".in fart :operationS: Allis"' past surniner: 'We. were 'able .to jay, 'the' SPlendid dinner. that : is .part-Of.'the TCA service,' F'or.'all but :Joe: Trap, this' Was t.he first- time any. Of hpd crossed' the. 'ocean, put we .,all enjoyed. it, and felt • no plane sickness; -our,-'onlY aintw s•-: th-e7-wittgrarheat-T arid, humidity', particularly ,in the early. part: of the 'flight.: We. all finind, it a', icing might' as none- of _us_:.slept4„inuch,_and none 'of 113, Were adcustomed. to -sitting Very, long ,at „a', time, We found' the in- activit 'rather --,t flew non:Stop' from Montreal -at an 'alti- tude Of49,900::feet And- at a cruis- ing- sp:eed---,ef.:-359:'Miles -per heur, and serneWhere. over the 'oCeari, we lest about,'.five-hourS of goad tiine. When'.the .stewardess told. usbreak, faSt.Winild be "along drira':feW min- utes, 'our watches' told. us;it 4 arm,- hut' she insited, it Was.' 9 o'Cloar.% 'Even. 'Allan •IiiMmorid; -Who is: Used to .being up .abotit by- thOught it Was au;tln: earthlybotir for breakfa-st, but the: brilliant% Sunshine convinced, "uS- was ---s-reall3r-, morning; .7-espeeially When we . had 'seen the first..glow of ,".,suntise;-.":It 'Was- 'pot lei*. after, breakfast .when, Contd. diseern tend' below as;.:we'lraieW we wore to fly: over Northern Ire- land and' Shannon; , We knew this Must .be it. AS,..wepessed. over the island -we 'oinks( tick' help but 'think Of "Erin's :Green;.Iale",-' end,- the: Words; `Sure a little bit, of heaven fell -.'from. out, the It -did -not "'Seern too much'.longer' till we were again 'flYing,nverland, , this -time; Of., Course,' it was, Eng- land.. Here. we.!Could, See: the fields Were larger. arid -Mere *reinter -in 'shape- and. , Separated'bY 'hedges Or 5. at least We thotight that was what. it 'Was. ' .There-:'eeined greaf'rriaiIk ,toWhs, and cities' laid out hi. prderlY .fortriation, and the buildings, with their.real chimneys, made „,uS think of :the "chimney. pots:, of London?' ' --Srion we had -landed -in- Loridefi' and -herebegan..016 seemingly hey-, er-ending,showing'of.passports. We aid not ',have time for Much but claim our -baggage and get the pert bus which took' us to ' the &&A. ;for the •seCond hop' of, pit/. jeurney, and.we -Were"-stibilTalidard a -,VISCount bound', for Zurich., SWitzerlandr-abotit 11:35 p.m. Din._ net.' .Was Served. shortly 'after..,wer took off, end.as,„.with- the TCA, 'the' service 'and .the -.food ...were excel-. lent. Again it was a non-stop flight flying over. Paris and Fratikfurl. In' clue time got .our -first gilittpe .9r the Alps,- in: their. towering .rnajestY.., ilYing over the Swiss cpuntrYilde .there were sio large- stretcheS .ef.,agricultural. but 'Stefan enitivated 'areas,: stnall towns, large towns and eitieS,' and -soon' We-Avere'pri land -11ere'We Changed' our Money, sent telegram's home and met .the first .grOttp- -bound'",for. the ;seine destirratiOn. as we a- .party' of four Irish:Men; three andtheir manager, 'You ISE. and' ,Canadian.lpeePle: tfse the seine ,Ialignage; but -when-yeti go three reg.: Itisinn'6n together it. makes ,yeur tidubtful, and "Say,tbet even thettgh elaiin- to have a la pirjyy:laeriign..8t. oTtilll and -they „are always ..readY with sbIlg tari"h'.0' anythhigfrom "When, Irish '..EyeS ,Are, Smiling" to ballads, with a rurntid3r..tiurr.16, .and theY. Cart:really sing," lowmen on ermati Tou We joined forces theM, to guests of the German Farm Youth reached tbe rim. The television , tower has -paid for itself. in- six - months by the tourist trade. we were up there a -young Cana- • dian-froni Vancouvercame to shake hands and the 'boys from the U.S.. Army base gave Us a cheery greet- ing, Through a 'telescope we. were able 16 pick out the college build- ings -and could even -see the cows in the fields,' We continued our tour, seeing schools and.museurnst; and arrived- back., at Stuttgart where the feaxn Managers and of- ficials were, guests of Gooclsrearr , Tire for dinner- at the: 'first hotet ; in Stuttgart with Mr: George Mer-, riweatlier, from England, as.. bait, along with other managers. We are' finding the German hos-,. pitality eXceptional. 'No ..one can , do too much for us and if -live aSle help of some one who cannot speak' English, they find' us someone v;rink, can. There has been - wonderful: ' organization here in Germany and we cannot speak too highly 'of Ger- man ,efficiency. Our host here at the College, Walter Feuerlein, not be, 'surpassed in the.- 'way he manages everything, and the 'other , officials here at the college, ,a1--, though' they are. very busy, have always time to- be courteous and Politex--f.cannot---rnention them -all; -- but for our team I can say we - .have a high.regafd for them, and. for Alfred Hall,' general secretary from England, I caws -ay the -same. In 'one short word, lie'sAPPT.- While there is .a feeling,' -of keen Contest in the air,, there is notatn- due rivalry anidifg-St the men. We-'... feel that the contest 'itself is. not.' the most important feature of this -world organization, but rather the Pelihg ,of- 'good;, will , that _is being created -here at Hohenbetm, on ,an , international scale. We. intend to. , put every ounce 'of skill and. en- erg3r 'which we possess into our plowing to try -to win Air - Canada, but whether we 4whi or -Ictse-we-shell-feel-that we have done a little bit in prometing'good " feeling -and keeping Canada- ly regarded amongst the nations. (To be -continued).______ -.see the stglits -of Ziirich, going into the -town by Inis. Everyene seem - eel 'tired of sitting,, and: 'as it was, ,to late:to go. on a crinduCted tour, walked; abOut,„to get "the' kirdrs eat of oni: legs. bur' conversation was, as you.. may -guess, mostlf 'teatsVtTPhirienitg;a-Oir'Ahreiteirlisblagbe°usilY- ,place,,,-with buses and street, cars and any :number of xars;.' bicycles, and motorcycles. We saw traffic :being controlled ,.by -a man 'in a 'Small ter in the middle of 'the et operating- operating- stop -and -go sig- .', na4 by hand:, The traffic officers - wear' Oa* 'grey -uniforms'. with, " white hell -pets, .white gloves 'and white sleeves from:wrist to elbow.' There-% are manY . Sidewalk caps and' heath:Mil -houses are many -windowed, Some , :shops:- end, houses having murals painted on some -of .the wallsitand although the Streets do not run, parallel; but rather -at random,. - they are, clean and tidy, and the . houses -look , well kept. Most ,of tiled" rofs and the yhrth:a'etnv.mcell,:ifhh,o7atu:v.se:ie' aiftl splitleve1 style ., Before we left. Zurien t .1 --•with theaEriglishi.party-' of -five; -nne thernheing MOS Kirkwood, the secretary,: a very' charming young' lady, ,Our .last hep wa,s by Swiss' air flight; and in leSs .than an hour. we ,w,ere :landing hi Stuttgart.- - .,We arrived at Stuttgart at 10 O'Clock- Friday evening and .were greeted 'by- the press,...Gernaan.of7 ficials and Mr. Alfred Hall, 'secre- tary of the W.P.O.- After ,getting our'baggage,. we. went directly:to the Plowniens by.ear. This is_at Agricultural-- School -at IfOlfenheina,--- -where' Long' 'of the courses:„.,has .'just .completed .?and the- reSidence has been made' into .the „leadcmarters. for. _the ...World Plowing IVIatch. Here we Were ,as- rOoms-and it is hard - .10 -,these -.beautifully' 'furn- 'ish'ed rooms 2as men's,residence. The beds are. builtin, so Perhaps ,there il not .inueh likelihood that they will be carried, .away or' hung - out the whidoWS,7 as' we hear about at our agricultural College-,-Weall ,gathered together for' lunch, 'which was typically German, and we Met the contestants from. the :other countries and the rest of the -offi- cials„ ,and instruction's were given for,,the,next day: All in our'party were, read -for ,bed. ...Toe and Al- lan are together, and' I am with a chap' -from- NOW' 'Zealandand' as with the Irishmen, • although we -speak the., same', language, it .does not_sourid. the_ same. .-, menti-dn. the :con:. testants. l3eSideS ,our 'party and that ,of -Ireland and ,Britain, there were twelve. Other _contries. , presented "'These are the tlnited States,' Norway; New Zeeland, Swe- den, ,Deninark, 'BOlgiUrn, France; Italy, 'Finland, ;Australia, Germany' and AuStria.. They. 'ire- -boys' and therels good' feeling prevalent. 'The.chair- man of the- German Organization and Of the W.P.O. is Dr. Walter -Feuerlein,' and. Mr. Alfred. Hall; of, 'England, is the:genera'Eseeretary• .and ,they were on -hand to, give: us ',Saturday after' .Dreak,tast .we Made, a' tour of -the college- Which has been in'operation for'140. years' ,,pnd there, are :twenty. branches a xgriculture taught_ 'here. In • one of the.' 'fields 'near ,the 'college' the ..Graf Zeppelin. burned. There are whole fields of cabbages grown for. sauerkraut, the fields 'being rptat- .etl.frorn. - cabbage -to. grain. No .fer- tilizer can be seld in. Germany tirX htial hidt ist'otoelssleodr,i attbfih4m ecoll.,..ae,egree...T.fahrere rn;were, 20 to 30 men working with On this farm there arelive`. trac- tors and' seven horses:. The .ayer- age' size. of -the -German, fart!' is • about.12 acres, and.''sometirries_the .fields are not all in-place:It is tliiiIragnientation of land the Ger- • Man ,agriculturalists .are trying: to et-:away-Jram, -A.-sow has five, or Six litters' with an, average -;of 1.2 ;to each-htter, and -the are weaned, at: 16 days.- :Grass is' very -valuable;; and'at trine Of the, year' there are,: no cattle in -thelieltli. 'They are hiside liecaUse the_g0:Intist be saved. It .is not uncern Mon. td. see. oxen:working in, .spiriepleceS and ,quite Conn -bon to see,.one ox -and' a horse harnessed .,,,og9lithsera.t4r4ay. - , .L.7rmAT'.$ WHY I rbtJT sray. 'Fi?2.-C,PElarAt?rtes--.-11-(6„, mEgmAgE.-sver4P.o6 0#: TritAliseLves.. at a banquet in Bad ;Oaristaat, These are what,we think of a'S our Junior Farmers ,and Junioi\-')Instiz tutes. We were royally. ent rtain- 'ed, many of tke young girls being .national etiStume, and eieging their folk 'songs and 'doing .folk daces, 4110' really loved to sing .anci, we felt' that the _German JaiTri youth were a"piettY fine lot: They are keenly interested in new ideas, and the latest developmentS in ag- riculture in -the ---:other countries', and particularly in Canada and -tile,US:-:-This' event was a Partial,. Tarly. colorhil .and friendly affair, at which we were introduced to the German plowing song, and which we -have sung ,many times' . . I dici.not mention. the Essg kits which, were issued to --'the team managers: They.' are handsome leather portfolios 'with maps of the 'city of _Stuttgart and of the college, literature on Germany, and a very corriPlete program with pictures of the Governixig Board of the W.1).0., former world cham- pions':- William- de Luit, of Hol- land, m _1057; Jaes. Eccles, BramP- ton, Ontario; 1953; and Hugh B. Barr,, of Ireland, 1954, ,,1955 an 1956; .teant:maxiagers and -compe- titors and 'history of plow,ing and. the 11-ohenheim Agricultural School. 'These, kits are, very nse- ',II' and a. fine gift, courtesy of 'On Sunday after. breakfast we were :issued package lunches and shortly -left-by -bus for Stuttgart, where the people's festival was being held. 'This is, an annual af- fair and attracts huge throngs of People from the provinces, for a,. jollifiCation.- We were asked, te' participate m the parade and our" •'Joe and.lAfan, were, chosen,. a1orig.:.:wit2i5two :from' the to represent ',:the.'"pitnivin,:en. They. droye their: tracterS the `ciln..01,,-.10 the, city, ',a .-distance,-of -atinxitT:10 miles, arid i'believe some ef -the long. hill g ay, 0,.. therd.:,:a4bit of a 'thrill going but :they. .arfiVed.Witheut,,jiticicient:and were paittefT'a- parade that - was feur miles Jong and took an hOur'tci.pass;::: There were 91 ferent; groups;-, some r-• of which .012 .floats, : and 80' :Of • which :were' bands., ',Many :of the people were in the national:dress of their..pro., WEEKLY MARKET SERVICE vince, and the boys looked mighty - Provided courtesy E. L. MICKLE & SON LIMITED fine in their khaki work outfits II 11 0 t • ' with 'Canada' across - their shirt backs. Others---mnst--have- thought so too, because,they received' a: great ovatien, ,ftom the crowd; aaing with the A.meriCans.- .1'_resently._.we returned-- to -our buSes-and--begariffa-tour--a-the-c-ity- and district. -We saw many.of tlie •'old 'buildings, relics of -medieval times, -old castles ,and many build, ings whichhad been bombed. This beautiful city was heavily .bornbed during the "war, but many' build-, ngs have been rebuilt on the same' ,Ian aS formerly, and at the, pres- ent time there are not :many, ruins in evidenee.'.!We went through_ a \,ery long ,tunnel which had been used as an air-raid shelter for 10,060 people during the '.war:. On disembarking from 'the buses we. followed a winding wooded- walk to the base of thetelevistottloWQ., ThiS' building - 1s the greatest en- gineering- -feat' snide 'the Eiffel Tower .was built. It reaches ta a height- of".650- feet and is' 30 feet. diarheter_at.the hase.,`.aild only .10 feet at the -sphere. At th,e1.4fil of 459 feet there' is 'a restaurant:: What a sight.; we saW from 'this' circular, tower-a-1,vhole, paaorarna of wooded s,loPes,, vineyards and no end df small tpwns around the huge City of -Stuttgart. This 'citY lies in a hollow we were told, at the: bettern of a huge bowl,' and gradually they have been building up on the sides and now. • Quotations at Hensall, Beans -$6.30 per cwt., plus truck- Wheat=1.40 per bushel Oats, 6,2c per _bushel. _ _MixedGrain_-,60.e_Iler_hushe1- -- Malt! Barley -$1.06' per bushel Feed. Barley -96c $1,g,D., 'bushel _ _Prices are .subjeet to - change without nOtice. • Fast,.Courteous -Service , Storage Facilities AVailable 'Phone Ilensall 103 FEDERATION :of AGRICULTURE ANNUAL'.MEETING- . . AlidA4,ANQJJ1` IllsiTI'ED. CHURCH. THURSDAY,.. FEB. 12.th. ' at 7:00 p.m. Guest 'Speaker - W. P. ROBERTS Tickets $1.50- ' A.vailable from any of the Director& W1VI. ROGERSON - President JOHN'BROADFOGT Sec.-Treas. . . HURON COUNTY •WHEAT 'PRODUCERS ANNUAL MEETING... ,Boarei Reams', CLINTOk: Wednesday, Februciry 11, . . ,..at. 290 p.m:, • Reg. IVIeljers.., Ontargo Presiclent,--Gitesi, Speaker - ELECTION' OF OFFICERS Russell Bolton, County Pres., .1.,C.arl`Henitngiray, See.-Treas. . • . , , • nuron County's' Finest Used Car arket 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE, $2450 spAN ,,, , . 1958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN.- Auto- ' matic* transmissionspecial' $2850 V-8 mdtor; fully equipped .... 1958 CHEVROLET' BISCAYNE SEDAN. - Fully equiPped; 'automatic trans - 1958 CHEVROLET. .BISPAYNE '$2595 S___EDAN _ 1958"PON'IlAC &MATO-CHIEF SEDAN'- Stan- dard transmission; fully $2595 equipped , 1958 PONTIAC STRAT6,- 'CHIEF_ SEDAN -°Autorriatie:transinisiions, $2750 fully eqiiippett 2,-.11.957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDANS - Antonia - $2750 • mission tic transinissions;„ fully ; S21,95 equipped ,, ... _ .... ... - 1056 CHEVROLET - 1 695 , Fully equipped ... .. '1956 CHEVROLET COACH $: 6 ,, days..,, 0 m040 cars.4many °mei rtietiet to eitooie ,1,ti ate 9,45 LS 'MOTO Blauss LS. — ONTARIO 11101NrE'17 - "The Home of Better :Used: gers":' • ” ppEN.E.v.Eny EVENING 1955 CHEV., DELUXE SEDAN Si aak automatic transmission' '• 1955 auwEtoi,ET DELUXE $1.550 • 1955 wiCIIthF,V,TRadOi0LET SEDAN., '.. ' .. ,A.. ,dpk, ow 1454 DcfpGi REGENT ... .. , . ::. ... .'.,....*ILUV.*:: ' $1450 954, FORD ' COSTOMLINE • SEDAN-R.edio , , , $1 095 1954 METEOR ' IIAIIDTOPL-Power braltes"" 'and ' ' Steering, -autoniatic trans, k 1954f9. .".Oo.... .....'..-. . .,.......,. .....4..a4PlaAiiss.1°1'fu1"iligefi. ORb,efully •;aljIi181iia6rt.''...:4...'..'.153.F0DCOACHL'-iNew notr gllk 2g RI? 9 , . 1953 POPO SEDAN, .. . . ... ;1056, FORD. 1A -TON pieitup 5 1955 GMC 1/2:TON PiCKIIP....,.. .... 1955. CHEVROLET VA -TON 81.41i PICKUP 6 41, ‘IF ; •