HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-30, Page 3FORTH- :_,RE SS BR -ANS PORTS ': YEAR _,:'OFSERVICE During 1958 Seaforth brand of Part' payment on Civilian 'the Canadian Red Cross. Society '. Welfare 5126. shipped 136.; sewing 'articles and 221;: pairs -of socks, according to,a state- ment -issued' by the 'treasurer, Mrs. Ivy M. 'Butt. Also, shipped were seven large:' quilts- and one crib' quilt, The financial staterlsent for the year i cl ded,_ • > n u e.. e ei t c ps Cash n oe Jan; 1(58...: .137.49 d l?osit $ Cairpaign receipts 1,13320 General .donations •;:,. 16.00 Custom ,quilting , ..,.... "• 7,00 Bank'. interest d 5.63 EUCHRE.DANCE a .. 30th ,:eda J n SEAFORTII COMMUNITY CENTRE MMUNI NTR ' NOR ORCHESTRA I R, S _.lunch_ o e - :Aflmission-�'75c - _ id d, Sponsored by Seaforth Women's s., . $1� 350;5$, , Expenses ExI1e Cash remitted ,to • the On tario Division 700,00 Civilian, Welfare ,. • '-.68:22 Health Work;, for liver; oil :. :capsules .....; .r ,..., ,..., 14.40 Goods ,:`purchased for the lean -Cupboard, . ,....,.,,. 74.90 Cards, crests,: etc., for Wa-. :. Safety Programme .-, 1347 Workroom ,;supplies from' Red Cross :.c:326.37 , ¶Vorkrooin supplies • bought. • locally,40 Stamps ,for Secretary and 1? Y -Treasurer 2,00 Express on wheel -;chair 1,60' Cash onhand and deposit, -December, 31, 1958 - • 14922 1350,58 )on,t shit yourself' The-,man-who,doesn't-knowewhere_ hisnext dollar is comin from, ' 'isually`' has a wife '':who .knows, where it is going! • ., CAS, STOVE anadian Petrofina Ltd..'. Dealer:;' and Distributor: of Petroleum Prd!ducts Phone' Seaf0lth`-' -' Ont; andFURNACE OIL -- 1['ionipt Farm` and Honie,Deliver' ILK .s. • ICE CRE DAIRY' EAFOR'TH C RE rr BUTTE HOCKEY NEIH'S (Contributed) 0101 Saturday- nigbt, hockey minor• dgublebeader in,'. the. 'Weal- arena was called off on acceuntof stormy, weather and will. be:played .this Wednesday night; between Exeter Bantams_, and_gidgets. Y - The week of January 24 - Janu ary, 31- la °Miztor Hockey'Week in Canada '.As, in all the ;cities and towns, across, Canada, Seaforth has set•Sat-urday, January as Minor Hockey -Night. „They have: lined up three 'games and , all. are regular Schedule, games.: You ,'won't only be" Helping ..your' minor. teams' by, attending,. but Yon -will. see real ,good hockey from ,.the-- boys- 4Gode rieh• Bantams. and Midgets,• both. "B"• teams, .and',Wingham Juven- iles"will .supply, the opposition, for the hOnietowners. The players: on all the' teams .will'be around 'call- ing. on Yon.; Mr. and Mrs. 'Fan.; mi:tn' o bu aticketandSiwort Your or -team"s. The.;Bantams, under Coach Char- lie Geddes' and Manager, Bill :Pa:p - plc have ;won• six . games; <1ostefive .ardtied:one`:for their ese asois play so',.far. The :boys•pla ing'�for• Bantams are: 'Jim Boyes, ,Anker, D -ale '--Campbell-= Ph lips,. 'Rau Bedard,.;Sills, Colerrian, •McLlwain; 'attersontwoPapple. boys; $illery; Carters-- The Bantams 'hope oto „get an-,. ond, place and play off with the • =place- team. Thfourthe--;Midgets,; 'under Coach Gor don knit: and Manager'Ken 1'ow e11, • have "a record of. seven• wins and three losses;' and have two more this: week to :complete thejr' -schedule,. and.,could end up in first place: Tile 'Midgets have Patter son in goal and twa sets of defenee piayers, - in Lamont and "Varlet' .and Dinsmore and'Muir, •:Their. twe, forward'lines .are':made up of Jim and'Toni Rick arid Pinder; and the; other line' .of'-.Harvey,.Date, Tenll and Love.:`The. oth'er'boys: are.Wal tens and Dave •'Dale •and: Flannigan and. Ron• Bea}erman, to round out; a• tea -m whielieshould geequite-aways in' -the Midget `•`C''"playdowns. This poem was taken -out of -a - local daily paper and is called: More :About Your ."Kid" and a' Hockey- Game .. Once a •:year in Canada They set aside one week ." To: honour ,-hockey playing boyo? , But it seems there is one leak:' Yes' Doctor...Wednesday will be fine! • len, it's time to have ,the dentist check urc�,ter s tee2t' � . se . 't • '. ,. e c Fs`�'• .. r..Mr x�inl h �laturally.. k. a, hoS.. ftir the telephone; that helpful "membr;,of--the- fan*"with tbe''hzbit of 'getting, things s done. When yon ; back over • our, da .'Some- times som - times :suiprisirg' torealize: in just how. many little way the, te1ephone.has helped you ...how it addsso much convenience and. comfort to everyday living.;' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY O.F-CANADA ;hey practise every, chance they get, But when they :play their game, _ eyp ay-ae .re -an emplThouse ' We think that this is a shame. So, just for one, night this week, We'd like to 'hear Dad; say: "Fm pot` sending you to the' rink tonight I'm taking you myself and I'll stay. And if you do that just once, We know deep: down inside You won't be theonly one out there Whose l eart•will`be. filled with, Tut if you wish to watch Our. star teams- in action, Come to our bo,oster :Saturday night Goderich and Winghdm'` supplies the attraction rY So; support the boys justonce this' ;week' At our local rink;. And ' no matter if they in or lose, Let's, hear your parents shout: "Comeone, son, this is fun!" So keepnext Saturday open; Walk. drive or ride the.bus, But'justfor once in this whole year; Come on out 'and be with us,.- Award Available For, Local . Players' An individual hockey- award to. -encourage-nil around- good--sports-- ,manship: among' Canada's minor. hockey . players is beingpresented o e y p Y for, competition -for the first -time this year Seaforth."- . In coinntunities from the Atlan- tic- to the Pacific, hundreds of young; hockey players, ,aged nine to• thirteen years, will be present- ed with this handsome• trophy as the 'Most ` Valuable Player'', in, their league, - The donors of, this : new annual trophy have enlarged upon the us- ual definition for `Most Valuable Player'. ' It here includes attri- butes of sound character and good •`junior citizenship', in addition- to athletic •ability, as qualifications for the trophy winners. . ort 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN 1956 DODGE COACH 1955 CIIEV. STATION WAGON -:--1953--FORD-STATION,WAGON_ SEDAN' . I953 METEOR 1952: CHEW SEDAN .`( 0 1949 VANGIJARD SEDAN - . HARDTOP D 4 DOOR H OP : 1957 OLDS -1958 . CHEV, COA -cH 19.54,__E0 DSEDAN 1953'POVTxA C, SEDAN - 1953 MONARCH .. O�IARCH S EDAI T . No Reasonable Offer Refused . _ _ EAFQRTIII MOTOR SEAFORTH ' and, ,'MITCHELL 6 541'' ti FORM .FORCE._ -POSTpONIME.. 'F ' IENSA L , RISTRICT SURPE The . 'quilting bee and pot luck'. dinner, scheduled' to have been held :1n,: -the church schoolroom of Chiselhurst United last' Thursday, _had to "-be . can'elled un- til a later date, owing to weather. and road conditions. The tenth ,annual birthday party of Amber -' Rebekah ,Lodge will be. held on Wednesday, , February , 4,, and •special guests will•:be Seaforth lodge, , Mrs. J. P. Campbell,. of Windsor, was. a recent Visitor with her sis- ter-in-law; is-ter in-law; Mrs. Roy' Bell. ' _ R,eV, Charles D. Daniel and Mrs. "Daniel have ;received L.a• letter from. Rev. W. J. .Rogers ':and Mrs, Rog- ers, who are vacationing in the. Bahamas,' "Mrs, Rogers is; recup era.ting 'from' a: serious, operation. The trip was arranged by the con- gregation of_ Erindale . United Church, of which ; Rev. Rogers' is ministers:" Mr, Rogers was "former; minister ofIensall United'Church, The, - man friends Ye sof Mrs. :Carl: :-> .M . Payne will' be 'pleased to learn is recovering nicely front injuries she x-ece red eine a ear accident,. -,311,e was':admitted to', Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth;; with three frac tiared ribs; but hassincereturned; to her home and has returned to her duties as" registered -=nurse° at: Scott- ,Memorial ,Hospital, Seaforth„ Arnold Circle Meets • Mrs. ,Harry, Hoy: was' hostess for theJanuary meeting of the Arnold Circle , of Carmel. Presbyterian Church," which was opened 'by toe' president,' 1VIrs. 'Ed, Fink, An , in- teresting study nteresting•study on the Indian Mis sion lin :Canada was given by `Mrs.. Ske'a, Mrs. A. R. •.Orr and Mrs. Beverley': Beaton: Past president Family ' ' Honors Mr., Mrs. R. Baker • The family of Mr. and: Mrs.: Robert Baker, -Sr., Hensall; -sur prised theme at _a _family,. dinner e n mmerc�1 0 attheNe-'w•Co ia1�Hot the occasion of their' 47th wedding anniversary: ;' A large anniversary: cake centred the table. Following the "dinner kthe •"family gathered at the home of Mr.' and 'Mrs.: Baker. and 'presented them; with. 'a • lazy• boy rocker, and concluded the eve- ning ,:playing: cards: ° Mr. and Mrs.. Baker are the ,parents of 13 chil dren, 31 ' grandchilden and one great •grandchild,' =Members-ef—their—family—area. Glenn`. London; "Austin'and'Meade Stratford, ..Bruce in Egypt with the . United ,: Nations Emergency 'Forces Mrs: '(Betty). Grenier; Zur- ieh; .'Mrs "(Irene).Tyndall; • Clinton; Mrs (Clara) '' Bro'wn',' Egmondville;., :and Robert, Jr., Wanda, John, .Ball; Murray and Mrs (Gladys) McGre- gor,' of Hensall . . Mrs: Orr .presented' Mrs "Beafciia 'With. a life membership,' and a junior' certificate waspresented to Mrs :Gordon Schwalm for "presen-. tation,, to ,a, Mission' Band rneniber: Reports of 1.958 were 'read •and members' were pleased • to learn - that they were. $70 above their, pledge Mrs. 'Fink and Mrs. Orr reported on the Presbyterial meet -ing in Clinton;l Luncheon was serv- ed by"Mrs: Trevor Wilson and Mrs. Gerald Belle W'MS 'and WA Officers Installed d Officers for 1959'. of 'the Women's Missionary'—,Society and Women's Association' of Chiselhurst..United Church :were installed, by Rev. C. D. Daniel... Annual ,reports -were heard and the treasurer, Mrs. Cole- man,• reported' the 1958 allocation had been rnet,;:'Th'e study on Alas= ka was 'Presented' by -Mrs." John, ;Glenn,_ and 'worship' 'service . by Mrs c ;D: Daniel ;and Mrs.`, T, Brintne2 l Mrs: C arence Coleman-chaired- the h a"iredthe. WMS -.meeting, .'and , Mrs.. ' R, Taylorx,,.; the WA ';,9, giiiltin - bee and trot -lack supper were:': held on Thursday.' Mrs. Harold Parker 'and,.Mrs. Joe Ferguson were 'hos- tesses .;_ Chr Turner's rJc b Groups Meet Turner's Church Wad.. :met in the..church•baSeal entwith • 10.mem- bers and oile.'visitor:preseiit. The roll "call Was answered;b.y paying dues for 1959.- The £ci'ipture. was react..by :Mrs,F 3:•'Turner. Prayer wasgiven :by :Mrs :G :M,c -Grego . devotions by Mrs E. ;Crich; and the' topic by Mrs, E, Lawson.-', The W,,• decided to - buy a Secre tary's desk for use btihe..Sun-daY SdfriinIThey 'also planned "some sewing to be done during •the win -ter "months. Lunch was served: by .Mrs, E, "Townsend andH- )bjlns: Ladies' Club ' Meets The Tuckersnnith Ladies' Club' met at 'the -home .ofLay- tenwith 15 inentbers and six visi- tors, present. :.The. rpll• • call was answered by ":The .resolution that• 1broke- last year " It was :plan- ned-ta send'two auilts.:'and :a .pair, of flannelette blankets : to • a family --at Mount "Forest, whose hofhe: was 'burned.:recently, Mrs"—.,McKinnon„,-of �Xinto>l,: was guest speaker and gave a—.very- interesting and, much ~appreciated• talk.'on• herr trip through France, Germany,' Laxenburg, Belgium, .:Holland:: Switzerland, Italy . and England She''also.shoWed,•many antes-esting, and:lovely;•' souvenirs- of her trai'els. Lunch was served' by IC b [SIR 1 JOHN SCOTT Funeral. Serviceo :"Scott,. •f.r John: Londesboro.'who died in his 84th year'in the Clinton Public Hospital"<. Thursday, evening, was held`Sunday afternoon 'at 2"-p,m..from ;the Ball, .and.. Mutch funeral' home,: _Clinton,. Rev. J T White officiated, with .burial, in•Londesboro' cemetery- •. ' Mr: Scott .'was born :in Hallett township, a :son of"thee'7ate Ari and Mrs. Robert Scott, and had bred ,. in that Community.°,all his, life. He was retired from,farming for.the vast -several years. He had' been` in poor health'for some time, Surviving are -•his wife, the.form er'Mabel Lee; one son, R. Kenneth. Scott, Niagara Falls, and one. daughter,- Mrs. Alister (Thelma) "Broadfoot: RR 3, Seaforth and:two- grandchildren .y: • FRANCIS, DEMPSEY,,' ' ST. COLUMBANFrancis Denip 'sey,:80, of IR 5, Mitchell, died Wed- .nesday -,rriorning--at_thetratfod.. General Hospital: He had. been, 111 since pecembee. gr.." Dempsey' had ,resided with' bis...daughter, -Mrs. N. J Connolly, RR "5; -Mitchell, far the -:past • 13' years. He was formerly a farmer in McKillop township: Born•July 25,, 1$7$, in'-Kinkora, ,he was .a -son of the late William Dempsey and the former Mary Kelly. He was a,nave her; of••St.. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church, Kennicott. • , ' Surviving are one ;daughter Mrs. N. 1. (Mary) Connolly, RR"5, Mit- chell; one sister, Mrs: Mary'Dies's, Stratford, -and two grandsons John; and Stephen Connolly, at home,; • The remains rested at the Heath - Leslie Funeral .Borne; Mitchell. Requiem Mass was 'sling', 'at St' Brigid's Roman .Catholic Church, Kennicott. Saturday, at 10 • ant. Temporary entombment was • in 'Avondale Chapel, Stratford, and burial ,will :be"in° St.•Columban .cern= etery at a later date. ' THOMAS J. *4IcMICHAAJL Thomas Joseph' McMicaelson. of the late, Thomas McMichael and'. the. Dormer -Lucy, k'isher..died 'last_ Wednesday, .at his home in Gode- rich. Ha. died suddenly of a heart attack after shovelling- snow- He, was in his 77th year, ' Mr, McMichael was born on con- cession 2, Hullett townshp,, anti -liv- ed in..Auburn for a time before go- ing to Croderich three- -years .ago. He was a`„member ”-of -the -Free• Methodist Church. ,Surviving are his wife, the "for mer Margaret E7teiyn Scott, - brie son.. Robert T, McMichael; Walton; -two daughters,: Miss Evelyn, at hbni'e, and Mrs. W. J. (Marjorie) Dale, Kinburn; three sisters, Mrs, Herb Kirkby,- Watton; Mrs: Milton Wiltsex= CliJiton ' and -Mrs. Harry Itartford:'- of :London, and -seven ' grandchildren. TThee remains r st e e e e'd' the Lodge. e. funeral home. Goderieat h where the service was held Friday at 2 p.m. Rev'. James Robb, of London, Of- ficiated. Interment' was in 'Malt - ;landbank cemetery, Seaforth. MRS. T. C. MeCALL BIi,USSEiS A 'funeral service. Was" held. on Thursday afternoon' at the. D. A'. Rana; tilneral, home, Brussels, for Mrs. Elizabeth 'Mc- Call, widow' of Thomas C. McCall, Who died on Tuesday' morning in a of `a Whitbyge, nursing horde, at 84 years` R. J: • ii. ` Green of :' Melville �Seatorth FU ES Presbyterian Church officiated- The. :pallliearers were J"- ,S. Arnistrong, R,.. B.''.; Cousins: George'..Elliott, George McArthur, John Y,uill :and, Frank Ku}tby:. • Mrs.'McCall was formerly Eliza- beth' Careline`Kirkby ':.a daughter -of the.lata~, -George and Margaret McArthur Kirkby. i "ollowing.;Iter, marriage to kly McCall, they farm- ed' m Merris township; later ono—' in'g ,to' -Brussels. For .,the past few. yearsshe had made her home with then•: only daughter Mrs John Mt: na) Nelson Lansing 'Also surviving are ' a • brother;; Herbert .Kirkby Walton; a sister, Mrs. Robert Watt, Blyth, and a granddaughter;, Janet s Nelsdn, of Lansing, Burial was made inBrus- sels Cemetery. . 'MRS-' WILLIAM ; J. ALLIN • After .a lengthy illness, Mrs. Wil- liam •J,•Min, 'of Colborne township died at Alexandra Hospital on 1,Vednesd , January 14 at the, age' of 72 - years. Deceased was ' the. former Elizabeth Nivins, a daugh::. ter of the late Mr. and; Mrs. James. Nivins; of -'West Wawanosh 'She continued to: live there- until 1906 when she. went- to Detroit, return- ing in 1908 at'Which time she mar- ried -William John A11in; They have since farmed . in Colborne-- town- ship. She ownship.She .,:was a member of="Ben' miller.tjnited Church, ' ' She is survived •by.her.hnsband and six sons, Oliver' at home, Roy and 'Clarence, of Colborne .. town=, ship, ,Reginald of Seaforth: Clif- ford, of, -,Toronto and. Gordon -•_of. OshaW: One `brother, David 'Niv- ins. re -ides, at Auburn and there are •fotir grandchildren: Rev. S.A. Moote officiated -at the funeral.ServiCe at Stiles funeral home on Saturday afternoon. The pallbearers were Everett Alun,` Earl Nivins, Charles Breekow, all of ..-Goderich... flhliain.;,.; •Hardy_ off Dungannon, Lloyd Brindley of Ash field .township, `and' Wesley 'Nivins of West Wawanosit township. In- terment Was made in : Colborne te tonship: cemetery. ' • ROBERT McDOUGALL HENSALL—There passed away in„'.,South Huron Hospital, Exeter, oh Wednesday, Jan.;21, RobertMc- Dougall. son .ofthe late Mr,.' -acid Mrs. Peter 1VIcDoligal. He was. born at Wingham and lived in. Stan- ley township .till going to Western Canada;' where his family resided. at Kenton, Man. • Later he went --to Sa°'skatchewan,. where .he homesteaded. After dis posing' of, lits property there. he' Lived for several years” at Moose Jaw and San.; Jose; Callornia. lie returned to Ontario' 12 yearn ago; to live in Hensaii Until he suffered a stroke two years ago;: from which he -never . recovered;'--He---was--a rnember'eof the 'Masonic Order and ..: of the Presbyterian ,Church• He is survived by two sisters, and several nieces and nephews. Fun ,eral ;services ,were' held from Bon- thron's, •Parlors to Baird's ceme- tery on:January 24. ' Those attending from a distance `were Stuart McBride, Toronto; i,fr. "and, : Mrs.E+dgar Smith, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. J D. Reid, Landoll,' Leslie Fortune, Mrs/George Day, Mr.. and Mrs, 'Walter Wood : and Mrs. Corrigan, alt of Winghain. Pallbearers 'were 'John 3arrott,. J. D,. .Reid, Walter Wood,' Walter 1VIeEeath; Alex Meteath end: Stu'.. ;art• McBride. , Mayor •B. F. C ►rsstie Seeks Support' ' F ►r Minor ock 1Afe +a f•l e ek Mayor B F. Christie has ' called 11.1)04 all citizens to support Miner' hockey Week in; .Vanada7,-Wilieli commenced Saturday; January.; 24,' in endorsingthe observance of Minor HockeWeek, His Worship said: ' "I can thihk of no better• way to focus attention oil the won- derful benefits of Minor Hockey ,to; our youth than through observance, ,of `-;Minor Ildekey. Week in :Can -oda." • "Hockey • is our. national sport,'. and participation _by the youth of our town is encouraged at all 1ev els:, `We 'are • proud, of'.our;'game; of.: its ability' to- develop :character, Citizenship,. and "respect for • auto ority as well as its physical and Y di bod -buil 'ng benefits. "We . also „are proud -of the fact that Min'orHockey. in ourtown has the 'supportmany P A, _of ublid-s pirite AP 'ed eltizens and clubs .whos love,i whose-, _ofe hockey :and -of :children prompt thereto contribute much effort and time:: to the' operation of•the local uiinor'leagues7These otitstandin_ citizens are making a. ;`valuable contribution to "the community ;,m Which : we lave, ' as' does 'our great game: of • hockey eeontribute -enter- tainmenit and ',recreation right; across C.aiada •"For these reasons, I am' happy to endorse, Minor ;Hockey Week in - Canada; and call upon all; citizen's' in':the-observance. of this :week by s ipporting ; Minor Hockey; and by: :attending, "games with :their `sons, not : only during.: Minor - Hoekey. Week, but during the balance: of The .season." `Grandmothers , Are Special ----Guests —.At Kien. East W.I. PP:. otli Grandh 'the-rsheld-#lie-`sp g ght at,the,Januar--y-nreetang•of Kippen East 'Women's Institute far, Which Mrs. Arthur Finlayson, was hostess at , her home.. The =grandmothers; provided the program; which: in- cluded a ,reading by Mrs. William, Caldwell; Vocal 'duet, Mrs, William Kyle arid Mrs. :Ro ss Broadfoot, chi :maxed. with a panel discussion With the. five grandmothers interviewed: A.;.;motion' was passed to discon time the: county rally A: euchre and_dance_' wild be _bele: with the;: Fourth Group in charge Mrs. Jack Sinclair was'' appoint ed leader:and, Mrs41Ross' Chapman; assistant '.leader, 'of the Garden Club project. Sewing for the War. Memorial. Children's Hospital, Lon-: ,don, • is. to be brought'in atahe` February `meeting: -Mrs.'Alex Md Gregor gave a poem and Mrs:'Ken: McKa provided .oasis -,Members answered the roll call with: "Name; Sri' article froni'•grandmgther'skit then. and bring same," , miss, mar-. garet McKay' co n'mented on ;the motto,,"Do net resent growing_ old, Manyare:, denied. th'e privilege: Mi -s W, L.' Mellis; review. "current events, j?resident Mrs. Campbell ' Eyre chaired -"-the--meefing_ .__Luncheon'. Was, served -. , ., • WE 0'N nXPOShOU Proven by 15 year* • 'of .'leadership ,FOS: cam:, ora en. >y, 4 ,Pioneer is the saw des' ed ign e ecif1cally for the Canadian.. P wood -cutting: ndustry It ie o. o kn wnpr fessionallyfc+xits -'';. low cost o o erafbn: It°has f i p. ri o� r ee r e b'15 . b 'p n y yeaz'a of -- leadershi ..: A raven- uaht Pioneer RAChain Saw �-`cos-ts 99:50:" You ° et' a g saw that ww '-t let you itoww: Ask for, a free-demonstra- • tion. Enquireabout: our convenient finance Plan. Mother .says: Family Thrives on aiFolds DESS PR�TEIN- G0®D The ch7ltlreri .love• Chocolate: Milk, and i s so nourishing for ' then,' and. Rich Cottage ':Cheese makes ,a I:VOnderful "quicky" •salad heddar •;.Glt'eese : goes. into :the.' lunch box and the whole. familvlaeS about dessert, topped'.with: Whipped Cream. e s 9' ;' x'.our_ •Door :one'" 101 Seaforth' Delicious... Delightful DAIRY FOODS. CEA1 L RYS SEA:F'ORTII ULT = Phone 141 or. 142 WANT ADS BRING . RESU S ._....,. Read the Advertisements= Its aProofitable Pastime M-URRY GERIC eal Frigidaire Bargains Clearing 195S • rigj are eratorl 12.2 cubic foot; two -door combination with 245 cubic feet "Locker Top" Freezer with ,own door and "full -width removable 1 aluminum shelf. Holds 86 pounds ; 9,75 cubic foot refrigeration section with Cyclo -Matic defrosting,;- 'two "4 -Square"' roll -to -you shelves,' neat tender; glideout hydra- tors, phis storage door.. ' RA , One; Orly --15 "Cubic Foot- - - RIG..DEEP' 1�A FREEZE,. �.IRE ECIALR F •Special s31o.00 e. 499.9 . ZURICH Patine 34 SALES AND SR'11iCE, �;'. 8.EAFQ�$'�,H ' Phone llolt�e � .NV