HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-30, Page 2• $ince 1,860 ,8 erving the Community First - published at pApoirrii, ONTARIO, every 'Tliursday morning by Member of IVIeLean Bro8.-,-Publis11era Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association 'ANDREW V.31.1eLEAN, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: "Canada(in 4avance). 50 a Year United. States(in 'adva,nee). $3-.50 a Year • SINGLE co1rEs.-.5, e-ENTs EACH Authorized aS'Secoad Class. Mali, Pot Office Department, Ottawa ou 11 •keep him out EARTH, ONTARIO JANUARY 'AO 1959 How: TO Encourage', Interest.in. Wor A St Marys councillor -has suggest= -dren.'sbould not gain an apprecia- ed,that efforts -Sh:ould be made to edn- ton of Municipal goVerriment, and.: cate citizeirsTaridi-,-especiallyL'TsChbol__LL,_one W'ay, Would be. for .groups to'.at- . 7.children, into taking .. an -interest fleiid.fjpeetingS' , . . 'municipal matters.- He. -suggests the by by. _ar,rangement such groups , could „ Arst 'step should...be, the -eneoirraging, have explained to them by theMayor . 'ha varioUS groups CO visit opeu-COuri:- Or Clelit.,Alldineaning Of the svarious •Theethik:s -whefe, they could 1ean pro,01.00.$0,1*loda:ce'each. occupies in 5.• -at first hand the functioning: ortlie. Y.: the intui1eipa1,proees-s-.---.St--0-$---hy:thi$, - democratic ystein in one of its "1119.st," 'direction were taken at the last noM7.." . basie..and elementary formS. illation 'meeting, when i number of There is little doubt that few—very sch901-..childrgn; with f: their teachers, :few—citizens take Triuch interest .in werein attendance; saw the candi7, their town affairs or, . at least, that dates. being noininated,,and heard re - part as is represented -hy-rileohl. s of,. VortS7.fronttownTofficers . With - the council. Certainly during the '.'past'259,---2'sainei'thought in ,mind; -Tuckersmith- years there have not been More, than ,School Area.arranged a successful three or four occasions on Which, a .:eVening. last fall, when various as -.- ratepayer has been present ata-meetr. pects of the ;InaChinery,,,of 01.1".i.1() -gr aOY ing of the -Seaforth Council' Soldra'S ;were eani-inecrand:discUssed. " a spectator . True, at MOStMeetings- inwortaiit. that ratepayers - - there are repreS6iitatives Or -have.,-"a knowledge: of to* their' own ,. tions ad -vat -icing this or that proposal ; - affairs- are' -conducted.: It is .even They present, their brief, , 'answer more iriipotant that the youngpeo-- questions Which council may ask, .and:, pie of . a cginnaUnitY.,be encouraged to . then disappear, their interest being lebki. forward, to plitt be prepared4or it seems, to their own Prob- the time when they will be Called on to lemsOssume---responsibility--m-inumeipal. There is no reason why school affairs. - - - New Citizens Make Malor The Brandon Sup says tha-t-une--o - the first cries whenever unemploy- rcient starts chipping the frame of the general picture of,prosperity;is- that immigrants ,and employed mar- • TJ. ed women are ``stealing' jobs from -. -- population represented by these new- comers has created '-,-problems -school acconmoclatiorr. But the skills they have brought' with them, the contribution- they have 'made in their desire to succeed in their ellesen country, and, the taxeS they'pay on holdings they have made productive far, outweigh , any problems -their , presence has created, This would be - a poorer land had the people of Eng - and, ,of Holland, and of other Euro- pean-countries;:noW not come to Canada. ,.Canadian men.. - "In both cases the arginlient--isTa--. hollow • demagoguery. •Far..from de- priving Canadians' of , jobs— imthi- grants necessarily increase .wor op- portunity'," the Sun goes on to say.. " "They.have: to ,eat and theThave to Meet their housing needs, howev- er modest these rnay-beat-the----start-.1;,-! In Other words. inerease_thesi mandlor consumer goods • produced , • in 'Canadian factories and :sold in Canadianshops.". We don't know hOW,. many' Canadian' families there are in on. One thing; however, .is certain,. and that is that had• these families , not 61i -ie. -here there would today be • a good 'many vacant farms in the• _- county. There Would...be Many an • empty` home and .apartment ifitie • towns and villages., True, in Some areas the- increase:in.,. SUGA •BS'.."iff:,'(Aill) B. •044.,E Are you shocked'ai.id incredulous when you read one of thbse front- page stories in which. some °reii-. ary- naan; for no apparent reason, goes berserk and slaughters his wife and three children with an axe? I'm shocked, too, but 1 ean't say I„'„iri astonished. - § § Siimetirnes I can harcuY stand my -family. • And don't,. think I'm being facetious. , I really mean it. I 'imagine mest" nien-go"through periods of 6.q.iiiet desperation in which only the veneer of centuries of civilization )-.,.-events them from clobbering the lot with the near- nesttbluedepwools.ntinstrm uent and 'running io th .- We had a couple-,,ef days. in 'a row this week when only iron, self- control on my part averted a&ag, edY...There didn't seemto be any • particular reason for theidWri- terr -madfiess--that asSailecl us: I vvilLadinitthat the "Old 13-attreaie was, viel-r...honed, tor'thet-oeCakion. She had a coldsore,.whieh, between the disemnfert arid .the su1t to ,her vanity; . alWays- inalceS • her about as cozy to live with as a rabid- fox. • There was nothing wrong with Me: Oh, I had, a touch of my win- ter 'backache; the 400ra on my foot was ;giving 'me hell; the, furnace, had gone- 'out 21-barire, and, the goal truck, had plowed000 a Couple of oftlees M My front lawn: But A)n.:tht-wrliol'jwapretty amiable `, " . • Arid the kidsweren't especially bad, inst. average. Which is;en °Ugh ' to drive 'a ,deacon, td drink and wild women,' but doesn't bother us tOo much.' Even,.the dog ',Was nierelY liusy proving...there, is One •type .of animalmore irritating •t.han-chilclren. ; - 0 Help in Smaller Towns •ny. APProire AmieXatlon Hullett, township proved a•lrequeSt fromr the: Oxecii- live: and'. housing . coMittee of the. Clinton Council for pernaiSsion • to. annex 12 acres" of land :adjoining -the--noritheasf.sicteIef__tew.if. It is `exnecte,d 'that -three .of .theSe acreS7 Will be aged forthepending ',rental lionsing:ProleCt..Which the town has entered'into aiohg With the .proVin- tial_ancl. .federal 'goVernmenta. • (Acton Free Press) Municipalities are receiving out- lines of the winter work stimulation plan fostered by theJederal and pro- vincial governments. A close study ' proves the plan almost Useless to cen- tres --of- this sie— It that any winter work - stimulation plan -can't look to the municipal level' for support with so many restrictions placed on the avail - ',able grants. ,No. Rabies; ,Y0t! ' Although , a fox waS,-slaot in the •manger , of the. barn ,'laSt week, cattle on the farm`, or Lewis johnS,' t'sborne,-. haven't SlieWii signs yet of being infected..: by the aniniar; believed to be rabid."So far there have been rio ill effects.," reported 4loeSn't lebk as if the,,fox :attacked any . cattle before we were able,f,, to "kill ',him." 'Mrs. Johns said She InfiOe'd "our experi- ence will . serve •as a..• Warning. -to farmers who are vyintering cattle in open barns tobt- careful.." -Ex-. eter. Tiines-Advocate, , APERS FEDERATI ..lar pennants. for mimerals.-- ,o„ , ., rich Star.. . - • r. ' ... . . letter of the . alp abet an tnangu- , .,. ., :.,. ., ..., . . , .:".....;....,,,r,....'...rh....-. ,Signal By 1.CARL ..HEMiNGWAY . ,• . , BriiSsetS.SchoOl.tont!.. ; . . . . . . _..laiin'e. more I would 'remind . all. ' 'Following the 'Special faek.find. . cattle !'S'sAiner.,S to. look up ,the .ad- ing Meeting of the Wmgham Dis- , ertisrneiTt in their weekly paper -tritt7Iligli-School-Boardiest-wee-r 1,t-T.H-fr.d-th-o7-11-ateor. st.i.i, nrneoliosis.,,, _ V 'e. .Crrie4sea';'!'dsinelv9gfendi311`'rointlyst:80.12:-el:ihc''''ea:111.1)41;Y:b'il4a.111.m!itg'4:1.4"1.c.trnr-fatiionina',tWiciinll ..brilo.e, cetianiligii.'g' 'olii.6.6:ott.t. tt9o. -stPad2.,--Of.liniildinan. addition.. to erecting a 'second' high ',school „in.- ' , 'en„".and.they.._ are . not paid .,for: tet yourdecision. 'These. are busy; ilioni....,A represeritative-ofthe:Fed ,iivitrib ore .,_„_1"):Chrioes_lesinrii 1 it vs structureeisteipgoart0et id. i1:Ipitt :7:Wa tdmi,f4g9illi ,a(iiiin.vticii: iiiiat n Ili si,i_liv._,.oeraki'.e. r-7, f .0,Q i sa't6a-istfhniee71°das'if :YrwiciiiiiirrY'gb-°°etit', Will..be better .theinforrnation .: at. these; meetings. that 'are being , arranged by:the De- partment- Of. ,Agrieultore 16t"...your: bands to be hard,- shrewd, &pin-- eering-even ruthless. -except witl their .wiyes? - Kim was bustling around while. this was gOing en,. running back and forth between us, with the• - dog' S dish in one hand and a quart. of Ina in -the other, trying to get his dinner, It -was hpr day to look after /playboy. , • • § - So, -from the back rooni, vVhere the ),mp livesz.Htigh .was.' yelling at Kiln; informing • hervvith delight. that there were 'four messes" to • dean- up.' Playboy-, was Yowling forlais food. -My wife. was informt- ing. me, in the reverberating tones. she ernpleys „when her coldsore is, •. giving her; twinges, that I'm soft ' and let people walk all overme. seem ipractical. to :build a. sechind schoOl.- This.'cdnclusiOn was reach:: .ed: When it was found Aliat .at eS t. • only - Could be exPectecl .to • attend- the; Second 'institution, ' and ,that assessments • to support the ,pian; Would not be adeqUate.Wing7.' ham' Advance Times fl ., - , flagS for use .inthe annual. tnarin, d's!,Lservice Was nreSented.,to' Knox Presbytelfaitlaiiirch Sunday:. The presentation; Made by Capt 3'. Thoma •representing the, marine _division of Imperial Oil Limited,' took place during._ a special lay- nien's ,-seryiee 'Sunday a,fterndon. In accepting the flags, 'Rev: R. G. •MacMlllan.• Said:, "We, will guard them well and us them. from tithe to time decerationorbar Mary on the occasion of our Mar- iners' service." The 'signal: flags are , carried' by ail -Great. Lakes' ships. The. set presented to the Too *eh. Money? Liens 'District- .GOverinir •VatSen,..L-uCknoW, 'Paid his official Visit' to the Zurich. Liens'.. Club on - Monday ',evening, at ;their regular :dinner meeting . at the. Doininion How:. :Governor Rae. was intro- duced"flie""ellib` by: InternatiOnal- Counsellor., Vic- 1)Ciiinii;-"oftlie7Zilf-t:, Club., In reviewing the history .of . the Zurich . Club; „Mr. .Watson Tsai& the-Club*Wa s MO money enough places touse it. He urged; the menibers totryand find projects" whiCh „could, uso_. ."-up .the . surplus money. "To .good mem- 'ber ; .'Of a. :Lions . dlub,, one; Must be alwaysready to go''alongTwitli the iiiejoritY;" added the Govertiorlle went Ca t� say that in LioniSiii one can; derive, intiCh benefit from as- sociating With the • calibre of whe.lielongia Such organilations-: Huron County co-operative , their , cal.. Services held eir ` annual meeting in the council Chambers, JanuarY:. 22. „ Due-,_ the, 'very bad:, weather,- this '":itieeting not as. well ',attended c,aS' it Sli 10 CZ IfillielbSerie Llioth the president- and. rvice- president,: Fordyce.- , Clark" w s elected -..chairman "for 'the meeting.. PauMeehan; TOronte, director' of.. Rural EnrolinentS,. Was ',guest 'sneaker: ..1-1e-Pointed-but'theneett- for.fainilies to.4rotect-themselVeS against sickness eXpense:'Iii cities "about..98Tper centtli ' ote are ;Protected goVeriinientitos- pitilizatieri"Lsince many corne under 'Corinpulsery church. ineludes. 'a : flag for..., every -Zttricli Citizens News YEA, RS 11,Gt:!NE ' Interesting items gleaned from The. Huron ExpoSithr . of 25,50 • and 75 years 'ago: •- • However, inany farm fain es fail to' take advantage of this pro- tection; Money is not plentiful on the fartn, but, since the Govern- ment expects to pay twc4iiirdS'of the eost, of hospitalization in •On- tario, these farmer's should realize that they will pay two-thirds of the cost for nothing if they fail to -pay ,the other ene-tfurd.,"' Mr. Meehan ' told' that there -are •several- Ways, by„ -Which this pro- tection can be .had by those unfor- ttinateS mho are -unable to Pay the government • premium. He also• urged- everyone to make special note of their registration number. It i8 your _passport to"the hospital, If Yon. lase it, you will:havetrou 131q• • So Kim ' gets. aWtL� flnatered,.. starts ler' the baPlt;irooni' on a' dead. • :run .to tell:104h -what. a, dirtY`' -Sneak he and auait,bottles. do when ,they're sPilled; gallon, , • As I say, there didn't seem to be any real reason tor,a dustup, but, like an old cavalry ,charger, I could scent battleahead. As- a result, I was lookit g forward to lunch hour, the crisis period at our house, with'-all:the enthusiasm of a beautiful mo_del heading for the dentist to have, all' her teeth milled. mid I couldn't have been. more right ,;. • AnyWay.that ended round one Rettirn 'Match. Was .next *day at litea6arnishT.'4TelLe!hstidsTYiCv°e-r°11e. wWraesStlsitnilgl' witli...'the -dog to see Who'd hold' Playboy threw up' from the .' excitement.. -The •'sotin. boiled .:-over right at this juncture,. put; r bore you with -the' detail's. . Snfiie0' it to say that it's right abOut their that I `want' my mother...When yoli haven't '-got,ja mother .handy -the next, best' thing isto--- get --to- the bathrodna and lock yourself': in. - 'Which is good ;for about90 seconds ".beford somebody is hamniringO the doorliii • agony... ' • Oh.. we. ,coo,1- off; ',and' the -very' nextday, probably, we're as' happy Land- aff ectionate-)a--little you'd find, But don't . expect me ' to say incredulou,sly, rwhen I read one of -those grueserne axe -slaying. „headlines: "How in the world could he,, do itt0, those lovely children: and that .pretty young wife!'" The first day my Old Lady tore inteine before r evengot ‘rny over - hoes 'off, because7r.l.adrittlieen" tough." enough witil 0 certain fel- mw oVer',a Certain `matter. Why I:m more apt to be,saying quiet- ly to myself:, "'rliere but. for the; fact that .iny axe is rid -tied: frOnr chopping_ off,„ the Steps and wouldn't eut butter; go -I," • Professor• What did you learn - -about-tlie:salivary glands?" _ Girl: "1 couldn't -find'eu' professor,; they are so darn.: is it that women want their hus- s Will.P4y you. tohave all maintepaiie;. repair, renovation and .redecoration' jobs -donearound your home or place of business during the wintr lull in the00b.uildmg rndustry :Nila9tiVlioilEalIMHI5ouR§,OiriYglEAMctE; \Tarrr ta(5VAa, iNlalS:le1-1'1:itijberrc.m.thghe. your barikT"-.-Lup to---$4;000-and up ,to 10 years IMPRO"VEIVIENT LQANS, backed by the gOVernnient, are also "available' -•`through Your bank. . th15-,Q00 and up_to, 1.0 yea.rs to. repaY. Help YOuiself --and at,the same tithe, Your corn.- . InunitY-4y. having jobs dOne.' 'note•- wn of Seafort MiNO,R HOCKEY. WEEK: ik CANADA'. WHEREAS, the Week Of January 24th IS being observed through- out Canada as a period to focus public attention oil the PhYsi- ' -ea; .ehar"acter-hiallingand otii benefitsof hockey 'for. .icrar youth, and ° WHEREAS the;game of hockey i recognized as our truly Cana-, dian-sort.:Which teaches our youth to ,develop a competitive s-pitit,,Co-operation. with - others 'body-building and, respect for-authOrity,--and •; WHEREAS Minor Hocley is the foundation' froth, -which- aecein- plished hockey Players develop, • NOW THEgEFOREi 1, as, Mayor o Seaforth, do hereby 40140. th*oek eo1nntenmg January 24h be oll?,50rVM'i$ "MNOR HOCKEY EEK IN CANADA' _ and request that all Parents. and others encourage 'children' to, ' • - partielpate in this great Canadian game. B. F. '11/layor. • From The Iluton-Expositor.„. February. 2, .1934 • S. F. Daly' , was again -elected president Of the .Seaforth ' Golf Holding.' Corporation Ltd. Expend- ed for • local,labor and .tearns,•in the cftstruction Of the new golf ,courSe was $3,220.80. • • , Charles. A. Barber was elected. chairman:of...the Seaforth ate Institute Board at the' meeting on Thursday evening, , „ , Helmar Snell assunied 'the, du- ee_pliipf of policP,.. night Watch- man and tax. collector onAliiirs- Mr,„ It. 1% Belton, .q ttibIin, was a wirmer of the spring series of the 1933 bacon -litter competition: _M Mary Flynn., Constance, Who L pdzfdliid tWd- Weeks with her . brother, -James, was quite badly scalded on the face chest last Friday, but j5 .improv- ing nicely, . ' O Master Jack Medd, of Con. - Stance, had the - misfortune white skating' to fall and hurt his leg and 'is unable toget. around; . • Mr. Laird Mickle and son, Billy, • of Hensall, motored td Ridgetow,n • list week and spent a day With • Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle. Mr,.. Earl Bell had the misfor- tune 'tofall last,.week arid fraCture 0, , • two ribs. . • .. Messrs,. John Cardio and' C. Reeves attended a hoekey-ganiin • Toronto ft -Saturday evening, competition ' at Haitilton 'recently and each Nveie, suctessful in.win- ning '$25 ' .Mr. Earl Crich, who has been visiting his brothers and sisters in Seaforth, left on TueSday morning for his home in Hartney, Manitoba. • stewart, Bros, are inalang exten- sive alterations and improvements in their stores. - 'While walking along 'the lane of .Mr, J.. W., Beattie on Sunday morn- ing, riVIr. Ed. Everatt saw two snakes lying beside the drain, at he sidef the. lane ey, were `nintili with Cold. ',- Mr. W. J. Moffatt was in Toron- to 'this week attending the Grand Chanter of the Royal Arch Mas- -Frorir The Ituroo Felirtiary 1, 1881 • • Mr. Samuel Hannah, formerly of McKillop..has been elected Warden of the County 'c7f . Brandon, IVIarii- January 21 1959. 5 5 -- Min The Huron' ExpoSitor: . January 29 • • A, '31 'Tyndall' andI A. B. Carr have purchased- the 'grocery _busi-` tress of T. Beacom in Clinton, Messrs. W. Hoggart. and A. Col - dough, Hullett, citt ari „.:01M' tree on the farm of James SOuthetnnlie a few days ago, Which turned out 11 cords Of 'wood and 14 logs, each 12 feet long, and none of them less than -a foot in diameter at the:small end, pr6 err an o ner, o txeter -leg- Part In ---d-iltoothIg and. broke his shoulder hone,- , How To Cut Taxes Two Concrete .suggeStions for re- diming.taxes-making welfare pay- ments only on the basis. of proved need and slashing defence expencli- tures-were made;in a rdcent TO- ,ronto speech by Stuart Armour, 'economic adviser:, to The Steel Company of Canada, Limited, Mr. Armour. told_ `the National. Concrete Products Association that putting welfare payments on a proved need basis need not be politically disastrous, because la- bor- unions -tad ,already- done -so_ during recent strikes in Canada, "Labor leaders and their doctrin- aire socialist collaborators have long condemnedthe application df a means test with respect to wel- fare -transfer payntents," he said. "yet- when the- 'United zSteel -Work ers and the Mine, 111111. and Smelter Workers Were called .out on strike, theY themselves doled 'out relief only to those members who could prove real ueed." , , This is an example the federal government ,should folidw, Mr. Armour said, "for the indiscrim- inate handing out of relief pay- ments has beenone of the prime causes of, the inflation which has afflicted Canada shine 1916."' t In,' the long run, our national eco- nomy can no better, afford the costs of universal welfare payments than mild the treasuries of two of our wait for sprin Issued by a'itthotity.' of the Minister, arLabour, Canada 8055 " Since arriving in Ontario, Mr, William Logan has , dispOseci a about 15,000 bushels of Manitoba wheat to millers in this district. _ Mi. AlexanderCharlesworth has purchased the business and stock 'of Mr. D. o.Ito'8e, of the pdst office.grocery stare, 'and will here- after Carry on the tattle,. " The Literary and Musical Sere-, fy of the High School gave one of -their iibpuTar` entertanurients, m _ • • _ _ _ _ st and mod powerful- labor ti,ixol6 Hall, -Brucefield, ThuradaY orpoisations.,) evening, ' Ho. added; ,,,,Perlaaps now that caAnnovaerldesriliypia. eldadoyn, nthaernesdidewMariks. the.head of the AEL-C10.(George opposite stated that1 and in falrinllifs; fractured °hrier'Farirni,dal!'n' ilMaabbeooarrilYvloetahed7eorusrof(epoiathnlinatiolic.tyiatco5nwtrino.1 ,talce two ePaisarese.srk, ceiernaa, cols. heart and start aeting an the in., Aarllipithaete olsodMafiot ssetilfthere s: terestthsoeeobea f are tobek.4 Cnireductions took part- in the skating carnival innin tAxion,thereesinCanadineetets r igny: ehualt into at Clinton on PridaY &Vetting. O A friendly game football was go,vverenticeanntadsirteannsditinagv, agot id played re. played at Kinburn last Saturday ,, gain control of goVerninent itPeral- between the pupils of AtoXlioro and lug, oniz by s0 doing on Nolen- Kinburn sehools.. , • 'White playierhookey at the rink Orate the private capital without a feW night age, 11.0Y Everatt fefl which -a private enterprise SYStem ifltist1 etntuaUy be `destroyed. These Are All 1959 Models • in Stock 1 'CIIEV, BEL AI'lt SEDAN , Color 'Green; six -cylinder; standard transmission 1 CHEY. BEL. AIR, SED-A7SIT'''• ..--° ••Color, Black and White; 6-cy1inder; standard transmission, 1 CIIEV.. BISCAYNE SEDAN . :Dark Blue;' 6 -cylinder; standard transniiSsioa GlitV. 1/2 -TON PICKT.513-.--,Fleetside' 1 oLps DYNAMIC "88".;SEDAN Fully equipped; 'Green ar1d White VAUXHALlx-VICTOR SEDANS • Four -cylinder _ _ -0 0 - vAuxITALLytLo?c SEDAN .Six -cylinder Special , Prices On Any of Abov during -Next 10 Days -- -- EAFP sEAF0RTH; and•i.MITCHELL • •