HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-30, Page 1•,•
elitiodredth Year •
Wholo.NUmber 47..47 -
Single Copies, 5 Cents
$2.50 a Year in Advance
StiDIRIT',:helit a .sue-
eetsfilt dhnhal-meetird.and.'diriner .Tueiday evening in Egniond-
, vine:Chime:iv The -meeting '.reviewed aetiyities during -4958 and.
looked forward to increases. in eVerY".departnient.--in the New
ear, • .Shown here 'following eleeten:',,of officers., are; from the
left,: R. Jame§:;WallaCe,•:Secretary;treasimerr James ,111 -,,',Scott,
secorid Vice-president4.•ROliert"- ,;‘,0,peell; ;President,. .and
afirst Vide -POO -dent
, . . • (Photo, by Pliflhp )
Hog Producers
_ss Love- liensall, 'Was.; elected
president of the Huron C—mty Hog -
Producers! Association at the an-
nual meeting in Clinton Tuesday.
He succeeds W R. Lobb, RR 2,
Clinton, who has held the Post for
the past six years.
-• Other officers named were::-A1-
.hert: Bacon, • BelgraVe; .-- and . Lloyd,
.Stewart, Clinton, vice-presidents,
and Alfred Alfred Warner, Rayfield; Sec-
..Directors -at -large are:
SiMon.,=flallahan, Belgrave;
,Alvin " 'Ran; Ztirichr, Elgin Baiter,'
:RR .5, Clinton;:' township direetors.
.aistd alternates: -Ashfield,
R.. Finne-
gan C. Kilpatrick; " Colborne; Jona-
-than EiSher,..11„ Fisher,. Goderich,
, Alfred Warner; William, Longmire;
:Stanley; tWilliarn.--"Coledian; ',Ernest
.Stephen, Edwardirendrick'
• Winston Shapton;.'":Uslitorne:;',„_,Ilarry....
is, -Douglas .' Hemingway ; Hnllett
0-1d0110, .. Gilbert,' •-•,Sitiith, Gordon•
Tuckersinith: Alex McGre-
gor, Wilfred • Coleman; East. Waw-.
aiar, William Goad, Willfain•Ken-
eha • ; Morris, -Albert Bacon,
Coltev, 'Turnberry- Les. 'Fortune,
Harry • Mulvey;'..' HOwick; Elmer
Harding; Gordon •Angst.. :•
•:-Fermers, Only Servants?
-President, of the ', Ontario Hog
Prodneers., Association' CharlegM -•
Innis,. told more than 250 .farmers
'att:ending:. themeeting' that vertical
- integration ."is :hota move pre-
, ;incited by producers because !they,
are ahort of credit -4t is being: pro-
moted. by trade?! He told the group
if vertical integration, .eretentract
Uriming, is .allowed. to corne• bite'
• effect:the:bargaining power willbe
taken ' away and farmer wilt
ome- mere :.aetVahts orr•liired"em-
ployees ` Of big 'Corporations. .
- "Because marketing boards are
he.re;to stay, as 'fermiers believe
,it is their, only hope Of getting. in -
7." to,.,7.-a7, streitgelling.lkositidn; trade
woUld like' to,underrnine 'conk ' sell-
.po`sitio#,7, he Said,
• 'One has only ,to look t� The
,aOutli of Us' Where Vertical:;,inte-
,gration •made cotton' growers, into
mere peasants. Not only
contract farming be disastrous to
.the producer, but the.. Consimier
-Wouldbe:-at- the. mercy 'of'. a .-few
;large corporatiOns.".
Opposition From !trade ,
:Referring to progress Made: diir-•
-...-ingthe-year-st he marketingaeheni
. has beeri in operafien, Mr.,-Arfern.
nis: told the meeting that '"trade
•• has no business in trying to preg-
ame...usin our way of selling our
-products." - •
(Omitinued-on.,Page 5) •
The, new. Seaforth, „Shoes' Ltd.
Plant on. West Street' Was
opened'? .;offierallY .--on-:-.TirdanekdaY
tie cut--aTritrhort-stretched-aceross
the entrance to the plant. :Watch-
ing 'the Ceremony- were several
hundred interested citizens and
• • .
employees of the plant
,Mayor Christie expressed on be-
half of Seaforth citizens the hope
that the 'company would have a
long and 'continuing successful, ex-
istence -in ,-Seaforth.- He- pledged
the co-operatimi..-of -the-- town and
expressed appreciation to all who
had co-operated in makingthe new -
factory. posSible..
Mr. Christie saidthe event in
Which. he was taking trart was one
to 'lir-filch, he had looked forward
for a long time., The 'enlarged Sea-
' Under the leadership; :of Dr, and
Mrs. James 'Serriple'• the Egitiond: •
• •
ville 'United Church ' reported.. a;
most active and successfnl year at
their annual Meeting :•Friday eve-
cangregatin esTapprectationT Of -then'
untiring "efforts and ',eUresSedit'
id a: tairgible-way7'lift-spite•-ofTieY7?
roads. and peactratine-"winds.--i=a;
armfeeling 'Of 71-61TOWainP..and
„gratefiiiiieSS. to O•ott :perVa•Oct the:,
,ineeting, with the hope .:..that • the
work had been for .the glory
of God and, that Christ's causehad•
been . advanced. ' home - and
all group leaders, and worker With
speeial- word S 'Of .,appreciation to
Theinas••Robinson, treasurer; 'Lyle
ilamtnend..'orgaiiiiff, and bis choirs,
and Reg ,Kingli s,..earetaker..
• ‘'FiVe-,.stewards were • apitoifited
three -ear.' term: ,••••--Elitiare
TgerPlienSiin,7 Emerson Durst,- Ken
Ariff1"te"griiier3Tlq0a7..s cotirteil re-
presentative, Lyle Ham/Mind.'
'Was: !'aiiiialieed that Russell . tole -
Man 'i.and ,:.Newrnin Garrett Would.
be, .niiiiicted 'as elders at the 'Mein-
. • , . .
prayer, a.' social, ;dine was spent;
Mrs. Hd. Boyes, Miss Mae Smith
•MrS,,Elninte.•Stetihenseri..arid. MrS.
A. CbesneyserVed refreshments.
IVY :-Plenderson.thanked the .ladies
:Dr, ,seniple •presided , and con -
dotted -.devotional .period , pat-
terned. after '..the, first Service ,held
by the first Congregation-. '0 God
f Bethel" was sting -and, Psalm 89
was used in the, meditation: A. short
"In. IVIemOriarn.": service of silence
.and prayer i'was -- held for the. five
'members who • had- Passed away
during the -year. • ,
The • leaders of the verieug ;Or-
ganizations 'reviewed the year's
actiVities.. and -gratifying ' reports-,
were read 'byllietreaistirprs-;:show,
ing that oyer -81.8,090-,00.. had, been -
„raised, Arthur Wallace clerk of
session, 1:reported •: an . increase: in
rchurch membership. ' A.: C...Ttent;
ledge, who -acted • as ' secretary,
Praised -the teachers; and officer's.
of • the ',Sunday School: for ,their
,taithfut, and devoted service. .The
-church. • treasurer, Thomas 'Robin-
son,' reported that the missionary
iand current accounts- had . exceed-
ed all . expectations. He • warmly
• thanked all . the , mehibers, and ad;
lierents' for their regular'. and gen-
erous gifts. •
'Otilier--reliorts :Were: --W.M.S.,
ion Band, Baby Band; Miss FOR:
ces Houston; • W.A., Miss Mae
Ed. • Beyes;
Sund, -Steph-
enson; Choir, L. Hammond.; T.P.U...;
Mrs. Alex Chesney; 'Capital Ac-
count, Mies Rena MacKenzie; Bible
Society ; •• d.':Bolitiedge•; Cerae...
tery-ComUlitte�, john-lVlo dela MI
A .vote Of thanks, was to
ca Cancer
roup Plans
ctivi les
ITE'hpfmancial, pietnre nt S'eafe,rth fair; -are, awaiting -word r
from -- Add,essing- the: banquet, -Arthur-
Plans-_ were- -advanced for -the-
Huron Unit -meeting of the Cana-
dian Cancer Society -being held in
Seaford,. in March, at a meeting of
'the Seaforsth_and district branch
Tuesday evening.
„operation, „-was• ,
great thiet?ter:,eaforth... „
• • Chairinaiiififfing :the "Slidtt'eere"4"
*AY!' wak-A-'.TY.'rIVI-4..teae:',Whe':ertr,
_Phasiied, that the •.sneOeSsfid 'coin-
resulted in ldirts MeaSure•,frord' the
co-operation that., had existed
tween. the menbers of Conned; the
P-oc and, Citizen& generally.; on one
cOMpanY on the other He
that it, was the ;hope p1 everyone
that' the 'eeniPany';•wag
new period of .even 'greater SUCCess
in Seafertli,,"And",:l.tliat',iri., ensurfng
this: success ;.'' not only - -Was.; eon,.
tinued:..co;operation; necessary,.bnt
that there. ' Were ., :.re,SpenSibbifies
Which must be assumed' both': by:
the minticipalitY "and -by 'manage-
. • . , • . •
'HirtieAleef :Night.
Kinsmen Club held theirainnial-benight, one of -the' bet-
ter dinner meetings of -.the:, Year,
at the • Rosy Korner IteStaurant,
Without exception • everkohe .
edart opinion. t -was:a cloSednieetz-
ing, .*•and Deputy-Governor.;,.:Bill
Mickle waS.: in attendatice; as :a
member of the Club:Binge fever
has caught on because' an,inereas-'
ed.sale of ;cards has been report-
ed and two new outlets, eStabliSh-
was reed, from Seek
Bannister, of Zurich, -chairman of
the 'Ontario ,t'Crippled'
building ftinct., remiestbit. to !, assist
With_d_honge-teheiise canvass for
fonds...le,: he used for buldineeen-;
tres, in Ontario, one to be built in
London.... The ' club accepted this
ehallongedate tos' be set later
John Heal, Kinsmen ohairman,
Will be, in charge of this project':
• .• , • . ,
The ptdP :and paper industry .pur-
chases1"...at third of. its _wood. fi•Qm
••crnall • li'afilingg".• • '
The meeting was held : at,. the
home:of•MI.S,,.:41d,ry,eY, Mason, .with
eleven .meiiibers,:present..BusnieS
, of . the: meeting. was . Conducted: by
President John Talbot, , and repert§'
were, given by the: chairmen of the
various .committees., ' ' •
;James -.Deig, extension ehairinan,
t a-Vet-eiccerptst-from„-the-Harnilton
Conference. Delegates Were
pointedto attend the edifeatieVaild.
:publicity' convention •..te be f.held. in
Toronto on February, 19;20;....
The 'Anion ."C:nit' Meeting be
:held in Seaforthien: March 18, to.
Which the -public are cordially in;
. -.•
▪ ,Report • of the. Ontarie Divisin
eting-,- whien•-,WAsheldAniVeron--
hinding-higreport, Clem L. king,:
said; • "We -'haye::: good cause •
feet pledged .With the .aCcOMPIISW
•.trients . of. the • past year. I ,never
cease to be amazed". he ;said "bY,-;
the enthnsiasM, and -energy ,: put for.
yard by: "those .Who =' are so inter-
ested in the work of cancer. cort;:
trot': • CanCeir..Stiffereri throughout -
the ..world," he saii.V;,..-`cPrayPd..'foi,
the, success 'Of •eVery:t;:pergon7s:
deavour ;in ,the • fight against this
Lunch - was served
teSS: The '.February 'ineeting,isTM
be: held' at the 'herne, of Mrs, -Net-.
Man. MacLean,. EgmondVille, on
Tuesday,= February 24.,-.. •
George': jolingicin, vice-president
of the J. A.:-.,jobaston Co. :Ltd.', of.
wlifeli;Seaferth.,Shoe§: is a- subsid;
lary„ expressed appreciation to th-e-
the ..assiglatibeWhich-badbeen,giv-
,c1CMS ,Frec17-,1Wgeneral.
Manager of Seaforth Sliees; and his
staff •hadt,dartein bringing tl new
plant into prodUction..
Mt. •
_ • ,
r. Peel, in paidtribute to
Joe ,Macattney and AngUS-• Mac-
Lean''. and members of his super-
visory -staff, and: other personnel.
success 'Of.' the conipanZ.; he,
Saidwas directly .attributable to
the ..exeellent • eentrilmition'':wlitelt,
cLwaS ;Making,: He was happy '
Whad....been possible to ,Make A de-
cision, to. Stay in Seaforth •and
thanked the town for the co-Ope-,,
tion,it had -extended .We Are heiTe
to,stay he said, • •
Open house; which' continues en
Friday . afternoon from two to four
attracted a steady stream
of visitors from .Seaferth and the
district.:: In small groups they were.
dendneted throtighout. the 20,000;
foot ;.Prodnefraii'area bg-,Inenibers
Of the Beginning With the
leatheras. it:arrives 'in, the plant,
they wereNhoWn•".eabli Ste -phi •-tne
•,•.prohltietiOn_ of a-,,sboe, until it final;
.1y. arrived . a "fihishediroduet,
ready for ' packing and shipping. --
-Parr Line "Farm Forum met at
the -home of Mr:, and Mrs. Ian Mc-
• • !Allister,' •Thej ior,u_n listened te the
'special broadcast from, Saskatoon.
!The occasion., was' the windup of
the National Farm Radio Forum's
semi-anniial _meeting, and theAfirst
day of the, Cinadiin,Vederation of
Agriculture's anitial, meeting. The
broadcast Was entitled, "IS, This
the Year tile Small 'Farmer Gets
the Axe?” , ' • '
.This forum • belleVesiqhe farmer
will Rise his independence unless
they organize. They, think it is very
:important 'to , have, co-operative
6,0ing and selling, and believe the
lartm formals are an example, of
being better informed, .TheY:•:..4re
in Over of an international fixa
- Perhaps in „ atea; they
...agreedwthey have better oppor-
tunity as they haVe more diversi-
fied farthing. If forced out of One,
.t they can tan to another: i1. tbeY
take away.tbefloor prices :and have
deficiency payment up to a .point,
it woad.be more: „helpful to the
amall,,fartner. Tee high -prides have
a.' tendency tolielp`thrtig-farmer-
The forma didnot believe, this is
the year "the small farmer will
get the axe",
The next meeting Will be held
at the home of •Mr. 'Geyer Mon-
day night, Euchre winners Were
Mit. David Blackwell, MrS., Chas:
Robinson, See Denentrae and Wil-
fred lkslons§ean,,
• •
Fireside Farm.' Forum' met at
the home of Mr.- and lidIm Harvey
Taylor with 14 adnitsPreatili.*The
fortinfbroadcaSt originated at Sat-
,katoon„ Saskatchewan, with a, pan-
el of three..It was brought out by
the panel that the fattetY farm is
not the answerto the farmers
trouble. The Sinai" farmer 'with
his .own help and his own land,
with returns enough to give him
his, own living, is a better com-
munity: set-up. ' •••
Lowering bonuses on. production
:would only raise produetion to sup-•
Vletnentbigher_xeturnsLfer kite fa&
tory farmer. Price supports -are
only encouraging. Vertical -intrduc-
tion and are more use to the farm-
ers with larger production. Lower
prices encourage consiiniption,.. and
'farm credit needs an Overhauling;
the forum felt. Assistance to help
small farmers that are squeezed
from the' farm alp, needed to get
help' in -a new 3oh. Dr. Hannan
elaiina that farmers can carry on
pretty well as -usual if they will
•adjUst.'• themselves to situation
. '
-The next Meeting will be held at
the'bothe of Mr. and Mta, -Joseph
.Babcock .• The winners of euchre
were high, Mrs ,- Jim Barleek Anti
James Buchanan; lone hands,•.Mig.
George carter and Erie Ander$P0.1.,
eorisolation, Mrs. Ilphert Jaines
:and Bert Iloggart '
Agricultural SoeietY ,,- was • 'Mucli.
brighter this Year When, indebted-
ness of the .; SecietYearried rfor
severat...!Years; waslieredUced. by
'$3007friOnfli.eirgere ag';•th0
_attended .the tannUaliineeting ;and
, banquet Tuesday evening. ;At the
same prizes totalling ,.;eVen
$500 were paid out, ideluding -Ov-
er .$3,000 in utility classes, accord,,.•
ing to the-',:treasiir-er's repOrtpre:
Podosl#17_4111=eeoenttli'n4edT'!..ii.nie pinre"%kget
ment in all aspects of the fair in
1959. , • :
Almost 100 persons sat do•Wri,"to
a _turkey ',banquet Which- precedded_
the.:Ineeting .at Eginendville _Cuiten
Church. •-• '
The society, WhiCh'has-been. aim -
:lug at a .Class '"B" rating for the
the Doininien „Department; of ' Ag-
-riculture) as to the eligibility- of
the fair:for the .new
For .,the• past ',three -years the or-
•,garuzation. has paid out ever $3,000
'iiitie'utliity.,classes'each year, the,
'treAnirenient to reach _the . higher
'rating, ... •
Atthedirectors': meeting follew-
ing the annual- meeting, Robert. W.
Campbell- was re-elected ..president.
of .the society for a fourth terra.
.Although reluctant-- to :serving.--za-
-further term, Mr. -Campbell's 'ap-
pointment- was .carried,unaginiousr.
"ly by the directors, and Mr. Camp -
:bell aceepted.• Fit'st. vice-president
is RehertE„MeMillan, and second
vicepreSident7-1W7arries" M. Scott.
vzas R. Jahies
Rolt,on,* asseeiate 'agricultural re-
presentatiVe for Huron, suggested
the far?aal-gt ofa Ianwr: Fair
see -
tion withifs own president'Mr.
Bolton pointed out that additional •
grants would he available. foruu-
ior work* aad the adrlecLyputhful would greatly help the
fair. '-
Trophies won at the fair were
presented,--wiib Lloyd ,Rowat pre- •
senting the Co-op trophy . for the
-best-limier heifer calf to Louis
'Devereaux The McMaster trophy
for the best baby beef calf, wee
by Charles McGregor, was 'pres-
ented by Dr, E. A. McMaster' to
Margaret McGregor, sister of the
winner, Thellarvey Leslie trophy
• was Won hy Miss I'aurel Dale,',who
was also unable to be Present.
Guest speaker for the night, Dr.
E A. McMaster, gave a travelogue
of hi § recent trip to ..Japan and the -
Orient. Following an outline Of, his
views of the country, he showed
films •lae.liad taken during the trip.
-.Breaking with tradition .the Sea-
'fortli, Public :School Beard ,..has
elected Mrs. jOhn., A. ,Cardne as
ichairmari, fee. 1.98,9•:,1, Mrs. Cardno is
the first of her sex to be named
presiding • offiber, of " an official
municipal body in, Seaforth. She
ucceeds W.. T. Teall•-•
Cardiin :lies been a member
of the board since 1955 when she
indM A: W. Sillery-were -elected
as the first women. members. of
_the_ scho_ol: board. Trustee ------J-Ohit-
EengstaffWas sworn in as a mein,
her'. Electe'd in December, he- suc-
ceeds S. A. Westeett, who retired.
The beard , named Miss Gladys.
Thompson to represent it on the
Public Library Board- (three-year
term); and C. A. Barber as a trus-
tee on the Seaforth•iDistrict High
School ,I3oard. •
Committees; were -eitablislied -as
follows:„ 'secretary- treasurer. M.
Si McKeltar;. -finance, F. E. 'Wil-
lis, pr. S.' C. MacLennan; . property,
2V- W.' SillerY,
supply. 3 E. Longstaff. Mrs. J. 'A.
Cardne. Robert Joynt is truant of-
, "Don't S Send .your . beyto the
arena,take him", is the theme of
Minor sHockey Week now under-
way throughent.-the , province. `De
signed-tO -pro/note- tlie selling ,ef
minor hockey to the-''Speetators;-
the week has beenproclaimed fir
.Seaforth. by MAYer B F,
Special' hockey gaine:,.win-s:he
feature ;hti.,the• week itt the tow&
with d. fell' night of 'llackey" at the:
arena , Oh- Saturday ;night.,;:Teams
from Goderich and Wingliain will
Participate in .a triple -header; start -
' The Godericlr Bantams and the
first tilt, followed by the. Goderich
Midgets and Seaforth Allidgeta.=,To
Conelude the night's entertainment,
Wingharn Juveniles will 'hook up
with the Seaforth Juvenile squad.
'..,"Rein.ember, on Sattirda.y night,
'Don't send your boy tiy.the arena,
take'. him." t- •
onors I3urns
. ,
Seaforth -Lions, together with
some- 80.guests...:obserVed_the...20.0.th,
anniversary' of the birth of Robert
Burns at, their , annual Burns', din
net Monday- evening. .
'Describing the Scottish hard as
•A-Poet7with-meAning-ana depth of
emotion—and • rat, the, • Same' time.
with a lilt—Rev. Harold Snell, Exe-
ter, who addressed the 'gathering,
said '"he was a pretty good preach-
er too?' ,
In the- s-peaker"s'Opinion, newhere
can one findgreater depth of
tTorn than in "a, inati'§ a man for
a' that" ' ,
"Perhaps we made: too ,•• much
of his faults ' and not enough of
his talents." Mr. -Snell-:said'
any event he has fashioned a niche
iirliterature and poetry" that will.
neverbe, lest?' .
.Ross:Scott was chairman for the
Meeting, and assisting-hiimon th
01'114111*e: were R. J. SpittaV J.
M.-Scottand A. Y. 'McLean.
The speaker was introduced by
L. P. ,Pluiriateel."'"and':appreciatien
was expressed. by '3.,•.E,=,:f0ating.
During the program the gather-
ing a duet by Mr. and -Mrs.
jemes A. 'Stewart, : and Scotch
dancing by pupils of. Mrs, C. E.
Smith, including .Patlierinei••••PtiO•
lips, loan Bannon,tElaine Oke and
bloira., Malcolm. "
. Peter Malcolm contributed sever-
al bagpipe selections and aeconi-
panied the dancers. ConthitieitY,
'singing was led by l. J Spittal,
with M. Scott as 'accompanist.
.. Greetings Were extended by W.
M. :Hart, ::club president; and by'
Seaforth reeVe;,Williani Bali..
The evening concluded' with a
film .depieting Itnrits' COnntry jn
nielits by It: Spittal. '
Teen -Town roup
tans Dance,
Invite Neighbors
,,Zwo. „future dances Were "planted
bY,'..the:Seaferth-TeetarToWii• at their
rneting SaturdaY!. night; "attended.
by 150 teenagers,,Chaired-by ViZe.;•.-
PreSident Keith' Pethick, the: groan,
:planned dances for January :31.. and
Thefirst dance, will be -held in
the •Towngab, and .the . second will
possibly take.. place in the Com;•
:centre.- Invitations' will be
sent to "-teen; towns j • voligh a m
Goderich' and *Mitchell. ' . •-•
speCial Meeting. . Was held
Tuesday to, further. digcnss • the,
'February , dance, Seatertli Police
Chief. Elmer Ilittchinson Was also
.present at. fhli,:thecting: The-deriee
will be semiferrnak.,,.At the sante
meeting the age. limiffer the :teen
, town.Was• apt atf8:•Years;'Aleirilierg
will he Charged 28 cents • for dances
.and nonMernberg „5.6 • cents. •
• . Rules laid:down:for:the eltib arol:
•N'o, prathnitYT no 'il.oitering • 'around'
exits; members te .condtict' them-
selveS as 'ladies' and gentlemen , at
all tiines;. no, smoking -int -the hall::
ea6h, member may, bring only one
non-inenther to.'"-teentowri; . mein;
bers Using :aleoliel. Will be suspend-
ed-iridefiridely;.,:prePerjdreas, mus,
he worn at all.teentoWn
igt11040:COC1,3*,•Drt.i.•Tanies ,•. •
the:church., and'
thanked. bk., Earl .IVICStiailden,
•• ••
President Campbell,"" in snor
addreis, felt the; We4est, link , in .
'ihe•,fair:-.wes still the grandstand.
Ile. expressed hope that, When the .
'roup 'attained a • "B” rating, work
tand, V1411 itpossiblybeing: built ,
iiiYseetines;•;',.inatead. as a major •
"one-year:, preject., . • .• •
!Diekeisinith ••3 W' Crieh
Brune. -Coleirian,",Soseph•_;:W. .Dev-..
„ere•adx;,,. MCKilletp„,:•garold, :PrYee,,
Robert ; W.....CAM,11011,-.7B.:•g; Mt;—'
,wright •
Seaforthitt,It •
:HolineS; andilibbert, Miter Chap,
1959 will. be t, , .••MioDeneld: and .
In his financial repprtili,:,,,,Iantes
Society,: indiedted-i:=., -
'amount :..waS. Made
and donations,„-•$8,98,40t7,,Member.,',, „
ship !fees, entry -$02,75;
athnIssions 1,535.35 4'siay Land.•'
concessions,.78,98!,'',,,."•,00",-irt s,
::$49938; ale 02 ntri1s, etc -4 7-7
I40 xijiscellarreous $700, in-
-eluding , -Vg;90,0;... balance
f1eni 1957,426502,-• • ••:- •
' Expenditures inaucled.:-.the
tiqn of a.:-.eattle--barn,to replaeeene.-..
lost, by fire;..- and: -the '..repayMent•:,
of .47-104 amounting
Entries 'Were- most Of tke..t.
.departments, Mr:- Wallace, Said, and
totalled.3,280,. The amount' of prize
money 'offerPd.;....andtheAmotint
actually " Paid. out,aa.w.e.1171..asTen,="
aS.,-. ' .•
Seafor omen
Win -rton-
, A fi,Caidrtir
-prize in the • seeinict draW-
ladies' bonspiel'. at ."Walketten. On.
Tuesday, and cathe within •one point
inning the Carlingtrophy. For
the third successive -year,. the 'tro-
phy was •won by an„Qwen gonad'
Skipping the 'suceessful rink was
Airs. -Leo St,ephenson.: and curling
With her were Mrs. 'J. ,A. Bhldwin.
Mrs.' A. Y. iViclean and Mrs, D., R.
Deug,hterY., ' •
Oddfellows liold
'Second Degree
Ceremony _Here
Springfield fooF Ledge. confer-
red -the Second Degree on two can-
didates Of „Fidelity Lodge, 'Sea-
-forth, last. Saturday evening The
candidates- were Gary Dykstra, of
Seaforth, kid Boas' Milton; BruCe-
field (RCAF; 'Clinton). Twenty-four
attended from Springfield, . and Ed.
Andrews.. Noble Grand, Presided. ,
Previously Exeter lodge confer-
red the first degree on, the 'same
'candidates; with visitors' present
from Brussels, Clinton, „Oaltvil,let
and. Exeter. The Iocal'lodge is to
confer the third degree, the
,samp, candiclateg at the, .February
SPringfield to confer the same de-
gree•in late Febrary.. ,
When you, lights, you
brighten your • futujel
No, Prizes, Prires
Entries Offered Paid „
Horses :59 ,, $783.00 $565,00
Cattle - .. ... 460 2,100.50, 1,729.60. -
Sheep' 152 ' 401.00 ' 406.50
Swine . 171 534.00 492.00
Poldtry 115' 152:00 .95.25
Grain, seeds 125 385.00 38500'
Roots and • •
vegetables ,. 58 68.75 34.25
Fruit 47 77.00- 37.50 -
Flower S , 47"' 61.75 . 29,50
Dairy products 11 9.00 7.00
Food - 228 122.45 1.08.55
,Clothing 220 , -19225 134.50
Aria , & -crafts 32- 1,55.75 55.00-
Bo3s' arid girls'
,‘ exhibits -.1,555 1,0481500 1,01955
..,= .
8,280 $5970.9545,09920
The meeting named as delegates
to attend theOntario Faire
soeiation, Meeting in Toronto -on
February 25 and 26, R. W. Camp-
bell and R. James Wallace, with
the ladies' division, to choose two '
delegates._ 2
,--Apeaking-briefLy.--at the banquet
were James Mair, direetor of Dia- '
trict 8 of the Agricultural Socie-
ties; Mrs. Joseph -GrUmntett, as-
slstant director of, the ladles'
' divi-
Continued on Pre 8)
.11theON ill* AsOptATioiN.,
on TitesdaY, named BOss Love (left), Hay tOWAShip.tariner;
as President for 1959..He -succeeds W. R. Lobb. Principal
ers were Charles ,Meinnis, -standing; Ireittiois, President of e
th -
Ontario }tog ,Producers A0MciatiOit; and ,Eldred Aiken,: second
from left, .Alleriford, chairman of die Ontario ilog-;Bodnents,'
Marketing Board., The annual Meeting was conducted :by;
Lobb, 'third' from left, Clinton; secretary Was Alfred Ware,
right Bayfield.