HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-23, Page 8t, fl HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTII, ONT., 1959 E OCOSPELHOIJR- .: from.. central.. 13aPtiSt,, LOndon Heard each Thirsday fropreHLO -St. Thomas:'- 880 ke- frOra .9 to 10 o'clock. First PRESBYTERIAN •-CH1J.RCH Rev. D. Leslie Elder • Minister . H. A. KEMPSTER :Organist and Choir Leader •p..in „, : : Evangelistic • Service. ,. All : 10:00 "A.111,..... .• .. •T'aee Welearne,•-•,-R,ev:„ H. •Jtendriei,,,rhore, .sasi, new. stationed at :Clui- . thiirch Schbol,-and Youth. ' - MM.' ' •",;. • ister. . . . , . , It Station, was , ' . '' '' - ' ton', CAFaweekend _ • • ' Egniondville United thutch -Dr guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs - . ' :I Semple, Minister, Lyle "Ham: ,Stewart_Thimpliries: • ... .• . 1.1.f.00 AIL •_ _. mond, organist- choir leader, 1 ...._: The regular .innuthly- meeting ,of - :obLIEAVES AN'D, STARS" , 'a7m---44vTakin,g the OVersiglit"; in- the Mil. and Boundary - Group of Anthem: "Lord, I Believe" ,(Aalr7;.. ,italletkni of . Chtireh Officialg for. •Duff's United' Chtireli,:,Walton, Was 1959: z. ao 11:m; ,._•,(Asoerrtents_and.:11eld:_at-the:-horne-oftiVt0-Dortald' 4i30 -P.M.- . __,.. ,... . . f. The.ir Plaee in the hristan Life • , l3uphanan. e meeting was 01)-: "THE EXTENT OF QuB '' . 'Cliureh.Seliedl, 1.0a,n.i.:,. jiinier eon- pried,. by the president '...Scripture ' FREEDOM' . •,. gregation 11-30 a in 'Congregn- reading Was taken froni. Isaiah 14 + ' ' ..' tienal Mee 'Wig, Friday; 8 p.m., . by Mr.s.:Deriald,l3iichanan. • The . CHRISTIAN -YOUTH FELLOW.: - . ..., • • • , ' ':,' - ,,,-. topic_on,"Life':Missions" was•-•:•gj-vL ANNouN-cial,ENT ` ', '. -en by. Mrs. Martin Ba an Mrs 'Al - SHIP WEEK - Jan. 25 to Fe'b.., 1::`:', .: , ...._,••_T---: _•,:: _- Tho various organizations:Of the- ,-,-•-- - • • , --- • - . .:•-, - :hert.-Clark4gave-,a-=liurneronS?-4eackl &ugh, tef:Offts;'•'''''I'e°- ''-.-Dui4iiiiffii-6-,afi,eiiii.:6-ii.:,'Period, it CGIT, Explbrers,„ etc.;_, -.•':will- _hold — .0:04ne-,---; an -.."ntieii night"' on , Wednesday; Fortline'and:th0 4ate7L'e°' Yottarie, wa.A.a6eido to put :on. arcrbkinbld lannary 28 in the .:claurch. hall'at to:J'ack.,QrneS-swel:ICasei'sOn :of lvfls.': patty at Easter 'dine, ' • Lunch ho - 8 p.m. An paRias---,wdi j&-e.j. mit-. 0 •ar-gar._.-a,..se, aild•! the •-'late Ed', tesseS vvere , Mrs: -D2 Buchanan, •.-the young people are, invited' to at, .Ward ,'.Case, ,,eaforth,• • will 'take .Mrs;. 'J. Bruce, Mr. Rey Bennett tend this Meeting. A brier:le:eta -Plaee - OW. SaturdaY,', jannarY„.24, at --,nlid-...41rs,.---Alliert :Clarke 10-. a..m. •at, St james' Roman -- 7 The McKillop geoup,Met Weelties;. -cathOli.e-.•,-C,barebC'-''Seaf°rtb,.;' ---;=-- .d -d-$7 after' -h --00-u, 'iiii:. le '. 'at .' the __.....- ' :-__:•:__•,..4- ' ' • ,.:r.,_ home, of :MrS.'N'el.S.Ori:Tteid-with48 -Nqu'ilarSIVErt..u.-NVITP-clIT-Ruta iadieSAireient-411ie•-•:Meeting-Was . , . .. . • :. :Opened byjlie .neW. president .Mts., .. .Contril'inted,)::',:: ' ,'., , . • Reid.readinga papiliTen...‘,1The NOW 'Tlte7SaTeraffient--ofH_Infant:Bap444-Yeaz.-'',..•'-4--±hY4W.a.--Iii..inith .tisrti: :•,was performed on, •Sunday ' Mts. D, WatSenl'aUthe piano.: Mrs:. Moriling:.,fer three 'habieS, present 'George Pox • road •,‘ the • scripture '..at-,tlie.,,font..bY '•their, parents: passage from Matthew. 2;:1-12.:-Med.:-- Triek-4614.-Baker-dolant daugh- ltatien.„-and,,PraYef :Were given: 'hy, ter: of Mr and Mrs.. Gailield Bak. MI'S.' .NelSoll' ,•Iteid.. :: .• , ', :.: -.. : . , er7i-Ga-i41,:An.ii;Ita,ChiOnfaritclaugia- ' Dining:- tlie7LbuSiiiess.-period_....;it_ , Would the ...protection, •ter ,of ,41,11.-., aiKi Mrs:: Lyle 'itacho; was.; °decided that • USed ChriStinas . • jan,et Lindsay ,. Fletcher, ,mfant. dards. may e bro ht .to the next „ provided. by , your pre&-: daughter. of Mr: and 1Vire:-, Edger- croup '- Meeting for packing The -.ent- Fire -Insurance Rol.44, Arin-Feteher,_-TOrento4,-Mrs,.•__Elet- Wowing Prograre committee Vva*s ' ' " • ' " — formerly Lorna ;EMS • apPointed or thoSoeial to be,held icy be adequate:under., ovr: Y‘r,as - - ' . f 9- . . . . - • . • _daughter of •MrS. j.... EMS; and in the chtirch,on :. :February 20, tw-ddy's replacement granddaughter of Mrs 19' Storey When aitEliglisli; Irish' and Scotch .... , In the abseneo.o Mr. an Mrs. program. will be resented. Mrs. COStS? ' J. A..Stewart choirmaster and ,bi•-• D.- Watson 'Mrs. Meilen Hickwell, • . ganist • respectively .Mrs John A and ' Mrs :C. ' Wey- IF IN DOUBT 'CALL • - , -- - : . , - ,. ,, ... .• . : ,a, t . '1ALL C,ardno presided aq.. the organ Sun •. The .•annual. meeting, •,ari : pot NEWS OF WALTON Church Notices ORGANIZATIONS ARE ACTIV ,telifo! N WALTON COMMUNITY The January mgeting-Of,tho We- lop !group to. set tables and.serVe men's- Institute will be held in the supper: It was decideit.:as,a_pkO- Coinnininify Hall on Thursday ' eve- _feet te collect used Pylon 'stockings ning, Jan. -22, at ,830 when for shipping to • Korea., 'Programa' mernbers, Of the SeafOrtli-biStili-ite- Tor '1959 Were 'planned, „ will begrl,ests. Co -convene tS 'are 'Mri. 'Norman Schade- gave" -the Mrs. Gorden 'McGavin and "•MrS. topic on ,1Vliat Prayer ' Can Do."- George LOVe. ull. call is "A cure The East side, recent winners in for the blues." A _special speaker the copper contest, Were treated. on Health will address the meeting to. a deliciousbuffet supper by the. and a pertnyairetion• folloW.: members of -the -Weft- Side.' : M. TorranCe Dundas is at pies- Mts. John Nott, d-Londesbera, ent in Stratford ,General Hospital is _convalescing at the• home of her •follaWing' an eye operation: . • ..daughter, Mtg. • E. Stevens, after • •-11,11r,:. -Murray • Colciongli, Of Dins- being , Clinton. Hospital' for . -Ilie"Hall Board- held a-progres- siVe eilehre barty in We' Corcimun-• ty Hall on Friday evening with 14 tables ,at play. Prize winners_Vere: ladies, high, MiSs Ruth Ritchie; e.andsLAehilles1--low,- Mrs, '1\ielson .lVfarks. gents, high, ,Andrew Coutts;' lone hands; Dion-NelalowRalph Travis. A darlee follened' with , . by thc- Norris orch. estraI • ' 0 ..2:00:p.m..-:-Rev: W. II, Summerell, Mitilater. • ' Northslde 'United 'Chneeli.-;--Wor- ahiP Services,' 11 a.in: and 7' p.m; The evening service is given Over to a Bible Study' the Gospel of Mark* 'Church -School at -10 a m - junior congregation during morn- ing 'worship. Y.P. Fellovvship Group, Sunday at 8:15 Pm. .Pentecotal.•Cirarch.-Ttiesday, , 8 1:?4,11.; Prayer, Service; Thursdays; 8 .Y.P.S.; Sunday, 10 a.rn., SundaY IS•Phool-..Sunday, 11 a.m. Morning.. Worship , Sunday,.. 7: church YPS, .Youth 'The--maage of '‘..Madelloe' Ter- jpg, , period will follow. SUNDAY, FEBRUAKY 1,st 111 4:30 p.m.-4Spedial-, 'Youth Service VISITORS WELCOME ' , . - NOME :,OWNERS JOHN A• CARDNO daY rn orning. Miss Mabel Turn- luck supper w' be held Monday • bull, junior choir director assist- evening Jan 2 \ with the McKil- -J-ed, as music by the junior choir, Successor to an anthera, 'oTeach Me Thy Way, r%ji• BLIN • WATSON & REID 0 Lord," and a Jlouble trio, The 1.•.• ,PeautY: jesi4,'' Marked' their • -Mrs. Ed. -Stanleton in Detroit -General-Insutarlc contribution to 1 -the, ',morning wOr•-! with • Mr.' 'and Mts. • Fred Sander - Consisten service by th ju ior • Agency choir has been a -feature on spe- cialreccapons,. and on *other occa- . „ , Phone 214 : Seaforth LEMON'fS7' 04 Sikvict • . Mt. passngers insuiga, • -PEONES: • • • 'ftcxx4... '675 well, since; its . incePtiOn ,10-•Years.ago next -month. -At pres.- enfthe junfor_chon has a membev• ship of -:40 .'with an average. attend- ance 'of -31.7 Last: Year the 'junior Choir assisted in eight serViCes.. 'Tlie-present . leader, -Miss ; Ma.b.el th: be complimented on. -...her 'splendid ,efforts : 'with the -juniorg. , ' , .• • Officers•' for,10,59, are: •.: President; ShaSn'lVfeNicholf .seeretary, ••Joan •ROberton;•• music "committee, Julie Horiter,'11-elen- Bill ./d a eLen - Iran, 'Peter Wilbee; Miss ' 'E; tnbult;''• director', organiSt,' ernes. 'A. Stewart.. ' . • ._ lNc Under NeW Management monc!ay, .10n. .6th MURRAY• DALTOIT'S •Rf)..$E - Friendly - Courteous. ' Service • •- Goderich_and_Coleman ... SEAFOR'111-.' • . 1 "THE MAN. WHO KNOWS-, • 1 , BUYS. WHITE HOSE • BEAUTY SAL Phone • SEAFORTH ONTARIO ALL KINDS R.A,,NCE SOUTHGATE Phone, 334 Res, 540 • MAIN ST. •• SEAFORTH • These Aire. All 1959 Models in-Stotk 1 .CHEV. BEL AIR, SEDAN • Color Green; six -cylinder; Standard transmission - 1 CHEr.-BEL AIR ,SEI)AN' .1, Color Black and,White; 0tcYlinder; standard tranarnission 1 CHEV. BISCAYNE'SZDAN Dark 0,eylinder; standard' transtnisslen • 1 CIJEV: litiLTDN.PICX14C-Fleetside-: li,..0tD8 DYNAMIC .`88" SEP.AN ° .Fu1lr equiPped,',.. Green and. 'White • . VAUXHALL .VICTOR SEDANS rourtcylinder '• .• • • ' 1 VAUXHALL; "ItELOX. • •, Special Prkes On Any of Abov during Next 10 Days FORTH MOTORS .SEAFORTH and MITCHELL PlIONE 541 SEAFORTH IEF ..• • John, :Fttine,,who U.S: ..Arnir,and has been in Ger- inahY for • nine Mentlis,-• spent the week •with his. aunts, Annie and Agnes Lynch: He expects- to, re- turn .te': :Ger Many the:, neat 'fife!. .'EdWard • PrYce. .'rettrnen, 114rne...:from_Victorin_IlesPital,, Lon-. .den,..where, he, underWent,an opet- thon ., anda.iiieS",A: :Stew -7' 'art were in Ottawa •eti ,Satiirday. • attending the Wedding Of their• niece, 'Eleanor: McKar,Beattieand johnlitoeneY. , , l',I•r;:Rebett Smith, . John Street, pital. , " - 1- -Mrs. R. K. •McFarlane was a London visiter on Thursday. • Mr -and__IYIrs_Leri Gillespie, of. Toronto, • are visiting Mrs. Gilles pie's mother, Mrs. C) Ryan. ' Mr. and Mrs.: E. L. Fletcher and' Janet, Mr. and Mrs. :Wayne Ellis and Mrs. Fred Short, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Elva and there he went at onceEllis. an • Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence Dewar dressed;up iii his -best, I'll buy the• rin i ' and Hughie, -Sarnia, •visi'M ted rs. g and everythitig-and hen Well. 1 d Walker Hart ever. the weekgnweekend,'-' 'Wlletn.hesorine'set. And,-folkswwe1ed1:'theoyu fkl'rw to Mr. Russell Grieve, of Windsor„ Cities rand„ and some they leave will be, sPendir.ig the, weekend • at, the country fair, ,and neaVe M for- the•gThelehoemsoGroifevhei.s g, r_apdf alther.' Mr': eig--n landS. But Clarney, he 'stayed , iight at honie, upon, the, same old Honriernalcing Select -.Project 4,liezme .Garden. Chib 'vv.11,1 be, the; project undertaken by, 441 Homemaking. Club. -Girls in Huron. •caurity this 'spring., • The project isistsitifplandireand-Caring• for garden, attendirglotir elnb ineet 100 land A.chievement, the -Special • topic to be considered' is 'Home Beautification,the girla, will be 'expected to. carrY on a Small project Such as .painting the mail box, Making a flower -bed,' .„planting. shrubs, etc.,,, *Mph in• Some waY'Sliniiid;add'M the beau-, fy of hoMe. SurrounclingS,•, ,A garden eltftririay be otgahized in any.Cemniunity .wrhere there are fOur.intetesteil girls, ,who are be- tween the ages:•of 12 and._26 .years.; -='-g.'aTianee4-1MZbilaTe,a7otrcaristihm!'igniteeli-Ohoeild' foier," early April under .the leadership of ShitleY McAllister; Herne Econarn- ist, dD.EMils,. agricultural representative --for LeCidbury-Couple Wed .-40 Years irls • ApleaSant '.,Sattirciak.:.ev'ening Was, NEWS OF CONSTANC QUILTINGS ARE PLANNED - BY -GROUPS- AT - CONSTANCE • • • 'The Constailee United Church Qiults. were- planned to be emilt- wA ,ahd their - feguiar edand crib quilts made by ili*• .t•be basement of the tilVinns;a7 btechingyfPtoltetasruycite P-liluyilallS'ehai: -chureir- on WednesdaY? The presi- IVIrs.-LornerqrlndM or a" rS. Geo. dent, „Mrs. Lorne Lawson, opened 1VIellyvain.., The Inungs and citul the meeting tor the and after . Riley and Mrs. Pollard. Ways of, -spent -Tat ..the....hein_eof„Clarenee. Htitie,"2.-Of..1-4a7dhliiiii; When friends: gathered to -Wein :Ons their 4OthweddinraiiiiKersarY:', Several games "Of 'euehre Were played, .'•at.: tet which Mr. .ancl. Mrs.' Hudie were J:004, to be 's,eated; • Joe felj_ lowing address: ••• • On, ClarneY jiVed: in • NI OKillen; a boY, we • all. InieW• clieres •.sliglited,"net-.7evert.4er- the gal. Andwlien.it ,carrie.tO•farin. ing,4is• Mind .0:it did dWell; home 'We.s.Clelightfill.,711i6:'nei,glibTWS:. 'all .SaY.' But'ofor 'want. Of a': wife:be praYed night and. day, but.,•,aS.-tiMe: went by:: ho Mere grew; and thought:ref the :sweetheart: heinriee. had :at schoolL:AndIrsirntliat .tiree: onward,' clarney:. wolird;:aPPear,‘' but 'where, he'd' gtine,'Cine.l,cotild tell.. , all seined • VerYi ,Oneer, .whether• :in haying,: nr ::hatveS.t, or in Ilie.-eold'cleePTSirowi ttwasall- the sato 'to, veiWrfarie. One, seemed to • know. •Sorrie --Said he'd gene tishirig,j, and Seine tliat'a, when all was found he LillY.•,:SO -then. .•hattS 'were donated ,by,111.s..vordc ;Ole inintites wer. e WAr6A'd, , the , tell call-Was, answered by all pay-hig raising .nioney .:'for , the Expense fees._ Letters of thankS • were -read Fun:II-werediScUsSed ; ., 'rhe study and ,reports.,Vvere readter the,. past. book ;was reviewed and ,ki:Ott' by year,•, the treasurer- reportirig :-.a 'Mrs': -.Wilber Jevvitt :on , "ConCerris• .geocl. ....account- . hi:start; We . new Of Our •Neighboit,'" giving Outlines year:, ..; ....--; ,, : . - :;,' ' •• • Of. interesting • things of, different -BiisinesS • vvai -transacted ',and • illans.f'or W.4$i$:..aiia 'ineans to .make •• Mr. William, 1j.aie' left1aStTlailra... Ihblie-Y7fOr ..the.:-Cc7iiiiiig, Year:. Were day' f°11-Ne•Av.:-X-Or-t4nd:-IennsYlvan-. ,1114Caliesrs,e,dUllpbrene. litiblvi?..,,will.", ' fas ayk,'e• 4a, ja, where he„ ,visited several •Guer- to hring an Miran for the roll call daY of. this Week..'..: . • ii,SeY.,-fatiiis;•rettirning 'hone Tues-., d. ed.4upoii-ta,beforwardldteStety;- ' for-Febtuary,-:Ten-dellars-Was -vot. i,: Visitors on ,,,§iiittn_d::_r,yrdd_w_fili."71.itiw. imii.e-wall:seori, time :ler oxivx;ry.. An 'invitation Mr.. and •MrS:' G6---- *as 'aCcepted •to; Mts. Frank .Riley's and 'Mr. • and.'Mrs• ' WM: -Blaine, °I Of the Ch11 honie for ..Wednesday, McGaVi'Jan.. 21, to WarWick' *li..4: Mrs. Idaa Leitch; of hear ,Miss •ti; :4' Watfard. - ' ' *:"' ' :-.• ' '-''' '':'''' '''• ladyrells.'eSleHwemit,he,'`pGro4eeieidesliri,eariadt'h,, penA'-, i; liffiss'' ;1°3re Bf.°*n"; daughter of Mr. And Mrs, Borden Browii,:. is a: ., .. ,... , patient., inHSctitt-Menioriat:"HoSpi- ,was'Plarined; ::::''': ' ''' !''.f .. ':. :The(SWAS-presided:Tetileir-bY ta-14-'3;v161YeLlle''-had----het--PP•thicli-N- ..x,.,s.....,43,0„ydee..Brown and after .4i_..-...ai,.op- renlOved FridaY''' Meraing. ' ' ....' ' •• .', .,e.#ix,..63.co:ciss;, ,mi,s;,,,,nenlvain. TM': -Willia"tiiTlYard'OtPhOd'c011•n; trheead. ,b.W.6:n'ineitriiii,g'tii..\tve:Lf.iTit,hirie,J,vvelin,5rd'17;n1d4 113,3•7g,:e. 064.1i,ETeili'le. •$' adri:ady ..iett3.'*oij•dr.det4ie'lis`...11,1e,-,t1::` Pertaining-to-theNewYear as :11 • This ,weOk 'stfidenta Irorii•Strat : ••,..,,, ford. ,Teachers'• .College: are. out on the w01,4. Was, :god:. -----------1 , ...Letters -of .tbairils ...,anttaiii,re,ta.., practice teaching... ,Misses.' Laurel- Mrs. Loretta. Molyneaux• bir- ich nri Mr.. and -Mrs. •oyd E ue: Mr. and Mts. •Fergiis Stapletan in Port Credit with Mr. and JirnNewcOmbe.•: • - • , • . . Mr. Danny- CoStello,..• London, with -Mr.: and ',Mrs,: Dan Costello- • Mr. and Eugene Bannon and , with .Mrs. 'Charles '1(isiiier and Diane. 1. • :MisS Mar Kelly; - with Mrs.,Mary Feeney •, Mr --and ,Mrs.- Jerry Eckert,' of Kings.bridge,.. With, Mr,' ;•,:alid..7:IVIrs. John Eckert. • ' spenduig -a month in ,Viornia. . • Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Na.gle and Mr. ;and. E,arl Na'gle, Str 'ford,' With Mr. and Mrs. Michael ,Nagle. ' • ..-~ St., Mary'S'Ladiee Guild' of Du -- lin, held the-janttary meeting, in the Sunday ,' ,-.Scheolroern of , the Chnreti. MrS,,-:•Albeit., Rock 'OPened the meeting. 'All offi:cera Were 're: elected-for,,,another Tear, Mrs., J. H. jaines; •Seaforth, ; reading on, China., Bev. J..: JameS, closed the:.'meeting with; .prayet. OBITUARIES lie''tesident o Albert George meGavm „, assed ..away Death in lortht---Atr;-- the Thamet -tion were tead- from theArmstrong'Dale and _Marilyn Taylor• ..two --lo f a milY in the loss . of their inother,, :oablogoiirs.lis,wabrileeOnvtiatiteiaocgldsntg:idietio.,trs1;,raati Mrs. .1.V1. Armstrong, and letters frciin shut ins who received boxei. SS'No: 3 with mrs: Lyon are Miss Don_NIcKenzie_____If handed in .to Mrs. Earl LaWsom ' l‘lr''' 's Wm' Dale 1.611-.' attend • the at '''Cl-rTatin-as---'-US-e ,Starnps -*Re. White- and--Mr.-- ,RePorts •were read and the treas annual meeting -et -11162'Ontariel As-- ociation of Guernsey Breeder's at :ttior etrher etpiloeratseildr41,5,06f.01-'-eWaps. essebriytteinr. sGuelpb. •-• • iai. N -ext -.meeting wimbe,,beid Feb. We are sorry th, r learr.1 that Mr:" -Dave Millson is not `a, well as his. • ' 13, ahead of. the service for2,' the 4114"11/ Wen. - Phone 7841V 'Seaford -A r . 14' EAroRTH Saturday, January 24th BANTAMS• - -7 EXETER---- vS, SEAFOlEtTlf: IVIII)GETS • 8:30 p.m. -EXETER - vs. SEI.I;oRT• H: sdinfssion - 25c and 35e •-tTuesda,Ianuary.=-27,t 8:30 p.n.EAtORT11. . - • inot..,,IleckeY, Night will be, - • ObserVed at S.aturdair • . • januarY 4413/15292*Iii*t"gfing-7 7*Ig*".39'. of Prayer friends would ...like 'him to 'bWor11 Day e Mr •Wa. er•_,Gruno ,-,•- -Tuesd-ayrto.Ans-brotherTsT-11-1-n-Roht.___,". Grirnoldby :a'nd LASSIE Showers Honor - Bride -Elect Here-- Staiid:-Afid-theri:::agalii7Wheil-, Sante FUNERsbow, •fOlks• :wed, ..they , sure put on t4e. the big, plow. it , would:have to coin e to 'Sbove:'but all tlie snow., ••• ; •• -• ,•• • •• • • . • And,',Ohniy.1' how • •they'd.,fass and 1•2,1u,u,ARLES VAN. ItOOIJEN::- fume, tlie3r -sure- get 1,in; a Sputter Charles Van Rocnjen infant soi but Clarney •and Lll they:. justof Mr anl Mrs ', Hendrick- 'Van hitched up and went Out in the cut-. toWnshiP, :died ter Mid then you know he droVe. , • • • . .. • is invited to eattend The eacirth Lions lub SlieWerS' Were.lield last'..Weelr'in the event of the, corn-. Of .•••,MiSs. • Madeline' JaCk CaSe. on 'Sat-. '":J'airies".'Cinitelt. The staff ',of the•Bell-.Telephorie C- of 'Spifintii;.gathered: at .A.he home:of -Mrs, :-.C,reerge Hildebrand :and itiss Margaret Hudson, chief operator, presented. Fortune • with 'sandw,ieli rand waffler.Master.. • - '.The .inenibers Of. the Catholic Wo- _inen;.S.,:,Leaguezinet ,roorn-Tifesday, Maur- ice • Ellie, :ptesident; 'read the ad - Areas; •• and' ,Mit.; Maloney. .inado :the Presentation* of- a pottery 'buffet . set., ..The alSo'ga.Ve, a,'Weel 'blanket: • , The -'neighherS.•:,,Were' 'present. 'at. 'a -StittiriSecgatherbig . her bome,:. *WhOi Mrs Jame S; Devereaux read Wednes.clay eveningin, Victoria .a f1 that, we -all kiThw as .. the address' -,and **Mrs'. *John Ma-. Hospital,- LondOn- Be was- two- neY" ILIIIit alt -mixed ieflincie the .prosootation of a years and 0 mon s. . uP and ."Oet ciosert.Clar- lieY," $o they . were , wed,' ,the, .bors , said that theY° Would,inilk,the ..coWS, but Clarney said;1`1•16; - .1 must -back, PAretget464eed-the, SoWs.." Now some land 'arid-Viltotrie Jots of joy and next to. that , and -happiest was bouncing baby hoy. And .now Gilt' they lave' lived: to -Ttee their fortieth wedding day,' We -hope that health, 'wealth, and all the rest, their.' Wei to stay. We ,hone that you'll receive, .it'S only just a. token 6--f the friendship Of Our circle; don't Want •the circle broken. • Sharon • acKenzie; of Seafeith, •:The death occurred in the Eger- presented t with a portable ton Private Hospital,. London, . mixer: Mr. -I-ludie thanked his Mrs. William',Blaek on. Thursday •friendS. Lunch was enjoyed by ati WeIllknOWn 'Tuckersmith Several pleasing selections •on the tOw,nship x,csident for many years, violin _were+ Played. ,L--arry Hen,. she had, been': health for the dersori, of. BrusselS, past time,. ',Months. She was _in her,. ; e .83rd -year._„...„ • _ . ••, SEAFORTU. Wit • 1 She was We,--folitier-lifargaret. The January-I-lied:Mg, of the. Sea, Broadfoot,.datighter`orthe late Mr. tort& W,onieres. Institute: was held atxdArs: Janie s Broadfoot, pioneer at the home' of Vis. Alex Pepper eskientt tet-Ttickersmith.. .un , Tuesday; 1., attendance:'The.preSident, Mrs., J. Doig; °Penal the meeting add presided for the business: Theron call, Sing, ley, recite or pay; was welt aeSWe 'ed by everyone. • - Mrs. ja es Keys, Mrs. Eldon Kerr 'and,. IVIrs. R., M. Scott were appointed A' cOmniittee to pack Roboxinse,,V",....vtlieberulliarysit16.4,,:hrvi,;Untitt}yn 1:v6.8:extended to all Instiftite.medi;' bera 7and anyone interested *to at- tend the. AchieVernent "Day, to be, held -iti: Clinton Legion 'llall,• Wed- .nesdaY, Jan, 28,, At 1:00:, o'clock;. for the project, "Sew to sp'Ve del - jars • and: inalte sense."- This is for all Of guidri Contity and 21 units, are. 6410d:tea, • ' , . The aelilevement days for the 44-1 llomernaking. Club • project, "The' aereal Shelf.,!,' Will be laeld In BlYth Memorial Hall basement 'steam iron. - - - Survivors . include his '' parents, Who came . to thisv-district obi:hit eight- years ' ago; two ;brothers, WI Notes John and__JoSeph, _ and two sisters, CoMmittees for Seaforth WI Sharon.,......and ,Janneke. - ' - euchre are, tables :and chairs, The body rested at the G-. A. 1Virs. Lorne Carter and ,Mrs. Andy Whitney Funeral Home, Seaforth, Crozier; punchers, Mrs. -Leonard where -funeral services were held Strong, Mrs,. Harold' Iltiiill, Mrs. Saturday • afternoon. , Rev. G., J. John McLean,,, Krs, Howard Wil- ,Hoytema, Clinton, officiated. Dur-- son; lunch, Mrs. 'Wilfred ,Coleman, ing the service a solo was sung by Mr.s. Elmer Cameron, Mrs.'. Alex .Carl De Hoer. : ' , ' • Pepper, Mrs. Earl 1Papple.:': -dish= _ . - PallbearerS Were -Bryan Scott, ,vvashers, Mrs. James - Doig and -Mervin Agar, Jiin ;Coleman and Mrs. Erin Whitmore. Torbin Haitbye. • . "' Seaford' .WI have accepted ' .at invitation to :attend the Walton MRS. WILLIAM;BLACK WI,' meeting Thursday, an. 22. • Any wishing a ride, call ',Mrs. R. J.'Doig, •Mrs.Gordan p•apple or -Mrs:"Gordon Elliott.'• Tear, had been in peat health for eeived-her 'early education at SS some,time. • • No. 6, Tuckersmith. • • • -• He was the son of the late M. • Mrs. B a was a me er o and Mrs. William -lificGavin, of ,Northside 'United Church, Seaforth, His Wife, the formerAg- Pict `a --m,eniber 'of the W/VIS. nes 1VIcCulla„ died in 1952.".• for the past few years she -has • Survivors include one datighter, resided at Belmont • • Mts. Alex ,(Della) Dennis, MeKil: She •is survived by, a daughter; 'km:- two 'brothers-,-John,--MelCillom. i '(IVIargaret) Nichol,. "-two -sons,- George S. Black, Toronto, and James )3,. Black, Belmont. ' The rem ains. rested at 'the G.' A.. Whitney Funeral Horne, Seaforth, Until Saturday. Services Were eon - (Meted .by Rev. A.. Harley) Bel- mont, assisted by Rev. J. 0, Brit- ten,. Of Northside United:Church.. Burial took place in Maitlandbank cemetety,1211bearers were James arnochati,. arties•MeIntosh,'David McLean, ex Chesney, Russell ,Coleman -and Bit rott6t Isaac, Seaforth; and one , sister, Mrs.' Sophia -Kerr; North Main,St.; Seaforth, • •.• • '• . • • Rernairis 'are, reeting at his resi- denee, .concession • Merillop; Where 'funeral service will be held on Thursday 'at 2 pm: Rev, W,JL McKillope Charge, vvill officiate, Intertnent , be: in. ,lgaitlandbank cemetery.- , Sell that unnecessark piece of furniture through a Huron. EXpOsi-. Air Classified Ad: Phone 141(41'142. 1:04191 cytre MG*tf) r January, '74 Trombones" "IglisiC by :10061 Tli:Or.#'!.0.0'' find.his . • .• • • . • • " '• •By Invitation Only On Saturday; Feb. 7, for' the' Me -.- Killen Club, and in -Herisall, Com- munity Centre on Saturday, -Feb. -28; for Stalotthelith and Seafortii. District Club. "All parents, friends and WI members are invited to attend. theachieVement -day' pro- gram. Letters':•of. appreciation .were re- ceived froM Bali Telephone , girls, Mrs. Annie 'Galen -Lail,: 1Virs. J. :E., Ilogill,', Mr. 1Viabel. Htidson, Mrg.. Archie ,Keir; Mrs.- Jelin .,01ardeni, Mrs. Soluii Taylor lamily, Mrs. E. J. V'sreber, Mts. Jean Dale, .Miss Kate, Billion, ...Thames'Williainson and 3. L. Slattery. - • • --. A eenimittee was appointed for the purchaSing .Of tables; and 'chairs for tie 'Institute. Reports :of the fall exeCutive Meeting of the dis- trict Were given by Mrs. Mae' Hilt lebrecht: arfrs. Gorde-finVICKeit- Mrs;Leenaid Strong presided for .the; fire:grata; TheMotto, health We enjoy 'after 60 depends ett what - We eat after 40," was taken by Mrs. 'Etia. _Mrs.......timer-CaMeron introduced • the speaker, Miss Jean. alconer, Ituron. ConntY health nurse, who gave a very infnrniative talk otl "Meta'' and ,,o.Cahda's r otl Rules," the eehttess rernarke were: given- . Mrs. Ross Gordon. • Mrs. Earl, ?apple was • cOthosteSs. Ltinch was aerVed by Mrs. ;Eldon Ker ri boo.. ,Earl; Pgtple, Mrs.. Alf • 11ton/ft and • Mrs.' 10bert-Metach - GEORGE H. MILLER TAXI' SERVICE Insured Passengers' " Phone 149 - • .SEAF.ORTH after visiting with -relatiVes ,at , Teeswater,' Ripley and Saltford the Trast-eutlPle-tutwe . :"blue ° WILLIS DT.JIN'EPAS cha.rolo• siove and .F4rnace on 1HJNI1)AS & 1.01Slpy • , Phone 573 or • ' • This"WeeleS Special' PLAY „ High Style . Bras;.. rnanntaCture's, 2 for 3.95 13 L 0 :2.39afldhi,51 and 1. SKIRTS up to g:95 Sale 3.99 House Coats, Car Coats, Slacks —Special Prices A Pew DRESSES' remain at SPECIAL TABLE. ..........,.:,.i. SALE ENDS JAN 24th EUCHRE DA tE Friday, Jan. 30th SEAFORTII COMMUNITY -CENTRE 'NORRIS ORCHESTRA Admission 75e -Lunch provided. SponSoked.by Seafoth ^Vcorhen's • : Institute and BURNS' NGF Monday Evening; Jinuary 26th 6:30 p.m. oniniunity Centre' OUTSTANDING PROgRAMIVIE coteh Songs-- ---l)ancin and Music -Guest Speaker -- REV. HAROLD $N -ELL .LwelLanown-Hullett''-Township_Lna.-- - tive and. now Minister of' :James, Street United ` churCh, Exeter. -TICKETS 4VAILAi3LE' AT: 110 Klink's Store , . Keating' s' Pharmacy or from Members of the Commit, tee; -Ross Scott, James ,M. Scott; J. R.. Spittal, A. Y. McLean • P-ICKETS 'SL50....BACa • Accoinmodation limited to 200 • inOitiommiMuli tuit 1 M ave ou Seen, Tiiem? People All Over Toss n Are talking About Them! What AreThey? ' olirte Low, • LoW, .II:nbelie,Vably Low:. Prices '• 'BOot. and Shoe Footwear of All Kinds' have iieverin the history of this Town cost LESS! le Think We're Crazy. ' COMe• See frYalirSelf -at-the' 1 he 'LITTLE Store Wit.11, 'the BIG lTalues SVAPORTH.. IN MANYSTYLE AND PRICE RANGES Just the thing 'for the children's room. 'Comfortable,- Attractive-Desig/41-.— HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR 'COVERINGS hone 430,