HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-23, Page 7- Bert: . PEPPER R A ctio n e e . u n >r UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH WOMEN HAVE IBRODHAGEN MEETING -The annualmeeting m tiin g of the ed Lutheran Church Women, .was meld Wednesday e aft *noon with ' a; good -attendance. Devotions - ere Reserve your Sale Date nowT ' ;til charge of ;Mrs, ' Martin , Diegel, • Mrs. leuben Rapie nand Mrs. s. Geo.RIt 3 Phone Clinton lock.. iof tonc was, _fA Year Seaforth 1113. "•2434 Older, .a Year Wiser," There :.:w as prayer for another year of grace and some piansfor the year 1959. re `o l ready to rent Yofri s r_ e- room? A classified advertisement; ho The Huron 141 Qr• X42' will bring a tenant At • the February meeting the ladies swill have" • a touch -and -take, table and all the, ladies of the church are welcome. Plantswere bought for the altar;, $140.95`; was sent for Missions; $20 was given towards fuel for the church, and $271 was ' donated "" to theorgan fund; It .viast' vo ed "that the., retiring president, Mrs.`" Fred, Young,- be `presented with' a life 'membership Pine " The treasurer, .:Mrs. Martin Dietz, read ,the treasurer's report' of '1958. Highlights of 1958 lis ande g g s arils: of thanks-and etters were read` by the "ecretar M* - s y, s. Manuel Beuer- mann Mrs. Oscar Young gave the Mission.:.repArt. The election of i officers in charge -".:of Pastor E__J Fischer,__ resulted as follows:resident" p , Ladies' 'Aid Group Meets in Cromarty Tlie Ladies'`' The MdSociety ociety held their annual meeting on ondayMrs. Lew licks •vce-lresident, evoning at the •hornof M. IonMrs. Manuel Hicks; ane• r eore-• Laing roil:eau was_ swered ing secretary,Mrs George Rock, treasurer -Mrs --Martin:Dietz •-Mis er.t eted aiid ors 'VY ei sign secretary, Mrs; Oscar 'dot+ng, f' . membership secretary; Mrs; E., J.. ing. with reading a poem, #ellowed k'iselnGr; education. secretary, Mrs, with devotions. The secretary, Mrs. ,Martin D,iegel;, offering secretary, JohnftWallace,reviouread the minutes Mrs, Chris W. Leonhardt;. auditors, of the,previous meeting,}ie°ireas Mrs. William ,Diegel, Mrs, Reuben users repast was .iXen" by Mrs. Rapien; pianist, Mrs, Toledo Beu- Ken e bales o ermann;.' assistants Mrs, George Three bales of clothing have "been M k' Mrs: R. hultii a s - paeked and mare ready .for":.. ink . ri " S. ce, b x on 'tent: Plans. were 'made ,#or, mak age committee, Mrs, Albert Bauer, ing a layette and a,`°quiltin also Mrs: Martin Diegel, ,Mrs: William •a ' h Riegel, Mrs Lavern Wolfe' stain = r. A humom ;.. ,, p St.'Patricic"s Suppe . ing• committee; Mrs. Reuben ' ons reading was giuen by. Mrs, ,Jim Buuck convener with Mrs• R,eur Scotts '• � • h'`• t • Mrs:. Miller vacated the 'chair ;ben Rapien, Mrs: •Edwin Scher. birth 'and Mrs." Dalton Hinz; flower and; Mrs. Houghton :was appointed •bed cammittee;;.' Mrs.' Reuben etersTeMrfWoallace reason ref offs:. 'Buuek in charge. ;: e d th lutes of ;the.7ast,annual 'meeting and Birthdays were reported y rs. also gave a report of t y a s J. L. Bennewies, Mrs. Geo, Rock, _:.work, Mrs: :McKellar a e an: it- Mrs. Russell Sholdice and;' Mrs:. brei t. emi2ed ',account ,of. receipts and Minnie Vock, •,A °hymn ,was sung expenditures, and was. •l` e peas d in- their•...honor: A- ehcious lunch: report a substantial bank account. was served by 'Mils Fred Young; The officers; for 'the-eomin� ear Mrs.Oscar" Young, Mrs. Minhiee - w re 'reappointed and are ,;as fol-. Vocic, MrS.; Hilda Vock, Mrs Lav- lows-: _president Mrs,: Wm. Miller~ Wolfe andMrs ..Herinam.Hinz. .first .. vice-president; Mrs: Jim Scott'.: second vice-president; -Mrs. Mervin Dow; secretary, MrsJohn Wallace; assistant secretary,, Mrs Jim Scott;.. treasurer; McKellar-- assistant; Mrs • L, SeCtt pianist, Mrs. Lloyd' Sors- dahl,;_assistant, �4Trs--d✓,--'Macre-;_ flower committee, Mrs.. Calder Mc Kaig, Mrs: Houghton'" and Mrs. K.• McKellar; card comrnittee,"! Mrs. S. Scott. A: work eoinmittee�..was -appoint= ed for the ;year.' Mrs Houghton, Mrs.',•Harper;'Miss- Olive Speare; •Mrs:- Laing, l6Irs:: G ace.Sc Gt and 1VIcondrs.ucte. Gordon'd.` SA : cott: MconervitestnD ucwas `byMrs. and mh 'enjoyed•., Suppliers of uallity PLUMBING and HEATING E uii3men INSTALLED .B A3 L LS 'N Seafor h VI/INCHELS Mr.'and Mrs..'Arnold Wiseman, , - of Kirkton were F.riday :visitors With Mr. and': Mrs." Newton" Clarke -and 'Mr.- and -Mrs- Clarke •and Mr: and "'Mrs Wiseman attended- the township officials -and their" Wives' banciuet, m Elimville :Friday even-_ ADJUST SALARY SCHEDULE ASU ►RNE C UtICIL -MEETS Pay -raises were •granted" to sev- $7 to ratepayers;, crawler tractor,. era' township officials- by Usliorne To n" wsi Co h al to P unG a is u iia al gur ince ting iii„ Elimville oan Monday ' 71e tart:-:negeetor-s =-s;2fla . Was raised. to $150 per year; power maintainer operator, "Joni} Batten,. was raised' tp $235 per month; Addressing the 'inaugural meet - crawler tractor operator, Floyd ing, Reeve Clayton Smith advanc- Cooper, was raised to:' $1.35 per ,ed hope ,fora continuance of the hour and $1.25 per 'hour while op- bridge -building, and .road paving', crating power."maintainer plowing program; The inaugural, saw the snow reeve and,Coundillors Hugh Love, sol ' , . K.lson. Coultas was dro ed am-: d Hunter,• >Geor e Fra ne::a, ,- P ..fr .g y the board of feheeviewers and was. Ward Hero subscribe to and sigh, replacedby Harold Kerslake. Rate declaration 9f,.effice before the' of pay for ordinary lalaor on roads, clerk, • H; H . G. Strang,.. Divne' etc., was raised,to $LA0_per,'hour guidance was asked for by Rev: 'and mileage allowance was raised Hugh Adson," who conducted , ;a to 10 cents per mile, ' Charges for short devotional.; period. power maoiinery; power. maintain. The road superintendent's'"report, er hourly, rate was raised to $6 for vvas ' passed, including -road, ac= both• township and ratepayers,"with counts of $3,707.07. The ;superin- plow $8 bier ' hour to township and tendent : was instructed to adver tise- fpr' "gravel •tenders for crush •.,. � � �� „� ing � and , Inulin 15000 ar o df SEAFOR'X'H Y M R Y. ft Mt�ENS . F gravel and the 'stockpiling of an; T -._~ - -.'Yards:-he fourth meeiing of-th�Sea-. other 000 , 1, forth1VMerr , "aidens;'.was heldat < Th ,. y .M - .. a reeve was iii triicted to en= theaahome of Mrs." Ross MacGre- :list -one,. of th"e , un ee er or. The "roll -cal ' a ".1s al p sand g 1 Was. answered arrange for. a disposal gale. ander' by Naming *three things learned the_ Pounds,_ Act, of -stray cattle about •flours." Mrs.,- W_ L Whyte clockgave notes on e"r"Let s'face the facts* `b about cerealslicand "Around the Re$Urrts '4'O, J wt.eals The, home- assignments were: (1) Fl:,) list all food products .of wheat, ow�rr�"ti ci en corn and oats; `;(2) use cereals at . least • once for dinner before the ' Frank Flannery; 21 -year-old Dub= next:meeting., Iin: construction worker,; has_';re-' ' Mrs. Whyte told how, •to. make turned. to his job, following an, ac- oatmeal, porridge more 'appetizing cident ` at :the -highway overpass Janet".;=MaeGxegor�-and` .._Marilyn project, ,near Port 'Hope. Taylor demonstrated on. how` to Son of Mr and Mrs John Flan'" make; porridge:; Mrs ,,Whyte and eery; RR'1 flubhn, he was burn' Pdlrs Broadfoot;-demofstrated on edraboiitthe'hands face and,bode holo to make rice pudding when. a can of gasoline .exploded in his hands.-. He extinguished the flames by" rolling :,in -a snowbank.• Taken "to hospital, his"! burns' were found'`Id lie only Superficial I%e is-empkbyed '1ry—�affrrey Can- struction Company at the project: nearPortiHope. See- Applications- For .'Boyfteld Posts $9 per •hour to both township and xatePa3exs and. $14 outside, with. P10.* $11 for both. townshlp and,, ralepayera MiiniMi -Charge" ; to ratepayers for..grading,'` $3•.,per hoer, for'_snowplowmg $3:50, ME EURO N E STOCK and EQUIPMENT U 1 Q:ATIO Everything in MUST S GOING OUT OF BUSLN $S • DRY GOODS 15: � OFF PAINT 240" OFF FOOTWEAR 20% • GROCER ES, a% • HARDWARE 10% .OFF • DRUGS.1r►.nf ..OFF ._ G U 1C� Mr. and Mrs ,Harold ,Rowe of Thames Road, were Friday,",.even ing .dinner` •guests with. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Walters: The ., Mission " Band -leaders,' Mrs. Bison Lynn and Mrs.' Phil. ,Johns, treated 'the ;members to a. skating party at Woodham Saturday, morn- , and, d 'lVlrs. Leonard Cowan were Saturday visitors with her parents,' Mr. and "Mrs. Fred Wal- ters. - Mr. and Mrs. BiI1: Giifiilan,- Ran- dy and Wendy were '":Sunday tors with Mr, and Mrs. C. _GilfiI- lan Mr and Mrs.' Fred .Walters and daughters visited at :Stratford' hos- pital, on Sunday with ;.:-their .daugh- ter, Mrs, Jack Wicks, who .is still_, confined in hospital with a heart condition.• 75 �' Mc n Brings,; .01p Ata$ielcT7 .The curiosity of, a. rural •postman is credited with saving the lifeof a man -in his--80's--who-had lain jn bed for two days and' nights with- out heat or food. . ' Lindsay Smith, of'Bayfield, walk- ed 200 .yards- into Goderich Town- ship bush last ,week after he found that William Williamson- had not retrieved mail from his roadside box " for two days. Confined To Bed Mr. Williamson had, been unable. to leave his bed .and;,; keep fires going, or get food, . because of a After 'lighting;the- fires and••: Pre- paring paring food Mr'. Smith summoned neighbors who, 'took Mr: William- son from his home to the road on- o sled, and then transferred him to .a ear which: took him to his sister's home ing Goderich Temperatures 'throughout th e district during; the two days Mr. Williamson was in bed':Were in the low ,26'g. - . Let death takes a holiday — but of voursi' one • • B RU. F. ED n - o t U 2 8 1 ,T, f Se a o h. 641 J•3 ^ ' Applications were `called Mon- day- for the, "post of village coo - Stable :and onStable.:and caretaker-. at the roan gural Meeting of Bayfield village trustees: Chairnian crf the trustees, Ernest' Weatherstone,.._peinted .out: the pre- sent constable, George .Little had, not been `.;Fired or 'resigned. He said" the„ appointriient was' by the. year; -and -the -constable -could a P plyfor the job if he wants`to, and; his: ;application will, be considered.' Applications were-also=called for;. the. posts hf tractor operator ,and, street" light maintenance, , A' dead line;:of January 29 was set.fdr bids:' for `all :thxe"e fobs,:_::• In` other action, the trustees vot ed $250 to the Bayfield fire 'brigade and. raised trustee pay rates to $25 from $15 ,a` year for, trustees; and' to $50`-renr-$25 for the- chair- man.: , - or Futuro.. " Sujcess to t e Management EAFOR' YOUR NEW an T tiff 0 AND MODERN FACTORY`S ..ompany, MANUFACTURES AND JOBBERS ' OF 'mite s - own T ot—Seifort To facilitate " snow removal, No Parking: on • the Streets of this,,Municipality will be allow- ed between the ".hours of 2 am. and 8 his rder will be strctl" enforced in, accord= ante :with the" Highway. Traffic Act, :Section. 43 Subsection'. 9. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN', that the Municipality will not be responsibleTi"-a-�-nt -_ darages eau -sed parked vehices as the result of snow removal_ operations:` - D H . 'leek, Town of" Seaforth BOX TOES AND SHOE SUPPLIES •