HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-23, Page 2_Since 160 Servfn,g ,the coisaunititArst-, _,,, _
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'JAN, TJAIRY.f.:2.3.; 1959
Member' of
Canadian Weekly
. 4
oaecr Win/WE:
60 r ANY.
--Parliament- -opened' on Thursday indicatedtthe situation7in-the-Throne
and after the formalities of. the firs .., spech debate -when he,said .the gov,
few days is getting down tothe busi- erainent may have, realized •by now
iiess of discussing th- •
at the honeymoon , and wedding
fairs- ' • "." trips were oVer,.,.
. For the, 1,11st timthQGOYerpleAt -
is on its own and foreed to face pro -
lems of its-owiLereatiori.l, No -longer
can..refuge be taken.by Placing blatrie
And there are lots' of prOblems-: .
A 'budget 'deficit running toward_
$1 billion perennial surpluses
der the Liberals.
Steadily rising uneinploYment,'Ae7
TSpite the- - Prime IWinisteee ”protid
campaign boast that "no
fer" and &Spite the Tories,
hUcisedXVOrkS prograth
vided jabs: for only9,400 of -some 400,-
000-Joh.seekers;,- ,Y.°a17s- Ijr°13ablY has had •Inere . ,
the 'County. ‘..1.1teqUen
the vOt,:.
i:nig,:p•a-itictilarly: When the claims of •
-municipa,.lities long years' Without . a
. the har-Ai - unglamorous
drudgery of houSekeeping; de-: .•
seended, on the hapriY party. '111.15 -,:et -T77
the_doniestie sink js filled
diSlies- While argument.goeS how
to.l. clean. them eeonomically,Withent
breaking any politically:' '•••
. tillett.Repro, is •Wic400';.:.
., .
. Fleetiolii,TOTIVillianr.JeWitt;:.iReeve
r. . ,• , • , - . - ,r+-7-. - - - ..., .
of 'lltillet-t-5-4&:,Wo,r•de.n. of...J-11117bn' is
an honor' teHtlietownShip of Iiiillott.:
lliillett 'during :the.'....PaS '.. tWentY
timethere is mounting inflation._,
Another- levelling -off in .natidnal
production, • the second straight
standstill year under the Tories'af- '
ter years of steady growth: iitder
Liberal administration.
' An obvious d6eline, in. Canadian in-
- fluence in the "United N4'tierlS and
NATO councils'. • ,
• Steady -?fveakening in the priceS.. of .
canadian,b_o_nds_ and Oeclining,Jiiter-
est and confidence
vestors iri_Vanadian'enterpriseS.
A (drying -up of inunigratiOnJ125,-
000 in- 1958- v.- -?82,-(10(Finf-1057)- With
foreigners .,§howing .cles re -t
less 6-
emigrate- to Canada ,and the Cana- ,
(Tian eco my showi less ability to:
,absorb them. . „
And this dbesn't take into account
the. confusion existing in,national de-
ises made to the province,s.
lVfr ..PearSon, the 'Liberal -leader --
-,vVarden : are -,Coiiiiidere.d: ' That '',Reeve
•:• JeWittWas .seleetedbY'hiS•eolteagiie,i "
.-- iii. Tuesday's voting iS'. therefoie..•a:
. .., . ,... T ... , .
, ti.ibute'', tki. the esteeni in-,-Ighieh he - is .
' held' :and .a, recognition ofhis known,.
.. .. . ,
ability.-, .-
;Eck, urc
(Port Arthur News -Chronicle)
ItI haS, becenie increasinglyappar-
eii-t -for SOine tithe that:there, is a
_`.`1?acic to. .ni.OVenient the
;various. denominations Of Canada,
with services 'rinost
'churches 'shoving ••• exCellent, attend- '•
ances,' arid:With new ehtirch, buildings'
springing up.'er. old: church buildings
bein revarriped or. enlarged.
datesjor the Bineellosist in-:
fort -nation nieetings"have teen an-
nounced by the ' County:Agricultur-
al- office-. -There either hasreit will
be an advertisement in your local
weekly statingthe times and plac-
-es of these meetings. We hoop you
will 1114e a -Point uf ,.t.tending. one.
Most of .rtis remember the-, first
_ .
:timeour herds were tested' for TB
And many farmers suffered seVere
loss. I -would like tO'nperint, out
-some of •the, difierencee 'in the two
situations. ; ' ' :rt
First, 'a farmer can have, a lierd
.infected. -vvith-- TB: and. not -notice
case of Brucellosis 'there is. -a 'very
definite loss: of inconie, if the herd -
becomes itifected.• • •, -
Second, if animals were ' con-
deintiediaLthe TB test,' a .percent-
age went to the 'tank 'and- there
was risk of serions'financial ; loss:
In the Brucellosis test the meat
,lost; -thus'in thergreat
inaleritY-of 'cases' ,the c-•TAdernna-
tiOn :pail ,will -more,. than take, eaten
Of any lOSS of Meomestiffered..,
Thirclly,,in-Lvvliat little -experience
' have -had; *mild .s.a.y that' the
danger "to ',.1-tuman . health :from:
TB, contracted:from. milk.- •
1, -do not wish to give the iimpres--
Sioxilhat this Will be a wonderful
moneymaking opportunity fer2,. the
fernier. Any farmer who -has . On-
lY, 011-67 reactor" will have-to-7.clean
his Atable and, the condemnation
payrneOf will not be sufficient t�
' 'Fina ly, the, pereentagetof cat-
tle ,condemned- is intiCh srnalle
, than in theease ofTB...._11/ye are
" ." • R., s. Hetherington of Wingbarn, is a calculated risk and a short
Nanie,Beard clyairinan Of- the board to succeed tak
'ing . a risk in this plan -but it
Trvrne Telibutt, re -Presenting at the inaugural meeting on Wed- time will .be jUstified.
G'oderich" tOwnship, 'Ort the hoarcli,,„ :he _ „
snay_ :last.. . I think. YonWill...enjoy- the farm
Was:, -re--named chair-1114:461-4.t;he- .7th-hei forum TV
Xkinton ,DiStr_ket=2._cloilegtate In_ Stir-, - y.112-v_n`a:in:genCd., Ejaarilinuerr-Y A2nSw'rehres-.411t-,°P-jAc-:
Sote2BeardLat„thel,1j1na-uguP4Ineets1- - te hersony .see'retaryL-. tre.a.TiffeT.,-",pa-n'erTcr,farm-ex.perts---haS''-been
Ind:,held Wednesday nightin the Following .ra brief 'discussion on a, Chosen 'arid 'a -Studio audience- of
C011egiate: Vive-cltairmart.'iST;IVIen-'
,,,stech/e;,, ta,1:11y few of ;the. aspects of an antiei- urban`, PeoPle 'is being' brought in
- pated•-... addition to the •,Soliool';,..:the, ,to_ask. questions. Sounds Intere,st4
presentative: .Bad re:a:6S ',.preVent-' board recommended that its. newi .irig;
Last wee]; 1' had to Make, a
speech at ,a banquet. Now, fon a
politician or a,,preacher, a tycoon
or a teacher; or even a plain ordin-
ary bee essen, there's nothing
more pleasant than to be invited to
address a gathering. It's' second
nature. to them. •They take to
like a pig to swill.'
But for 'hundreds of thousands,
of Simple, inhibited Canadians like
me, it's abotit as 'Simple as swim-
ming Lake Superior in_yoor hang
When we stand up, rubbery-
-legged,--hands_aweating,_white as
death, and face all thoSe peolite-
looking at us expectantly, it's
nothing -sh.ort of, a case for_ the
Steckle: from :attending, but.
all Other .Meinb.ers".„..iiverej.:,,preicrit•
and1:fOoli',Oath ,Of office, -atoins-,
tered LaWSOn, .seeretary-
treasuner.--,‘Clinton ews, ecor ,
building Porninittpe. Make arrange-
mentS „Withthe architect and .the ,
School ; inspectors, to hOld'a' meet- .
diseus's 'the' problems in-
volved.- The" committee Was aske.d:
to. bring in a.: report to the next
The ‘Blyth .nmeeting • of the board --;--Wirtgliani
T"' • . . •
got undef .ray, last . Wednesday; AdvaCe inteS
• ; '
January ,7; with' the, 13th Of Hidlett ' , g„..„."e.st
and ••Constance,plaVing thtn�en
rng game The 13th' was Victorious'. If some .Cheek is not Vut.ontne:
34 . score. This _game Was ':.fagging. Of vehicles,. by tOWn_police,:,
.inarred. by -,an Anifertnnate l,,acci . town, eouncil will be 'faced'. with
dent When JaCVTaiiiblYn; iaying eaMplaints. Of Merchants- 'over-lOst
'for...the'1.3th;.wjs hit M the , eye business, it was...predicted.by J
With the puck. Jack lc': --tOWn solieildr.Speak
,ately taken :tothe doctor far treat Mg. .at the :-"liamigural . Meetingof;
inent and was thought.16;be,deing, cOUncil. Menday,n he Stated::: ‘f 'Yon
fine When. hemerrliaging thOlt.,plree. haveall,heard ,complaints ' recent -
,on Saturda and he • WaS- fitihd to ly of th seernitiglY,mdiserimmate
vithrja Hospital, tondo -Blyth wayin, which -traffic: tickets;' have
Standard: been handed. 'ont.''; .1\fr:•'' Hunter,
"Who.: administered :the . oath of
fice to mei-ober§ ;Of the' 1559 coun-,
ajeW.,suggestiOns AO -make: -
Council has: sone centrol over'the
manner • M which the -traffic . by;
revising`-the.Jraffie =bylaw: The
eW. by-law -she*. aS -lenient
likely be ',heard until; the fall.;ses- as possible having regard_hi the
Sion.of 'Ontario SuPreine. Court 'et- 'fact, that traffiemust be. Control-,
-•Goderieh.-,Coort anthorities.expect led-, and parking . spaces Made'
it.;wifl' be •...at least Sallateli.,.before available he suggested . To . an-
'RodgerSen wiU be. able_ to 's*er theparking problem, the
a..preliMinary, hearing 'in .Exeter i toWn 'Mai...eventually have to use
*deli deterrnihe if the . case .Perking meters_ or . limit the hours ,
goes to the higher_ court, If it does, a:parking- jii-.,the:business „section,
It will be the first of its kind to said ...-Mr.---Hunter.7-As•: -one -Way • to
befbre ,4 Huron jury. in four '.allenviate • thearking ,problem, he
years,..-Exeter-,Thnes-AdvoCate- suggested council approach Huron
County council about using Space
BrusselS, :nen fpr .30. or. 40., vehicles behind. the
. ,
itoY 'B. 'Consins.. of Brussels ; an registry :offiee.. There are at le.ast
representative of :that ..coinnoinity .20 coinitY.vphieles -parked On the
on the - Wingliartin District 'High Square now he believed .--Gode-
.Scheel,Board; was elected -the7-1959 tr'Si nal:LS-tar
LayDriving Charge
' charge
has been 'against LAC. Emer-,
L..: iloag.eits.ri; 27 RCAF :Sta-
tion.:PlintenTlAriv-er. of....the. mirth-
bolind car in `-the..„"Deeeinber20th-
accident which ldlledfour airinen
south of-E•xeter., The 'case will• not,
•- 51' LA DY
ver 30 Hours
- Channel. 8,
Huilett F. of
a riles Lcers
Directors were elected for 1959
at thefirst eeti g of t e ear of
Hullett Federation Of Agriculture.
Sehool-area -directors' are:1- -SS -No.
1 Mr and Mrs Arnold JatniesOn•
$S IVO. 2, Mr. and Mrs. Clark
BaiL SSS No. 2, Mr.- and Mrs.
John, Flynn; SS,Io. 3, IVIr. and
Mrs. Eric Anderson; SS; , 4;
Mr.- and Mrs. George Carter; SS
No. 5, Mr, and Mrs.-Lloycll Stew,
art; -LISS No. 5, Mr. a.n.d, Mrs..
flaroldMeCline_hreY.l. SS Ne- 6, ,IVEr.
'and Mrs'. -Edward Reid; S:No.- 7,
Mr. and Mrs. flarry Lear; SS No.
8, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne flunking;
' Oiir minds • go as blank as a
suddenly - dravvn vvindow blind.'
Our tongites cleave to the roofs
of, our bonedry mouths as _tightly_
as ei-re-i'CleoPatra clove to Mark
Antony. Our.. Adam's apples be-
come even as pomegranates, Our
-little-sheaf-of-notes; -over- which -
we labored so hard, flutters -like
a bride's bouquet.
;It wouldn't be so bad, if people
who invited you to be,guest speak-
er gaVe you ,a t�pic But they
won't de- it,: They're'too' polite..
Whenthey . 'ask , you :to volunteer
for.; the, TPrtnto„.... Of „ the Seven'
Deaths,: they 'say:. • "Why, any-
thing ; .at all! I'msure. that. ,any to her for over 'thirty: years.
thing you gife u will he worth- .. • ' •• * . .
listeners with a funny 'story; telt_
thoSe present theY are the salt of
the earth and it is an honor to'be
among .thero; and wind up with a
final -joke.- They'll go home .claina--
ing that he was the.. best . speaker
they'd heard in, a coon's age.
As I am a. coward, it 'Produced_
a special -- terror- in me when
realized that I didn't know a sin-
gle funny story. I;Ithen -I was a
young rip Of a 'bachelor, I had
quite -a fund of them. But when
I got, married, I diseovered that
women, at ,lea_st the one I got,
have no sense of hUrf.IQU.r,
When we were first- =Tried, Ftl-,
conie home- with some real rib -
splitters, and try to' share thern
with her, but bSt the time I was,
finished trying to., exp am em
I'd be rearing and she'd be cry-
ing, so I gave up. ,
.-1-The--very -last -tried -it
was i a couple of years ago_ I. -
heard this story and: thought it
would knock even the Old Girl out.
i-a11-kil6W—It. The twii-keen
golfers on the ninth tee, ready -to
drive, when the funeral cortege
-came---along---the- road 'bordering -
the golf club. One golfer took of
his cap and stood with bowed head
'until the procession had passed.
His friend asked the ,reason for
the reverent gesture. "Least
could do," he said, when- he had
clouted the ball. "I was inarrieol
Unfair; for: Us .Who
by an audience .' ..1.f.Soinebody. ask -
me 'to give an address on . the
ROM Empire;'! or the LestCities
,•, . .
Of "the: AniazottrV- Or the: Ancient.
'speech, isuppofferflik7-Tifoter_Terif-r'
:,,tYing.,beads; .suhltead,S, shrunken
,lieacts anddry_little jokes .:Itat,ffit_
ted in hereand there 'Nettling
wiz,s1PIN goONDiriP
Clieek your newspaper for C
rograni-listi-and-'pick-Up',.-your CisciVXBoOster- Contest
entry forms at local stor.es-Currently advertising on CKNX Radio and TeleviSr*.
, .
Altunimiiiin Doors. and Windosta,.
1VVapufa0iirerg of
Vulvae Slider WindOivs
vitort .74. •
111t4 2. '7'. seatii-37 Ithnberdiks ot.
—roinilai Cross Bred Chieka
Booster Contest Forms
AVailahle At the
Following' Seaforth
BOX FiraNrituRE
House Furnishings
'Westinghouse F dtdre
P4OliE 43 SEAFOR'Ill
Jeweller .
.PitOIVE '599-vir
G. s, .and W. Snlitli
MAn,.St. Seaforth
From The Huron Expositor .
January 26, 1934 .-
George H. Elliott, reeve of Clin-
ton,'was elected Warden of Huron"
County at the meeting of Huron
County Council on Tuesday.
Mr. -\yillianT Jarrott, Hillsgreent
attended the threshormen's con-
vention in London. last week.
The Winthrop hockey team de-
feated Tuckersmith 1-0 Seafortli
last Saturday. night. •
E. L. Box was eletted-clitirman
of the...SeafOrtniublio Utility gain:
missiOn at its meeting on Tuesday,
Miss, Ethel Hess, Zurich, who
spent two months with -relatives
at Sontli Bend, led., and Pontiac,
Mieh., has returned home.
A: successful carnival was held
hi the Zurichirink„last Wednesday
lqr. E. C, Chamberlain, who at-
tended a convention of Great West
Life Assurance Co. "'agents in
Windsor, last week,. wasawarded
first prize for production this
district to January: 16,
Dr. Gilbert C,- Jarrott, graduate
of the Faculty of Medicine; Uni-
versity of Western Ontario,has
purchased -the medical practice of
Dr. charles Mackay.
Mr. 'W. g. Golding, MP, left
this week' for Ottawa.td assume
his Sessional duties.
Interesting items gleaned fr,om
The Huron, Expositor of 25, 50
and. 75 -years ago.
SS No. 9,, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wag-
ner; SS No. 10, Mr. and] Mrs.
. „.
• SSn.NO.,.12; Rbeert
:..The ineeting.'", dealt the
fretn. the: Wonien'S Institute,: ...Op
ad. ' Ten ,,dollars'.,was ,doriated to
to the: .' One; With'Ithe':
.mO'st ,PointS'in. 'sinall •seeds, ; and
..0(); to . the one with . the most
TownShiP..!, ' . •,
A ...Xeport, on the ..s cheat- ir.onrid
.showing there. • are'seyen.,.,. athoolS.
'taking part -to date. ,
The directors to the conittioditY.,
kto,v§.Were,,:appointecl ai f011ews:.
Beef.„Produeers, 'George, Carter:.
- Hog .ProdOeers, 'Floyd Stewat4
ternative; .Hog .ProdneefAtifiild
jainiesonv On It r
Doug,' Snell; Cream ..Produters,"
Lerne lady.direeter;:•:Mrt.'
..GPorge." carter; _lunch. committee,
'Mrs. John Flynn and Mrs. Archie
was 'decided to ,parties
again this' winter,: 'the first .to be
in 'the first .'week- Of' February.
There will.be a gileSt' Speaker at
the. next Meeting on, February 12,
But I went into this one cold.
I Was slaving away at my- speech,
however, and Rad worked out
rather - a neat tiirn of phrase or
two, when it suddenly strua me,
with the Stifling pain of a blow in
the throat, that 1 had no jokes.
Now, as evel'Yoneknows1, an -af-
ter-dinner Speaker 'without jokes
is about as, much use as a wagon
wheel---withOut spokes. He May
have, natural eloquence, a good
topic, ia. fine appearance alid A
commanding manner. But with-
out' jokes, ,confronted,,hy 200 peo-
ple, 7irlio have just stuffed them-
selves with- turkey;, -in -a warm
hall, he simply can't -go-rough,
He might as well be talking ,to a
couple of hundred; seals who haVe
just cleaned, up a ton of fish.
„ ,
on some 'ice OP, Main Street
e other day and in the fallIareke
Fire destroyed the inside of the
tannery and go Ve factory ofBain-
ton Bros., Blyth; on Thursday
morning of last week.. The fire
-started in the drying room, where
soc wbod was drying.
'Mr. A. Sparks, of the Bronson
Line,, Stanley, haS sold his farm
of 105 .acres to his nephew, Wil-
liam Sparks.
Mrs,, 'William Murdoch, Bruce-
field,....returtieci_home last week at-.
'ter spending two trionths in Rainy
RiVer and Winnipeg. •
• § §,;
'Thp. Huron EipositOr:
' JannarY 22, ,1509 • '
While coming out Of a neighbor's
hOuse one day recently,. Mr. John
Armour,. of clkiton, slipped and
fell, fracturing,. a couple of ribs.
IVIr. Nelson; who recently sold
his farm On the Travail Road, gode-
rieh tbwnship, has bought the- 100.
acre farm- of- Mr. joseph Currie,
on the ith concession of the same
.While todaying hockey the other
day, William„O'Domiell fell -and
broke lds
Sohn Carter, of Stratford, slip -
And the . cord Who knows.
this;hewever pobr .a speaker•he
is, is always -welcome As A, speak.,
beeanse he b as a collection of
hoary stories. ,All he hai -16;i3O416'
Make a, wooderfur impression is
tell, the Midience how delighted
is be, 'there,. end_ tell .a joke;
inentioo,. vaguely the„, ,piirpos,e,' Of
.thegathering, if -he knoWS it, and
relate an - anecdote;. • thank the
ladies at • Some :length nfor ,the
splendid dinner, and 'regale his
The ,ears Iwere running ciowm
my cheeks as Itold this One 'to,
She_._lOoked, -at_me. as.
though: 1 • neettedr.:-a-- shave; them '
asked,' rather- drossly: "Why
wasn't- he At the funeral?". Since'
then; I, haven't even ,hotherevl to' "
listen to jakeS.
-So,- to..cut,„a .,longstery short, .1 ,
hadto make- - my- -speeell7Willibtft-,
any jokes. And boy; was' it dead.
In -1 act it was- 'as- dead -as- the wife- - -
of the Englishman. You know -
the one, Two .Englishmen
•their club. "Scirry1. to hear '
buried ',putr wife,old chap,':' said.
one, Replied .the. 'other "Haci
old :boy.. Dead,.n you know,"
- ,§ §
From The ,Huron Expositor:
January'' 1884,-• r
While sewing up a four -foot
niaple tree on the farm of AU,
John Southwold, McKillop, a lafge
iron bullet was found imbedded in
the heart of the tree. °
Mr. John Murdoch has rented
Morrison's sawmill on the 13th
concession of -Hullett and takes
possession -next week.
Mr. Hugh McDonald,- of Tucker -
smith, mtho has _been visiting his
daughter in Kansas, returned home
• -
- 'The eta= gristing 'at the Eg-
inenclville Roller Mills last week
amounted to 1,760 bushels, and the
custom chopping to 500 bags,
The mercury dropped .to 12 de-
grees below zero on Sunday morn,
mg, being ,the lowest point regi.-
stered this season. ,
The Kincardine curlers beat the
Seaferth team last week by four
Mr. Robert Robb, of , town, re-
ceived three- Carloads of. magnifi-
cent pork trona Lucknow last week
for Use in his pOrk peeking estab-
The pupils of the Staforth High
School intend ,giving musica
and literary entertainment in
Brucefield next' rraday night.
This condition is so trinebb-
cause of the well defited, - pest
Inortern findings seen -in thm
e. a-
ieritY of the Pigs. which—die.
Edema disease of swine iS catised
by a germ that close y related
to the white scour germ which af-
fects younger pigs.' n is, present
in the digestive tract of most
pigs and anything that upSets the
normal digestive procesSes in the
pig,may touch off an attack of got
edema. Most commenlY the dis-
ease is associated with Changes of
feed, -or-lack of water -add:-feed---so
that -the pigs -.become ,excessively
thirsty or hungry. '',116Se • condi-
tions may create- the nebesSary di-
gestive upset and lower the ani -
mars resistance to the infectious
ageM. According to the 'Ontario
Veterinary College the disease -us-
ually beeurs between eight and 14
weeks of age and is moSt common
•just. --„after- welting.
The symptoms shown Occur over
a period of a few hours', .The pigs
lose appetite and develop} a stagl-
gering t`ait: The 'eyelids* become
swollen and the swelling niay ex-
tend' over the forehead. 'Mere
may ,be a peculiar squeal when
ttahhryees ipps ii becomundielatb7gebeen:tdoe.r aveenddri,tupaaal drY.,
the pig dies,
ens�ll Prices
Prices at Hensel]. , 'community
sale. last Thursday were:
Weeding pigs, $6.30 -to $10.75;
ehunks, $12.85 ' to $15.00; feeders,
$16.25- to $16.75;1 soWs, $54.00 to
171.00; -boat's, $29.50 to $44.00; Hol-
stein calves, $9.50 to $14.50; Dur-
ham calves, $30.00 to $66,00;but-
cher .cows,' -upto $19.10 cwt.; but -
her heifers, up to -$24.(„ir' butcher
steers, up to $26.85. .
A 'total -of 690 pigs and 160 cattle
and calves were sold.
'Once symptoms are shown,
death occurs so quickly' that there
may be no title for treatment;
However, because the disease is
assotiated with a digestiVe unit
and infection, it iS wise to clean
Out the feed troughs and to slop
feed limited amounts, Of chop for
several days, Recommended treat-
ment consists of flushing ,the pigs
out either` with an} oily lakative ot
epsom salts itt the slop feed. In
addition, a veterinarian should be
consulted with a view 4O treating
the rest of the litter against the
infection.. All changes of feed
should be made gradually ' and
measures should Jae taken to pre-
vent newly weaned pigs from
;THETO •.E1:01T0.. .
__Burlington, Jan. --7, 1959_
Editor, The Huron' Expositor:
r :Sir:
PPY waneud1)1.-
pe '.
to subscribe to The Hurontxposi_.
tiler sc°omiinegasllstlkdee-Pgeln,gn touch hwaitili-
perrings of Seaforth and district.
'I -have- always siiiinded off 'to .ev- ,
e.r,yone about The Expositor, and
sworn by all that's holy that The •
Huiafi» ExpesitOr i the hornieSt
and newsiest small town paper in
the Province of Ontario.-,;
iWsitlfthbaet`.7 ryeetah.resa caosmrxie aFneabgreur,r-.....:
of the Canadian, Bank Of Com--
merce, Seaforthy and aS one grows
older -they are-W-ont-to' look ha.ck-
On their lives, and the different.
plebes where they have lived. and
the she years I' and-my•family liv-
ed in Seafortli Were aniong the .
happiest of -my life, atidi were it
possible_,:would likc,to.rellve those
days again.
iDf eourse we allhad our ups
and downs, but underneath,' it alt
life. That is more than- we can
say of the big "majority of people
today, who .are rushing 'aronne like
elfZid and
r g
today-andshe enclosed'Iohn.,Beat-
tie's.- "1$58 Adieu—Come in '1959'..
What ,a,wonderftil /nen; his poems
are so homey and human, Hope -
he iS with tis for many years. --
1 mill be looking forward_to-get-
ting 'The Huron Expositor. •
Itt view by
',Ile of the-*cent,prociarnation issired b the ,
Town Council, re the confinement , of dogs-,
„and. the faOt thattliey are: not to run at -large- .
at any_. time, the ,Couneil... feelthat charges
Must be laid under.tliiS
:Any owner or harbourer of
dog Who allows it :to. run ..at:
large eat be summoned info
ourt.;.' The fine in 4 ease, of this. ,
ind could be $59;,,(10.1arid costs•
The Council and myself would ask all .citi-, ,
tens -conterned to.,cornply with the laws 'and
ayoid.the tensequenteS.
, . ,