HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-23, Page 1One Himdredth Year . 'Whole Nomber 4746 SEAllOtT,H ONTARIO FRIDAY, JANUARY I959 —1.8 V,AG-ES Single Copies, 5 Cents 42.50 a Year in Advance Deepex:-K4tkee.pe - :. ST. ' JAIIIES'[.--SEP,iienetTEee-Set-701401Deisa...t : ireeen :on pl t -- -ii--iereetion of 'a iii ,_ ,.schnol. The Ipresent 57 -year old sclie,"1,' shown, abe in a StiiiiinerTgetting, -faf-taineved.:-..fron-',,the ' e 'deep driftS ,of, sneW'Whiela the ,SChool i.S poW,'' surrounded; has ,been,i71••ste".ady 'use; ':sine3 janliaty:., .1902, ':•:' • ..- and iS l'-tnii,ed--- to capacity.TThe board are making Prelliniriarypiats::0WfOrtlier,-, lnVe'sti_gating:t.he choice of -a site. The ' (5 kr school . was -.btiiitin tl-e late: fall' Of 1901 .andWae.readY',"for, ocenpancy, :by the beghining of ,19..92. ' On May. 4, 1902, "Rt. Rev.: BiShon..F. P. TkleEn.ra,; :of ' London, assisted by Rev. P. Corcoran,'aMt-IteV7-4.-74:--NortiigrayesHeaforth-,:::dedicalte4.4theLbailding..,_Attlia4Jime, an.. .'address of thanks was read f3i-JoSenh'HOach and a:"bnildtier, prese-rted"-Will/fa#'--Weber..,---.e...,--.., -- - urnsMorlga re Snow No -. tila.c&_YLmoflthS of vanter,,snow ,fakiihe district S43 far this 'Winter has exceeded the Complete fall of last year. In fact, ,the fall in the first 29 days..ef'Januf- ary was „greater than that in Feb- ruary of 1958; when stosniS blocked roads for several days ----During : the, _five of 197-48, 'a, total of .811/2 inclieS`W snOW.• fell,' according to George tains, records of, precipitation' snow' nil:'nfid tern -OM -attires. To da'te, in 114:144.4re-LW.0,111:11.-0C3Yipferthia year; 331'5-inchesof snOW A •breakdoWn,:" by months; for 1957:58,'slieWS: 'EPbtfiai-V".- with the , Ileaviest,,,fall,', 28. inches; Hecern- :ber,..19;'.' :larmark, 18; 'November 12•;- 1Vlareli,--4•?-and_Oetober.;_3/2 inch .This Year''Decenter•-came.Up:With' 30 inchesof• snow; January, . to date; '29: niches ;and November; , Climaxing a $35,000 building- and renovation program which 'began 10 years, ' ego, members, of St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Mon- -day evening burned the mortgage, marking the final payment. :The program, -which. -.saw-- exten-- sive , alterations carried out to the church, the church school and the "rectory, Via -s I begun when Rev. T. Dale Jones was trector. The com- mittee in charge included Gordon Wright, E. C. Bo well and Norman Scoins., Reports presented to the meet- ing, presided over by the rector. James, indicated the congregation completed, a .success- .e.,,Officers ,riaMed: ineluded:-.honerie ary., reefer's Orden,' Thorn as ' Jack- son; t., people's warden, E. C. Bos- well; .:::lay:-delegateeeteiSyriod; W. I E. Southgate; Garnet Stockwell, and alternates Gordon:.; Wright, J. R. Spittal; vestry clerk, Geo e FleVve ,.itt;' treaeurer,t'MrS,...p.':M. :Trout:- beck;„.eeriVelopee.secrotarye'Le--,Fe Ford; beard' of • management, ''MiS$ D.;Parke Mrs. -"Bruce,' MacLean' „Art .Stacey, ,Johri.EArle, John 'Old- -field; Norman: Scoirie, Ken Powell . and. Harry t • D'Ungey The Harpuhey ..Cemetery Coin- niittee kas.ineereased by the addi- tion of, one •rnerliber„, Keith Sh-a-ip, the -Other rheinhers being M. Mc- KellAre'Jblin 'Beattie and James F. SCott.'Tbe eneet'ing _gave special _recognition .to T. A. Beattie •fer• his year of service ,as: caretaker, when J. ScOtt Cluff, chairman of the Board of Managers, presented Mr. Beattie with anhecnie. • ' Il*ESBYTEit-IANoftmicH - The past year,' 1958, was a suc- cessful year for all organizations of .First Presbyterian Church, the congregation was, told Mbpda,y night at. the-annual-congregalienal - Meeting...The meeting left this ievaS promisbig for the future, as dur- ing 1958 the congregatien was otif a minister :forthe first five months ef the year. The meeting was Opened by the minister,' Rev:, D. Leslie Elder, with a 'devotional period, J. Scott •Cluff was appointed chairman of . On meeting, with F. E. Willis as secretary. • ' Four 'members were elected to the Board of Managers for a three- year •term. Those:elected were R. S. • Box, J. A. ,CArdno Bedford schoolroom Tuesday with a fair representation of the congregation Present, to receive: the reports, el- ect- necessary .offieers--and cenduet besinesS relative to, .the Year's :Work ahead::,L., P;'!PluniSteel was ,elected chairman for -the evening - and -Mrs. Homer-HuntWae antiointe 'eel congregatierial: secretary. Fol- lowing a. short wership -Period, h' brief „remembrance' Was obserVed, for thoee who had .peased away this past year; al-1cl Rey. J. C. Britton: :led in prayer. .• ee• , reae• 1958, tritstees.- and auditors were.: returned: to 'office' for ,1059: and .1"-. X ,Willis was "eleeted:''.,as hurch treasurer. were heard on ehei,propesecl; budding.H0 a new Deaconess' Home in:To.rone• , representing: the coegregatiereeexpreseed :thanks an appreciation÷to- Rev, -api:T.Vi'S...:S1=: der :lerethe ; geed Works,. aeconi- pliShed .since .their arrival the late ter -part of May. Mr Reith, Men- tioned,' the ,'great strides - made in :assuming; th leader8hip, Of the- coagregatiOn in the' guidance given in spiritual -'and 'temporal e welfare; and the friendliness established by Rev, and [ 'Terre. Elder..." Mr.. Reith concluded by pointing out that First..Clunch;..S.eafor.th'.weelet ne doubt eoptinue in its ,.successful -contribution to .the- irieniberS- and.: the 'comentinity- Under :the leadere- eship'of Rev: and Mrs.. . • Rev: • Blder, in his -reply, ex. pressedelde gratitude. to the ,offie, eers and Members of the church;. that, •it had ben a pleasant ex-. pertence getting...aeqpairited,:. and Plowmen's uron 241/2- inches.' '" ••• .._Strong Winds Sunday- night filled rural roads and .cut attendance at ,district .adlidols.. -.Althoughhigh school bases ethrted out _Monday 'ino,enineg,_onlyee50..of the 265, paella .Whoride' the school htiSeS; Were picked nee., ' Bue.!eperatere found Tueleersinith roade•hadibeen• plowed out .early, Mondny., Morning; and were able -toelaring--in.e-alinoStea--fulleload• of. students frein .that township. - The roads in Hibbert, Grey and,'Melcil-• lop Were; heavy to blocked, .butt the. buse-which,--11 as a route • thy:nigh, Grey Was !able to cover:.ineet of its roiite. One bus, got stuck and had to get ' help from a winch truck.; It, aeriVed in ,Seaforth., withtno stu- 1uUett toi.vreship reeve, William Jewitt, was 'elected Warden of Hur- th6centa(*)tufiyrret:tideailYw.biseTliclellecte-rxdiee"Tleatl:bpwelasr-71...eaonsf • hyierooPnieni,.4. e.',;(3)14.4n• a airs,., Mr. Jewitt ,has served as- council., lei 'far 15i years . and for five years as e_reeve__Ae native- of--Swift---Ctire, iSe.married to the former Elia Dexter. They. have -two...daughters,_and. seven _ eons; , Joyee; • 21, Saniee, Dennis,: 16, 'Roes, 9, Don alcio, 7', Larry, 5, _Kenneth; 3, and 'Kevin, 1. ' fraternal.' he is a . -Member of the IT.a'S'Ofii.e” Lodge, the eOdrT hdce "rifewhF:e0r er SttheiireSe , caanndditi,adaete,U:lito,n- Tuesday, Bailie Ferret, reeve of Morris, was eliminatect-aS-low-man-- in a 12-12-9 result 00 the firSt :hal; -Itit-,-oan'nde Cecil -o- Blake -reeve of -Ash--- Herd. was eliminated by a 19-14 result' on the:second _ballot. .„. ---C u r -s-.* I) ecten - Parrot on the first `reirriel;:en.cl-then,---e, transferred!, their -votes .to Ftieelr'e" -13.IecyvitAtdPani-r-,he- reeveseeo°fildWirao2uhnaci, were - m thur Gibson, reeve of flowick; Clarence Hanna, reeve of East eraWanesh;.-TAr•-.J. WiltasTare-ove, of ,In'the__first ballet ,the vote was:: ;For Blake: seeker, Hay township; Crich, Clinton; Donnelly,' Goderich t.KGoiewurrir: Stephen; ;3,Wviewease,xtut;i[nWnca:vaoyisheic:Eitrns:e. ter; . IVIcMichael., Ho -wick; Smith,nsall . Council.usbonvei Webb:, Stephen; Blake, Ashfield; Seaforth ; _ ills acancies .Stanley; DonnellY,,.Goderich, town; Forbes, Tu.Geolcd:rlinchitttO;WreshiP;t Fore Ileuermanie leMcIrElop;, 'Coleman, , Henderson, , Ileirsalr; McKenzie, Exeter;_Miller, Follcving the acceptance of the minutes Alvin W. Sillery gave the congregation a report on the Mait- laudbank ' eein,eterv. Steadily , in - „creasing costs and a• -falling rev- enue does little- to . enhance the. pr ee. veiling. Situationin:eoefareas-Northe' side congregation is .conternekLe COMplete.'mimeographed'repprts from-. all ,erganizations were Placecl in the hands' of teach :person .for their' nertisal and adoption of , these reports. followed . quickly. ,'The fine an ces • of ,. thecongregation ; are in -Splendid condition with surplus over . the figure budgeted for last 'year:Th.1-s was due to, the splendid support given throughout the year teethe ,:present budget System of giving, which 'Oev7er611- aspects. of the financial: Olaligations. Durieg- . the year the .amounr- roWing to the BUilding„. rod-, was retired; also tincreased. givilegs to .thel Mission- anY • and '11-alintenap.e.Fund4uri t� $3,e00, ping a new roof on the par- sonage, Wet* „iteme2 where' substan- lial.inereases were noted. ' that he and Mrs. Elder ewere ex- [:e: The -13Xiiidink. 'fund' committee, treinely happy in 'weirking with the, which had 'Carried through such a' Membership. .11e.:_epondluded :with 'Splendid niece of work for the Clem the theeghtthat continued co op- gregation-evee: a period:Of years, eration and good fellOWship. Would asked :to be ,relieved of their re - further the work of the church. • spenaibilities. , ;This Was :granted' ' At the conclusion of the meeting; and :the Official .Board Was given lunch wa,e served' by theladies, authority to 'establish a .longlange. and inforMal discussions were con-- Planning cominitteetoattend to, tinned on the affairs of the chUrcN any further . plans wilich may be. • - • necessary. In order to ,Make sure NORTHSIDE IINITED thafmpney.is available when need- Nortliside Dade& Church anneal ed reserve capital fund has been meetieg, was hold in . the church budgeted for in 1959.- . ”. Reperts from ,' other -oraniza- WARDEN -ELECT WILLIAM JEWI'ET bean his term of offiCe Tuesday as JOhn Morrissey' of . • • .• Stephen 'Township banded the key ofeofficeto „Eine _Warden Jewitt has been reeve of Hullett Township for five years and a member of the council or fifteen. Early •Wedneedav,- rain: and..sleet.• Moved in from the lesoutlx„,:' and heavy :fog' had .set in, redueing. Visibility for ,...driving to :zero., Heavy. rains continued lateein the ;day; but [colder'. weather arrived_ Thersday,',.with terePeratures drop pink • 25 , degrees.• ! .• In a move designed to -brie:a interest in -the. art:-'otianiving7ara to 'Provide , a mord easily admin- • isteren unit, North and South Hur- on Plowmen's Association combin- edinteroneeorganieaoint a Meet- ing in Clinton Tuesday. - President- of the rieWly,fernied TIttrOri -PloWniete's Aisotiation is WiIliaifl Perrie, Brussels. Vice!, presidents Are John 'Passmore/ Sewer Plans Advance',Here Seaforth's proposed sewer sys- tem advanced a step further Fri- day..Council , at, a special meeting , gave two readings to a bylaw to provide for entering into an agree - anent with the Ontario Water Re- -sources Commission for the con- struction - of a disposal plant and distribution system here. Name Witin„ers.. Of.'Curliii.g Draw In the ,annual &eve, ePonsored by -- thee Seaforth Curling Club, prizes were won by Dr. J. B. Spence, of Litteevel, and Mrs. illian leTithol- son, Egniondv The diela,v etas made Friday este-. • ming,: „ roupsiot ssociatio RR, pieter; Simon Ilallahan, RR, Blyth, arid -Lorne 13:A1141411e, .RR, later. date., :Exeter._ - New inenibpies oreethe Boiscis .0f Stewards ere „Long-time secretary or the North .Alvih Harding, Lloyd Rowat, Beuee MeMilan and Wil-, HtirOn group, ElstOn Cardiff; MP, eantinuest; in the , sone 'capacity ham CAMPbell: The appointment Al' -A nOrniAA:thig., copimittee by” the ' new :erganization! Named' ' The north and."southisseciationS qn- tions gave 'evidence of cdlitinued progress' and keen interest by.the respectiVe members. ' • The retiring merribers 'of the SeS-. gen reappointed..,wereelame's M. 'Scott, Leeming, B. F. Christie and D. ..4.''Alicenhead. Dr. J. C. MacLennan asked to be re- lieved and this. vacancy be Sea or S o Plans Openin Seaforth • Shoes Limited will hold open .house , the new West Williiiii7Sti•entfactory on Wednesday and Friday of next week. The plant is being offi- cially onened' in a brief cue- _ xnerryeat three o eloqk _Wed- . nesday, to which the public is e 'invited , Attentien is directed to , a special section. of this -issue, , including Pages.7 „and 9 to 18, --which is `devoted to the new Seaforth Shoes ' plant.: Mr, -Mrs. Ben Rising on e !o'eroif County Junior Institute, :. Vacancies in Flensall conned and in the.,poSf'of'.ere'rlt--tteasufers were, filled Monday .night . at a speeial. r6eting„.of council. : ' Sohn, Henderson, • pilidtice dealer and a Member of eoinrcile for the Stormy We�iher cuts:...',Atteitdainco . . . . JrRally . Bad -weather toriditio cut .at-- ;tendarice at . the -.Junior. Institute -rally, at Seaferth. District , . . :School • on :Saturday... ,Chairman, Jeao.Smith,..president of the. Flure wel-, cqmed-thosc in attendance, .GUeSts.„. were .introduced 'Shirley McAllister, - Herne Econaiiiiet , for Huron: et-.-eeteee, t 'Greetings' were hid -tight frOm, the .Senior Women's :Iestitute by Mrs.. EniereeeDeseardine, e7S—ontlitteiliereer- District • president. For'elieretopic' :Sheeueed the: theme, "Give to the: world . the hest' :Yeti have • and :.•tlie -best willeiterne, back to, 'Yee" ,,Ine she Said; :Conies ',"fteiti• e"...! -Small geoupS'arid:everYene. ehoidd. ,check on :themselves 'instead Of 'tethers 'end' Make...aurethat., what., giVe. is our best. She was thanked. by .Mise neaele diseussion en .."Jeinier, elristitute , :Constitution and Junior [,Iiestitute Relatienehip.te'„Woinen's Institute,' was taken I:Sy:Miss-1Tel; eir:Wilsert, of 'Clinton Junior r' Alex .11arniltore,..seere- .:tary-trea'sneer. of 'south Ilurep, rrien'e 'Institute. MiSS: Sandra 01 Seaforth Junior' Instittitee•,,,ea chajrnAts•:Vras Mis jean, Scott, Supervisor :of , Confity liereeeSeP*. 'arras s,, Home Economics Seyviee,.., Departinent of Agriculture.,:.„, . Some Of the main points diseuss, ed\ye r e tinifOrmity of • Meetings arid Making the Members }leer at. home. There are, rtiles for he way' meetiegs should he •cenclett'ed, and theseshould be tollowad. Fees shoold, be paidin •tinie,and. reports - should also be inon time: • .1•Ielen Wilsongeve :the 'Aims arid r objt e tive s -oi.41.1ttA at- Institute tWork. "And,Shridra-peig-gave the benefits- ef being :in jurtiOr Institute -Work, , Miss. Janet 'I'aidta„,w;‘, who is one 'et the Jenior Inatitate 'Inenibers on die Federated. Worrieri"S;IiiSti- ttiteknaftteteOntari.;,egaVee4n.in- -teresten g talk; 055 what ,juniert.,:Ine past Stanley;- Walke?Iiitt three ears .was named, toGodercb own; e * , ethvee -7,..70Feeoer -Parrott: Adair, .w" gnation Jaeua 1S1°PrOsidni:eilt 1:1C4ici; ---Itani4a'ey;EMas: Peter L. McNaughton, warveter_ Wawa,nOshe Iletehinsen, Blyth Br ssels rrne five applicants to fill thee-dornhire -Mousseau, Hay; Willits, -TOrnber- edepo-st oftlerle, treasurer anct tax 'rye Parrott, Morris. collector. He succeeds James A. The final voting was: For Paterson. Becker, Gill, Hutchinson,. Kerr, John G. Lavendere-one:'of two Mawhinney, 1VIcCutcheon, unenecessfed.ecandidates-efer--.emm-- - e neseauieS-mith, TaYloreWalkone, : cil in the ,December elections; was NV.hb:, Parrott, Blake: Total. 14. 1. eappointed..to-fillethee-Vabency ere For Jewitt: Adair, Ball, Beuer- ated by- Mi. move to -mann, --Coleman-, Criar, -.Donnelly- , the reeve's -chair.2The.unsuccessful (2), Durnin, Forbes; Forsyth, Gib- - candidates had . tied rin :the elec. son, -Hanna, Henderson,' Jewell, tion, and his appoietnieet was bas- McKenzie,- McMichael, Miller, :Wile ect, on largest asseesr,nent. liteTjewitt. • ; , . , , Following Liberal arid Conserve - 0 otorist tive eaueduSes, aPPom` thlellts. to . Ar 'd T M tchoedetermined and,road mi: Reveals:-Comjnon..... Th..e strikirig committee will t 1--':13.devev -Willinne Morritt _ Blyth; Reeve Roy' Adair-,-Wini: • .3asTeauam_cuko;:'rIensinaeypithil; t'..,.?711;_ Iteev:v,r,e,eIV,witAln!.:cF:.eivilVirsiii`tueh:::, Interests- in B The long arm of cojncidenae reached ,olet.foo.Railway .Street Fri- enetoe, • ' day afternoon as Robert WatSon Chester „ effewhimee, :. deputy. - „Was, driving. the Wm.; Hart fuel reeve of Exeter, is to have a .fiVe- freak. - • - year term 'Oil the reacts -commit- • Seeing 'a motorist stuck in the tee; Glenn Webb, reeve of Stephe' show, ,Mr. Watson stepped to lend eh- is, to hive a four-year ternit. assistant 'secretarYAreastirer eTia. ffieigl„--13-0..ard riSsi.ateecie greatly in RusSell I3ottem Of.. --„vresencipe ; finding' members to assiiine office -Were rirganiieci-More then-80.years . . • oe Heal' Miss Lilidlaw tvg9, tht leTortli. in 1924 and South two Yeare later; in.1926. dent and Lorne Ballantyne As dale A t The meeting named- the presii gates to the annual meeting of the , ' • ' Ontario PlownleiCee.eAssociation be 'Miss Florence Laidlaw Wei guest Toronto 'next month, • ` speaker at the Monthly Home and Sehool meeting at Seaforth public school Tuesday night. Introduced by ligre, P. L. Brady, she gave an address an s"Retarded Children," giving the Meinbers a clearer idea of theproblems faced by these children, and what is 'being dime for them. • Mrs., Dale NiXon,president, pre- sided for the meeting.- The group 'decided to continue to bUer beeka, for thee:winters of the publie sPOaking contest. Mrs. A. Y.• Mc- Lean was the.rnether of the mantle Roll call was taken IV Mrs. J. Talbot: Elaine' Oke. and Katie -Scott en- tertained' the audience with Scot- tiSh.dariehig,"The Sean Trubhais" and the [ "Highland Fling." Bar- bara talbot•favored with two piano selections,e'"Sieretly" and "San- ta Lucia." Honor Lewis Clark, For 68 Years a Mentber Lewis Clark, Sr., RR 2, Kiptien, for 68 years a member of Exeter 1,014 3249, was made 'an. honorary life member at a cerernony at his home Friday evening. . The address. was read byeltitssell Brintriell,' of tketit, and the. pres- entation ',Made _by Wiliam Green Those :attending were t:Rilssell Brintnell, Douglas Trehnor, John Webster and,William Green, of EX. eter, eirid Frank Harburn, Here - Sall, , -Welliknown in Seaforth and dis- trict, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Rising, .. Centre Street. will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary • on Monday. '' ' - • • eer, Rising has been. the popular- rtirel mail,' courier on Rural Route 4 for the past 24 years. During the years he has been servhig:, the patrons �n No. '4, he has traveXed nearly 290,000 mile's. He continues. to make his triPe 'every daY, de- spite hi S 76,,years,' . Mr. 1iIng And his wife; the fer- nier Et1[. el Core, , are natives ig •Champain, IllinoiS, where ;they were enerefed Jarluaty 26, 1909. Following their marriage they re- sided, in Chanipain until einigrat- -ing to. Canada 42 years ago., 'Mr. Rieing had embeto Canada Where he and Mrs. Rising had rel- atives ad stayed here. for some time when 'he was eniployed at The Robert. Bell Engine and Thresher Oo., at that time engag, ed. on a shell. eontraet. In "1917 he purchased the fern' on the North Road; 214 Miles north 'of teWn, now owned. by HarryXebitt. Mr. arid' Mrs. -Rising' cOnthiued b farm there Until they retired to eforth t in 1947., . ,• ReCalling the• years 'clining.Whigh he has . carried mail from Seaforth ,post . office, Mr. .Ifieing said , the task as much easier:today than when he started in 1934.". "Itused to be you evept,, no matter what the weather Was, and tried to get through," he 'mused. "TodaY, do the best we can, 'but have to depend en the snowplows." , This Year is about'. as• bad as any for snow, Mr. Rising said, but he felt the worst snow', waseine1947, . Was .he sorry he earne to .Can- ada? "Not for a Minute. We've never been Sorry. We like tit•••ia Seaforth .and likee the Peeple. It has been a good life." '.Mr , -,end Wire, ,'Rising have One, daughter; -Lavida,.MrS_ N, E.•Note ria, , of. Toronto; three grandchil- dren, Mrs. Frank Shortt (Blariehe), Downsview; Robert , N. Norris, Markham; and Mrs, Hugh ,Sheri- dan(June), Toroitto,. and -one great •grandnhild, Carol Ann Shottt. • Mr. and Mrs.,1•ItiSing: are going to Toronto Saturday to I3e preterit for a family, dinrier being held at the home of 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Shortt on Suedayewhen the AntilverSnrY oc- casion Will .13e,Inarked., stitute MeanS•teher, andeelsoeutat the Board is doing. She was thank- ed by Mrs McAllister. - a hand, only to discover that the Iffoteriste 'was- a:engine...of- India. Further conversaticin reveal d that - his home was in ' Novesha' ' Northern India. This was fairtili country to Mr. Wate n, suite he had, been -etationed tte fore five years — 1926-31 — bile serving with the Imperial Fes.• ' . 1. It)b Sees, atch, The .Men's dab .of First :Church Were •entertain -ed 'Tuesday everting by. a pictorial review of the World, Plowing Match .,held 'Germany last . autturin, .eeben 'Gordon 1VIc- GavineWaltorie cdech of the Cana- dian team, shoived pictures of the Mr.-MeGaVin Was-intreduced by Scott Cluff' aft& appreciation was exPreaseel.hY.V.Ille D. Hays was chairnian. Clayton...Smith, reeve. of ..geberrie, „ to have in.three-year'terni. - The read Coramittee, which: has . until now been a.three-rnan , cone; neittee, is this year 'enlarged to Vire members as result' Of , - 'decision • at the Neveniber, session of .`the. 1958 'council. One member. of the committee retires eachyear, The ,election of, the . Warden was . Conducted by. John - clerk-treneurer. The new ...Warden • „Was','condeCtedeto the dais by jOhn, ,IVIPeriseey, ',Who . Was 4,warden aid; ,! reeve of .Stephen; in 1958; tex-wir-e • :den Morrissey ',..placedeethe, ehein 'of Office around; Warden'. •Jeyvitt!s neck, and:handed bine the .g0e1,, and .the synibolie .gilded key, Congtablations to the new War -1, .. •det. :were :Voiced in: r bt'irf addrets- es • by..Chatles'..lVfaaNaeglitone Exe- ter MVP for Buten- -Ernest Fish - ere , player „op- •Coderieli; Thomas lett to,wne1iipcatinerr7e. .e. tnso Mallach „Chapter installs Officers Officers for 1959 were elected at the January meeting` of Malloeh Chapter Monday night. Frank Case was. named fitSt principal, With William J. Bell, immediate 'first, priecipal. ' Other officers are: ;seeend prim- cipal. A. E. Matheson; third prine ciPal D. R. Cooper. lreasurer...M. X. Clarke; scribe 1 A. liar- ber; scribe N.,. D. E! Kyle; P. Orville Oke; S.S., Allister Bread - foot; William Caldwell; out- er guard, -",Roy Butt; 1).C, 'Tames Neilans; niaster of the first .Vell, Angus MacLean! inneter of the second veil, William Wilhee; mas- ter,of the third veil, 'Pile -Sharp; master of the fourth veitirCharies Filord 'The exAmining board werer'S; W, Crich John Bach arid D. E. Kyle c)rtItiin n t� 'provide Organized and supervised entertairinient for Seaforth and dtstriet youth-par- eicelarly on. Saturday nights—a •Seaforth . Teen TOven group was formed lire Saturday evening., —The initial meeting, called bY .Seaforth Polite Chid lafil.qt Hutch - inset; and held itt the. Town; Hall, 5/ teenagers Ori hand, .hnxious o the organization emder .way, Chief Hutchinson, who had exe• periente with , eimilar groups in other centres, told the 'groep, "the *purpose of the Meeting, ,and what e' 'Teen ToWneergenizateen could edeoinpliele. • . 'Name Offieers Deneis Jewitt•was eleeted presi- dent. mid the vice-preaident is Keith Petiiiek, Other officers are: secretary, Agnes Carter; treasurer, Phyllis .I3ryarie; . reporters, Dori Morris, PeArri. McLean; entertain- ment committee, Ken RYane ehair: Una Talbot,.; Bob Ruth- and Janet 'RoWcliffe;, lunch cdiranittee; Anne :Trontleeck ehairMan, Sully Wright, t'-lietty;•• iquegge, and Ellen Gorwill.[. '• , Chiefi..Thitelaineon .was thanim0.. for his initiative in Organizing Teen . Town by:, newly -elected: President Jewitt, And plane Were atseussed for.adaneei to -be held January The meeting 4-tenni/led on motion of, Ken lteXan and 'Mike:Mat:Me, k small (ranee followed; with.Tecords e- by'Don Wright, • ' ' At, a ,enbsequent meeting';, Tuts - 'day, 'regulations respecting' mem- bership • were. deternrined, end will! „appear :en" "membership "cards, Vehiefi Areavailable to all teen- agers, at 'fifty Cents. each.: : • The meeting. agreed On a up bee et the ,feriner Badminton , Club in the TownHall, and mem- bers are, meeting there on ` Sat- urday afternoon. ' So that Saturday : 'night iinnees May be sticceesfnle records are needed:Teen Town Astis anyhone WiShitig to donate reterds to 1 avO them, at the newspaper officd oi in the police cringer.