HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-16, Page 21
Servinii the' poiniziiingv First
ibii.ed a1 SEAFOW.11, -CdsZTAA.T9i.Leve7- 'PlursdaY.
" • McLean 139s., Publishers .
Akniih* Y. 1VICLkAN,7Editor
Canada (in adyance) $.2.50 a Year
United States (in advance) p.50 a Year
Authorized as Second. Class Mail, Post Office, Department, Ottawa
y Member of.,
Canadian Weeitly
, Despite warnings issued by author- them, and play, With " them., ,A clOg
-. Ries the•-public--seeminaly isn'ttoo that, is allowed to roam at farke 410
,voncerne,d aboutlhe rabies:epidemic.: -- „inanyiugpport;unities - of Contact With .
APertaiilly there hasn't been:31mA co- - " wild life!and thereby stands, an ex -
operation on the part of dog Owners ,;" 'Collent',.chande 'of beingJnfected. 'It
in keprng..the1T clogs tied up may well bethis dog-7.,-ordinai,-,
While veterinarians are careful. --C") i1t most familiar .and-Jriendry
"ereTating_an-eaWierkt-0---.1*.OsEcke:nt.-, ! comes in. cant-a:et "With- That .
of the potential !danger-- and. ".thereby 1§7.--whrinurncipaL ounciiare '
urniecessarily „arouse " the public,-, at rng by-laws". :prohibiting"- dugS.
the same time they emphasize : that :.running at large. . That, is . why dis-
,.. rabies can present a hazard to hu- trict .health of animal Officials, veter-
mans. - : -1narians--0/14--otheranthortties-,- w
• And it is this : 'factor that has led realize the, pOtential, :danger,'urge
to the orders regnirinig dogs owner -to- co-operate
--confined. .. ChilOen_,; and for that ..''.keeping.dogs..gOnfined.
matter adults tooislon't Make a"pra-&;
14se of -Patting. stray foxes that they. :,.1,:linionand Perth COunties-have-been
May Meet On.-11-ig:TZTArary,:_ithey-,._:!..,1Abilg_te„be:-.HY.a.bid; aeording-to- 1)r;
y-wel).-a*ay_..,froin-sUch wild life, „.
and the-Lpossibility.-threfore of bes-'„ Animals- Brortch.in geaforth. It is
ing,bitten by rabid toX. or Other enough that the owners ptal.0.6:apit ,
.wild aniitial! is • rather reinote".; mals suffer the financial' lOSS,,Whieli
But that isnot true of domestic is involved., Snrely every 'precaution'
animals—particularly dogs... Children ,must be taken to avoid human trag7
b,re attracted. by dogs _trY to ."pat-, ed.
The Family Farm- Continues
HUrOntarfity's rural popu=-
Iation showing a decline -over the"past
fewdecades, the apderich
Str.ass the questibni "dan the
fainily: farm survive?"
In searchingefOr-ait answer to this
eStipt: the GOderiCh paper points
to the fact thatin so many lines of
-----indeavot-,--ganada-seeins., to -.eventual, _
ly follow the -pattern , Of the. United
.States. What happens -South of the
border seeMs in Canada,
too, even, :though it does not Usually
occur for a few yearS after it does in
the United. States:.
writer the Chritian Science
monitor reviews the situ" in the
United States .and findinis,Show'
." a, parallel With, the . agriculturaltpic-
ture in Canada. The article concludes
With-the follewing-O elevations:
"Now while stati§titt May.not lie,
they often require interpreting,. and
in this. ease the situation is not as
Trite; the number :of farms Siteadily
grows less and soitie:ottbk is- due .to
. ,4e•consolidation.of farms under.. One
management Examples of this can
wbe found in every rural 4onuntlility.".
"Ont Pioneering forebears of a.
'eentUry-or two ago -stout=
o e a 'Way of Life
eaited; land -hungry race who in
, -
eh -enthusiasm cleared, and after a *-
fashion farmed, a great deal of land
that „ouglit'al,Ways to have remained
nIforest' The paSsing.. years have.
n., .ho0Iland
7s.g.rofp,a9pr lle
tlythey were
iSj.a -.Movement that is
allto 6 gocl Certainly -Nye- want
•the 'family -faith' hilt *6 do not want
it if it isso .small or, steep or stony
. . ,
or infertile that it cannot afford • a
reasonably full "life forits occupants:
• "In an era Then strange economic
doctrines and hetesies are aloroad'in -
the World, the land-owningfainier is
a priceless' asset :for an orderlyso-
Give.a man- a. hundred or two
acres of decent land that lie may call
his,pwn.and at oncehe becomes,. a '11
stout pillar -of the, established 'Order._
• Itmay well:be:that-We farm folk, are
in,'a„ way a.somewhat, dour and stub-
born" breed : in America there "re,'
7---m-ffins--4-harct-core of some •-millions
ofmenwho believe In.farming, not
,as a, road to Wealth but as a way of
Thfe theie. is not eblivineing evidence
_that the ffarnily.fa,rin.' on the way
out Rather, it will be a part of out;:„
civiliati.on.for all the -foreseeable:
Hold. Annual
"the Sunday Schoolroom . tbe
Church -on, January 7, at 2'oelock,
with, a. gobd -attendance...MI-S. Al.ex.
-,Boyes, the, WA preSident, opened
`the meeting with.the theme ,staiig,
after which Mrs. Earl Papple led
•in prayer,. 1V1inutes.„. of the last
meeting were read.- and adopted
and the Toll' call was ansWerecl,"
Miss Mae Smith gave the treas-
urer's report, wbich showed a very
The • maim. event : Of the- day was
'4'. WA -11f nibershipPresented
I to . Mrs. E. -F. ,Durst by Mrs.. X.
Semple. It was •the first one pre-,
sented t� a member. Mrs. Sem-
ple• told -(if the wonderful work
Mrs. --Durat haa donewhile being
-hapoeri -to-see - a- _slice -a -ham. around
any Olace. did You?"
And .-Sorne.'„ Stay Hoirm
coaldbe-witailg,_ligt would
seem 'inatTrInerearel.-‘feWer---iloga_
trotting .around,;on the ,loese_ since,
, the c °tined; and,scliabl,board, have
•flainfortin Co cr- the' intent* ofgetting
iafly tongliyOf';.COurSe'lliere...;:are,
still -the odd famiirs, . the dogs
tha,t never were; and apparently.
neverwillbe, tied. up„'.regardless-
of the threat to general health dad
welfare., „ Winghani...AdVance..
• Called To Toroikto
Bev. O. • Winter, ...pastor' of St.
Peter's Lutheran Chig-ch. in Zar-,
has _accepted' a- eall'-th a -con-
gregation in Torboto and will be
leaving this community on.Fettru-
ary 9. -The church to which Rev.'
Winterisgoing is a rinission-',Con---
gregation, and is *called the -Mar-
tin 'Luther IVIission Church. Prior
to his coming to .Zurich - •almost
four years ago; Rev. Winter serv-
ed in a congregation in Winnipeg,
Manitoba.. ,Before that he Spent
considerable time in other -church-
es in the western proyinces.-Zur-
.-ich-Xilizeus News_
• 'ro ou o
The offering Was reeeived by
'Mrs. E. Stephenson and'MrS.-. j,.
111,CInteSh. The .0,grictiltur.a1
-quet .,Was. discussed.. . Was ..de,
, Serve 'IunCti at the VA,
alinnarIne-6,047.ffiSlead-of 7-a
1uk super.• '
Franees Houaton took ever
the -.NMS-7arid-ti.pened-Tvaltr.-=47,re
ing; '".NeW -Year'S.PraYer:•.", The
literature retwas given by Mrs.
'tha.• recording ',..seCretary's.. report:
and ..treasurer's. rePort wasgiTen
by Mrs,' Roy Mconig1e skewing
a wonderful year. ..
Mis, L.-IStrong - was .:Placed: •On
the.,Slate„.. of Officers as first. vice
President; ,and:Mrs.''Nortiran-Ma
Leait • a a ,Mission Band saperintenT
-MrS.T.Ptirat'sang a so1IET-ook.
a: Miracie." Dr,". Serriple Very .,amik.
:wok ..,0Y-er'itlignistallatiOn:- of
cers WIVIS- officer s are ..,,"05:.-SVPire,S7
;defic.Iirs-..:-L, 'Strong; 'Seed1-cepesfdeit • Miss Rena :-:.
thid *Vipreaident,- Mrs2'0.arderi_
.MeGonigle;', trearsilierlyfrs,-. ROY,
McGenig14„. ,recording.;' secretary,
.1VIrs7 -Earl ; Pappie;, ,correSPending-
Secketary, .: Mrs. ,-Warden Haney;
prss secretary, Mrs.: Earl .Papple ;7"
Christian -'.citizeziShip ::seeretary..
Mrs. 4. Pepper; : enriSt„i6:n.:stow.
irdsinp„.; 'Com -
triunity 'Friendship,'
Lachlan ; ...associate Member
.supply '•secretary,
,Mrs. A.:••••10i.rtiecige';,-literatureset.
retary, Mrs.. L. Strong; Missionary
lvifoiithly; Mrs. M.,NOtt;"Baby Band
superintendent- Mral..Preaten...Dal,
las glisten _Sand :Superintendent,:
Mrs...,Normari .,MacLean; • pianist,
Mrs. E. ."Canieran... • .
,• WA officerS,..are ••preSiclent, Mrs.-
Alex..,BoVOS;,:".:firat' ,VicePresident,
MrE..,Oarrieroli; :second 'Vice -
Chesney; ,
cording :Seeretary, Mrs. C Eyre;.,
.corresperidenee.isteretar, Mrs..' W.
Re,dCrOss;- -Ja ckS on;‘,..pian-
ist, Mrs. 'E'•:;"Ca.nleron,;','groini:lead-•
ers:: Group 1, Ms. A. go0e.sr,
Great( 2, Mrs .:.H. Weiland;Group
3,Mrs, 11. Chesney;;GrOu1i..4dVItS,:
S. • :Jackson; -.inaiiSe .committee
Mrs:';•William, 'Cameron,
Trenteer, and'Mrs,..A.HoilstOn;i
-,-..ReV. closed the 'Meeting
;With ,thabenedictien:-A:soCial half.
hour wasi, Spent Withiliinch.
, „
The_ wolf ea St :in
a normal- fashion and ita actionsT
Would_ notindicate that it was
• Tornier:•;.Gedelich.,Man 'Charged
A .fortiler--XeW„-canadian rresl
Joseph. Taltaca; 54; was ,Cni-Monday7
trial orfa., charge .of Murdering his,
following a preliminary hearing .of
.eVidienee. , The boy was .found..
bludgeoned ' the 'Takapsformer
west of; Sitheoe, on October .16„
Takacs Was arrested in .Toronto
•AlmoSt*. a :IrriOntiC1ater:1:- ,The •"su;
• preincemirt, hearing is, scheduled.
for theNL,spring 'asSizeS, March: 16.
David Nelles principal;' aaid.he
take -the bey .'froin,.."sehool the
4norliiiig of.October 16.. Later that
day the 'bey 'VAS, fidtindln apooJ.
of blood in the„.,farinhouse with 'a
,six-inch gash that .Severed...,an.:. art-
ery in,his ne0i.t.and...f.iriarks• 'the
had been -badly beaten- about 'hi:
. ,
. Delightful little storYHOf.modein
childhood:'; "..factS, of the ease:
Wete:.oVerheard ..at theehurch. 4.11e:
story . involves:' aCenia that .a
good, 'deal, _of interest.. vvas- `Shown.
the Sinall OrecherWhieltr,Was erect -
•d _ ontsideL .,,Soseph's,_Reirian
season. A group of kindergarten'
age '• youngsters gathered. ;',reund
-one day, taking a long time :te,' en-
• -,1037 the 'Sight: .'•Thea; they we/46.'011-,
'-serVed to join.. hal-Ida- in, a: circle,
and7sing, 'ffFerHe'S':a".161.15,-,.0ood
, • ., „...
•,Raynard ,AcIcert,, 'a •HolYrood,
-shot. a wolf onhiS•farmianBOxing.
Day ,and is eligible...for a consid-
erable b.onnty as .4 result: tWolves
,are z:Very ,Irare-iny1(inloa'S:41d_ When• ,'
ItaYnard' doWned -the. aniinai witn,
what ,he deSeribed'74S,,a,'-``,1ticky.".':
shot at 'about 300, yards,,hebeliev-
ed he was ShoOting
rFermaftent 8e'a
utne ALL -METAL,
• 40.511:lag, nail:many famous ,
.forgthir,ty ...a long sarvitO. Ems, .4!
64411 ea•Y, f.0 clean with:the man-
,•stga one.niete niefallottein raii, Self-.
• tinkle! deciee oedema
•Metal -he -act vilth2,0%.iedo head depth:.
Whqa or egphelli, dna
Width jr.liChAs. Lengths - • .
54" • , -64" 12W, k
. .
18192Q-21 -
.75,L$3.95 -
22t... -2•6 4,75 • 4,95 r.5,95• ,
7-4q6,. 5.75. .5:95 ." 6.95
'675 6.95 7.95
Sizes riot iristock will lab apptoxiinatiely 4 days l deliVeri
ar ware
t These .Low "Airborne" Prices
40 $7:75:: $7,95 !,:.95
44 --4.6 •
8.75, 8.95 9.95
47-50 9.75 . 9.96 " 10.95
51-54 • 10.75 10.95 11.05
_IlioNE 797
From -The Huron Expositor
-JanuarY 19, ,1934 • ' -
-,Charles--7-Holtiet-twas-- re-elected
Cltaillnlan ofsSe.aforth-Public School
board' •at , its meeting ' ou'Vednes-
'day evening.• ' . ..
, Stewart Bros. delivered new uni-
ferms to the Egmonclville Hockey
Club last week. • • --
, Mf
, . _ .„.
Miss Margaret Cleary, • Reg.N.,
has returned to 'Itoehester, 'N.Y.,
after spending the Christmas holi-
daya- ;at -the -home -nf:her -motheri-
Mrs.' B., Cleary, ,
Mrs.' 3aines IVicintosh, who 'had
the mitforbine to fall and fracture
heoeyrle: while- v,isiting ,in' ToratIO,'
is 'making a very -satisfaa. y re-
Mr.- R. -A. Viralter loft: Saturday
for 'Brantford, ta assume his new
Position with the Bank 'of Com-
rilNerociel' MeLe'an has reeeived .the
,appoiritment as' foreman • on road
conStrOction ,with the Department
of, North' Deyelopinerit and' will
leave On Saturday for Minden, Hal.
ibtirton Caunty. .
Mrs.* Clair Adams in in, Toronto
attending the annual 'meeting of
the hairdressers' association.
, , , , .
\ .§ §.•
Froni The Minton Expositor
ATanury 15, 1999,
Mrs, W. J. Sharp, who lives
• east a Cranbrook, disPosedrof 54
turkeys. One , ,bird weighted 21,
• Mrs. '1110maS Currelly nit With
pounds and ankither 17 po ds.
a severe aecident the -other even.
ing. She slipped on the ice 'dislo-
eating her trdde.attil breaking her
, 'The tale.::a Tniinfe7ind.' de 4i
04-.:4lbert HariaesS;,55,
n10 -fly:, of.. Exeter, serve . to
help ' and.
penolegiats ,priSon, reform; kngi-
.,st.Tnte' London;
..who Seritenced.. Harness •• to. :four
Sr,ear'S...Jn:_peniteritiarY.,.for armed
robbery, have:
Harness' :,stor§, pfinted:ndnd. circu-
lated iiiran-effort to„..inaProve treat -
Med , of jexcotivictsy, Last' Week
•Harlie Ss' unfolded to,the-cotirt his
tale"rof- crithe, Whieti.began'When,
be ,Waa of, . robbery
fare, \v,a's Di' .served in. an
,Oklaininia-cliain gang, loeoarne::ad.
dieted: to.. ding8,-..". AArtuo sovilig..,itt
was, sentenced
the,-,,Deceniber. liCildnO.:
Lorne ,'Diindaa. and. James 'prone,
;WhO., gave' him' a -ride frijol London
ferce'd them
to:driVe. him to Cookskille.Ile
er took -1125 arid' the,..ear,froni :the -
:district yotiths•.-
AcIvenate, •
EInterestmg itea gleaned from:
• The Huron Expositor of: 25,.. 50 -;
• and '15 Year's 'ago..
(13lli)‘;B, T., SMILEY
I can't see why there's so mucb
fuss about colour. We .adopted a
coal -black baby this- Christmas,
arid already hp's d's dear, to lis as
orie of our own. eif-, Course, we
didn't stipulate, when we were
1'091iing for him,m-what colour he
was to be, and what religious'de-
nOmihation, as so many wouldhe-
Parents do. • We -just- wanted a
baby, and vie got a dandy.
. 'Ihe kfd ren't bothered by his
Colour ::either: They:ye wanted . a
new baby brotter ;for years', and
they're faseinatad br hizp. Thy.
mg with him, fetching , him toYs
arid warbling
• : •
We had quite a time naming him,
• His new parents wanted some -
like Othelle. Various friends and times, despite the utmost vigila n
thing dignified and distinguished.
alarm clock 'ticking away and hi$
mother, in tite guise of, a liot wa-
ter bottle; under his fat little belly,
-know:101 be • the ruination -9f
him, and that he'll probably need'
•psychiatric • treatinent NO:en
• firi-dS'out that his mother lealtp
When you bite her, but for tile
present, we are both getting sone'
sleep. ,
. " * *
makes a mess, you're supposed to -
hold his nose close to it, say
in -a--firm -tone,-,then-put him orr
the paper he's supposed to use. I.
2g,la tei °bIluatil'YP1darlaeo-Ytil ja8P Paatr el eilatlsrt
hasn't read the book. He koes
right on using any portion of any
floor , he feels like using. 'ffe's
made .the living -room "rug Iiireet
relatives contrilatited all .Sorts of
stiitalile, if unoriginal; ',-monikers'.. ivs .a good th%d;".1,1d id the'
f):iii%-livc't'ea.-S-11-aWt:tell±-dfth6iiitiliaidT-"ahncds-es-ffif°fr: -.inoew,searl..Vpelra'ibdusibn,eeesd,sd. MyIvvibl-ier,Cuesgeht-
able. •So '`PlaybOdy" he is. •And -,_
not a bad. name for a seven -weeks- • 's° 'flianY -nPwsPaPers• Naw
•she's crying for inore, and we're- ..
1)14-----sPaniel:-WW-r-at- that---- ------'''-.-- -going-Ab-h-aveaitti'4stepfup -ditiFfPre,s SI_ _
* ' * * , „er had, the. papers. But he likes the game..
- It's the,first clog.we ye ev . , _
-,f1m, iDlyramuglintoYur. And
iscs, •athppeareonldt." bilfo-rotrir-YllilltaTt-t°40-efishad'" ab..."IvsPeot.--inpl paper
alreadythat he's going to dornin- l'Ire,'d cll if.--,.,
ate......theLscene: . „It ' reOuires .the --: , * .„
conibined strength, patience and , Now; for years I've' been.. bored
•ingenuity a. the entire family, to ,
to tears by people ' telling- me
•Cope with-tlie.little 'black devil. • about the ' cute tricks their dogs ,
- '.-' have perfornied. I've been . borrir ..
rvyent to sleep like a baby -in his-
- - s firSTC/light:in- the- house--gave--.4fikee_drdiie jetsnohtgri-iids7ereeeadu..)1::.t.ito2htpAre:sree:,:flitifrrein6meaenti7yi.,:ann..gn,otnnd,cyomaegndy:___:___
'sleeps hy-' the--TondeSt-,- nie-Stliiffful
.;:t1714.1.;eriew:itgbn...7::::;:-:h-t '1'1- evi3t5cefrta-'::::wdlelo:t- e',:2hPh e""at,:iirrin::::,:liai'if):Stril;;;T:s:Te..:1-intPltil:Icia:'Bili.- eps e -:--r• es:hi' ad Sli lccl-eSS-ciP:. oIallv'itee." 1-th-built131nl1kP -.... :tolls a. t. ' going- 1 ie"..
the-onlY-thihg that tvould shuyt , hithme , -idlieta:fiph-Nviviebresshw the light between
•' •• A. , ' , - '''• be •surPrisediantilgorie-deaox, somesop\rvinneels?st 1- rgr i ne gets
- -
Every* time fa get Min settled. editorials about the, divine right
downand start to sneak aw Of 'dogs -to .roll in. the tulips.
. 1 ill i betweent stl e: 13 obxi a, : theckt l . 1. . .e pawsh eba rdowould*...-r:nt.ethe
ee s . bob:edgewould
o ul lloapf ....,...6..._p• EN. . wi., , T. 0 :m. EtT
•' * ' k sP ate a - '' . E t " • '11 , e t. on -
•iginvgewM0neida resume.
_de ,er,_ .._ P ThKei,pmpe:et;ingas wivriu. .bwel i_i rn : , n
peal; and th,6. heart rending •cry" WedoesdaY, January 21, at 2 p:m. _
.., Three nights
of •
this a,.hti 1 was
lArtthhuerrS' meeting. ThisteSs .is Mrs.
Firdayson,. and co -hostess
liaherovuetariirc'aedrYe.-aahrott...b.,el_bCanseY'CQrrd.4..'01\1437; b:Nier:s;;'NWa...M13ni.-aaandf-ar6qtielfellf°rIlenieagil-rawnilid.,
..at .the Aida aid mother's kitehem. and bring the
I was, snapPing
-smile." Motto for ,the event is,
the Old Lady. We tried everYthill.g; 'Do libt. resent, grovving. old, 'Many
"Put • a tieking..alarm, clock in,with
He are; denied the privllege,".and wilt
hpjtmom,"ptl'sy-'11glgatetsittcehdeddottige °a,v4ritaFeturs;.e'194 he -taken bY Margaret 'MeKaY,
• run, It's not :that'Playboy uses•
team of horses recently.
On Saturday afternoon a team
of liorseslielonging -to -Mr, Pred
Galbraith, of. McKillop, Which he
had left. standing in front .of his,
dather's home, -cui Market Street,
started off ,hoine on their "ovvn 'ac-
count. yVhen, they hadgone about
a mile and a half Mirth they col-
lided' with a cutter and the„shafts
penetrated • one. of the; animals,
causing its death: • • ,
At the Brantford poultry show
of Seaforth, took some, prizes with
his Buff Wyandotte. fowl.• '
• Mr. James Dick has disposed of
his SfockyardS-onlVlain, Street and
the larger barn in the rear of the,
lot to Mr. - Frank Allan, horse -
§ §•:
Sproat TuckerSniith, ,are
getting in a large 'supply of wood
for the burning of their kilns this
ginning suninter. •
Mr. E. Esler and Mr. 3. John-
ston, of Blake, each sold a!, fine
The trouble with a chronic bor-
roWer is that lie aIWAYS keein ev-
erything but his word.
•The ;talkative lady was telling
her husband about the bad man-
ners of an acquaintance who had
recently paid her a visit.
• "If that woman yawned once
while 1 was talking to lier," she
Said, "she -yawned 11 times-:
"Perhaps , she wasn't yawning,
dear," the husband -said, `-`maybe
she wanted to say something."
The green rookies on the rifle
range were curdling the blood of
the tough old army rifle instruc-
tor, He stood behind the prone
figure of a rookie whose misses
were just short of spectacular.
- "Son, where the blazes are your
shot going?". the sergeant bellow -
Looking up,inno,cently the rookie
replied, "1dlinno, 'sir. They're
leaving, this end all' right,"
laSteof ,things b—OPIre"..f--711w by,, large dogs , with t feet
oii-,•±'llie kitchen fie -or niy py- *
'ja,trias,`Ietting him gnaw my liand,
twriathblaanfkullets-s,cwalaernichrmisitiektutipgro.10E,ntgx: Mrs W. iviene-trus swinatabeintuaskieenwlitb...-Y.
ed cardsses, had no effect. He be by Mrs, Ken McKay. Mrs. Mex
,wanted company. ,• McGregor will -read --a. poem.
contest -will -be -condo, eted-by. rs
sofmwebaosdayboptsuggestede adyto start' shoot-, hheoott_ LuTiThe
. grandinothers will ent.er±airs
ing the nembutal, into him, When "a.s.pealit,of the afternoon's prograin.
;committee is Mrs. Howard
water bottle. I -know- thocv Finkbeir
ne ,
imedea felt .when, her leapt out of Margaret McKay and Mrs. William
his batla7tub *, crymgt `Eureka
• efere. e re Gonse!
oR' S
Don't Miss This Sale.
'riiL... Little Store With the Big Stock"
From The 'baron Expositor
3anilar3r 48, 1884 •
Mi. George Snell, of Hullett, has-.
purchased the •Cole property - in
Londesboro, and •intends starting
his son in the blacionlithing busi-
ness jai 4he 'premises hi the spring.
Mr. Cull, Seaforth, paid a visit
to Walton last week to change the
telegraph from its Old place to Mr.
Nears store. •, -
Mrs. W. M,,Airis, of Entinersony
arrived in town on Friday last on
a •visit to friends here.
Mr. Williain Ledall,:of Carberry,
Manitoba, arrived on Monday to
spend a feW days with- his family
and friends here.
• Seaforth is rapidly gaining the
reputation of beting the best mar-
ket in the west, especially for pork
and oat,s, and it is generally ahead
of neighboring towns for other
grains. '
The inembers41.pf the Seaforth
Curling ClUb are noiv playing -oft
in pars for the Caledonian Medal,
Mr. William Grieve, of McEilA
lop, has purchased Mr: Andrew
Calder's thoroughbred Ayrshire
heifer calf for Which he paid $50,
1951 FORD 1/2-1ON PICKUP
1953 ivipARCI-,1 sEpAN.
.1954 CHEV:', 1/ -;TON PICKUP!
1951,_ FORD 2T0Ns.TAKE:
'Offer -Refused.
Nc.) Reaspnahle
Pheine 541