HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-16, Page 1•
One Hundredth Year
Whole , Number . 4745
Single Copies, 5 Cents
32.50 a Year f;17. ALIValiCe
Emphasizing the . high„ price pti-
0,-*as,,--paying-inePooriy- educat-
ed children, Vifliam IL Fox,. Lon-
_ ---edonelpreeident,;_be the.Weatern kon''
- Aerie South,:
. told- the annieal:. meeting Of the
.1furOn . (Provincial) Liberal '1"Asso-
774:iiatinir in Ilen alleTuesdaye -night,-
e-e-T--Ahere=conld_bene..hnprovernent un-
Aalle,the,:ceitinotled educatienarpoli:-
T,theele.: of; the Frost government had
been revised.
; "Indeed," be, said; "the horse -
and -buggy 'minister, Dr..W',',L,Dun-
-e'e-lope-see-ins-;-intereeted onlyin the
....paet, only in the little, red- Scheel-
' *onsetHe has Ordered nearly ev-
erything that ,Was promotedhiethe-
e'laSt72.0 ,yearsetbrovlin out, eye*,
ethose-Varts' Which; :weil*4•-geod.."--He,
--isepoteloOkingeta_thefuturee,but to.
the past."
:.or 'Readers' .
This week The -Expositor intro-
-duces a new, feature .Colurnif to its'
readers. Called ''Sugar andeSpice',
the colturin is written by, Bill
editor of the Wiarton•Eche,
and is widelyeread rn Canadian
Weeklies'. • •,
. Smiley portrays the average Man
trying' to ecope ,with. modern •.8o-
cietyl the foiblee of *onion and
life in general. The results are
- ,nenelly _apineinge semetirries hilar-
• The ,Writer is 33, a ,graduate of
• University Of ToroMe,' ancle..a.-yet-
,•.•eran 'Of World , War II, in ;,Whicli
'he was a fighter" pilot. :wag'
' shot :trovi,rn- in '1944 and, taken'prie-
•-- Married, ierith flev'echildrenehe.
finds e 'good deal of material for
hie„..coluron . right -at home, but is
.alWaYs 'ready to .take a*-Sivingcnt•-
' 'anything. He deesift. Wear- rose -/-
'coloured glasses; and there are_no
sacred. cows in Sugar and Spice.
,The result is ..refreShing corn-,,
, mentary :that wdl'AMETS,:most
ple, but is • guaran-
teed. M.,. bore..nObedY•
, .
The ,speaker also pointed out that
-5,500-e1emerttary-teachers areneed-
edeach year in Ontario.: to;
keep pace •With replaCenuerits and
ment's 'Own, figt:ires only abont
two-thirds of -that number are .be'-
.ing-enrelleskein eQ_ntario_ TeaeberaL
College. He said Were in"the
14,5B=57 term, -7;81.4 leachers tak:e
Mg, summer courses which Wnuld
mean, that they would. be teaching
with no more than six, to twelve
,. • ,
weeks of 'teacher -training
Standards are being being lOWered
that Iiiindreds of-leablierK-are-beT
ng hired hired -each year_with.....no_..inore,
--than--qade'12-6ffiic-ation and ,a
weks 'sunlit -ter COUrSe.' Of these,
7Senie Were 'oxily,"17, years aid.. The
Sneaker ;said. that for the
last ifozen fearSTtlle- -
part/pent' has-been Issuing. approxi-
mately 1,000 letterS,. Of -.standing:
atihuail topersonswho are not
quIifie.to_ teach, -or wjio'hare`
failed a teacher .training course,- or
-who have 'come • to --Ontario from
other 'jurisdiptions.
• The sneaker said that one of the
most distressing facets of the eciu-
tation..-programl,*as the 'failure of
the ',Ontario, Department to bring
speciali,sts. into the high Schools.
lie said „that while 152 .specialist
were graduated from the Ontario
_Pollege • Of -Education' in. the j95-54
,term, the .c.laes of 1957-58 had 'only
And what were they -specializing
in, he., asked. • "Well, there ;were
23 specializing. in, physical educe -
tion; 13 in ,musie... Not one was .ppe-
rcialieingeinechemistryrand biohigy;,
*not one in -physics and chemistry;
t one in mathernities Eight' ape,'
'.cialized2in the, .coinbined cdurse. of
,Mathematics and 'ph§Sics, .thiee
in science and eight in '
In the last five year, OCE has
-graduated 180 ..physical eclucation
.speciabsts, 53 in 'Music elide one in
chemistry and biology; :seven in
physis and chemistry; seven in
"Is this the way to Prepare for
the scientific . age?" the .seeker
asked. e"Is this the„ way e the big-
gest industrial provice• in. Canada
is meeting _the thallenge. Of , the'
world in an ific1_,silrial...eariel scien-
tific age?'" he a eh se .
.In 1943;r: George .DkeW in -
'to 'power �iL ithe beastful:proinise
that -the Province would pay .50 Pei'
1945 the coat of education in On-
tari&,,Was .$61,000800,, of, which -the
mun' paid 57 ger 'cent. In
:1956c the' Coat was: 8250900,000e of
Which, the province- paid only 324
-per , cent.' Eettinated-dat-fer the
entreat ,year is,: 30,000,000, of
• ,(Continued .on page 4) • ,
oard Lprganizes
• The -el'uckersmith School Area
Board held its inaugural meeting
eein the Town Hall, Seaforth, Mon-
day. Clerk E. 'LP, Chesney swore
in the newly -elected trustee, Robt.
Gemmed and re-elected • trusthe
• Ross - J. Forrest and Cleave
_ Coombs. . -
Ross J. Forrest was re-elected
Chairman, and. cleave ' Coombs
vice-chairman. • The management
of school properties was allocated
as folIews: R. J. Forrest, RR 2,
Kippen, Nos, 1 and 2; ' Cleave
Coombs, Egmoredville, Nos. 4 and
7; John Patrick, RR 4, Seaforth,
No., 5; _Clair Haney, Egmendville,
No. 8; Robert Genirnell, RR 2, Kip -
pen Nos. 9 and 10. '
W. I?. Roberts, RR 3, Seaforth
was renamed secretary -treasurer_
of the board. Employees'. accident
and liability insurance was placed
with John A. Cardno' Seaforth
-Patrick' Sloan
Wuns Award
Ammtincement has been made of
.the award of the Student' Admini-
strative Council Bursary to Patrick
'Sloan. The award is valued at
A 'son of .Mr.. and Mrs, James
E. Sloan, McKillep ',township, he is
a former 5tudent of Seafortli Dis-
trict High School. He is a student
in his third -Year at, Assumption,
University, Windsor-
Sandra,Doig, RR 1; Dublin, was es public 'speaking convetition at
seleeted one of the tor) fiVe speak, Tomtit° on Saturday. SNP Will re-_
ers in the proviiMial Junior Farm- ceive a ailveretray from the Jun-
ior Farmer's Assoeiation of On-
tario and a desk set. The topic
taken by the Seaforth District High
School student was "Tact".
Miss Doig As a daughter of Mr.
and' IVIre. R. 4. Doig, of -McKilIop.
Fifti-fiVe 'Huron County -.T.Anior.
Fanners and Junior Institute mein -
bets . attended the annual confer-
ence at the King Edward Hotel,
wheire "the -competitions Were held.
Huron was represented in all com-
ertions. ` •
uriel Gowdy, Ruth Proeter,
Ted Dunn and. Bete.r Newans re-
presented Huron County in the
Mixed quartette- competition. They,
placed second- in competition with
eight other quartette's *and will re-
ceive $20 in prize money. In the
ladies' trio competition, the Huron
County entry of ''Doris Johnston,
Carol Pepper And Catherine Welsh,
Stood, third in a competition.' with
ten entries and Will receive $10
Prize Money. In the male quartette
competition, Huron County -was re
• Presented by Larry Wheatley, Ken
• CaMpbellt Bill Campbell and
George Tamer. They tied for fifth
position in competition with nine
entries. '
The Huron County Junior Farm-
er clkir took part in the annual
-.)rovinal.al choir festival. Although
e choir festival is not -competi-
tive; the Huron County choir re-
eeived a very-. favorable adjudica-
tion from Dr. Leslie R. Bell, and
again this year:the choir festival,
with live choirs representing five
counties in Ontario, was quite suc-
SANtirtit: DOIC4
whem- committees were nanted and work outlined fot theear.
.:Hete, ready .to get down to business, are members of the council;._
seated from the left, Councillor„.$Cott•flabkirk; ,Clerk D. H. Wilson, .
,Mayer B. F. Christie, Reeve•
Standing are Councillors, Thorpe IIiver-s—..;
Brat- and ,SOlity.A".'"Baldwin (ERposittif
ct o
uildina a
Need of -a .threemanpohceforce
in..Seafortli Was mooted at the first
'regfilar. Meeting.. for, 19.59;:Of,--Sea-
forth ...Connell, in thebienacil cbam
bets Monday : night; A three -Man
ter-C-e-WOUld give ; the: feWne24-holir
;pretectieme seven day a Week.
liStiniated Cost of: the forte -would
No ,clecisicri Was reached by
council,..but ,the.! matter was left
in: theebands- of the police cOM-
mittee ferflurthee,investigatien. At
tie intimated Tuckeremithe 'night
consider the' nSee.of :the town. -three
for 'peel:icing the ,Villagp ofEgmon-
ville, end-. e se, , ,would peeSibly.
share small part of the • costs..:
--e-Ingfvint----aTeyrepreit-Of pollee
force -activities; for 1,958,-Cennciller
Baldwin, . of.. the p.elitecdnie
niiitee,I. told : the. meeting, the fore
had: cost .$12;60.40.e :Thiselpeluded
a new Police'cririaer;Purchased,.at
:a cost of • $2,195.
Breaking :the ;'reporf. down into
two forces,thee operating '.' Costs
showed: wages ; January, te:: 'June;
two police, $3;150; -July te ,Decetri.
ber, tto full t11ne OneAmit-tinie,,
$3,983; -OPP, Wages, ear , and hoard;
Car exPensee Were: doyen' in the
lad' six rnorAthse of the : year. bur -
'dog the first period, car mileage
paid to theolice,• totalled #,854,
while in' the final six months, !ear
expenses, ' repales
and insurance was only $839.
'IP, reporting fer the etreet, dome
rnittPeeCouncillee . Scott Habkirk
said more had been gpent so ;far
.thls • winter for snowploeying and.,
removal than had been *ent, dur-
ing the entire' winter last 'year. •-
, ponneillor J, 0 Turnbull, ' re -
.counting recent trip tcI-Teronl
:to regarding sewer ; %%irk, 'told
council be had no assiffance, that
h Oritario W ter :Me sOtireeS-Coere-
inisSien -would take Over the- whOle.
plan as asked, but anticipated they.
The Plan had been, Passed
'by •O_WRC, but had net yet receiv-
ed approval ef .the Cabinet.
Anticipating the use :Of ' Winter
labor, under the minter work .IPro-
gram', Centicillor'nernbuirseitIteri4
struction would have 'to' Start at
once to take full advantage of this,
' A 'grant of $3,500 .1vas. Made to
the Community Centre' board, With
$1,500..earniarketLfor',fureher Pay-
ments. oh arena floer noTe and:
$2,000 foe operatingeand tnairtten-
ance. • 'At the same tinieeeeeitmeil,
tecortimencIPc1 t -the 1960. conocil
that a further paYintrit 'of $1,500
be Made. 'to , clear. tip the floor
account. • '
,Appearing before council for the
hoerd Were board clialrinatc'y.-T:
Tealle and esecretaryetreasurer;L.
F. Ford. Mr. Teell pointed Out that
repairs'Were.necessary teethe roof,
espebially over the dance hall and
,te the front of the building. Esti-
triated cost -Would led $1,000e Also
'outatendirig were insurance preen-
liuns "of .31,000e installation,of gas
'and neeesserY equipment, '$1,000;
h billfor gas $152.13 and. a hint-
-leer aecoimt of 330,20.. • ,
Finatielal'statement for the year,.
as, Prefitecl by Mr., Ford,. showed
reveirdeenge'froM both, the both
and 'sleeting, 4 • , •
• !'Couneire aedepted, the 'repert Of
the'striking committee, outlining
eominittees for . the.' year; on ino-
tion.of Councillors Brady and Riv-
ers, Payinent of $10 was approved
by council to , the returning Offi-
eers, • polling cletles and polling
booths lOr the Deeember eleetion,"
"Mayor Chtiste requested '..the
Clerk to brings the nomination day:
and. :"eloctitin 'day 'by-law, to ., the
net Meeting, se that further- die:,
dussieri§; ;could; be . held regarding
the length of time between' the two
A town planningcommittee as
named by council, With Councillor
Baldwin as chairman; and Consist-
ing of Mayor ChriStie -and Connell
lora Cardmi and Brady. The corn-
mittee.. also' is to 'look ,into the
building - by-law and bring a rb-
port -to the next meeting. Duties'
of the, committee will also include
investigation of-',procedUre ' neces-
sr y towax-cis zoning ,:and a study
-of possible,. anneiation.„e • '
S. C. koWeliffe," and L. F. Ford
were .apPointect by council' to the-
Cornitienity - Centre-beard:fort.,etie'
. e . f. . '
.. Inaugur
law; onbehalf :o„the eSeaforth
'shoe ;factory, ;given • . two - re adniga
et oniniittees
and apPloved: by- the. taxpayers ,in
a December vote, was given the
third reading and passed.
(Continued on Page 8)
•survey of the area eerved.
SIMIS will be'eommeneed innitedi-
atelY to determine the 'member Of
nupile_thee school. 'will he required
to eaceornmodate-M-1960,- and- slice
-Ceedinge-Yearseethe beard decided
at its inauguralineeting here Mon-
day :'afternoon. . ' • ' • -
The eaCtieneivataken-felieWinge-a_,
-Warning by In -Specter E. 'R. Mc-
Lellan that the school was now fill-
edto capacity, and that it Was Res-
sible provision; of additiorial ac-
commodation Would be a require -
The big ssue On: Seaforth coin -
agenda 'this yearis sewerage,
said:Mayor B., F. Christie, ' as he
addressed the inaugural 'Prneeting
of council Monday morning. At -the
same meafing committees ,w_eee
chose, r -r 1959
.7.M-ayor. weleOrned, the
Council hack and :extended
dial welcome to the tieW'riieinber,
ers--on-"-eardnoT..-ancl-.:„Lthe .
11 V• William l3all, a member of ceuncil
' 1 years
Discussing coming 'Work Mayor
-for severe . '
. There are a f&
thhrs thateI'd likenS to .keep in
nlind ()nee oe --coutae, and the big
issue, is 'the sewerage Alre• 1.-noW
wewill have to work ori that_earlY,.
to take advantage of the help we
will get on the winter labor. Then
I wouldlike to,. start ;in .good time
.on .' some program for a anta
..c_iapsparade,.:perhaPS nnitingwAth
neighboring towns for
:"Therie: there is ...the question of:
itorniriatiert-'ancI voting.
days to better. -,advantage. 'Wd
know 'ou town is..greWing,bY the
'report ..of • higher assessment, so
the thenglit of pdssible annexation.
.ntay`..:haf.e. to .he • considered" • .
He' continued, 'Outlingother :Mate:
:ters. requiring the, early:: attention
O±. council, inchalingiarrangementa
„leading 'a proper buuCng by,
la*, the preparationof a'Zone plan:
istall Officers
arry Nesbitt
eads Legion
'ofthe Canathaa. Legion were in-
was carried out by
;McLean,: a, past r,pre.Oden,af. the
, • • • . ' . .
PessibilitY' was seen in. Hensall,
Wednesday, that there Weilld be
..niore_than, ;one: c andida.te:, for . reeve'
among Members. Of the village
Council..•.rneets Monday night ,to-,
select from among itsmembers-a
feticceSeor 'CO ',NOrmane-jories, ,Whd.
resigned as ..reeve _in.., _surpriSe',.
Move a Week ago. The move by
Reeve Jones.. followed 48e,hours •ef.-
ter, Clerk 'J.'A. Paterson .resigned
.afthereqiiest of "comiCil, ending 30,
yeeree.SeryieP to the rnunicipalitY.
There was .nte indication as to
which menabers 'Of Council might
,aspire to the position.; CounciliorL
John Henderson, • Only • member
with .:preVious eouticil experience;
'has been riarned. Presiding. officer.
At a speeial Meetinge,Friday
Taghti, conned' named W. G. Coch-
rane. EketerelaWAre. to be -acting
clerk until a eieW clerk. is. eppoint-
cd. Applications are "being receiv-
ed for the position. until January
• Council has .been a,ised tbat
recent,amendments to the Muni:,
cipaL.Act stipulate,. cbuncil :must
Fir -fames of the. Seaforth.1VIern-
orial Arena for .1858 .were 'revealed
Monday evening when Cenunission.
representatives"discussed" cottimiv
,siort requivernents •with ceiunci.r
. ,
ehoose a neiv.-. reeve from ---among
eniselves,, -Or failing • this, , all
must resign and a-cereplete . new
eouneil he 'elected,
rr.The-'7ablineil., seat' left. vacant ,by
election of a councilior to
t& be -filled by i -the -funsuccessful
candidate Whe-reeeilfed
rum:hereof 1 vot in tieP last
election, according -to, catineWs
formetiore:' ;
: since, 'a 'etin-vote was -.recorded-
between the.tWonnsuecessful-Conn-
til carididates, last Decenittere 'the
act:Providesthat the'highest as-
sessment rrinst be used to deter,
enine:wbo shall.be offered -the:vac-
ancY: -,The „two ' candidates, for
. council who tied with 141. votes
,each were John, .Lavender) and,
Robert Baker, Jr.
Reveals Detaiis
Of Arena Costs
Dog wners
,Owner§ of dogs who permit, their
dogs to run at large in Seaforth
can expect no further considera-
tion, Chief of Police Elmer Hutch-
insbn told The Expositor Wednes-
: . ',From now on, dogs found ; at
largo will, be shot if they can't be,
identified. If 'the owner is -known,
a charge will be laid and: the
owner.,sunriolied to court," Chief.
Hutchinson said. • -
For sone weeks dog owriershave
be.en ,warned of the rabies danger
and have been . asked to co-oper-
ate, Too frequently no notice has
been taken and police, are receiv-
ing calls several time a day tell -1 -
ng of
dogrunning, at large.
der a Seaforth by-law, it is an of,
tense to permit a dog tO run at
"We_ don't like to harm a dog,
but after all ,it is for the dog's
own protection that we are enforc-
ingltand added: "Not only is the hy-
he by-law," the Chief said,
law to prutect the dogs, it 'is' to
protect the people of Seaforth who
might- come in contact with a rabid
dog." ''
E. Turgeon Pies
The death occurred in London. on
Tuesday of Elzeliert Ttirgeon, for-
mer well-known Seaforth business-
man. In this 75th Year, he had
been in poor health for more than
two years.
• Mr. Turgeort was 'a 'resident here
for ten "years when, he operated
Exeellence Flour Mills Ltd in Sea -
forth, until the business was clos-
ed about five years ago.
A member of the Roman Catho-
lic Church, the remains Were for-
warded front Seaforth for burial in
QUebec City on Friday znorning,
-Boo -;$.-'1;gothoo
.H8koaatkineygattsa, • 2;469.20
Practice ... .
Hall 'rent ,,,„ . . . . .. . . . 1,032.50
Granth' ' ... . 3,500,90
Sundry',------------------------------------ 1,54849
- 3'10;79119
Expenditures -
Debit bank balance, Dec.
31, 1957 .. . . . ...$ 67.97
Wages • 2,032.60
Supplies . .. .. 30,9.95
Repairs . ... 1,740,82
Heat, light, :power 2,627,08
Advertising . .. .10.7
Hall expenses .... . . 180.2
Paid an notes 1,50Q110
Insurenee. . . .... .. „ .. .7
Sundries e., . . . . ...,... 4
.. .. 63132
Bank balance, Dec. 31,
1958, lese outstanding
cheques .. .. 623.71
' $10,792±9
Lions Are Told Of
Conservation Work
Work of the AusableConServa-
tion Authority Was described for
Seaforth Lions "Monday evening
when. Hat Hooke,' of6the AtitImity,
showed slides- which indicated :the
progress that Was being ,made in
developing the area. The meeting
was arranged by Dr: E. A. Mc-
11aster and Len Ford, with Dr.
,McMester presiding.
The Club -agreed to underteke
the Red Cross canvass again, the
committee in' charge being H4 If.
Leslie, Lloyd Rowed end J)hn1 A.
-Ross Scott,' chairman of the
Barns' Night program, .told the
meeting that the event Wouldtake
plaee on Monday, January 28.
end,Atieeirnprovement of Goderich
Mayor B.. F. Christie, Reeve
'William .Bali and Councillors John
Baldwin, .ScOtt 'Habkirk, 'Thorpe
Rivers, Nelson Gardno,- John Q.
Turnbull and Dr, -Paul Brady were
sworn in before Clerk D. H. Wil-
son -prior to the session. • .
Rev. Charles E..Sullivan, of St.
James' Roman Cathelie, Church,
was 'present an asked Divine guide
ance " on -Connell,. He addressed
council', briefly saying .he found
Seafortir to_ be a wonderful toerni
reminding him, of his home' tOwn,
Heexpressed willingnesS to do -
what he could to help the' com-
munity .alorig, - •
Sitting- as, a committee of the
(Continued on Page 8Y .„
111' BeT14r:ind ciliairman OliverAnderson
said .the -survey wouldhe under-
taken...by ;the school' staff.The
.board'xmild•"bd . a peSition
• ti-
-m- • a 7deaslon:"-__regarding-: the
need for an addition when the in-
formation :revealed by the- survey
had been studied.. -
Principal L. .P1thnsteel will . •
work with .primary school teachers
in the, area to 'project the .SDHS
'population in succeeding yearS,
said, the, survey 'would get under •
The 'cifficera. are: -President, Har-
ry. Nesbitt; . first vice.presi en , A.
Dobson second vice-president, Al-
lan ,..'.Nicliolson;. ,seeretatrye.
treasurer, Whithleye,
PeriSien .. Officer,. J. C.. Cornish;
sergeant-atearMs,. 'Scat; enter-.
tainnient,e G. D. Haye';', property,
Clair Haney; house, Ray BmiseeY;
sPeCiat eVentS,''Charlea,,Wood; 'sick
and'visiting, W. R. :Smith; sport,.
iobn Eislerineeribership,. Cleave
'Coonilis; :pnblie relations. Officer,
..T;..Hfithain.;. chaplain; .Rev.
janies;-, auditors, F. E. Willis and.
'A. IV SiilerYe trustees H. Huisser,
.J. Stott, Bil.; Aiteheenn..' ,
...The • 'branch teViewed reports
.cOVering. ChtiStinaS.'etivities, in
chiding, the Christrnaa;..draw which.
*ere .presented hYeAllaxiee,Niehele_
son and -and. George 'Hays; ..It'. Was , ladle
-dated-that co -Operation' WeS,„being
:extended - to the Eye :Bank"; .arid
that:, additional information: wag
way at one, so that an early de- '
cision could- be - taken regarding -
additional accommodation.
Re-elect :Officers
rSon°aarncid ‘V"C
SillS. Committees were reappoint. -
ed., as' follows; proPeitY--committ
tee, C. A. Barber, Frank Sills. E.
-Conernittee, G.--MeGavin, J. Car
no, J. McIntosh, C. Martin;, fin;
ance committee, Frank Sills„ G.
committee, Anderson J.
tosh, C. -A. Barber, F., Sills; ,ag,ri-
eultiral committee, X. McFarlane,
.T..McIntosh, R. Bolton, C. Martin;
bus committee, C. Martin, G. Mc -
Gavin, K. McFarlane, E. 'Dear-
ing, J. "IVIcIntosh; teacher -board '
relations committee, G. McGavin;
J. McIntosh, F. Sills, 11 Bolton.
W. E. Southgate is secretary -
treasurer, and the attendance offi-
cer is C. A.e.Barber. .
Disetissing-Ielseesechool VISAS With ,
the board, Inspector Mcl.ellari said
he foandeverything in good shape,
1 -le paid particular tribute to the
school library,whichDhe described, _
as - one of the best in any et the -
schools he Visited.
The board appointed
Flood, RR 2, Blyth, as Caretaker,.
at an annual salary of $3,200. He
is selling, his -Morris township farm
and will move_th... Seaforth. Mr.
Flood' succeeds C. Van Alills;-who-e:
is -moving -toe -Dublin. j
Sports officer Jack Eisler _told
the meeting .approx-imately._125
..boys were participating in .Satur,
day -morning hockey.
Seaforth Riiks
Will i)tettilien
Seaforth.:einks—five of, them -
were prize winners in a mixed in-,
Netationborisplel here Friday. With
a 'full entry,rinks'-were nresent
"from St Thomas, Clinton, ListoWel,
Mitchell; Stratford „Exeter and
- In the first dra,w, •theiprize Went,
'ed William Ball's ,rink, with 3- wins
plus ' 16e On the rink were,Mrs;
Ball, Mrs. John Longstaff. and Dr.
Black. -• - ," • •
A. rink skiPbed by. Scett Hale-.
'kirk, and including Mrs.. Habkirk
and, Mr: anti 'Mrs, J. A. Cardno
was tied .with Mel Melanson"s rink
of Mrs.- Melanso,n, Mrs. ',Leo Steph-
enson and Bill Roberton,- for sec-
ond place, each having two wins
plus 16. The Habkirk rink; with a
'higher aggregate, was ' awarded
second ,place, with the Melanson
ririk,,coming third: •-•
•Williarn Leybilin skipped' 'the
winning rink 1. the second (Ira*:
with three fwins, pins 14.. On it
v:dre. Mrs.-kLeyburn Ntrs.,•C. , Row-.
eliffe,- ancl--,-Frank,-.--Kling, -Second
prize went to Dr. -14.. W. Stapleton
and Mrs. Stapleton and "Mr! 4rid
Mrs-. W. .Campbell, ,with 2 wits,a.
tie, plus 1,6..A Listowel rink,. Skip
pad by E, F. Talton, .with one WM,
tie, 'plus 7, was in third place:
lett, , been elected ' Chair-
man:of the SD1 Board.
Seaforth Fair
Plans Banquet
Trophies will ,be presented to
area 4-H exhibitors at the annual
meeting- anil banquet' of SeiTorth
Agricultural Society next ,,Thurs-
da.y,,night, January- 22, The ban -
het „ Will -be held at Egmortdville • -
nittil-Cluircb,'"Witli the ladies of
the'..chiirth:catering. 2
FinanCial reports and reports of
activities- in-Ttlie. different depart-- -••
ments of the fair will be present.,
ed.: Dr. E, A, Mci‘las-ter will>shovv.
slides and deseribe his recent trip e
Following the meet ng the elec.
tion of officerwill be conducted.
intenance Pro
Plans, were outlined for three
bridges t h reconst-icted
in 1% c Ilion _township a the mait,
giiriI-Ineetinglin Carnegie Library,
Seaforth; - on Monday. Continuing
progratrt which comrrtencecl
lSstwith the constjuetinn :f•
four bridges, this year t)e_Gertich
buffy aricl'MelifyZ43ridgei 'are in
line for. rebuilding, , •
The fdllowing eppointment§ wer
Made: Clerk and treasurer, J M,
Eckert; assessor,. Jaines MeQuaid;
truant officer, john A. Leerning;
drainage inspeetgr, Clarence" Reg--
ele; auditors, Ufnateith et" Monteith'
& Co„ for :the., township,' schodls
and telephone. ,
Peundkeepers: .Clern Krauskopf,
Clarence Reel, Perey-TeyIer,
Peter IVic,cowari, Charles Kleber„
William McSpadden ; fenceviewers,'
,Toseedi,.. Ryan; William Boyd, Jos.
McLaughlin; William Shannon; R.
W. Campbell, toyd Driseoll, Thos.
McMillan RObert 1VIcClure; live-
stock and potiltry valuators, Alex
Smith, Clem Krauskopf, Robert
Dodds, Antone Siemon; building
inspectors, Archie, Somerville- and.
Robert'5± c6tr.
Prior tn the meeting:Reeve Den
13euermari, and Councillors Jerry
Doerr, Herbert. Sam
McClure and Williaen A. Ryan took
. As, a step.towaridscthe control of
dogs during the present rabies epi-
demic, Tuckersmith council will
..aupply tags for all dogs in the
township. A by-law will be con-
sidered g the next regular meet -
g pruViding for the -confinement
of dogs during such periods as, may
be prescribed by proclamation, e
The decision was reached at the
meethig of the council folioW/hg
their inaugural meeting Montlay
morning. .1t IS expected -that tags
ivin; be luailecl to all dog owners
or harbourers,, and ,ell dogs must
wearesach - ••
At the inaugnral meeting- Reeve
Ian mFpsooravrhivattritlCourvtinarclellyo,r,
ed. to the oath of office before Clerk
E. Chesney. Dr, James Semple,
of gm.Onfiville United Church,.
conducted a short 'devotional per:
iod and invoked. Divine Guidance
upon, the' deliberations of. the eoun,
cil in fl ecoming Year.- •
Council joined the Ontario Goa
Roads AssoCiatien, Association Of
Rtwal MgntCipalities, and the As -
sociation et Assessing _Officers__ of ee
Ontario. • '
-Grants were made to the ,Bruce- "
field Fire Department, $200; Scott
Memorial. Hospital. $25; 'Salvation
rmy, $25; St. John's Ambulance; ,
- The Clerk was instructed -to not-- ••
ify owners in the Egrnondville,Wa-
ter Area that all accounts must be
paid on or before due date, and
(Continued on Page 8)
Fire Jitriade.
John F. SCOtt..WiSrelianted,;,Fire;
Chief Tuesday night at the ,..annual,
meeting Of the Seaforth Fire Brie
ngadee The chief will be assisted by,'
the foreinain Frank Case. Assistant
foremen will be. 'Jack Muir, Wil-
liam Wilbee was nanied secretary
and V. C J. Sills, treasurer.
The brigade was in favOr of hold-
ing meetings twice,a Meathtei
cuss etopicse on efire, fighting and
lire prevention. The discussions
will dwell on subjects
hydrants, basements' add general
buildings: " '