HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-09, Page 7"THERE'S SOMEONE AT THE eDOOR
(By ReV: 3. pernple)
-Imeeked at my... Thor.
• sWered.impatiently, for. I was verY
busy in the •ieuse. •••
"Have you a .toorn?"lie„ asked:
'• "No," I said sharply. • ..`We 49n:t.
• 'rent Tolima here." ,
"Any room would do," he Said.
1 ,we,uldn't be any trouble."
"I' haven't' a lopni te spare- hi
llm, house," I answered, "not one
that Would suit you, 'Anyhow.'
"I would clean it up myself if it
needed- he urged, "and I would
keep it clean. Ii.inused -to, that,"
• I hesitated a moment. Then I"
said eleeidedlY: •„Nol no.
room: Good -day!"', . .
Vent .down the , 'Path, and -at
the gate he turned 'and emiled at
"I4--At2-any time, you' find
' yen., have roorn And want . me,"
• said, "I'll cothe."- •
I . watched ., hiM„. go.'.down the
street, and tWice 1. nearly called
him -back, but 1 was toe ashamed..
You see, I had a •rodpi,; but 1 kept
the 'door, locked on it, for it was
Cluttered'op with rubbish that
Thad gethered-tlifolighTthe years,
1 • hadiet„...dared .to go - into Alia
room for a longtime,. but `after he
had gone',I went upstairs and mi.,
.--:lockedejthe--door.e The --„Place WAS.'
jj a --frightful mess; -with all sorts
of. thin Soiled, or torxi--:
•*Inleci'.together, and, the- dust and
-dirt Was, thick npon,it....1 wouldn't
have had anyone , see it like thet
• for worldsleastof all him. And
tent.' I hadn't the heart to. start
On it... ' : •-, •
clean' it up myself if it.
BEAD OFFICE - Exeter, Ont.
E. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1,
_ Nice -President:
-Ale i 3...Rohde, R.R-.
DIRECTORS -Martin Feeuey, R.
R., 3, RobertG. Gardiner,.
R.R. 1, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy,
Toohey,„...R.It. 3, Lucan.. -
AGENI'S-Harry Coates, R.R. 1,
Centralia; Clayton Harris, Mit-
diell; Stanley Ilocking, Mitchell,
SOLICITOR - W. G. Cochrane,
needed it, and 1 „wemid keep it
clean, Pm *used to that."
That is what he said. I sat.down
on a box andnearly cried iny eyes
•out. Then got -up and went out,
andlocked the door. "It's no use,'-'
Lsaid th myself; "I've got te get
on with My work." •
It's nearly a week. -since he came,
and went, and I've tried to ca'rry
en as usual. Rut I dpn't think I
gan. go on like this much longer.
I can't get him out of my, mind. I
want him to ceine, but 1. can't
bear M think of him seeing that
Old Oat Varieties.
.Fight Nevi, Rust
-'iwo,-,61cIer eat varieties are ex-
'pected. th be, nsefiPt. breeding ma-
terial fa...Plant:breeders trying to
find a type resiatant :two. ncyv,
fo• rms .of stem rust.
.. Search' for a variety With eein-
Plete resistariee, began: when. two
new -races of oat stem rusk -etas -Si:
fled aa'8A. and 13A, were found ni
eastern Canada in 1957 and' fears
were. entertained 'that they ,vieuld
spread.. . • -
.rpont, let alono,living in it. And, The staff at Celia& Department
if he tame; „fliatWould have' to, be of ,Agriculture Reeearch.',Labora-
his room.. . . • .' •,..- tory; Witim.Pege found that two se -
I -can see 'hint .noW as- lie stood lections from. the, crosses Hajira:
at-nlY. doer; /I den hear his yoke; JOgne.tto and Hajira,Ranned.shew-
I....r.epiembeVevery__wprnLhe,„saide _ed_
li at any time, you: find that "Well as all, other known raceS.
'You have . roan and , Want . ' •
. .
.'"Lord, I do want Thee to gime,
and. .I have gpt 'a rooma dread,.
lid -room., net .fit. for anyone ' to
There are 15 identified races of
oatStern rust on, the North Ameri-
can continent and one tundentified
, Of the oats grown commercially,
in Canada Garry And Shield are
live in._Rut, if Thou wilt .take it, resistant to all races except 81i
• is 'Thine. Lord Jesus, come era :33A.
-Clintland, Clinton and Lanark -
are resistant to 8A, and Rexton is
resistant to'13A, but all are sus-
ceptible__to other_ sa'cee,__incleding
Race 7 which is One.of the itiost-
prevalent forma of stern hist:'
, •
The plant breeders began the
task of making . crosses between
nutritional diseases. in 'Ontario. the different' resistant Varieties'
Sincea 'very high pereentage of .-
andAlso begari• testing Older varie-
the soil in Ontarie is low id phos- ties 'and selectiOns, They were for.
ior resistance soonerlhan they had
-hoped.. ••
$3.1; Former -Ag. .Rep.
6. W. Montgomery:
• The appointment Of G.. W.- Mont-
komery as •diStrict siniprintexident,
Toronto, of cOhnizatien and Agri.
culture, Canadian FNational Rail-
' ways 'was anliOnneed this week.
In 'his new office Mr.- igontgona-
NR?sgiiropean offices, will 'di-
rect in Ontario settlement ,.agsd
development of • farm lands. by
ambig the placernent, of immi-
grant and • Ogieriencedfarm• heip,
and assisting • fariners and live-
stock_ytoducers with *production
and -marketing. He will also rep-
resent the railway at exhibitions,
fairsY livestock 'sales, , and agri-
ciiltnralTantl'.: irgraigratien Meet-
ings, and endimrage the ,,develep.
Merit ,'of diversified and More
productive fartningmethods.
„ ,
-quickly !2'..
Listen! . . ,Theze's Someone
iat thedoor!
IN cArrig , ,
Phosphorous.'deficieeckin .cattle
is 'still 'One of the most coin:Then
:the hay, pasture , and other. ,farrn-
crops will also, belo*
Beef „cattle that. haVebeeri.
hathaye-been-r-azing 011.
-PaSfitres are most
ConairiOnly- .,affected. Cows which.
are nursing .ealVes, are Mere often
affected' :than steers---------------------:-
..College a..gerteral
sess. lameness, -roughen
mostphvious .LsyTnptons,A.t
Viak* ,cOWs:,--tht•.
are .:-defieient, iriphospherens." free
,quently become • s. breeding .prob- -
f300 tjh the •Pirc.l..§"alifULt.OW.O.
tle tifiehooaTeafe-tWeen,the two rear
.ho. 4..og
rnethods-as-regards livability;
pe-pge,he'te ee-, eeffejeney,u cattlE bbdy weig4 gams..or feed require
can .be .-preveri ted.,"hy e-fe Cliegr:•-a•
Is. the 1aing',house..-JOO-: their
feeding-hinie...Meal to suppleinent body weights were about the same
the regular ration and coxitrary to common belief.
as , ' feed: their., oppesite.
num ers. The. mei enee of feather
and earinibalisni WaSAlight-.
ly higiler in thdoiafirieinent-rear.
:wes:neVer. a erions
Problern,HMertAlity ..less
•thantlitee.,per, cent in
o f:differetice wag noted either
tsa'ge at firat'egg; -egg.. Weight ,Or'
In.',both experiments; ,Ii.oVvey, er„.
egg preduction was three :per.",tetit,
1nghei in tlie.renge,reared birds
.and theSe 'bird,s,, Were: apptmdittate.
-heaVier at. the end
of Abe,: test .Than the ..pullets -.reared,
ini'corifirieineitt.- • „. •
-Range Rearing--
eans More Eggs
:-'1-:\kin.testeLthat: 0.eitn Proye- the.
periar egg -laying ;ability Of 'range
re,ared. . over -.;.cnnfitienient-reared
.repertalpoiiltrylmaliati-drnaii • DI.
Bach test- involved a separate,
'tem. Aff.ected animals tend to eat
• •
$.1104-goOdi:Logacal; 'ol.--loa.seedie'----oiiroialjob of 'the •
atitoittetat emcee aceoteat
• Telephone'•
o'u will fin „
a new co me
• classified Section listing all bugneSs concerns, pro-
feSSions d services Which are actually located in
the three communities.
For your convenience the Yellow Pages listings
will be arranged alphabetically under appropriaie
• business and_Pr9fessional classifications.
using the-.Yei/ew /)ages you will sive time
• and trouble . . d "where to buy it" -quickly
and easily.
MI telephone users will appreciate the Man
advantages of this handy shopping guide . . . the
neirti Yellow i'ages.-
Takmg Snapshots is always in but especially- when a, jolly
PartY 4- Out for rride or some ber wuter
anta. Brought- Camerci
You're in for Lots of Fun
. , • . • • ,
, :Santa'. ClaUS--,Was 'especially -good: ter, ,aetivities.•... ,.• • • ,
-thi-tlaose‘-whoe-reeeived-a-2,:camera : the. c'orning,
outfit at'Christmas for it 'ine.anS .spring •and .stirtMer with, Motor -
they Will lia-ifn ,lots 'of;• fun.: taking trips; •faraily,',pien.ies: and. the sum-
--and; of . course, enjOying at„,:•fun-to---have-
the.--res-0.1.• , •, a Ticture reeerdthat Will h-elp you
Thanks to today's. • aim and • to reineniber all these geed tithese
hbht'cTmeran-anone can be Now that' -.-:everie,2ethe.eirfexperisive
'6onie a-1 good •.snaPshooter. ,The •cameras: have„ flash ft-achnientse
prObIerns . that were.'berhaps .Per- Spapstionting ds..m.plongerLeolifined_
•plexing a lieW Years ago have a toutduorsand da-ylight:.-The sncp-
is'ed No longer is there any -thysshot ypu want can be yours an
tert, „attached to amateur- Plidtti.:7,WliFire, nyfimb,
grapliy-7 If yenri--..Christinas. aniera is
Just -think whatit me4iis...fo:. al; ..your;:firet,;it'S a -good' idea to prac---
ays.-have a -Caiii-era• ready and a, tiCe7with7eti,before .usiug-.film;-. -Aim
hand' t'O'snap.,:•';flie... 'differeht objectsand Scenes,.
Tsenietliing: 'interesting ;..er unuua1 to gerusedi folusing the viewr
that the- children are. doing; . the finder.; becaitae: What: you, see. there!"
snowman they have made;, : fen at is: what,,You'll..get...:Practice• held,
the- l"fik=a---Td- Tlitmdred•-• tith ving- camerae• firriily. • Take ee
* •_fignv.stance and keep your. elbaw.s
',Yew -=sides, Do .not
WINCHELS ,s,a44&,e-loser-thaTy4i3i-e-r:feet.to, the:
• ,person object
Chris1ma viitors were Mr graphmg ,T.lien.;.,vvherr You are ,All
and Mr Brock and • :set, press the shutter geet-
.irge..i.4e0 • m.rs•..Ceorge Brock Mr ly not 'With:al.:quick erk
ind Mrs.' Leonard Cowan and•Mirs7,ABU fhkL s there: is toif
..ReSsielTralters,.. o4..7tond.On; Mr, Jest ,a..-feWTSiiiirde
and Mrs Jack Wieks asicl family help you to 'get geed,,clear snap,..•
.044;Stratford,.....withrit-and....MrS,.,_shote...',i,SO2L1Oad....itp.,,And „fire. eWey
Fred Waiters• ••'• andiou will reahze thej.o'y
Mr ancl:eMrS..,, Freeman ,Herrie.'that comes freine•haVilig'.yeur- own •
and 'faiiiilY'• with Mr anclMrs camera and being . able to take
Pat '--Dinicey.. on Sunshine ,•Line ;sit apaliOta ...WheneVer: you like. 'head
Mr and Weltera-•.;• and agairi' .the ''.instrttetioris that ,came
,ljeeee ,w.ith-lVii,,aud.Mrs.--f-f,eward with: your camera and .be,,,•,-Sere'te,
.DaYrnam: near ,Kippen heed the advice that comes With
MiSS Jean Gflfdlatt Of.',11oncloni.each roll of fslm
Nr and Mrs Bill Gilfiltan and that.,.'-atitt.a.- worldof picture.:
,..faniTlYi...1\111S.iTTioEfigHOilfillan, and taking 18 yours
Nir..-HarVeY7'.8mith.:.),Vith- Mr, -.rand ,
Mrs C. Gilfillan. , .
• Mr -anti ".•1•11r.S.,,Tein, ,Skinner and
fatniiy aed"-Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,
Skinner.,' of St..- Pauls, with; Mr.
Elsoe '.Lynn, ,
Mr . Jack Deibridge and . Kevin;
Mr... and Mrs. 'George = alleY.: and
and 'MrS:.-,:'Reif.• Moran ',And.
sons and:. Mr..' And 'Mrs.,:i.Harold
Clarke: andBobby and- gf.: Dobbs,
of'. -sftat,foiti.;-,T-Witlf::M?TSild» Mrs.
NeWtpn, '
• ,fvIBi1I Dobbs and feinily,''Mrs..
Miner .Dobba, and :Vt.,: andTIVIrs,..
Ciift Brock.,:andratiiiae&f, Crediton,'
....mr.. and
MrsGordniEayandfainilY,:, Mrs
Myrtle ',13ankS, and family, . of. Lon-
don, ',Anti MiSS'a# Ex6.
SUPPer will be .edinirdatered in the
. "
*...; The Sacrament' 'Of .Lord's
.Brucefield United Church next
Sunday. prayer on
WedneStlay,:• -*el-Mfg and: 'Friday.
Withisor„ Spent NeW -Yeat,s,-;With
McBeth'S- parents.;- and.
MrS', McBeth..;_. •
Mr, .and.:•Mrs,..-SteWart Of
Sarnia,- ,spent.• •fe* days ' last
.W--eeke y(rith - :relatives - the..
lage, . ' ;,•
Brimefield firemen ansWered
call 'to the -lie -me of Lay,
ton -,ori ' Sunday atterntiOn. • For-
-funatelyrt was a -chininey.:fire• and.
ter,;end Mrs Gordon as soon extmguished
Prance, , • ' - • ' MisS, Alice'Caldwell Reg N, Of
, , .
spent the -weekend at. the
'borne- of. her patents;.Mr. and 'ars,
Mrs, W. Stakhouse is.pending
som time he,Grfvarein:.,ily
London apd Wilt
The manyBrocefield. friends of
• Mark:40th Wedding' Day, • Mrs. -.juries Berry congratulate
Mr, and- Mrs,- Wffliam K Gov- her On having Celebrateil- her 9Oth
ler,, .4ondesbore, honored• •
guests op ,Sattitiolay•vthiing Dec
27, at, a SurpriSeperty. held' at the islovy Ticiit
home -of Mr.r::aricl-4Mrs.-.Harry
asielnerntlio •s another . year's operations
-present included the couple's three have drawn to a cliiie; irovHs"the-
daughters',:7-13-etli; Mr Jack Hamtime. for :..farmers to look, back
iltone,I.'ieriderk;H:Rhoda;:'Mrs:-:.:§Pen- over, what,was-aeconiPlished,' and
cer Hann;' -Waterloo; ElVa; .111f8's-, IL to '.'sriairrnarii,e--• and analyze • the:
lvIctwarr, i.l.Clinton, their •families, farming .business of theyear, be,
god relati,Vps from Clintmi, fore .doing any planning for 'the
Londesbore, Godetich-; 'Kippers and, 'corning- year., •, •
• • •'
London. The evening was "'Spent In order:to do this, spine records
IiIayingyeartls, follOvved by A litsf,c of.;•thehusineSs Most he available.
fet,. lunch.,'. Mr. and Govier'Keeping , records requires that
received 'seVerailevely ' and'uSeful. some tinie be sperst..onitheln. Many
:gifts.: „The- honored couple -were- -expenses are Incurred -when arm
married op December 24; 1913, at ers'are very busy;;and diffi-r
fhe 'United Chtireli Manse, Loncles-7. cult to. remember acanrately • at
boro. After a: horieynaoori trip to the end • of "a long day the details
-Ottawa, • they settled, • on , the of ai3jsmall transactions and to
grootifs, farm on the' 10tia corices-.:!tecoroll them; it is easier to. •prif
sion 'of ' iltillett -township, ,where off doinga until tomorrow or Some.
they farined• Rai 30 years, Onre--, future' time, For these reasons it
tirement -ten years ago they •;anov- seems • advisablefor most farmers
„e21.,to,Lonclesiaor0 Where they have . to -.keep minimum rederds to suit
`tesided.*'-.e.Ver:".•Since. • _Both, --enjoy- their
:fairly good health, nnd ar abieThe mininnian...records for any
takepart ixi functions around the, 'farni.--- business , are a caah. acco,iiat
NewS.Record,,,,H, „of-. receipts and expenses ofthe
' ; .- • - •
S en n
ounty apers
Raised' on a farm. in Carleton
eowityiMr. Montgomery -graduat-
ed- •from Kemptville. 'Agricultural
Seheol 1 1943,' and in:1.94:receiv-
ed ..his degree. froth' .Ontario r Agri-
cultural College;, Guelplt -•
'haa,Served,...as __assistant. agri-
cultural representative in
Lamb -
ton and Hastings counties, He was
also agricultural' representative. in
NipiSsing Astriet, With' headquar-
ters,:':,a't North" Bay,' from June,
1949; until his appointment to Ilur-
n-county -th '1951 • -
While in. Onion, --Mr. Montgem-
ery„fostered, -malty •Jarm.,inove-•
-iiiefftS-hTcludin.g the ' Vaccina-
tion prograrn, two farm:menage-.
aSsociations,• the steadily,,
growing- county:. 4-11"; progra-fid-
the organization of , night sehools,,i
'.studies. He also
-US secretary -treasurer of
the Rtir01-1 County --S0i1411Cr'PrOP-
ImprOvement Associationandcon-
tributed to the association's. news -
'Paper. ••• • •'
, In. 1957 he joined , the. CNIi; as
'agriCultural agent. at' Teronto, ; the
peSition he held Up to , present
.eppeintrnent. .0. w. Jose,- -since
.1955e --livestoele -editer Of .Farmer's
Magazine; 'suceseeds Mi 'Motif;
goinery ,,as ,-agrictiltliral.-: agent.- .
Wcilton Native is
• ' '
. • . •
-Charge -of eareles-S-'driVing has
been laid against 'a StratfOrd wo..1
men who was involved:4n- a. -:fatal
,accident on Huron Street in Anat
city on. Wednesday mei:tin% Strat:
ford Police Said last weekend. Miss
'Arlene' 23,,, of Stratford, is
te • appear. - in , magistrate's .court
on japuar3 15.• ••
Killed,in the accident was
•Gotdon-.ROwland, Of Stratford, a
-former ,,Walton `district resident.
WArin 'collision with
the -ear driven •liY ..Disher let
the., intersection• Of ' Douglas and
Huron ',Streets:'..,
•"Mrs_ Rewland was the former
MarieRYan, of Walton.'In-1035 she
married Gerdon Bowland and liv.
ed Walton until ino,ying to Strat-
ford 13 years ago.' She was a
member and an ,organist ef
Joseph's Chtircb,-Stretford, 'for .tlie
•past. 19.- Years., •.• • •
She is •survivedby her: rnether,
Mrs. Flilabet,li Ryan; -Woodstock;
her;Ifulband;' two sena and two;
dangtiters, . Jack and Edward, of
Stratfprd;, Mrs, R. (Elizabeth)
'MacDonald: arid' Mary; Stratford;
one grandchild, Ythree brothers,
Lawience..and Joseph, WaltOnnd
-GorclonTRO-ntreal; and three.' siSz•
ters., Mrs,. PhilliP.(Florence), Sneak
Of Weedstodk;- Mrs, :Mel' (Eileen).
Scott,. Far.go,. Nerth Dakota; .1VIrs:
'Robson (Madeleine) :'.Preas, Ot-
,tawa„ •One. Sen, Michael, and o,ne,
btother,, Janiesi'predeeeesedlier:
• 'Requiem High .1VIaas, was' cele-
brated in.. St'. Josephs 'Roman
Catholic; Church' on Saturday with
Rey,. A. M. Williams' officiating.
Pallbearers were .Itoderick Mac
Donald, Grant • ,Parr, - William
Young, Donald Costello, Benjamin
-Tasman and Nen-man' MacGregor,
of Stratford., Rtirial. was made •in
.A.vondale. cemetery: • • ' • .
Amongtho-se attending the fun-
eral , were friends ,and. • relatives
from "Toronto, Oakville, Wood -
Stock,. 'Walton, Fort Edo, Ottawa;
Londonr-Wat,ctloo; Stratford ,and
district,. - • .
Drjarrott; coroner,' 66re
.firmed ,Saturdayrthat since a
chargeeliad been laid, against the
driver ". of the vehicle' involved in
the " accident, no %inquest will be
•held. '
THE HURON r.xPosrrori„ Sraim,)
Cop: "Surely you don't thui1
you.ro going to drive?,
'Drunk: Wby not? 1'01 in no
-condition to w "
• I say," said the novie% Whf)
was being given a demonstration
in a used car, "what makes it
jerk so when ,.you filet put it in
"Ali," said the salesinan, "that
proves what a good ear, it
_so anxious to start."
More Spots and Stains Benterred
GarMents,` etay dean longer
Will wear longer.
Mom imd THIIRS.
PHONE -669 rr 2 - SEAORTII '
To .facllitate snoW removal,- No 'Parking con
the Streets of this -Alunicipality will, be allow-
• ed between the hOurS of 2 am. and'S
be.strictly enforced in accor
ance with the: tiighWa3)--Traffic-Acti, -Seddon-
- ' .43,, Subsection 9,
unicipalitr Will -not -be responsible -for -any -
damages caused to parked vehicles as the•
of snew. reinovaVopetaiongr •
farm (omitting household. and per-
sonal expenses) and an inventory.
Prmduction • record S are helpful,
and redords of each. eaterprise are
very desirable op large -farms, but
Mies& require an experienced book-
fkeeper. It is better to start with
the 'minimum' records suggested
and to carry,' them through the Year
than to, attempt to keep too many
and beconie • discouraged.
• iviost farmers or their, wives keep
some kind ,nf 'eaeli. account, but
the -inVentory is,11.0fraii.often kept,
rearomaY aPPeat' to have made
a god meome from his business
by ;•looking only at his receipts
'and expenses, but, if some of his
receipts have lowered' his capital,
he may .1.).0 in a 'lode position
n g
nven. oyo,
nes Is an a,ceount of everything
a man, owns oh the farrn,„ at a
given time, With -Values attached.
' The'time to take an inventory is
at the ;close of the year: Then the
same Mae ,will do _for' the begin-
ning.. _inveritorY _of _the .1olloaving
Now--is,the 'time -to take 'stock:
nrian:-.-r-.71-45rtur":7111,1111C-Nr7E"rir.-;P".:110111 NM
IMM t'47;11 :110 >, MN! "IRMO! !Mt. 'IS NM
;Fla Sixl, IWO :roPX411 P'P, It •16, ,1101W1
tha at the be inning'of the year.
i t r f thefarm bosi
-List and describe wt Is owned
in a permaneet 'lief*, ' preferably
in some grouping , Such as.
and buildings" "livestoc)t", • "ma-
• Pchliinese"?4,1"i Placereasonabler'ea.' fseonablevaluesu o
the ileitis:. based es "normal" va-
• lues,. or market prices. By .com-
the inventory ,at the begin-
ning of one year With e hive*,
. tory at the end f the same year,
1 adding. any dee ease to expenses• '
. . or any MereasF .,,t,0 rOceipts,, a
• . riNGHts , , , wood,* oia. i.olabbie ger 6 toOdknn farmer can get a true picture of
400i. fingers. Prevent oat by nibuiting ohm bibititt=aft iikroi,iima .„ tfolseg' rthlesti8.1,.thoo.f hilt) iouperaatiboitt6„rKponowsi.,-
, . , .
listiroon bundles to serve an s buronor. - •• to to• plan for the year' -ahead..
Pryde & Son
Exeter 41
• Inquiries are invited.
• Telephone Numbers:
Clinton 1620
Seaforth 573
, • •
. Physielun . -and. Surgeon • ..
Phone 90 ..• Seafortli
, If no "anSwer, call 59' • '
• JOHN A. GORVVIELF---BA-:,--.11LD.-=
Physician -arid"Surgeon___ -
Phones: , Office „5--W Res. -5-3
• ' JOHN . O0DDARB;m3r.D.'
*PliOne 110 ••-- - • •. Hensall-
SgAYQU'r,l1'.c1.41%,TIC• ,
,Intetnest •,
• Telephone
;•P..I... BRADY,
• , Surgeon ,
• ^DR: ;,E. MALECS
• • Telephone 15 .
EVENINGS: • Tuesday;' •Thursday
'and, Saturday only, .749 p.na...4
.;"A, iipeantnients nlaY: be'inade
'' L' M. UitRPR
•Chartered Accountant
55. South St. • - • . Telephone
•(4, uodeeernicslads,..,14.-
1,I)octor of Chiropractic
• 438 Main Street • - Exet,er
X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities,
OpenEach Vieekday. Except
• Tues. and Thurs. Evenings 7-9
For Appointment Phone 606
DON S. Dgistivis '
Graduate of' Reisch Artierican
School of Auttioneeting, Licensed
in Huron, and Perth. Capable of
handling all types of sales and ad-'
DON DENNIS, Walnin-'
• Phone Seaforth 843 r
- :SEAFORT11-;- -
3. O. Turnbull, D.V.M.,1
W.. R. Bryans,
•W. G. Drennan, WV•11/41,:;•--V-S-.--•,1,
Phone 105 ' „ Seaforth
BarriSter, Solicitor, Etc.
Phones: Office 173, Residence 781
, ,
'Barristers,. Solicitors, .Ete.,
P. D. mccoNNELL
-SEAFORT.H,-ONT.Telephone 17411:'-
. D.'1". NleINNES .
Char' otic Correction'
, , , ,
Monday, ..Thiarsday.-- '1 tei 8 P.m.
' Optometrist
:Phone 791 ' : Seaforth
Eyes examined Glasses Fitted
Office Hours:. Seafortli
except Monday,* 9 a.m.45:30, p.m.; .
Wednesday; 9 -a:in.-12:30 P -n14
Thursday evenings, by appointment •
Clinton: Monday, 6 a.m._-5:30
p.m. (Above Hawkins"Ilardware.)
DEAD OFFIcr-sEAFDitrtt,Dat.
President-Robert..Archibald, Sea.
ViceNSident-Allister BroadToot,
• Seaforth •
Manager and Sec.-Treas. BM,
Norma Jeffery, Seaforth
E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L
Malone, Seaforth; Chris. Leon-
hardtt- Bornholm • Robert -Archi-
bald, Seaforth; john IL lkitcEwing, •
Myth; William S. Mexander,
E. Pepper, Brricefield; Allister
Broadfoot; -Seaforth;
WiliTani Leiper, , Jr., I.ondes-
boro; Prueter,. Brodhagen;*
Selwyn Baker, " Brussels;, Erie
_Munroe, Seaforth„.
0 0
0 0
. And FuNER4,DiRECTO4 10
*,'„Night` or Day Calla' 335 • 0
6-0 '0'0-0- 6.'0-0-0-'0 •0
0' 0 0„.0 0.'0.* 0 ‘.:-.5'0,*
•A., EURO !!'
-1 irector'
0-, -and Ambulance .Setv.ice.:••
,DUBLIN • ONT.= .*
'Night or, • * .•
0. • -Phone -43 r 1:Or
0'070'0 0'0'0-0
0 * 0;0 4> .0. 0 0 4>
13,03E 4>
Funeral Service
R. s. Box
0 Licensed Embalmer' °
O ProMpt and careful attention 0
00 FLo-EwER0,8Pil
'Phones: 0
0 nes. 595V ,tore 43 *
• . ; ;
0 40 0 O 0 *
<> * 0 0 0 * *
* a. A. WHITNEY' *
0. Puneral trotttle-. •
Ooderich- $t. W., Seaforth
Adjustable hospital heat ' *
for rent ,
i'elephone: DayerNight 11B
* * * *