HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-09, Page 2Sine 1860 .43,etving rhe ,Commulaty. First -
blialled at SEA.FOIVAI ONTARIO; every Thursday morning .b
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McLean Bros., Publishers '
Canada (in advance) .2.50 a Year
1.11(iiteci ta.tes (in Advano,a)_$.§,0 A Year .
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Allthorized-as Second Class Mail, Rost Office Department, Ottawa
Canadian Weekly
Newspapers :
Many Problems face ::Council IR,. 5
.A new municipal year begins nPit necessarily in order ,of importance) ;
• week' as iii-eiiibers-of-district crnnci1& TheeSablishirik., ._....Pregrarn of
are sworn to office and organizelfor , :winter work, such as, tree, trimming, -
-the business of 1959. . , to Permit Seaforth to take advantage
As each new year -b6gins-,--there -ap— prOvincial-lederal-winter,work--
pears to be an endless amount of assistance sehen.,,,,in which 1,10,0
time streteh.ing- ahead in the -et ,per-celat-of the--w,ages-paid-out_are_.:
...twelve months to accomplish all the . recoverable by the:town;-
iniiSortant, matters -with Wheh.'-e•Oun--:--. ,- -The . complete re*riting,,of
the ex-
cils are faced. Toofrequently, how- isting building by-law'and es -
ever, because Of the time taken in tablishing . of the necessary .:admini-
letting organized, or as a result of str,ative procedures to . ensure that
the lack IX fanlili4ritY with, council ratepayers uridertaking'construction
. procedure, particuta-fly-70/r-thOse— -nOt--only-are-protected but pay the:
casions when a number of new, mem- ProPer.lees, and.c.- that reeerds- are
-.1)ersare elected ---to .-office;„ valuable . _Maintained
-time is wasted at the begiarifing. of , . The, prOv-isionifor-a-ririmicipal-plan,
. „
*he year. No matter how worthwhile.' and comPlementar'.y zoning regia...
had been the .intentions there:p-rat.eg. • tfOn.S.-"tO ensure an orderly' grOwth', •
to be iqgt not enoughtuuearva-dibrei_througioiittOWP
in which to get everything done' ,__renOyaliOns to
There shouldn't, be that difficulty the ,second and third, ,floor - of the
in Seafortli this Year. Members of Town Hall,.so-thatthe, entire build'.
council, with one exception, are -:fully•. ifig may be in keeping' with the out -
experienced, and in their considera- .• standing job which was done on the
tion of public business last.. Year - ground floor,
showed a capacity, to work together A -Continuance -of the work dote
as a team and to get thingS. done; .
..dUring.F. the past year in the encetir--`
The experience gained Will be a agement of existing -industry and the
valuable asset when couneilfaces attraction Of"new 111C1.118try, ; • "
-what is probably the biggest agenda , The eStabliShingof a public works '
of matters requiring early atttention• - equipnient_ depot and -a decision' ye -
that has arisen some years, • gardin,g, the.fiittif-e-'-o-f----tire-former--,
High on the list is the completion waterWorkS.,,biiilclings;_
of an agreement with the, 0.W.R.C. -The commencement of ,negotiations
to permit an earlystart on the with the:, Ontario Department of
forth sewer system., '-HigiriVay-S-tOtheend .thart,thedePart--.
Other matters about which coun- .rnent.--aSsumeS.'itS' proper
cil is concerned, and which will de- ity with „respect to 'the maintenance
.mand early action, include (but not Of the Paying on croderiCh St:', West,
• Entire 'Clipmtinify $harei in n ctivity
Many Of us .give little ,thought to "What, Increased Manufacturing Em -
the extent to which industry affects .ployment Means, To Community
-..a'conimun.ity. We *realize, of course, .. , Growth,"
that new industry provides new jobs,- The • C.N.R. study Considered. the
that a contribution is xnade towards "economic changes which ',took place
a more balanced assessment as 'be- . in' nine different Canadian-corormini-.
tween industrial and, residential. ties- between and '4951. Six of
What We 80,111.etiltel .to realize_is
the chain reaction Which, is, Set off Chatham, Cornwall;' Pet -
with the ,establishment of a. new in," erborougli); Stratford . and -Wood,*
.-dustry, or, the "enlargemenf-of-an-ex----,,•Lstock), and-Lthree--,are---ni '.•Q`fkbdc-
(Granby; 'Joliette and St.: JerOme):
Briefly, the study revealed -that app:.
additional 1- -manufacturing workers2
mean to -their community:
427 More people,' ,
121...mbre . households
266 more. school :Children
117-,. More Workers., employed oth-
er than in,,mannfacturipg
187 niore motor .vehicle regiStra-
• 393' more' telephones
3 More retail 'establishments
.,$.939,090rnore retail sales per year.
Winle'h60'...w11-6.77.0airied Out the
study Warn • against generalizing
from -the particular conclusion,as '.•
tailed, tile study- does provide a re-:
.liable,guide that points up the effect -
Of increased manufacturing capacity
. on comninnity growth.
isting industry in a community., _
The whole community, shares in the
-expansion, in -an increased-leyei Of
local prosperity. New jobs - attracti
workers -from elsewhere ;- there- are
more marriages,, more .homes estab-
lished,• more sales for focal Merch-
ants. " :•`•7•
These things are wel1. brought out
in the results of a study recently.
• dertaken by the research and devel-
.Opment department of -Canadian Na-,
tional,Railways, and publiAlied in
pamphlet form under the title,. .
14. Vitas Misquoted' •
The editor of the Rodney Mercury
had a -few appropria,te remarks to
make recently,. about after-dinner,
speakers and others who often
credit the newspaper representa,tive
• who reports what; they. have to say.
$ay S the -Mercury "The world IS,
full of great and :,wonderful people,"
but these who Weuld .discredit re-
• porters fpr not reporting, -correet13r
• can hardly be taken seriously. -A re-
Oorter takes down as much as pos- life- expea-ation, this is a gain.
Able of the 'meat' of an address. for boys of 7,6 year s since 1ml ac_
Hour§ later—after it has 'cooled off *cording to a study released by the
Canadian', Life, Insurance ,Officers'..
• sedation.
A girl's epect-atien. is 73 years, -a
gain of almost 11 years since 1931,
the report' says..
In Canada', as in many dther cun
,Mr carVerwbat a. tioiaot way to
• •'•annooloceizienti7 - ••
send a bir
Refused Kindergarten
de -let -Oen -7fiedM the Zurich
and .Diitrit.l Clianiber, z...,;,Cato-
inetee,....appeared -before . the '7gar
ToWnsniP. School , Area ..Bo.ard last
Wediaes,daY night with 'a request
to res,tabligh . iiindergai•ten ;School:
Zurich, .After; some diScussion
on the ; Subject the bOardcame,, to.
the.clecisionythat they - were, defin
iteir-oppeged to the idea. -Zurich
'CitiZens.,NeWs. • ,
New Yeats Baby
(gt..'karYs Journal -Argus
If ies a boy . . first New Year.
baby Can expect to live until he is
67,6 years: of age
in his memory --he cOnscientiouslyi,
types that address.
• ,"Then. there is' the chap with little
education who gets lip and ;gives a
talk " unconsciously making
grammatical errors galore.,This type
I ridicule the press unmercifully, tries, the study says the expected '
but if he ,�n1 knew it the reporter life span -at birth has been increas-
ing more" rapidly for females than
or males, further widening the sex
ifference in longevity
Once a child, has passed the/ first
-year - of -life., its ...life '6Np6etaticy
All of which has .rerainded the St. erease aPPreeiably. At one year of
Marys Journal -Argus of a remark age, a bo may on the average ex -
attributed tOltt.ffori..Arthur-IVIeigh- pet to live an additional 69 years,
:en:, "I never Worry, about the odd and a girl 74 years. This represents
'dine I may be tnisquoted;.what real- a gain fo i boy of 2.4 years more
ly,bothers me is when 1 ani"quotedthan his etpeetan9r, at birth, and
oo accurately," two year for
ii biS'best friend. When liis address'
'appears in print the reporter.,has cor-
,_ ,
---reeted .kranunatical "errors and 'put -
conciseness and clarityirrto hi S re,..
port of_the._talk,.. " • -
Bus. Line
"Mn Al Sherwood.. says that his
bus . line,. Goderiela Coach Litres,.
has. rebeifed from the Ontario
TranSpert. Board,. the, iranehise for
rill -Ming.. 'seri:rice. between
Gederich': and „the Ontario hospital
on No. 21.:big way sou o e-
tich. The, 'service :is to commence.
whenever the'. traffic' warrants it.
' ••
Shed jtoof collapses
Too much ',sue*. on the .!shingled
Section' Of; thechurch :shed . at. ton,
deShoi,O7..taused the ,roof.''*•-gilve
waYldat.'•week. The sheti.lias-been
uSeld a",,,skating-:rink,•:Withi:naj
ttirar iee; 'for a •. gond Folany --Years,
and., the Village: youngsters • itaire,
had •,great• -:.deal: of 'fun :there.
Fortunatelr.'onlY. two -people Were
skating,: at the. tlitie of, the, col -
laps, and they :viere.:;at thefother
end of the rink.--Clintoit, NeWS-4
To Hospital Planned
Noit Down :1;017 '`Feet '
- . ,
Drilling in :the._shaft 'at the rock„
salt Mine has now reached a tdepth
of 1,017 feet. • This is into. the
rock salt bed and from here on
• From The -Moron Expositor
January 12,1934 •
The Sedforth Juniors opened
their N111, schedule in Goderieh
on Tuesday, night by defeating the
Goderi.ch „Mariners 3 to 1,-
A. II. Erskine, the new treasur-
er of the County of Huron, and 'J.
M. Roberts, the new ' clerk, were
sworn into. office by Judge T. M.
Costello ,at the court, house;. Gode-
rich, on Thursday afternoon. ,
Mr. Ifeward Armstrong vvas in
Toronto 'this Week • visiting some
Shorthorn breeders, and sold, one
to Mr.'Miller, of Stouffvilig.
• Miss Annie Smit, Hensall, had.
the misfortune recently, while
emptying a boiler of het water, to,
have it slip eut Miler handS, scald-
ing her feet verythadir.
M. J. Dallas, Hensall, reeently
injured her, hand on account of
sliplaing over something on-
floor of her dWelling, and fora
time was unable to' use it. ,
Mr.,,Edmund Daly, ,prominent in
radio since its inception, hasre-
cently secured a license for an
amateur broadcast station.
• Mr. Bert7' Williams has leased
the' residence on John Street, re-
cently vacated by 'Mr.. W.
lingsworth, ...and has - moved his
family from janieS Street;
Mrs, • James (errMrs. 1. , C.
Greig, Mrs: MY Reid, Mrs. L
Caine, Mrs. T. Swan Smith,,
Mrs,- S. J. Water, Mrs, geith t.
McLean, Miss Janet Muff and Miss
Mary Reid, attended the annual
nieethig of the W1VIS of Huron Pres.
byterial. • •
Miss Ina -Gray is in Toronto
this week attending the hair dress-
ers' convention being held- at the
Royal York.
•;,'wll1„, be sPeedier. .It -was
on-4-anitar1441:. -Of-- last. -year that
:excavation, i'vork --started
in ....the'
shaft -an .:.search. . of the ; salt ',bed.
Construction. of •:: the buildings is
proceedinron- Schedule
pectect that roek:Salt be :turn-
ed Out on a production basis.: by
.about mid -summer of
- Gifts Hard On Lights
.Two, „Eceter.,boYs, aged, 1.1. and
12 received air .rifles., for chriSt-
nias, . 'hut .they. didn't keep " them
II...,,McIcenzie con-
fiscated- the grins .Saturday , after
the juveniles liati.,broken,24d street
,lights; ineluding three ,200 -watt
billbs, PVC irned. of tbe. damage
Viten r'ci:iiens . SeVeral:; blocks
out. constable ',Len' as-:
slated the , thief .with .the, investiga
'tioti..Theboys'.fathers have agreed
to Pay -for daina,ges. :Exeter,
Titnes--AdvOtate.-- • - '- •
Fails To Find Fox
.bunt by ; Members
"of• -,the Wingliany-SpOrtsinerf's'., As;
seeiation was held 'on.Siking..DaYi,
:When: fSenae :20- members Made
as many .felceS , fpoSaible. ',How-
ever, the :11e,av.Y.....snoW,,:,and.
shortage hunters, no. loxes *re'
spotted....Theliunters,liad,,a 'good
day; at .any.,,'',;rate.,..eveii.,if • the..• fok
trapulatienWaS ,not IOWered:The
-b S' -hatt.'Sonte,:, :added, incentive
when"aliical. SPertanaati'leffered..te
put •for, the largestfex:
brought : 'Another .driVe'iS7eit;;
pected: take.place -lit' the near
Farm News
• A moderate, ration of. rye may
be fed- seeeSsfnlir -to !grerwing
'chicks, it has been established by
tests at the NnPpan, N.S.,.: Etcperi-
mental ,Fatth tonducted by R.. E.
Smith, poultry nutritionist•, ' •
experiment ' disproVed -a
0[t r.Y.e •• Was
unsuitable, feed for growing chicks.
Mr.. Smith established that rations
containing up to- '39 'per cent rye
9nido igkSctfe
. •form.ance • or ,.Personality," These
dire: Mortality .or pasting.' Growth requests are , earning ,frorn fair
was, retarded; however, as tbeleti- •boards, agricUlturalcolleges and
el of: EYe 'exceeded 15 Per ee14,'. ex- breeders.' It isn't .enough that-. la-
,cePt 'when the' rye' vvaa an ingredi-jfarpriation gets ,out to you;:We
entof_ihnerneatteido..raptrioonoist'.ceidn,pberiplie4reds tmhinosgis
must your ideas -hack if any-
' ti done, '
-suPerior .to those-, on an, 'all-MaSli If you, - attend farm ;for.:
Corn ration but at coat of:.a um-7.and . remember .you have..two,
Sainewliat lower feed efficienCY.- chances in this area; radio Mon-,
• _ Use in Moderation „ .day 'night at .8:39, and CENN-TV„
1VIr... Smith's cenclusionS -were .TneSclay' night at '9'.,30 -there will
tbat rYe could.be used;eleonOinie_al- lbe the . second . ,series
1-eyerr-a-orsOwefforngi3reatititiovnes--10-w1;ere,A4meae-t -3e-Gowinininigkvvv_eeeekk_.:and. the final • :the
not . most -of -you have probably- heard
the.a.inain.,edridderation„ to 20 tilt 'Charles McInnis,: -presidoitof
it. -link.
• By•the time you read tins .01e the Ortrio Hog -Producers' As,s
"Vertical Integration ' be ov- several meetings of agricultural
er. I sincerely 'hope alarge num- producers in the United .States.
bet of - you attended your forum There,: vertical integration of the --•
and_reported_yollr_findings. These broiler industry is complete and
findings - are. important, The ita- eitpanding the production- of
tional office reports a great num, hogs quite raPidly. , •
ber of requests , for the findings of Itis interesting to see that newS,
the forums" -'on 'the topic, "Per- reports coining „from.. these meet-
ings state that producer mailtet-
such as carried on by: the,
OntarM hog producers, •May well
be the salvation • of the family
farm.- Perhaps' you cOuld keep
this in mind while Studying these
farm forum pregrams., •
As • mentioned in previous art-
tieles, a Brucellosis information
canapaign will be. conducted short-
ly. There ,will be a meeting *with-
in easy. reach. Of you. This is an
important factor in the health, of
your- f.amily, as- well -as a -means
of reducing losSes in livestock. We .
hopealrOf you willneome out and
get all the information.
first Farm Forum ,pirogram on sociation, was invited to speak at,
per.'.elent ffetTia-rhe-led-m-thealli,...,.-. _ , , ,,,, , , •.r , :. ,..„ .
mash form Tor 'ontinittrit results, • ....77,- '''-' 7., .-7-7-.---.-7,--77.-.'„,-'--' -,--......,_
ra..friaxininna of 39 per Cent rye may ,r , • ,.. - .: • : ..,.. . , ,
-TagifS.7coritairinig,,,,rye. should ..be',.,:•-
pelleted land Under tneSe•-teriditions
be fetrte:TbreilersiL,...;•• :, .... ,'
BRlidEll'OSIS ' • ; ,.. • .• • ' • •...- . ',.1 ''.
' ..••• ' '' ' • ""' -... ' Fester T. ;::FoWleti who. recall:S.
.. Brutellosis is costing'. the Caria...
dian liVeStobk 'industry about •$9;- l'a .Yeaarsilia6. gillos,,fieseati.j4ir•mi.,a.i7peinetipinjilcil.:
.000,909 annually through .deereaseet-")
Seaford): 'Public, Selioel.: In a mite
'milk production, loss in Calf crop
and the subsequent 'replacement of, ..ac,e17.reaPinan;Y2-11;tinik htpies4thigork, ,f,..aht7 wis.oal,iyks:::
Tbreeding.TateekT-actordin.gte_alsen.4 .
;floicri,a, Department of of..AgHil, ,e,.141,tur.e.•-ef."- {'s-91.4Pce7:11tr ;-it,5ZITY,..t::61'.440.,17-°g:,in 1\11iT(13,c1. a:./,-
iy.,eDteri,,i.,n_gai„.41,11,-,-..,,Mcoen;C:titnia6-iii,h,a_inh--;.-i7s-eCafisieet..-*agxq_Ki.e....");-C-. -'sIig':-.11-1,1c!.A.d*-„0,..4r 40710e0it.n:V.-
:laSrin.ettu.M.4in:::c.o.1-.:earl:litef:f!Atiinials Divi 1-f.,.„._,b1rark, Wil. -1-11i2: .•.1.'eek-liait•-..-.:.a.eCt,
.sion,, made this 'f•staternent 'alt. the .-F..11"03'. Mcir.40•§11,: :MY SalnrY Was
br'ijayikatiotiie .,450 , a year altd:$5.0O'fbi',1caretak-,
' ng the . ,Schoolt.'. ' Today- ,..I., am ., get-
.......:V..e,Bte....'•,tioll:t..y.,,treS.seoci.a. tio,,,,n...at.Satkville:. ', _,,,,, l...a.,,,,, 7
.,"-,ting Hs:even:Alines': ' asFinucli:;.,, 'atid
--..:11e'Otitlitied-slevelotirnents_IrtAhe -`L.:11-`..-",-,,,--'-'7•-'7-9-'-'--•-- -- ' -
l'•'i.i.iagl*aollh,„,.,''Wj:clotlapil.b:,Illae:g6i,iptSutlasaktTDoiilAi4nsd.et,:'j'lllt.,'Atb:e,tff.:YAepil:,-: •Ae... v• AcE4s6itt:' ht.1::,4r.,,,pelapit' ;.G],h1:,:-,:l.;':'9,,if: J5'11nYee.a:v.se;.i'4•11.:, :
. . - , , ; ..
national- brueellosis ,,control • : pro- . ,•
' tiptu:111•dswet. liciht, total
a: leh4:. ,' cattle:t' aa: , , ,:-. ep:fy. d, :pue, ownersro-n:r4d. p: rateo. i. t. i,1,1-, v( :: if. f. ?:i n• , . rat -I . , , .. i. i. • Q.I.ri lbol thuti inole, , :gide} , ,g:lt h.::::i.1-1:et.,:s:iu..,ecii : ntr,,Aer ift ihadoil enril. ,::: : s •. • ,a,:.. iirox:,:,,.1,0i la; i.:atrt h:tuhedssuddenc4e.ip,, ac ,, sli, ,,. ti5w,:.e. :::17,: ,,., faiae:,, , Mff: oie;ht .,' :. .37.io. , -.. :,r,f:k1C:.,1::tin. heads
, },hOaPa i ' v vb't:. lit iep: , , rni .5a, :1.:. 66. t hu yae. ' lutanc it::: 6rS:;, .;,.. .
' . 'less. than 'one per ,eept. Of
was actepted. with •Josiftd,':;-Pl*Of(si.
settle :the „, matter: ;;The, challenge.
.,g' /-.‘' i.s•6;", ,':a. test
,atre%h (1.14;11-s411', gWti,lttehr--;. e'trO167- -tMhea'llYrri,Ya7tiadialg.ge.60S.:sFio,°rir..11'iota,r!oYnti-P.,:a'enjill:11 :,'..
;;,tn1,401:ritel56,0tm. •;):mgear.t4vhirs' etilioaiannitoeiri77,' inxttgy„Iraellirs:;_2p. Alertsiiiiirhr.i,d,,7gh,oti'0',• bile some.. co
the No:'1 Side;
a -.brucellosIS,,er .., c
be said ••.. were limitations =.isif '..•,Lpte- 1 i')IITI:diatailedhance. eau , 4gainst,
3''.9'4° on
,such- yeterarts.,;'aslinr..,J,amipaon;
-pi..f.r.p..1-6..;.....-.x.a6I ' Dale,' George Ir
vine and Xacle:. and .' ;rack ''ivreperlf -
tlte•-;-,htiren;r:that.', 'all:tithe. farpouS.
tearnicantained'hy-Frank.Sills! 7' :
1,AS the day - drew' hearer, ' Torn-
'ansisted7,sinantensivetraining; "firs
-cOnfidenee. ;spread . to ' the ,test '6f,
:-thessUtiad,,'and before. We knew it
AVe.'..AVere4face,t64fate ::,,,/j..tk :that.
'.'neV,er,,to.-b.difOrgotten ' ''eVenti•. .,, The
refer.eeWaS. to : 13,0 Ed. Britton, '.e.apa,
tali). 'of, the. ;ginbUrn.,' : team • .,The.
tinieheepo. aid '' cotuiting..,for the.
knoekdovvnS.',..and. knecitont,S,i'atthe,
bell, 'as :the 'loCal,:SehoolinaSter„.
'gre.CfeWler.'., .-' .":.:".,:;....';'-',,-"-i: .
.. At . ;list; the."..fatal•.: der ',arrived,
:sidelines.; :there. Were aro: reserved
Interesting items gleaned from
The Huron Expositor of :25, 50
and 75 years ago.
,house in Tuckersmith, through a
window. John Reid, of- Brucefielcl,
bought it and had it displayed in
hia store window
with alliieirliwatils aencitdlieentwaafrtodatnyes
Arr. William Ivison, gippen, met
StatiOn with his daughter when he
.51iPPed on the ice and fell. , For-
tunately, -no bones were broken,
but he was severely shaken up.
Mr. T. J. Berry, Ilensall, has
iisposed of his famous Shire sta-
lion, omibrand Royal,- to Mr. John
McTavish, -of,,,Clarkston;' Michigan.
On Friday night last the home
of Mrs. George Ilabkirk, Winthrop,
was totally destroyed by fire, to-
gether , with all the 'contents.
. • Mrs. David Ferguson, of, 'Dick-
• erstnitli, -has a quilt which con-
tains,12,112 pieces of dress goods,
which she made herself. •
§- §
From The Huron Expositor
January II, 1884
§ §'•
From The alll'Ob Expositor
January" 8, 1909
At the Winter Pair' at Guelph
recently, Oliver Turribrill captur-
ed seveti prizes on his Leicester
sheep exhibit.
A: load of Aberdeen -Angus ,d'at-
tie were shipped from Clinton last
week to 'London; England, bY Mr.
G. coughlin. .
Mn Allred flj Slipped On the
sidewalk' the other clay and .broke
the bone in -his ankle in,two plac-
Eddie' Traveling, the ,s1X-yeaitold
son of JuStus Traveling, fell
offra deliVery sleigh the other day
and had his ;leg breken.
An owl fleV7 into Mt Redgerson's
Severi Areas Certified
.Already over 1,700,000 head have
been accepted, Seven areas have
been certified and 18 others are
vious, control me sures, ;the
pact -..on'thetagriatilttiral;:ecenarayr,'
land tlie7faCt that „-nannitinalities,
Were demanding,' that, all -fluid, Milk,
come frOin'brucellesis-free beta's: '..
• -" Another factor was -the.srieedle.
protect the Cana ran ,export eattie
market to the AJaited.Statea.•
Areas ors'geolraphical units of-
not-;.leSsli,...thap • a county or !rural
murdeitialityy- are;ateepteunder:.
the tontrel,seireiriecd 'aftei,lpetitions
have:lieen anbaritted-threugli .Pfn.
susceptible :. Cattle '
area are ;subjectedto4„blecid.• test.
`Calves under eight niorOS; ,steers;
spayed liefferia and official vacci
te., 36 -months-, are •exemnt
Order Clean Premises
•..411pbSitice,anirnals• are i5idered
slaughtered-L,:spreMPtlY. .-andthe
premises .cleaned. end 'disinfected,
A qtiarantine i placecl'en the en
tire herd to guard 'against sale; of
eXposed.to infection, -
, completion 'of the test,.itthe
percentage ; Of 'tattle infected does'
not 'exceed one per cent of_the'te-
tal: cattle nopulationin- the"... area; ,
and, .the , percentager.; Of ,,' infected'
nerds' flees ,not ekeeedl fiire per
tent of the. tetalAiercls;,the..area.
is Certified: for ,three . years
; ff the percentage is just a..shade
more :than is called for, 1 the., area
can be certified if 'retest 'of -the
infected herds- within 120, days •dis.
eloseS, not more thann per, cent
seats.. As the , sun sloped, gently- .
'direr Mebermids. bush, the Alerts
:'stepped out on.tlie field, some of
them in the Hurons' uniforms. Our
team, composed ofTom, - Arthur,
Jim and Aleck Wright; jack gaw-
thor.ne,...the_Freernan' brothers and.
'my'self. Our uniforms W,ere :
say' -the Orily"thre-e-
:had shin pads; a few were, long'
;heavy leather boots te the. knees,:
How -V7e.,onIuokers-pitied,us bit
just then' who .Should 'step. Onto the
field btit P. Dale. aud Joh
1-1 Fowle`r.,...At_orice.,We,,,ImeW. thers",' •
•vould..b,,e _a •fair.deal--fer..everYend.,:1-',.,
,Our .captain Spoke to . each di us..
'Play your matt,'' he Said; and ar.f., .-
,was siren ce • Auffa----g-ot thbdra
and the kickoff„ and the. tusli-was
on! What beautiful combination, .
.as they:',sWept toward Mir goal. A -
rushed to the attack, -meeting. Buz.,
Dale head-on. am never, sure
whether it, was a rail ferice or a
Stone I hit, but remember_
ifying through the air! • Doric,: as
alWays, -rushed, to my rescim," and -
We- slowed. them down. a bit; .but
by .novv, they had reached our ,de-
fente line, 'and Tom cleared to the
wing to Arthur and 'JIM and .the
Wright Brothers, and less. tirne
than it lakeS:. to , tell it, No.
scored. -
EVen after certification,' 'a close
-check 'IS:Icept 'on the level of infee
tion. A, brucellosis Milk:ring: test
IS used to scteen mulk sainpies
collected atr.dairies and milk fac-
tories from 'all -milk and cream
Shinners in the area. PesitiYe fe
actiona- are fellowed With, a
serum ':,agglutination, teat of the
Must Pass Test
, Dr, McClenaghan explained that
•fininiala, entering • a ,controt,'area
for pertrianent%stay Must paSs. a
negative test, and. must be 'kept.
isolated from Other cattle' for an-
other' 30, days when n retest is
• Mr. Neil Matheson, of Clintokt
who has been laid upfor several
Weeks by injuries received by fall-
ing off -a fence, is now sufficient-.
IY recovered to be aretind again.
A. few days ago Williarn-Baird„
son -of Mr.- G. Baird, Sr., of- Stan-
ley,while running, slipped and fell
against an aXe, inflicting a severe
wound on the knee.
• A little daughter .4 Mr. Mills,
of the' 7th concession of Megillop,
recently fell .into a pail of boiling
water and was so scalded that she
has „since died from the effects of
her injuries. .-
• Mr. James Meclland, ...wife and
four' children, of Clinton, left last
week for New Zealand, where they
purpose. residing.
• Miss Sarah McCartney, of Tiick-
ersmith, has been visiting her old
friend a in Stanley during the holi-,,
- A few -days ago a large lynx was
shot in the swamp on the Babylon
Line by •tenrad, Becker. It had
killed a handier ,of sheep, during
the early' part of the winter, ,
• Messrs, --Peter -MeEwan and
George 'Smith, of McKillopo re-
turned hoine on Saturday, after
having spent three months ,in' the
wilds of Muskoka making veniSoii,
• Last Thursday as Dr. Hanover
Was driving into town' froin the
north, he met a threshing Machine
engine on the road:at which Ida
horse' took fright and 'ran away.
The cotter was, badly demoraliied,
but no other damage was done.
RoPe` ill4t Ai. 5&AWAY
Lor YgAR11, WA' .
lis gave-, our. team, courage, ,
and the .play ,Surged fromend to. •
end -of the. field. E iear1y an
hour the'Crasli•of leather, aht thud ".-
of,bodieS. the Sprawling 'forms roll-
ing -en the: .grass,and the umpire
rtinning,Yabout , trying., to ' catch a
-glimpse of, the ball;',.1,0iir defence
wave -after • wave :Of attack ' was
turned:back- j:11St .4nehes from the
also reviewed former meth-
ods of control; and. ,clealt partien•
„larly With te,deralsproVincrial,
.01alfh-Vot-Fractination Program., in-
troduced in 1950.1 About1,00Q.d00
calves were Vaceinated under this
scheme last year., --95' Per„ cent of -
the feniale, calf ,poptilation in be
country:-Cest of -vaccine was 4300 -,-
"Experience has shown -that, it
is unwise to forecast When any
ase .control program will be. term-,
inated,". said Dr. McClenaghan:
"We are hopeful that ,the -Ultimate
eradication of ,bruce osIs mil,
ada 'Wlll be cconiplished ia inuch
ksstime than has been the case
:the.Atibercolosis pregrain,"
The• oppOsing team • began to
Show signs of tiring. Alt at, once
a hush fell over the field;- all eyes
turned ..and.. looked up: One .of our
ablest ,,men- -seeing. the, ball corn-
ing' towardiiim,bounded to Meet -
it, 'kicked and missed'it; That,long
leatherbootfle,vv-Oftand- -Went Sky-
ward,, like Sputnik; in its speed_
;GP, up an,d:Up it went, then form-
ed anare and slowly. 'downward
it, 'came to rest . in .-a - --
tree hi -1VIeDerrnid's bush; The
owner pulled off the, Other boot, -
and, the game • went on. What.'
becanie- of7that-bpot-ie-still--an-un--
solVect mystery. ' ,
' AS the sun went flown behind
the -
bush the game cattle to an end,.
With „a. victery. for N. 1, Hullett-
We jOyfully ,vvended orway home,
long to ;rementber thatgame a
• Jiin Dale went on to play on
Ontario's championship , tea m.
Many,' too Many,have passed te,
re5.vard. Some: like' myself, ,
are still.„Lstruggling through life,
but from time to time weleel, the
thrill-, of that June eVeriing long
vve met 'eur'friends, the ,
Alln,a • Aleits.
No, 759
This tobk for sf.50
With everyllSteno"Chair ordered!
PreY•ents7affice 4atig0e, '• Vie it as osalestnabf*-desk ;wheel..
• improves efficiency. • ,spaceiscarce. ideal for the•student;,•.:
Foam rubber cushion ,' irithefamily. Center drawer foe,op-
qualtfy casters, adjust- . plies and a shelf for books. Type-
able seat 16Y2"?c13:' writer.'desk.heiehi, 30's wide x
, Brown, green(' gra V deep. Flecivysteel;;Olive-'green dr
„wino:,,,,„,Ne..2els' $16.75. Cole,qray 759 $39 95'.
1,111()14 S -IT
one, 141 _or 142