HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1959-01-02, Page 8SeeTTIF. IWBON OSITOR, SEAFORTA, ,91VT: JAIslUARY 2 1059 First • RESBYTIERIAN CHURCH Bey. D. Leslig-Elder - --• -Minister 10:00 A.M. : Church Notices Mcgillop Charge. -Cavan, 10:Q0 Duffs, 1.1.-:30 Bethel, 200 W, H. Snuirtierell, Minister. Chnrch•-Sehool an4-Ye:11th ...NEW YEAR SERVICES 11:90 A.M. 4411AS LIFE ANY MEANING?" Music - Senior Choir Anthem; "Create in Me a Clean Heart, 0 God" _ .... „ (Mueller) 4:30 PAT. . --VESPER 'SERVICE-. • • "BEIGHTHS AND HOLLOWS" !This is thefirst Vesper Service of the Winter Season. VISITORS WELCOME EGMONDVILLE UNITED CIII.TR:CH `DR. J. SEMPLE', Minister Lyle Hammond, Organist and. Choir Leader NEW YEAR'S EVE SER:VI 11:30 P.M. 1Viedication: "LIFE'S LAST THIRTY MINUTES" Close the Year. With God -In God's House • NEW YEAR'S SERVICES -- — "The Great -Hours Of Life" :- 7:30 P.M.• Special Subject • "What SPUTNIKS Told Us About RELIGION" - Plan to Attend the Week of - Prayer, January 6 - GEORGE ILENRY SNOW . '-George Henry. -Snow, . London-, passed away at Victoria "Hospital, ThnrsdaY, Degernber- 25, in his 80th Year:: Mr. Snow vvas the father of Fred Snow„ aOcontitant. et the rfe• tonto-Deininion Bank branch in Seaforth for many years;and now Manager -.ef •the Elmira' branch., . Snow is surn--iie-diclif wife, .Ethel -(Rice) Snow, :and twe sonse, Harty Snow; London,. and Feed.. Snow,. Elmira. He .i5 "arse survived. by two bro,therSe .Williarn- J and Stanley W. , Snip*, .London, and. three • sisters, ^ Mrs. Bert (-Mary) *Mergane :Ostrander; Mrs. Wesley; (Dorothy) Payne, -and'MrS. MilIle Egland, London. •- • • Reitingat.. the, 'Needham vices 'Were conducted on Monday •with interment. en ' -.Forest "LaVva, Meredeiel ,Gardens; .. „ mns. IciVER -.The-esticiden-deatlie.--Oecurredeat- her •residence, John' Street, .on Tuesday' - of ,Mary Catherine son.. Wife . Peter: McIVere. 'She; as in her:68th Yeare. lyletyer, was born in - Killen. and attended schoo a S.S. 1\i'e-87--S-he7Wae,Henia,t-ried-404-41:•!- McIver 'on • et Coltim.b art , •and ' has been test.: dent of Seafettle about '25 .years. 1: eide her hisb:d, ehe is -sme ViVed esix ;:daughters.: S. :t offin,- Toronto 'Jeanne, 'efehn'.4yriglit, Sarnia.; Margaret -MeIverie Kiteterter Ter- esa, D. Morrie.. :Tinsel:1e Iiaiid She was. a, meenhereef St. jaines. •-Roman-Catholic: Cliarel:rian.d- of:the CAV.L: and AltareSeeietyeEinieral .arrarigenten.ts ear eine ?here& of the Cleary • .Enneral Heine, Funeral -services are incomplete. • WATSON & REID - General Insurance - Phone 214 : Seaforth - Agent: JOHN A. CARDNO GEORGE II. MILLER • TAXI SERVT-C± Insured PasSengets 'Phone 149., sEA.Foalu IMEWV-Ce •4, .13egiips. Toi.elfth " , (Continued frOni Page. 1) gave a' statement of 'road ' reanre facing „and the -,bridge epregrani, eArried eaut, ' • • . Herbert WilliamSoecalled the past year --a fri1y successful -One; although taxes had gone -up. The tax • -change resulted from the el:deride account, which 'exceeded theexPectecl.earnetunt, -hee,explaire, ed.. He felt the township spent WO Ind& money on chloride and grav- ely -and not -enough onetheegrading and working:up of the: „. ' ,NOt.lpfornied of. Teet: • J.•.M. EckerteeXPlaining the rea- son' for the -chloride "error, .told 'the group that eitheride is -purchased by test 'at, Aictilletatburg where the elteniioal, is loaded' 'Ordinarily; he ttin,neit .:..,:tIle-L.t_cihnianynf arms- -the: townShip :of the test and 'e if it, is high,, it is Spread. thinner: HMV, ever, thisyear they failed to de' thiS, 'the Cheinical be- Ingeapplied too beavily' 'The. chairman -upheld. the; Use of .Chlbride, eexplaining it resulted a saying of gravel antl-. mad & the -surface .- althea likO .pavenetaf ter continued* AlSe- • Reeie; •Jewitt -SPeakingebriefly;e'Said-probleni87iif: '1Vicicil1epWere -miiChettee 'sameas these . tovvnaliip In. flUllott .however, the.,ratepayers.,.Coniplain. ;there isn't' enough, ,cliforide need on„ the roads, . he said, iii Mg WaS,.beirig used.• ;Representative; -front -,the Shin . town - to .• Seaforth • District- . High Sehool. Board, .„.-.Gorden. .explainedthe,.'neW pr'llgrani' being carried .0iit:byt:theeteachers at ',the, fist .ef.;,edueating:',,,at, the Seaferth '-:.liastitutiOn,.. he ,H SMUT - Wee' $560.jDer 'ptipil ,per' try and. eeable tea eliers,tee-evill'ent the "laz,y''....Students,': each qUired-te,take.An.',19..!teet,-•:•and from; that test ,n estimate .can be' _SteeletiVs SsibiLe AtkS.If !.e.•'.• steidentef .11iS • 1114.r1: near that , the .beard eirieniber!.j continued,the. teachers ,that: student, .1-IeWever; said;. if ;a: 'student 'just -;slept' . ;:. his, seat thereWasift .intieh-thee-boarti.cOuld' !dee as. a; student is entitled' to five Year's ' school edudation, un- lese!:lie• ; 'Rough .Roads .Sievi Traffic Commenting IiiirneurpnalY..onthe reede, .:,Mr...•11/1eGaVin wendereedeff, the:ripples- 1VIcKil1ep ..roads were there to held the,.chltiride He'eaid..eftere.s.esielerpad, but, a ditional:tne senth 3foo.n. one Ws- .driver cemplained of : the. Work. :ie. teqUired. Sinee...SnOw-Olonre! smilliee . ree044e4 .Of •the reads:I, Referring still.',,a',prohlem.*-One of -061 . Neeni4eno.Cameron who repres .-to.'his- trip ',this,. etinmef; difficulties . the end WAS eents the township on the board of Gavin. torenientedethat -cnbae .that snowplowing e was not seat:. Memel/eel, Hospitale told of --iaearthe": el#40:Cee-tce•-'-feWiise --Len& P•I'et"e'd"2.early.--eiroughtixr--..-the ,ne4e-•.,echoolS.;„!.. holes e WaS! hard to eerte.eti .sinee.the.eiem:eh e.ee feeene,the hospital were. left en.- the •: roads '.npy Start eg.grem.idellie, and -1 eee James -Doig coa traffie, and. he telt that the and,. it weStiq • e,Ortireen tett .60 council the;„„i0b that in the MeKiliop road,..inaybe,se,iesie- sense' .fet „thent!".tel go :direetlY was. doing He said !tliat. lie „ed tee:. aeine purees the , est end ,. ec,-. scareer 0,,,Reev.e .Ttettoning.,...-toe4lieetsttidente,POPT :±77PiStu-sr9ing.-iii.ad. Werke Councillor .!.Fese-a-e-xth--et Geeeeiee:,and felfthat Thoinp son,- said (nag $Q0C1:' :.j eh. 'in- his -Prebatien:and,theeheaiftWonlet.haye• ,oenrii.-01?,-''Tue,ker'snrith: reedi: Were, epeeiene /pore'. ehetild be to beck the .staff to.'„itia.e...fhis'Imitch :better than the • averageon roads, :and:, the •§9oner. .14.ro0o1"0-.-Weerkeeseut.,,,. If those '110t" etopPing ,was , Completed working: Wer&e'expellek-:etfir .07617$inf4te.ertfetit,-; weeic .done ; 'et, - me_..:thonghent. the .‘ehole.:' eye -tem, ethe -for new school wet:Aden-et aZi beectge eeeet . Hof e SOdeet maintenance s te• Weill& be, in. the iniinediateefuttire, he. said. the.SPeaker ...said., that the :eentr4a., redeeede • !In'cOnelueien,'Mr:YMCGavin told- 1'5d been by:',Joeeph T.' Hugill: •H,Reeeeeine weck-'4e- 4 niche.. the 'meeting:he, thought the cOuntY ' and that he had done ,an excellent ber7ot::;,the .Iforren'''Children'S 'Aid sholdeualize the payrnents to ab The township grader tact- ace. Societjre':mr,',....,Doig, said that .-"the: the. 'District" High 'School ;At Pres,' co niPliSlied -a, great' deal- -of ,-.vidert !Cost .Heeee ; was 81 per -Child, Mit .pays dnring.'-the.'"x:e,;.40#•'; wiiieli'WaS"Stilistatitiany.lewer:etivart. third, Of !I :the .ceStS; the ' 'largest 'Mt.eThoMPSOtt. .-tribt_kte to ;!the .inanY.: Other ., Centres • • ..shere.iti. the district Seaforth Pays, eeb. was being. don.e.li,grid-,..1 • . onlY•1.8741; per eent,' he continued -:ee,-.operater -for -'Allan..:1slieholserie • ;fainters, race . Diffieulkies ,anc,,gOts' the -benefit of ,the. znan that knOves his job," "FarnierS 7a1.76: corning -through -a • hig:ef rsalaries by .the teachers 111 be Refetritig '.the" .cortinle- more or' leSse. depressiOn.,periode". the. town ,- . While eMeKillop, gets: , tion e the donstinctien, prograni he • saidOur .costs - are op: and our nothing.. blitetheichication.. ' . on, ;the ,..,..CYBrien Sideroad,-.:,--Mr." -returns ;: on "'fartn. litoduets ; are . AS-the9. Meeting -drew to : on the reppllecle".gn incident •32 advised that care be Reeve-Betieriname was qtiestiOned 'years ago when he had been stuck. taken hi completing any financing frernthe floor regatrling :the: markonthat sideroect with a hoe and: involving ,fiXed charges ' that would Mg' Of,,, bridges, 'HMte. Beuerrnatul 'eutter „ It, had been -neeeSe.aeye•lef cry from :year to year answered.. that 'signs had. been him 'Id tranni theemile,by foeteaied Dolg, arged.: that: stePs' be then • to lead the 'horse back...and taken to have a .technical school forth' hefere he,. -12VAS able; , te get , established .Huron ,. which' Would, nut; with th'e-. cutter.. . • 'have the :effe,ct redlicing. at - Warble: Hrly.:Pregram '.! ' e'tentlance, ,at district schools e since ConimillbreArt Varley telet, tli,ef at the ecneels there are .nianY meeting of the warble. fly pregrainlpenils- who wou.ld be hest • suited ;and, Said' that 3,891 head had. been for: a technical educatlon..He .said handled on the 'first. spray, atull there waS .Provisionfor the federal' 3,006 onetlie second 'sPreY. addi.- -government toassistiii7.:eetebliSlie, tone- 720 head had ,been brushed, ing such a school. e • , Net . cost :of the' prograin' : was T.Iteevie Harvey Calm ane; Sta,n- $151,27, Slightly -higher than the. leyeteVenship; brought greetings.. as previtinse,YearadL.reaultad eeSaidetat_tee,selgee,..4...High.Way...ine. from aneincreas,e, to '15 Cents- per to Tueitersmith:". 'He ,suggested. head.e.in spraying cots, ,. that. Stanley coulcl.fake sonte ered: T§chotils Maintained. , In his: :report Of the school "area, ersmith, ecilmoillOrs,' since' -the. ChairinanH.Ress-eForreat..s.aide_the, fathers; pf two*of. the -Present. dotite4" board had ..fellowed:.elong.. with a.. Cillars had sat on tlielStaiiiWbotin: program'Started SeVeral.years ago The... tithe ,has Coinee' Reeve of:- .ino.dernizing-eanderedeCorating Coleiriati When .,logat.Councils the scheole,„ This Year the- claSs- and school 'beards should .putpres-:* roorn at No..4 School,was repaired- sure .on ...gOVertiMente : to' ,Provide :and . redecorated: Bulletin- 'boa.rds: satisfactory:, grants ''.with • •-•reepect, have been • placed in 'several class- to the censttuction of gyninhsiums roonts to 'SaVe the walls froni dam:: • and, auditeritims, Stanley .pays. 91,1, 'age, The:Class-rod/if No. 9 per -cent of the cost -of Clinton Ciel - Scheel' was .repainted, . a. new ail legiate,e lie' said. '• furnace ' ifistalted and ' cupboards - RevieWing the work of the Area Made ..in the :teacher's room • to 'School Hoard . the ..chairmaii;.-..31fr: 4nakeaddititnial room. Anew ehim.:, Roberts, wholis Secretary of the ney4was bolt at No. 5 School to heard, said thatthe mill rate had 'eliminate a sniolrepipe that ran been held ..at despite the the entire.lengthef the room. Some rising, mete Of. salaries "arid sup - book ,shelves ,• and a new -back plies.-- This had been .possible only doer were. added it Nd.,2- school. ewith,a "planned .program arida co- Eginondville got some new doors operative, board; -The lack. of re - and eonie inside decorating. presentation tiern a partiehlar See - ...Mr,. Forrest said'.the big , :job Von does mit -.result in that. section, always hiring teachers; 'This 'year being...-_denied'irieeded Work,' he We hired all our teachere; 'except $aid, aS-heepoleted- out the devel- ene,r-Avitie a Igiee $200. Mr. Art .opment.-that occursinetheeotitleel V'hilayson came to the Senior mein Of persone2:who- offer theinselires. at Egmondville to ; replpee..Mr: for , muriicipal Service, In anewer MacGregor...We 'feel. that We have bee a qnestion • from the -floor; the a .very geed staff and' have •been airman said that the .elergy re - pleased with the. inspector's terve fund,b.onds. were. still being reports concerning thein," e he, held by. the tOWnship: and the rev - said. . • enue derived from them amounted: "- -This, year the :Of Grades laSt year to $672. Referring tc1 Egs 4 -to' 8 'were taken -on e, bus. trip MorniVille scheol; he said that , the to the •Detroit Zoo: The pre-sehool, additiOne had been. conipleted and and •sehooleage. 'fatinils were treat- Was entirelY paid ..for,. -Without; an ed to „candy. at Christinase , inetegse tate; ! :The -speaker' paid-frilinte., tot the- wOrk clohe 'by . beard mernbers' helping to promote .PrOgressive ed- ucation in the township. •"I also feel..that this .,township .eweS our ,secretary,..Mie Roberts; • a :great deal of'. thanks' for .-excellent leadershiOr. he -added:, relationn. haVe been slack but we finally. got official, 'word that No. 10 School Was.,Ceni-' ing into:the area., It IS My sincere wish that this board will Make you, etveleOrne during the coming years; -and that the 10%er-unit will aid toward a' more efficient operation. -4out.Problems-will riOt.be solv- ed,, hitt eo-oPerate! with .the board and 'work along With:- the titiSteta that aSSigned.to.loOk after you't WOMEN'S' INSTITUTE NOTES • Conimi#ees, for .the Seaforth Tete stitute :euchre jannarY 9, are as., followSe tables and chairs, -Mts. ':Eltien."Kerr and Mrs. Gerdent 'Pappleee- MiSe Leslie' Trycee, Mrs';James -!Keys,, Elliott;'"' tench, committee Mrs Roe§ Gordon, MrS. -,Gedort:elgace Ke'nzie;': MTS.. -Scott, Mrs. Jack Keri; dishwashing, Mae Plillebrecht,,:.Mre.. ;Graham eKetre Jezi, ;KA} j, , jea) -•„ . May your track be:clear to welcome many 'joys and happiness in the..1 Ne -W' Year ' GREETINGS TO CUSTOMERS AND Pi4E:Nns WHITN FUNERAL , BULANCE:,sEO.Td-g, Phone 110 a,fOrth:- SA Ss SA SN. -,.. • ref rrei, .ehr ere*, Tee tree ref, ee The Universa WEEK 0 ..TUCKERSMITH RATEPAYERS H'EAR section." , Iteferring to the .7 mill3evy, Forrest said we succeeded in hOld- ing the 'same rate -'0,s. the last two year,-' bat -felt- thateit inuet be IP:. creased for .the emniii4g year, He felt that erdinary operating exPens- es got a little Out 'Of, .hand and felt that it Will- be quite a Chat - lenge te the iteXt.,:board ,to sttid"y all ine Sineere'effert-- keep• thee operating cost a cm.a. as cpss-en sasi sngl ri4'- 8'1 f uct nha et. 1 Is is' :tale° ii-oSawnns, tLbthrCefliwrille WiiSli'Cgriollmrririiehnflyt.e'vvsdINpoufreili School board trustees Chester si-fria.:.-A4. Casts leading to approv-.. al being 'given 'f�r ..construetien _ef • 8e,t'oauxindc,il,.. a'afin,cld ; • rnindicatedest WhhiPteliouse, the -Mae ,had been boree bY., Cempariy, costs of'a sipir;-• R'613ert ma'achian Robert reel?e we., one, Genunell, who: were neminated meriting on the, ternaries, tee ch--ye--e,-scliouHruSteese • George Falconer, the tOwnehip, man said, they ' ernphasizedethe ex; tent 10 which to:Wnship and comity, rePreseotalive of the Clinton pis-. businr each ,y'kl,a• Was bee.0414.:kg trict Collegiate 'Institute Board, of the extent to which educe - /Mire complex. e As the Problems tPicl ton had become big business. Cost beearne mere complex,' the men who rePresentecl their felleW 4usttuction. at, Clinten was e00; '.-trarisPertation $20,000, main- zene grew in etgture and in their problems stc:1")cale6aitryintgo:'wheenddis eantdfieb' ote_ tn. $:1111i;e1.7'..w.0$010-;.611:101-a.'0e0e.iiPrrnellies11;td:h7;0P0e:111-1_.a.." The ieehey followed 'with respect 1 :caPital Outlay $7',500',. for, a total proposalarid 111 th,e 1o1Iowgig, year tlie con,to add additianal..aceOrn= At,the-present.tline.thete- pVclecs•sttoiiiroirlig-t yeereta-1-1.te°selead, 7wthe eede{5.1117ec'eete.Ciiii:gilerill•cripi'llree°e11_1: :',614WineOdrd. pupils and stnti.(11:1Y-CaPacltif' for, of .potential gram. ."7-01.4..cotjfig, students had indicated that .1 by -been---done last -Year ,. 1960 the. sch6)1::P°Ptilti°11 w°:(11d ocmlinillar Frank Falconer ;c-wei_ be 600; and-tlile--aTitelliale-rdde7. mental err. the..e.)-04iient,i0h :tionel accommodation for 1661.: had township efficials. Were deiina,-,,Hltve ft?enbirey. piaroevxidpendrieireetricie.:.diniatoeblYta:inDip.ifg- agreed that there . Was , qualified teachers, he said He sometime's in the PulDlic realizing „fi agreed that the preVince Would not it was 1nown )UstAhiSi, 'but aS a 'Member of .1.191,1e.,,,,fi,...t.icch7:1,,Fa-s.,. pay a, grant. on the construction .of gymnasiurres auditorium8, vvh-en. by the ehairmame (Continued from Page I) council had .entered intd an ar- rangement with the Seaforth Lions Club With 'respect to the Lions Clul3 Park, 'SQ that the perk would- be eligible for a provincial:capital grant. There was eni liability at- tached to the townsbip in any re- spect, and responsibility for main- tenance and, upkeep of thee -park continued to be that of the Lions The township, acquired addition- Le--.Referringeete .the:, O'Brien: ' side- ..- - See Attendance' Increase„ 4t.,cli -.a' said that it' h .e.1.11 „,.13,6..clee6.1,1r,t; fi.,d., completed,be.ni s.D'rriihse. .11g.i.:.;rids,hg;r4t!mresiennttpapthrt47,:e4:: said p-Adde;'..t6,:obtairr'an !.additipeaL,Fed-' ,tbat .. se4feeth , expected: 4...,,pee 'eralr ,grent ',fermi the .goveininent. Seheol. :pOptilatien ' ,•.irie -160......alsb.. ,.t.ls),...1,ii.f.p.16',,tet,,iiie,-op-;eisbtl6e..`eari,.),,,mb.Ut.iy..vt,,,liai;t.:;',..tvhS..;.,AleN,..higein.....eacetect?.....m.„-.e.e40-ecie4otititiii-e;!:,cepupled,:,!.tt.afike,6t, necessary.- On the road Jo diiig f rein .' careedf . the ,!--,Peelte.-!it- maybe ..that Nee .4-, eHighWay;,.,..Pastetheein aineg ate.. ,thiSe7Willenete be POSSible*,..Mr.:-'-Me---- to.*.itCAF:StatiOneyClinten , and he ,eetneh ,10.,,,,,th,e,-.,0....elecci4l geeeeee ;felt thafaiet*i$.$ion... ahould; te_gly- merit', should assist ,vt;rith •the ' Con-' ene..idetheeDepertnient,.pf.'N'ationaleeetencteenecregleree.4.flee aceiteeteehea Defence s,to..car.oi:., ,".0.4t.--.tlifs,..-. work, ..-since they 'PlAY 4 Vital Tele in the Aleney''doesn't, Mean .as . Much ,to, -school operation..... 'In .40.0y of the die, goVernment. as :it does 10 ..iia einereaaing: cost fee .,e44ektioii:: he .ting' the. tt°tivh the .sliiiril;p'''.1piie'clapiocliii,...3:clifogl.shte-': fineletri.:.J°e,c)hettihlt thhe6lPf..eociiietr ling:°e't'r.soettir%- weiktoYbetter -hatiaritag'e.thart. the faglion., with the cot' of . education' towbsleitaiii.,..Lbrusli.,-rernevnl . e . , , . • had been' con-inlet:6d' tte .-ease.,.-.the-iload4on--4eaT-.-eatatee- alorig.:•whee re. elle i'.The''.'toWaship. .,tepresentatiVe. on EDDINGS • itovvvona...,so.tivo. ..kdouble. ring eeremeny. .wasper.:. formed in WeeleY .United ;Church, Londen; when: Sandra, elder .dmigh- ter of Mr, 'and,Mr.s.. Ross Sairauger became the bride • of Fergus J. Rowilande_yonnger_ e -sone • of Mrs. RoVil-aUcle.eofe Kitehenere rand the late-iToseph-Rowlaild:--4---- -The bride was .attended. by Mrs,.' Fred H. Savauge, and the' groomsz x-narr was Mr. . Jantes Austin, of. London. Rev. J.. W. A. 8tirtion officiated: The couple , will 'reside' th Ltenden: , • • BEECII-:-PROWN 'A pretty wedding -wag ,solemniz- ed in ..Egnionclyille U.nited on Satiliday,•Dec. 20, :at I:30 xerne t' -heir Rein, J:Semp19"; in, inister-Of the church, united in inar.riage Jessie 1VIaee daughter ofand- Mrs.. James 'Brown, ' TuCker,sMith„. to Barry Hubert, Beech, son. Of, Mr. and''...Mr.5'.. Hubert 'Beech, Hyde `The btide Wore 'a gowh of white .a. matching ' bolero and lily . Point sleeires, 'She carried a white Bible erested -with. red 'roses. . Miss.. RuthBroVen, of ' Seaforth,' . • • • , cciusin .of the 'bride, was brides- -maid. Iferdress was • orchid, in -oelereandew-asesitnilar -te-thateof- the -beide'S., • • - • . Mr. 1_,atry .Hodgins, • of' ,Litcan, was best 'man. 'Ushers were Don Muir and ,Glen Beech. , . Drgs.nist Lyle. Hai -ninon& aceome paniede, 1/.1:rs. Ray 'LeS,,ivho sang , '"Vredding , Prayer"- and Walk Beside- You,"- • reception: *as 'held ,at the Orange Hall, Seaforth, with 1Virse George Tunny, Mrs, Re James Wrlvliaenege,•and. Miss .Slairleye.',9:Leen , .s ,.. ' 'Among the, guests were • Mr: Rey Beech,' •tlie,..gre-o,ins grandfather;,1 Mr . James Beech :MrS. -Hi-ridging - and. Glen. • Beech call. 'Of Hyde- . Mr.. and. Mri . teeCh left mit a trip-, to DeAtborn, Michigan, ' the brideee ayelli ngeeineete_blueekon.1._ ,diess with tiveed Coat and black, [• ccessories.. 'Oe...tiheir. return they iiurretide 'near • Luc ae. ' placed on all bridges- in the town- ship.,-tbut that. following the first. 'Winter not one sign remained. 1. , , 1113611111111111911NM1011511-1 _ FUNERALS. giamenuisli ...morpassitafic412 . . FITNER4 OF MRS.. ARMSTRONG _ .Funeral. •Serviees 'for Mrs, Mat- • thew Armstrong; who passed. away in Stratford, Were held from the G. A.,'Vhitney funerale-home-dif Wednesday, December 24. Con- dueted 'by Rev.' J. "C.- -Btitteri; 01 Nerthside -United' Church,. tempor- ary- entombment was .,made inethe Clinton Mauseletiin, Interment will be made in Burn55 cemetery, .Hul- • Pallbearers were' Howard Arm- strong, John Armstrong, ; James Armstrong,: Fred AnnStrong, Tom Pryce and, William Rogerson. • Java/40th 9t TUESDAY, fith" Ernonthille United Church Guest Minister, -Rev. D. Leslie Elder WEDNES., 7th Jan.—St. Thonta.? Anglican -Church 'Guest Minister, Rev..J: C: Britton THIJRSDAY; 8th Jan.—.First,PresbYterian Church Guest Minister, Pr: J. Semple la.DAY, 9th' Jan. — Northside United" Church -Guest Minister Rev.'J H jamas- Thne: 8 p.m Offering taken at Each Service' tinder the auspices of Segforth. and, District Ministerial Association DON1 MISS THE BLESSING the castle ht my soul there is a little Postern gate Where, when I enter, -I. am in the presence o God. When 1 meet God there, all lifelains.a neW EV. C. Pe, PEACOCK TEV XMLE Presidn Secrtarr , What a man gets out Of the world today s depends largely on -What he puts into it. tUCHRE'.'A DAKE. Sponsored by Senforth Women's Inditute ..sig.A.Fqkru COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th at 8:30. pat. , Nonnrs oActiggrna._ tinie" h provided ,1•0•••-•••"1"." and '14ARCEL -SERVICE An. Dasengers Insurvd PDONES: •CECIL DAVE " 676 675. . - +FA PPY NEW and .trugL -.Hart Phone: Sei41011# It's poSsible that a college edu- cation doesn't always, pay, but that don't release Pop froth his fiti- ancial obligation. ,ZION• • ,-Mr. anr1VIrs;A6ifRey and Mt. and Mts.' Charles Roney had ae-theiregnestsefor Christinas, and -Mrs. Lee. Ihrerham . and fam- ily; Denfield; and ,Mrs. Andy. Park and' family, Mr. Geo. Ahrens. and efainilyealt..ealisi Mrs..., Bert Tubb and 'Lloyd. „1, „ • , • , Maey Malcohin with • Mr. _ancl..IVits'., Rosa Gordon, Sea.forth. • Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lam -Arland • furliuly ,With 'her parents, Mr.; and James--Bronghtone--Atwoodee. • -Mr. and MrS. Norman ,Staidalte ,and family,- Exeter, , and -Mr: and:, -Mts. Len O'Rourke and danghter, Vicky, Bayfield, with Mr. 'and Mrs. Herb 'Britt.one, , •••_. - Staceyeeanal,-Moivet, - an4 'Jaek „StaceY -and _family, ,and N.J.; a.nd 'IVIrs. Lionel ...Strath - dee. arid fernilY With Mr. John. Perrin -. T -Mr. and Mrs'. Geerge • 'Robing -On and Mr. and' 1VIrs.21Mortey Lannin and family with-111re, and. Mrs. Harold ' eVfle-and !Mrs. LaWrence .11annbri, Mr. and Mrs. Archie IefferY,, Mr.. and •Mrs. -Spender Jeffry-" and farridy, -Me. eand Mrs Ang,ue Earl; Mr.',.," -and • Mrse Rey Hannon and -familYe and Mr. and' Mrs„' Earl ;Barker and sonS. with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Buslifielcl. • • • ! ancleIVIrs. Glen Pepper and family, MX." and Mrs: -*Geo. Moine, and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Lawr- ence Barker and .family and Mrs.. Balfour' and Dalton With Mr. and Mrs. George , Pepper.. , !- • •• 'Yfte- . and Mrs: Dalton .Malcolm and -eens with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr k and -Mrs. Lloyd. Barker and family With ,Mr. and Mrs. Leslie • Mr. Howird *right and Mr.' and Mts. .Perey e- Wright and family with .Mr. and 'Mis. llois-,Vepper, an 1\r. -S4-ek-Nraraut her parents, Mr.. and 'Mrs. -Ritz,' also -visited his' mother ' and Mr; and Mrs. Harvey Hyde 'Wed- nes,day'eVening. . --Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence. Barker hadas their guests oneSunday,,tMr. and :Mrs: `. Alvin Williams.- -and datighters,'"of :Burford; Mr.' and, Mrs. Lloyd Barker and -family and -Mr. and 1VIrs. Earl Barker and '" ' Mr. and. -Mrs. Dalton ' Malcolm and sons attplided the Gibb Christ- mas- party in ,Avonton. on.SundaY.' . Mr. and Mrs., Bil Stephens and sons With :1VIr:'-arfcl- Mr's. Morley 1?Liarnthndinay... an,d, - -celebrated :GaYle's Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney .and faniily !with Mr... and Mrs. LOslie- Wihiarns 'On'' Sunday -,4- e•-• Gerald Ahrens visited a . few days \7.iirKm.4t.h.ery.iitt$hh..:i...g:m:•yeal.o.,:os,,iinins,.,, Ci,sal,,,s':Iglna0:11,4.g.an.d.: a 'few days. withS his aunt. and %nide: Mr, -and Mrse Clayton Sheldon St. EGM(INDIVILLE NE OF trjEBC 'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Houston and gue'st for the weekend llifiss Vera on, of AYton, .visiteel during 'the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hothston. and Miss Frances Houston. ' have verreatnutiMed.rfsio' rnliarrawyee'week's ilarid holi- day with their, daughter and son-in- law, Mr,' aneMrs, Ernie Ce0010?: of Kingston. - . add Mrs. G. -11. ICeyes,-;of Windsor, were holiday -visitors Kwietyhes.his, _mother, Mrs. Nelson Rey:, Andrew H.: and Mrs. -Mc- Kenzie and familyof Acton,vis- .imteedLawchitili..an.Mte,... , .ThomasRobin_son anti-' family and, with 1VIrs..11ugh Visitors with Mrs. .Tarnes Finlay- son on Sundayethe pecasion, of her -ntlfbirtkedaye -were Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr,Fiulayson and family, Miss Jean- -.-„Alei,cander -Mrs. Charlotte .LindSay, and' 'a "number - the- •rieighbors. • ' -Visitors with Mrs. J S. VVatSon were Miss Jean :NTeatson, of Toron- to- ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Albert Clark end -•family, , of Muirkirlte Mr. and Mr.: Don Andrews, of Clinton, and tyrie.,-„..!,a7nd elleenetyeemil Laura 'MacMillan,...ef _Tee ronto,.Whois spending ,tbehdTis at her 'home' here ehas as -her , . Palnier, of Toronto, Miss AnnieMoore, of Toronto, spent the holiday -with her -broth- ers and sisters-in-law, Mr,.. and Mrs„Andrew -Moore and Mr. and IVIrse Harye.y M . oore. • Kindness is one' -thing you can't give aveay-it always eomes beck. • Theelather of a' little boy _gave' im a c1011ar for his birthday. The- . boy spent the afternoen going the'. rounds ef the tradesmen , and hav- ing- thein change the dollar, first into silver, then back to A. bill, and. so .on. Whet the father heard of ite. he inquired the reasen. Tell,' said little Sandy, "soon.- er or later somebody is going to make a mistake -and it:ain't _going - to be me." ' • Thee.luniberjeck was looking. 'in the . haberdaster. WinclOW ewhenee , the owner came out; Pointing., to a. stack .of, gaily colored pyjamas, bee,: asked: '.' . • • •' thein?"„,: 'What.are they for?" ;--.-"Wirjri.' yen e wear ,!themenig .,y.Artt:.to .4T -!'`f.He 'irights'exceptete - • AdMis sicn 92 50 nar conple "by invite tam Persons:*?ii§hing .inviiOttons , LEASE. CALL THE' :SC HOO WEDNESDAY, .2' a.m. At SepfOrth-.,. Community Centre ;SPOA': N110,S. ER, AR, iFs'0_46-4;:tHcliWEO,s,-44;E rRA:i.INST.117/72,..0. Horns and.,Novelte8 ADMISSION 1 00 EVERYBODY WELCOME'. OAPPIO;; '1'41414' •A`A xecutors eid Estate. TS NER-AL INSURANCE AGEN to Affective January. 1St, . 1959 We sincerely trust the present business associations Will be continued with r. dno NA Huron & E Bldg. London, Ont. p.O.Ch0.04. -:...0ENERAUN$VRANCV.APE,K• hom the: IA,.A..Reid -Estate, SHARP'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE' A. IC SHAItP Phone- 851 r Seat/alit would like to ase. each and eVery. Policyholder that 1 will do, in.y..utinost to serve you in the, same efficient mon:- ner..as in the past hone 458 SOUTHGATE hone 334Res.L540 MAIN ST. SEAFORT'H Successor to WATSON & REID General Insurance Phone 1 Seaforth