The Huron Expositor, 1959-01-02, Page 1One Hundredth Year
Whole Number 4743.
regle C6nie.S. 5 Cents
$2.50 a Year in Advance
,nsall M�n
radar lips
•" A, 46;orearold •HeriSalloared Mari
ivato,a1M6st • instantly killed early
Tuesday (,a_fterriboe near, StrathrOy,
when the tractor on Whieli::he •vvas
riding oyertulined, 'Pinning
.ehlerO RR 2,:Hens all.,
• father . of six childrexio died; before
•• arrival at •Strathroy General. 110s-
ital.' following -.the ' nifshaP about
1:30. P.m. He . along With ! three
:Oilier, area men, was , einplOyed
sIddding, logsin the vicinity Of
Cairngorm, , Omit all -Cirri"- 08. south-
west -of St7Pathroy, haVingy started. -
the jeb.•oply Monday." -• •
• In :Some rnanner the tractor;
:.which Mr: ,Koehleh. was haulMg
the , logs,. Overturned., The other
al en --7LeTall'clrthrii0 V Kippen,_F2rL
Sq1danfli.e.:OsaliO: and • his son; Don
lKo'eliler,ol-lensaIL working nearby',
!rtiShed to his: aid. and removed
, hini , to. Ito S nit '1, , where he was., pro-
' : noiniced .deed, • -
Born to ship, beissur-
vived by:"his wife,_ the fernier Pearl
Willert; three .Soris; Glenn RR .3,
•HenSall; „Den' and Keith, at•'hodre;•
,aucl.' three' daughters, '• Joan, Mrs.
Arthur. Mcoalinini...SeatOrtho.1)iane
thid Liiida,;,, at :hnirie-o his: mother,
two -
brothers, . Harold; -..TOOrito, • •and '•
roi'ICenneth, Huntsville; two sisters,
Mrs. Allen Craig, Toronto, and Mrs:
•Leonard rb,Parr .Line.. •
Ile Was a...nieniberef the -,Zruricli •
..kititheran -:Church.... At ',press :time.
frineral., arrangenient were ,inedna,
• 1IIF, • JUD CiES- „, ad, a eman ", tasks theY,'eXamitied:' the. • rri all y aferth :riesidenees
edJO as,jotCo,- determine ti-,eowinnens of ...the Chamber Cooirrierce prizes,' There •_-,g.zere , o
so oriany .cleserving- a prize it was ,hard to decide, according" to Mrs., Stacey and,Mns. Ivan Ben,
•_son, ..o.t"-Mitchell, -who-judged the residences: -They.'7Were accorrifenied-en their rounds by J. C.
Crich' and. Cliff' Broadfoot, of th: Chamber of' C.ornnierce. Firat prize was won by Mr. and Mrs. ,
13ousSey for the decoration of • their ,James ',Street resicience",,, Mrs: F. J. Beehely,
G,oderich Street, Was ".second, and third' prize was -aWarded, 1r. and Mrs. W lli Dundas, Vest St.
-' • "(Expositor photo by Phillips).
s. Jas. Be
eceives On
Oth Bir'
Mrs. James Berry, widely known
A Brucefield district- resident -ob-
served her 90th birthday on Mon-
day. A patient in Muir Nursing
Home here, she is in good health
and is up and about every day.
The birthday was an occasion
for her friends to call and extend
congratulations. She'• was the re-
cipient of many congratulatory
Mrs. Berry, the. former Frances
ilarlton, was the daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. William' Hari -
ton, of lgeGillvary township, in
Middlesex, where she was born
December. 29, 1868.
In 1891 she was married to
J mes -Berry and lived as a bride
in ' 'Fuckersmith. Speaking -of her
.first days in Miran as a bride,•sbe
said_The Huron' Expositor was a
weeklY, visitor to their hom o She
has .been a constant reader
since. '
Later, Mr, and Mrs. Berry -re-
sided in Staffa 'for a time before
returning to Tuckersmith. For
some time Mrs. Berry had lived
in 13rUcefield beforecoming to
- - - _
Mr. Berry died 35 years, Ago,
and an only son, William Berry,
died in 1933. - -
Mrs. Berry is, -a member o
Hrucefield United Church.
ckillop S.S.
Is Presented, With
Expositor Trophy
'A feature of the annual Christ
MA concert at S.S. No. 4, Mc-
Killop, this year was,...,the presen-
tation of The Exposit& trophy to
the school. , Emblematic of the
achi baying attained the highest
ttumb r of points per pupil at the
1958. Killop School Fair, the
trophy s placed for annual com-
Chairman for. the program Was
Alek Smith. The concert was plan-
ned by ,the teacher, Miss Arlepe.
ay -
Miss' Sheila" 'RoWatt is . spending
the.lholidays,,in''.'0Wen: 'sound. • "
A. VVestecitt,
spent, Christina's ,,Day :an& .Boxing
Day in Stra,tford. -with;1Vrs. 11,.[.,0,r
'Weber:. ancl.ltandlY, ';', •
McLean, of Ottawa, is
Mrs. F. W. Wigg spent Christmas
in: Ottawa. _ •
'Mr. and Mrs. • J. ILTGrant and
family,of Waterloo Were visitorS
ai Seaforth;
Mr. arid Mrs. ,Frank Pearci and
fjnily ot Torpnto, ',spent Christ-
mas 'with her parents, Mrand
tHrs. J. M. McMillan.
Mr, and Mrs, E. R. Cosford_ and
family spent , Christmas in;Strat-
Mr. `and Mrs. G.' T., Flewitt, Mar;
lona-rid Fred, of "Brikerirl-Farm,"
TOckersmith, visited ',the latter's
aunt, :Mrs. Nancy Middleton, in
Hamilton. ' '
C ersnlith
ear Reports
Efripha -wasr, placed ' on road
maintenance during 1958 in Tuck-
:ersontin Reeve Ivan Forsyth told
Ate.ratepay.ers.aS he addressed the,
ineeting Which -followed the close
nominations Monday afternoon
.11-1-:.86afo'rth.. Where' as in .previous
Years', the "o,VOrk had consisted :in
the -Main. of bridge constrnetion-
during -1958 •rnuch. ordinary :maino
tc-narice had' been done ."which,earia-
ed 'a smaller' provincial ' grant than
-as the' :case previously: This re-
-tilted in additional local costs '
•Chairrnarr. for the meeting WaS
W,,,P." Roberts, who was named On•
r:m,etion of Reeve ",Forsyth and for
irreer..-reeVeT,CliarteSTM- acKa.y.
:' • Dtiring the year, '12,000 yards of
gravel- liadbeee:Tlaced on tnwrio
.:ShiP :reads" at a cost .of 64 cents
_corn:Pare& dentso-in
1957 Reeve'ForsYth said that this
Was the best price that had been
Obtained in Several "years.", .
. Reviewing the, coMpletion of the
paving, program, On the O'Brien-
sid.proad't67..rserVeoRCAF -Station,-
Clinton, the reeve ...Said. that .tlie •
program r Was:. neWoetimpleted and
had inclnded,,'.'"Crinstruction Of t - .a.
bridge,' 'grading:4,, laying of ' base
.cOst. Was $49,000. -Of • this aindunt,'
.a: grant .of '$f000.: had been, 're-
ceived : from*".,.'theot--FederalL-Govera---
estimates prepared- Itl"-tlialf-time.
The Provincial grant amounted to
,37`000 and thenelo'cd-st,'' to •the
to vl*Iiip ..\ • slightly over $10,900:
As a .result • Of the Trelieet., niain
"teriance. on. the 'read was nil and
traffic, which had former1Y0traYel:-
led„.ainrig thesecond concession",
was..noW. Using the n'eVrtnad aS a
direct '-approach, to NO,Tel-HrighWaY:
. Mrs.' Mao•Dorrance left Tuesday Preston, and Dr. and 'Mrs... john
for- Oshawa where She Will spend, 'Carrell, of Hainilton. spent Christ -
the winter :months.' , • .mas :with Mrs: Albert Hudson.
, .
CO:all Is able to be 111 Stephenson, ' ofo Toronto,
out of the hospital -after having -spent the holiday with, his inother.
.suffered bad fq, in,.the, Mr. and Mrs. • Gerald Weber;
:rner'-tiMe.',.. •London,' Spent theOChrisimas. hell,
'Miss ' JUdithr'.(4ierV,in;....911""L'O'nu0-1-14' . witlio,Airso...Webge.S..:parents;
. .
is. a guest at the .home of-II/fr. d
. _....
a- Mr. and- Alf's.' J',.- "A .- WeStcott.
-Mrs. A. Y,'3/1pLean. . • ,
, 11/Ir. and IVI... rs. 'Robert Smith. .Mr.
Mr --:,---and ,..Mrs,._L: F. Ford spent,
- ..---- • -. -,-' - - -• - . .ilobert Smith , and .Miss Mae Smith
Christmas in Weston. . . • - , - , ch . - ---- --Dif
"ere ristmas . Da' guests of T.
Mr.- Neil_Broadioot, ..Toronto is
h. - ' • e Mrs. 'George Smith,:
,spending hob., ays: n.- is par- •
Kits' 1VEr and: 1Vtr•Sio.Cliff Broad-
.- •Mil, -,and -Mrs.. Clare Wea-tcott and
familY,'Scarbero,i spent the week -
'end with Mr. and'•Mrt:. A. •Wett-,
Mr. , anct, Mks. 1" Either •Larone
pent Christmas in Weston. •
Mr. Neil-Heattie, et Toronto, was
a Christi -nag visitOr at his. home"
: Miss Vesto COnabS and 'Menno
Jackson,. Brussels, spent Christ,
maSk wi Mts. Leo Stephenson.
and,`Mrs:' Frank Pennebalo-
er, rs..,Clayton Martin ,and'.Mrs.
. al" of Clinton; 'Mr. and
is. • Irtibert Hunter "atad.113:oSs, of
and, Mr.' Wilson Hawk-
ins, of MeKilleP,' were Visitors at.
the.borne Of Mr. and Mrs:* Lew
Tebbutt, • :
!..• Mr. and Mrs.--Ernett: Geddes. and•
Mark spent •Christmas With. their
Son and daughter-in-law, Mr., and
Mrs. Steifart Geddes,- London,
MisS : ---Faullaier-•--,spent-,--
Phristinas. in 'leitehener and Galt.'
"-liars. :Elizabeth left Tiles -
clay toi•spend twCrinpritilS with. her
sem Lloyd Dinnini lif"Detroit.
Christmas and,weekend' visitors
iWith,Mr. and Mrs, Joe White_were
Sgt. ,and Mrs. 'Leanne
and 'Vaster ' Busseller
Chainbly, Qtiebee, also James; Ce -
'Norman _and 11,Ilis Margaret,
:White and Mrs. Greta Lee, . of
Milton: -7,7 ‘f"
and 'Mrs.:„Harold Crinimings
and far -hilly, ::Stratford, spent ChriSt-
roaS with his parents, lyfrLaxid Mrs.
, JOHN A. CARDNO; who this
Week,ptirebased the Watson &
Reid Insurance Agency here.
The salt, effective Sanitary 1,
was announced by Canada
Trust 'Co., on behalf of the
executors of the „estate of the
late -M. A. Reid.
. Mr. Cardin), member of a
pioneer Seaforth family, is
widely known in the area. He
had been associated with' Mr.
Reid for ' some time prior to
big death last summer.
REEVI DN 174. trcinK.O.ffwPh.,,i"-.;:aTil'ideoe.,:iyieoenFtorso..y.,;i'tIdvtiC,ay.:1---
'" • Reeve Reuerniannbegins his twe , - ,
Were , retiiined -by. -'acel.arn a ,
- 'entering uoofirhis .thircloyeanrras, head -of the tow,nshiP.,.
liad the effect of loweripg the'
iss Bella 'Wats° ihasntenance on the se,und conces-
sion road.
The , township would be faced
with a decision in connection with
a request ,from , Clinton . District
Collegiate Institute for approval of
debentures to provide for the con-
struction Of an addition to the
_school.. The debentures as recom-
mended ,totalled, 4328;000 and
would 'result in an increase Of 2,5
mills in -the township,- ceveridg
construetion costs only. „, , This
airfourit 'did not take intd consid-
eration additional maintenance or
spent Christmas With her. brothers,
Messrs. ,James and Robert Wat-
son, and other: friends.. ,
". Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Govenlock,
Waterford; Mr.. and Mrs. Blaney
and -family,. of Sirneoe ; Miss Joan
GOvenloak, Toronto;. Mrs.. M. H.
McKenzie,- of Oshawa -,' Mrs. 3: M.
Govenlock, of Clinton, and Mr. and
Mrs. j. K. BrOwn of Toronto, were
Christmas • guests of Mrs. IVIae
1)orrance. ,. • , . , •
- Miss ,111,1argaretoPatrick, of To-
ronto, srient the 'Christmas holiday
at the' homes lof her brothers,
Messrs. Jack and, Robert Patrick,
in Tuckersinith: •
Miss' Peggy ' Willis, of ' Deep
River., is spending the Christmas
;holidays with•her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.' Fred ,E..,- Willis. ;" :
Mr: and -ars, John McQuaid, of
St. Thomas, 'Spent Christmas .with
his' Mother, Mrs. Joseph McQuaid.
Mrs. Mooney„ of VIasseY, visited
her-,-ingther,---.1)/Irs- F. S. ,Savauge,
'who is ill in the hospital. ,
• Miss Grace Krauter, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with Mit. Angus
MeQuaig. • ' • -'
Mrs. Barbara Dale and son,.
Kevin,, spent Christmas in London.
, Miss Marcia`,IVIerner, of Zurich,
spent the .Christmas holidays with
her . grandparents,- Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Holmes. - '
Mr.' and M. George Andrew.,
Billy,. Betty ,-and-Ruth; of tong -
wood; Mr, and Mrs. Alan Wan-
ner, of Sarnia; 'Mr. and lyirs, Tony
Shulman, Marcia, Marlei•and Bev-
erly, of Earibro; Mrs. E..I. Pym,
'Miss Marilyn. 'hickey, 1M,r, Sohn
PYm„ of Exet t,' and Mr, Robert
Knight, of Kitchener, were Christ-
maa.visitors wi h Mrs. Ruth Knight
and Mr, end1 rs',. Thorne-SA:relay.
Mr, Frank asaCeli • and*his ss -
ter, Shirley, l'n Belle River, visit-
ed Suntlay- a , the borne of Mr.
Amos' W, Corby.. - , • ,,-
'Miss Vickie, Dunn and kiss Lois
Smith; London, . are spendinghe
. t
' - (Continned On Page 4)
John Cummings. • •'•
Dr. and Mrs, L. J. Matthews and
Jane, of Detroit, spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. -.
.Mrs. W. Free, of"London,
spent the 'Christmas holidays. with
Mr. and .Mrs, Harold Free . and
IVIary Dodds' and.MisS jean
Turner,. of Toronto, spent' Christ-
mas with Mi. and Mrs, R. B,
Haines. ••
'Mr. and Mfs. 'Frank llolyrod; of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.,Barber
'celebrated their501hwedding, an-
niversary. - •
Policed by OPP for eight ars,
Seaforthestablishedits own police
force on January 1'
Don, Brock and Mac Taylor are
aniOnk OAC students travelling to
orkla in 1925 model fire truck.
Mr. and Mrs., T. W. Williamson
celebrated, their 47th wedding an-
niversary .
January 10
M.P,P. for Huron, Thomas Pryde
Passed away on, Sunday,
Sandra Doig and Merten. Keyes
sleeted presidents of Seaforth Jun -
ler Institute and Junior Partners.
*Mr. and Mr.. 'Robert A. Sadler,
Staffa, celebrated their 95th wed-
ding anniversary.'
William J!.. Duncan passed away
in his 74th Y.Car:'
January 17
Rev, and Mrs, D. Glenn CamP-
bell were feted at -farewell cere-
Oliver, Anderson was ehesen
chairman of Seaforth District
High Schad Board for 1958.,
Council will pay off balance of
$4,$00 for the floor ' Of Seaforth.
Ceilutunity Centre.
Miss Sandra Doig brought hen -
ors to Huron County as she *placed
in fop finalists in; public speaking
• Jarruary-M
• ,
Reopening of Canadian' Order of
Foresters' Court at Constance saw
30 inemberS initiated.
W. T. Tall was re-elected chair-
man of Seaforth \Public- School
Fire destroyed a brooder house
and, 500 baby chicks on farm of
Vincent I. Lane, McKillop,
Stephen, reeve, John Morrissey,
was named warden of Huron. Coun,
-JarniarY 21-
:- Mrs. Agnes Baird, Brucefield.
'celebrate her 58th birthday. "
Robert S. IVIcKercher was tiani-
ed first 'vice-president of trnited
Dairy and Poultry Co-operative.
Seaforth curlers, Frank
ass i
Norman -MacLean, William Caitm-
bell: and William Leybure, capture
hinters at Listowel bonspiel,
Rost Corbett; Ilensall., receives
20th seal for regular Sunday
School. attendanee0-•• •
. • .'" February 7 - „ •
Jarries R. Scott,. Seaforth, has-
been named urganizer for Ontario
Liberal Association.
sRobert 'Kirkby, Walton, lost fin-
gers when dynamite cap exploded.
Agricultural Service diplomas
were -presented to Mrs. Frank
Storey and Mrs, Joseph Cirtimt
Fred- :Marshall, agent,
'leaves here for Markham. '
Mac MeKellar completes -50
years of serviee.with the Canaian
National: Express,
Margaret Elgie, Hensel" Public
Scheel, .won -first prize in 'Spelling
Match in -Exeter. -
Manager' of ,Bank of Carnnier.Pei
William Stewart retires af-
ter 42 years' service. ,
- Natural, gat- will be Made avail-
ReeveJ an Forsyth wes"returil- •
ed by acclamation for his third
term, • but, Tuckersmith . electors ,
.will- be called -on to select Mem-
bers•of ..the council and area•school
board , a result of -noinieations
held•in'Seaforth Monday 'afternoon.
About 50 ratepayers were in -the "
hall during the hour in which Clerk' •
. ,
P. Chesney received nornina-
Akin's; and for the public eting that to/lowed: -
• Seeking council seats are Loul
Clark,. Jr.,. as well as presen
CoUnclilers-Elgin Thompson, Vic-,
tor Lee, Frank •,Falcoiter and Ar-
thur, VarleY.
'Seeking re-election to the chooi
area board are Trustees Ross For-
rest -.Cleave Coombs ai*,,.:Chester
Neil. Also "seeldng a pri 'on., -oa,.
the board are Ernest ,WhiteheUso
and Robert -Gemmel'. Robe.
Lachlan, who also was nominge
had not qualified at 'the 9 o'clock
deadline Tuesday, night. -
Voters will cast _their ballots' on,
Monday. Polls will , be open from
---NOridnations .aS folloWS
.,-For Re e•Ve-
Ivart l'orsyth, by Robert:: Gem-
mel' and Charles Eyre. '
For -Council—
ArthiirTarley, by ,Wiliner Bro
foot and Wilfred 'Tremeer. '
Louis Clark, Jr-:, by Vern Alder -
dice and Ernest WhitehouSe
. . ,
Elgin Tlionipson, by:Russell Dal-,
las and Gordon,. '
. Victor ,Lee, by .Arthur Varley. and -
,Frank Falconer, -' ,"
Frank Falcoritr, , by - Victor Lee
- = ' "' • d th - up and Lloyd Haney.
toi remodel. -He also tol e. gro
wiWithe'Ktlieill2friPa-eniriecrtl°irirs-wsbhiq-dwit-e'ted.:44a11:1-ihlii tl at- unless the County, •ag,reed-oto F r., School . u b .
affairs bad been, run during
-past_yearitly,ec,ciannmg bonolidthineg rewmasodcoairisg„e a; the old ErPest 11Thrth°use. Y l&erli ..AI
cil,apdreeve ior apother term,
at, trap.
___the_s_ :ould--u-..ut ,get- grants
, :,,., ,:c.1_,:r_r_c_i__a._ re mer
,..._. Rccs:_rvancodrrRernsotbbs,irb_byy.-I_LZouffirsercicgoToarrre.k.
on iNeiii iri 0- Kha n i rn le: ann d:adnominationBtati:ohyn.ed:powauaanenntarci:ei iWl. vv, il,a1 laisH;sti iherarue:feePorvilm-. reeve
.vpnon:!, whether - ' c could o'_Qn lurne . sbt'tite: it
eat et. aw.t fromaaaisnsdfae atre
the ; tlahbatterrelasioefonir. ‘sjt, , : five-
ar_t, 1 n'vm,t actrnoe. , a, n-endobGlennearntd1 \WIE: •LIIIaBell.ecrh1aa d fb 5,°, : t R.. 0 b e r t
Ma twelfth term- ' . road committee, ovef-the three-inan u'. eRrbobffleVit *:Gallemci mChelall,'IbesyR3Orbeeri Mc
For ReevEr:---Datr-Rellernraalli-hP -B-eoermann expressed -his fetiMg Lacchbelastne_r'oan:lofde,:A,,:bati:RooriFsbis: J. Forrest
newies; for Connell: Jerry Doerr,
by Charles , Dietz and- -Mervin that the 'mad committee, operat-
ing with almost a million dollar 1 ,
land Mervyn Falconer.
' b°Deirte i-; \i': T \ r'l ''SA'd.- iril liallr rsre rriaA:11:, hk:BY• mo-awnalnricbayn;;Laililuileil_rsl. -thfelflixvripieeteeenemdill:et-9umsnirpelb'ernedhrsisai,1?g7l:mheril:unechB-I'oelltulhr:irrhsmYca0hbninaunc•lt,-1!Afew. s - - —
ton and -HirVeY ' cfaig;' 'and Sd'll-L who had voted for the change, said an
JVLP eer,Cclyilr.' Dalton.e'liyOrville, i' •S'°r- e Y",:', ail'91 iflieoevordt'eedaf c)crotTlite-,;ebeelttlesre' wiWattchh°'ugthilet
-. Following the nomination ineet- finances than_ _only tkree. .
ing the annual ratepayers'me , e ratepayer expressed his: eel-
\avsa s chhealidrcnwaint,'--Colveerkr. Ji0M0 :e.risE cektaerrst 1_. thathgOP-
the road expenses were
attended the meeting, the highest so -high beeause theY were build'
ing V eiT expensive roads. He won -
,number attending any such
Interest Saving '
During the year the township
disposed of bonds aineunting to
0,000 'on the_.recommenclation of
.auditors and. the department, in
Order .to rednee the bank loan.
Further savings ' resulted from the
fact that the bonds had been,draw-
ing :interest at 3 per cent, , where-
as the township had been paying
5¼ per cent on. .
verSion of bonds held in the school
account 'resulted. in interest 'PaY-
ments- being increased to $886.25.
Referring, to-, county matters,
Reeve Forsyth said that the Maier
Problem, facing Huron isthe,carrk-
ing out Of tire.readprograire Which
last year • amounted, to around
$9-00,000. Admitting -'that ' the ex-
penditure was a vast. phe, he in-
dicated it 'had been 'made:neces-
sary, by increased traffic andloads
Which county' highways were being
required to carry, IfYcliided in pro-
3ects , being 'Undertaken thet
county is the ,completiert of the
„deVelopment read 'westerly from
Blyth and the 'expected. construe -
don of further accommodation at
the County lloine, In initial %pro-
posals,:_advanced the.NOVeMber
sessfon, provision had been: Made
for 222 beds, at an estimated cost
Of $1,300,000, -However, -this was
considered to be larger than was
required, and the -plant --were re-
duced to provide ---about 2oo- beds.
The construction of the accommo-
dation will result in a substantial.
saving to the count* in costs for
indigent. patients,_ 1-
Use D. New - •
The coutc,,,,) had earried out-cer.
tain work within the'toWnship, par-
ticularly a n/W bridge in the south
end. When the steel' strike had!
maae. it impossible to obtain ,re-•
. „ .
infocing.,steeT, a new type of pre-
stressed reinforced. cdricrete dech
had been instilled so that, the
bridge could be brought into use.
This was the first application of
this partietilar construction meth-
od in this part of the province,.
Reeve 'Forsyth said. - • •
Iteferring to the problem being
experienced with rabies, it was
suggested that if the difficulty con-
tinued -it may be neeess,ary to
adopt ' a by-law' eonfitir,ig -dogs:.
Reeve Forsylh, "who is a member
of the Huron. County Agricultural
Committee, paid tribute to the job
which had been done 'by township
residents, Bob Allen and Bob
FOthetinghafft,-- itr -bringing honor
both. to .thenitelvet add to the
townshm by winning champion-
ships in provincial and internation-
'al eorupetitions, . •
- No Liability ,
Answering a •l cluery• fro the
floor, Reeve Forsyth said that the
•, (Contitilied on 'Page 8).
able to Seaforth residents in fall.
. , February 11
Seaforth ratepayers will pay tax-
es -in." two instalments. ,.. -
Mr. and, Mr .',Ered Adams. cele-
brated their Oth • wedding anni-
versary, -
Louis lVfalon ,y had a narrow 'e -
cape from death by asphikialion
when overdoinehY inmes• '.
Mr. Robert -Archibald was •eleet-
ed President Of McKillop nutual
Fire Instirance Company.
' February 22 - .
The Huron Expositor is awarded
the Fairchild prize for best use of'
pietures during 1957 by an Ontario
Mil. John L:Smith will celebrate
her 93rd birthday on Sunday, •
Elston Cardiff and William G.
Coehrancr -named , candidates by
Conservatives and 'Huron Liberals,
respectively, in forthcoming elec-
tion Herbert •Coonilis retired from
Robert ,13ell Industries after 43
years' service, "
- (Continued on Page 2)
dered if it would not. be 'More Tea:
ing in. this area. this Yeat:. ' sonable, to build. less • expensive
__Reeve Dan Beuermarm outlined.
activities' of county ;council during toads; and more of theta' •
the 3, -,ear; dwelling on the commit- , Ignored By CountY?.. . •
tees. on which he had served. The „Try Doex,r, the it,st, erehhe.znier
Ilurori County Health Unit, up to ,t "
to speak, . also referred to the
vember' had sipPrit $t911,7e94btiodt'gies`' little help had -been. received f
county road system. He said Me -
qstimated, $72,650. He pointed out xj,, p
, Ito roads were -well-kept, but
that it WAS •expdted
the county. Over. $3.6 000 I
..-for-.-"-next-- year .WOuld • , be ;about
Largest road . Work during :the
year, , Mr: Beterinamt told .-the
group,., had been the, 7.4,pr. onthe
.road from Blythe) Walton, as -Well
briclge„.„ he explained Lto.. , the-
me:eting, was contemplated ':iiver
the CPR et. Blyth on the. new de:
velopment. road, •bid the, plan,
drgvi;.0 'tlie county engineer,
hadnot-reeeiVed an okay- from the
CPR ,OffiCials or the Department;
' _The, bridge " would
form a part . of the deveropment
road from Dunlop, and which vill
_eventually reach the Perth 'County
road -to ,'... Morikton'.
'at the bridge program
-Will Cut Plan
Plans for a neW Horne;
eriginallY .containing .247 beds,' will
be Out to 191; in an effortto lower
the cost of erecting the new home
from; the ,.erigirial estimate. Mr.,
Beuerniarin explained that the •ac-
coMmodation ,Of the Horne at Pree'
ent WaS filled and that the kitchen
Was ad 'Olisolete it "would be cottly
the County fr.oni 1VIcKillep toWnship
for the highway ,rate, ho remind:
ed the meeting, but this .-year .-611
..they 'received WaS a bit of chloride
and a bit Of snow
ploWing and not.
; The Canadian Girls in Training
,and the ;Young People's- Union held
their annual vesper service in the
anditorium of Duff's United Church`
Sunday evening. The .choir doft was
decoiated with rows of
lighted ,. candles and ever -green
boughs,' interspersed with colored
lights. A Christmas tree „fornied
the' setting for the front• of- the ,
!clitireh. ,
. The elmir entered . the 'church.
,singing, "0 Corrie,,,A11' Ye Faith-
, ful," with, Miss Audrey Hack -well
even a ' "Sprinkle of ,gravel We at the ' organ. Miss Mona . Clark
'we's irr;charge of the service. which- -
'opened' with the Call to Worship
and -`hYmn, • "0, Little Town „ •of
'Bethlehem," .f oliowed y the . scrip-
tpre reading, The 'anthem,:' "I -
Heard the Bells," Was sung . by
Miss Donna Smith,"was the first
candle -lighter, This' was followed
by prayer and !`Gentle Mary Laid
Her Child.",,,,Rose Eva '',13inick,
Larry Kistner .aid Barbara:1-10Pa
of • 13rodhagen,' 'sang, ,',!pring--
Torch ". tinder the ;direction
•Miss 'Audrey Ilackwell. The offer-'.
'Mg was received by...Don ,
Herb Kirkby and."Neil McGavin.,
' The story, "The' Shepherd Who..
Didn't 'Go," t•was - told by \Titter
Uhler. `.`„The Evergreen" was sung ..
.as an'alithern, after -which:all ' •
ed. in singing, "The First NoWelt"'..
The second and third candlelight-.
•ers ' were 1Vlariari. !Turnbull • arid
Shirley 13el,ger. After the•-lightlig,
of' the third earidle all the COTT
Members. repeated the can, Pur-
pose. "Silent Night,Hely' Night"
was sung as the closing hymn, at,
ter which the benedietien.,WaSr-pro-
-I, :flouted by 4ev. W. T. Thonnas:'
Mr.- and, 'Mrs'. 'Jerry Cardiff< of
Kitehener, were Christmas visitors
t the home of..11/fr, .and Mrs. Viral -
ter .Breadfoot and Mrs. Fern 'Pat- '
Mr, David Kirkby, of Ha/nil-ten,
spent !Christmas 1,vith his grand-
parents, Mr. and 'MrS. H. B. Kirk:
Mr. and . Mrs. ,Tani ,Johnston,-,
Gregery, :joy and •Judy, of 'Essex,
and • Mrs- Silas. Johnston, - of -Olin-
ton, spent Christmas at Mrs.-
ston.'s. home itt th'e Village. -
Mr,, and Mrs, Frank Marshall.
and Susan, of North Bay, spent.
several.days with Mrs. Luella Mar-
shall,' 'Mr, M. Fraser and other
relatives. • •.:0 '
• Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rennett,
Gary' and Joan 'spent Cluittmas
Day- with Mr, and Mrs.. MerkleY,
Mr., and. Mrs, Lawrence. Marks,
Of Exeter, were Christmas xisitors
at the home of Mr. and,)Mrs: Rus -
tell Marks. - •
Mr. and Wirt. George DiindaS
spent several—days-- with -their
daughter and son-inlaW, Mr, and
Mrs, David AndreWt, Parente, arid
(Contintied on Page -5) -
wilt haVe., to •••Werk a little harder
to 'do- something about ,this," he
continued. •
. The engineer- doesn't seem- to
seethiS area," Mr. Doerr Cot/dud-
ed. "Other areas -get hot mix;
cold inix, 'warm, mix, but all :we
get is a lot of 'snow."
, Much snowplowing haS'been done
so far this winter, Sain IVIcClure
told -the meeting, and.ieveryone
seenis to be satisfied with the job
being dorm. ,TO•date, snowplowing
has cost the towri1hip.$8,473.42, but
this includes the plowing in -the
first two months of this year --
'Although 1 was .•a bit green at
the 'start," William A. Ryan said,
"I tried to pull il bit of Weight as
the year* pregreSsed." One 61 the
new members lasVyears' Mr.. Ryan
••• (Continued on Page 8) '
, , .
MRS. MARGARET WRIGHT,' long:time :district resident,
te'red 100th year on New Year's Day. In. the 'rhatiet nurs-
ing since the death four Years .--ao of'- - Mrs. - Margaret,:
-White, with .whom she had resided, Mrs, Wright -is '010 to be.
, up every day and is in reasonably godd health, considering her --
years. • ,,,