HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 17ris#rnas 'friendly joY� s�..the:.seasonwand - all 'its friendly cheer brighten your homeat Christmas and - •L abide with you all through the year.- This i5 our warm... hall.' day wish for you and yours. • CI ;OWN HARDWARE Phone 797 Seaforth Now is the tittle for all good boliday ;Wishes: May we - wish to all. -our friends -the, best of health and joy' for Christmas GHRS�IE'5 ' 1VIEAT 'MARKET Phone 58, , Seaffrth ERRY CHRISTIMAS' The- loyalty of..; our ;many friends gives" to us confidence and much promise for the tu- ',ture.. We wish a Joyful Christ- ,mas and, uceessful New Year ,to all. FRANK KLING• Thumbing aitd ;Electrical Contractor ' Phoner19 Seaforth Ma-jr" yours be a holiday over- flowing with happiness and good ..cheer. LETIIA'S BIJAUTY :SIIOPPE GODERi1 ST. QUEST phone 779 • Seaforths. veryone • It'$ always a p eaoyre for us, to wish' everyone of our friends a Christmas and New. pear .filled to overflowing wit hap - Thiess. SEASON'S GREE PINGS! 11!_E, CLARKE' Reliance' Gasoline and Oils Phone145.. Seaforth May your home lie filled with_,: the Christmas : spirit; ;.may . your hearts be filled with good cheer,- and may., your every dream come, true' -this _happy iipliday CLEAVE'S B -A .Service Station Phone 592 Seaforth +: No ..Christmas- would be com- plete without an expression of. the.war,rnfeeling:that-we :-have -' for our many loyal and appre- ciative friends; A Merry Christmas to -.all! ' SMITII GROCERIES Phone -12 Seaforth Into every chimyney ;of 'everr home • we're dropping a Christmas, package:: <of'. testyuletide . wishes for 'everyone.. SEAFORTH 5c TO -$LOO STORE ELMEIC ii,ARONE Main. St • Seaford .:BEST WISHES ! .to one and all for a Christmas and New Year -... unpre- cedented in joy and -wish-fill fillnient! DORIS'. BEAUTY SALON MAIN ST. 4' Phone 373 Seaforth Bright as the stars;: and sweet as,the sugar cane on your Christmas Tree are our wish- es for you this, , holidaysea T' 1\T IET 'J. 'D 1VIIL O h ws.' Prna.Co n.:.. Phone 647- r 21 Seaforth; rris '1 ition Morris' township -0u0i1 approv- ed the addition to Cluiton District Collegiate' Institute at their .Monv. day :'.meeting. At the same time they reappointed Mervin Bichlno MI to the .Clintox4-Rlgh.._Schooi._Board for 1959,. Also appointed • to boards were William, King, ' Wingham L High School; Clarence Martin, -to Sea - forth` Nigh;. School Board. They ap- proved payment of $60 to William Elston,', -the representative on 'the. Wingham, Hospital- Board,'for at- tending meetings- in1958, A grant of -$75 was made to the '13lyth Cem= etery_-Board. L ' .Because of =the rabies epidemie, elaylaw`wa's-paSSed-hy :they-11+,Eorris> group stating that. -all dogs. -iii -Mora- ris ' township` must '.be tied : up im mediatelq:- Following the council, •.meeting;' Reeve Bailie. Parrott entertained _the -.council :and officials to a din- ner at the.iome of Mrs Ivan Mc: t3, $8;,'R. Duncan, fox bounty, $4; Twp. 'o£ Grey; duu ping • 8roilnd, $29.93; Town ' of . Seaforth, '.deben- tures on ,high school,' $391.41. 'Production -Cost .- Farm Forum •-T-pic On the first of December, 400 of Canada's Farm Forums -met to discuss. .the third national .topic,. "Tbe Cost of Productialr -- '4,352 members •attended they meetings.. Eighty -four -per cent of • the fol.- ums, or. 341, -agreed 'that' -they' Would bepreparedto accept at -ay. "erage-cost=of-proch etior as-set-'•by` -som:e_, national body, •' instead of their own cost of production. Only 27 groups; or about 7 per cent, felt. that ;the• standard cost would be unfair: -to the small producer: - The 341 forums who would- are - Opt' a standard -Cost (if production; had .differing :ideas ;on, the -body who should establish this cost; 143 forums. or 34 per -cent; would .like to see farm organizations establish the figure; 78 'forums; or 29: , per cent, feel that a board of arbitra- tion cauld do a better -job for both; the -fa}mer• and the consumer; 52 groups;- or 1.3'. per cent, want to see the government, farm organiz-' ations- and co-ops represented on, the -board' which decides on a suit- able cost of production: Finally,: 37 forums, or about; 9 per cent, favor ;governrpent and farm,:, organ- izations working together, if such a• cost of production. is to be set for- all farmers: A .few groups expressed feeling' that no fixed; cost of production should: be established. They sug- gested instead; that low floor 'pric es be: continued; that controlled' ,production„ be considered 'and, that: co-operative farming be undertak-: en. ' • The consensus of opinion appears to'b"e ~. :-'"Canada's=forums=would, accept;a Cost, of production :figure ix it was set, by` an impartial board;` on which. their organizations were represented-; -along with the : gov ernment and; -co-ops..': irJoardwilllooma w� ■ �■ . A 1�1 Bills 'and -accounts presented for: payment at.:the 'Meeting included: ,County of Huron; levy,- $33,375.87'; Brussels Telephone, $8,753;45; Blyth Telephone, $1;962.95; 1VIcKillop Tel ephone, ,$127:20;- ,Mrs, I. `McArter,, caretaking, ';$25; B; Parrott,. sal ary,.;$300; S`, Procter ,salary $175;'; W. Shortree'd, salary, $175;' R: Dun- can, salary $175; -G.',Wilkinson sal ary "$175; G. Martin,;• salary fees; hydro fox • hall, postage, ;$735.87,; 1V., Higgins, salary, fees, postage and supplies, $529.50; . Carl Hem= ingway,Federation • of Agriculture, -$84,7:80;' Seaforth'•:- 'High, • School,. ,maintenance levy;,"$1,371,57; ham High High School, maintenance and debenture •levy ,$16958.751 -,Clinton high School mainterianee levy;' $587.89; Hydro Electric, Winghann, $81.93; . S.. Cook,, fox bounty $4.00: BlYthL Standard, advertising and supplies; .r$14:10; _B. Parrott, post age; $8 Blyth: Telephone, toils, $4:55 C '..Ifodgson;. fox_ hQ tity $1;, R -.'' .Duncan, fox ',bounty; $1; relief accouiit, - $15; Municipal .: World,, supplies, $2.38;' A:`F"raser;'attend ing ,court nn voters' lists, :$7.24; A. Oakle ; wreath -$1Q 75;' �%ilIa e of- Blyth, division 'court rent, $20 G. .Sloan grant to Blyth .cemetery;, $75; Willi;ain Elston representative on hospital hoard;'%$6o, W. Bewley, refund, of 'takes `ori lieu e, $11.31,' Robert J. Yuill, refund Of deg- tax , Brussels Post' contract, $180;- T..'Miller livestock- valuator $3.10; :Prey -m al Treasurer, insulin, $3;40; Judge• F.., ringland; . voters':. lists, $12:56; Blyth .Fire 'Area, ;fire calls; •$79:; County of Huron, .collecting taxes $282;18 Advance -Times; -.ad- vertising, $10 20; T - Pierce, , fox bounty, $4;V Lightfoot;•:fox boun :To -everyone at Christmastime comes , joy of-givign._and 7 ' receiving. It -is our'. pleasure - now :to --,offer- our -sincerest - wishes for a "cheerful holi ay' to -all' our friends'"' ANDREW'S POULTRY 'FIRM • Phone -647 Seaforth blay this -Christmas bring to you. in rich abundance -all' the' "- good things in life `= and 'May they remain with you through- out .the New. Year: DEN1TIS. ELECTRIC (Now located- inkHarpurhey) Phone : 669 r 12 Seaforth tu O :OUR EMPLOYEES gas ern AND THEIR F;AMILLS, O OURJ CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS TO THE COMMUNITIES IN WHICH 'WE OPERATE AND TO ALL CANo►DIANS:. EHE TEEL COMPANY + OF CANADA "' • LIMITED MONTREAL.:: GANANOQUE , HAMILTON . BRANTrORD TORONTO r: ' Rt7lIOK 1 XPO Sf'f'OR swarort'. IITSBORNE &. HIBBER' MUTUAL FIRE INSE:RANCE CO. aEAD oniricg — Exeter, Ont.,' Frretddents . E:, Clayton coiquhoun, R.R, • 1; $cierice Hill . Vice -Presidents- • - Alex- J. Rohde,. R.R." 3, Mitchell DIRECTORS—]Martin Feeney, R Dublin; Robert G. Gardatex, L:R.1, Cromarty; Milton .McCurdy, R.R. i; Kirk -ton; -Timotily B. Toohey,-E.R. 3, Lucan, 'AGENTS—Harry Coates,. R.R, 1, Centralia; Clayton : Narita; ehell;. Stanley $oeking,, Mitellell SOLICITOR --W.- G. Cochrane, Exeter. - , iwart rotok at GOETTLER'S Red ,& White .Market DUB salt, ONT. ., He paused ' to.wipe: his eyes "And they have. no money` for pro= ceries. .They - ha'vei't' eaten -for 'days, neither her nor her .three children. But worst of all •-she ain't paid her rent in "three months and is .about ,to be evicted.: Madam, you could help if only to pay the rent=and keeps:the roof over their heads.", L "It certainly is nice of you to collect' money" for this poor fam- ily: Who:' are you?" -'asked . the housewife.. 1 am the landlord " -he answer • ed: GOOD—FOIL BUSINESS? • Exponents "of ' legal liquor .;outlets persist in arguing that such facilities. promote "good" tipsiness .. "Not Sol" _declared one.busi-' nessrnan in- a Central. Ontario, community.. "I. ani a .Pharm- acist in `a 'wet' town where my fellow merchants have the mise ;-taken`.impression, that`;tile liq uor'outlet is good for busing$. ?Tlie local hotel was closed fgt.-two weeks. recently.. due' to - • a_ violatio11- O s the law which;• _. hotel .proprietors pledge ta,- keep'.:.. My business. increas ed. '50:. per . cent gross' .during the two-week period and under the. same penditions as- those of the same .two Weeks the • year .previous, when; the hotel, ;was open .. . The volume of , business I am - .losing every week .to; the. hotel is cash buss- ness."=(AdVt y: Goderich. Pavilion VERY E EDNESDAY at 8.30 "p:M. Sponsored by Goderich ,Lions `Glubb' for Welfare'-- -- Admission $1..00:-- NO BINGO ,DECEMBER 24 or 31 Resuming January 7th HOW Medical Science GUARANTEES to CHASE'S COUGH- SYRUP OR TACIETS Another milestone for medical .. science -at last SAFE, speedy -relief;;from -irritating coughs ' due to colds or smoking NOTICE own of Seafor. 1 . i on No Parking • • removal, To facilitate snow,.. mg thee Streets of 'this;Munici .ality will be' allow- ed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m'. This order will be strictly enforced nac cord- ante with the Highway ',Traffic Act, Section g 43, Su bsectio'n 9. NOTICE IS :HEREBY GIVEN that the 1Vlala uriicipalty reson w111. not' be psible for . , - .y - dama-g es caus'ed to parked - vehicles --'gas 'the-- resin of snow :removal' mo:val' o eratons, ' D. H. WILSON Clerk, Town. of Seaforth at • KEATING'S PHARMACY . The Rexall Drug Store. 'PHONE 28 SEAFORTH, ONT.; niquInwin1HHimitIniii illIOR iltilifci • ,.....,,4 M. 4 t.. .. ., We talke ;this opportunity to extend ,sincere good :,v ishesl at this Joyous +Christmastime to all whomwe have• ; had the ,pleasure- of serving during the year. WpALDE:N,.' BROADF'OOT :. IVIcCOLL - rRONTENA.0 OIL COAT Texaco Petroleums Products Phone, 686®W Seaforth canto says: When' you bring the Christmas Tree home hollow These Rules' of .-- CAIIE and Christmas Trees .,are •filied with- pitch and resin,- arid--when-dry-_'can, easily ignite ands:- tilrn f into a roaring flame. -To prevent :this keep your tree fresh: and green, by putting:'it ',into, 'container of water, or water mixed with, sand > Cut the trunk .diagonally : at the end above original cut. Be sure. Water is �rkept. above the .cut. ' Ornalin eats On the tree can he dan- gerous,':.'toot :Don't: use `:,cotton or paper on the trees ,ui less"flameproof, ' Never use.' lighted `-candles , on .the tree,. otnearby., Keep ashtrays and -cigarettes away from the tree. ,Re inove piles of opened gift :wrappings. Da not place electric trains 'around 'the tree • ; - Be.sure the tree' is kept away from an open fireplace or heater. Check lightink sets for frayed wires, loose 'connec- tions and br'oJ{en seek- els. ock-els -• Don't - plug too : ..niany ,cords. into one. outlet If 'any extensive '.- wiring is , planned, call. • an- electrician.; ,• • cddn'.i.. :. try :to do it 'yourself 1':;' )vast. of all, ."Light -Out'''-• - ' When you leave; home, and when you.retire for the evening. p "ti r �G,• Tir REMEMBER ! • Nothing - can render- these displays absolutely"safe,:and that if accidents arenot to. mar the . festive season, ,constants vigilance :and care must be, exercised. 'To the Citizens -af ' Seaforth and District We::Extend •<Zest Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season S • SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE F: C. J, SIMS, Secretary., 40RN F'. SC'oTT,1 re Chief; 1.1