HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 12• Sine 180,,0; Serving the Community First Milled lled • at ;SEAFORTI , ONTAR,TO, :every Thursday morning McLean Iltos.: Publishers A%mREW Y. McLEkN, Editor SUB. SC$IPTION rRATEs: Canada (in advance) $2 5Q a Year United .;States ' (in advance). $3.50 a Tear SINGLE COPIES 5; CENTS EACH • : ' Authorized as Second. irTass Matt, Post, Office I2ePartmeat, Ottawa by iVteinber- 4Of-' ,- Canadian Weekly Newspapers: _.. Association ._ =AVC T-1-.NTAI(2t_ DECEMBER g6, .1958_ ;< Unto You 'Is Born This _Day, a Saviour Luke 2.1-10'reat • joy, which shall be to . all pea- k.. For unto: you is, bora this day in: se'`'da s: p :ihick is And' it .came to pass in tho , Y the City of David, a Saviour, w, that there Went out a decree -from, 'Christ the, Lord.._ And this shall be r . Augustns, ' - old-- -- : nto ou .` Ye 'Shalt -find 'the ��Caesar .Augustus, that. all Vie• w r a. alga u y • .. t (And. this taxing.babe wrapped in swaddling :clothes2. ; laould bs taxed, b. �-.:. » • suddenl:• �•�� , was' 1 ng ,r a manger; . And . y •made' when, C :renins . � . Y . , was first m h'• � there w�,s w'ith the :angel ,a multitude . • �overnor of Syria.)' And all went td:. ith •host raisin God,: b of the heav y P • be taxed,everyone into his own city' n Glor ; to .„God in. :the and .sang:. y .. And' Joseph also went up. froi i "pull- highest an.cd' on:earth peace, good will into... n.'� of the cityof Nazareth,toward:' Men.”. lee; out . �asss' as the'angels;' .• Jtidea, Unto. the city' of Ilavid, which ' Ana c �_ a �, eta p called .Bethlehem' (because he was , were- gone away ; from them Into 1S , he.,,:she herds 'sand .`tone to of the house and lineage',of:Da�id), „-.:_� heatierl,,LL•t� , . ,,- . __� . - •. - espoused er- .. Let. u _ now- go-even---u-MO-- e, o even unto— • With. Maryhis • anotli, ,_ : � ._• ., .... .-. 1�'. be taxed �'- hrch 1: `Bethlehem and see this°:thing_ vv, • ' ith, child. - :�- wixe, being great w _ } hath. s whic the' Load ha t • at 'while theY.: is;; co�Ile `tows , h� � _-- . And. so . it: was, h Y a. :.. �: -flier - - a e'`'knowi unto us. Aid' they there,the days were accaxn . m d wereY. ... ld be delivered.. cs me:.vtnth hn ste and f ou y fished that she con _ , , -., P ,-, , --- babe- in in.`a man- - . her _ ..., . ose. h ,and. the.. _ .. �y g _.; , 'they . . • And she brought fo rth her first-born . _..J... p. , . , , . .. , n he� had'seen-:t 'they .. him in a� manger � ;� .� _..And v�?' .. � � _ y , . , r _' and *rapped iia.. g �. --g' ... ... . , son, . pp , , . - Asa in: ,-which .- • ... . �r`them - -gradeknown: abroad the y , g cause there was. no room -them be ernin this -child. . was told them cone g , . iri the'inn. .heard it' wondered the same carpi- And, who. had, , ' And there •were,.,.rn, ... ,. ,,... . ,. ,. told'them '� ,t:those-tliil� s which -;were,,.,, 'sl abdin • , in the' :field; a g. tryshepherds g p keptall -she�' her_ds.<But Mary ._:. -watch over •thein, flock. by• :by the... p , keeping , , , . •... . gs, and pondered them•in ' lb the :an el of the Lord . : 'these ",thing. , p dight. :And . , ., g,returr- f her heart.. And• the shepherds ' n them and „the. •glory: a , .,- , cameheLord in and. God.' f or . about 'them: _ ed,glorifying- and praising , e shone round .. g . the _. ,,: ad :heard • ,s - _ -- 1 -the; thins that -they h ••. .sone a�rard , A�td�:-tlre a 1 , ._g _that- and they were- them "Fear not. for;,• and seen, a s'' it :was told MAO: angel said unto • , yongood tidings of The End. behold I bring Y �. � ,µ , U ;;.. ;w. j1 it , :;• I ;r11 r.;r�1, ,w. i ,,rryl urdr ,� , ,)e , xf3r ... •tl ..: `4 .5,.•..,h....5, eSa- ...Say .5a .k '.• .,y, •,,a .c. �_ .S, THE BAFFLES ' BY Mahon,e «1»' TO ONE A'1 1, ' v✓%r ya w aa..• AH of us of Seaforth Lumber Limited express Four friends and custom Our.appreciation ' to �°afl. ers for their toyaltyrand support during the.year. • SEAFORT.H:: - ...Buildin Su lies 01 p LuMber `PHONE 47 Railway Street vrl. ;r11 ✓w11;µ1r ea ort .4 1 u. t µ1i µ 1 lµ1i 1 µ 1 ,Sr u r dr 1 e�.Ei r �r"1 �e's«1r, . 1i e4)" •. ,� .. .. • �.. . �,.4... - YEP, NO`CQQi(IN6: R YOU AND NQ PI l #WASHING FOR EtTHF,R2 RELAX- INS HeW:'WA51 TO KNOW'TNEY DQN'r CASH' CHn.CKSzi a - N T Huron. Forums ' Elect . Of fivers Robert. McMillan, R.R. 2, • Sea - forth, vlras elected chairman of the Huron j County Farm 'Forums at the -annual meeting at 'Myth, Tues day, ;_ ! 3thenn.offieer&.and'.. directers_:are , vice-chairman, John. Soldan, Zur- ich;. past chairman, Mrs. Vera Greig, .Wroxeter;• secretary, Carl Hemingway, Brussels; township di-' rectors: ,Ashfield, Oliver Mc - Charles; Morris, Robert Yuill; Grey., : Jan Van Vliet, Jr.; McKil, lop, Robert McMillan; Hullett;,,Er- ic. Anderson; ':West Wawanosh, Theodore Milia,. East Wawanosh," Wilhain. Taylor; Godes eh- town slip, -Fred v-Loblx, Stephen,, Earl- Haist; Usborne.,'Louis Johns; Hay,_ John Soldan; .Colborne l4 i . Jas. Murphy; Howick, Elmer Harding. Guest speaker Norman_ Garroch; CBC fa •sin commentator, gave . a comprehensive ,picture:"of costs:re- .lating ;to farm TV programs, :methi- ods of'obtaming•the bes't'programs,, tiine-••elements and future plans.- He predicted more falai programs; =b, r early_ spring and an -earlier on fime;:.as of April 1 Car1I':Hemingway,--,seeretary- -of the Huron County FarmForums,'. stressed ,the need for ,better distri- bution.and marketing of farm ;pro :. ducts. r., Winston ,—Shepton, ' president of 'the -Huron County.- Federation . of Agriculture, ` said.' the' federation was'; strong: in : Hun ' County this. UNT Y PA PER g. ' ' year and • that one _ of- tkie problems. today was •overproduction Quash 'Conviction The court martial.=appeat board h'as, gaa'shed :the-:c'onviction of -for- mer RCAF . Aircraftman George: A `Morriee: on a • charge of arson. Nlorrxce, now living �zt lUl�edxclbe Hat,Alta:was: .convicted Tast March..h,a_vmg°set" fire'to. a..bar- rack block at ;RCAF Station, ton He -ilvas sentenced °• to :.•two :ears' in enitentiary'.: and to dis y • • r'ipn`theair force=Clinton. irixssal,f o Pws-Recprd • Plan• New...Exchange t Aubum�-commuiuty is. sb or .ly„.'to- haye� its 'own= -telephone -=exchange, which,, .among' other advantages, wi1L make. , private Imes pailable in the 'village. The w..;:aneexchange willbe established, by the "Blyth: 'Municipal -System Auburn district lids been • served.`by the.Blyth-sys trim :and the"'Tlurdi an`d"Kinross 1Viumci al;:Telephone System which_ P a dear ago bought out the,•Dungan non telephone . system :known as, the Goderich, Bural' , By the .new arrangement, the:li'. and• K••Sys -tem-transfersysortie 33'phones <•to the Blyth: system.-Lucknow Sen- RabidFox `rabies which The; epidemic of •lids :gradually ybeen :spreadinefrorn the. north cropped ,up m :Wingham for the first' time aast Thursday,•: when `• a fox:. that was apparently' infected waskilled_:iiear. the'liewer'. Wingham _ bridge The anima' at taoked-a•cai-driven by L-esHn Rey:; •nolds and fortunately...Was killed in: e .ani act. 'How.ever, it :previous: 'the p ly had _vi: been seen -the woodshed'• at `the home of Fred Ohm, on Vic- toria ,Street..., •The . animal : had ap-. . parently. been wounded 'earlier aI d had : •also• been in `contact ;with a ;porcupme,`,`a's its lace was' ftk11 -of- quills. In ': a normal: state a fox Will never attack' a porcupine. Coh=; seivatien Officer.—W,\: R...,:Worm-. Worth was called; -to dispose of the • ea-rcass:-y--=Wingliam-Ads.anee-.. Times _ :`Large Deficit . ,' =DUBL1 N The om 'Dalin, W— en's Instituter met. at 'theCharles. Friend for their December meet-' ing'..` The roll. call,. was answered` .with ; a toy fora child;—'Household: hints; were; given by_Mrs WiUiain: Std letpn_ A:' hutnorous•reading by p` - ld'Pethiek was m ch en 'Mrs ��Hara ”-..-_., n.,:..• j yed�.- A' demonstration of. gift wrapping add', the making' of fancy boxes. *as given. by Mrs: Friend.. A sing -song Was held;; after which; an auction sale of :home' baking -wvas--cdnducted by Mrs Tuer, ..of; Mitchell, the proceeds to go: to the- Retarded Children's Society:. 'Four-; teen members and one ';visitor'were present. --Mss.=J,=Loob-y-read•<the sninutes- of .the<, previous , meeting'. ; ;Plans were :discussed to attend,• a many day in January;' .Lunch was • Conee'rned about the . financial : served by the' committee: Mrs. G. . .. Picture. of- ;Alexandra Marine and Robinson, Mrs, Charles -Friendand .GeneralHo'spital ,a;delegation from Mrs. Harold Pethick. the'"boa-id; will -shortly interview' and Mrs-Erauk.Bruxer_ in. the Ontario: Hospital: Services Com-., with. Mr and Mrs.` .Bill mission m;.tire-lroge ;of ;aurae -an Hvans;- -- - adjustmenf the present' " Mr =,and. Mrs• Lenny Gaffney; of grants set-up The hospital' board;, Kitchenel•; With Mr. Carl••Staple' which`met'IMnnday evening' of this:- ton . :week will seeTr means of -securing. Mz-, and' Mrs Terry; Flannery in More financial aid' by a miltrevision Haon'with: Mr, 'and Mrs, 'Fitz - in the calculation of • the; grants gibbons PaBeatrice ria ' Bransford • able: Total ~cost- of the n. ewMiss- Mu y . y_ wing,:plus the,: ekpenses';m ren with Mr. and.; Mrs. John F..; Miir- P 1 ection with it,. total $560,60912 ray Total'revenue to meet this; expense Honor Members On Tuesday,. December 9, the *Clinton; Junior•; •Farmers : held, their —tooting'—in. the.. form of ,a • Christ inns party , at. Surnferhill Hall. A short- business` meeting ::was . field before". 'the evening's entertain Ment Games'Rale-Wed-and. a dance was enjoyed by 'all. With the.Plaza. Valley Boys Orchestra; During ;the.. evening ''a' presentatien';.was held „for .five .of the members `who were married -.in• 1958.: A gift 'was gees 'tinted to each e,ouple. They were: Mr arid Mrs. Grant McLean (flee TTe1en; . Johnaton);; .Mr _Iand Mrs Fred Pepper, Mr. and. Mrs Fred ' Gibson, Mr. and Mrs.;" Don An- drews, ' ;Mr ' and 11/irs. .Stewart Broadfoot Clinton. News=Record ons', to date amounts to'$488,9,54.45 This means the -hospital board •stilrfac- - es a deficit •of $71,'654:67 in. n_eeting' expenses: in ;coniectionr with ,the, construction; furnishings, "etc.,,,• the 'new, hospital -wing Godericb Signal Star.: - u • don't hear; Se much about: the Man' in: the, street since auto= Mobiles have. become .so numer 1 . �. +x •u._. w. .>, ,,, : ,; ' �, -.+. '�,Y,% T:' ,T� ��,: 3..+: y.,.+. g..r., .di rta%,T••+S g',nt rr,.,S rga£ ,p>r tis,' , . T.1,e.tr, �t„r �j•.r �.�..+,gv r. ,�.ar ,r.v .n,? -R' : T hone , 21 at We appreciate the: good- will and friendship that• exists.. -between our :pa trous and o'urselv'es. It is with this relation ship in mind ,that we'` `. take,pleasure i11 extend-, lag -the fullest measure of Yuletide blessings! From, The Huron ;Exit sitox. December 29,'3933 • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale, of Con- stance, : -spent :Christmas at., the. iome..of;Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. The store and residence 'of ;. Mej.' vin E. Clarke, Winthrop, were com- pletely destroyed by' fire on Sun- day morning, December 24. ' Also his tractor andsemi-trailer were runinto by an American, ear .°and 'badly :damaged on the -same day. The truck was driven. by Wilson Wright,`.. Seaforth, and was'.heading to London t •. ' again The distth ids em in is inthe _.: Of ' snow up , to, •.the' -knees_ and the thermometer has stuck at the zero YEAS,1CNE Interesting item's': leaned from , The Huron Exposi r of • 25, 50 and 75 years ago.' quilt that '.has in., it 2,405 pieces: The quilt was all made by hand '1VIr, 'hennas Mc. Gri06„ of`Eg zn;ondville, has ,returned ;front ..Bri— tish Colftnbia, where he 'spent the, summer. 111,. Frank and Miss 'B: ,Coleman of Tuekersmith,.: are spending the holidays, with friends in Sl elbourne. lVlr J •;Barris, 'of-. Walton, pur- chased from. Mr. J. "McGavm,, a handsome. two-year old filly The pI 1 g'-t►i ll of S. S. Cooper, ',Clinton, was completely destroyed' by fire on Tuesday morning. • The fire started •in 'the engine room., e that ` he Mr. dCoop r .has deeided would rebuild. ' Miss •, Muriel' Beattie' and Miss Margaret McKellar,' of the' Uni- versity of Western Ontario, 'Lon- don,'are • spending the holidays at their•' homes here. - -Miss' Bessie Grieve, of. Chatham, is spending - the holidays•. at her home; in Egmondville. .Misses Mary and Nora Stewart are, spending the holidays with .theirparents, Mr. and Mts Harry Stewart. Mr. claytdn Martin, of .Engle- hart,` is spending' the holidayswith relatives' in ; this. district. Miss Margaret •Ross, University of Toronto,, is spendingthe holidays. With : her ,father, Dr, H. H. Ross • Miss Mildred Turnbull, .of To- rent°,:. 'spent ' Christmas ather home' here. , §§ Seaforth, 1 "A Prem The Huron -Expositor' December 25; 1908 A • David Kirk,: of:. Fheter, ..fell on the pavement on Main Streetone evening recently and;brokerhis leg in two, places. While Mr. Robert F1gie, •of 1'ui k- ersniith, was unloading a load "of grain at, the'Kippen.,'eledater one day:last week, his team took' fright and made a ,wild dash' -for. liberty:- They ran through:, the:station yard and dtito the railway trach, Final- ly they were captured bon and e the worse for their run. . Mrs. Thomas •N•icoi and children are here from Alberta and intend, siendi1 tile winter with her ^moth-. er, Mrs. James McTavish, Mr. antiArs, Mach: Wright left pit Thursdayto spettd'the holidays with their daughters. Mrs. Robert Bristow, Of * I'ig Prom The Huron Expositor December 28; 1883 - Mr. John Landsborougli; of Tuck-. ersmith, -;sold a sheep to ,Mr.. A. Couch, of Clinton,:last' weep that weighed. 240 pounds. Mr: George 'hippen ettt the first toe of his right foot nearly off While chopping wood one, day last week Mis'"1Vlaggie•Eoster has-return- ed as return.ed to town and; has resumed her former` situation in. Scott Bros' Music 'store. The .ladies and gentlemen: at- tending the' . dancing' c1ass'of •'Mr.:. William Box :had . a very pleasant time iu their hall on Tuesday eve Seaforth Brandi 156 CANADIAN LEGION Annuul �r+tmas ..alto eceniber: an •Wi bee's Orchestra Dancing: at 10 m Dancen tone=clesirang in�;itatiorls _ to this and who have not --already, received one, phone:':: ICen. Powell - 109- u, q,ylX F• 1 x 1 E✓ i, r µ, w'** •' 11 � 1 µ r µ l µ r jµ r .xlr " v- , u•• w A, Ck> ristmas S tory Throughout -then centuries the • Bethlehem Child's teachings'have \endured regardless of wars hates, prejudices, and, . falsehoods: May they continue to endure! 4 i' UNERAL SERVICE Phone 43 eafoi 41 N1 i 1 ,r a:r xr h ,t.r ,3'A +1 .� i n1 A, « r on' DEBENTURES and GUARANTE:ED` _7TRUST .. CERTIFICATES :. 4 ',,,a ." mFY✓,�y...' G•bA 9 e k , ;. :>,'v titr ' '�r'iM a • iron &Erie. HEAD OFFICE- LONDON, ONTARIO. District Representatives: F. G. Bonthron, ;liensall 'Watson & -Reid Seaforth and Mrs. James .. Murray' spent Christmas in "town visiting Mr.and Mrs. Alex:S`Cott and other friends.:' Mr. David Moore, of E,gmond vi1le,. returned -h trte last Saturday' after an 'absence of four months in, the; Old Country.. Much to the joy of .the yoi3iig' ;� sters, the skating rink was form- ally opened fob the season.; -on Christmas Day,' - Robert• Jamieson intends leaving . en his"'senni-annual trip to the 014 Country in , about -two weeks. He will be aceonipanied^by, 1VliSt Jamieson, who ,intends spend-' ing the. •summer there. • Mr. F: J. Cfili has returned from the States to spend his Christmas holidays at, name The snow .which, felt • on . Thurs day; will make.excellent. sleighing:. and `will, help. to .revive business greatly: Mr, Thomas Soole, of Toronto, is at present - spending his holidays montiville,.1ias just; finished a, print here. „ u+•r 1i.:...,i . );µ1i elt «4' 'i*"' r i... r';8„A.:4r 1vt,El ,,rr,(r `; .r;µ lyw ,;µlir w11;; Not in thesense of custom only, but with 'a' genuine appreciation .i of ourpleasant associations during • ar, all of us at" B=ALL . MACAUL;AY 131). thelasiye � .. .ed ,. extend to you our' Best'VVishes',for. an 0ld�ashion �'' easy. ; Christmas! LUMBER . ' •� eaforth-Phone 78� c 1 a BUILDING SUPP:LIES- ;" CLINTON-HU. 2-9514 1 ,E1r4 1 t .:: 4_ �; •i+ �s