HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 11fl Ninety -Ninth r Year Whole Number -4T42. SE. \ ORTH .,ONTA-RIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1.958 urKey rrizes ssure Winners !oliday Feast F's)od •erowdw as on hand• Wed- nesday. night for- the annual tur- l.ebingo Seaforth GomnitmitY C tre`ae bingo;: was sponsored ••" by. the - Seaforth,Branch of the CanadianLegion. Winners •of turkeys- were: Mrs:. - J rantLamont, Mrs, William Camp- bell, Mrs: George Monro,, Mrs. FrankMaloney, alMrs.L. B. Melan= one Y, -„on, George Hildebrand, Arthur Jenderson --Mrs Join F:Seot;l= .mar Cameron Mick McGrath, Mrs. Jack ;Mui , rs. Alice- Stiles, Mts. Susanne ;• Iwaskon, ' Seaforth; -1 g ville;-Wil- 1VIrs. JvnLS Ts. ,_ h�mond lam Smith, Dublin. •three of Consolation prizes • on t , ,h qtrs.J the turkey bingos v, eat to A . •Buuck Albert Hildebrand, Mrs. dalen�ane, D ���slsonad,John `te'e ec ll7. E. Clarke won h p- The 25'bingo went turkey bingo. $, o2 ce - Mitchell; :,.and the #o' Mrs: Boyce, Joan. , �,D:. Special- to J n , :..,e th din al ,Seaforth: -'A share the w go, amounting' to,$'23.25, ,was ,won, to Phe -do b Mrs ' Tia°told'•Why clr Y• lr ack Mu s.J -LOL Euchre, Draw tand 'two rth�`�residen ThreeSeafo . s .Clinton- residents- are assured of •;good Christmas dinners Thursday" following a draw by.Seaforth'LOL 793 -Monday night. Fitre' turkeys were given • away following, the Christmas; euchre, at . the' Orange 3 a11_ Winners were` •Lea;,Hagan," afo Re4;:Tid'eswell 'Clinton; Se rth , Frank Riley::and Mrs:: IL, : W. Moore, �G arlr C1 inion H h 1 orth u ea# , � g 'High winners and 1 ne" hand-t+in- g e ente Ith hie Were r s d net at euc �Y. s P . Chickens. as prizes. .The chickens r ,. _h• h Mrs, 'e were won: CharleS ees •.-Ione hands, Pllrs Tom. Kay; . men's high; John Trieb - ner; lone;; hands, Harvey Dolmage. Consolation" winners•' >were Mrs. M- rtle McKay; and Milton :Stew- The following message ;vvas writtenfor” The Huron Expositor by Dr. 3Semple, of the Seaforth and District Ministerial "Association, on behalf of the Assoeiation NES 1TNI ��E � CHIS S E Q ,.- .. T TL . A t otacid a •Parable ver i 's every- where, re •flower . I Y. ' . "of gl? ue n s The roe h q , -e ,, It is auniversal'" .the snows to. the tro acs... I e frog'tropics.- , cvher , ..:'varieties , ,. +do -.. 'flower", rich in- :a �;nultitude of , from the g �:. rose in the hedgerow to"the delicate and exquisite beau- d' bloom. elo e I -dev " i h t r of the h g Y p s l ack Ione. It� is the black- - a P .^ ie a Stands ut va t n _ One x>,e'Y q :,..... '"Hellebore; or the Christmas rose.- --- Its roots are e blackOnce ce they were r` e used d in meclieine.. The ancients;thought they were a and melancholia. ancli lia. ----cure-f-oi�m,a,dnes,� 1 c? Its flower is 7ar ;e White--bloom, s pr eaout as . tinged with u rle or and it is t n e ranP a sauce red; In Britain it is -grownaw n in .the -.'. hot -house se flour- iforshes ;. Christmas.:` In � warmer countries ".it , . ,It as known everywhere as . , open. YY' i he in -the s s p "Christmas In..countries'.other than Pose. the... St. Agnes :and -` the Rose of S v it. is called, our p�, n, ;. ears. this' is the``reasonn for the name it bears. lived ' Diocletian, there k e I Inc time fth--Emperor , Single Copies; 5 Cents $2,50 a Year in Advance eeNewPlant e•a 0 rt O S 0 Ss,10, HAY - " n- Ade `t`faT Christen as--afterno g . r a .afternoon art was held Friday party with:Patents..-an 10 d at S.r1. n Hay, es s ,A'sho t ' ren- guests: short . ,pre -:school child r. :ro` taro -was enjoyed -with Henry g. ,, Gac,rstetter, a pupil of the school; acting as chairman:; The urogram jun- ior recitations, cuen included hot s sl for `:and senior school songs, a Play, A `-Foolish "'Princess', violin solo; Wayne• -'Payne•; .piano .•solos, Mal "` Helen c wa"•,lano •duet;n 1m ME n co > P. dance ,. and 'n 1' reception Payne -Kath r' a r.P 9n infoWasson and -.. ar K r -si.': Gackstetter - accompanied.' for 5 P rrusieal: numbets :a contest. a h' hist-- 'hac]iva'ds-s eII)n .znatc C mas' picture contest, senior win- ners. Chapman. Helen Was - o y, P ; ', • as Munn „t?, Jantor`winners, .Doug1 Larry 'e nd'choc-` and ..ari'Y Elder. Cookies a milk were served. Santa was date ilk. s s 'ormint present. • Mi.. -E". N on also .preaen. r c' e 'school. ';'• _. teacher ptthiss s Frida evening marked ° the unof- Y g ._. `a a:Qum i`'"the->7� t SeaforLh %ci l_ o _._-- A g Limited plant on West Wil Shoes L I? - - a opening '` . -- ricer. A 'formal ., Siam S _° be' of ° :opportunity. v m hen an. w is to view the new forded the public r the latter ed fo r, i' planned co s fa t Y, P i� Ire .:t d according o part of January, g ra l:., ana: er__ , <- enc m R->- Peel g ,. g The Friday;.eveningeventcorn- ri - bin d the'emolo `ee's'..alinual Christ - M. 5 e o e ,as party. with 'a preview of the -. e .,to: which were ir_vit- ening in tae '.schoolroom;-, for, a, reu- facil2lhea ,.-_ ._ .____ ..._ ,,_ ar eats and hEa . _ a . - ne a: beautiful irk .-� es. Hex. p. • .. .. -=lar e audience. Wilmer' Errington;: 'an-, ice -pack .cooler .-went 'to �• , rn Aor, girl � :. ted - mantel .a.1 .off)czals, members, . 'Prize P b the -af c r ' va "as i ted: b ouri ,�: r1 he tea he � s s - e. a i � Y -�ra, a d s ,' Whenquite. g , ommerce n ir. •- environment' .a ere pagan: q - Y g ... of the Chainber:`of C , la v P cal ser ice. clubs, and r -e xesena- music supervisor,:Miss' Margaret. fres Sea x fo li industries and .: Jackson.- husinessrrien. The guests -were "en,- -• Among- the-numbers•"on".the pro tertainedat a ':reception- in the gram were:. a solo; Ruth Schneitb r , t -plant, later er; 'recitation, -Dianne fiirkconnell; Nfain,.St ee p ,, attending a.'dance. in the, mete factory, , recitations!; ,Betty 'Hallam; Joyce i ,. "Receivin were . G. R:',' Johnston, N:allam;•" Ka -thy'" Schneider; ..trio;" g of Broc•Itvr e, president, of the"par ,,Billy Lapp,, Douglas "Archambault;- " enf" ccompany;J." A;,_ Johnston'' Jimmy Govier; " boxing match; Company --11„ 'Lhnited ii.:R ' Peel.' of Dianne Kirkconnell; Brenda; Arch.- , Mar Preston, ;president _.of - Seaforth ambault,_• Nary ••Kirkco _nnell e 1 z::.:Daer:_Ray`rriond Hallam; ;Shoes �F,inited;r,'and-Fred Y O thers from out=.of-tav nWho:were- e V o ndy Schneider; do nce ,,, Linda Present Geor e John- onBrews Schnei er3 Ruth ' L lrnerd ^• ` e citat_on.._Blli a Ston, of -;Williams -Shoe Br<+.trio- Sc e , x Y� PP; ton;:' Mr. and' :Mrs. Pobert Feel, duet, Nancy Lapp," Brenda Arch- Preston;;Mac , . r. , Naughton, anibault; monologue,' -Alberta Gov-: : Charles MLA Exeter• Frank. Loam and.ler recitation. Wendy Schneider Peter 'Hubert,' 'of :the :United 'Shoe ' '' • , >: 4i'achiuer ` Co.,of-Galt;': E. R =Tay- BRODHAG"EN SCHOOL ,l YAlarge•crowd attended' the Brod; ' � •L "do , :�'� Norman Crombie lot, on n, Pmerican"'Built-Rite Rubber `Co' hagen School Christmas concert. Bobby_ Kistner,, Alvin Hinz and L oiih r t,. _ e ad Douglas. a 'the Miss Rockwell, teacher t.. com- bination 'presented "w th a school, was'i bination' table and lamp, with; the address ; being read' by Joan French.' Santa'. Claus arrived',' and distributed 'gifts and treats. A . draw was:" made , by Joanne Jarmuth on : tickets sold by the "four prizes:' 'electr±'c' elrildr' n b razor, • pen and pencil set,' pillow eases and a mystery ;prize.Win- Mue e Clarence uer-s w were Mrs.gg Mitchell; rd• -Pete Le erd Stratfo pp , ,, Miss Telen Bauer, Kitchener,” and ,Mas.Jahn Braeker, RR 27 -Walton: - Friday , Walton- SS 9 MULLET' l:: ullett held the` annua SS 9 H > , Tuesday-'ev Christmas concert on now oll� ses S ap r ��u5 se S .R A s $ shecollaps- Twd roofs o .storage shed ed in Brussels under the weight 'of- heavy' f IleVY a Wet' snow which fell on the district early' -Friday. Tlieoof, of. a;7:00 -foot corrugated 'metal".coal'storage 'shed,'owned .b Y er. caved' in with'a ': Brew . ,,Joseph,.. roar; splitting, rafters and ,warping_ he wa l s : ..,Later,. the roof of the United" Ghurclid colla sed:This led 'was- used:�rixsse1s.Motors me to;store' cars, ,and, so, of -the-•cars were slightly damaged. -STORIES ARE OMITTED: c-trcsn—t is--holida • h ' week has, resulted in a::nurnber rof s forae"s' being omitted. T ese appear "-in fu llinthe_next Correspondentsare urged" to fvu;oierl l- yard`rioti s of Chit tends- Concerts and of other holiday: activities as, early as'"possible (photos below are by F. Phillip's) ter the fashion of the time, her hand was sought, an mar:. ridge a Roman noble,• whom. she refused".because he by:: w � a not Christian, The Jm "erefusalror,', who favoured this ° marriage; was furiousat the P of Agnes. es 'Tie Ordered her to be '.�? _ ." stripped naked and outraged. , But, says the" story, her o er' her"'bod` 'and';hid..her a `of beautiful' •hair fell v , Y . ,m ss .as . ;. - shame`' from the- eyes. of the beholders, Then she w ould not consume alta t' -into the fire,> but.the flames w _.. ._-_„�__ -...,.r-._ ._ s r he . antLsn'blood • 'er'- k'in`all�; the-vias-beheaded�me of her' _.:� - d her._ ed. ar oun -boom on the ry hate roses w brch 1 fellu ,. p. And--so`the. rose" became her flower. It' was known ,ever as�-.':the- "Christmas -Rose afterwards by 'the Christians', . The story is based . artly, upon fact and . ' of St.:Agnes, .. - P partly upon legend. • But its meaning is unmistakable,. ',Agnes means' Lamb. And so the lamb -"-became her sym-, bol. Every -Where iti Art, ,St Agnes is" seen with'a la b Shewas slainy : on January, 21:. A.D. 304 , .and day is ,.: • , ;kept as the festival of herrmartyrdom. Two Ifixnbs 'are set aPart. in the ecer3� . emon When they: are sufficiently , .. grow,n, they are shorn 'of -'their -wool, which 'is woven:in:s a strip, and :this is sent by the' Pope to any: new, Arch bishop'as • a"afgn of ;his oflace.; It is called a p all 4 um. d, he.le�end and •what. it We source"what hes;behan th g.,., fs •meant'to teach, ..namely;` that ; nothing can slay true beatit . and. unitY. , The winter: kills kr Is:offour_ gar en flowers , b ut we .,,. ,•, grow roses -in n December if, we know.how.: The icy breath ,- 1d cannot: destro the beauty and purity df 'our, of the wor Y. Y. h•its. r ,. *inter.. comes -ort .o 1 ti age,•"wit Whet of r . n r .. .Wh osn "On'; souls. beau of ''� "11 thet ofat we can if we will retain a beauty less- eninghe� ..... _ _ .. .,_. .. a and the Tac id face' the summer days. Thewhat har ,....- � � P,. • "'-i• ul-as-the':fu beaut " in their .way," quite as beaut � . Y _,. ..-ctle �, . and strength of the earlier years. "Grow old ,along with. ,, striking always str ` •' a1w s world' as. ttobe . The. I g .,. me, the be � , , of the human soul' trying to'stri- -it of its " at the`beatzt _ . Y. g' strip: It 'Clothing,.an '.'e.x. ' o e,it to °the"eoar e lou h ter:"of men' h ch:effee ual f e:` drat a tai eat o ` t �e can. row xri �...;3 �E 'UhITI!:D C ItCH 'SID ]Fill 1lTORTII i f h. :7unior-:Chor, o "'Is • bythe • Cara Northside United CTiarch - opened. the -annual" Sunday School,' Christ - the church Friday' oncert" mos c at "ht ".The choir was ""directed ;,by; rr i g Miss M "K..' Turnbull: Follo wirrg -tire stir 'n rv.Rev: gz g, . _Included -mon the::...progr'am:,were ly I rotectsus from aSsault, :ad which hfch n o flame e pca n consume. Even if the world lays Its:ru h handsupon us, it ` cannot destroy our • influence. The body i• of ' St. " (Continued' on Page 4) ntimbers )by the kindergarten -class- es We Comesong ''. ands'' "Merry• 1 a Christmas. ;, `A -Way in a Mna g eT ", ,. ' r< d „ - exec- =ex teas Bir s e es fin er , g cise, `Five Little Children �Tet- t", , ane ': d John in a Sailboa . �_. ., S, ori. .. � 7 recitations, Elaine Carter;..' Tgzn: m;y Crawford; Marlene Turnbull, Ron Dalrymple,—Lynn Bowie, Ruth" Dunlop- duet' : Gail and CarolAnne f 'TJna cliool class o e Sunday -School Talbot, gave recitations by Steph- B en r y, g ad : Alan Carter,..Doug Dal- .'rY m.1e and:Ao.ug � raY > Mrs.Bet- ty. lVfnegge's et- ty::liuegge's and- Joan Bach's -classes'=a--"song; accox ian','solo T-Ielen •Elliott 'Mrs. Storey's class, d, Y a s" �irls' na sang; iVhrs. -, Wilson's cls , „ -g Bet, an Nan c •'"' olo Don drill s rdian''solo'"-Wayne Wll'son, ; decor Y, 'ger 'Sunday. School'. • seals aild diplo- art . y , 4 in alI '-Were handed out nl: S a 6 �. Sunday a School , the f ollowingu d to Y s - e Jonas attendees; - Fi •r. tar p y di •:-Huisser "-Freddie ordon Iluisser ; Linda : I3uisser, Ralph Wood, Randy Wood Barbara - -Br Y 'axboro� alis, Ronald Dalrymple, Mary Oke, 'Elai e Carter, Billy Draeger, raege r, iar - en:" I%ndersan,°Christine Turnbull, 'ppllthAW' son` -Vida s, Janet Turnbull, rnlull, Bobby Brady, A I- lan-;WiisonPeter'Wilbee, Linda MacDonald Bruce:Wiibee Doug- las Ba11; WElaineright.' ` FabertonerdaChris- ' Chris- ; •Seeond-year Seals': , (x(4) Mary; n sen, David' Britton. ' teo Third -year �ea Is t 8 Ellen Con- nell, Joyce e and Phyllis" --B — _. JF ons; ;. Mary ;'Elliott, Clayton Con- nell, nell, Beata Malkis'gin Dal- rymple, a_ r5 1e Douglas las DalrmPle. Fourth-year Seals - (6J _Barbara Talbot, Susan MacLennan, hae enWan Peter Sir Ke anBe d tlI ? y <<• Scott Connie Britton. a (-' Fifth -Year Seals -4) Bar g.:Donaldr .y; Fleming, Carter Alan Car',:.:,: eaadshaw. Sixthr ter, Bradshaw. t Seals (8) --Sharon Mc_ T--,. •rchol :Elizabeth- Carter.- Da Schneider,; `Elaine Oke, 'Lee Fie ing;:'Jimtny: Carter; Nancy ."k3esgex, Gloria Carter e_ SealsSeven h- ear 6 e Elliott ,Donna -Bei"-get";"'"--Kerr y Campbell, Karl Campbell • Loin Scott, Carol -Carter. l gth year Alumni Diploma (•3)-! -Joancott-- ,Bach, BilllRoberton, Mary Ninth S ( (3)—Emily s year Se al O -Emil Y liott, Robert Elliott,: Joan Rober- Toronto;. William Colville, :Toron held in the school Tuesday even - to, i a and': Mr. ,and -Mrs. Albert Hol • wing.: 'Rev. E. G•: Fischer was chair land, of - Preston man° and Miss ' Audrey Iackwell ' The 22aina'' was pianist. 000'sauare'footftoor " of the: nes plant was ;attractive;;u -� " .. 'The school was decorated beau - decorated, for. the.' occaion. . The tifuily with Christmas tree, stream nests- were accommodated'; at ers' and ,stars The program con g solos, tap- Move o .-' perimiter of the='floor: • ' "s? ted of; recitations, p ci baton.: twirling, " la',s° Nkoye. Underway" - : - - eh ery from. the' choruses,: drills, piano; solo, coronet. Moving of ma, >:n ,y- , 'resent''plant 'to the new location solo, square --dance. by the ,juniors P :�. . i tallation: of"new".:eui and carol singing:, . . and•".the' ns i equip- r were: Jane -this week,. e Those:: taking part' meat, ,is'.,underway The .,_,.:,,.. ck. Joan Eva S u factory 'closed :: on Friday . and will Rock,'Rose 'Butick, -, resume.' production: in. the new."French, Gary'':Priestap,. - .Roger plant on January, 5.'" oldice, Paul PxlestaP Richard -Macaulay- toff au all Mai a toff HaP ! :art. > S o ..Christinas' d1 ex The ` :annual A 'and :Party personnel oineT eo-v f e-nBianl gl iacaulay'ii,mted-s"held an the _ 0range.,.-Thursday Members .of, the staffs from ' the. Seaforth and''Clinton; branches, to ge`iherwith their families,-, were guests. About 30 were ;preserite= Leoha dt` Shirley Williams, s, Al- len French, Kenneth, Ahrens;; Phyl C r Ben mz Jo ce �RbcIt he l lis. H Y ,, Y - newies,' Barbara Hoegy, " Judy Trutter, Patti: R Y ock Rick ' Leon- hardt, Diane " �Trtitter, ' : Maynard' LarryErstner:.:David Leon- ltardt, .Donna'- Pushelberg Bobby Rock; "Ralph Pushelberg,• Laverire Rock Donald; ._Bach :;; ar' Ble L e on ‘ hardt '^Mer o..HoegY, Phyllis:. :Ah- rens" jean' Pa shelber , : `.. Y ".` Hoegy, Shaldice,..-Bonta gY, Karen Rock; Audrey Hodgert, June push 'eli)erg, Robert Trutter, ;Gary -tock, :Mr. ''and Mrs.• Joseph Scott ,res ected"McKillop residents, ths , mark tie<'60tf _anniversary of "a on"Sunda .. marriage rP Y g - 'se observed quietly,ob r - Tlie event.was, when their Roxboro home, w en mem- he -� ofY -their-family;and friends. rs called " to ` extend: congratulations,. Mr. and Mrs.'Sn tt:were .Married: at' the, home of the bride's parents, the, :late ,.141r• and.Mrs,.;. Samuel, .. eke smith on the ° n clan ofTu r Car o John Mc W .' .now. owned -b Go Tann., Y,. 'an. The Minister ,was the late 1l ev.' Neil tl : E mondvill.. �, it,-Sha*;.f te... _Jno:. ere °the -la Mrs' attendants~ ty, e and Melvin Cameron E mondV l . g , Scott Edmont^n Until retixeeht • from active far irg, ;about ears 'they. olid' e ided' contiiluo� s1' in thes r, s- u y Which many :years has been is landmark of"Rox+ pi ''-boro_ ..The. house w> Occupied nois t ;by their only;_son, ;Mr. Samuel .Scott. and his : iarntly, while:, Mr. -_, the and:, M'rs -Scott-1i've: across road, still ,in ".sight: of the -Scott- acres- °cleared Scottacres ",cleared more than: a `cen , tury, ago by .the ""late • Robert,; Scott:' Both axen'fairlY`. good. ea1t7, . • although"Mrs- Seott'still.feels:.the, eff et:' of a- fractdred.;:.hi she ,e, . P . ned about a ``ear a' o and which tai . n n " `e e •"Sam_., ;resulted:.in.sP..d .g ' al,•: Mr. Scott:cele nionthsin�hos"pit brated :bis 91st birthday on De= ceriiber; 5. SavThairteeugenth year -- -'Seal- (1)_ Linda:, 3: - -Robert ,:Sixteenth -year Seal. (1 )_ ---Robert,„.; - Following a visit from the J oviai , gent, Santa Cle tis, rhodistributed', -gifts..-'2.-and,---•poats to the;': children; ` Rev'H. Wort inan , a'former P m�inisteray„ ;closed the gathering With _` ST. JAMES' SCHOOL Agore eation o s" and friends orf Sset. taJames'f; parestudenntit bod3- filled Seaforth District High•.' School auditoriuiit Friday night for the annual _Christinas:concertstag'-: i•' ed'by.the'sebool children:` F0Jlow- ing' the Christmas: program, Santa cand es to.:the ahildrrrived,en.to distribute i c ' The ,P_g • ro ram ncluded:"'Iiig Highland. d.ancin h „, -Catherine Si—or-1:' dance Joan Bannon; "Dutch: sa` dolls,., Patricia Etue Leonhardt;--accorianie d Thlmas Flynn; recitation: by ":'Bill Y Patricia Etue _ :Pott Morris':Irish dance, and -Susan Leonhardt':accordiaa•' a to I- tthia. Van'?'Loon_ c. 1 mludd t • Aso P g . o• •numiars. "Welcome .evee �_: r u _ _e ..--.._ r g P _ . son, , "Opening -Day of School, . by• ' .the Juniors; rhythm "hand' and The• ' Littlest `':Star," -" by ',the. Primary;-, , ,i w n b the �inter- A ice 'Bine Go. 1 Y e- Mediate'girls;'Wanted,`a Hous 's • Unend- ing,'" inend, keeper , and.. Christen ,. ,, id "-by "the's.eniors; Pony"boy and ga read - and a .ora -1 r eo.rv'15oY •songs th nda ermediates a m .b the,. int g 5_ ediate girls. 'drill " 1i` '- the 'intern dr a y� r 'Accompanist ,for'the ,program was Mrs. Jseepb McConnell,.. :ANDREW- Y. McLEAN 1L'h AGA' •ej ".4.;c,„\-- ,, -., -- e II of ` us here at The Huron Expositor -'our readers, our ads '-vertisers, our customers and -friends :vrisa ':all ` of .'yo JAS TVAT1LACE ROS. 3) ) !.�► Very 'Merry Christmas food. Wishes for Health, _. Happiness and Prosperity • in : the ' " New: Year ! '. JOHN MALONEY-