HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 9/A.LTON NEWS►, OFb THE. School Sections Nei; 7 and No. 12, McKillop, held their ann,ual,Christ mus._concert •:iu the Walton :Conn,., inunity: Hall Wednesday evening. A splendid program, depictingthe :twelve months of the, year, was Presented by the children, with Georg Dunbar as pianist and; Gor an - don McGavin as`cha rm. ,x . ' Lunch was served by the two. sections,' after which a few hours• . of dancing were enjoyed to music, by Ken Wilbee, George Dunbar and Stewart McCall: Kiss Jessie 'Little and Mr: G. Willis were the. teachers -.in charge. • -SS ` 12, Grey, Entertaigs, ° On Friday evening the children ' of'SS No. 12, Grey presented the EEK operetta, `Snow White* and the Seven Dwarfs" in the Community flail, under the directions of their teacher, ,:Mrs E ,.McGreat_h, who.. wa'V also accompanist for the':eve ning. Mrs, McCreath and children de- serve great credit ..for the man-: .rt'er_in_whielh tie.:play was present- ed. The costumes required .consid- erable work, also the training of the children. Miss Norma • Hoegy favored -the audience;; with sederal :aet!ordian solos, and carol singing was en- joyed., with Eileen, Williamson - at accompanist.' Following' lune h, dancing Was enjoyed to the music: of: the Norris Orchestra. ' Elect Officers -The-ieacb i s cairn.- Meinb'ers-$J-the- Gleaner' Mission' Band met In the schoolroom ..of. the United . Church' Sunday- morning;: with Eileen Wil- liamson presiding. The Call to Worship : was , given. by -the leader, - Mrs. eader,Mrs W.Bewley,:taken from Psalm. 107, "O give thanks unto the Lord for all ,the goo& things'He has _giv-. en, us: A 'carol was-. sung with Eileen Williamson at- the piano: Mrs. Herb Kirkby gave a life. membership • certificate to Nellie" aan, and in ,Mrs Kirkby's `ab- sence ' it was Presented by -Mrs. Bewley. ',` Mrs Bewley told' a Christmas story, on "Ways We Can•.Give Gifts To_,Tesus "' The ,mite .boxes were collected', and the leader fold that this money goes to bring gifts to childrenwho cone to this country at Christmas time this .year. The offering;. was .received -'..by Shirley Thamer_•:. and, Audrey.: McMichael, 1 • F ode•ricl Pavilion EVERY EDNESDAY at:8:30 pain Sponsored by Goderich, Lions Club for Welfare -- 'Admission. $1.00. 1!O E E1VIBER 24 or 31 B1NG0 D C Resuming "January' 7th for the Month of of Decembe nss o0 ne Creamy Goodness" ere's Rich RICKS 111 L. GGDRINK' : , ;, NOG , DAIRY IRY SEO R T', A� RAILS RAKED SQUASH - JILP RISE -.For six servings, cut. three. acorn squash in..1half';lengthwise and re=. move _fibres .and seeds., B , ake cut. side down; on, a: greased; baking 'sheet until: tender, about 30 min- utes Scoop squash 'from shells and naris"with -butter salt and pepper - : •. Combine • two :cups each of • chop- Ted `cooked' „turkey and cooked pot- atoes with one=half, clip xtiilk, -a little chopped onion and parsley,, salt and :pepper. Spoon turkey mixture into squash 'sh'ells, top with the squash tire; dot with butter and return to, the; oven until 'thoroughly heated about 20 minutes:'' a i.r „ri lr r,jr,{r i;w ;r, tek„r w '' l " X'.), ), ,f,;w,;r, ,, k..•ri, • :a, STORAG$.SPACE' NEEDED No Recsor�°Uble Offer Refcsec 1958' CHEV: "8" SEDAN. - . 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN AAON WAGON 1957 CHEV: STATION 1956 CHEV. SEDAN. ..1956' DODGE "8" COACH 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC. SEDAN 1953 FIORD STATION WAGON---- 1953 DODGE SEDAN RD' SEDAN ` 1954 FO D S 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1954 CHEV.- PICK-UP 1953 •MONARCH SEDAN 1953 .FORD COACH—AT; 1952 CHEW. SEDAN- 1949 VANGUARD 'SEDAN' 1953 DODGE "8" SEDAN: :A.`. On .clew., sale, no sensible offer will be refused r SEAFORTH . MOTORS MITCHELL SE APORTII Phone G. Fawiti186 ". otypaahva Phone 541- withrayer offered-. • P,. The Christmas,: story':was- .read •Bu`Tian an an elen c � 1St-7Vlary`�H- , Brenda•:, -Houston: led ;iii prayer. Nellie; Gerald .and':7lavie :•Saari fav eted with a ,Christmas: carol which• isY sung -in- Ho land , in, their language.`"Christmas -Customs sin Other Lands" was read by Audrey MelVlichael, The', minutes' of -the last meeting were'..given by: Jean • A ' conimitte of clergyand lay- men representina aymenrepresenting Perth and Hui on Counties,'; -has -been named to- tudY ti.e provisians-of the -_Canada - Temperance het and to see where it' would be advisable to have t`he Act amended. The appointment of the commit- tee was the, outcome of, a, meeting held' Monday in St. ..1ohn's'•United Church, Stratford. Representatives• of churches in both counties at- tended' the. meeting. t-tendedthe.;'meeting.: arranged, by the. 'committee of evangelism and social teruice of the -Tinted Church in; this area. y The election of'Officers.-for 1959 - resulted 959resulted`:as . fol lows; -c president, Brian Travis • vi c e=P re siden tr Bob Flousten, secretary,'BobB�Hum phries;• treasurer, 'John Baan. The .classes them assembled "With, the following teachers, Mrs. W. Bewley,Mrs. 73:'Craig; Mrs. R. 1VIcMichael, Mrs. G. McGavin,. and MrS. T. Dundas ".'The meeting clos= ed with "Silent Night, Holy Night". and ,the ;Mizpahbenediction. Institute members: are -again 're- minded of the Christmas party Thursdayevening Dec.; 18, at 8:30 pan. A prize will -be given for -the" best Christmas table centre. All are requested to' bring a 50c dona- tion for' shut-ins, and gifts will be exchanged The .CGLT and: YPU will present their annual Vesper Service in :the auditorium of -the church, next .Sun- day evening.' S • cu•SSI ,selves -ender the • jurisdictioa of Ahe- Aet By_; the _end of 1889 every -one of;;the.29_aeas had repealed the laws = line.. two areas ,ins Ontario ; at present under 'CTA—FTuron , and Perth c9 inttes--adopted the m.ea- sure in 1914 an'd:1915 •.:heir •action, Mr Mnultnon said represents a<i•re'- Volt: against .the practically par alyzing ;influence; on the i�rogress :;of local. option, •of the requirement of.,a• three-fifths majdrity "Counties largely., idhy under inunieipal.local' option frequently found their by-laws'seriously.;im paired in. their operation ,by presence of some municipalities, �freqy s uentlmall Ones. that persist_ -eptly „Voted -H. -Wet"- Moulton said `In self-defence: they .'revert' • ed to - the old.> and long.quieseent• Ia "Which tarnished:- complete D'iembers, of the -committee are: 'Gordon, Hale•, St Marys; ;'Frank Howson ._W. riigh�m S. .S_knnerT- Mitchell, .,Elgin McKinley, Varna;.; Gordon Manning; Clinton; M .Eamont,;'Mitchell; :.Rev. -S Macl eod, St John's. Church, Strat ford; `=llev: ;James Semple,: D3D., Seaforth;..Rev W. F. Krotz,' Dash- wood,, president of 'Huron Temper- ance Federation,-- and :Rev..C'. E: c ar f' Peacock, Bayfield,; se ret y o the: comimitee The committee will, work with d it is .. r nizations an. ext tin � o a s g , g hoped, that „.When'' some•cencrete to. ,suggestions ' as• � to :amendment s the Act bave..,been reached, a', dele 'anon will, resent the' recoipmen-: g p lViin- - Davie �FuIton dations to' Tion. , ister• of Justice, Ottawa. , - • - TIVRO .6##rOSITOX ",7J AFOROr. D. Seafurtli. Branch .15 CA AL IA LEGION Annual ristmas Vance kern r : .6,,..1 Lan.. W_ilbee's,;.Orchestra. Dancing at 10 p.m.. ' Anyone desiring invitations 'to this ,Dance. and who•have not already received one, pl one en Powell -- 1'O9 "WANT . ADS BRING RESULTS = Phone 141 or 142 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS:It's a Profitable Pasti?hee a magistrate- be- provided;: for; that the provisions for =search'; warrants lander, the 'Act be 'extended to mo- ,Or" vehicles , Iii. summing ip the meeting, -DF Semple said. that' Perth land Hur- in Icodnties are 'trying to--g6-t--to-- ether and not have the church being 'realistic... Ile ' Cense(' of not b g Pointed to the•sieed for• in mediate '' action,= as the Canada Temperance Act le on' the agenda.oPParlianient -; when it meets • in January . • :; -' Rev. Dr.' -W... 'J-. March_inquired if';temperance officials .have ' ,any. hope that the weaknesses in. CTA will be. corrected:;or,that: the gov- ernment will even try ,:to correct 'it,. In ;reply M'Moulton saizl felt there • might': be . amendments to:'' the „„Act. -pr to te Criminal' Code. which, would support the-' Act on a__strai ht,. ____: a_. cauntyWlocal`":oPtion_.• _ g . majority vote." .• • Mr:; Moulton`. Went on. topoint -out that the Canada `'Temperance Act doses prevent the opening of +liquor,_';, -stores;,• brewers _retail stores,. beverage. rooms (for both Men ,and ;women)establishments such as hotels and: restaurants for'+the : serving of beer and :wine. with ^, meals,, ;cocktail -lounges‘ and -cocktail bars. ��a�, tinder the He explained . that Ontario', Liquor Control Act , , ho- tels, taverns, . -restaurants:; and clubs of various, kinds, such as golf and other. sports, . veterans' and social clubs, may -apply for licenses.. ' "Liquor- : stores and brewers'. retail stores are opened 'arbitrar- ily 'by the Liquor' Control Board and, 'the • Brewers Warehousing Corporation inhere business' Weuld seem profitable in. any munic Tae sty," . Mr. Moulton stated:. tion and.'elim- CTA curbs 'consum P inates:= drunkenness and, conse quent. social ;and police problems, attendant to public drinking," he Reviews Act ' • Dr. Semple presided at the • meet-' ing, and. the speaker was Royal Moulton; Toronto, executive sec- retary of the Ontario 'Temperance Federation:: „Mr. ; Moulton . gave something' of, •the history=' of .. the Was Act,. Which as passed' by the Dominion . Parliament in „1&76. Shortly after the CTA was en- forced, Widely f iced it had spread quitey. o P in Ontario, Mr.. Moulton said, and by the end of 188.55 some 29 areas in this province fiad voted them - QUALITY. TIRE „.....;•-•-• • a, 6 rr :.�tCfs�C le 7taeteQut Iced Embodying the materials and design for best, winter •tire construction. -Finest of ,crude rubbers to rgive' maximum, grip on ice or;:snow. Strong! sh®alders to take it in frozen rots.•sA l,trµ ad which! provides hundreds -of biting "edges .For: tough going, and running bars for wear resistance on { •'bare roads. A safety bonded, rayon carcass for` longer life' and .protection against breaks and'. blowouts. 1. FIRNIRS O�iPiRF'V EGA STATION -FEED MILL „_76&,040-., 13/9 ` •'�'`�• MVlr, ;Moulton also explainedthat up until, 1949. the Act was still op- erative in Manitoulin Island and Peel • County,: ` but both lost' their' status 'at that time.": "In both cas-: es it *h due' altogether to, a: "subtle, despicable procedure on the . part of government officials with, liquor ,;.interests: to; discredit the Act," Mr:' Moulton said. "They were successful," "Underground" "Underground" - "ADM11TEDLY'•THE DRIEST" "Towns of Huron and' Perth, admittedly'the.driest in Ontario; are - taking much interest_ in 1 the operation or non -operation • of the C.T.A• We quote frorn an• editorial in the London Fiee Press„: The `heading used by -the Editor, is, 'What Does thd C,T,.A Do?" ',Surelyhe-gives at -least a spar-" tial.' 'answer ` in our q uota ' tion, • above, "Admittedly the '- Driest".'; The ; C.T.A. in ,.spate: - of its 'imperfections has for. years- kept "Huron and Perth. the driest -counties in: Ontario; this : too in spite of the • fact that Stratford,, in the heart of Perth is not tinder the, C.T.A. but udder the L.C.A.-,.'arid has (many' legal:Jiquor outlets. ..;` Why so dry? Huron and .Perth • outside Stratford' ,has` no legal liquor outlet s, and (cannot have, under the C.T.A. ' 'Why: do the.'hquor' interests '.'want -the C.I.A.rep'ealed, not:.'. amended? Beeause,an amend- ed C T -A would dry -sip Iuroa_ ,;and Perth' more than ever. (Advt.), a resonation• assed b�' the _:_In-ac-cordan�e�xvthp � fortia: ri'al Council of the Tow of Sea Mu 1.ci view, hat- ::an _ re reclaim t he !z __, P of the present t,r a les situation uati on run shallbe all u►r no do ,. at ar,. ln the JTown S ea - ort until aorthuntil furthernOtOCefron t a � date. h. ® C RISTI t ber-.12 Nov�m , . E. -EEN :GOD, SAV, Q AMPS? . �'` T �BER D RU EE r ,- Sir er2tt rdrt� der-. �..5..ti.. m {.. ..�_ OrderThemThrough ROIL EXPOSIT 'Me ' continued:. "We' are fearful that this same cunning' `Under- ground' is still at work •in;Perth and Huron. .It would' seem that incidents of drunkenness, carous- ing, -rowdyism and general dis respect for,law and': order -.are be: trig: deliberately created through out the county of. Perth to dis-". credit the Canada Temperance Act, and to exasperate the people to the 'point of voting in liquor stores, brewers' retail stores;'bev-. •erage rooms ,for men, beverage rooms for , men and 'women, cock- tail bars, and dining: lounges • un- der the ,„Liquor •Control ,.Act and Liquor License Act. This was the method employed. 'in Manitoulin and Peel County and it succeed- ed.'? Mr.' McKinley reported the Mir - on Presbytery Men's Council had: interviewed Mr. Fttlton a'year ago with five suggested amendments to . CTA. These include: that .the possession of unsealed containers. e',; of intoxicating beverages in g Pub. lic places be prohibited; that the consumption or possession ,.of liq- uor..brought into 'the county be limited . to one's . residence; that the sbpply to or use bypersons under 21 years of age be,prohib- ited; that a right of appeal to a higher court fsoin$the decision of Youths Charged_. Three youths appeared in Mag- istrates Court in London on Tues- day on charges of stealing a radio from S.S. 10; .liay.' The, theft oc- curred some time . over. the past weekend, There was also three mail boxes ripped eff the posts on the Zurich road . between Zurich. ` and Heusall about the same time the, radio theft- took. place. Police are of the belief that the both acts were committed by the same gang of youths.., The nail" boxes, . howev- er, were recovered Iatex: ;in the ditch in the swamp east of Zurich, The school which was broken into is 'located on the, second eonces- cion, south of the Zurich' lload. Ontario Provincial Police Con- stable Hank Reid, of ,the Exeter detachment, investigated. -•Zurich;; Citizenshtetvs. HOCKEY CAMES_. as low as X6 '98 Sen our illustrated Toy '. Catalogue. 'MOM: WILL BE IN'FERESTED IN, Electric' Kettles Toasters ` Irons Aluminttin' Wear Refrlgei ator Sets Floor Polishers . Culel;y Pyrex. `:KITCHEN A.RE OF ALL KIND FOR'DAD :'_ Power DJtai11 and 5 iv Sets Guns Tools of all D:esc iptioiis ' Casting Rods Flashlights Pocket Knives; : MOTOROLA: RADIOS PORTABLE, TABLE, „,ETC. Four -Speed Recortl, Players Single Play or Automatic JON G1NNAGY "LEARN TO DRAW". SETS as :advertised on - television. A'ND THE KIDS Tricycles • ' 1Vagons Sleighs Realistic Construction Toys. Dolls Doll Buggies Game Seta Model Trains Plastic Toys .: eccano Sets IVIodel'Aeroplane',Kits Hockey. Sticks ; :: Skates And All Sports Equipment . Set on the T> ale ill your old TV NEIN � 'MOTOROLA ,T 1t . F001959, 'LOW.DOWN PAYMENT,' ' i • : , 11z. EASY TERMS. IVIAI[tE THIS STORE `•YOUR'SItQPPIIYG I1EAIQIRE RS Phone -797 .'w r4,r' ,-, . _v IVIOTOROLA ; TV DEALER m c• 2 _ erg, j-«: ' -'- • e forth . 4.