HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 66—THE HURON 'E'XPOSITOR, SEAFORTFI, O1s1T:, DEC, 19,: 1958 1p►n.'IS Mas` Christmas ',Ate Ileo,ember meeting of• the Wivia ,was_belii at- the 4.140 9.4 Thursday " evening, Dec. 11,. with It7 members' .pres,elit. Hostesses P were Mrs.-.1Bert Faber •i d Irs.' Edgar McBride: 'Mrs. Howard Finkbejner conducted worship sx- vice: A hyixur., "It Carne' Upon a Midnight .clear; > was sung, po'em was read by Mrs, Rus- seil'.Coiisitt, A ntiinber. Of favorite: carols were sung; conducted: bY'• Mrs, John Sinclair, .accompanied. by`Mrs.. Ross Broadfoot at • the. piano, and a •solo by Mrs,• Roward, mkbeiner. . Mrs Emmerson Kyle received. the ' supply work for the coming. Year. .` Used nylons' are asked to be brought in to the January meeting. A. chapter of .the study book was 'T' given by Mrs. Allan Johnson. eeting:: List of officers for •1959 follows: president, Mrs Russell Consitt; first' :`vice a.resident,, 14Trs, • , John Anderson;' second vice president,. Mrs,- Harold., Jones third: -vice- >-+ president, �1zrs— II:�E -'-•iuk�lneri, - secretary, Mrs.• Harold- ;'Jones; treasurer, Mrs. -Morley Cooper;. press secretary, Mrs N Long,; Missionary, Monthly,'sec'"rotary, Mrs. A, Parsons `Mission Band, MISS Det otliy Turner; Baby Band; Mrs. -;Ross 'Broadfoot -Community F riendslup' secretary, .•1V[rs, Ralph Turner; Christian., Stewardship,- Mrs..Ros's.Love; supply secretary Mrs.: :Emmerson,—` Kyle;, supply committee, s. A. Parsons, M-rs $ McAllister; piapiat's; Mrs. Ross,;. Broadfoot :Mrs, Harold ,-Domes;.. Sunshine, Mrs Eldon Jarrott; Christian Citizenship, Mrs.,' Stew art ,Pepper. ' RE fiY - PREPARED or A READY TO - MIX • moo satisf in richly flavour- �•��'`�� e:cl, the traditional; drank'.of, mellow, good::cheer! Sprinkle it; with nutmeg -serve :in Party and-frieridS will, •enjoy. thus: ~; delicious dairy drink, 'Serie. it.at every:°' arty • or • festivity.'• ES ORT' FOR .' ..A -Rath r than. trip off. the entire air' defence system of.North America, C SANT e . Santa has asked for an RCAF escort on bis long journey down from the Pole this year. This picture was; taken at, a DEW Line site as Santa practised . formation °flying -'with three CF -100's, which will escort him ,on the 'December 24. voyage,—RCAF • Photo), • 'THE STAR The . strictly Christian, symbols .and custoriis, ;those derived from the accounts of Matthew and Luke, are feyu. •One' -is the: Star.'It; is th ape that ,caused the• "wise men from the east'', to go to Jerusalem and inquire, of'Herod, "Where is he that is:born king of the Jews?" ':arid -thence to,. Bethlehem, where it :.ttstood-:over -where-theyouung-child. •vas.. It -is. used"•ui `countless dec- orations and is probably the "most important symbol of Christmas'; as is the cross of Easter. • 1`tlb MAGIC alagi :is the. name ,; given the priestly ror'1earned_ men., Who eame rvm an`eas ern country to.wor- ship: the; new-both--king:----They-are- usually':;;represented• as three' _in iuiiiber, . proli'ably , because • they brought 'three 'Gilts. -..These gifts were• GoId, .the. symbol''of a, king; Frankincense, .,the fragrant .resin of: a balsam -like tree, 'often burned a5 incense,. and. considered a 'sym- bol of Christ's::deity, 'Myrrh, ; ;an other resinous substance fromAr abian •plants, used in: medicine, ;perfumes and incense, and ':con, sidered -:prophetic of ' death. , An exchange of presents on -de asJ lays 'uivas :common longi before Christ, especi'aTly: presents l -o kings •`;and rulers : The, gifts of- the -•Magi are said to :'be taken as: symbols of God's gift to hien in -the, person. of • his Son: Tradition names' the, wise : men' as Melchoir, .Balthasar' and. Cas= per: Melchoir, is pictured. a -s an ;.old n•, ma• offering the gold,' Casper as a young man, bringing frankin- cense,.:and • Balthasar, 'as middle- aged; giving the myrrh: They are sometimes represented , as being from the white, yellow.: and,,black, Angels,are. mentioned ,as" being of "the heavenly.; host'' ;and ..one: as announcer of "good tidings'Of' great joy", to, .the shepherds abiding in the 'field,". •• , • 'S9 , R E���• A OW L ERTG-A FOR..HO IDA, ErN� i1y.1N Available for Christmas . , Devonshire Cream . f Must -bordered by'Saturday,-December-2f.: MAPLE LEAF:'DAt Phone 101 Seaforth. , , w1r„r TY, . �. 1; .W.sr ;r+1r w , ;w}, , }, ,w.d, ♦w}, y- 1,C GIVE HIM,' the watch. that has 'everything... except a high price tagi. See' Our Fine Selection§ of BL'LOVAS Priced from $2.9. 7 Sun a•� So Easy to Choose Gifts For Everyone When You Buy ' Here, • For ' We Have • RI7GS :• WATCHES • JEWELLERY • SILVERWARE - Aim:ost Everything t Because she's so beautiful.. ULOVA • 23 Jewels 'Sett -winding 'Waterproof' • Shock-resfstaat. •Anti.magnetic • Sweep second hand • Unbreakable mainspring , $5950 'when ci>stot ('h... tail,co rohopened . We ;also handle 'a large selection. oT = L o r i e, Westfield and other popular makes,• ALT.. • GUARANTEED DIAMOND PDISCILtA'< 17'jelrrefs� �"diari'rnd�-� -•un /akaint.„mainspring' <`t3175�' PENS P Wciterlrnan... —% Parker -- Shaeffer - 5ha 'PEN and: PENCIL SET' notch Solid • STAINLESS-. STEEL 16 arid 32 -piece .family sets. Give her 'a BULOV'A to' match her -; loveliness!' Canadian Giri: Charm and ' sophistitatfon in a high fashion , bracekef watch; 171ew0s, with lifetime unbraakabfe mainspring. $44.50 Cltl ex Sitaest ong .:BLUEBIRD'+DIAMONDS_ Community and 1.84'T' Roger Eros. , SILVERPLATE s LEATHER GOODS BILLFOLDS 'FANCY CLOCKS EVENING BAGS one 5594', . JEWEETI;E,' r WATCHIIIAKER, •Sefortil rdr , r.,E, ykaGt'r1i[ , } '15. w. - 1 . ••Y. ,•Yr Y ..�4 •4 • ,5, • ''4 1f 1j #,it YULE LOG Bringing' in the. Yule Log from the; forest. is a• custom more ob- served -'in --England•, and in-Scandi= navian'countries than intbe._Unit- ed•;States, 'or Canada. There is no clear '1'understanding_.of theorigin• Of ; the word• Yule; ,but ,the log'edre- rnonyis.: carried down from the" tree - viorshippmg -times , of :the druids., In Christian :practice, , a to :as lar e,-as,-tl e_fireplace would. take was :brough.;froxri the • woo s to; .the 'borne, often attended: by considerable'•ceremony;,; The last portion of it.was.:sometinies saved to . starthfire . the ••nexts ear..; Its t..e Y ashes 'were often` credited with` special'powers'of healing 'and: pro- tection. and were: sometimes scat- tered around the base o -f •fauit trees to' promote=greater-dertility — CHItISTMAS,; CA ROI S These are -the major scenes and characters: as authenticated by.the original ac, eount. 'Nearly all else has been :added .by invention; •`or has •been., taken over • from some Christian observance' greatly tam other customs ;or rite,often if ed these urlieensed.;outbursts r.and •;• 0 into. mistletoe berries which be-, came the symbol:, of ;'a love ,strang- er than death Frigga's joy 'at his. restoration Caused..;Yler ery_ ,p_ersor? who passed beneath the mistletoe, Because of* this : agan background,,:mistletoe was•,some •times':barred'froin use in 'churches.. D1 CEMBER.• 25 , 'Many symbols and•'customs stem from'' adaptations, of pagan rites andt:practices TheTearly-church' fathers knew .the? dangerr •,g'f leav-.. ins 'a; Vacuum when they ;destroy.,ed. a wicked or idolatrous practice. They,' substituted something; better m- .dte f ])ecem-. -itsi place: `.'The a o her is an. example. The biggest delebration of the Romans was;; in -..honor of ..Saturn, tbs, god ofagricuitural Ii was called the''Saturnalia and;; began; on December 17. It was supposed` to end on . the 24th, but it came to be so wild .and so uninhibited'that its orgies . sometimes lasted until'jj°°'' the-.. new year: Substitution of the I First Church WMS !tabes Officers .`,.. The annual 'meeting -of the WMS 'Afternoon—Auxiliary of. First -Pres hyterian Church was .held in. the. etinreh hall ..on 'Ttiesday afterno:ou. .The- president„, 11rs-• =J L.- Bell, presided and led inthe devotions, assisted by. Mrs. George Hills. Encouraging reports were receiv-: ed on the work of the year. • Two village :lending' libraries to be used -in India Will be .purchased. with a donation .teceived. from Mrs. .Partridge, Toronto, in memory: of her:'mother,: the late Mrs:' Jas. Kerr,, The. Christmas;' message on: "The Symbols` of the •Christian Season; and- Their Origin,” w'as giv en by" Miss B. Campbell.' Miss` Hattie Murray reported for the nominating- - coinrriittee,: , and. Mrs. Jr F. Scott installed, thefol-, lowing 'officers :for 1959:; presidet, Mrs.J.L..: Bell; first vice-presi ;den:t, 1VIiss• .Jessie Fraser; seecirid Vice-president',: Miss .B.: Campbell; secretary, ,FlVIrs. 'J.. B. Rtissell treasurer, 1.frs J. ;'McGregor group. ;leaders, Mrs. W.-":Jobn Thompson .Miss 1Vtorion .. Gray, Mrs W. E. Butt, department: sec rotaries:. Hoir[e Helpers, Mrs. H. R -Scott - :Welcome, -and Welfare Miss Rattle --Murray;' Literature' ;and Library;:;:Mrs. ' J William Thompson, Glad Tidings, Mrs. 'W.' E. Butt;supply Mrs. F. W. ;Wigg,; pianist,::; Mrs.: E- ' Geddes; press,: Miss Belle .Campbell;.' -social: con vener, .Mrs:'' W. Drover; CGIT leaders; Xis.,R: Kerslake; Mrs. K: Sharp; Mrs, . p,: Leslie ;Elder;, -,Ex - Pierer. leaders, ider;4Ex-plorer.,leaders, Miss Bessie•Grieve, Miss lee ie Fraser;`G:0'C-leaders;. Mrs.''Elmer Rivrs,•'1Vtrs . William: Hodgert: TURKEY 'WALDORF SALAD '- .:,;two- red ..apple$ and ,coin - bine with two cups cooked turkey;' ;one and a half cupS, chopped cel ery, one-half _cup : each; of : chopped. walnuts . and ' mayonnaise Chill. thoroughly Serve in lettuce' cuPs. • Garnish each -salad With' • one -tablespoon mayonnaise,_a✓..walnut'half_: and three ;or four -overlapping thin. slie- es .of '.quartered and cored. unpeel- ed apples: Six; servings Ks pagan origin. Mostclosely, allied to .the original record are the Car - els, on the ,assumption;: that -'the heavenly :`host were ,singing, when they. , said,: ` `Glory to God in the highest,.and .on,earth, peace, good will toward men." The word Carol -:nay come from thecircle,; or ring dances accom-' parried by singing; or it,; may be tram- a Greek word meaning flute. player, the musician 'who 'acconi= panied the 'singin.g of "dancers: Carols are defined as "songs with a religious 'impulse tha,t.,are sim- ple, hilarious, popular and •rnod- St..Francis probably `had -his Vil- lagers, sing their owp lullaby songs but -before long, -•the songs grew. more ipto:folk. and ballad music, set to dance tunes, than : into , ser- Mous religious word"'s and music. One of the best:and' most popular of these ,**.is from. England,_' God Rest. You Merit',.... Gentleman" Thousands have been written; •both religions and'secular, to fit almost any -mood .. A very popular -and lovely. one -is "Away In a Manger:" It- has :been• attributed to Martin' 'Luther. 'but without .factual evi= deuce, though. Luther was fond :'c singing land -did -write a number of songs of this nature. One of the oldest of the: more -sacred • variety that: can still: be. called -:a carol is._frAdeste .Fideles"; or "0 Coine,.All"Y.e'Faithful".:' Its`' origin is Obscure, St: Francis may have used. it,.,,though: St. Bonaven tare an associate. of Francis, may Have a better claliim .In any event, the tune is very old, and. the Words: haue greatly varied An 'all-time..favorite `is `Silent. Night,'; written in 1818' by, an A:us, trian priest named Josef Mohr,. with music by his organist,' Franz Gruber •;'The church organ was being repaired; at -the :time and Gruber 'plucked out the, melody on. Father., Mvhr'.s• guitar.:' It is' un- doubtedly " the , best loud, roost widely used "Christmas 'carol. The best known 'composition of American origin is ."O, Little Town of ---Bethlehem" by Bishop Phillips Brooks, withi.-music by his choir director and organist, Lewis I•i:: Itedner. it was , inspired by a 'trip. to;the Holy Land. Carols were popularized„ espae tally' in England,: .by ...groups, -Of singers,. ' often . with, • nivaical nc-: cornpaninient, who strolled:, the city stints. The Singers -*ere known •as • "Waits". ' They May originally ;have beenchoir, boys, though; smile believe.. they were watchmen' hired is protect the :homes- of : wealthy citizens; ' eventually:they disappeared ;There is; however; a possibility.: that Christians chosethis', 'time ;of •year as, an • opportunity to Wo hi in • y_ rsp, Peace- while the Others 'were too' busy :-with their • :,pagan`irites-`tu• persecute::: them A second:-reasori for the -choice May : have been as :a :•substitute''fer- the winter solstice::celeb><ations: in Persia, .-and among Germanic tribes, markiiag ,the• beginning; re- turnof • the -sun,. from its, farthest distance from the equator.:. I't Wa' considered. a i.rebirth of the • sun,. so.tho date had a 'meaning, of birth common to .both ,,pagan- and Chris- tian communities. ' Saturnalia.;excesses, :unfortunate- ly,. so'metimes,appeared'among so.; called Christians: They ,:were .marked by 'prolonged destrpc -ion and: 'wild conduct dike the;,worst of American; llallowe'en depreda— tions:,.. Things` got so- badly out "of control ,at one time in England. that. Oliver. Cromwell and the Pur} tans? ``abolished..Christmas."'W.hile this -tiro_ not .last 'long; when the: observance was restored it was on, a' "muchsaner-. and: more religious; basis.', ' rw. r: r:., r r rr•' r" r t-" f r ye' r gerAfifitr;A- , =: r SHOPPING -; till Available At, LARONE' CHINA NOVELTIES and We still have 'a °: Large' Selection of LAMPS,. _DOLLS! ; . DOLLS! CHILDREN'S Hockey Games BOOKS' • r: "Crokinole Ganies` Wide_ selection of GIFT WRAPPINGS and - Christmas and New 'Year's ' For -`':Last -Minute -Choice arils Seaforth 5c to 1.00`' Store, tationery-& Gifts .Open Sturdas� . o ca Tuesday :Oid .:, - Wednesd-Evenl'n s },} rl, ; .E• i E i�;u; 1 ;1�'I:: 1 ; 1' ; d : "i'. 1 }at i 1,}' 1 1 : } 1.• 'i:; i' rtr•.i-.:-},',.�} ri .�' iu+.+(+::} 1•:},;..•'},'g+.i,{r}r,.r.1r,,ecir,,e•}, :04; 'K,- • ,Se ,.. *''. ••+.,Se .4 ,5•' •. ,k •',F '..ZY e. • . •S, •.. Kv . ,F... *F . 4 . 4 EEI DODGE 'FOUR -DOOR 1957.,SEDA-N 2-1956DODGE FOUR -DOOR ,.1956 S 1956 "PLYMOUTH FOUR -DOOR IL. ED- � • • LD �VIQR- DAN 5 .O S E�-5- • 1949' CHEV. SEDAN T.R U;C KS 1955..FORD 1 -TON`' -Stake Body` one=26 DODGE ►E'SOTO CARS. DODGE 'TR iTS CASE FARM 'MACHINERY ..a°•rrin••..;. rr,, r.' ,fir f.+' ,g.% �v ,ras ,�.,. i3'• r rg.+ !;~.n r .,n° }•': eta, e:11 r r.F .fi,rL die:11e,ir 1'; E �i MTSTLgTop ' Mistletoe had evert more mean.= itig than. holly, An evergreen of the laurel family, it was,considered as a:, sytnboj of peace and hope by the_ itornana. Eneinies,.: meeting .;under it, declared a truce and` kiss ect, one.. .another, , ,Perhaps that' is' ,wily `a hiss, under;the 1s one of .the more popular Christ nias•custoins• of today., a:•....' Another excuse for the,kiss is found, ie. Norse mythology,Balder was • worshipped as the Sun god. I•le dreamed that:.the would; die. Frigga, (:Freyjaj his` mother, learn- ed- of the dream and determined' to prevent -his death-, She went to'' every' living thing and exaCted.'a, pro'lrlise from each ,that' it,.woiild never injure her son. Btit seine - hew she overlooked the mistletoe. Loki, the god of;-illischief.and Evil,' made an ,arrow of mistletoe and'. contrived'te have 1=lodai;; the blitid' god. of winter; sltoot it: Baida'r was hit • andkilled ":'Although -,he, was 'restored, to•life: (the 'winter solstice) his another's•' tear, turned i , I Cofi ialtu boli 11116'61;#e r > cu .,, Seaforth r- .rS, ,r- .?- r r- •r GIFTS, FQR.'EVERYON[ON.YO CHRISTMAS LIST Brassware` , - Qtfomans Desks. ift Tables - - • Go=Carts' Toy Sets - Ornaments' R lable•Lamps Bridge Sets Modern Metal Furniture elevsion ' Cedar 'Chests errors, ccasior .Chairs ®, RAdios ELECT IC�,L APPLIANCES - - FLS®R LAMPS IGYCtES SMALL TAB1 ES CHIL REN' S TABLES : CHAIRS n; nute`'� Id ...as-. •:,..'V�s�t' Durr Store a d See Our � Lr�st7llAw e . 1 •'=1,,t1 P- Y4. ;••.f 1 ; :E 1 1 ;,1 1 •''d 1 �1' 'ti a„�