HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 4•-17. 1rUB,ON,,,EXPO$11T4 S.EAFORiE,, oivr.,' DEC, 19, 1,958' Classified Ads :Inserted At- Low- Cas.h:RateS Fon, SALE,' vvANTen, LOST AND; FOUND, ETC. - Per Vy0111: Week Cent Srd Week .Yq Cent Minimum charge, each insertiod, 25 Centa Each figure. initial ad aldbreviation-cMints its one Word rds of Thanks. In IVIeraoriam, Notices, Coming Eventit-1. 'Cent per word. Mb:Minn:a 511 certii Per week. .1110.1' be directed to a 18ex No., c/o The Siren gloe'altor, for 15 cents extra, -"iteen cents addition's' will be charged if ads in obi:nit-class are not paid witlain 10 Says of date of arkal insertion". T.4.rthis, Marriages and Deaths inserted 'free" of 'ocher -ire:" Jon .Sales, Notices to Creditors. Legal 'Notices. Etc. --Rates on application. LoSt. Strayed 11. Articles For Sale 1,:b9T.aIn storm on November 29, be - Hensel' and Brumfield, a beige fox r -..coat Collar.Will finder please call AEPRITI-1 644 J 1:. _ . Help Wanted . GOOD ON -OWER.. Pian%. or will ex- change for TV- set. Apply to "Box. 789, EDSON EXPOSITOR,. . 11-41x3 ANTED -A lady companion to , live Excellent home. Apply to BOX 72, aforth. 4-41x1 OOMAN WANTED for cleaning, one or o afternoons a Week. APpLy to ,Box HURON EXPOSITOR, 4.414: I*MAN WANTED to assist With house, dork for one month, starting 'early in qtnuary. Photin.-IEBK, HARRY- -NE R.R. 1, Seaforth, Phone, 866° r 14. 4-4t4 3, wANTED Hotiselteeper,OomOanion ,for •flees oginee living on ontahirts of missal diage (so highway. Light hous.elteeping latiee only. Apply in writing, te. trenees., to Box 785, HURON 0 4-40-2 MAN to manage hardware store, prefer ,Iiirried man between 2545 -Years• Ferman- -fit -Position if mutually satiafied..Wririb bnidenee to Box A. WATF'ORD GUIDE. ';rivocAmp_ Watford, Ont. • 4x2 "144RGE, Unitedi.States, and Canadian anufactaring Company ref:alike District. onagers inbrullett and McEillop Town4 ipa. Exceptionally high earnings.' Guar - ?teed repeat business. Automobile essed,'; • ial. Agricultural or farming. background post ' important. Sales training given. - •teply to BOX 84, London, Onttirici.. 4-11-1 „MUSIC TEACHER For S.S. No. 6, 1‘,/cKillirs. Duties to cOrnmence January 1, 1950. Rate salary required and qualifications to, --LESLIE PRYCE, Secretirry-Treliatd:er, ; , R.R. 1, Dubth.• 4r41x2 ASSESSOR WANT$D " Applications - will be received by the •undersigned for the position of Assessor • for the 'Township of . Hibbert. Applica- tions to be in own handwriting, and most be filed bn or before 2 p.m.. on January . 5. ;Ps% at' which time the" Council will open and consider the applications .at the Towrtship Staffa. • ROY BURCHILL, Clerk R.R. No. 2, „Dublin, Ontario. 4414 JANITOR REQUIRED For Seaforth DiStrict `1'` High. School • Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by December, 31, 1958, stating age and salary expected. W. E. SOUTHGATE Sem ry-Treasurer eaforth 4-40-2 • , COMPINATION4freeser.... and --refrigera- tor, good. as new. DITI3LIN. =CITRIC - Phone r 2, Dublin. ' 11-41,1 . . • mjNE '''Atti4N'IS-7ir's eta a'.a' trousers,. lase ize. wood),, .are s#e-V:pa6i. at FLANNERY GLEANERS. ". • ,,. ..„ and 1..”... -tele- ' SEVERAL. 'USW . ,peciftr 2matt es a vision seta -for. side. ,..,.n_ 797, sa,,.. '0RO-WN HARDwA.R'11 E7 ro.' 414 forth; , EIGHT GERIMAN Ehepherd pups, s.hont eight weeks old; 41430, each.. --The perfect Ofiristniaa present. rETER CHIRLSTE.11, SEM: PhOne _ 11-43,-1 QUANTITY. of square baled mixed.-lisr, also some second -out alfalfa, and some feed' barley...APPIY .to JAMES LANDS- •BOItOTICH. • Phone .Seaforth 665 r 16.. . COMBINATION 'coal. wood and electric range: cOmbination eoal, wood and gas range. "DUELII4 ELECTRIC. Phone 70 12.' Wanted To Buy . , • WANTED -A cutter for use •with a light horse. Aiply Box 791, 111JRON15 YOSITOR.12-41'41 , . ELECTRIC, ,h'apill) COOkElt; with. ea - _parity of 10640 .150 'tsmAndO dried ,grain Gontact..KEN-iTAYLORi-Rat.:,,,3";,-Waltoll: Phone"Blyth 15 r • 11.-40:2""t inGrailSor 'CASH;PRICES Paid for ,sfek,,. down .and disabled farm aolridalsrPittiroPt,.. 'eourt,eous • collectiOrk. of all _Mead'. and disabled- farin siniMals . and hides:" „Call Sonect,rED: ANPREWS." 951 i1i, Sea - forth: •Associated with Darling dc Co., cf 19. Notices, COMPLETE LADNDFTERIA.: M 'forth and districtand Dry .Cleaning Ser- vice. /WEBB'S RILLTARDS, Seoforth went-, for lirady 'Cleaners & Laundeteria 19 ?39-tf -.HIGHEST' CASIli,PRICES , Paid in surrounding di5trict. fOr., dead old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. O1d. horses •for slaughter at 5e per pound. For. Prole -alit,' sanitary , disposal,' 24.1iour Phone LEROY ACHESON „ Atwciod 155, Collect. , cAsn i3aia for eick; down or disabled.cows .and horses.' Dead cows and.. horse i •:picked. up" for re- moval promptlY... AlsoT-Wadiked: k,, buY.." boar hogs. Call collectV ,.I6*7;:. Alljn ' Campbell" D.11.0.; Ross ...Driscoll, WATERLOO AT'I'LE BREEDING ASSOCIATION , . "Where Better' Bulls , Are Used" . IIEUER-At"-Scott_IV'emorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, on December 18, -to Mr. and Mrs. Ideuerman, 15.15. 1, Dub- lin, a daughter. „ FEENEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth, on December 15, to 1V1r. and 1VIrs. Carl Feeney, Seaforth, a son. GILCICi-At Scott Meinorial Hospital Sea- • -forth; on December 12; to Mr. and Mrs. Galvin C. 1, Bornholm. a (laughter. . RYAN -At Stratford ‘General 12(OSpital, on December .14,, to ''Mr. and,Mrs. Leo - Ryan, &R. 1, Dublin, a son.„ 28. Deaths,- FOWLER--Iri Seaforth, on Priday, Decem- ber 12; Florence Margaret Fowler, in her McLACIlLiN-In Egniondviile, on Mon- day; Deceralder 15, Hugh McLachlan, in, For artificial.. inseniinaticim-service.or -more 'information; "t.elephone the -Waal -1. oo I„Breeding 'Association, collect at: PLINTON HU., 24441, between 1:30 and, 9;1,30,-214n.- -6---nnd -13.th:7-on Saturdays. 'Do not, -call for, service Sunday, , Cows,. in heat on SundaY, can be inseminated Isatitifactarily On Monday. We supply. service to top quality bulls a . the Holstein, .'jersesia,; Aryshire,.., ,QuernseY,' Brown Swies,,,I,Red Pell, Hereford (potted - :Md. horned), .Beef 'Shorthorn and horned), ;and Dna Porno:le-Shorthorn; ,An- gus and Chisroliiis , , , 22 Legal Notice!, NQMINATION MEETING Towlisli.,ip of MoKillop A- Ti-cting-..f.•tii ,f, the Ti - ship of Of MaKillop,willIbe„beld at Winthrop, Hall; on Monday, December..29, 1958, :for the purpose of ..noroinating for . a Reeve and four •"Nominations - will -be received-from'thelimitidfinie7OrirOeli: to:two o'clock in -the afternoon. . , the; event of, more .being" nominated •than are .required', to -fill- 'the: Poitinn, an* •eleetion .1411 be held on Monday, January .5, -1959. ,PollS Will' be open from 9 a:m. to 5..n.m., at the following places: , - '. No. 1--Johri V. Flynri's house, Lot 10, Con. 5': Clein lfrau0koidf,,D,R.02; Wilfred No, 2 -Wilmer Sad-t'S house, Lot 25' , .Con. 4: 'Jaines. It." Hogg, D.R.O.; Alex . ' Lot ip, S'13th,Doncessicin: William Den- nis, D.R.O.;' Stephen Murray:, ,P.C. --No---4-4choo1 NO 7. Lot: 26 Ctin 12 Wante J. M. ECKERT, Returning Officer. . yvANT D--- ,-.anor on modern cSwellneg". eAlo,itf4. , ,Good interett,rate viith repazioerft._fo,,,_suit lend- er.. For further Varticulart..Upply to Mc- CONNELI,, STEWARP, 'Seafarfh; Ont.: Telephone, 174. • ' - 14.: Property ;For Sale ,FOR,,,SALE ModeMi frame hodse. ip n, Seaforth7early? new. built-in 1953, Reascinably riced for quick, sale, or could' be...sakt:OP.-tOrins-: "Lo- cated on lovely .lot; thi, home has four rooms bath: .dt* the; thing for a sraall". fmcthfly ,or",retired.",couple. HaS .at, tached.gersge and anaall' workshop, g47- , " Also atourtbr of 100, -acre n..farnis, mod- er.bUildings;. JO, Seforgt. district: Low 7. Situations Wanted CHRISTMAS and New Year's baby. sit- ters, Contact DOROTHY and BRENDA ROSS. Phone Seaforth 135-1. 7-4151 YOUNG WOMAN wiald like Position, as housekeeper or other kind of work. .Just arrived from England. Apply Box 788, HURON EXPOSITOR. 7-41x1 jOIIN BOSVELD,: Realtor. ' 40-Wel1e5ley street, Ontario', ' niVoNg 1108 -•" Salesiitaijciieph McConnell Seafortk:?Oisit. • '', gss- 14-4'0-2 to 15. property- For Pent., YOUNG CHILDLESS couple willing to baby sit anytime after 8 "c" el -^k during week, except tonight, also anytime Bator... ...day and -Stroday-datinr-air•-aray--Or ' Pays) the two of us as youtd averagelY Mick 7 one. We just like to meet people. Any- time after tomorrow night, PHONE 586. Ask for Donna. 7-41x1 8. Farm Stock For. Sale •••• NINETEEN PIGS siX weeks' Old. SCOTT CLUFF, Seaforth, TWENTY-FIVE PIGS, seven 'weelcs Old. ANTHONY VAN LOON, lt.R. 2, deefotth, Phone Clinton ITU. 2-9209: •-• • ."1140g2 ONE PUREBRED Landrace hog; trio of African geese. Apply X.,IVAN COOP- ER. Phone Seaforth 668 T 21. 8.41x1 ONE HOG two yenta Apply to ,CHARLES SHERWOOD, Concession 13. Lot 12, Malting', Township, Walton, Ont. Phone Seaforth 831 r 83. 8-41-1 . FOUR HEREFORDS and two rims, springpisr ; 2 herefords. fresh, _and. calvei, ...kpply LORNE TYNDALL, One' Mile west .. and one-half mile north of Clinton. r. - .8414 IL Articles For Sale - SMALL RADIOS, the ideal gift for Christmas giving, .DUPLIN ELECTRIC. Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. _ 11-41-1 B/A1VIESE mile Icittenv available now, AtiPlY F. T. LOVELUCI, FullartfoniPhone Eirkton 113 r 10, ,, . { 11-41-1 GILSON SNOWIIIR15* deep freete, like tew. Priced reasonably. Aptly to P.O. BO% 365, Seiforth, 11`.41x1 • QUANTITY of small radio s in stock for Christmas giving. DKBLDI ELECTRIC. •Phone 70 r 2, Dublin. . 11.38-4 (ekay KID SKIN fur cOat, reasonable. morrg SEAFORTII 672'r 2, 11-41x1 APARTMENT for rent: itranediately. ORVILLE. OKE. Phone 160,11I,ISerkforth. '-ApARTMENT FOR RENT. 'minima' ficior in east apartment,. Available .Jarniary 1. APPIY pa. g. A.- Mehl:ASTER. 'Phone '26, SeoffiXth. ' • a4-40-2 '.,itentrary I, 1959; self- containtd .furnished' anartment, suitable for couple with. one child. Ample parking snace.....APPIY to Box' 787, HUEON EXL POSITOR. . • • ' 15-41X2. 19.: Notices : TOWNS,HIP • OF TUCKERSMITH • Notice of Nomination eting A TneetinT of the Electors of the 'Nem - Ship of Tackerstnith wili be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on„ Monday, Decetrt- her 29, 195'8„ for the purpose of noroinat-' ing candidates for the • offices of Reeve and Councillors for ' 1959, and certain' School.- TrUetees for the years 1959, and • 190 (-th-iee to be ?re?ta). Nominations will be redeireet from the hour of one cc -clock to two 0,,lock, in the afternoon. ' In ,the event. of Inere being nominated than are required to fill- -Ow positions, an, election will„he held on Monday, January 5; 1959, Polls ,will be ,open frOrn Sa.rn.' af „the f allowing places:: ' , . Nd: 1 -Mrs. Sheila ffing's • house, Eamon d .D.R.O.; Harry Chesney; P. Q. William "Caineron...--, ' ' I P.S.Df NO:.. 8 : ID .R.0 ' ItIoyMoGeoch ; P.C., Edith Ru, sseIl.' .P.S.D. No. 4: D.R,O., George Turner; P.C.,, Howard Johns.' , 34. 4--.S.S. No,."o 'Norris Sillery; P.C., John• Broasitoot. , • i.s.re No. -5-S.S. . - • • P:S.D.. .14o. .6--S.S.. No. 9:1 11.11 .0., Robert ' Gemmell.;" P.C,, ; John WOod. I E.' P.' CilESNEY, •- • • ReturningOfficer.. 4 11A.1).10 ,REPAIRS. For all kinds of radios, itt- TERRY'S RADIO SERVICE," opposite Dick House, Setifertht: ' Phone 347,E, . . • . 78945 . • 'rwO ver.0--"refrigeators at low Prices. DUBLIN gi..r.c.rnic., ..Phone r, Dubin', • 11414 • DIDOSTMAS TnEns for sale. Aro* OORnON NOBEL. Phone •-/I,W, Sea - fort& 1141-1 PALM ittgAtit ilaWafian arid SPanish guitar with ins5ruc1iion hooks: ifeVer Was itett Pbtine SEAEORTR 104.: • NOTICE, • ToWnShip' of Thickersmitli RatepaYeis atq- lII•inhabitangI' ,of the Township Of Ttichersmith ate renueated, by the Council, to itatipark ears' on town - 'ship rade anti streets tiurfni,the winte" troonth"4,in order to facilitate snowploWi g operations. - COuriciI will titit reSpOnSiblo-ftir -dein ages to any Vehicles parked .ori- roads or streets, • • Gt7ARA14TEED ,hotind Ass, iwo itats. • 014: thOtatighbred Dachshilitd , 4 ridontha' 41t1. /AME, S .0110; "Egmeindville. *'1.14*One GTO' 41*1 DRAIN , Call 104 tateatt ktbALT; 15151055. AND. TIE:E; LTD. , . ELGINTIELD;r, 0NTA15I0:4,0kt], .ilaftPel'ett,eblanket% .„.76/fiff0f,, ". $4.5;,14.ilt to*01%. -.2211x42f4 08C' "gatid atideritherit �ittint, 80e,idrds Manta" low • . 4346'BliIAB0IDE24 • ,,, , . • • . . . ItAfirtfe'r'"1"" E, P. cxEsNEY, r Tuckersmitle. • „ ' • 1.,r4 -ro du -r' UP ENRI-Nel 'el 23. . Cards of Thanks BLAKE- • Mr. Hughie McBride, of London, visited- on °Tuesday 'with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs._ Roy McBride and Johnny. " • Sunday visitors with --Mr. , and Mrs. William Oeseh were Mr. Har- old Finlay and family. Mr. and Mi -s. Roy McBride „and Johnny visited with Mr. Harold Finlay and family• , _ O.E.S.,,CHRISTMAS„ ?ARTY_ _±,On_Thursdayevenitig-la-„pot-lnek ,supper ,held. in`the,.I.0,0,F,.. 'Nan -foi:',-140413ers :of the 0_,E.S. and,itheir, faini_lies:...The,draw for n*,,chils,txnas -.cake was wen by Reg ',..Wattervvortli. , Prigewinheis for the card 'game Were Mia..Mae.'Doricatige, Mrs. Clarke and. 'Andre* _Crozier. Gifts Wereexclianged, and -the Chil- dren received bags :of candy.' - • '.(Continued • Durst,' San, .101te•;,. ,Cheryl Louise , Nicholson,. • Dianne. . Nott, Jeannette Fiiiiitgan.;, Susan de Beer,, sbloist; recitation, "A. Christmas Lecture," ..Nott.; "".Indian scene; War Dance Little Papoose Witch. Doctor, .. Story, of the Brave Little.'indian,-,"Lullaby _of 'the Iro- quois',; Indian Pageant,, Jesus-. , Program numbers: by the senior school' included.: opening ..cheruges, "Welcome_Senn. "Geod. 'Christian' Men";:, "Joy- . the. 'TWO-ritr';,- ,•`‘Ctiristmas Carel".; "Here,. .We Come A!WIdstlirig";,.:opening. reel- tatieri,'MacLean;' ..ScliOal Yell, led''by 'Brian .Wilson; solo,.. Bill', • MacLean; diolegite,.. "Joke; Hayseed in :the- B e 'Marilyn Harold. Sinith;,„• ChestrO ramiber, Michael.Besharah, I3ill Larry Haney, '• Jim Beye s, J`ohii "Hie Ferd,''''.Chuek son, toh'-Papple1 JaCk.. papPle, John•lVfacDengall .piano . Selo, Oath; erine ..MacLeod; -skit, jim :Knight, •paul Brian 'Wilson; 'Bela',Papple,', The LieriS; reeitational. •"Christinad WiSh;!_'• Dianne 'Pale- "Sweeping' Out;"-' ,Susan'Halls; ' In MY Pocket?'" Larry' Ritchie.;• "yVaiited; • A Housekeeper,":' Jack ,Pipple;• John .Ilaney;B.arbara Nott, Corole,Halls Anti:: MacLean., . GOry.Einnigan,: Catherine MacLeod;„ -priano duet; Barbara . Nott, . Grace :Stephenson; :"and Chuck Haney. and : €hris -,Coomba;'..TV Show, Station WXYZ;,,: "Here We' Are, Again", , t'Stioopie,r Car -7 ter; , "It's a Little •More Like 'lleav, MarilYnMilier and',Ann Mac- Lean; • '`'old Shen, Boyes; "Old Oaken BuCketr... double ,trio,: _Susan 'Stockwell; amie,Papple, Gary' Finnigan, 'Keith: 'Finnigan, Brian: Wilson;: ;",/laisY .Rell„"L___GraCe StePhenson and itnth Ann Browii;"•::''.‘,Are,.. Carol de.Boee-and•Lyinla Forbes; - :"Some Sunday Morning," • Marily Miller and Jini, BOyes,:. -old. TeX' - .as," 'group.; Chiaing recita,tion, Sus.; ,an •Stockwell.'' ' Mrs. Alice 'Peterson, a Rapid City, S.D., is visiting:her sisterand brother4re1aw, Mr.. and ,Mrs.- C. L. Jinks. - IVIr.` and 14Irs. Ivan Halt' and Douglas, Exeter, .spent .the week- end -with M. and 'qrs. Lorne Mc- Nanghton, of .CrornartY, avnt--Rtibeft-Reid Kinearcline-- spent the weekend with -her -son and.daughter-in-low;Mr. and- Mrs. Clarence -Reid an& Hensell 'firemen were. called to extin` guiali"a small 'blaze, in the home of,.IVIr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley on Main Street on Tuesdoy,morn- ing. No -damage was reported., • • Mrs. --Adberta McBeath is*,a, ,pat- ient -,,in. Scott Meinorial-„Hosnital,- Seaforth, in the interests of 'her Mrs. Annie Saundercock is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, suffering from injuries and shock she received in'a fall in White Gift service was observed' in-Chiselhurst United Chin& lag& Sunday_with the _church decorated in Christmas motif. -Scripture pass- aged were read by Robert Drum- mond `and Erie Ross, and a vocal duet was sung „by Ruth Ann Cole- man and Patricia Harris. Mrs. Harold Parker gave a Christmas story; and Rev. Daniel delivered a Christmas message. ' • Name tineli- C4Mmittee- The" Arnelel____Circle of 'Hensel Presbytehan , Chureli held their December meeting in 'the:church' schoorrOom. president Mrs-. A. R. Orr-oPeited-the-meetint.--IVIts-.--.Gor don Scl*alin was in .charge 'of the takhig--part in the Christina's, them.IMrs. gar, ry 'Hoy read- ,the_ scripture, Christmas Story." ' Mrs., SchWalm and' Mrs. I. $kea were appointed as auditors. ,Lunch • was, .arranged the -coming • Christma•S • party ',of the Sunday -School. The January meeting will be- held -at -the-horne- Of:Mrs:- Harry' -Hoy, Deliacnis lunch-waS.. served by `1VIrs. Orr, • Mrs., McEwan-,. Mrs; .Beton andHMearrs.cFaxinolcis" iselhurst-Christmas meeting of.. .the . omen's, Association and Wo- men's Missionary Society-washeld, in 'the :schoolroom of Chiselhurst United Church., The WA devotion - ,al was conducted by -Mrs. Percy. :Harris. A. donation ,'of $25 'was' vete:I:to the White" Gift service .Sunday. Mrs. -Robert- Kinsman • and 'imfr-George Parker 'inreie -hostess- '-es, _Arid ,Mrs. R. Taylor, Jr,, pre, s---,VIrs i-le-d.,--Cln.'renCe.ColeMan chaired the- meeting for the WIVIS. -.Life membership , certificates were pre- sented to'lVIrs.' Earl, Kinsman and Mrs, BrintneLl: ,AddreSs -was.read by Mrs. ,Telin Glerin and certificates presented by Mrs IlOr old'-PaTker: • Mid7.--R-:--Tay1orc--Jr., .presented the Pins. A recording. of Charles Dickens Christmas, 'Carel' Waa- .played, in -charge of -Rev: Charles D. DaPiel. Mrs. Coleman„ read a 'poem and Mrs., A. Ross adcompanied: atPthe. piano for, Christmas carols.- _ " On Tuesday afternoon the first liensall BroWnie.Pack invited' their mothers .to an enrolment cere- -rriony and -Christmas tea party. Tweenies-7einolled---were: Wendy. Larfaine,,.Lynn Faber; Cheryl Lit-. tle,,_Jean Simmons, Christine Cam,- eren, Kathleen Henderson, Linda. Jane Kipfer,_ Sharon &male, Mary Sawyer , wnyeroawi, and N. oakes., Mrs. ,Robert', ,Robert'Cook • was , enrolled ,as T A program of Things 'We Do At Brownies:,' ' was .given;,..- after whiCh tea' andcookies were- serv-, ed. . The -Meeting closed -with 'the 33.rM"vni.'i°-anIdaPMs.rs. •Clay -ten '‘,1-1.orton, , • Visit Aftt1 Y.ears Seaforth,- entertained • at' 'their liome .Snaday- for a. reunion ,for Mrs. .1Iorton's, brother, Japk. .of V,ouxha-II,, Alberta. Mr. Jack Hor- ton and his wife are spending some the vicinity after an absence of ti -,years.- -Attending the, reion, at which a turkey banquet was- served, were, Mr. Horton's, sister and, brother-in- law, Mi. and IVirs. -A431,Rovveliffe, ;1Iensall;' brothers , and their Wives, Mr: ond Mrs.; Hor- ton, Detroit( Mr. 'and' Mrs, Lloyd E15I3 'MILLER ..viislies .id thank one:: IN! .!sSn., treatl; gifts .and Icards.! *bile •glie 'NO' in StratfOrd.HasPittili, I 'PARE this oPriortunity to thank you Most sinderely for the many kind gestureS extended -to me during my recentt accident mid- hospitalization. May each' nrul' eyery. one enaoy a 'Very 14erry Christmas and Much happinesa in the New' Year. wit.mgn. ctirinis., WE WIB.I/ to thank -all: who su'kiiiclly: sent. flowers and other gi.fts ,M7Ss 'orentO ,Fowler was .in 'She,,hospital, and' 050 for the kindness .ot the stait•of seott Memorial 1-limpital and Mrs,- William: Leeniing,' Or. B. A. McMaster, Rev. J.. II. krne5 and • Mr. G. A. Whitney. 21.414' ' • FONVLER FAMILY , WE' W1S17 to extend. Or. thankf; ad arreciation for, the,?its me..s- r: ges • of ,?yrtipathy and ,beautiful 'flowers reeeived. 171 Our recent bereaVernetit of mar ,Beloved, :mother. .Aiso sPecial thartts .1t4v; Britton,' James Scott anti the :BoX Faneral ." "MO 50*0 'Milian/ 15. express., their -heart,- felt'fluinks and'apPreciation for the ,many k roineSsea, 'dards , atid..tiowera . sent hirid during his stay. in Victoria Hospital; Also fdr the maitY Messages Of spnpathYand flOrdl triblites .•received during •Our te,7 cent bereaVement hi the loss.of.ourt dear hilsband nnd,,father. ' Special 'thanks to the -pallbearers- ' 23-41x1 24. In Memoriam , .013DMORE-in °Vet loVing no,etnerY of our dear 'Bea...wild passed away in Toronto on December 22, 1052. " --SISTERS Und „onorngns • IVIQUE-EN roMnorg. Of a dear. 'wife and milker, 'Lucy McQueen, who patised away one year ago, Deeeraber, 21, 1057. Oar, Mother's" Voice that we Joved to hear iS, silent now, afe the helpful handS, 'But WO knoW that God will UsO them ' .both t , , .:The endence of. her voice ;Till allways T ioluzrajribh:4w, tit:IV,s6:annydd.e, geliitsloa::151:Te:111.:'14:: lb '8,t1,11 In onr, ineratiries, tender and true, ' liveS- on ' ' ensali Curbs Loose Dogs As a ie? Guord Dugs will not be allowed to roam the' streets of the 'village of Hen - gall 'following action, at the -staitz- Aory meeting �f the' village Council Monday bight. A bY-laW vvaS drawn, up by Clerk J. A.' Paterson ,and given the three necessary reading, prohibiting -all dOgs from running at'large at' oll times, , • The move -resulted from the rabies scare ithe county at the present time, ,and front several complaints of dogs roaming the streets "at will and scaring,many '6f the citizens. , " - Tax collector J: A. Paterson re- perted tax arrears of 2.85 per cent, or a total of $1,541.03. He also, re- ported the -different changes, made by the. assessor in-Ahe December osseSsment. He stated that the taxable assessment had been rais- ed by $19,175 and the exemptions lowered by -$2,075. AsSessor' D. E. PloiCinnon appeared. before earned to answer several queries., Constable E., it. 'Davis was in- structed to".eollect the poll tax. iIIs»arid accounts, totalling $783.21 were passed, for payment: They indluded: Huron- Transport„ ,cort- ago; $1.00; Huron ExpoSitor, print- ing, $17.60; 11ensall Branch Cana-. dian, Legion, Wreath, $8.75; La - France Fire Engtrie arid Foamite, ,supplies, F.D. $7.30; 13. A. Kyle, supplies, F.D., $7.80; members of Fire Brigade: Byron A. Kyle, chief `$96.50' D. Sangster $28.50." W. Srnale, $27; J.- Sangster, $271; W. Cattle, 851.502iT. Lavender $69.50; W. Elias, 840,504 W. Feeguson, $39; It. atdw11, 8187 v. HAriitirii, $21; X.' Duchanan,-$34,50; G. IVIousseau, $30; L. Noakes, $30;C. Volland, $31,50; Smale, $40.50; W. Mickie $33; NV. J tarnertm, $27; G. Saw- yer,43/.50; C. Kipfer, postage, $5; 0. TWitehell, supplies F,D., $2.55, " • streetS-$33.10; J. A. PaterSon, remetribered pr.esg paid postage E'' O.' • Edgar and ciatutlat,.1r$,, norothr and nava,' 4 0 • 4 :twice snowp • IP wing streets" wiktiottirtnto,.. , EEKLY Ilorton, Ltstowel; Mr. and- Mi;. Bert Berton and Bruce, Henson, Mr. an MrS. Calvin Horton, ' , Mr. and Mrs. Horton are at pres- ent visitin'g at the' Rowcliffe home in Ilensall. • HARLOCK Rev, Clark,- of Wingham; 'spoke on Sunday. at Burns' Church.,'Ile istePlacing Mr: White,. who, is Patient' in Victoria TiOsPital;- LOn-' 14.T.,htehe elsip,unledmayos,sesheq`aolls, O.nd .11 bobogreikvs, en --out , on Sunday, Dee.- 21*,.- at Burns'Church at the -end 'of the llb - ervice; which wie again taken y Rev. Clark. Present Life'Certificat,e Mrs, :George' Srnith was -hostess to -the-Eurne•-W-MS-for=their-ineet- ing on Wednesday -With' a good at- tendanee,: Mrs.-- George ,' Carter, leader of: Gronp 2,. ;opened 'the ,meeting with _the Call to, Worship and .praYer, _the theme, ,"Are Strangers Enemies?" Mr's:, Robert Jamiesen.gave.a read-. Mg based on the., scripture Passage' read by' werereadksie.aliag•alidgal:t..disSeeuvses7c_act,l verses;, from Deuteroninny-7-and7: -DreOdllS. atitt-y.sang.:a• solo- ,entitled, "When JeSus Conies' To Stay.'t ' The Introdnetory topic of the new: study book, mOur Neighbor- hood,'?; ' outlining, the Continent, Of North Ameria, was' given by Miss Gladys- Leiper.-: A• poein;"Living With -Others,"- Was read by Mrs:. 111/frs. White closed -.the worship - Period with ',prayer, . after. which. Roe conducted -the .bi),si; nesS .Session. Mrs;: John Ars. •WatSen-Reid •vigrO appointed aS,nefninating.Committee. The.'stip- -ply; secretary, Mrs. 1-IeSk, 'stated that '06gratip.are asked: to stipplyi: and' -two; or-nnire_ large tea- towels', and asked to save .their used:Christmas_ .cards and 'lMrs.Ike • preSented Mrs. •, Les :a life ineinbership -cer- tificate; after .WhiCh- The fifeetbig- vvas, closedwith prayer. At , the concinsion Of the-. WA meeting, a: very .successful•bagaar:'ivae Dublin High School Nev!is (By, 1VIarie.,Schoondervvoerd) . This will be our last column in the -k1 yeir, so on behalf of the student body would like to Wish all Allot readeri'i very happy and blessed. Christrna,s and- A pro_sper- ous New Year,' '" alSo want to thank all our geod ,friericis who supported the subscrip- tion , selling campaign. This was the first, time that we have ,tried, that Method of raising money,' and, even theugh we didn't make en- ough, te'buyieur :newprojector, we ar,e far' from discoUraked. • Our .top salesliten;- or,. 1 should say, s, are .,Jean.Moylan and Peggy Tabor, who are the lucky winners of a watch and a beautiful trophy. Joan Coyne was fortun- ate; enough to win a radio, as well as_other prizei,during the last two weeks. Other winners of less valu- able nrizes- were Jean Moylan, Peg- gy Tabor, Cecelia Feeney, Marie Schoonderwoerd, Billy Ryan and Joe Alfurphy. , `.. -Grade- Nine bad-the,highest_per- centage 'of students co-operating preject: they. will have. a suggestion for raising the rest of our needed .funds. How .abbut it, Oracle' IX? If you, see them , singing carols around the -streets on Christmas Eve; ,you vvill. know what it is Well cheerio eVeryonet . see , . you in. ' Today,nothing seems to succeed like the appearance off success. 01,04•00",+.0•10%.* SfAFORT. flflnity Skating EVERY Friday 8 to 10 p.m. Adults, Students 35e Children 25c Saturday Afternoon Dec. 20th • ,Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. - -Wednesday, Dec. 24th 2 13.m,to S:30 p.m. Adults 25e , blue coal WILL. IS -DUNDAS Cnamplon Stove ancl Furnace on DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 138 -THE ELECIORS 0 •SEAFORT to .express ^my appreciation 'for the support given Ake On the Occasion of' the recent:election. k CHOCOLAT , ive them - Efijo them' Gaily wrapped -for the festive season Smiles n' Chuckles . 35 - TO Elite Deluxe 5 - 350 All - Milk . Foursome (4 lbs.) .75 Twosome (2 Ms.) __Cherries (liquid) .85 Prestige . Miniatures . Orchids urtles 75 ,Rosemary 1 00 Assorted Nuts Chocolate Coated Nuts 1.75peppermint Wafers VERY -MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL . 7 wl'f' • • • . • . • , . , • . ARKET SERVIC Provided'courtesy E, L. MICti.LE & SON LIMITED Ontario (itiotatiOns IlensalL as of: WedneSdaY, December Beans -86.30 per .cwt., plus truck - Wheat -140. Per bushel • Cafs--62c per. bushel', Mixed Grain --.60c per bushel. Malt Barley -$1.06 „per lattshel' Feed Batley -96c Per- bushel .• • price's' are -st bled to'change withtnit notice. , Fast, Courteous Service - Storage Facilities Avallab e Phone Henson 103 HE RATEPAYERS OF SEAFOR e, at Seaforth Shoes Limited, wish to express our appreciation to the ratepayers and citizens of Y'Seaforth for --the support which Was given our fixed, assessment by -la -vv,, last' week. We are. particularly •thankful to the 'Members of , the Council, the- Ch4T117 ber of • Cornmere,e, and, •RuSineSsmen, who gave ,504 freely of their time and effort to encourage a ,favor- able Vote. C SEAFORTH • Community Centre: Thursday;'.December,18th Intermediate • 8:30 .pari. -ST. CQLUIN • vs. VONTBROP, Monday; .Deeemher 22nd • juvenile 8 p.m.-GODERiCEL SEAFORTH Tuesday, Oeceniber 23rd Intermediate 7:30 p.m.-IFIENSALL •vs. SEAFORTg. 9 p.m. -BRUSSELS vs. WINTEIROr Your support of' the by-law niakes it possible for. us• • . • . , to carry (int' our long-term prograin, in 'Sea- aProgriin of .expansion which,: w are fiecl, will be mutually 'heilefleialAS it tleNiele*s' °m the years .ahea0;,,; FRED PEEL, Seaforth 'Shoes Limited -