HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-19, Page 2. Sii-oe-48p0-7,.5-07-iwg-etieg conmiotitik,tret. "Published 4 .,$Avoitql-i, ONTARIO, •every Thurifday morning by_ 'Member Of. , . ' "NfqLeati Eros., Publishors . • Canadian' Weekly „ - — ANDREW Y., McLEA14,, Editor . --Assocapration • SUBSCAIHTION'HATESi , Ottiacia.• (in_ adVance)'. p.So`ua Year'. ' plitcd, Stats (in advance) .$3.50. a Year, SINGLE .--.- 5 CENTS EACH ' , . _ Authorized as Second ClaSs. Alan Post Office Departme 't Ottawa" SEAFORTII: ONTARIO, DECEMBER .19; 1958. " .. , ,. , 1• 477A 03Y., 8080. 14167...MEW COC/112 mAtt Jay's Supermarket Successor To pertorol Shire Do you remember the 'general store SpeedTioats on: the racks opposite the ,of *some 'Years ago',? The .stO're that bakery., counter are only.a beginning. -- fi'ad Ondisplay a; little bit. of every.; Someone is needed to See_Where the • harclware;----liatent7 edicines, dry goods and; alm.ost any- thing one could think, of, • Through the , yearS, such . 'stores - have disappeared unt1 recently it ence of the old „hogsheads of wood W-as,:but infrequently In rural 'areas hoopediron. that such an. emporium was encoun- tered But all that is changing once More. The superniarkset, with all its gilt,its g,jass; its poWerfal lighting; ' essentially is...providing' '0; pickle .-ancl craCker. barrels. collie ,into this Scheinei arid Whether, if they ap- pear in- .space-age.',deSign and stain- . -less' steel, or aluminum dress, they match 'the' cultural influ- , Store 'service. ' • • ' Cornnienting on the deVelopment; in4rn, Now, ThLiberal Tictory, in. Trinity on Monday doesn't...snggest a' trend. But - the defeat of a Tory candidate does inclj.:eate that no longer can the Dief- the Christian Science -IVITAiltOr -has nbker 'this to say. • . ,..°veA'nTent 'pass" off ,prOl5L , ;:.P,111 --s "Today's gener-0107-.1-kkeitiii,1*.k..ii of '`•-.Libetat pohcy The markt.., many 1,.;f: v_ a Thefenbaker Government—in office offer theircustomers praglically„e erythitig else aS,well. They are -selling clothes, household. utensils, .washing - Is 'responsIbl9.foi* linel°093rm°14'' for machines,. even .furniture and speed record deficits, for -inflation.. As the bop,ts. Toronto tar points .out, "the -period ,o‘goritilar entl*siasin for "This. would take ;some•its words and .work S is oVer." doing: Work Camps Are Ndt Unen Typical of Conservative thinking insofar'As the problems of theNnai- yidual are concerned,is the sOlutiOn to th e unemployment: Publem • Which' has been advanced by 15A-inier Frost's Minister of Welfare,. Hon: • Louis Cecile. He is. reported to have• ' ca,lled for a system, of work camps • across Canada for single imernploy- • ed, and to have Said he -would recom-' Mend it to the Ottawa -goverhuient.. While it is true the, suggestion does not arise from a minister oftheDieff--', enbaker governnient,,it is iriteresting. to note that it is, nevertheless;,•,the, child of -the Conservative 1171.-08t,'GOV- ernment. That it was a,dyance,d aka,' however, can only be as a reSult, of thinking bri the part Ontario, that •it would be acceptable to Ottawa... plop:110mi -SplutiOn ,...._ , , . , s . ... ,?, e 17,Bennett, .: ,predecessor 1.1k .1111 his in -offiCR,, wlefo_promise,d ?IC) end lineln7'.-- .-ii9Yinent in 30 d#Ys;-7.-Mr:-.1)iefenialc- '-....",' pi'omised, during his -election•cairi- % 'P4agr.i',....th#`4,0)Sody'.*Ould go hungry . from unemp,loyment. Mr. Diefenbak--- . - • er has now returned - from his T..two- mOnths around -the -world tour and it is hoped will now have tinie to . deal . with the pressing, domestic problems about which, ' in his absence, his min- isters Hi aridresulting ipna„ otYheeThihje:st_ipt, so_aoftl , :It,. , ,dht i ,ii.'Otni9..,' stwatii: e. ,i . l ' action c'tabf: compared to -211,000 •ln.,' ' 0.etober77a,--- • 'ryeepa,e17at,,4egd;21...omises of increased . whiell-imactaber stood -at $13,000,.a8' . ter .will be. -tlia: of . unernplOyinent, : prosperity Neither, trade - - we hoe, Will it,..be wor . camps.. SEEN N T Fox KilledinGorrie . • fox:- though -the: stets -ofL Gerrie:it' Saturday •-Morning-. and :wa--kffled-on- the •froUt'.lawn of. Miss Emma Irwin's' borne about 11 anti,. Robbie' Tern,: •pleniad.hiti:the..anlinal, With at_stick._ Several liadheen:: firing:shots at .the: foX.-: before, :it : *aS fia11y fell.' ed, onaid: , peer '';Vv. as onthe scerie gua :;arid pnit..:an 'end to'. •the . ,Rlake••• elPg'„aad.pliPpiek had. heen in Con- tabt: ,With so. had ,to:be deStrOYed,-:. Wingharn Advanee-, Similar Fires • • , •,,, . TWO; unusual and.,"qiiite„:sintilar •fijes in tow ,Were,„-att,encled toby the fire ilepartMent,'-la:st Friday: At tSt.; j;oSepti3S-ReMai ChurefFearly in 'the: 'inorning,..: it Was: .discOyeredt,that the worm in the.,atoker'ffirnace had gone Wrong putting More; . eOal• oid: the: ifire. The „Pile! finally:t:PUShed.open. the- deers,..ef. the aie• cement; finer -Whendiseov eked .'"At. the: Clinton HoSierYIVIill: that 'afternoon, :- the 'inciter :;Wliieli" drives :the: Worm'in,:the Stoker: :am.; parentlY '; overheated, 'arid :'Set fire: to the coal'.inthe hoPper.HelintOn; Approve Rental tlnits ' Federal Works Minister '..110•War.d, ,Green has -appreri4d the: Constrac tion 1.4...„,,,,SeMfIdetached •-• rental, CTo derich.'7If. no further• snags :.develop, ': the .se:Ven.-: two-famtly... structures:. willjbe buiit. g,ceter TtInestAdvocate.,, OUNTY Pi‘APERS •on : thn.. site of• the 'land assembly )16n; across- : -Fri d ay: :agreed:TO:- de-0--efif this :latest •,propOsal.froin .the i!fed 1--'ai•P-ffnViffeTar.Tjantifier. ell wili suggest,, -thejlionSeS,:be biiit:fading ••••,:on,.:.• •'stead cif-fadrOarriertiir;Street as had beenfstiggestedat One, time in:an '•Subipitted :b. federalpreviriCial... hOuSing: ,eX- perts.'-'--GrOderich-SignalStar.. : ,SuspectS:,„Nablied,•.: - " ,• , . , Working „closely,:tegether:•.follow-, in'g. "queer ::actions" :revealed bk:a. routine cheek, Stratferd:.eitY,.aticl „proyinCial reCoVerecl 'over t$6;500 Worth of jeWellerY.'and nab- bed 'tWo suspects ; less; :7than :: six :liefirS'.:after the -Jack SAO Jewel WaS':. :robbed : here'. Carly 1.-,WedrieSday,:morning."Pollee:found ,,78:': Watches and :.21, :.dia.triend sets:ib burlap :bag r.finn.g -bite ad: Sliedriedr.theOtitSkirts-OfStrat7'-• ferd-'aad!t twn:: Totontik hien :have been', Charged with - break,„ enter :and: theft::: "William A. Lovejoy, 40,: by polineaS `fwell- ..kneWn7:-Sliepbreaker",, and ::ErneSt. 1. .COurtitey, J.33, foth of Toronto,Were.(.15opited by ,Constable'John "CoWeti and.PC' Hank ..R.eid-in jail .1:Wed1iesday .• :afterimen- :Theft •':vias:; diseovered ,.bY .Staiiii! When lie ..ea ine tO.cheek hjSL 'store ....bef'oreretiring,„ for thenight:' :• Entry was "-gained by breaking t the, .3:a ' .on thesteel-reinforced • back door and thieVes:,t0ok..,jewelleit. from show cases :4i -id_ a.154fOot doW ed bY.;:six overhead•spet ristocis .SHOPPING -'.F104114 n Seaforth -Fot-the • nte Chtistina • Shopper, • FORTH STORES will remain open MONDAY'..TIJSDand-- WED- • NESDAY EVENINGS, DECEIVI:.•••• • HER 22nd, 23rd and 24th. . Interesting itemsgleaned fr.0•Ju , , The Huron :Expositor of 2,,•50 •1 and 75 years ago. Commeneing Saturday.; December •27th, ,storeS will 'close „, at „6 .p.m. on • Saturday nights' for 'the • winter. • months. • • • • , ,• • Merchantsi-Committee Seaforth Chamber o omTrierce ,e•td)r-g) r , • .r.ftk •et•c: r•.c. - BAnorms • TOYS .c.410,ploteAsortment of 'ES • MODEL BUILDING SE' Sprts ECOOrneri From The HuronExpositor , , 1ecember-22; 1933,_ Constable- ;11eIrriar- Snell -has a bush -gra-wing- in his- garden that is a inass of buds, and each bud, if it is •picked and,. brought into the honse, -oPens a .da Y or so, revealing- a .beautiful rose .A reception ,•••was, held at the hone of Mr; and ,Mrs, J. Smith, McKillop, on Friday evening in honor of their son, Gilbert, who was,, reeently united in marriage • to Miss Grace -Somerville, daugh- ter of Mi.: •and Mrs. W.` R. Som- erville, -IVIcEillep, ' .• - • -When ,gasoline Caught fire from a" blow torch ,in the Tgniondville garage on Tuesday 'afternoim,,, Sea - forth firemen were • 'called. vend soon had the, ,flarnes extinguished, Some damage -was done 'to floors, 'partitions and. to 4 car*wiiith was over the pit. • • • •' `Mrs. Charles*Wright, Brucefield; fell and broke her thigh. -.Her daughters, Mrs. Riley, of Brussels, and, Mrs. Williazn. Hill, are with her at present.. Mr. William ,Archibald, of .the Guelph Agricultural • College, is spending the. Christmas laoliclays at the borne of his parents, Mr, and 31.ff, AC. Arehilaaht*Tuek. ersmith. * Little I3etty Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Robert Allen,Bruce- field, underwent an. operation: last week and still quite ilL' Mrs. M. Carlaert left, this • week for Detroit, where she vvill spend the Tinter with her daughter. IVIiss 'Edith Henderson has re- turned to Egmondville 'after ,visit- ing in. Toronto. § § Sraitt A0014lie0$ • .,.! Mixettes Toasters Iron, Etc. Por the late Tree becorator--:. Wotm. SELECTION OF OINANIENTS hone 61 TOYS -OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS • Seaforth, • 4.;.../..; • •Front , The ilaurmt txPost I)eceinbei .18 1903.: , On Sunday night last. the bard Of Mrame c, lqeMichael; en the town line in litillett,• about ,tlifee from Olitui, was 'burnt to the grOund, The loss, aside ,from the :blinding. Will net be very. heavy o most Of -• :the contents, of :the building were satiett. . 111±,,,:ancl Mkt. Frank ,IVIceillia;01 Leadbuty, lett on Tuesday last for Park Rapids, :IVfinneSet,a,• where the Y ititend to ..spend, the winter vvith,their statin4aw and daugh- ter,. Mr, ad Nita. VilsOn,j- ,,Ittr.` and Iltra. GOorge .4.orrest arrived fibre front Hritisli'Oaltirn- laia last wek and'• Will spend .sorne tinteiVith Mr. Forreara..Par- erits' ' IL llotliaM t- 1464 the., -rtilf(itttine to have the -tips Of twe ,fingers of his.; left hand taken off by :getting TO• THE EDITOR; 51,4 Belmont Road, Grand For, • • _• ijeceinb-er 10, 1958. -Editor, The 'Huron:Expositor: .Dear Sir: 1 ant happy that pleas- ant memories and kind thpughts of you- all have remained with -rile through the year,' and now at the holiday time, I say, "Hello"! • "Hello". is such a happy,. word, and retso verysmall. Once more do the chimes remind The Seasons. their round -h -aye Andthe Portals of Time Iiehind us • Have Closed on the months grown :And as the Star Of the East with its Heaven-sent ,light, •• Guided the Shepherds that •Chriat- mas night; ": So may -the Candles of ChristrnaS - Cheer _ PatliivaY jack- day of So, I send with the Bells'. glad! ringing, my affectionate prayer. • Margaret ,McQuaid Mulligan. FEDERATION NEWS • - . ey J. CARL, HEMINGWAY' 04.•Decernber,1 'and, 2; .175 farm forunis....reported .in...!ontarto;. of tlieSe' there. *re 40: :TV:: foruniS., This ,May, Seeni to Jie a fair, ber,.. but Is' rdlY. 'whatwe ; had: hoped for: ;Farm fort* offers -a wonderful".eppOrttinity. '.' for far* people to: get together.: and .1cliSeirts: their..Preblents1--and::arriVe: at.;some of .the„.'reinediesf;to. ,the,; broadcast.:yon hayt -inferinatittif -tha -yen" • annie verygod :ideas in your OWnh;bukuniOssyoureport, your: ,action can :result: t..:Fr6rn :the:...niany „...1,cOniments:: I baVe, heard', it...iszzquite,:apparent- that a.;xinich, larger -ntimber than, indicated by; :the reports, - watehed. the", TV...program ;on D'edeniber ..9. Many:Of these:Wer'eu.rban:fainilies:., How. ;about getting' font:. or: five of 'our.41eighborsin arid;tiorining: a: forum?. Then we Will get the belie-. fits' et:yorir.:.good.rdeas.....,, jannary- seriesttrOn:;:vertinar-- integration: ,slionkrbe :Particularly infOrniativeand 'yoni-ieleas on this, 'Pro/4ern -Wotildfbe :;most .Welcerne.' .•Of :'..thet •County Hg Producers Were Called, to :To-: :rbrittql2teeeMber.„49-,fer.:Ta7:-Special, meeting, The purpose WaS:tofind •Mit :if. the:hog Proiliteers'•on,he: farina', in the :jceitritiesWatited anY, the:,:inethett••:Of selling:';,hoga.:". :The result f the ',meeting Was'. -a reSO,Iiitionpassecf by the 7: Meeting, statuig:thet there be: no basiechatige.•in :the inctbod of selling .hogS: "Ontario. of ."the Meat Packers':,.:Coancil,"_representing.,lhe. Targerj-PaCkerS;, :seemed to be:that theycant bid Cin offered :andcanft 'get' their ;:shareu..of.. the: hogs. : first case, bogs are nowbeing'offerect:in:„.smaller- therefOr,e ."the, opportunity to ,buy hasben considerably ',increased and-'sheuld .take.:7eare:: ' • the. second cgwith 180: thonsand, or More hogs coxning tO Maiteteach Week and)Oth the. GoV-: repertedlY, 'buying,' hogs :in-theWeSt, if: hardly, seems rea- sonable that ;anY,PaCker ahead, feel the need for, More hogs.' ;It isn't so .• long ago 'that. 120 ;.-tlitinsand week was an ..o.vertSupply..".'_• .! We ..have been told that :::Allierta 'hogs are being :.shipped 'live • :into Ontario,If any : packer -: wants • inore: hogs, let •Iiini'rafse, the price 25-'Orr:50 celatS and Mere will come frerii . the West. Pin'i quite :.:Stire "the GOV.pritinent.Wthet. be offeritled,' them 'Caught in the jointer at the Weglaftglg furniture 'factory. '• Miss- Ethel- Troyer, who has spent some 'time in Manitawaning,' •has returned' home. • - ,SamUeL, Scarlett, -of-Calgary, are -Visiting. ivr.r:SPar- lett's brothers and 'ether „friends in G. A.,S21 s is now occup mg the addition recently put to. his new store. . Mar •E. llays celebratediogif ThursdaY., Mr. `W.'• "T; -FOW161.7; of the: Bell Engineworks, hs returned from the 'Western Provinces, Where he has' been for several 'months. : • •Williarte•Ament has' purdhased 30 acres a Standing timber from 1VIr.. , ,Hagan, Of:Stanley, south of Varna, and :will have it cut into legs for' ,.use in his inill,here„ ' From The Huron Expositor • becember 1, 11383 • Mr. -David Elcoat, of Tucker - smith, has purchased a. house and tot in 'Clinton and intends goirg -there -to- reside, •,Henry Burrows had the misfor- tinne to -"..ent."- Ins hand bailly•One day last week with an axe which he Was using. • ' A few days ago a *cow clitnbed the Bight.. Of 'Stairs leading to Frank tIren'i„photograpli• gallery iti Brussels'Iand walked into the • Last Saturday evening ,Mr. An- drew Goveidoek, Winthrop, met with an accident.' He was return- ing home from Seaforth in a bug- gy- and was •accompanied jay a young- lady, when 'the ale of the ,buggi broke. aoth •Were-^hadly bruised and :shaken up, bttt are reCoVering r , • No fewer than eight' weddings have taken place in Seaforth and vicinity this week, ` Wood still ".dont'mites, scare and • A young lad, about 13 years ,of age, riamed Thomas Holland; got his foot Very badly injured Wed; nesday by corning in contact with g loose pulley: A Christmas tree.festival in eon- neetion with St- Thomas' Church •Sunday Sabot, wilt be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening. • The, skating and curling rinka -8.re being flooded, and If the Weather centinnes cOld it is,hdped tbe-rinks will be open for the boll., days. ' DEMOCRACY MOST DEPEND ON POLICIES, NOT PERSONALITIES (By, Professor W. B. Harvey •in London Free Press) Representative - government i rightly -regarded as - an-,adVanc over :the direct. 'democracy prae tited. in the ancient city :states Direct, demberacY--governinentb a town 'meeting. which, all' citiz,ett lad fa ..-„right to attend-,--WaSk no feasible :except-. in 'states'an there Was always danger . tha the People ..triight fll!Under th -sway .-1117iierst1asie ; dernagegues RepteSentatiVe::goVerninent xnake democracy.PossibIe hi large :state •arid :prevents 'important decision from being made by •0 rnQb i: moment of; passion. , . • The inventing . of Printing' and papbr; :441 the groWth..6f. news papers was almost as necessary to dente:era:Cy in large areas aethe idea .of..representation..,-The Lpress aSsiSted.; the ,,greivtit• of ' a, nationa coiniminity: Spirit :and fitithered the influence of .rational'arguMexit in place of :the: eiriotioiaal; apPeals ::the..,:deinagegue...4dio. :and ',TV which permit a Speaker to be heard and: •seenthroughout ..,the land bring back ':{the intimacy Of; the old:, town meeting and inake'it,pnssible...for A poutidatoo a:dye:date- one thing in one .part..nf, :the COuntry'.. and.the opposite . in another.' ' .• • and TV -Might: 'to-W-cirk' for the iMpreVerneift: Un- fortunatelY, : they: seem to:.:beturn- ing: pOlitical 'Caniriaigns into. :"per- sonality" editestS: • Elections re being • ifiereasinglY ::decided :‘bP., the ,p,erSonalitY:: appeal of ''the leader.' :Radio-, and TV Make it possibln_fer: the . leader.to: be in the limelight in ."sectiOnS: thrbiighont, :;:airLeleetion„ tcaninaign„. 'and even between- : elections :,,: the: Prime -Minister: :has .'14:40Y.:':OPI),(11';' tUnitieS-Adt-drake a TV'appearan;ce--. aver .a ',nation-wide 'network': • Thet:lendeneyLislio_danildiipf_the. leader . and -Ali:: preVelif.!anyone -::e1Se froin "-a ttaining :prnence.;--That would - be -..ittidesiratile:;;•even,if 'the leader- stuck :toy:a.'rational.:discuS Sion of: ther,e.iS :a: tendeficy,,to 'imitate the:Methods'. of TV :starsland'to.,..-try.: to hiliildup a; following by the. lifigr.atiatingTginie and f‘folksyr....Speeelian: ,:, at- tempt te-win votes. bycreating.the mpression that -the ..,leader,:‘ has -€qiersonality , If we. let- ourselves be swayed by the personality :appeal of the leader:rather than by :the polieieS • of his party, -we-4nay.,--fiiid-that-we. have put ourselVeiAinder the Con- trelL.oflignor'anfdeMagokateS:!Of_the kfrirtirat" Some -tithes', disgraced- the direet democracies of the past. . chief l advantage of dernoc- racy.' over,InionarehYt is:- :that in demperaeY ,every Jimportant-,, ques- tion; Of , polief- :will be -thoroughly 6dbiiiceticsusoetids• caonnds' iciaellrpdoifbfiecfuplrtoie Satainond is , taken. ,Majer...Jhatters,Lofl.ong• term .policy -should, be discussed in ;_thepress- and: On the. radie-and set- tled :by- -clections, IsSites.„ that' .call for quick" decision will be 'disease - :ed. in cabinet :meetings:: AS a,' re- • sult of therdismiSsion the decisions 'reached are likely 46 ;he •WiSer .than. an one man could ,forintilate. ;,:••• The •adtaritage : of • .discussiOn that :is :the chief --advantage -of deinocra.cy-Will- be 1.o'st ;elec- tions '.'are, allowed._ to degenerate into .personality' contests: , between rival leaders,' and if 'cabinet: mem- berscto net have -the: strength that conies from •a strong following in the Country . and in .Parliament:: ,...The_Ainwritten conyentienofOur constitution : by which:" :;:different .provinces'and,Sections,..of the try ;are ,represented in the.cabbiet is well-designed to produce 'cabinet ministers, • who have : a. -following. I3Ut .if the:- ministers' have :no th- dividuai' prestige; no -foHoWing of their Own Which practidally insures• theiri a' plader in the.' Cabinet if they re4r e ere, , owe their electionlo the popularity. - of the Prime Minister and their seats in the Cabinet to his. personal faver, • they are br-tre 'POSition, to' OPposo the ideagl of leadez- .-,-Thet Prime or First ' Minister .ceases to be a . colleague, of.the other ministers and becomes • their master. He may still be call- ed a minister but becomes in fact. a .monareli; • How are we to corn t this cult' .of p,ersonality?_ The reSs and thc newSmen who asi&questions . at press conferences should insist on statements • of polieY that have. meaning.. When a politician says: that agriculture is not 'getting at. lair'share of the national income, he 'should becalled upon to state' what „is" a'fair share ,of.the nation4, tincoine,:and how it is to be kiveiv. to the farmers. • .Sist,,he,.driftt:towardS '..pirining the. liones..of, the 'Party on the person- ality' 'Of the %leader: ,, If in't()Pposi-. _ tion, they should hammer. away- at the 'evil's- that still ,exist in our so- defy,. 'and! seek-th popularize the„. remedies' -that theirr 'party aclvo- • ea.tes. If;•Mennbers Of the govern- _ 'merit " party,,,ithey...„.shoultl -._ defend their record .as the :achievement of the 'party and not' cif the leader. , Fnfly, we as citizens must •be- ; on.'guard against all the, Hollywockc styling. th:at:polititians may adopt, ' We; Shotilit ..rpeognize.- that -Person- : ality:isno,substjtufefbr:jdess,.We , must cOntinually...remind ourselves: : that-econernic -.problems ''can snot Lie:. solved.by a: •'sweet. sniile , ,or a, . gond heart. In. . Short, ,concentrate on policy . instead of, onperso• . . . ; 'rCi:ClerSi;DOQt oo., 9 „ „ • -yOU 'Offe bf _those,.W7ho, feel -Canadian- egg -graders -are not . Mg, their job? They are. In the face of criticisin taliout the lack' of uniformity in'grading; a: group of experts undertook a ,na-- , lion -wide survey. Here is what they found: - 1. Gancllers: are well able to 'dis- tinguisd between 'Grades A and B- 2. Grading by candling is a good` measure ,of interior quality.• -; 3: -Best, qualjty eggs, are' produc- -ed between September and April Qtnh_l_t_hdeelcrwerthethe -4g adsesheeellms ea and feeding conditions. - 4. 'Overataril ilhctnalui_ottyihnes;o.TY:2 a e is higher egg• Wogir.kad.i'Cuhgeclid- PeeointS':'aerii the conntry were••Seleethd: Once month, unknown to the • grading , station, - five dozen- Of-alle"-A- • five -dozen, Grade: B eggs were tak-- en, from the stocks 'of. tvvcr graders,' -There-were-7-61'6e *station's im; ' each area, whiek meant a monthly collection of 30 dozen eggs in each • of the five areas. • „- 'The eggswere examined by • qualified technicians, using a stad-- ,Clard procedure, to -.' measure the- cl• uMalietnythloyf e'4ailehdi !..371:aPdg_eljy.." '..a/yerag' were:tAen-fo-r each grade at each VOlvecl individual graderS, grading . grading 5tation. Comparisons. in- statiOns and areas. • • • , • Supervising,. the study were D.. -A: Fletcher, in • charge of: , pr,ojects f'or the • Poultry Products Division,' Canada • Department of ". Agriculture; E. S. Snyder and H. , L. Orr, of the Ontario Agricultural_ • College; W. F.Rae of the Univers- ity. of Saskatchewan, , and J,.Biely.' of the University of British, dblurnz- , Marketing. of '6ggs• on the; :basis. of :grade dates bacli.to 1915, when a voluntary .standards were :‘•,„ -rt„ • StioelOg t . •F�rtjic•Hine• TV SWIVEL CHAIRS- rein ostess Chairs Platform Rockers Reclining Chairs'