HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-12, Page 100 -THE HURON' EXPOSITOR :TSEAFORTH; ONT.,;. DEC. 12,' 1958 ON BRIG. ,T -RAL Ci n Petrofina td .anal. L Dealer and . Distributer of • troleum Products -,,Phone 354 Seaforth: •Olit. . Prom Farm: and _Hame_Defve r STftit'F,"ant"Fi3RL�TA�:Q� .ender , Dei1Ci0US ' TURKEYS For. Christmas, ,. 'Or-der'-3our...oven=ready turkey. now .' for Christmas' delivery. Ken• Beattie . R.R. 4, Walton P110ne: Seaforth 834 r WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Phone=y 1' or 142. OCLA --.::rth f Town. o S eafo .Inaccordanee With a resolution .passed ,by e Municipal Council of the Town of Seaforth hereby ,:proclaim that in view. of thepresent rabies situation, _no,. do -g- shall be allowed= -to ru at large: irk :the .:Town of Sec forth until :further, notice.- from Church :Groups,�. GROUP III, IAV The Christmas AIneeting. of Grreap' Itl' of -the WA`-ofi‘lorthsidearnited Church. was :held ,at the home of Miss Tpelma E1gi e with 2o . iner n hers and five 'Visitors, present; Miss' N�• Alible- Seip aper -'the Tne'eti With :a-. .enc,:: A Christmas. carol was, sung and the -Dord s "-Prayer- repeated in unison. The president, Mrs: B. F. Chris= tie. :conducteet the_iusiness. an. asked` members -to save their iised stamps fro n:letters and. cards: She 'also reminded -the group of the General WA meeting- on Wednes day,',Dec, 1,0- at 2:30 : p.m. ," The re `port' of the. nominating camniittee Was , given by" Mrs, N. Knight - ,Mrs. H. Traviss took'•charge of the-..iteetmg;•-;•A.nother carol ,was sung `and Psalm 693"yin -the`'hylnn was • read in unison, , followed with prayer by Mrs. Traviss` Don- o d with a solo 'ac- na $erger fait/ re , companied by Nancy Berger. ,on the piano; then Nancy accompany. ing on the_ piano the two girls sang :a duet, which, was much enjoyed. Mrs.. A, Crozier read: a Cbristinas story,;"'"The, Other `Wi e .Manu' • A'vote Of fhainksto the -hostess: and :those taking part in the. meet-. ing w. as -moved ,by< Mrs- Traviss; A. delicious lunch Was served by. the. social -;committee. The •following are, the;. 1959 offi- cers Presidents, •.Mrs, W. -Brad,:: Oaw';and. Mrs. B. F.', Christie; vice .president,_'Abbie .Seip; recording -secretary:; Mrs.,' Cliff Broadfoot;-, treasurer Mrs N Schneider; cor= .responding, secretary,"Nirs.'1GI!. Ber ger; press„ secretary, ' Mrs, Knight; pianist, Mrs. A -,Matheson; lunch ' -committee, Mrs F Dunlop and , Thelma :Elgie;'-. representative to .general' social committee, Mrs. A: McNichol: . b cie1 Part The 'Auburn Orange B-alT was -lage, especially_ the new ltllanch'es- prettily,-clecerated for, the . ti .annual ter -Garden, which was the ruins Christmas •party of the; .Auburn -'o the id-Farr-esters'.-Halt,-He_told- lorticulture •Society ori Monday ev'-• the•Christmas story as related by ening, A large: Santa Claus smiled Niatttie* :to the- Jewish people, and Rn a :prettily elecorated'table ,can•. Lube;" t the iireeks and;:the. Get% tied with a•miniature;:tiee decor- • tiles. Tle sPolt.e.Tof-the-clinugting -ated with colored -bails; flazilted :Christmas'ci stoles .as during',he on each side -with • lighted tapers -Puritan era, the Middle Ages, with in silver-candlebra and red .poin- their ,mystery down to the setta. • modern' Christmas .legend of -the • The.- guests were welcomed , by other Wiseman which was :the Santa' Claus at - the • door:and' es- 'fourth One; who:: searched for "33 torted to. 'a :chair. The 'meeting years until he found "His King,". wa's p,pened by. the president;`: -Mrs. The, meeting was. closed with Bert .Craig with the singing of ,"0 "Hely Night" and. "God• Save -the Canada;" with: Mrs,'Robert; J Phil ()Queen:"`-Sailta,, assisted ;b r Miss lips presiding' at the piano, The Elena ll7uteh; distributed'. gifts. Dr, g Hiltz. ronounced: the Grace. and manutes;`4f the previous , meetmd. _A�,. .- were'read by,,;ahe -secretary,, Miss OF sat down' to'lhe Chxisimas" ;Elms 'Hutch, and .approved. • ' The table Lunch. was': served by Mrs: correspondence :was --read, An' in- .Wlliam T: Robinson, Mrs:' William vitation to •attenei. the 'organization Straughan and Mrs. Kenneth• Scott. Meeting . of the-Luckiiow Horticul- Miss' Margaret' R.: Jackson -'thank Lural`Sdeiety"-oir-Decegiber 4'. was, ed:-th'e:lidles 4x their lovely_ lunch accepted: •Everyone was' urged • to and beautiful- decorations.: . decorate -their, homes` far, the heti-, .Officers for 1959 are: -honorary day ,season.. , presidents; Mrs. ` 'William, T. Rob - Mrs,' Ken eth Scott 'first vice- •bison, Mrs.,; Arthur. Grange; past. president, •: presided for the erelee- 'president; Mrs: Gordon 'R: Taylor; tion of 'officers. Mrs.:'. Wes. Brad- president, Mrs, Bert Craig;' first' hock gave the report. of the nom=-vice=president, Mrs. Kenneth Scott; inating;;committee • which was ac- i second'', vice-president, ;Mrs.' Dun- 'cepted as.'read, Mrs. Craig.. then • tali -MacKay;, third . vice-president, presided: for •`;the h: M program, whicr's- Ed. 'Davies; .pianist, Mrs. started nnth_ the_smging of Christ - - See_ mss carols, A. duet, "Sliver -Bells," retary, rMiss Elina Hutch; •tress was sung by Mrs- Duncan M°ac urer and corresponding 'secretary, •Kay and -Miss' Sadie; Garter." 'Miss 'Margaret R. Jackson; .assist: S Hiltz .was the' 'guest ant •Mrs..Charies M. Straughan; speaker:,, and :brought ;:a very in- auditors, Mrs. .,Sidney ''Lansing; and spirational Christmas message: He• Mrs ,R,• D., Munro, directors Mrs began liis address• by compliment. -Edgar Lawson and Mrs V�_.T- ing the society'ori the work-by`the Robison, 'Mrs "Herbert Govier, beautiful flower: gardens in the ;vi1 Mrs. 'Wes.' Bradeeck, Mrs prank Raitlaby;.. Mrs. Herbert Megridge Mrs RobertJ- Phillip's, 'Mrs: Straughan, Mrs, 'C M Straughan and Mrs.:.Arthur::Grange:` Seaforth Public School, Friday, Dec. 12th.. at:s 00 p.m., in Northside, ITnited' Church EVERYBODY WELCOME,: this, elate.. B. f-HRIST!'E, @Mayo' November 12, 1958. _ "GOD SANE THE QUEEN” . ,=FRESH-BAKEI arty Eating AUBURN:- Twills' CeIelrate -86.th Birthday Mrs: ;'George„ Sturdy and M'rs. James l`taithby `(twins)' celebrated their 86th birthday.•in Sunday,_Nov„ 30- Mrs; Sturdy, the former .Edith. Ball,: and Mrs: Raitliby, -'Evelyn Ball, are the daughters of °the :late 1VFr. and Mrs `William Ball• and` Were born in Hullett township,,and attended school at SS No...9 In' -3900 Evelyn was; ; married to.` Mr 'Ja.mes Raithby and resided in East Wawanosh and Hullett; where they farmed' until 1.5 'Years `-ago when,,. they inoved'to'`Auburn They have 'two ' sons; Glen. and Lloyd, of London; five •'grandchildren ,and "two great-grandchildren. She is a •member '.of. Auburn Baptist, Church. In 1907, Edith was married,. to the Iatt Mr-. deorge ::Sturdy -:and. took up •residence in East WaWan osh: Since the:death of Mr. Sturdy She has Made her ;IMiziO with; _her only son Harry Three years` ago :they •moved :-te• Clinton.She.'is `'a meipber of Auburn United Church. Both of theseladies'areenjoying -fairly' good „health, ,arid the best wishes -this cdYfin pity bo -`to;- these a'hdies on this ,occasion.-" The .FutieraL services .•were, :held •'.•en ' Suiiday N. 3(i at- the. 'J. Ii. Ar - thin' Funeral 'Home`` for • Frederick" 'Laurence Plaetzer 'who passed" -away..'at hisr" i ence in A'ubuxn' on November. 27. 1VIr Plaetzer,was born. April 6, 1891,. in" Hallett town; ship, ''a'nd was the only son of • the date: • ,Lau>;,en:ce Plaetzer and.:tl1e late. ,jVlrs :Plaetzer ;whg Was be lone ]ier._rima iage: Caroline :Dep-. stedt.; 'tie attended school - t ,USS No, 5,'Tiullett; He': -was a farmer for' many .yes s and also operated a• threshing siiachine'' On June 3, 1920 he' married Lena Plunkett and; they resided -on the family 'farm in 'Hullett township on the° Auburn-Blyth'road: Thirty:-: threeYears • `ago' he' ,received' a severe injury in an aceident`' in a northern bush, while working on' -a project --and had been a `semi;_. invalid'. for ;many years,' A, few' : years -•;ago they,•retired to•'.their. new • home in •Auburn. He 'was a • member of `,Knott TTnitedi Church here,., Besides his :wife, he is survived by one son, -Lawrence •on the home- stead; two daughters, Mrs. Chas.: Milliau' (Evelyn); of Goderich;' R:R 5; and •Mrs.`: Kenneth: Sword. (Len-: ore)', a Snug:1th Rock Falls; also 10 grandchiIdreri• • • ' Dr. it. S, Hiltz condocte t d he fpii oral• with. ,interment taking; place. at.,Union „C,emetery, :Blyth .•.arall- bearers• .were• . Messrs, .Maurice a Bean,. Percy Walden,' Lew_ is Ruddy,: John Hallahan ott LElliapp, -and Charles Scett:-'The beautiful'. floral tributes were : a silent tribute to a wonderful friend ,and neighbor. E1tSY• TURKEY PIE;'- Combine 2. Cups Undiluted cream; of chicken. .snit2 'cups • medium- sized pieces. ,of cooked ',turkey and.. 1 toll.'/ cups cooked frozen or can, neo peas. S ea o . wa th Pe P er but .do net, add' any Salt. Turn into a shallow $-cut?; casserole. moo,u astr dou h 'usingone. cup flour o r biscuit lough using 2 cups.flour,,, Cut slits in pastry and .rrange -over-'-filling; 'or.:.xoll__out:. biscuit dough into an S-inch:round, cut' into six pie -shaped pieces and arrange over filling; Bake. in a very:hot oven (425"'deg. F:) until- golden brown.25.to_30 minutes._Six servings. -T- iLOIMIE-MADE 1�URKhY ' VEGE1'ABL.E` SOUP ''"'' • :Place brown •turkey t carcass /in large' kettle and pour in cold; wa- ter -to almost .coverthepieces. (For. a 20, to;:241ionnd 'turkey ^ carcass 'about .9 .cups o'f water). Add" a. 20 or 28 -ounce can,of • tomatoes,` ab lit One cup each of.chopped cel- ery":;;'and onion ' and season, with salt, pepper; 'and . about :one=half teaspoon poultry seasoning:;'COver bring to a boil and, . simmer one and `,,a half ' `hours. ' . Remove •bones ' and strip : Off m eal: 'To the kettle add -the 'Meat; one-half etip':uncooked noodles (or ricer) and one package (11 ounces),; frozen Mixed , vegetables. Cover' and -srmmer.until noodles (Or •riee). are tender; about 20 minutes. • ' b WARNING SIGNALS 'Liminal BLEEDING 'or DISCHARGE. 1:1•A LUTM of thickening in the breast or elsewhere, Q A SORE that does not heal Persistent CHANGE;' an BOWEr, or BLANDER babas . ' 0 Persistent' HOARSENESS or ,COUGH.] Q Persistent INDIGESTION OR rum.. CHEW IN {SWALLOWING", r, -0 073-A2sGE in,a-W ART or MOLP,. — These signals may mean CANCER SEE, YOUR • FAMILY. DOCTOR .• Society Cancer S ty Seatortla Branch: Pres., J W. Talbot Sponsored by Bayfield • Lions Club Bayfield Town H FRIDAY, EC M ER .ury �25`' s T ke Less:than lOc,a,try D ... 00 - A MISST O1V $2. COME ' ONE;! • COME ALIO ! PROCEEDS FOR LIONS SERUIC ' VOR K , rr.W er..,: WANT 'ADS-' BRING 'RESULTS Phone 141 or 142 Stihl `Read :° the A;dve`rt°serrlerits —. Its -a ProfitablePa t e# ;-J.t-i 300 Ringneck -Pheasants D E EIS -00 :AL- IVE• 4:50' PAIRS $9.50 �season � Eggs . and Chicks e non. INVITED IE N .' -. INQUIR S I V afort BUZZ and ; GRANT..FTNN[GAN, • ,F•'T rte% r�,=':+r r"'r�'r T r r r'r Oritar.-io .Depa tmenf-i:•t Trans_I announces your Ort active F'ebruarj tt� maks Ontario's streets And ' 1 Ig•hways safer . The 'Point System is .designed` to protect pedestrians and ,the . millions,pf careful motorists• from the small minority of.negli'gent drivers. who• abuse the privilege of• operatinga motor veh:ieid t _ , Protects good drivers ; corrects bad.drivters.'.Tpe good driveri.:ikilt be Safer than ever before. Forgetful'snotorists wall be'encotiraged to improve.their driving lYabits.' • . w POINTS VIOLATION :• 12 CrXmnatnegligence, m�tohnrg ' -the: use 'of°Tiststor veh2le' 12 £rivig while intoxicated 12. Priviitg Whilo solei to tlriv a i3 kapalred' , 12 Obtaining Icetsce.ly rnisrep'- . resentation" Upon conviction for'any of the eibribe 6 encet, suspelzrWtt rs, rttandatory fol B/ least 3 months 9 Failing tor'-stap at scene: ;.of accident' 5 Careless diiiyi1E • 5 ' Rating Proof of the effectiveness Of the Point ,S' Stein'in'reducing, accidents is provided by' y its success in other Provinces and in the Upited States.: It is designed to' save lives• -' including yours. How the POINT 'SYSTEM works , Paints' will be added to tire driving record of motorists -upon conviction for offetaccs• as - listed beTow..- - .; 12 points within a 2 -year period will bring licence suspension for 3 ,months• An additidhal 12 point accumulation Within a lyear period will, bring 6 months' suspension A 'driver with 6 points drill be advised 'of his record and asked to improve his, driving. Af9 points the rnotirriStWill be asked to attend an :interview and show., why his driv- ing privilege should not he suspended: 'Hemay,be placed on probation or have his licence suspended if 'his attitude reflects irresponsibility. ,laarrrts are deducted from the •#ecoit'd 2, years after the date of conviction, After a period • of suspensf%n, ta niettptlst:wlll'begin With -no points' against his driving record. ` Each motorist will tieceh/e a folder describing the Point Systemin detail :when applying- for his 1959. E river's Licence ' PO11.IT...S14S1EN1, ,CALF POINTS VIOLATION ... 5 Exceeding . speed limit by '3Q mp:h:-pr`mora : 3 ''Exce'eding.apeed,limit by more . than 10 'm.p.h. and less than, 30 mph. 3 Failing to yield right -of -Way:; 2! Failing to bey a stop ,sign gr - signal -light i 3 Fading to report an:accident' .2' Exceeding speed limit- by 10 m.p.h..or under 2 improper passing 2 Failing to share road POINTS VIOLATION' ' • 2-. improper teras i i -fo`si -';i sing 2 Improper ,driving where high- -way divided into lanes 2 - Fangt Failing to„ stop --sto for school us: h b 2 Unnecetsary'sl0w,:d": 2 Following .too closely 2 Improper -passing ,of streetcar. 2 Improper opening'_. of vehicle door 2. Pedestrian cross-over violation 2 Any other driving offence when vehicle in'motien ''�•a}.i otiwr•.o.:e:aa 4. ,ewc•,enxur.:•. sr, J. 1 turkey . IS Basis ®f festive :Meals The days between Christmas and 1Vew Year's Should. be fun -time ;for" -allk-.the family,including ' :jou! • There's. no Sense im spending• hours'' figuring ,out`'hdw, to 'avoid Mon- otony • in,. the : fond served' 'between thes-e two'feast day$; either.: With very,.•little effort, ,time Or e5ttra, pense you; can:prepare interest ieitng :riieals around prepare tui 'key left 'from' Christmas Day, Be sure to include readily available fruits.,.and yegetables, -fresh,' can nedror .frozen; pica some of the Christmas goodies•-abaked- earlier especially", for this reason.. : R "For a';`start why,.,.zmt -try one- of, the following, meals which have. been built . around' :choked •`turkey dishes, ;tested- . in ` the - Consumer Seetiin, , Canada Department of Agriculture? • Tomato Juice Baked Squash'Surprise Tossed .Vegetable Salad Baked Apples , : BranMuffins Tfonieniade Turkey 'Vegetable Soup Grilled Cheese Sandwiches' Canned Peaches •. eliristnias Cake r■r■ :. tJLa ► OFY•000D101IViNG .and you vil1 p your driving i ecoid clear tiOly'. M. tar OYMOI10,• M.b Ister Gi..J. COLLIPIS, DApUty. Minlster _You 1 lalways be` emembe✓edwhen you,J:ve;:.. .,, electrical,, resents because they bringlastin g,sery ce. r�n'd pleasure With so many wonderful neWv.; a electric appliances to choose from.' you'll have no s -r ris a, 1 t h t �s. iyour s -.trouble.-at clI pLe:asrng; everyone , on odern-electric afFliances:are handsomel styled led r<t • da Y.'s carefree living. 9 .' They re easy to .use fo o They ; Y and cost so iittle to operate. • �' There are no finer or more thoughtful gifts g gifts a to help ,our amil and'.frlends e better' electrical! a I' ri mode n --the safe, ea Y° Easy 'Turkey Pie Moulded Vegetable Salad Applesauce -Shortbread Cookies, Cream of 1C ixshrooxn SOUP Turkey Waldorf Salad' Candied' Rub -bard Squash, Wedges Cranrry Jelly - IVltieeetheaat .Tarts ¥DRO LEG/Wit-ITV PASS