HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-12, Page 8'EXt'.OSITOR, SEAFORTH, 'ONT„• DEC. 12, 1• 'FORTH MONUMENT .'W( OPEN DAILY `. 1Pr e & _-Son AL TYPES _ OFaxa taw CEMETERY .MEMORIALS ,°'” Inquiries •:are invited. t' Telephone Nberc . Clinton .1620 Exeter 41 4 Seaforth 573 .. •••+ rmt3''T y, 4+ 8'-4+.4y .4. .,.4y wM, , .-4.n4' u. t r .0 ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE GIFT'S For the Last -Minute Shopper Made with the b st'in ingredients, ients such as Butter, Pineapple,': Red. • and. Green' 'Cherries,,,_. Bleaehed' -Raisins, Almonds}." ' Pecans, - `: Cut'; Peel and delicately. seasoned ;with the best of spices. , 990 Pound ` Also • the Original Scotch Shortbread and'Christmas. Butter. Cookies, Danishand nd French Pastries and 'Other -Christmas Baking Fresh 1. F>r h Box Chocolates,,, Salted N t Christmas u s Candy,i arse � Ciarettes Ice .Cream Specials, •Sof _Dx''s.. We will be cooking v n.=read turke :ain this Christmas oo g o e, Y �'.s again Turkeys received before; noon, December. :24th, will be ready the sante _evening.. . Bring turkeys en ly, with .name on pan C'BREAD.FR .FRESO, O`:DA ;L I Y - 'A Treat For the Whole am 1 Seaford Midgets: Lose: Close {ane =T To Zurich:, Entry.. (Contributed ) a • schedule' WOAA-- Midget game played''„as part of, a."double- header in the Seaforth •arena:Sat- urday night, the visiting Zurich.' Midgets defeated theSeaforth -Leg- ion :Midgets, by', 'the. .soore • of 43. It -was a-thrilling-game-aW't-he-wa-y- througli; :and just as .close as the ;score indicated, ' The. game: was marred 'bY Seine rough play, and. in. the secondper- iod-: a couple -oi visitors • tried to comb, ieltalong`th: boards' and a 'fr,ee-for-a"ll took: 'place,: -with ev- ery player'On. both: sides in on the; donnybrook, .with T. Dick and 'Gar Flannigan,' for the hometovviters;. and'. B --Johnson' and. Wagner .for the `vis,itors,:'drawing major -penal-- ties yfor••fighting: This cooled.'the boyai. off until :the 'last period; When Flannigan ot'•. anodise' mayor for; Flannigan g __.1_ "fi hti-n It. :was 'too:bad that -this. had to- iia It en because tlie'':'-ame was. a thriller. all :the way' . through. Willert •was the -big -man £orZur. ich,.,seoring • :three: ;,goals, while Johnson scored, r the', fourth --geal. k'er the hometowners., Harvey Dale was' :the leading scorer with two goals, with, Billy ,.Pinder scoring the :.third goal. For the " Zurich team, 'Willert_i_ and their:goalie,, Aniacher; "stood,out. In_: the .final period Amacher came '.0F • with r,some sensational.: stops that looked if they stire labelled for goals •t sger ie locals; John:Varley on defence �.' was the: pick,- -;along :with John -Patterson in goal, who` also played ;a :whale' Bakery RSrq: Phone 34 — Seatorth .w.E r�(r x . 1 • ' i pi.,fe ,e• i Je.-: ,e0 PERSONA: COASTERS GIFT IDEA, SERVIETTE Ideal-_ eft-':Gi ' THE HU, ON R -EXPOSITOR ... ,;.» y. 4, 4... '4, a. +4'•' 4'.. 44, 4, 4,.4.'�i.,?:44, t re?, „•Pr Ir Theiext ga�Me is. Satairday_ :eight. ago ;net thea:Iiensall ,Midgets,,;:and this i $houldbe d ° another •gooone. :The -Midgets -are -being Loose Ends sponsored.: by the'':Legion ,"and they: purchased the :former Junior sweaters; ;The, boys -looked reale sharp in:'their neve' .untorzns ; The only thing 2y4a.s. the ' visitors' ”. niiiforms were;. just about.the,same,color and it niad'e at -difficult for the :referees,: and the nlayersLte4eWeach other. apart.: T., I7'ick was Lcliosen captain= by' the team, ajong with_'T r ave and john.:Varley, • assistant captains. x :13•'•me . • 'm "not Mada ,; I cal 'doctor -Iyer:; a 'doctor • of initaie.7 "That's• why. I called you'; ,, I ve got a constant ringingin My ears," 'Cone in "Shop Around” The United Cq operatives of On. tario ,will meet 'contract farming competition from'othercompanies,, according to delegates front -Sea- forth to the joint meeting of the United;Co-operatives -of Ontario and the: United. Dairy and Poultry Co-operative': • Over 600 delegates and visitors representing 60,000• farmers—and other patrons of farm co-operatives heard -Alden McLean, of Muirkirk, ;p esrden • of TCO, report --that` a substantial amount of money had been appropriated for use , of the loeal co-operatives to assist them to • meet competition ; frani , other companies through: contract farm- ing. . "Your directors believe that contract; farming and vertical' in- tegration' have'._';setne advantage and . should be used :where ''they, ;help the farmer;."r he told delegates. e believe',that, farm- ing wt, m ing should be controlled by farm- ers and: to make that possible ,the farmer may contract with his own co-op where he' is part owner ra- ther than , surrender • his :own:inde- endence to;.non-farm ; corporate p. � enterprises A panel discussion_ held jointly by UCO •a'nd•tiDPC on; the morning of. the 'second • day'supported Mr: McLean-; and theboard of directors in their,; view. ;The 'panel ='disessionu 'on "Co-operatives in Integration" - cIiaired, by 'Ray, ileugheed, -of, Bar- rie, second vicep resident of UCO brought xFught 'out the point that' co-op- eratives were the logical farm or pa r Presidnt r D n • ton F ,� to e e W altarGro up.`eetin took `the form Christmas patty; on Wednesdayevening when the- foe ;iug side. -with. -Pile's., Eiiierson'ItMit-•_ elicit 'as leader, entertained ;the winners of Mrs..', Gordon' Murray's The, tables, .'were 'decorated in. Che' stma colors ;',and-' place- Cards depicting the. holiday. season; ": A Qbounteous •supper was served with the .winning side :each wear ing ,a .hood Mader paper; hat„which Were ..afterwards; displayed 'and judged,;`Mrs Ken -Taylor' and Mie, Culbert "were itis judges, choosing as winners Mrs; •T:' Dundas 'and Mrs W :. M Thoirias. V: Gbl°,singing.;,iyas enjoyed.: A musie'alpare el passing contest was held, with Mrs. ,Harvey Brower a,' thepiano; and Mrs William Tham- er as winner 1\lani w' e dZ:ativn by the. leaders for 1959'eepper„con- test; Mrs. Allan 'McCall: and Mrs... Arthur;:McCall: 'A..pe,rsonalitz=--'con-. :testwas • voted on and Mrs. Herb Travis was ,crowned Queen by 1V1rs. Ronald ' Bennett, . who was runner - were. shown',,by Mrs:', Taylor,•of Blyth; on k',robislier:Bay, which .gave us: a l -p colorfuicture, of the..work-'being carried on in; that part of•'the±'vrorld.'.Miss 'Clare. Taylor"is •at' present:- doing welfare Work -there..., oxe,s.,were packed for - the sheet -ins at the close. of the 'ev- Kr• hlkyy: Grand Display of GIFT SUGGESTIONS .our Store and -Windows Cosmetic ' Sets, Quality Soaps, Bath • Salts,'- Colognes; Dust- . . ing Powders, Comb, Bnisir and Mirror ;Sets, Peri and Pencil _Sets, Gift Stationery. FOR 11I4E'>.:' WHOLE• FAMILY We stock Smiles 'n Chuciles Neilson's • and. `Rowntree Chocolates in Christmas Wrapped Boxes. PLAYING CARDS Shaving Sets, Electric : Raz- ors, Shaving Brushes .•a ii d Botsls, Pipes,>Tobacccs Pouches,. -- • Lighters, • Kodaks, Cigarette Rollers, Pen and 'Pencil, Sets, Leather, Wallets,; Travelling, Kits, CARDS and SUPPLIES—Greeting Cards and Envelopes — A colorful selection. Available win boxes orsingleGift Wrapping Paper, Seals and 'Tags Tobaccos . x Cigarettes z. Cigars, 9HOWNIE STARKLASH OUTFIT '• BROWNIE STARriEX' OUTFIT eaowar fUittS EYiE FLASH Theseare, only a few of the Many Beautil` ful Camera Gifts available at MOAK OtaifLEX W i�EATING'S FLASH UUTFlt y KODAK MOVIE OUTFITS, -700. + ,SEE THEM ALLY` 7 here' Phone 28 •– 'J "The' Iteall Ilru� "Store " ' [ eating, Plxm B --- M E. I-Ioiwer, Phan; 1.;•1 E 1,;!,1,::1.:.1,:-1 ganization to undertake contact: farming agreements with' farmers;; Panel members were .Dr: pave, Legion' Ladies Have, Christmas Party the Christmas rneeting of tile' Seaforth Legion Ladies' Auxiliary',' Branch -156, was.liel' in the Legion: rooms• Wednesday with 27 'ladies; Present., M,rs; Jean McKibbon, ,-the president, opened the '•1neet ig. Minutes of, the ,last meeting were Hopper, OAC, Guelph, Bob McKer- read'by the secretary, Mrs. J: Mc-• cher,' Seaforth, Harold:Schmidt; Gregor, and the treasurer's report Baden, and Hamish McLeod, •UCO. ,was read by. Mrs: A. Muir. The production department manager. 'monthly _dQon: prize: _Wast on_ ltd Dr. Sapper resorted that con -Mrs: Little. Committee rep o rts tract faripgwa definitely on the were given'by the ladies in, chat ge; inerease; but -he indicated that this -:Arrangements :were made.: to - type of farming would .not likely send a Chhristmas par -cel, -.to aux be . as, poplar for' : logs_-andeggs—iliary's-iad'opted veteran in . West 'it a -has • eery for broiler: raising. m'inster.Hospital, Hondon._`Sons_of George-McGague,. resident of aukiliar :,niembers` .who are in"the - P Y , UDPC and first vice-president of, Services, are also to receive a., UCO, said after, the meeting 'that • Christmas box. Vertical integration'• was a logiCal The mystery, , ,P rize. was'Won hY moue for the two. provincial 'co- Mrs. H. Holland arid special prizes operatives, 'UCO could supply the, by 'Mrs° E. Edgar. and Mrs. •A. contracts and backing for its, mem- Nicholson. - b'ers to undertake' contract'farming blleefaon Of officers for - 59. was. i • oultr .: and: e s andthe -dairy: 11,�99 ed.in: n p Y gg n Ire demand [lice's will. be install and' poultry, co=op ,would be 'able, to: office: in January'' A hearty vote market 't e , roducts to the best' of thanks wasextend d to the 1958' advantage of members. meinters. The meeting closed with, A' highlight hli g ght of the meetin g :was 'the singing. of The Queen:" . the, address of Hon.• T: C. Doug- m After the ,eeting the ladies en-; .las; Premier of Saska'tcllian; who joyed a few numbers' by a novelty' spoke_ at :'length on the place : of 9umtette, Mrs. E. Jessome, Mrs. the: co -o :movement . 7n ` resent D.; ,Taylor, ; Mrs:"A. ;`5allows, Mrs. civilizations' He•;.ind`ieated . that a A. Woodaii Mrs.„„.. McGrath, who` capitalistic ,society:. could not sup- ' led in: a,few songs Santa Claus ply a :perfect 'solution 'for people arrived during the , singing of "Jin riorcould conmunism•,'`bnt that a gle Bells and distributed Christ-: co-op' society whish contains pub- . rias; -,gifts. A 'delicious' potluck ic, ,. Private: and.co-op businesse .su, er was. enjoyed,`:served: by the:, ls .. Pp .._. Would provide the_;bestt.soIution for}-Deeember=-lunch--cornmittee, Mrs:. a :sound and rewarding C.•Coombs,;Mrs Mr. Douglas spoke to More -than D:r Adams,=Mrs. 1L. Barry and Mrs.. .1,000 .guests at. the joint .;''banquet L."Brown,• nDecmbe1r e b a tri - "i e. so -'that, the- --The 'star ;' of -an utsta d -in =.ea• I •Plan r, . s__ g_ t xri ut of the oven for for -:the ,co-op movement iii::Ontario---turkey will be p 71 of rth • own �'of Se o By resolution of the . Council,1 hereby Y y, proclaim FRIDAY. -DECEMBER 26th BoxingDa HoIidorc and res' ectfull r uest the Citizens. ,and p Y, q M s mee: Businessen to observe ,the a O May or "God -Save i he Queen • ..,r, i ,nv i ,nv t ,.x r e • rr i .ry • t elf ,.,i •r+;: •w .re' ' •r.+x ..:: '3':e' ^" F•-'-'3'..ti min tee ' was enfolded in the directors and 20 to 30 u before server g . ZiL Batley genera: -::lana er rWeston, sorb;.some of •the'flavourful:;Iuices g Read:the., Advertisements _-_. It's a `Profitable Pastilca ze orted-,that-the-tTG(f-had-a-total anal_also,.:makes._carvmg„.easaer,�m.- -, .. volume of ;:business ,exceeding $70 on in<1958 more 't ant z 'l= milli, h li/ im lion dollar$ over last year's vol- ume Total' e riiings were'. 8; •nearly double that of last year. Patronage dividends• , of $740;000 'from these earnings would be paid: out'to inernber co=ops 'it was 'an nounced, Nearly°'all departments of UCO showed . Substantial progress with`. thew grain 'marketing division and- the . petroleum . department show= eatest advance;_The gratis marketxng:;�division made,• history in ;the' past •year' ,when 'it became' the: sole marketing agency for a'. farm commodity,groub the On tar"o, `wheat' Producers''. Co-op- .It was the. first tine, that -the ,UCf))' hid. undertaken , this . type of pro gradrz and ;;at • was.. the ;;first : tune' another farm organization: had ai- proached UCO to ;'reguest it to be' a `sales agent. Since then: the tario White Bah Growers have, also_ engaged the UCO for'`'the• sa'me' purpose.. , It was- announeed -that the, Grain ;Division is planniii'g to build .three million bushel grain. terminal -:iii the Chatham area. UDPC :delegates'heard'anew the . reportsf their .directors The -re ports emphasize , the reasoons, why UDPC was;'formed, several. months ago_ One of the main putpoaes..4is- ta `'.provide. ;poultry' and , dairy•pro- ducts to. large `retail outlets in quality as;'well as quantity.,.•.The` UDPC is' an outgrowth of what was: me' This :enables:, the: meat to'ab= ,.WANT ADS .BRING ,RES TS Phone 141 `;'or general manager's ;reports.. Hugh -time.: .. .. ,. the -dairy andpoultry-fnarketing' ^`•' •"�' ^ division of CO, plus local coops at Blyth and! IT Dundalk The UD G r c oast Half 'Turkey -begins operation with -'nearly 2? �million 'dollars. -in -assets, with UCQ f-thas .;.the Main ,iinv_e_stor ,_ rialrkeys are filling the heed ` of many -'homem'akers' who cannot use a Whole; large 'laird•; at one.. time yet prefer the -• texture ''and :flavoltt of ,the :heavy ;birds over that of smaller: ones. Others buy half a urge turkey rattier .than a whole,; light -weight turkey because.. they feel it'1iasa greater proportion of meat to bone 'and is :often more, economical in price. ITh view of ~ti is;--seme rnar-kets,. now sell half -turkeys as a `matter ofY-eoifi`so alpng with whole -turkeys for , Thanksgiving. and' Christmas- Wheralf-turkeys _ are not'on dis-. play,,, butchers are generally pleas,: ed to oblige a.customer:by .tutting a bird In half when asked. The 'Consumer Section, Canada. Depa'rtinent of Agriculture: recom rriends. the ,following procedure': for, roasting a half -turkey weighing• from eight to •i2: pounds rf the bird is frozen,' leave wrapping on and. hllostr 12 to 18" hours thawing' time at room temperature, ,or::t'Wo to three days in the refrigerator. PTt111sAPATIOhi •Remove; -'pin- feathers and 3vipe both sides;;" of turkey With 'damp cloth. Skewer: the 'akin. to the 'meat . or bone around. the Out : edge of' the bird.' `t,iie the leg:firmly t�.� the tail and skewerr the wing firmly le the breast'>nieat. Sprinkle the cavity, 'with "salt. STUIi'EING---Male one .cup stuff Lg for each pound of turkey. that s,:10 cups for 10 pounds of; tut - 'key,. Tito. the bird cat, • side up, pack 'stuffing lightly 'into neck and body cavities.. Skewer the . neck skin.tethold the Stuffing .in placer .Cover stuffed: side ,of :turkey with a piece of.,aluminuni foil cut to the 'exact Shape of the half turkey and pierced in several places, Press a greased- roasting' ,rack firmly against : the foil, their turn over so that :skin sideis up. Place in roasting pane' and' cover loosely: with aluminum; foil (dull side out); Do not add 'water, . ROASTING-�Roast.tincovered in. th'e.same' manner AS a whole.tur- key, ti'siiig 325' deg.' F. even and allowing 4` to 41/2 hours for an 8 to.10-potind ,turkey, 41/2 to -5 hours for 10 to 12 -pound 'bird, -To finish browning, remove foil 1 to 11,6 hoursbefore end of cook- ing time and baste with drippings every 15 minutes- - Test for doneness by piercing thick part of breast or thigh •with skewer. Meat shotdd be tender and • juice have no reddish tinge; Meat therntoxneter placed in thigh„ i}ould register 150 deg r. when urkey' is 'cooked. • • eaforth r r1r' e'1 ur .-94 'v.' ; :d ; 1. ; .1�•r.1 ..1 :- . iC 0 D T -_EDA: DODGE- FOUR- FOUR -DOOR S~ :1957 , 2-1956 DODGE FOUR -DOORS'. LYIVIOUTH`F0 R=D00 R -� -1956 `� .0 __.-. i�; 1952'OLDS'NIQBILE SEDAN' 1949 CI1EV SEDAN < _ T'RV C K.S 1955 FORD 1-ON—Stake Body - DODGE , DE SOTO CA • • DODGE .TRUCKS CASE : FARM M CIffl ERY :one• 267 Seaforth ... '.. .... 4+..4,..'4,-. +4+. 4. y, ,y.:. e” Y,.. v,.' y !,"."..rr- igr' ,r44 -F4 -4;r499 -r,.r - 1.499 e' 4.4r..f•r•.r, r-•', X r i r 1 44) w11 w , u.1i « 4••••..,t «4 .w1 --A1 d . d .yt 1 j .1 .i 4 i 1 ; f 1 +1 .f 1. 1 • 1i ,,••••41.; 11 e'4 7_4 ,«4 .d i ; .1 «4 • «1 , ,w •',. i.. Y. .Y.v ..4.. .. ?4 •, fa .. K. .e4. .. r,.".. w.. +,• •'., • ^.. • -.. -... ..... •t •.-�.• +'. .r4. 'e4' w,,. w' .... w. ... . •4 K +.. .. y .. .y .4 •.. •4•!. +•. • /NTA' S000 STS the BestGift: r Mother is a 4;, 1Vlake life. easier: foe+ Mother 'ley taking th.e .' 'drudgefy . but of washing ! No inatter•'how cold, blow! vet,:the NORGE DRYER _: leaves your clothes soft axle dry. And, -best of all; no more 1 angil7'.g out clothes ill `xbad weather. AS IOW -AS .00 tip Lav Do rn m ASY TERPayI'YiSent We 'have' several USED REFRIGERATO-IIS", Clearing' at New Low Pres I Phone70r2- DUBLIN, r•''r' gr r. r, r •r, •r' Scottish traditions are strung• in parts of Nova Scotia, where high- land games are almost as popzi7•ar as in Scotland. , r. ie' is g..+, - M.. •3,, ; 3 >; �•-' r�. •: