HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 18u'ON EXPQSfTOR SEAFOR'TI•I, )1!IT., DEC. 5,• •$8 :MILK 1 .SEAFO:RTH; (REAM war Ea CREAM 1R1 BAR 'l TT �+ ri�•hY rust (Globe and Mail) "It's probably not unsporting to point. this• out= -since Leap'Year is ,still -more than- a. year away but the: president__of..tlie,coaStto-coast. Guaranty Trust ,Co. (assets under administration, $175, 900,0005, is a bachelor With a • country Estate ..at 'Gormley ' and, an ,: apartment • in town -J. on .Be Wilsrry.... Onee. of the reasons- that -Berry has. remained in. -single ,blessed ..v ..,' .,..or+pax 1 rw• after P iF,,31:.r.h'tT�+ ff,,;i~'+•_ er •, (r-40,7;;;t' ti• SP IAL dew 3. -,-, ID_O.PG These tars arsaxa brand new and must be sold to make way for 1959, ode Models. This is 'Your; 'opportunity to save ! 1957 -DODGE' FOUR DOOR --SEDAN: 2-1956 DODGE FOUR DOORS 1956 PLYMOUTH FOUR -DOOR ' -19 "OIDGE-•E-OZ.iR-DOC R�m -,• i952Lb E' 0 S1VIOB,TL SEDAN --71951 POI IAC 0X 1949C1949HE ED HEV. SEDAN T.RUCI�S 1955' ;, OR,,.Y 0 Stake3�ocly Phone 267' Jo- DODGE. „ DE S0T0 CAR"S DODGE TRUCKS K S • .CA 'SF FARM MACHINERY " Seaforth rt r rl', , r� , rw-r rl d; r r;ri v.•.rkrd 4'; ,. ,.. ,OL 5 .. Gift 'Suggestions.': For Hear: Boshart Cedar'Ghests' -- Appliances Personal and:.Clock: Radios: Beautiful'Airfoam Pillows• Hassocks..,' • Gift Suggestions For "he Home: Hostess Chairs Bedroom and Living , i.0am-S.uites ome Furniture: 77Cblie6-:and EnTabl'es (light;, or dark 'finish) GIFTS FOR T HE PRIDE. AND JOY: •, . Cribs and Play ,Dens' in finest" finishes Highs Chairs " Doll Strollers Doll 'Carriages' 7F -or That Special, Gift rsr.- TV Phillips ° Spartan. Philco Sylvania RECORD PLAYERS ._, Combination • Radio - - Phottos We Service Eve y'thing We Sell . WE DELIVER 1 or '1_D n ness likely has to do with his work, which is his chief delight and pro- vides him with both livelihood" and ,recreation,• `tI have :no particular hobbies;" he says, 'seated•behind what must easily be :one of To- , ronto's most tidy desks, "my work is ' my life." • And Berry can be. -satisfied that be has been eminently successful at. his- profession. He became president of the. trust etixijtpany wTieii Se -'was 'barely 4S --one• of the youngest trust company presidents in. Canadian•,bistory—,and was: -very largely instrumental in founding the • company in Windsor-iir --the. twenties ,_, Berry is in the farrw bay to-bi'e city, executive tradition, He;. -was born in Hensall,..• Ont , ,and his father vas an . uniporter of draft horses; (chiefly"from Scotland=;and France) and a judge at 'the Royal 'Winter Fair7-The:'young Berry;-af te;cu'ishmg, public, sellout in 11 n- sall, ,attended high school .in Clin ton, "a 12 mile trip which he Made -twice -daily. on_";the railway_ After high schooT7Berry took a• 1n "the oId�- Ster iri' .Bank. at .b l $25 a• -•month). The Sterling .was later ainalgain'ated• into thea old Standard,^Bank, whicli'was subse- quently taken. over by"the•. Canadian' Bank of Commerce.. Berry was suf- ficiently successful at',banking;that he became an acting 'manager within :,two years. Although the ,life °`of a.banker' appealed to.him Berry says• that he wanted to "broaden •out" :rand he took .a job with .a .finance 'coni ll in' Windsor The w rk7her pally o e xittere3_tje alsoy Berry was fascinated': with ,the fun.c"tions of a trust company ``L: got a: copy o£ the ;Trust "Companies• Act :;and read" it : he" says,' `and I• was so intrigi ed ,with :the possibllrtie-s . of, ••trust :work that, 1 got -a job v-ith a trust -company in..Windsor.'N' While in.Winds or Berry „took him - Self 'across the river to Detroit in the evenings to Study law and ac- • counting gat the University of, De- tioit and hact_en4lrghTiniti live to interest a ' group" of ', prominent Windsor men in: founding the Guar- anty :Frust in '1926. "F was pretty_ intenSe:;J i those days he ad'mits,_ (It might be parenthetically stated here .that 'young then -with an.:eye 'to the-.future-'c'anle'arn something - from Berry's •.'careerhe' was inter- ested: in trust; company work; so he read about: it; when lie':: felt the need of ;further - education he got on the hall and slugged it. out at night' school, and he "had enough gumption while sti17.'in his e`arly- twenties: to 'talk to ;.leading :bus: nessmeu and; convince''them ^ they 'should, "establish a': trust ,company; Spoon feeding= "farmed'; a :nighty` amall,.part of his career ) : In 19 .4'Berry. left' W mdScir : an eam'e to: Toronto for the company. Two "years later he m _was naed general,; manager of the firm ` and he: points with very ` pardonable pride •: to the'._faet that in19364 the assets under •ad nipistratron 'were only$5;.Q00 000;,compared to today s $175000,000. • "':: 'Through his:career Berry engin-, eered the amalgamation into the" Guaranty of five.: other'_ trust corn panics-the'. Fidelity,; Niagara Falls Loan ...and Saving; Capital; West;; ern and , the -Equitable;::,- Today:the-: •Guaranty : has ;-14 branches 's -acid" three agencies..from 'Vancouver. to.. St:- • John's, Newfoundland. "`.It's been, a busy tune Berry admits. Evidently it still..is. • "Berry- has .watehed over and • very largely. guided the .fast- growth, of the pany.:' "He :was' named president in: 1945 -and today keeps close tabs on; the Guaranty's Canada -vide opera.: ions .. Twice a 'year he travels from .coast, to coast and when he is in Toronto he puts in a 9:39; to -or 6- day fat'plowed by: -a lot of nec-. essary:;readii'ig,,at •borne The read= ing, he °says; iS a`must" and .he adds that most of hia' real think ing _; is : done at Gormley. •"You: don't get:a chance, J.67 -do -that' kind: of'thinking in ,the office;' he -says —and:;plenty of executives: will• un- •derstand exactly, What: he i'ileans. ' At Berry does• indulge: in so le rreci cation. .He keeps ' a saddle ;horse• and "enjoys oversee- ing, the;'property Ile -gave;.up golf - (although he • was' good enough. to ;have •" a" handicap of -.only 10),and also curling.. T`his'last be •decribes with 'the, enthusiasm of a neat' de votee. ,: "It isy"; he ,says,"the'' most gentlen'ianly of all games.':' . 'But the 'pressure of his• Office made it more ,.a'nd .inose difficult for hien to be present for scheduled games.. Besides his trust • con piny work, Berry 'i's one athree- trustees of. the Grottoes of North, America, an .organin ,de zatjovoted • .to assisting cerebral palsy • victim`s lie'` director of, 'the Traders 'Finance Co , • Canadian. _Genecal..lnsuraneel Co„ 'Toronto General:: Insurance and -the .'I'raders':General. In surance Co. •Ile is lso 'a mernber 1111111111n111tm1uuutrutlllnbUriFnurl' . ,.. WrtritE BROS..• nex Furniture -FLOOR. COVEEINAS-- ' ' Phone 119. --FUNERAL AM ULA E` . I �Ul� � $ �C SE R'V CE Ooderic! St. �WeSt: GIFIrs ISPERS�4 SALE LEVIS'ION Seaforth „, Pr�sid�n t of the 1Vletropolitai : 'planning Board. ' Like many' senior .Qzeeutives,. Berry, sees little tax relief in' the offing for big corporations. The growing- Welfare, state, , he says,: means "'more .and bigger" Spend- ing-- by governments. and "more more" .'interference with private bushiess. The .growth of paternal- ism. is a matter of concern,to, but, in-:,conimo'n with -other'...b.usi?. ness leaders he' sees little on., --,,the; horizon which will halt its grog oth. In the; meantime; bachelor Berry runs a., trust company of national infnortance from its lati,b in Tordii=' -to; a' highly successf ,executive- 1n' a Iughly competitive -field Suggest Spice For -SCh ri st1°nasFoods..`. .".;Dabs "For, -December (1)S'ic B 'ii e Fo p y egi n, r . r Christ- Mas hrist mas Dinner—Totnato Zip' -Cocktail . Combine -120-ounce can tomato 10-oun.ee' J. .'nice 1 � an u , n cdtluted•cori- sdmme'and 1.teaspoon Worcester- shire, sauce, or 6 to ;8' drips hot pepper sauce. Chill thoroughly. Serve in juice ' glasses with , a Slim celery' and carrot. stickin each, (2.) -;Good Fo -Dressing. r Turkey SaladYou'llget Vial* 'requests ler the recipe when.you rye fresh, flavoured -Cucumber' Cream Dress iii'" with a moulded. g ,turkey salad" t.an ae of your )ioliday parties! For. 2'c 1 of dr ssr ' co .bine /s c e P mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons lemon;' Guice -a few grains each of cGy.enue; s i and white 'e e ' llpp r, and , h cup:. peel ed,• ahredded and: drained • cif um ler Whip, ?/z cup whipping cream 'and fold d'ucuinber ,1n, mlxtui'e', :Chill until -cryinglad=LLYo•UGingery Apple :"Granberry Clutney Roes' your ,family dike relishes 'with a different' flavour? dress up:, your Cranberry• Sauce this way To .2 ,cups, ,;:of eranlierry' sauce add' 1:'cup finely tliopp die pe-eled apple :1/2"-c.. cup 'fin_e1 r, chopped "celery, 1lz Wcup 'seed- less raisins and'1/z .to 1 teaspoon ginger Mix �i ell- together and':: let 'stand averrug1 f or longer, in' re frigerator.to'blend flavours Makes abbnt �cops•� (4) Thougkriful .,But Inexpensive Gift—Share some:. of your cooking secrets with •your. hest., friends" ;by prettily `pa_ckaging. thre:or four of your favorite herb's or spices along With a recipe ;'or , two' for using each of the"mv JAMES DONNELLY' Reeve -of Goderieh. -'--100 ACRES—Well; fenced, new steel .,barn:.:.;Low: down payment. FIVE ROAM�IOME — On Ord hStreet.andle Small, down. payment wilt • ,SEVEN -ACRE FARM, in Tuck ersmitli,~with comfortable - house: and• small barn. Priced for quick sale. hone: 45 Ull11111111111thu1tuetliinlrlrlliiultnrlll' We'SA ecialize in All Lines ' of NSURANCE NEW COMPOSITE DWELLING" POLIeY Offers, full fire and; liability ,cover li y age at 10% below regular rates to home owners For full information, ask" us. ----WATSON ::8z REID . i. General Insurance Phone '214 Seaforth x A ent: - JOHN A. .CARDNO 111111111111111111(iiKult111H111lllltllliltt En O new drNvm confidence this winter wit r echaniCal hriter.occ I"nJTrea y Ofthe 1%1 L ‘t.c., c ,„„.„..---- kNII0 sltent traction_, `\ Snow and Mud! Tire:` ' G R I R-Screntdically.. spaced" `G:nppe's". `moulded into: the centre Tread blocks create :a' . '"-'thrust",`zone wf;:ch• i nterlocks.,mecha pica fly' with'eveSy type o; Orin ter. roadsu rtace:- N SIDE SLIP= Staggered '`Gripers gg R in,.dcep moulded s€abd,zir shoulders;. stop side slip—give„ 'positive -forward drive.. . -SrLE. . ON P 1VE`MENT' Varied pitch tread, ,,p•attertir cancels out: vibration• and.swal' lows.up "sound T•s amazing ....ne�T'ir`e will pull you... away from'snow= #!iletl curb,s-bve_-ou an' altogether new kind of "geared to roads securityon every type of whiter:.. _road --phis purring silencedfy roads. NB R G —H T RA_L L anadian Petrofina Ltd. `\J ~Dealer and --Distributor -a Petroleum Products Phone 354 Seaforth GAS, STOVE and FUAtNACE OIL - Prompt Farm and :Home l!elivery` SOME SIE, ill' Open ng. pedals` Still On ! ezA win ` 1 till ✓fi vrdi Ei i• x t L y.f i Sr`2, ,u w , wji t ii rt pGL x:E: �!' ; .E r1r iii er, x i } lr vi,el'1i ,�r• , •- y ' rd' 3 ` + 1, N'. -i; K< -h.. •. K +k : K. K. . -..' +'... K ..14 - K. K. K. « K •. K . K, K. n. K. K. ... • ,.R .. , . K• .i . K< . K. KR •. . •. • Ka .. K. +V. ...,,,, .. Ka ..y K K +5• ...a. .t .+,... K', .4-� VVV . .' USS FOR THE MEN INN YOUR LIFE , ,The Most.Exciting Choice of FESTIVE .DRESSES WOOLS, TAFFETAS, LACES and CREPES Sizes 10 to -20 —`14/ 321 Inlay DUSTERS ..and ' " - HOUSECOATS In Cor duroys, Wools, Nylons and Cotton's, a lovely assort-` meat. PRXCF:D. AT , x'.95 and 'up. LINGERIE We have :;the most attractive Lingerie, in the.-fabtdouskw� : ne -" trades. --Pantes,=Slipsy Goavns,. RT °SHIRT in Justnewesarrived, tpatter rntiinanbeyY forByourluestoneChris.tmas shopping., . Best selection;, : A11_sizes ta5 to 7� FINE . SHIRTS In, new stripes and plains and noir-iron shirts. 'SIZES 14 18 -TIES , We have the best assortm'ent"in the newest patterns. All nicely, boxed at : ' : 1.00, 1.50 and 2.00, MCGREGOR SOX In Happy Foot, Wools and Ny- lons: : 1:00 and 1.50. Bed Jackets and Pyjamas. 30 •-Head SHO:RTI '_ . . TT ' O1t C L WED.,.' _DEC. ' iOth t p.m AT THE FARM; ' ST. MAItYS one utile vilest of St. Marys, on ; No. 7 Highway 25 'females, 5 bulls; , several females -with calves . at feat; balance of cows carrying long service datesand some open heifers. , WHITE BIOS. -sr: wcAit3'S i 11it1'Itlllllllllt11111111 1 T 1 t111tlllk ALL •VERY REASONABVY PRICI D SKIRTS''' Reversible Plaids, also plain shades .,.... 4.95.14'16:95 FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS and GO TNS Also SnugglYiiiC�t+iis'; A beautiful selection, in'Clildren's.anct' Women's sizes; at.LOW PRICES. PLAID and'PLAIN, SLIM. DIMS; In Wools, at 4.95 to $S 95. , Sizes 10 20 PULLOVERS.and CARPI6AN In •Banlons and Orlons, all dolours' and 'sizes 3.95 to "'" 9.95 SEE OUR COMPLETE °SELECTION Alt Gifts Christittas. Wrapped'_ Free- of Charge PYJAMAS Big variety- in Pyjamas, Broad- cloth Intl Yama Cloth. All siz es. Only - -3'.95 and "4.50 Best ks`Fortment' n• PULLOVERS, andCARDIGANS Men's - Suburbans and 'Hudson Bay . Coats -12.50 -- 24.50 Boys Coats,aitd' Du e Coats. • : • ✓7.50 - 12.50 Also Best Selections . in Scarves, Dress .Gloves, Belts and 'Underwear, Penman's and Stanfield's OF GIFTS FOR EIM-OR HER 4.95 9.95 .. . • r • - d ;.d. w , ,t, r :i' : .('�; 1 .E ,� !' 1 ,,(, Main Street SEA1+ OR,TH 4.