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The Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 17
• .: r. ••T �� .P itp.: r - r„ r•-• r.: r , ? ?'»r:r.•r; ,ntr uron County's Finest Used .Car I iarket, 2.1958 CHEVROLET 1ISCA SEDANS -z --Fully " :1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN equipped; . automatic trans-' $ ,9 p /y with 'radio', mission. '" // �7V 21958 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE $ ,,y".rte 1354 DODGE REGfENT , $1195 SEDANS' " , = f'. • ' 1954 FORD • GUSTONILINNI; 1958 PONTTAG LAUIiE.h1TIAN Q . ;_ Q� SEDAN -Radio' 1.195 Fully.. equipped; ;::automatic_ _: :!� 40 . 1954 METEOR • ETEOR HARDTOP=•Powef� - :brakes and 1958 PONTIAC-STRATO_CHIEF SEDAN :._Stan .- ... sheering,-utomaf"ic .trans - dard transmission, fully $ mission fully equipped -equipped.„..-.,,......r.....-`,�.� 1954.. CHEVROLET'_ DELUXE 24958 .PONTTIAC $TRATO CHIEF SEDANS- ' SEDAN -Fully equipped Automatic transmissions, •' 1954. FORD 'COACH -With ,over fully. equipped �� �� . , head motor 2-1957 FONTIAG DELUIE SEDANS'-.Automa tic :;transmiss;ons 'full $2195 1953TONT IAC SEDAJ1 equipped,' 1957 CHEVROLET COACH - $1995 + 1952 CHEVROLET COACH` Fully' equipped. 1957 CHEVROLET STATION $2,295 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1 450 3956 FORD FAIRLANE Automatic . transmis; 1951. DODGE STATION WAG v" Sion fully $ ,.. egtiiPPed - ..'-. ,all -Late -„Model 1951 CHEVROLET. ;SEDAN - AWntten Guarantee for 60. days on Cars -Many other Models ls 1 BR` E . . ' L USSL,� of<; Bet"er Used., Cars, R Lie, ' n r choose f:om. •TARI, OPEN"EVERY EVENING uggest Origin Of Of =Present -Day Christmas Card The Christmas card, as we know it, dates back to the year 1846, -when Six` Henry Cole in England,. commissioned Johan C. Iiorseley, R.A: artist, to design a greeting ,Card, to send to -friends,. This was the first' known Christmas card de - .signed for the purpose, although greetings may have been sent in similar fashion prior to that date.' 'It isreported that 1;000: of, Sir, 'Henry's cards were • printed' The pioneer of the Christmas` card business in the United States was Louis' Prang of Boston, who, -started a flourishing trade:it-can be, considered' 'likely' that the ori "gin of the ','Canadian Christmas. card dates fromabout the same time,: somewhere -around .the year 1876. 'However, it is quite likely,' that the .English designs were us ed in Canada before, the -American` Neighbor: ' "Is your son •hard to getout of bed in the ,morning?" •Student's"Mother - ` No - ''I just open' the, door and .throw'the , cat on•his bed"' Neighbor 'j "Hots does ' that awaken him?" Stddent's '.Mother: ",He • sleeps with : the dog " • IN :ORANGE HALL Fri :ds 5th .` Auspices i s f Orange o ,'.;., r g p an a Hall.'Ero ext :.P ,.:Y. Committee _ Ad'inission 46c • Lunch' Served • tin,; Y 't f<1 X• i T T t' i°: f t i°- •,: .: ... ,y +•.�.. Y. „.,yi ::,x'.,+5�.: +si :. ...+Si ... •si ... q, :. Y�'....,. .. +5+' +5= ,5' ',T.+. v.. -•...,y. . I ..r ,r -dr {pit i .r1 ,,,' „a* i .x tom „et .., ARE •YOU=R 'WCKY;WALKER" 'CNE SORT ONO .CRD 4;.iBU ' SPrif r' $hT,WEEW $N'r c7tatts SPECtAtt•f wttEK*lbon, Ms ARE ,t h.4 ®F $uWD $y 17, f I SUPPEiiYDAY---- //4 SUGGEST WAYS TO N HOLIDAY ENTER GAINING SA'VI • Around ,Christmas, about--thcr nieest present many a` harried .hgmemaker could receive is a: -few •extra hours of`.precious time So Wi y, •no.t be- yoiir- own-- Santa--Glaus- and arrange now to ;give :yourself that' tune bonus .when it will be •appreciated most? '1xe Lound of:. holiday entertain- ii that. _usually' starts:: about .:she :beginning of December makes this 'one of:-the.'most crowded SeasoRs- ofhe yeax: These,-soeialoccacs i ons .are particularly demanding when You: are hostess- Whether it he a; #ormal :dinn•er, :a buffetttype.party T', Tx,*.'riip i £ r ii,ira,3'�,tr ? iP7.ira1, t3.S,r..,r IG - - BIG TRADE-IN' SOW PRICES! CITATION Model 102W21 `. • CITATION Model ^102K24. (iIIhIIIIIfImuiNiiun_ m�-=unun`_n Inb + 21 -inch Nu-Slim,TV-Radio Combing tion 25 'Aetual q.'ulies~X9 TV 6` Ra dio w'o Front'Speakers " , •. Record , e R Full Featur d or�d Changer • Marconi ... Lxfe est d" T e4. • Gi4Nu-Slim 24 -inch Picture. 'C6 - ;Sols 40 J,9 Actual. Tubes • Two Matched ;Speakers •: Signal Monitor • Mareolii' "Life Tested'•' CITATION, Model 102117, ▪ 1I -inch Nu -Slim Table • 19 Actual Ttibes • .High Quality Spea• ker ' • Avail'able'with leg " ss or. baSe. , extra a • Marconi "Life Tested" RA»IO r ERONO M idea 428 • Radio-Phono Combination • Six -tube' Radio • Sensitive -Loop Antenna •-Three Speakers.'•: • Automatic; Shutoff • 'SURPRISE THE FAMILY AT"• CHRISTMAS WITH A' NEW MARCONI TELEVISION . ; . '. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON DRYERS CHRISTMA FORCSI A.• EC! HRiS IWAS :.OFFS E: A� ,. e g a purchase' of $ 50.00 or ve Customer, making , 1 receive one of our King' Size over wi 1 , , Christmas Trees. AFEW 1958 STILL A VAILABLE PMONE,. 1i K i:a .f rd r'•s' ✓1 r,,.j; Cr.(a . .E'r1 r" , LEASE ORDER EARLY! Ie ri �_s ETTR TOS. Bring your �c}ildren!p our foe and let ,them useANTA .our." Tape Recorder+to send a letter. to Santa Claus. This. is a;much more „.personal approach, and the ehil'+ ren will love: it.' Children anust '"' be'aecompanied by a'iiarent. lBLIN Open - Every Evening .'O ••.E i 3 w i p 2i J 8`eEi lt` • or neighbours-rti farTeOffe-'n cake; the; preparations take 'time! time!' time • Now, -n.ext to having catering: seivice, nothing,•takes-,fess time. than going 'to your freezer and; finding • everything, you Want for ":a_ special' evening=ready ,to serve, With ,a -little 'thotight • you can' get. a2 lot ,of yotin.:i%ond-.preparations for- the , Christmas ''seasondone h. n , your`.. se edule_ 1s :less crowded The ' k tric is.to• think inaerIrl s:.of corn etc enu 1 m can make ever ,= d P �-. Y thing m 'Sufficient quantities `for specific- ' entertaining :- occasions, There -is -notrick to the aetjal y :o freezing -the qualitf ' the food prepared and,proper Wrapping are the. main considerations: 8 rans- parent:plastic wrap is an' excellent choice for the .:latter. It clines: closely to anything ,that .lias to be v z piled sealing=out'- r7ari pre` 'venting freezer •burn,. Arid if makes the -foods so ,easy; to. identify! ' Tt • is possible to' freeze an''en tine meal':from main •eourse_,to 'dessert: Prepared 'foods that fi:eeze we11 include soups, meat loaf, baked: beans; chili cou carne, chop suey;t, stews;:+and"a .wide wa,r- iety of casseroles:-" Special breads• and rolls ` can 'be, int!1'uded'• and for dessert yoir eat freeze ":a baked. fruit 'pie, frosted "Cakes (hi: _sections- or individual'; portions); and the .always•w,elcome:icecream or ;sherbet: Other arty pleasers that can -be prepare'and frozen are • coffee rings, petits fours .and frosted cup- =-cakes Hors d -'oeuvres --gad fancy- sandwiches can lie made : in any :quantity if finings do net -,include mayonnaise or salad dressing .•- Theri for an elttra-special sea- sopal noteto your en tertaining why .:.not Make:. -and ,freeze -.a Christmas 'I`rea.:Loaf, ,.or. a .401Y -in -ice ring„°for an unusual .buffet” ceirterpiece:or-,punch:-bowl- cooler. • Roth are simple,,; to ••pre- pare:and•'easily frozen for !:future` festive occasion: • Holly-in•Tee Ring - Freeze *ell washed holly leaves: and berries 1n ring-shaped mould, filled --with 'clear -or tinted water or fruit juice. Cover,,nipuld with sar- an before • placing. in freezer: Uri- Mould nmould and .use as ice" in punch bowl,, as •s centerpiece in buffet spread, 'Or -. to chill. -celery • and Olives. . MJCCeSSTLJ aroma -Dominion Tells TeIIs Meeting Earnings, assets- and depositsof The` Toronto -Dominion' Bank sung- ed 'ahead at a record. rate -in the Year elided October 31, 'a new peak level being established in: all, three categories 'and 'also`in'loans.-Earn-- ings far:' the. year .before: income , taxestotalled, . almost $9.8 ism alionS ° This an increase of'$1.6 millions or almost 20 per cent. Provision .,for income- taxes rare - 'up $950,000 to'''°over $5" millions; leaving .q net profit of $4.7 inillians,. which is a gain of.$664,000.• Net profit is 'equivalent to ,;$2.37 a share: • This. compares With $2.04 a ` share in- the previous 'yea'year':All Phases: Progress Balance sheet' figures:. reflect substantia -l4 progress in all ,phases of the Bank's • operations.Total assets rose $361 miIlipns or 26 per cent to ,$1,744 millions 'This is by tfar the largest increase recorded in' -any d=ear ota1•.deposit, are $358 millions higher,.. amounting to $1,654 mil-. lions. This is an increase of about 28 Per cent.: Allcategories of.„de- posits show ,an' increase, .the ma- jor gains being recorded_ byP .er- sonal 'savings' deposits whii:h are up by more than $101 millions and by other deposits,: mainly those, of commercial concerns, which are $189 million- higher 'than, a year. As usual, the 11tank's statement shows a :strong liquid;, position: Cash assets' -are egdivalcnt 'to 16.7 per cent' of: all deposits. -Readily realizable assets, 'including cash, equal 60 ' per cent 'liabilities u of to the public, Total .loans, including N.H.A. mortgages, show- an increase of $153: millions, Call loans 'at '$177 millions are up $86 millions. Cur- rent loans at $626 millions show a gain of $41• millions. Holdings of N.H.A. mortgages :rose by $26 mil- lions to - $66, millions. • Deposits increased much more sharply than the demand loreleahs, Asa resflt.a little more than half' of the increase in deposit funds was invested in securities, holdings of securities rising to $557 mil- lions, a lump of $182 millions. 'INF #H(1RON gxpesITOR, SAFOIi.' - ORMN • MONUMENT OPEN AAIC,Y T.. Pryde :& Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS inquities axe invited. " Tele hone Num Cuiton 1620bers Exeter 41 Seaforth 573 ATERLOO CAT _ _ CIATION "Where Better Blahs Are Used" THE MOST COVETED .I'RIZE IN CANADA'S _ ^REATEST. LIVTOCK ., O ED1N. 11'51 • I z v f ire 1.9�8�.Roya ter ��enlor'IGet, o .... , . In.k'oi, by Elmcroft fixation ;,V.G. 1' meroft: Tradition 1s :,-aive. and d in ,service 11d if:ana im I._Could have fe 1In` , E17neroff radition" would havever e .. right to be aproud father e'conra W three -O Orvan = ry Chamber and ' i g . s his son _........ . .....:; Ral 'h ; for• breeding and'':devel in tis: e that they could' win. ' Our famous Jersey ''Sire, -'Brampton -Sixth Generation Ex, .sired -the first prize Sr. Get' at the Chicago International Dairy Show of .1so=alive, service and; a proud father. WQ ,congratulate Charles Robson °.& Son of New` Brunswick„ for breeding ; and Don, Head-' Fanum Man Alexander ;:George Innes; ' Homer ;Havilad, for exhibiting this. Geta .• This simply proves that where given equal opportunity,::` offspring of the -bulls 'we have irl ill service mtiviri their shareof honours for• both type and production. BETTER; CATTLE FOR FETTER LI INC .Farr ;Service br ,More .Information; Phone Collect- to CLINTON HU; 2-3441 ' ; between c`7 30 'and 9 `30-A M Week Days .•1 6 00.'and 8:00 P M ouu Satrirday Ev•enings • _ _ C CEIVEI) ON S-tt��.,TfFIi,'DAY`EUENII+G 'ARE: IIVSEMINATE'D EARLY SUNDAY 1V ORNING B�•USI�N.-ESQ-.; DR.',M: W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone , 00 Seaforth. `;-41-no'answet; Tall 59 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., 11t,D. '' Physician and :Surgeon Phones w Office 5-W' Res: 5-J Seaforth:• - JOHN C: GODDARD, M.D. - Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 'Hensall • SEAFO• RTH 'CLINIC,•" - Telephone .26 E: A. Mc1VXAiSTER ;: E • A., 1VEi Internest Telephone;, 27 p. L. BRADY,- M•D. Surgeon l ~ Telephone 55 DR. E. MALKUS - '• Telephone' 15 • EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday only, 7-9- , - Appointments "may be made, A. M. EARPER Chartered. Accountant 55 ^South St. Telephone - Licensed Mtmicipal Auditor. - A' WEBB D.C#' - : *Doctor- of Chiropractic 438 Main -Street , Exeter )C -Ray and •Laboratory •raeilifie5 Open Each 'Weekday Except ,.Wednesday Tues: and Thurs, Eveningsg A -9 7. For_Aiipointnient •Phone 606• DON'S, DENNIS : Auctioneer 'Graduate Cf ''leisch American School .of Auctioneering: Licensed in Huron, and •Perth. - Capable of handling all; types of, sales' and, ad- •yertising,• : DON DSENNIS'',Walton Phone. Seaforth 843 r 141 •-SEA.Ff}RTI3— - VETERINARY CLINIC . J "O: 'Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S Ws,: R.• Bryans,• W. G. Drennan; Ibmg., v,S ' . Phone' -105Seaforth IR A W. SIL LERY Barrister; ". Solicitgr, Etc. Phones!:, Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO' McCONNELL &' STEWART ' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc P. D. McCONNELL •)..L- STEWART ;SEAFORTH,- ONT. • Telephone -174 D`; H. 'McINNES Chiropractic • Foot Correction: COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Monday, -Thursday -,1; to 8 p.m. `. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF �tptQmetrist Phone • 791, , Seaforth Eyes "eXainined: - Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE,SEAFORTH Office hours: Seaforth 'ily, F except Monday, :'9 a.m.`-5.30 p.m„ , Wednesday, . 9 a.m.-12,2'30 :pm.; Thursday evenings by appointment, only. Clinton: Monday, 9 'a m. =:5:30 P.M.(Above Hawkins' Hardware,) The 1VIcKILI OP- - MUTUAL, FIRE. ' INSURANCE,.' CO. HEM) OFFICE=--SEAFORTH out. OFFICERS:: ' President --Robert. . Arc ' hxbaldSea- '• ' forth. Vice -Tire std e - t n Allister Broadfoot Seaforth, , Manager' and Sec.-Treas. Miss Norma Jeffery,` Seaforth - .. DIRECTORS: E,. S, Trewartha, Clinton, d. 'L. Malone; Seaforth; , Chris- Leon-, hardt, Bornholm; Robert, Archi- bald,. Seaforth; John H. McEyvingr Blyth; Willi'am:S.'Alexander, Wal- ton,' alton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich; aI• E. -Pepper, Brucefield; Allister Broxdfout, Seaforth -- -" AGENTS: ` William Leiper, " Jr:t Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter,:Brodhageia; Selwyn_ Baker, , Brussels; Eric Munro Seafo - - � rth O.00o,OO'0QO'O'O.' rx J GLHAR`' O_: O •>-..-Seaforth, Ont. , O• b' -LICENSED E 1 RALMiSR 0:: and -FUNERAL 11Ii CTOE O O bight. d I7ay Calls.: 335 0 4 OO©00.Ot4.Od b0 O 0 0 0 0-0 04.4;:G0 O b O BOX Funeral Servi O -R,: S,' BUX • 0 0 _ Licensed Enibalme 0 Prompt and careful atteo.tion b Hospital Bed. b O . FLOWERS , FOR ALL b O". OCCASIONS r Os' Fhone ••' I , O Res. 595-W Store 43 O. 0Ot70‘00,' O©OC`i 0- Funeral Director , O 0' and Ambulance Service .. Night or bay •Calls! O : Phone 43 r10 . - 400.44..4000: . • p'` O 0 G. A:" WHITNEY +� i tYneral Horne. : `0 O Godkrieb St: W:, Seaforth 0 O AMBULANCE SERVICE O O Adjustable hospital beds O• •:for : rent..:, v; .FLOWERS FOR EVERY ' OCCASION- 0 CCASION 0 Telephone: f'ay or Night• 119 4, b O.O.. ®QK%b*...