HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 13INTER TIRES f wit or todint. 's ,. h -Powered, cars See .res haw for the only-iraction that puts all your power to work to beat winter roads.; • X Et ra grip under,', oVve '': s 51%more;traction in st 17%. better'txaetion':in nud • Sure control on lulls, " canners, stopping. Quiet "ride -:on bare pavement. LOWEST, PRICES .EVER Freeinstallation°a- `See us soon. Is„.* GAOI)s%Y EAK Teresa 4-•4; aur: .:LAFF : OF T.H "I was to knrtyo some gloves,but I changed any mind."'" FESTIVAL IIENUjT DECORATIOIS CHALLENGE KMEAKE For many -Canadian -hoiriemalk ers,-Christmas cle-carai7aghas come" to mean more than the traditional wreaths, candles ' ornaments, _ or Whatever :seasonal 'touches person- al faire dictates If"'often includes_ painting a room er several rooms so that; the--house-looks its spark ootwear _ is a it ) k• • fehcome Gift.!.',;,. ere Are-%'Soiiie ` Practical Suggestions: HIG-II-CUT-RUBBERS _Warm Lined; to pull over slioes wath trap at tOp MEN'S - $5.95 to ;$7.95- BOYS'' $4.95 and "$6:50 -•JUNIORS' = 13 to 3 - $3 95 .and " $4:75 CHILDREN'S, - $3.59 and $4.35 Ladies', Growing Girls' and Misses' RUBBER LACED .:OVERSUIOES.. $5,95' - $6.95 -- Special'. for Buck `and Saddle Shoes .,..... $7.35 ^^R` t ex WOMEN'S` SNOW BOOTS .,.;. ,.... $6.50 to $8.95 Men's Elastic Side- Romeo, Opera 'arid Zipper -Front ;Leather" Slippers Men's $5.00 Operas, Men's $4 50 Zippers $5 & $5.75 SPECIAL --Men's Saddle. Leather Everett 'Slippers;"sbeep' collar and .lining , .....,' o- MEN'S -,OPERA: (as cut), •'$3.00" . ;BOYS,' $2.75 MOCCASIN SLIPPERS " ._. For every ineniber: of the family:.Many styles to :choose from; Allain or fur trim; warm lined. Childs' $I.45 * Womens $1.49 to. $2.95 Men's $2.50 , SPECIALMen's Felt :Laced Bull -0n, , to wear in house or Rubber Boots' ..:`$2.25 1VIcBRINE SPECIAL aero-Pa'61 :-Witli"haingers $16:95 21'" Weekend' '"Case ;$12.95 Overnight . Cases :. $i0.95 'rain-Case_(Blue or Ivory) 35 Men's' "Sportsman"•-- Two - Sititer" Companion, 19 -inch $27 50 $M6 WE SELL : "OACIKS SHOES FOR,:, r • Specials•e for the -- E�uy for. UChristncias':wittl "Gift' Certificate" lxlAli: We get, . PRICES $16,00 :to $26.50 � -tofit � customer. had "- . . FOR LADIES' The shoe- N5, -the "Magic _ FAMOUS ..AIR STEPS" ' �...... � SoIe" -- $13:95 and.$14.95, Widths 4A to' C. See Dur Special $4.95 Brown' Oxfords for `men Boys'_sizes, t to 6.„.16A5 `TIE STORE WHERE QUALITY .COUS1 We Sell Official Boy Scout Shoes --- AFORT - 'DISTRICT OB•1TUARIE:S. J. E. FOSTER The death occurred sudd'enly-Sat- utday-at`"his home in "Zurich, of Joseph- Francis Foster, • 79Ile is survived br-one son; :William J, Watson,,',Hay :township; by :one brother,- Nicholas Foster, Seaford; by one sister, Sister Mary Erica, in Wisconsin., by= four grandehil dzen.`• The body was at the Westlake funeral„ home, Zurich,, until " Mon, day morning, when •it. was remov- ea to St. Boniface's RornanoCatb.- olic •Church, . Zurich, for Requiem, • igh Massat 10;.:a, u. Burial was in..:the ' cemetery•adjoining- the church." HARVEY •HUDIE Iiaryey Wesley I3udie, -11.R. .:2, Walton, died Sunday at the.Tliamer, Nursing •'Moine,"•Seafortli, :lie 'taas in his• 77thyear; and was born.and educated: in McKilop_'township," where he 'farmed most of his life. In 1916: he married Mabel Aleic antler in `Clinton,: She died'"in 1937: In 1947 .he suffered a, stroke, front, Wh 111 h ^,partially recovered. He ling best_ for holiday `entertaining and Christmas:; gpecuesettsiiis Painting ,in" ,"'one of the:. busiest Months in'any house - _wife's calend'a'r• Well,:'.what-.‘would, 'strike" our grafi dmothers as poor timing has become very practical: The" reason is the "development, of'. paiitsthat are'easy :to' apply, :quick drying ;and" almost coinplotely•od- our -free. Thebest'known and most popular...:01 these pf•,course are the latex or. rubber, -,base " -Paints' which have been awelcarne, "boort; -to'.,professional and.- `do it yourself painters equally paints. are "easy tp wozk' with show no" brush or It marks and dry to • the "touch within. ;half an, horn'. :Tire furniture•can; ba re placed c uielcly and '•:pictures' re hung, so that the room, has a :new look Without disrupting;: family„ --life; 'far along period of tine: There, is 'so little odour that it "is --possible to sleep fn a roorri ;just" painted that day. ' As -one. wife discovered 7.14at. •Christmas, use -of latex paint cnn %alio. the pain ;out of painting pressed •by the ap ear anne_of:-her 7luang • and •dining ,roan? walls';dust: before a very, important pre -Christ-. isiaa 'party," she called -;in a =painter, and selected a new color -scheme' from the wide .range 'of" shades vailableThe morning the painter. arrived . she.departed ier_ a leisure=_ ly tour, of"the •stores :with gift list in• hand- When she returned, ,par--: cel laden, in " the late 'afternoon the • red ns were finished She -Was. able to; serve :dinner, as usual the cginpletelk redecoraked dining room Experrenees ''such, as thr$ baye; Sparked a, new'trend.'n home_clee orating: • More and More. • people: are doing "their' interior, decorating' _during :the ,winter_.months. instead of " waiting. "for springtime: By `painting in the; -winter months. the job •can• be spaced for convenience. :The', newlypainted ..'walls redttce spring housecleaning •time and- 'able an earlir Start: to be made" on the -hundreds and a one things °that' require. doing, outside when.; the pleasant weather•iom.es ' It :costs so very:,little in -time, money or •effort to redo your. holne with latex.' paii;ts;. , Wliy.- not give your heiiie a bright holiday lifo the, dull winter,months' by starting a, planned painting program" now?. FIRESIDE FELLOWSHIP' GROUP • The annual Christmas party of the Fireside Fellotvsliip Group of First Church was„held:Tuesday ev- ening at the':nianse. Twenty" per. Sons` Were present and 'enjoyed the evening's • program.., Mrs. " F.: .•5. Cos rd resided an.opened the f meeting with a Christas"poem.` A Cl ristmas .:hymn was, , sung;, "Ilark? the :Herald Angels'Surg,.' with" Mrs. F. Kling at the organ. Mrs.' J. F-` Scott'read=the Christ• Inas story from the second ,chapter, of._Matthew;.and also -,led in, pray- er- Several items of business were dealt •' With, •.which included' new flags Tor the 'church; sending $5.00' to the John Milton Society, and $5.00 to the flower fund of, Mile, church Mrs. Corfnrd, revictved• the past four years' work and reported, th 2t. • $2,000 had been given,,to the t•,?uirch in that; time, Mrs. E. A. McMrs- ter ci»oke a few words'pf :apprecia- `Mrs'to: Ito anti" M Elder f . or n their help and guidanee-in .the few -months they ,have been here, and Miss Alice" .Reid presented them With a gift,; Rev.- Elder express- ed their thanks for the:gift. and. ektended an'invitation'la the Fire - Side torhdet at the mahseat'any Following a look"at the television on which one of: the members, c ll a "" Mr. R. E. M. Mil an, ,w s appear-' ing,. games and 'contests were •en- jpyed, with •Rev. Elder as master of" ceremonies." Lunch "and. coffee were 'Served and another happy' dhristrnas • partk ended. Vandals Axe Pole Telephone service oh a Itirkton lute was -out during the night last week when Vandalschop'pect.down' a pole with "an,"axe, The pole was' split ,"about 'three feet off' the ground. • Workmen/ put the line in order the following morning, Of- ficials'believe the same - loop piz`ll- ed, out a number of. traffic signs;: along the ' Exeter-Kirkten ;road. Stop signs aiid • a " checkerboard were ,among the markers dovdn in the , morning, --Exeter Times -Advo-. °ate. , u• -d1 had been irt:, Boor health for the past-two.years. He wawa member of the Avnglrcan"Church, Waltonr, $ tn ~wing . are twQ` sisters, M`s,': Angus (Lary). W- el:sli, V•aneouver and -'Mrs. Robert (Sophia) Cole, Varna, one brother, .Clarence 1iudie, Mclfsllop. The body' -rested at ' the Box funeral .hdme _Seafortb,`Where. ser- vices were held' in the Chapel on. Tuesday. at 1:99 p,in , with Rev. Mr. Daggs officiating. Interment. -was in Idaitlandbank cemetery.: WINTHRQP Mr.' and ..Mrs. W. "E'- Hawley left the Village last week for London, where they Will _spend the winter; Mrs' Q. Hawley; . who has. been spending -some time- in Winthrop; left" last week for" California, where she will spend the.winter., • Miss Marjorie Boyd spent the weekend at hoz;, :home• here, ` The Mission Bann.,;wi11 hold their annual "meeting': in.•the ' Sunday m School rodon, tSdit rday,• Decem-: Iger" 6, at 2 ,o'ciock <r ON rip 1^c5j rd 1• , It, S'EAFOIVTII, is, Sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club Bayfield 'Town ,Hall 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER, .12 880 :pati. 25 Turkeys. 25 "Games .Less than 10c a try -- • ADMISSION $2.60 - COME 'ONE' - COME ALL! ' PROCEEDS FORLIONS =SERVICE WORK (Pit .a:) „N ,.# �p&�f 1 . t3"..A) �.,A) ) ,.:f) ..Vi l f,,.i ` .af i' COASTER o GIFT II)E AS -: SERVIETTES' THE N_ 'HID C EXPOSITOR •: -HURON. , . vrd;.;e>d) ;,r..i) „1;• 1;rt,;ri) -;rl, ✓rd� u•1i 4) ,) ,P.4) v+•.. ,-y ; ,1/4(4.: .) ph 41/4 „,- SAVE GOLDB�A D-- :STAMPS f0R CHOICE 0. WONDERFUL FREE CITTS_ A' SPECIAL NOTr€E:,, To insure Delivery fox Christmas, Alt GOId. Bond Books- should De by Saturday, December 6, 1958 SPECIAL BEE HIVE N 5 YR D Pel PECIAI•• _DELIOIA� • SPECIAL -'ROBIN 1100» FRUIT CAKE SP }uCTAi: - l GA COLA,TE•0 SPECI E ROSES. FL®' 'SPECIAL M•cCORMICK'S ` B ' :CRACK E. SPECIAL ASSORTED. COLOURS _IES-'- MAPLE LEAP HILINCEMEAT IGA- Red Pitted CIIER,RIES ' KRAFT - Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE AYLMER CUT MIXED ,PEEL A i'LIV[Y;R CUT JVIIXED FRUIT . : AYLMETL CUT ORANGE PEEL . IGA-''Maraschino - RED;, CHERRIES .- HANK. • -PACK:-' 0 -oz. 'tire' 2LB.: TIN. 1 -LB. CTNS. 30 oZ .: fi PKG.: • 25 BISCUITS. PKG. 5 -LB. BAG a 2 4 -oz. Pkgs. .. 8 -oz Pkg..... 8 -oz Pkv, G -oz: Jar • 25 • 1 -LB PKG, ECM;-, PACK. U,; IC 2 -LB. TIN > 47C HE;LLMAN'S" MAYO'NN'AISE SUNNY,IVIORN • COFFEE-•. IGA''-:•Sno - iireezn, SHORTENING ASSORTED . COLOURS:, CAMAY SOAP T GOLD SEAL L 73% -Oz. TINS TEA TOWEL or CUTLERY DUZ :f • FOR '.HOUSEHOLD CLEANING SPrC anal SPAM 16 -oz. Jar. 55 -Ib. Bag 11b. Ctn; 33 :.. Bath Size Gt. , Size .t. Sl�7 e: 7 Whole • or ; Half' LA -IB LEGS o" TABLERITE _ 4 Varieties Cooked Meat 12-o FOURSOME PAC T.blerite SAUSAGEM MEAT �ry ROLL.._. PI Sehneider's ° • SLICED. SIDE IACO►N I'kg. 470. Pkg: FitEEZER` T''EATU1 E BIRDSE4Yh ORANGE J'"DICE:- 2 -6-oz. Tins 11 -oz, Pkg. BI1Ci<ASE�i',E �DINN ERS -Chicken, Beef, Turkey, 69f ;.'• nt•,,ic t, .rta EW. CROP - NAVEL - ize 138 SUNKIST,'ORANGES. I �'.,.,P RSKIN:�. . ,.: Z E FRUIT 175 Size TANGERINES CANADA NCI. IDRY' . COOKINGN ONIO_.•S. SNOBOY C ANBE E R RRI Doz. 3-1b. Ba 2 5° • 1.1 b.• 1 -lb. ;Cll