HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 9EAFORtili:ONTARIO 'FRIDAY DECEMBER
a or
. L
zard that brought•-traffie almost to A standstill
Sunday the sterm had passed, leaVing familiar
. Veterans monument in Victoria Park takes on
Within 24 hinirS 'had turneds'.antO a
and caused- a Series of highway , accidents.: On
objects bathed in Sparkling. White snow. The ,War
_newdighlity against; a snow-covered background.
• (Expositor photo by ,Phill4s):-
An annual payr611- in excess of
_ 4.500,000 _will -:.result with ,.eomple-
tiers: ac-
here; .Fred :11.'" Peel; "general
- ;manager: of- the: cornpany,i told The
Fixpositor. Wednesday. .e was
-= AisvaSsingthe implications of the'
vete .Which, takes. place „Wednesday
Olt a hyi..law, to -provide a final as-
Seastne,nt-for, the COMPAI-ny,
"We were',e,oininittect to, a long-
term pre-e-rarn,he Seaforth aS ,soon.
,as We decided ,to build here," Mr.
Peet- said,---`4Ve, haVe.-"a,,
Seaforth andi1l cineVerything We
can to contribute to . its stability
and its groWtli: In asking fixed
a.sSessrrient, for the new. factory,'
we wished 'only to Provide . a, con-
Sistent financial basis on wrhich, we
'could %build . the- --f.utrire:-
.1,varited assurance' as tO what' our
An end.. of NeieMber, sterna' that,
.swept across' ,.., the - district FridaY
., and Saturday ,bronglit.,' -blocked
roads and.D�zens �f ,disriipted-itrafofierin;its,
, 'yet 'dead-mister:nett .toe4riv-
: the• ,
generally; few seriou. accidents
- • ; •
'.While:Satiirday'r,S'storM „dui -lined
.six, 'inch-eat-7ot. snovi:' on .. district
liighways/bads. within :
.Were' not. closed,. Travel.
- as made perilous however, by
..."&fting sjw 4whieh, atepine:S.,-;..re-
dweed,",;Visibility7to 'a' Tenn -mina:
GOidoirdleynolds,. };,B,. 2,
ColistonOn 'NO:- 8
eaforstli- is in...'Scott;',' Merrioria
„TIOsPital suffering, :froni -sligh 'eon-
cuSsion., and ,shock;!folloWing, ' sta.-
Agin, W,agon truck accident. around
5 .p....m.,:,Sattirday.,-..ori, HighWaY. 8,.
W..e4t :or.Seaforth.." • ,
'Mrs:Iteynoldk.„." Was. 'retiirning
:110me frein ..-Seaforth ;.witli her.
.*e- :daughter,' MarYanne, 'when she
stepPed: mit,' Of ;the.. statien • "wagan
to' assist -.dn'eating. the 'Vehicle
intothelgarage.,,x,sdienY a truck &IV=
en by . Henr 10aVer,' RR 4; Clinton,
was in .CollisiOnTwith the Vehicle:,
- ,
The impact knocked it, againstMrs.
Reynolds,. throwing .1-er to' the!'
Shewas removed ihe.hospi-
tal by Boit.' airibulanee. The kcii.
.aott was itiVeatigated'hy.ConStable-
4-aek-IJ,C,I)OWell,UfLthe iSeaforth
'detaehment of. theOP, 'Who eati-,
-ffetelt, the-idaniagetehufstation,
wagon 'at 4250.- Damage, . to ' the
truck, Was of minor nature: Blind-
ing snow: was fall'ing at'•the tibie;
Kinsmen PJan:
PecinutI Drive
Finance Hocke
cKercher Is
At Name To UDPC
oronto Annual
• The--snoWptorm over the •weelc:
. • . -
end was a reminder that Christ -
ms -is but:a;_few_claY„S„:, _away; But
e-yeri 'had-tbe..snew iiot,ethrieether_e.
are 'lots of oilier reminders in'Sea-
forth of the- fast -approach of
Christmas,,, • ,
Strings of. bright bolored lights'
'add' a festive' appearance to
street, and, cheery snowmen ..swing
fibril each-. of the lamp_ Pests.
Christmas' decorations a're 'prom-
inent in -Shires -along, the street,
and . exterior .displays add to the
luminated ' displays " • in' -front:, • 'of
a number of stores. -are interesting
features that-, 'add. to the testiye
air.• '
P.V.C. employees co-operated
with Lions- Club Thursday
afterrieen arid erected, alarge tree
in front. of the Town Hall.. Gaily
lit with liund.reds .of glowing lights;
tho .free presents a holiday appear-
ance -backed by the town building.'
It. will , forth a ffittilig ba:ckgroiin'd-
,*f:orSanta Claus when -he, makes' his
annual visit 'here -on Friday, De.,
This 'year Seaferth .1-her:chai1s,
ye' co-operated ' generously' With.
the. Liens' .Club .in making. possible
,S,anta's_,,app_eara,nee, with, hiS "yvellz
filled. bags. So interested '-Wer.e
.those whotook, part! this year that
it has beed,sugges.ted, that 'anOther,
-year, arrangements. might well be
:put, in. _hand.' earlier,- '-and-ae--more-,-
exte sive_...,Main Street: ChriSt tau!.
firograin planned, ,
makeshopping in Seaforth as
'convenient , as possible, Seaforth
mereliants Will remain' open each
Wednesday until Christmas. The
tax commitments ,: would, be ,dirring
toe. years we yr, 8: c.:CM 11:74fig estab
'diShed in the new
Mi-T-FeeT :said. the 'fiked-.',a'Sse-Srse
, applies ,irlY to the,,factory
new under construction
Any- ad,
Officinal „-'oc as tructien .r that '
take.'Plabe Wouldbe_AsSessed.,oti
regular basis.
regard- Ours elve 57:as heing
iii"partnershipewith .the people
Seaforth:, AS Our greWs,':
.the, anoMitit of ., benefit Which. Seal',
forth receives ,greWs likeWise.'".
As an ecam.pIe, , Mr.' P,pel,'' said
before' the' Prograin
Wei de,eided,""on. thejirna.,Was
ploying 100 peoplei Ak... a reStilt.
a7tfahihig, :PrOgrain.i.ritiderWAY
irireadktessYforlie.moye=te, the
riewibitilditigi 'this...Mini:bet has, its-
' e-tiTY077.j10;1.-At.lea,St*ti:adclitional."49;
,.personnel will lie . required When
:production: .1S.underWay. in.'",tnenew
'West .Williani•„Stretitlactork."...
"Those, "additional 70 ' Or Mere
People :We' *lit mean
t.honsands.- . in . addition al *ages,.be-
ing spent ;in the, iconiniimity;"
;Robert .S...McKerchet Seaforth:
waS "eleeted. Vice-president Of; the
'United' Dairy and ,.ponlirY
erativeLireited.'. ThelJDPCannual
was lield.z,at, the ,sane -a'S the-
operatives of Of .
; The; :Meeting's. ;t0,01c,,, pla,ce,To
rent° this Week,,, •'
. A.ttendirig,i' froirt:'the, : Seaforth
'Fariners Co:operative., Werk,i'PreSij.'
dent. R;', W. 'Campbell,. drR.
,S. 111b1<erelier,.. gha Test:i MeladY,!
and 'general, Man,age.r.,,LleYd;'ReW..„
atti and, prod,uce ,inanagor,';Clare.
Roith:-”, • , '
Seaforth Kinsmen entertained
• len guests Monday -evening, the
• betas= beingNeyv 1Vieinlier Night.
.AmOng• the gnests were Deputy
rfOvernor -Rill 1Vlickle, of Hensall,
,and Past Governor ,Hart 'Watson,
'Who addresSed the. club. Other
guests were present keit Shricoe,
Winghani, Hensel], and London.'
.•"Plans for' the hocktearii were
•„sliscussed and John Pattison was
wadi. The club wilt hold
•a Peanut _drive to secure funds
With which to operate the tans.
etires After
Years On Botir
stores will also lie open on the
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights preceeding Christmas. .
Best Decorations ,
IVIeanwhile there are indications,
that many residences in town will
be decorated to take part iii the
Chamber ,of Commerce competi-
tion: Three prizes are befrig
-awarded for the best decorated
SeaforthrsratepaYers'wilt vote eite
the by-law making .possible the fix.?
ed asSessment on Wedriesday.,PollS
ax�pin froni. 5",,a.tri."'to 6 ,p.nr:
Details, of the prOPOSed by-law are
ecintainecle-in-'-an annonridernent of
th,e-, Chamber _of_z_Ccirrinieree_whkh.
appears .on. page
Aretia CommiSsQn
e ers
C 10
.iUii. UiiitOiiVi
r rs J. Store
wed c
Sucty ¥ecrs Ago
• Fortner. • well - IneWn Seaforth
reSideriff; • Mr:. ; and Mrs': 'JoSenh
Storey, 165 Dunbar Road, 'Prestcin,
biaeiee.d their ...0,np1-
verSarY On, .Suriday, at the home of
'their -daughter . and son-in:law, Mr.,
And Mrs'.. Harry' Hart, in Preston.:
and lffi Storby wee
tied at .Duff's- Presbyterian -manse .
in Wititillep...:,bY Rev, Peteri
grave, Noveridier 30,,•1&80.." The late;
Mist Bell9-1,If';;Love au& 111iS -Sus%-•
aria a1Mitsgrave Were Witnesses. ,
, . _ , ,
Following tnein--• marriage they
Mbk, tip residence',in.
".-er&moving to Seafoljb.:ni'.1910±and
renixLg in Seaforth_Ainfit
when they inovecl to .Preston
Members of the fantily are -three
daughters"; 7. Harry %(lean)
Hart, presten; Mrs: Ja,mes (Ruby)"
and',.. Mrs., '.Ceeil.
,E Cololougli, Niagara
Oat. grandchildren and „Six
great-grahdelailriren.! . •
Mr: Storey is ,te forther. Eliza-
beth Coombs of thelate
-Einnie. :and Tha,mas._Coo:rnlia.L.L;_Mr.,
Storey is a ',son Of. the. -late'. Mar,
•garet . aha: Joseph - Store'.
Sterey, is in his 37th year:and'Mrs.
'Storey 1S- her
defferd ac -
,tion liendirves., the .'election , of the
1955 bouneir with .respect -to' a pro-
posal tei provide ,additionat-acconi-
inedatiefirlf -Clinton Distriet::, Cot-
1.74-Presentative.,.,on„ the.lidardc-told
Lerthe, neect-for ...fhb4323,000. 'addir,
Town of `.Clinten issiiing.:20-year:de-
bentures; and-COUricii Wa,o 'asked: t�
aPproVei. Council. deferred deferred- .action
feeling,,the 'Matter laheiricl . be :dealt.
itb by the 1959 ebeirreit
Hall Seafdrth on Ttiesday,-, , All.
inem*erS .; were present ',and:Reeve
;IVari.'Foraytir, presided.: :
The Jaicollettor'p...siirety ,,bend
for $5,000 :was'reneWed.--Witit 'the'
Dominion Of 'canada.',General Iist-
Surariee, Company, and premithn
et.',$37,50 Paid. , The .,clerktreaSnrer
'Was-authorizedtbi apply frit ,a,;'grarit
in lieu-of'taxeS.-0,ii' the RCAF .'Sta.'
grantOf -$50 was
suede to the .-Seaforth Lienp, Club,'
,TIre'Clerkwaa instrribted to close
the township., dump' until -further
notice ; ';The 7 -tree -Surer- was in-
'Strueted 'to' .pay,. S'ubSidy on . the,
,Car.tor . Drain to the eligible, par-
The Seaforth.'Arell'‘i
Commission, at ,d meeting ,..TueS.
-day ;evening; .narned L. F. Pord,•as
secretary -treasurer: e'suCceeas.
-13; 'S. MacDonald, Wile 'resigned.
. , .
'The commlsslqp reviewed activi
ties durin'g,recentfeeks,ancl,learri-
ed--that.: the decision -to: haVe'L-ice.
available -early .in October.had.;te-.
suited in a'.substant,ial increase. in
, . ,
revenue. • •
.A.rrangeinentS...:Were completed
forfeather.-.party, to • be held
,riext ,'Wedneaday, .
• An extensive' hockey ,programi,is
under. 'Wat; with sponsors beihg.
'n'vailable 'for Juvenile,. Midges;,
Pee -Wee, as re11 is Saturday.
morning . beginners. A ''sponsorIs
being. sought for.".. the BantainS
round out the .13r.Ogr4Iit'
- Accounts paSsed,. included:* ad-
vertising :,and $114:63;.
'drains, 597; fox bounty,-;• $123; 'fire
protection, $80; inst(rance « prein-
luta, $31',50; printing,. .5I15; hespi-
talizatiOn, $7L84;', roads; '$1,885.53;
salary and, alloWatiper$234:48;j
deiv,er-Getiera1i,$7„15,;,. pOstage, $35 ;
-grantsy.$50; chimp, $22:50; schools,
4,406.02, ' ,
1VIernber ' of , the' Seafortir Public
School Beard forTneOly 24. yebs,'
Arnold'Westcott ,WaS liondred. by
the, board at itS, rneethigoridaY
night,: when 'chairman'IV.- T. "Teall.,
paid:' tribute -to his Years of jer
vice... Mr,. WestoOtti who resigned
from the "board 'seine- weeks...ago,
will ..be sneceeded. next- Wear by
Longstaff,. Who was elect,
,ed following last • vveek's- nornina-
• tiong. , ;'.
Announeenient was made this
week 'of the transfer of the Willis
Shoe Store by J. E. Willis, to his
grandsonJ-.1<enneth Willis While
long-time Seaford-1;1)os-
•inesiMan will continne to asst in
the storey,. he iiletiring from the
• active management. ;
, Mr. Who is in his 77th
wear, haS been in, the shoe'
mes Over 50 years, most of that
time ,being spent on Main Street,
Start. tle.an-up,...
At Hospitcsl Site
Announeernerit was, made
,Week that':-ap.winter: work, project
ia.to.be.tintIcttaken at onto' on the
fthr)f, the proposed; Hospital,Sehoot
iletarded"Children, on Hje.w.a,k,
u'r 21; three:relies south of Gdde
nich. , In Making the apnotiaCe.
anent; Charles .MaCIsTanghteri;,„Xiir-e
MI MLA,: Said the ,..prograin,...will,
provide .for a general .cleatt-iipi+of
the site Windingreinoval of Old
fenees. .brtiali • treesi-With thee-
jarge 'ones. Any build•,.
unit frus0 43,1".th?
PePartment.. will be torn clown'.and
, the .rnaterialSstered, foreither frie
'Ante use ,Ur SAle by,tender.
,this bomintuuty. for close: to 100
wears; --4:14'. elitco•Jhat` day in the
1830s' when ,Robert 'Willis, father of
J.i. a 'thriving
'biftineSs in the niiking:and, selling
Of Shoes and gaiferi. The !first lo-
•Pati.041)Yai.' on ..le1tS.C.;._"4114 .100
the firaiwas movedto the corner
of Main and Market, in, the Cady
block,. ;Which birried• in 1928. The
Willis fartilly nas.--beeri associated
With'the retail; shoe' :businesg,15
Seaforth for many: years .and
association.! Will be continued with
the present change bi. oWnership.,'
The -grandson, J: Kenneth ' wog,
is a ;son .Of F. E. Willis, arid 'we's'
horn in -S'eaforth.. .Altliongli em;',
ploYed out of town, in recent:years;
he is .vvell ki-16Wri to :most ,residents
'of the cerainunity. Ile is well train-,
ed. to loeality,, baying
learned the business ,froin his
Mr. Willis; While taking' a
earned rest frOni ..dayi-to-day r_e,L
spoasibiiities Will by ,rio Means e'
retired.`116''Will • continue his
tive 'intereit in. ntuticipat affaitg,
Sport, with emphaala on hockey,.
and his faithful supPort' of rirst
Presbyterian ,Church. lhrougliMIt
hislong career he has 'Continued M• S
bread 'interests and bas been. gen,rnsin -Centribtitifig Iii$""tinfoand
abilitieS tofOrtliering,l.thoto inter-
• ., • .
the excitement was all'ait,;'-twins Donald (left) and Jolan Noakes,
two of the eight Noakes children, realized something irriPortant had
, .
happened. Their mother 1VIrs, Muirue Noakes here with the four-
year-old, twins, was elected te.,Hensall. Council" and :becomes the
-fiFst-Wditian poiTneilid-riii-lierisall's 'history.' (Photo -by -Phillips)
CUnton Draw
John FiarinerY" held „the winning-
tiCket in a pool. on the ,.Grey Cup
game' 'SaturdaY;,:- speriSored. by ' the,.
_CliatoriLions C1The pize:was
-Nor m ei-tilVites7'W-a-s-fre11101:04
reeveof•ffensall over: his 'orilyiep,.
'ponent,',. Gordon"' Schwalm, orra&On-
. day. in aedntest. that saw liens
.-fitsts.,Wonian to
ffica The.,• Vete, was Jones 190,
Lorne Hay ,le-d"the--rabe7fOreonn-
cil• With. • 31,7. , Also .were,
Yorsit • Henderson-.:265,Mrs.. Minnie
Noakes. 171;2'
erS who ran were Jehn . Lavender:
141, Itober.t Baker, '..1;r:'," ;141,.. MrS,
,Edna Niae...Satigster „58...
Sol*. 10, per . cent of those elig,
ible' to Vote east ballots,. :
'Making . his; :first.: hid pr:.eieetiea,:
/IUgh,Flynni.gaitied. a Seat 'en
. .
lett , conned .in, Igerid•ay"s-yeting.
Ele,eted, ,,were s Councillor-S.Tom
Hesk :281; Archie Yonne
17_97,, The ,filth, candidate was Geo.:
..Legion Plans
. „
-*Xmas Activities--
Seaforth Legion members have
• completed.plans for their Christ-
mas. program With: the ,animilnee'
Blear that the annual ',Christmas
"daride Would:be-held On FridaY eve-
ning " following Christniap, rather
than Christmas ;night.. Invitatioris
for the .affair will be' 'in the mail;
shOrtly,' Club officials said.'". _
• The annual' ChriStrnas'bingo
being held' Wednesday; Deeerober
-17,, in the Coininimity
-,.. ..,
., ... . , .
cOivipi[xlING F.,i.,tvEN YEARS as caretaker a First Presby-
terian Church,. Thomas 'A, Beattie relinquished this duties on the
first of December; ' One .of his • lase' tasks was blearing the heavy
-"'snow. that -fell 5aturdpyiran: one of the church entrances. . Mr.
ffeattie, Who marked his 8;(itliblythday' in NOVentlieri: will continuo
to assiStrat the church until a sipceSsor, is appointed.
Former Lions Head,
Bert Shav—rOasses
• 'The cidatit occurred in London. on.
,MoridaY 'following an. ..oxterided
: William. Robert :(13ert).
sli.kw;,•fornier....Se,aferth resident;:
Fbr'27,years;a. repreSentatIve'of
...Murphy ,• .!tohacco" ',C6:;;'"
Sliawdived. in..-Seaferth until ralieut.
eight years age; Sinee•theri he and
Mrs.: $fraw' have: .resided at 442
Adelaide 'St, . London.
Seaforth he took bn
.aetive .part in corirmunitY.
ties... and, Partimilarly in athletics
anul,.the Lions, Club. In 1948-49 he.
,Was". 'president of the. Lions Glub
When-in,',..Seafortli Mr. ShaW. was a'
trim:fiber, of St. TheinaS". Anglican.
°Introit. , ,• '
.Surviying.besides'his wife, Dore-'
thy, are two sons',, W.' Robert
Shaw„sof Ottavva,!.' and George A.
'Shaw, Loriden, arid t a ,daughterl;
1VIrs:.' R. J. (June) ' Boussey, of,Sea-
forth, ancl.,one grandson,
. Funeral services were
tendon- on Thursday front Need -
ham's IVfemerial Chapel.., Iriter-
nient •fo1lowe.(1 in ee-
Reeve --W. J. Miller 585, 11. N.
Irwin 2527' ' ,pdpk(y-Rneiie-Melvin Crich 425,•
John Sutter :„410.
•...Ceimaillers,-,Herbert-,13riclie:, 625,
Royee M0caulay,,576,. Nerniatt
:el:More :.23; S. E..,..DaFe George
'507Dona1d Symons 430.
Logatul'Owitship 'Council at their'
rneethig hired' Cart' Priestaplo
plow 'snow- at 1$7.30 per hoar, with
standing time of .$100. for Decent-'
her,: $200 for January and Febru.
ary, and $100 for March. •
• At a ;special Meeting called by,
the 'Reeve,- atid:with,N. E. Nellaris
•Cf: the: Department ; of Highways
present, council' decided to 1a11 for
tenders for a neW road gradett
with the poStibility, of 'trading in
the FWD truck. Council will, Meet
.again Peeernlier 15 and
• 'For ovei• a -Year a man had eat-,
en in a: small restaurant whose
sign read, "Mary's Herne- ,C0.0k-
ing," but never Once had he seen
Mary, Finally his curiosity got the
better of him and he said to the
waitress, "I've been having lunch
• here for a long Hine and Mary is
never around. Where is she?"
"She's lust where the sign says
"She is, She's home cooking."
Former Officer
• '• . •
Gwen Bible
r .; •
The:exeetttive,Oethe'kenTS ,diub
of-First...Church- henoreci.Janies
MaiStinday. iiioreine- on behalf
"of 'the :club.. 'An griscribed..:,..13ible
w as: .pre-Sented him by;Presidsint
Hays:. ,Prier to his -7 -departure
.,Mr.. Murray, who has Moved to
Dundalk as :manager ..64:.the Rank
of'Coninierce there 4: a-. fOrine
president of the Met's Club. -
Free (Iirucs
Will Com
Rabies Threa
A series of free clinics Will be
held -throughout Huron County'
provide hmeUlation 'against rabies,
a:IS,Brariacchli?,:411tn'S alorrteakil,th f
nounCed this Week<
Pr. 'IVIaeLennan is discussing ar-
rangernents .with 'township reeves
end Is working out ,a schedule,. It
is •.eXpected. the' elinies will get
• Meet'' Union
At a „nreeting, held in Seaforth
Town 'Hall Wedriesday•evenieg,and,
-.Arranged by the- Farrners'-`thilea, -
.Dr. MacLennan and Gaine. Warden
Meadows discussed the way
Which rabies spreads and the "stOp,s
that must be taken to contain the,
disease. Voices, 'die the. worst of-
foenodttemrs a sic.petartriieecirs;u'p• he sdaeigds,,
Dogs that had -been in -contact with
„rabid. foxes", should_ be destroyed.'
'Both dogs and' cats ,that. have been
'stricken ,can be ferocious and.inust ,
be, handled with care,
• Dr.. MacLennan warned that ex-
Irenre:. caution -must be -"used when
approaching er dealing with. any
;animal -that seeras to ,be .acting un- .,
naturally: , He "soggested trapping
as being the most certain.. way to .
control foxpopidation, although:
shooting Would help .redlice the
number of animals. '
.Seaforth Police' Chief Elmer
Hutchinson told the meeting . the
law 'provide-sthat, a permit must
be held .-to; gayer the use of, small'.
riges -and•-shotguns__Plunting___ is,
SundayHliron TYh
in g -With' Huron Council,when-a-n:7
incteaSe in the' fo>,ebounty to 54.00
7.v,ra s.. requested. l -Ie. 'told 'of' Pre-
senting • a ,brief to the' ges„errunent_
:seeking to have' compensation pro-
videdi - ca s es-where-anire were - -
lost as a result of, rabies, ,
• M.r.-Meadows_expressed_i appree
elation -to the 'Union for arranging
the , meeting and .Carl :Dalton'
thanked'the 'speakers arid the
riiidtcin Club for the Use of Alie-
hall. '
De,feated r -candidatewas Duff -
8...alleayyor3;R, E. Poley 5.36, Ralph
•councillors -- 'Glen Fisher 776,
, Murray Greene 720, Ross Taylor • .
628, William - Musser 529, Eldred
,Sirrimons 471, George Retber 462,
Claude Farrow_462,:Lee Sheriiiian Le on
(Notes First
eithei Rether Farrow to be .61- Aux Iury:
five elected; „
loert,5e.d by. recount sixth conned,
ffieers For. '5
Reeve-GleSnTEWPelibEbN, 624; Wel Mrs Wiiham Brown was re-elect-
lington HaiS,t, 399. • - ed to office. as president for, a sec-
„ D;putYPeeve-Edward ( ondtermoifi ethse: Hnsait.:Ldgian
• curcil3_stphei dnalmeetrg.Tuesdl;.
515 -Elmer Lawson, 415Edmund Other fcr. are: ', 'aW,ya•aY„Nic;e-pressi-
7enderick,71a;/ames Hayter dents,rs 'Gordon Munn, Mrs
LrenceRarham; tre:itrer,wnAma irncyte;tndrdearer
- 'Mrs. Howard Sinale;
• C°undilors °°rd°n ,Puchanan, Ed. assistant, Mrs. Bayn-
778, -Penald,' Nesmith 7125, Warreir
Gailan'.679lan mrs..,E. .4. Davis Mrs Ron
Haiold PecOe'k' 552;' Sohn. ''q-nr_butt
'Earl Hamilton,: 333.‘ ' Mrs.- Garnet- Mousseau- are au& •
• 471, „'Defeatedi_IV.:j3.,__Conrol._391,` H, ;smolt. Mrs, ceeil Kipfef„ and ..
• , ,
Mock', 'Mr's. S. .G. Itaanie, and Mrs. '
• 11/vs.', William'..S., Cameron, aid
Mrs., Marion Wasson were didtiat-
Nd tate- -membership: Children of..
Legion ;inernbers will be entertain-
ed At a "Christmas party being held
Sunday' afternooan. , '
°The meeting' learned the -recent -
:draw 'had been' success • and ,
leicled_, to.. send, ,biaes -f6 -shut-Ms.., •
The' ,rnyStery prize was Von, by .
Mrs. -E, B. Davis; -Gifts were -ex- --
changed and .bingo enloyed,,Lunch •
wss served:by .a committee head-.
ed by. Mrs, Rannie', decor., ,
ations 'were .'-arranged.. bY Mrs.. •
Brown,; Mrs: 11. 3”, Patterson and
Mr.S.' Sim Roobol.'
,•Arinouneement was made this,
week that; a third. Cartel' Seholar-
jrarbeerr...,,AWarded gmtles
MacGregor,: -Who, , gradtrated 'froth
SDI -T,5 ',last year,. A :soit:d
'he,i's a "student'at,QACD;;Ouelph'..
oor:d r Errt t Or t
SpHS Staff,: Wves
The, staff ..of S1)H5: 'and' • theit-
Wivesi Were., 'entertained. to
*.:n :at, Arrristrong,--estait`rant,.
' , Durnfg'thaevdnipgpIctllres
en liyheard: nienaber Gorden,'
:Gavin; While .6i -a recent:trip to :
Eogiaod ,atiti,Etri'Olie.; were. shownr
"..IONS.';'; who was •
elected 13,eeve '
e u
( Contributed )
'The' Bantanis.!and'Afidget8 whe
,have hen: practising for ,the last
eouNe._04".WOOks,, .open 'the lid; of'
the ; yOurig4Ockey•Seaset
-iirday•Laight :with '-'1-:_doulilehead.er,
againetlhe, Ziiriele Bantams
o'clock, and the midgets-. at:;..8.:
a Seaforth. Arena.: •
e s ea
* The Midgets this year. are being
sPOnsored by the Legion" and un-
der 'the', guidance of Xeri 'Powell,
.-as piana-g-er,. and' Gordon MOir, as
.„.c..6agli,„ They:, have :'.been rounding
.tip in, Shipp or 'file -coming:: sea-
son:- Plitir-boya-r"' are returning
'Itant., last year' S • :seml-finalists'
team -Bill 'Pinder, - _Tem," Leve,
HarveY Dale and -,lohn VarleY; .with
most of ' last :year's .13antant fin;
alists in0y,ii:gip,.tyiyear ,,to, Mid-.
get.- get.T,1sh0tzb.accpten!ig
The boys up'froin,the last year's
Bantams trying fOrthe .teaM are.
Torn Dick,,who had: week's seas-
oning down at -Hamilton Cube'
"School, .jim . Dick,.. Ted Lamont,
johtf Patterson, : ill, Muir, Bill
l'eafr,' Dave Dale, -Gar -plannigap;
Kenny MeLlWain,'Peter. Rowlett
eliffefeht:' Minor tearns wonder.
• What they 'have to- do to , get the
fang to a..ttetid these games.:,EVeti
the. , IoCal, youngsters, and , they
are .-ral,' from town and the coun-'
,afid, the people 'don't' need
progiams fo tell who they are, un-
like, moSt' of the' places in, the pre-,
'sent -day of hockey. It's hard, too,
becatise eventhe hive own par-
ents don't come lout to the games:
When, they are playing -hockey
it -it keening them off the Streets
' and they- ,are befi
iav...like real
.game, Ata PlaYing. ada " st: good,
.snOrts, playing ,Canad 's. national
This_yea,r sees„the largest.groups
in, minor .hockey ever,- The, Ban -
.tarps have 'eight teams -In .their
group", which includes. Clinton. RC
AY,. Clinton,. Goderich,
Hensall, Eketer; Zurich 'and' Sea -
forth:,, The Midgets have Seven
teams,. incIu'ding Zurich; Ilerisall,
Exeter,- Goclerich, Clietom, Mit-
chell' and Seaforth. The. games at
lionie:schedule -for the 13autarng
follows, with game S ;starting at '7
, .
, Dec, 6, -Zurich; Clintrin
.RCAF; Dec, 13, IlensalI; Jati. 10,
Clinton;..Jan. 17; Mitchell; Sail.24,,
B Xeter; San. 31, .Croderich.,•Games
away aro : Dee. 15, Clinton RCAF;
'December, (•,ittri, e t er,. 6;30
San. 2, Zurich, San.
che1.14, :San: flefisall; Jati, 1,2,
Clinton; San. 16, '"Goderieh,
' The, Midgets' gameare.. as Apt-
loivs; At .home: Dee. 6, Zurich;
Dec. 13, Hensall; San, 10, Clinten;
San. 17, Mitcliell-;, San.' 24, Exe.
ter; -Jan. 31, Goderieh.
a y : Dee. 19, Exeter, 6:30''n•m.;
San. '2, Zurich; Jan, 5,' Mitchell;,
San., 9, liensall;* Sam' 12, Clinton!,
J an., Ig, "Griderich,,8:15
clean -living boys. You have to be
in good shape for hockey, as it is
'the fastest game' in the world. Be-
ing a good hoekey player is a great
advantage 'to aux-boy, o Iers _see,
a big tirnoUt--10t-Minor- hockey
thi winter. St4ft-,;r1ght out,by _at-
tending:the doubleheader this Sat-
urdayAught. boogtit for min-
or hockey in Seaforth.
Your. Chrsstmas-:
S.hopping Guide
.Not enly is this issue of The
Expositor bigger than usual"-.
• Ws 20 pages instead of the us-
Italeight or 1.0,,but nearly
1,00 ,more,-kmilies, in the ,
'greatei.'Seaferth tract:Mg area -
Will get a:Aree dopy: of this
week's big shopping, guide..
tor theSe' "extra' readers
• of,The Expogitor, as welt as
for -the" more than -2u000 tam,
.ineo who .regullarl,v read the
•POO,' there's a wealth of in,
sototation to guide Went' to7-
ntereltants who are prepared
for record December shoping
crowds. We doubt 1' Yould
find a Wider range of Christ-
• mas gift ,suggestions'anyivhere
inAlte-County than is rolled up
•into This isstte 'rhe Thiron.