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The Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 7
.4 toderch Pavilion. EVERY WEDNESDAY sP at 8:30 m.d'T ' 'onsored b ' . Go d e.ri Y ch Lions Club for Welfare -- :Ad issi n: In o QO� ;:. , x,: -special jac of go.me boosts' total -possible prizes to OVER $500 00 r ..11 `Y -' M1,' 's Y. MRS. CARDIFF -,HAS- MEMBERSHIP IN OVER NINETY BIRTHDAY CLUB Membership- i the -over -Ninety nephews„'and grandehildren joined her immediate' family, making, a Party of thirty, Mrs. Cardiff was the former Margaret Lower a daughter of the late John Lowe and Elizabeth --Johnston, -Napo"- has•" --lived in the district almost ,-all her We. Fol-. lowing her marriage to ,Richard Cardiff, who died 36, years - ago, she lived on' " a -. f arni in' Morris township, ,then . 'moved • to Grey, township, where she lived until' moving, toy Brussels.' Her family includes 'a -son, Harold; two (laugh- ters =Mrs. Havey Dennis and Mrs. `Douglas, Heriiingway'- ' , srX,;»grand. 'children and four great-grandcliil Club was accorded Mrs.' Margaret. Cardiff . when - she celebrated ' her birthday at .the belie 'Of ltfr'. and Mrd. Harold Cardiff, her•sdn• and daughter-in-law.'Brus,sels During the afternoon.'s le :reeeiv= ed eongratulations and best wish-. es' froth .many friends.•and neigh.- bors ' who ' called, Though confined aro .a ' wheelchair for'' many years she is alert and keenly interested in: the ':activities of friends -arid family, A gay corsage'' graced h'er dark dress, .:and surrounded --.''lay, gift-bouguets and cheery •birtl day cards she, opened .her many gifts. At. -tile , supper, •bour, nieces; and Huron.Bruce Tie n Public. Speaking i#tron' County tied: with Bruce County' Thursday night in a Junior Farmer inter -county debating' cou- test.waged on two fronts. As a re- sult; another contest will be to break ' the deadlock or both sides' will be permitted to advance to the next round. .Topic of s. n's-.eom-, petition-sponsorTkureddaYby theightOntario, ,Junior- Farmers' A$sociation--Was "Resolved that rural youth in On- tario are 'being adequately train- ed for, agriculture." Opposing teams, _'clashed ' simul- taneously in Clinton and in Walker- ton. Men)bers of the two ' Huron teams were 'George Rib ,' Dun- gannon; MurrayauntR.R. g ,; Y, x 1, Lucknow; Larry Wheatley, R.R. 1, Dublin,_ and .Lawrence . Tesliitt.. DIFFERENT'. COOKIE VARIETIES ADD TO CHRISTMAS ' PLEASURES Butter ' Wafers ,1 ' cup melted iiuttei. �a cup brown sugar !egg 1 teaspoon vanilla -, 134 'cups sifted pastry flour, ;or. 11/2 cups' sifted all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder., Cream • butter. and , sugar, add, egg and beat well. : Add ' vanilla. Mix and sift flour and baking pow- der and "adth ''to butter, mixture. Chill dough 15 n:iinutes, 'then,' drop, by half -teaspoonfuls,: about 11/2 inches; apart; on'ungreased baking sheet. Bake six to, seven.ginutes in "moderate' oven (35_0 deg -F-.).- .Remove-front-la[tingTsfieet in/Med- . • ;,"40,491, ;•. •,,...: .L ,,er1:.r • .r1 a'1' ;e^•. r :,r • ,e•• e^ .r•' ,r- . `Po.aG't;ical ...atagtga and Luxury Items fly Cancrdoan ALL' THET POWER IS "LOCKED IN" . UNTIL YOU NEED , IT POWER SEALED DRY `;CHARGE •'!H1 -CAPACITY°' 'ARMQR-GLASS Packed'wlth the 'most usable power ever buih into' a. battery:`, Canadian ,Tire!s -"exclusive-new 4iSowerized-process vacuum Iocks;in' all:'the .power •.unhl ,th'e, instant,' you need itNo stale 'stock" u becase Battery • Acid is added only when you' buy- your new:MOR-POWER HI -CAPACITY -•;DRY CHARGE. -•.Up '' to 70%?:`more power to start^with;•up to 20%, longer power, spin!', ¢MOLT :DRY' CHARGE , = >.. Fits Chevrolet ' )940-54; Dodge • (most) 1933-55.,Oldsmobile, 6 cylr' 1949.50, ,PIymouth, 1939 55 Pontiac (most)` T949=54,' moat" Volkswagen:- and •many others; 48 -Month Insurance Guaran tee. Reg. ;List 527.50. ,'With your;ofd..; battery. ""-FACTORY FILLED WET. YYPE.. - 6 -volt; with; ,yovr lately, -Cool and decorate in Christ- mas hristmass colors. Makes: ,eight to nine. dozen, Poinsetta Cooldes 3/ , cup butter .. cup Sugar • 2e _ yblks or Legg, beaten:..:_... 2 cups sifted pastry .or -cake flour • 1 teaspoon : baking powder., Crean butter and sugar,mix in beaten ,egg, 'then flour, and !raking powder which have been ,sifted to- gether. Roll out to thickness of 1/4 -inch op' lightly,'�floiired :board: and cut with 2 -inch ,round.: 'cookie cutter. With 'pointed, knife make„ four or ,six=guts raphes) iifo: centre of cookie at 'equal distance, 'Fold:. the four :or six points to the cen- tre 'as' a pinwheel .and press :: a piece of -candied cherry into cen- tre,' Bake in'. a ' moderately 'slow oven (325•deg b.) until cookies -are delicately. browned;;: about 15 min; utes. Makes three' dozen . ;.Allnoni} Cliristnias /hits l :cup i butter • 3/4 cup";ieing sugar , .2 gups,flour, sifted , 1 cup ,ground almonds (2 ozs. ) -- 1 .teaspoon`.vanilla. • • .18: candied cherries' halved. Cream` butter and sugar 'Until fluffy. Add*' other ingredients -'ex-1 cepa. cherries,, and mix yell: ,Take. a heaping •te,aspoonful 'of dough. anct startrte=form-into-a-ball, put 1/2. ,cherry: in. -middle 'and roil 'V). make a' perfect: ball. Bake 35 minutes 'on.°greased cookie:, sheet° in moderately slow oven '(325• .d'eg; F-). While hot, roli,'in icing sugar. Makes5, dozen Fruit 'and. -Nut Meringues 2141-; /a tea - egg whitesspoon " .salt • •t/i,cup granulated sugar ?X2 , teaspoon •vanilla 1 cup: chopped "walnuts, 1'"cup choPpd dates -or;`cher-• ries ;, :Add salt tdj egg, whites and• beat. until. stiff 'but 'not "dry. Add-': sugar' gradually, alien fold" in, nuts ' and .fruit: Drofi by teaspoonfuls` on lightly --greased cookie sheet Bake `30 minutes in'very�' slow oven (200 deg:; ,F.), then turn off oven and leave" cookies in-_ oven until '-•they become 'crisp Makes • 7 ,dozen: - -' Sell that,';unnecessary piece of furniture through "'a•Hnron<Exposi- tor Classified A•d. Phone 141 or 142. PORTO RTH, ONT,,_D Use, the <Petroleuin Products that will see safely and economically through Winter Cit,es--Servike- The Perfect Combination for Most Efficient Operation Yt Yee, 'T-.er .ai.1 1 1 . x 0',x 1.l• .x a e .+f 1r..x 1 ,,r ..x •. Yet Yes n 0 „n 1r..F 1 .,a• „R .a ..-. w,, r.e' r°e ry t ' 1t• r filae f/ 7 ,P -a:` 12'VOLT.• DRY CHARGE';MDR-ROWER -M-CAPACITY - - Fits fnost popular late model- ears 54 , Plates Reg list • $29.42. "36 -Month Insuran"ce Guarantee With trade in • V FACTORY FILLEDJ'WET TYPE -- 120volt;, `with ;your : , �'•�-� ower -Sealed- Dry;Charge;; SUPER -SERVICE. 30 -MONTHS INSURANCE -GUARANTEE The freshest: power :money cad boy, 45-powerpacked" plates huge, 120•amp capacity. fon action: starts in any weather. It's:va'euuni= filled-Power`'Sealed 'fat ,your "protection.. 6 -VOLT DRY`CHARGE - Fits -,Chevrolet. 1940.54, Dodge -Omni) '1933- ,' 55" Oldsmobile (6 cyl:) 1.949',50, Plymouth 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54 • most Volkswagen and •1®,95 many others: -Reg ;52.7 25.,,W th aid bdttery . .:.. ,'Le. FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -'6-volt. 9.95 1? -VOLT 'DRY CHARGE SUPER'-'SERVI,CE`. 'Fit' .most' popular late Model cars.: 54 • powerized, -plates. Reg $27.95. 1'445 -Aunty' , , FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -'12 volt.';` �,45 With old battery .;. •' There'l a.;fuRy guaranteed Mor Power1 Battery for Every 'Car And .Track -. at similar savings..,' uiet-running' you'":can ON 'ICE OR, SNOW `? OLD -BATTERY •"Wet type -Guaranteed and ,..(toad' . Hazard " In- sured for 12 months. 'Pits. Chev 1940.54, Dodge,;., (mast) 1933-53 - Oldsmobile '6=cy1 ' 1949:50, Ply..,, mouth .1939.55, Pontiac (most) '1949-54, most• Volkswagen': - and.:' many others, . NOTE."- Add '3OO to battery. '`,prices '._`far "installation. Guarantee :plus ansurauce Beg'GUARANTEE`plus'.;INSURANCE againstalmost any: iterated Ing facture including ; Fire„ Asci dent, Frost, '.Breakage >'ern 1.t.iscltarge ,MOR -POWER.'.. BATTERIES are : GUARANTEED • for .12 Months to 48 Months depend�ag on the'aypo• Repbrement'JJ1 or Mbney Back „at yaur option Customer' pays' only ?for • service rendered - -,. rive them'arll .yecfr 'vena TO STOP SKIDS.; ►NOW TRAVEL -WINTER -EXPRESS Pu11: away -when °1 others slide . A bargain in safe winter' driving, ': This husky QUIET tread is' compounded •f': t3undreds of flexible fess grip Nature's Irv" rulzbor plus the latest Poly and bite :their way through deep ' mor • man -mode Cater Rubber combined-. snow, mud, or slush. Sturdy 4 -ply with: latest, extra strength"Cord body. Gats • Super -Flex Rayon Cord with long- ',you away fast and easy in •hauvy mud `'or • life Jot Cold, ITubbor°Treads Com- snow''-- keep . you` going on - slick pave-, -pato „your savings, meats. The perfect year-4round Regular • Discount Price Discount Prise VA' Phice. without. ". with class 'A:' Size Tread Design ,trade-in trade -In .,..,5.50-5.90/15-Winter''E si -$2500 ,_ $14.95- »(no -trade -needed} ' 6:00/16 • Snow ,,ravel ''-. 17.95 • ` '12:95 $10,95 6.70/15 Snow .travel " 19.65 14.45- 12.45 ''670'/15 ' Winter Express 27.50 16.95 14.95 7.10/15 Snow Travel. '" 33.05 15.45 7,10/15 : Winter' `Express;....- 31 30 17.95: " 15.95 7.50/14, Snow Travel 22.40 , '' 14.95 12.95' 7;50./14 ' Winter:'Expre"ss '39.25 R 17:95: 15.95 7.60/15 ,•, Winter Express .i 34.20 20.95 , 18.95. 6.00/14 • , Snow Travel - 25.60 ' • 15 95 13.95 :'.Tubeless or Whitewall Tires available in many sizes" at 59,00, extra,' Whitewall - Tubeless" Tires available in- many sizes et $6.00 extra, Add ° SOO to above prices .for installation. • SAVE 'ON OTHER • SUPER.LASTIC TUBE AND ' TUBELESS TIRES. Different Tread Design.:, EXPERT Crake Jobs -AT , EXTRA SAVINGS . Ready -lined BONDED BRAKE: SHOE, EXCHANGE Easier fo iTistall-1,10 riveting - No fittifag fp Same as -.type used for original equipment 2 -Wheel Set -Exchange ,Price • -Front Roar Chevrolet ,.....,19325-50 - 2'.95 • '2.95 1951.58 2.952'..95 Ford Ford & Meteor._.,.1949;5-4. 'l>,5 7„41.45 '. 1.955-58' ,+� py `la ..... ; ��^-R• Pontiac (20 & 22) 1951-58; 2.95 ,2.95 If yen' car is not •listed, .entluire for , -prices • ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT -QUALITY ' ...i:, I;tfETIME ,' Mot®.- Master MUFFLERS ��1�ANTE13 against blowout Save up tp 50oio-Blow out. Proof -� defec}fryfar ►n rng. ' ,Heavy gauge ante)"=shell aeid resist innor line the car ^- Douhleclocketl leakprgof seams Reinforced end caps ',;•- C.T C,;Sale Prlee ' � i +CTC:" sale' Price CHEVRt{LET, 4853 5.l..pLYMOUT.ti..1945o7,-.',..6'R�° 'f6-e4i ), '54,57'6„ ' '6„.10 ,STUD,[BAK CNAAAP; -' "CHRYSLER' $ DESOTOr 6� 6 CLAMPS, (G-cyr.), ;49.02 .. each . " ■�� DODGE, 194957 4.026 INSTALLATION ' B•cyl.) (mooas) �+ 4f � FORD, '40.54 c_An 'UarFLERS 2 E25 to'I' PIT=�E-5 ;,55G ',r.33, end', ."TAIL ,PIPES ,--':For every" car:and frock. ' ASK -FOR FREE ,MU,PPLER: IN$0,, :CTION', , and up_. h�Yvy, ., ., +'....Mut. .....„ + . A+ h.. 'r,ti.:+,.+A, .,x . �+ �.�+.;�, .... +.... +:. •} P.1Ql1Lvi E . 19� Nam .r .r ...' rT< i .r:`% t ' 1 �• i ..4 i :n' , .:' � - ,+% � ,e. i -� ¢- h, i � . +,, ,., +,, �s x: 'Ir.�;:m'r-.,i. r' f,:.g ,r IFS r 1^ r 'r- rr r--; f f"• Y ,• ,r • 4. on1ein "Shop ` Aroun Grand Display_ of -GIFT' .SUGGESTIONS ,. in our and Windows. Store Cosmetic ' Sets-- Quality Soaps, Bath - Salts 1Co10g_ngs� : Z2ust Ing Powders Comb, gush ' add Mirror Sets, 'Peri" and 'Pelted Sets, Gift :Stationery. • FOR THE WHOLE FA;IVIILY - We _stock _ • Smiles e'n: Chuckles - �t31 •�\I%i��© Q .:;:arid::. .. ,l ®�► "�--,�. >� ' , Rowntree Chocolates Shaving . Sets, Electric Rai - , 111 Christmas ors;: Shaving '.',Brushes ' and •`, B9 ls, d'ipes 'Tobacco Puuehes; Wrapped boxes • Lighters.; -,' Kodak„, •= Cigarette Rollers, Pen, and;Pencil Sets, •• PLAYINGr' ' CARDS' Leather', Wallets; Travelling Kits • CARDS,'atd SUPPLIES - Greeting Cards' and Envelopes -- lk colorful selection • 'Available in boxes or single . Gift Wra iri � pp .,� Paper, Seals:'. and Tags �igareftes; `_,Tohaccsis '` Cigars ,.,. OWNIE' STARFLASH 00TFIT "100.00.;. I'am- BROWNIE HAWKEYE ' } . BR&SH OWNIE BOUTFITULL'X00.0S-EYE0 .'. KODAK Mc VIE OUTFITS, TOO fit. SEE THE `BROWNIE ;5TARFLEA OUTFIT 500.00.• FL4SFfl OUTFIT .300.J0 ` 1(O0A ( OUAFLEn111 t FLASH bUTnIT $00.01 • r�• These are •only'a few: of the'-MVIaiiy B meauti- ful Camera Gifts "available at .' Keafln jyy Piaone'2 MCC • ' The Rexall Drug Store! J. E..Keating;`Phin.R. - -'M4 E. fho:o,'er,`Phnii X11 ...4 Seaforth