HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 5This is Your Centre for ,. NOVELTY Christmas DECORATION cable Centres mas'No ''10`el i tl lee -Decorations ect-ric- Lightingc e cosa'tive bulbs• ; onl ,' Decorations Yule Table Pieces Tinsel -' Roping - Snow: The perfect decorations . to brighten up 'you _Christmas Tree!, A PPt �j NCES: WE HAVE - A HST OF: DISTINCTIVE GIFT IDEAS TABLE; 'LAMPS GIFT CHINA E:LECTRIC;A• J. It ADAIR Iteeye of Wingham y Buffet If you have been wanting to have company for Christmas din - per but lack space to seat every- one around the': table, why not have a buffet dinner? Buffet service is just about the most. convenient and informal way of doing it• Guests, are fond of" a buffet dinner for they love' to he'lpl' themselves to their most "favourite foods and to go back again and again for more. ;There`is'a happy air of .informal- ity when everyone .•is eating to their heart's. content and - . con- versing with some of their very good ;friends.. • There are no set rules for the fgbd to be_ served when'"entertain- ing at a buffet dinner,' but genes 'ally it consists of a morn course and dessert along_ with a'peverage, Sometimes the whole meal ; is placedon: the btiffet,table, or if I=leaters Stoves.: `Toasters, Irons, ;Flee- tY,f c Tea 'K . ettles Egg }'U NACES Cook _ els Coffee: �' Pe -' X colat r s o ilea a t I •rl•+ E eetr_ or g c .Gas :Pads, . Heaters.:.: A S els ° i e I f F e G othe 'La Xd . "of ; gi e fb � the . ®us MELAMAC:`TABLE ?A•IIE n unbreakable n�aterlal iii' ,plea colors= �. g Tine' .ren : G, e Gre Chartreuse 'Order your Set Por Cristinas Now the dessert is to be served 'ha or chilled; - it : May be brought. in• l;at- ler:. When the main course -•.is fin- ished, each one can, take his .own plate- to a designated table and, pick up his dessert and coffee. The reputation,o>; -the hostess is assure ed if 'she serves less expensive foods, expertly prepared and good. tasting, rather than. rare delicacies and so-called `special party ,foods.' The menu,, of course,•:should be preplanned for besides being well budgeted and well,; timed,:, it.neecls to be. well balanced, appealing. tq ' the' -appetite and eye and both fill-: ing and festive, There. are several points that should be keiit in mind when plan -rn„rig aufiyet meal: First_ •of .all,,, the schedule should be arranged_so thatlast-minute preparation will be cut to" a in aurum Itis im=i liortant, also, to ,`hoose foods that e,-�easy .to serve- ancLeasy.• to eat with srmpLy._loxks or?spoons ;required for eating"each'--, course. The,=various dk shes should plat'' ed +on the buffet; tablein •: such. a way -reach' or, ' �, ing.,f one food, over another is avoided, and that, cold: and jellied' dishes will; not be warmed by: host ones, Sometimes: when there ;is'a large number of guests, dishes of the main,, course: are duplicated' at either end of the table. CIILDREN'S SETS' Just like the real thing! Reasonably priced.''far Cliristnaas given Town o • Safor e I In ac r n�.. ' i b.- -he co da ce .with a.r".e"sol: ' 'ori � ass` t t >a�l p a. r �UIunici: al uncil`thewn f ' �� ea h: Co of Tow of S � i.or_t lereb, ro I i.m _ h t n VieW ,- y of '. the preSent±rtibies situat on nodcfha1 ��s cit large in' be allowed to run tie:.ToWn S �;of : �ea- notice from forth until further is "date. BI ;s_ Electrical Appliances, Sales and Service` HONE 49 SEAPORTH ,5,. r ovember 12; 1958. asy. to Make Apple Bolls Are Christmas Delight :For garnishing your turkey or as a spicy extra on your relish dish, Rosy: Christmas -"Apple : Balls' are sure to make a hit! Why not get out your "melon bailer" now, .be- fore Christmas, and snake up a practice bateh? Let the •children help, too! The apple balls are fun to cut out did cook and when they're finished really do pretty up a plate or . platter of roast tur key, crisp fried chicken or tender, sweet pork chops. Rosy Christmas :Apple,Balls 2 .cups sugar ' 1 cup water I, 'teaspoon.' vinegar V4. cup red cinnamon candies ' (about ounces) Rgd_.%ood= velour -frig 3 pounds firm apples (Spy, ^ Macintosh" and Delicious were .used successfully in consumer Section tests) Combine. first five ingredients in saucepan and hear enough toe m It Sugar and Candies, di es '.',then add' endutgb eolouxing, to give, ,a, deep red colour,(between1/a and ?/4 -teaspoon colouring should be. am= p1e):- . Peel'' apples and 'cut out 'balls with a'little ball cutter,,, sometimes called.:a "melon holler". 'Three. poundss apples'wi11 make 75 'to 100 apple balls - ay be placed ' • Heat syrup'to,-a boil; and'simmer theThsepabeueffeits in the centre of the room. or;.: if five minutes. ..'Add about one-third it is: better; i if the balls_ :(not, more than one - to, set it back against one wall. In layer: ,deep.) 'to,,syrup, returp to, either is easilyshould belocated "stoo_ a.:n . d tbs ai blvlasm l:lse, rU:until' ipnayb"puraltull"eesps taatadfinereddd -;=- thhea:tatoactficeeshsiobslteesbsawthlpbeardelnygteennerarl4ettyq 8ofm sheis going .bark and. forthtothesspizeon,oflif kitchen. order'that"theguests' will :have ° a'• Ia,ces:to d seal=d� e. drain on -4vixe„c-oke-rdek-ar-;aiisorb- plate. before;" ac uirin . the'.next a: ent paper. Cook-'remainin balls': i same ma nes s - � clear s ifac n n Serve -with:• tui u e sucl as a' card i t be �• al ke cb'ck r a en o rk:> ne : ,Por h..' the.. 1 c or o leading to, th • kit t , then: filen ,ale "always..much"'hap= '.. �aTE�' Cook leftover pieces ,of pier.-ri • th = do,-n,ot-_ha%.,e.:to- ho d --apple With ,a_httic Ovate Jo_ oke_ t a lesauee^ Sieve to -remove -cores their- plates-;while,:'they `are' -eating;; PP so it is a good idea -to have small and bits of skin and Sweeten' with; tables available. for' those �,ho' Some af-the--leftover- syr -up --This want to-i,ts.e; them. makes; about 'two . raps of .a.ttrac-" tive, ," ;pink applesauce, ,good to, Christinas Buffet •Dinner '' serve, with, meat ar lire sailer dish-' es.'or tart shells" for e sert"-' For a.>..Gliristinas: •buffet;-d•n'e d s. the::menu will'be- very, much: the same as. if 'the. meal' were served:' 'at -the table. e�." Fist-= e' " i v getable • or 'Candles are,'• a traditionalaxe; fruit tuice."cocktails can .be, passed of the,=�Christtnas season ' but if; and sapped while the:hostess • "is dripping wax is' a problem, ;here's .making her.: final "inspection;' of the ,an easy way to get 'around the .dif table Then' of •":course there "w.ould fieuity• Just .give . the candles be"the v,el1-stuffed turkey and Per-,'coatof:, clear'• nail^`polish " They ll haps, a baked ham- along, with it:. u"rn. eautifullv without mess I£ -the meat -is -to be served cold; ' RISTIE a or UEE s, '1.1.:.w..:'S.,:,,1,,;.'x::. ..y..i,:.w, w,: •s.:w:. �s,. y,.:,,,, „ w... ��,.Ai+�i�:�•t..ri,..r���..m,"..rr':.n`i,.n,..fr,�?..n�..ri...�%iT..�%i:.fif� • We've ' tried.an d we've Cio. justice to It. around in circles. we;. tut we just can 't: just: keep going sou know:, what we ; mean'; . all about our great'big store just crammed full of " Christmas gifts for everybody• butt try as much as we .can, words seem: to fail ''us can't begin to tel ou about the of= : he- hun- y,giftst h sarin' s dreds> and than Mems • . � � �..t e g There's nothingit OU II have to. y come and seeyourself! we can't even' begin e variety clreds: of :.ease to four ou FOR THE CONVENIENCE 'OP OUR. cUST011!IERS- WEA 'WILD "REMAIN -OPEN EAC•I FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9:00' COMMENCING DECEMBER 5th it is, often sliced beforehand but: when rt is 'hot a special, friend or: one 'of the family "adept .at carving" can'rbe invited to carve and serve it to the guests as they pass by' Ther, -slab i:ld:be room for, the carr ,er to stand: behind the table out of the way of the.. guests. ." Nbw.for vegetables on the. Christ` mas 'buffet;; fluffy mashed:potatoes will be really good: with plenty of rich,;; golden -brown <gravy; -,:;a cas-, serol,` of -buttered; r frozen ',.mixed: vegetables:.<ai4 finally,. 'candied. squash 'fingers -These are easily 'irrade by 'Dotting Steamed... Hubbard squash into narrow',strips'and can :dying:the/la the, oven with but ter, and; brown sugar or maple syrup.' A`.tossed-•Waldorf salad tiuitb tire' redi."skin '°fif`the' apple and -green of the celerybei, attractive; and' easy to: -serve; with this meal: and "a colorful' assortmeut-of, cran berry and other"; relishes`,' should be' set:'. out for thoughtful: selection,` For dessert,; ice.,:cream,- along with; Christmas cake shortbread and plenty of coffee " aTn�I mlTk for' thy` ,young fry-will-compiete..the-:feast Christmas N#any Tr�oditions The, traditions of the Christmas stocking, along With other ,present day'Yt letide: eustoms, such as' the" Christmas 'tree,, trace .-their •`start in the Commonwealth from those. introduced : into England from Ger- manic traditions' by••Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's Consort .Tradi- tions in Canada have originated, in the majority of cases from 'those practised in : Europe; So , it was, wifh the `hanging!"of" greenery, hol- ly and cranberry branches":and the indulging in -the- large dinners of -such: old English dishes as fowl, beef, plum pudding and mince pies,'; which Were customs brought over- by the British settlers.: • "From•Frarice came the 1Vlesse de Minttit (Midnight -Mass), and the reveillon de Noel; including"••. a large' family dinner of "neat pies, meati balls, fowl ;