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The Huron Expositor, 1958-12-05, Page 4
nit_[7R4. XPOaITOlt, SE,A.FOB n ; oNT; D$C.. 5, 1958 NEWS of TIENsaIL, #Isoff Hotta HOCKEY GAMES as low a s ee. our .iihtstrated Toy 'Catalogue. MON_WILL BE INTERESTED IN: Toasters. Eleetrie Kettles :lurxliiium Weal. Floor Polishers KITCHENWARE OF ALL -KINDS runs Refrigerator Sets Cutlery FOR'DA.11: Power Or -ill- and Saw -Sets Gulls. _- Tools of a11..Descriptions Casbrig Rods T _;F1aGhlight-s 'Racket K.x ryes• MOTOROLA : ' • • R'ADIO'S • PORTABLE, TABLE;': • ETC.- . . • Roiu -Speed Record P,,layers 'Single Play.-.: or. Automatic yiex. -JON GNAGY z -- "LEARN TO.' )RA 'E=T as advertised.;'on ; '. televisi'on_'. Tricycles Wagons Sleighs., Realistic Construction To , s Dolls' Doll Buggies -Garxie--S'ets 1o44 Trains Plastic T1iy Meecario Sets Model Aeroplane -Tits'.'' Hockey; Sticks Skates And All Sports- Equipment For the Whole Fallril' MOTOR TRADE Il\TYOUR OLD -SET- : On , a New Motorola for_ thelliltlm .. ate i•u• ie Ple • 1 g, asure It's 'a gift' the wvh:ole anvil. ' f y Wil1 enjoy, y Low' Down 'Payment EASY` TERMS MAKE THIS .STORE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS 'A • PIERS -Phone 797 A MOTOROLA T_ DEALER i .r.�i; "' v ;�.4, ;r- Vie+. i ;w•, i uric rill x+ !,.±,r44) ;e*it et u. i `44) ,u. -,4r afdrth-. d 4.:.< 1 : 1 -,'.i , 1 -»t, t •-.! 1r 1 ;. # d} 1 . 1 �.':1 e d :.1 t f . 1 14 t;... t • 1,,,.v Forget Anyone?: Rev: -Brea de Vries, of Exeter; addressed the Chamber of .Com merce: at': their`. dinner meeting, on Wednesday, evening, presenting- a very' interesting talk 'on conditions in Holland during -the' last war. :It was disclosed at this meeting that edtion. e of T Hen the fist i h , sall ::Observer i.will be published Thurs day,, December 4. Legion Ladies] Auxiliary' catered for the dinner. held in the Legion•71ali. The. Hensall Kinsmen. Club en- tertained their wives •at :the Com rnereial, .Hotel on Thursday even- ing, holding their meeting 'as Ladies' Night• Guests- in attend a -Free - wen-e-••Ras1-�-Deputy--Gave-rn Les Parker, of Exeter, and guest 'speaker - ,•vas ' 117`erle Tingley, of London; more commonly known as Ting; who -gave a very, nteresting talk on Satortcal cartgoning. :fin enjoyable; evening for 017,was spent Mrs C;TWilitins.on was .;the itzek mfier of""$1.O t theZions bingo in-in-jrh .yV_r li esda"y night "of last week. , "Mr.• and Mrs. Wes 'Richardson ifi=ere ,honored with surprise pre:s- e itati•ons ':in honor of their tvventy• - ;fifth . wedditag :anniversary last week Monday Qvening'friends`met at their home and presented them •witI ,a b sgock. Tuesday evening inerrrbersfof the family,-gave_thern_ a•set of Matching table, Iainps and an eleetiic tea kettle.= 'They were also 'the recipients of many other lovely gifts in, honor of; the ocean sign 1VIrs: Jack Drysdale'was hostess :Tnesday'.«evening ; for the' meeting of -the-K;iuettes, 'when, ptans -were ,finalized.'fer -the-CKNX 'barn= dance to be held in'the.arena Saturday, Draw for a. three-tier_- Christmas' cake; -made - by Mrs, D. J.'McKe1- vie, of Essex, `_former Hensall resi- dent, will take place. The.travel- ling ravel- Ung,; basket. is to make 'another round, mon the me d a o . .members. The n, g raffle, donated by Mrs George Sawyer, was won by Mrs . Wrlliani: Miekle. Next meeting will beheld at the home' of Mrs: `Hobert • Bea burn. FUNERk•LS. Noszsuppopiplinguimmapproi M1 S ?i]CA CIIE `I1ENN'Ei T a,B T. Cr "Hussey, of ,'Wingham Jnited Church, officiated on Thurs- day: of- last ,)reek .;for the;ftineral. service of ':Miss Blanche aBetinett, l;,elcr a a the S J: WTallrer' -:funeral: hoagie, Wingham Interment was. y [iii aitlandbank cemetery in Sea=' 11 i s Bennett vas barn in Sea, fprtl� a. ,daughter.of the late Samuel Bennett and' .Mary Jmane. Jefferson,' 67• years ;ago: She.•ov- ed to Wingham in early childhood,. and -attended. schools there.. During the 10 years, she lived in Wingham` she i was also- a ' member of . the, United ' Church. ' RE.VITALIZED CLEANING is ,Better Than Ever ,.at �u�hunan Cleaners -- - 11OIJNT:1FOR'EST .lore .Spats `and Stains ' -Removed Garments' stay clean •longer Will .wear longer.' ANDY CALDER Agent MON: and 1HURS. • moinvING5. PHONE' 669 r "z' : •SEAFORTH' Martin'= Senour LL Pki NTS Super Kem=Tone n. Rez '�Vooa-Fiiii hes Seof orthV Lumber: 'PHONE • 47 SEAFORTH Miss Bennett 'died at P•rarkwood 116Spitai; London, on-Tuesday,_Nby 18, ,following a -long. illness. :Pall- bearers at the funeral were George Thomson, Charles 'Lloyd;` •R, , H; 'Lloyd Elrner Wilkinson, 'Otway Hayden and Thomas,,Watson: perio �itS Curb Hazards :O �b*oys 5., •.� SOLVE ALL' YOUR GIFT !R+BLEMS� By . Shopping At uron Ex BR.UtE ®na6 Everyone :likes a Gift Especially` When it's The driver-..-irnprovement•:wor-k of the Ontario rii epartment of Trans port.",,Will be stepped up'beginning ,. February 1, as theprovince joins the more than 20. existing-jurisdic• tions • with 'driver. demerit point systems in: operation The system has ;a -graduated pro -4 cess' of reminding 'driver"§ do drive their- best; :at all -times. It is based: seiely on; the record of convictions for :driving offences over year.: period.,... Points are ,assessed as conviction information ••-arrives. M :the Department's recording branch, and.: the number of paints varies with; the seriousness- of th_e offence Tlixs7has' been calcillated= from. studies of..Ontario's''aeeideht exper-ience:-.as-ze1L:'as -studies_ of experience with point Systems else- where. ' A • .brief rsummary of points' Charged for varicus offences , are; • Drunk drivrng.'driving while •ability impaired, - "crirriinal negli gence, obtaining a' license by fraud 12, points. Failing to remain • at sceneof accident -9 -Points.`' . Careless driving, 'racing, exceed' ing speed ;liinit by .30 rn:ph, dr Exceeding' speed linit'• by more thann10`rii.p7h-atirl-less-than "30, failing to yield,right of_way, :fail ire to : obey . sign 'or:. .signal lights, failure ,to report ,an acci ' dent -3 points .. • Speeding, :10 m.p.h. 'or, less over the speed limit and all othet•mov ing violations 2 poi•nt5 The Ontario -plan is in three stag,. es 1 When a.driverhas aceumulat-' ed six points heis::semi-an•-o i= cial warning. 2;. -:At nine'.points he is called;,in .for a personal interview by "a train ed officer'•and may be placed on. probation: or be recommended for. license suspension'for a.short .per rod _ 3 At 12,points-a three-dri:dn.th lic : easel su. spensionwr11 bemandatory.; When the 'period;: of suspension; has `'been Served. , the driver wiM; then be reinstated without' -points' against iris° record. • He will,; hoW-,,: ever•;• receive: a suspension of si7G' months,.•rather than: three,` if lie 'accuiinulates . a •further'.12 'points' ithin' a one-yearperioil of license reinstatement. • A .responsible driver has 'both- ing i;o'fear., under' tie Points Sys tem It would -be 'necessary to have six convictions carrying" two':'points' each in .a-. twO-yeah perioct,to.:re= eeive the mandatory -suspension. of, three• morfths. Two year from the, date of a conviction carrging•.de- J Slnerit• points, these' paints are. de ; ducted from,: the• driver's record... -Driverf :rather -than -owner, iden tification, must 'be -established for appropriate' action to, he taken, The new detnerit points system is a positive forward ,step in identify ing .the chronic violators• and in, taking constructivecorrective mea- sures. As an integral' ,parf„:ol the - Highway e'Highway Safety Program its; seeks; to correct those With, bad driving habits, thereby making the :streets and highways safer"for pedestrians and. motor' vehicle operators' alike, Eery. 'reasonable' means of ac- quainting the entire driving public with;,tlie_purpose, and operation of the system will be employed, be- fore it: comes -into effect. -• Showed. 41'0,486 .profit. 'r ears' operation, - Has declared Dividends `:of over $98 0000 - Has • set upa Reserve f' 3 .o $ ®,000 �• At the same . timeLo �th •; cal 'Coo � . a - n bos PAID ••BACK IN SASH ---Member--arid- otr©na ,e .,. La. ns_amoun Tnte e rest. �n ��� 0 e•. r �e an Patra�na `` `� '+ ..,., •C„ie Loans • o • � PJ 2,341-. TOTAL CASH 'BENEFITS TO • FARMEI r5 FOR A $10.00 MEMBERSHIP ; F +'E, yotl can begin to share' _ in the above benefits.and ` In the Vie• ownership of a New and Efficient Egg Grading Station and a Modern Feed Mill 1._ highest Prices for Poultry • and Eggs., �l' • 2, Grinding' and Mixing Service. ; W: Complete line of Co-op Balanced Feeds;at competitive prices: , 1.- . Fertilizer, Seed, Agricultural Cher lea ls, FarmHard: -are`'ded Supplies,-Roofin .-and Cement • Complete Select+on of-.. _.i■ _ �_._ F ED G EQ I MEN Before the severecold weather comes, gather bhristnias decorn tions in the woods.. Pine.cones and dried 'twigs can be tipped:' with white paint and used to adorn gift. packages or . the' Christmas tree. PRODUCE DIVISION -•t- PUONE 13.. ALL KINDS '' of N PARTY ACCESSORIES. PERSON;, ,• ALIZED mWIT1I NAME' OR MONOGRAM AP COCKTAIL NAPKINS KINS 50 --for $2.00 In varied colors, . with printing in Gold, Silver, Blue or• Red. Box of 50 -:. $2:00.' Box_ of 2100$2.75 Monogrammed FLAWING GARDS 2. Decks ;$4.50 Cards of to gtialijy' and distin , , r guished design.. In: yellow with grey and blue with . red, with lettering in gold; or :silver. - Tcvo: Decks .., $4.50 (Bridge or Canasta) Other Styles (2 Decks) . $3.75\ Triple Decks (Samba) -.;: $6.50 „: APKIN - IUNCH O S . 50 for :2.00 The larger size in the sande. shades as the cock- ail napkins BON bigso $2:00 BOXOFI .75, Personalized Coasters in pink, yellow 'dark' -green, ..m brown, .Ught`blue and white,` with printing in contrast. 50 for . $1.75 100 for $2.75. Personalized Matches, 50 for $2.25 Choose from white -andseven colors with contrasting printing at 50 for .,:: , $2.25 METALLIC$ 50 for $2.50 100 for. PERSOALIZfDINFORMALS - 50 for -$2. Fol. brief notes, these: little' stationery folders, with writer's name imprinter, are snxartly correct., And.such a°elever•Christ',mas gift ideal 50 Informals .(with --Envelopes) 'ERSONALIZ D ,E LABELS ;. a Complete'with .lstic p holder, . name.:and 'address- ., ., ,•on new.type adhesive; tape: Easy;to,use. Sticks almost anywhere: 300 Labels and:Hol e dr c 7 �7 OS T ES S PACK K 100aPersonalized- ' Luncheon Napkins or. Cocktail Napkins, in clear plastic box ReDRUM Cont 1 s 00. Im print' ' ed Nla' tehe '. l din. clear plastic drum0.• adya rlion mailing GLASS and FOIL' TREASURE. PACK 100 sonalized Cocktail Na Akins �, . , : p and 44 .Personalized Matches, attra tivel acka g e y. � . . g d in clear plastic box •; . . PERSONALIZED: •PENCILS 12 Quality'Pencils, srriartly gold stamped' with full name three'. -assorted colors $ .25 „1 W • ERSQNALIZED STATIONERY ): q Distinctively different Social Stationery • , , 50 Sheets, 50 Envelopes, from $3.50 Box -;--:.2 Boxes from $5,75 SOUTHGATE Phone 334 * Iles. 540,: MAr ST, : SEAFORTH ran tXiOst one 1141 kormec Seaforth w1; .E gid, ;r ( y .f u' 'a 4 . ,• �`'•"` ,,. w... 'r •r.. ,4 ter, �.••t ., c r. •%'`'i