HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-28, Page 8ON EXPOSITOR,^SEAYORTI.ONT.f NOV:. 28, 1958 EN"---WWW.7ffn •Eirst RESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH t 1: Bev. D. Leslie Elkler Minister A. KEMPSTER :Organist and Choir. Leader "!!• • 10:00 A.M. thurch School and Youth Fla- lowShip. • 11:0 A.111, Ordinntion of Elders , SERMON -"Significance of "the antreh'.'' MUSIC: Senior Choir -"The Altar of Prayer" (Foster) 'T00. . SERMON -"Nature of EldershipP., Trio --Alice Ann Nixon, .; Gene Nixon, Elizabeth Stewart • VISITORS WELCOME ° Stiii1111111111i1111111ilifilliiIIIII11111111111 • We Specialize in • All Lines ,or INSURANCE NEW coltr;oggyniOLLING urc Notices MeEillon Charge, -Cavan, 10:00 a'allT.; Duffs, 11:30 ▪ Hethel, W, 11. Sumnierell„ 1Viinistet, St: Thomas' :Angligan thurcb- Morning : Prayer 1a,„M.;• Holy. COMMunien, the first Sunday --of the Month. at 11 a.m.; and the third &today ; of die month at 9 ax04 Sunday -,Scho.9/1 every SunclaY Morn, ing at 10 a.m.--14ev. James, Rector. -, Pentecostal ' Tabernacle invites yen to -attend • Sal_vatioli-Healing cUru.Paign. with Evang. Charles Benn, of Naparte,e,Ont:; Singing and preaching each night,- Tttesday offers full fire .and liability Cover- • age at 10% belew leg -tiler rates to home owners,: For full informatien, ask tis. WATSON & REID • General Insurance Phone 214 : Seaforth .Kgent: ' - JOHN A. CARDNO. ntnjUuuiiiiiiiiiiunInI.ulflIIIIIflULI „ TEXA :PRO DtICISH. 'THER1V10"- CHIEF RUINING OILS Walden & :Broadfoot Phone 686-W : Seaforth through FridaY ,at, S P.m.; Evan. gelistic Rally' Sunday' ,night,. 7:30; Sunday Sehent, 10 avin..; Morning. antr.-EveryCilie• weI- corn.-PatOr, ,Rey. H.T.T.• Ken: EgiMindville -United Church --Dr. J: Semple, Minister; L,yle Mond, -Orgatifa-TrTCliiii.i."--Le4-d-r-Te the F'irit„Sunday 111 Advent;,Nniorn- ing,subjeet, "EverYman's Book .of the Month Chili", 'evening, Advent, Candle"- .,(conSult-IspeCial ;10....a.m.,...Chnrc1-- School, Minister!s- • ,a.rn;; Nirrsery Class; 11:307 a,in., .Jr.. Church/ ST'. 'COLUMBA Set Schedule For District Hockey Group • A Six-teani intermediate' hockey leagne has been formed in the dis- trict, with games underway Tues- day night. Convened by Ken -w- ell Seaforth, the group includes St. Columban, Seaforth, Brtissela, Winthrop, 2 Centralia RCAF 'and The D" teams will play two - out -cif -three semi-finals, with the top team getting.a bye and choice of first game. The, "C" team will. play three -out -of -five, with the ton team having the choice of first game. St. Columban, Seaford' and Winthrop "will play4 their home . games on Seaforth-ice. - • -- The schedule follows: Mrs.. Dave -Faulkner, Toronto"; and Miss Marie O'Connor, London, visitedlir„ an.d .-.Mrs, James •O,Con- November":" • • 25 --Centralia vs. Seakrth ',27:-,Seaforth vs, :Winthrop . -lieeem•13er: ' • , 2-Centra1ia Seaf-orth Coluniban vs. Henson • '4 ---Brussels vs. Winthrop 1---Hensall, vs.' Seaforth -8--41enSall -vs St. Coltrmban, entr•alia, v s, -Winthrop _ -:- 10-Seaferth vs. HenSall 11---Brusse1s,ys. St Columban • 167-Brusse1s vs. Seaforth 17 -Centralia vs. Hensel]. 18 -St. Colunaban 'VS. Winthrop 17Jeafortli Vs. Hensall Vs....Seaforth • 23-Btussels • vs. Winthrop, 30----liensal1 vs. St. Columban 30-Britsse1s vs. Seaforth Miss jean nniton, Breseia.„1-14, .. London; ',.sfients-,..the.eWeekend.":with- •Nfr,-andr. Mrs,: ilVfautied• Dalton., • ni' •Mtirptiy;:: Ehnir a ; vidth Misarid-MisrIntui FlOrence,Eloati: and. Gerald. . Sloan, Liondori-cHarid-Tarn.....Sioani Cobeurg-;•with 1Vtr,and IVIrs. :Jas.; Mr, - and, Mrs •:',T-.64314forris'-‘PPelit ;the -weekencLip,:,..Port credit with ,Mr, and Mrt;,•GregMorris. ' aridToin MCIitet ' and WiWarn, •IVIciver. •' NowrOsupg.igsarryn_CHU , NOTE.S• . . (Ccnitribilted) , . . Last Sunday :Marked another very , successful car ss ,for, the- 'biidget for 1.959., After the morning service... the- Men, ......rientained, for lunch in the, elinrch•. sehoOliosim; -an4. their withtlieirzlists ,and -cards.- set out- on -the visitation.'of the congregation. The., majoritY•• of • SEAFORTEI, - Community . Thursday, Nov. 27 Seaforth vs. Winthrop Tuesday, Dec. 2 Centralia vs. Seafort.C. •ThUti'Sd ec. 4 Brussels vs. Winthrop HeilSall vs. Seaforth. 4,* EON• SALE January:. ,• • , vS, Brussels , ,Ge-Oentralia' Vs.. St: Uolumban. • 7-33rn6Se1s vs.' •Hensall 87 -Winthrop vs. Seaforth Columban 'Seafeith. • i4. -,Winthrop ‚vs. Hensall •vs. B,rusSels- , vs. St. Coll:tin-ban • vs. Brussels • '20-dentralia vs.:, Winthrop-, 20-Seaforth vs. St, Colurhban. .• 21 -St. Columban ,kiensa,117:, 22-1Iensal1vs. WintlirOP,:- , , * C'dlunib-an- -vs .--Brussels - " .267 -Hens all vs'. Brussels `_27-Seaforth ss. BruSsels 28•HCentralia vs. Hensali 30-7Wilithrop vs. 13russcfs February: • • • •2-.-Seaforth vs. Erussels -3-Seaforth 1.11s St. Columban . • • , 47-Winthron vs Hensall 5 -L. -Winthrop .vs. Seaforth 6,-Centra1ia 'vs, Brussels , . 9 -St. Columban vs.,Brassels -vs.,-Winthrop- _ • 10-:-Ctntralia VS. St. ColUillbaT •• 1.1---BrUS'selS v8. Hensall 742-7St,'--Co1umb2n__vS '_,Seafortla rna,s Were ifed id, spirit of, 'helpful co-operation" •waS nart.: It is ,g credit to. tberfine,spitit:in the ,cangtegatief,.when!iin Many; volnn-',, teers axi be otmd to, fake.' their lia,rtEtbis -, phase • IA eur churchPrograin. ! , •, F-ItED.JiRkITSROPE, • Reeve •,..of, I;ogan • , s itiX Bunt Helpful ree • .• • • . :NEWS .0V ..'CONS.T41sTCR:.. 'Mt" ORGANIZATION NAME The WAandWM& pf Constance United Church held their regular Meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday '.afternoon with, ' a- •good attendance. Mrs. „Verne D-ale_presided over the WA and opened with a verse on. "Re- membrance." • The slate of officers was brought in., being as follows: president, Mrs. Lorne Lawson; first vice- president; Mrs. George McElwain; treasurer, Mrs:Ken Hulley; secre- tary, Mrs. Frank Riley; an piist, Mrs, Willianci-Jevvitti, - • • The donation of $5.00 ,by each meinber is requested to be -in by\- the December meeting.- • " The WMS-Wpresided iiVer-bjr- Mrs. Berden"- Brown, who opened by prayer and kept` the meeting to -the theme, !`Ate Strangers Ene-- mies."- IVIrs.V. L. Whyte read the • scripture and gave comment's on the scripture leading -to the-ina.in, • = Fiteglife-PgraT PeriiM met Mom day night, NoV, 24, at the: harne of Mr. -,and Eert.1-leggart With 21 adults Present...Discussion Was. -on _ The g-i--nni), tladaglit"-boup-t.. on foxes.';wai-,-Verf,-.-good- bt could :he a:little higher. One MitatS was also -eonSideted,, as theY, 'ate „great egerierS. -• The farmers should- have- com- pen.sation -,on -cattle lost, 'and -this should be paid -by the Govern- , merit, the ,greup decided. • Mrs', Robert -Dalton invited zthc ,fOriurt foe next: week. Winners. at euchre Were: games,'..higli, -and Eric - Anderson; riorie 'James IlaWatt and Jim Howatt; tonsaation, Mrs, Joe Babcock and Mrs'. angh Flynn. _ , PARR LINE FORUM . _ Parr Line Farin. FOrnm, rriet at the home of Mr. and Mrs..,Ildward Adkins ..With 'a good attendance. . _ . This' was' a 'fourth. •night. and the disceSsiori. :was, ,-“.itural.. Urban Nigli,t' and: de alt• With ,,stirplits`es ;This %foram believed,lf big buii,-. nss-,, Would .staY,,...„6,nt,•ef and ' farining left ?to. tharm-, ers, there would; not.'"be Such stir-, ,,pluses ',Farm -organizations should ',Cengrattilated Nova Scotia;',ert the , system, they. haye of , Poriacess- ing their ,bwn meat. They .beli'eVed this a 'step 'in the right di- rection. • - ' . .. • :Winners 4-t' eliChreiwerei- 'Eldon!.Jartott and Mrs.. Glen, Weiclo; gents, 'Eldon jarrott, .and Wilfred MoiisseaU The.',..neXt. meeting Will be held at the. barne.•of Mr. and Mrs: -John Soldap. Mr.-.1and.Mrs. Harold- F.ethick and ".Marjotie,:.-of "Seafertli,. visited' oh SundaY, afteineen lgr. Torn : It has been •,,decided: by the Mr and Mrs: Orville Blake and chilrelr school teachers', anct. 'ana IVIrS. .Gerald B/ake ..and cers to ' hold_ the •annnal„-White Holmesville, -vipited on servite,bab,„Denember ,at; com- bined. Pervice„..Of. worship at 11:00 a.m.. ComPleteiriStitictions Will be given thiS -Sunday' as ' to: the..gifts, that eau ,he'fbtought; : ACRES --Well fenced; new steel barn. Low down pay,ntent. - • -FIVE-ROOM- HOM- E - Ord Street. Small down. payment will handle. — " • ' SEVEN -ACR E FARM, in Tuck-) ersmith, with comfortable hou-se and small barn. Priced -for ,•quick sale. . Ca Phone 458 • ' Qtjr Church Sehent, .Claristmas concert v111 be- year: on, tiie evening:;'0f-,Eriday„;:',Dec. 19. • Sunday if:mining 'Wnrship wiill onatk. the. First SundaY in Advent. "Revelations the Advent" vvill be the, message mid, morning.. . , , , , CROMARTY . • Ike are pleased to report Idervin Dow 'stifficiently', tecoVered, front 'his recent -illness' •to: return .honie frem ..Scotti Memorial• SiniclaY 'with Mr. and Mrs: Wesley Roe aricl,family,' . ' DurnS' 'WNIS and „Ladies' Aia .are,inVited to be the guests .Of ,the Lendestora„ soelety. on .Ftiday, No, -verriber-28--ton.hear„..their. gueit Missionary, Miss NewhOrt, of In- dia,' pow ,m„:Ttrerito on' furlough. • ,Miss' Marjorie 13ickell,.•.of Toron- to, spent . 'i•the., • weekend. with .Mr. and Mrs, Genrge,'Spilth and Mrs-, Miss:op 111larjOrie •McExvinerr,.. of 'London,. and Beth McEwing, of Kit-- chener,.,. spent the, N,'Veekend with, their Tfarrilly; . • 'Watson Reid' and Ilavicl; 'Mr. and Mrs.- George "Car; ter, .of..Htillettand -Mr. Hugh, Campbell; ,o .Waltori, visited Sun; dkwith Mr, and 'Mrs. Denald Me Eenzip',,o of Lucknow. „Itiss Of- Strat 'ford, ..and• lyfis•s Lois' Roe,,,. of Kit-, chener, visited with.their 'parents, over the ''Weekend. • • -•* • • -Mr:- and Mrs. 'Earl Bernard:1nd: Mr. arid Mrs, Thomas BernardeIr- irta, ShirleY,and Carman,:et, Erus- e1s, Visited on Sunday 'evening with Mr: and Mrs. Jelin Mcing. and . - • . . • Master' Donald IVIoNall visited .over the we,ekend, with ; his grand.: parents, Mr. and Mrs ,r Geo, Watt. Mr.. and;.Mrs, Frank' George,..of' WetaskaWin, .Alta.'; and 1\flf.. and Mrs, John Fairsetvice, of .:Blyth•;' •visitedL•quesdayevening-with .Mr. - and Mrs.,•jarries Seott.„.7". ' • ' The regnlar meeting of Burris- Undesbore y.„P.1Was' held Sunday evening in. Lonclesbere... Church 2,9•••rnernbersi- present . The Meeting Was Opened' with a sing- song led•by Elda Riley. • The, Stewardship 'and; •I'raining Group' led by Elda Itiley, Was in: charge,of die worship, She was-as- Sisted by Shirley • KnOX,.-Marie Riley,' ,IVIarlene Riley, Paul Me - Cod and Jim•Carter. •• . _President Pat Mureli, and -secre- tary Nellie Westerhout were in chal'ge-Of cided. to. sing .'carols in. the village .on Siiriday, -Deeember "n, and t� have a pot -luck- supper IVIondaY, Deeember.,29., ' • ' „Mrs: T., L. Scott 'attended .Caven. Church 'W1IIS •meeting tin ,Monday evening. beinglilest speaker: Mrs-. G. Carey;7141:rs-.---Tdy1or ,and. Olive Speare attendedthe funeral •serVite of the late- James tert Toronto on 'Friday. . Mr. Een - Mc -Kellar •Ire-a•retioned home from the ,,Royaly Winter 'Fair, Mr: and Mrs, Sohn Wallace, and Debbie' visited, on Su,ntlay at Car- lingford With' and' Mrs. Den:, ald,• ' -lIttr and Mr, , 'Albert. Diechert of Zurich, wali.:31r. and,Mrs; Tom Laing on StiiidaY,' SOrsdahl and Connie were- visitors with Mr: and Mrs. John Cbesgell in, Mitehell on Sunday, ' • , The Young Peoplets•;Seciety met on Sunday. eVeningin. the base- ment' Of the, Church . with Alex yfiekle presiding.' The'. scripture lesson was, read .,by Muriel Seed, follOwed . with. prayer , by Alice Sorsdaht -Rev, S.' Kert is- begin- ning • a• series •of Bible study .and spoke on St. Mark' S , A. poem was read by ,Alice Walker. Several men of the community attended. the meeting and enjoyed dm films and ,talk given by Dr. IVIcMaster. •1\fir, William Jewitt attended the opening ceremony in 11,ovvick, town- ship, „when two new bi•idges were opened on Tuesday afternoon, News - of Walton - ccepts Slates Of_Neittr Officers .of Groups • EGMONDVILLE Mr.%-R.dbert BoYes •and her sis- ter, lgiss Mary Stable, are visit- ing friends in Detroit this week,. Mrs. Margaret Erratt, of -Toron- to visited with her brother, Thomas ,RObinStin,and family,also with rettilsves„nafllL Laiara MaelVlillan, of To- ronto, spent the weekend at her heodA ore. hihRseurbgeeh.d, mtheeL_jecsbui• latnaisa ;tornofkine:, We wish hina a,speecly recovery. • Mr. and _Mrs. Edwhi Pickering, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland during- the week. - ' Mr. Thomas Grieve, of, Windsor, -Visited with his grandfather Mr. Thomas Grieve; and his aunt, Miss Bessie Grieve', during the week - Mrs, Andrew 'IlbuStbri returned from Detroit,- where she was vis- iting her daughter in. that city last • Mrs. James. Clark presided for the November _meeting- of the Wal- ton Group held in the schoolroom -of•-,the..church . on Wedn,e,s. clay ve- ning Ealldwing the opening hymn,' "Lead Kindly Light " the 'Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. F. Wal- ters - Iroin .Mattnew-- , The -leader, Commented 'ori a. scriPture passage from Romans 34-, verse 19. Mrs. •Arthur McCall, • offered -Prayer, eafter,.-whi1VIrge, Clark ad a oem" entitled 'Be Care: Tne.:WiVIS‘ will.enterfain the :Mis- ;Sion .Band on December 'and' all. inetiihers-,, :Will aSked to ..keep .report v-,TaS: given. of;the.,stionai •meeting,,. :held at Varna, ,...by.."'Mrs:' Wililam:Zewit.t.-„' ; • ", ' •,The slate of o:ffieers for the ,WMS. hroitht in'. are:'' president/"Mrs.. BOrderrErovini,jit,,st--vice,prepidletit,, Ntrs. ',Whstte. treasurer, Mts. Earl Lawson; 'secretary, F. Riley "StewardSliip, Mrs:. • B. Btown;,Tenipetance, Mrs. Williarn JeWitt.• • associate 'members, -;-1VIts George Mclllwain;•literature,Mrs. Ren,Hulley;,,,planists; Mrs. William, ,Jewitt and MrS,.:Frank_Riley •'dy,lihok," Mrs, Wilbur Sewitt';:visitj..- coniifltee,. :and conimunity, Addisen., 'Mts. V•erne 'Iton:Bandle.hdeirs-,7'lqi-SS-71VIatilYn- T2yler, and Mas. "Don .Bucharian.' The ...suriiniarY- of, , book On. „Japan was, given :b3f,[..,IVIrs',"' `,...1vraeGtegor.- A.,-hyriirtr---ClOtedtthe .;prograni ..and Mrs, CloSed ;the reectirig,'• With' betted:10-, Mts. ,Lorne'LawSon Snent Thurs-,. day-.-and-,-Friday..,_attending the Roy al Winter: . ,Mes.sts. :Charles MaeGtegor; -et WhY,te of 'Ridge- toni,i); :Spent' the ,weekend' at 'their rePpeetive'honieS, Exdter;yiS'iteI with Mr. and' )rs; lioWard.PregiCator and family' ofi 40th. Wedding,eAnniversary.......„, , „ •..lyir„ and Mrs.: Donald .Eitchanati *OreEhePts4.6,7,aeta.inityl,:dinner_Eat,„ 'friday '.'eyenirig,, 'NOv.:',,,22; in 'honor t,the fOrmer.'s-.parerite,A0th..wed, dfng aiVersary.,',',Mr.....,,,.and- Mrs.' :Alf 'Bticliarian,;,WeterreciPientSof; -heaiitifuY:pot of bronze-irhrYSa11 thei, grariclehildren and • "eleetrie, 'fry, ,the, • • These Mrs.:, 'Wilfred .'13tichanan.:.;"atid fan an Mr., • and Mr FredB,t1hatia:fl and'snri:. CongratulatiOns. ariVbest .....vvishes are eldend'ed'' and. •Mts'.:13tieliartari'hY ,the'ecitaniunity :en oceaSion,.'r , , • . • • •. • . •-R-ENN Eerm eth ,A. McKenzie, 35, • o Clinton, a -vvell-known machine op- erator • and contractor, died -std.-- denlY„Monclay evening -at his home Born near Brucefield, be was •a son of Mrs. Hugh McLachldn, Eg- moridville, and the:late William M. eKenzie• ' , • Ile liddlieen-a-resident ful 'What Yon'..Say."' *Mrs.' Walters ton" for , the :past seven, years; and , the. telpie On. "Te seek ail.d-te• a member of St. Andrew:S. Pres - 1 LILU Mrs,. ,Nelsen,.. Malts- read. ;. the 'tniriutes• of the 'last rneetingpd called the whihtaasanWe ed With. the' name 'af missionary. Mrs.: Walter.. Brciadf oat. reported fOr the WA in the absence,of-Mrs.''Ron- ald' Bennett, -.add Mrs. kaki"' Wat- son ',gave the 'WM,S. financial, State,' -mote Murray and IVirS:. -tbe. coep et-- contest ,inoney and -,,reperti.,:, ed that • ..$240,,,5-0 had ,be.eri, ;Collected for the' year. • The lasing with ,Mrs. . ,a7S; leader,::wili -,Make.olaP,,for the Cliristnias ,par- ty, wheri.,the, Winners. Will. be en- tertained. -.:MeMbers Were:re-Mind, ed to saye'.used stamps" and Christ; rnaS cards... -. Mrs,' Ethel.; HackwelL. convener 61 seated the : following, �fficers, for 059.; 'President,: Mrse-3a$,.. 'Vice7president, ;Mts. ',Writ..., Thainet; . .7MS-',..-treasfiter; 'Mitchell; WA treaSuter,,Mrs,..:ROn- aia: Bennett:. 'secretary. Mtg, Herb: TraVis;'. pianist,„"MtPe 'Dent Ent;, presS, reparter;,;'IVIrP...:'.ntha..11Oeic4, 'well; •" Contest leaders, M± Allen; McCall 'and MTS. Attlnir COMMittee;'-':'Mrs2;..1--1.41.n1". Are..y.au .ready to ...rent YOur2apare rociail A elassified advertigentent phoned. to The 'Huron 'Expositor, 141 or 142,. will. bring 4, tenant; . , She will "'be thrilled af.„„tIte,_., beauty or lier Drfdal 'Mond . 'arid the low price mtikes da..sy -to buy sueli fine eittitat10$' SAVA1)GE • kwellery ' rtne SEAF'Oraft • ..........0.001.00101111111rOMMONOP ' IEF Mrs: Will -lain Chap,man Eg- mondville, haS ',leased an apart- ment in the;Oke Blbek» • Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKenzie; Orillia, and -Mr., McKe0-7 Toronto, were weekend gueStS of Mr: J:IV.,IcKerizie and. Miss.:Rena Mr•-: and Mrs. John. 1VIeQiiaid.Ot . TheMase. ;visited •withhis Mather,' IdtP.r..Joaeph MeQuaid. • ,Weekend ;. 6ga .soilday -viSifierS :with M. and Mrs'. Joe White were Miss Margaret White., .of kr._Ernest: -and. •MisS' Leretta .CamPbell„-Mr'.:Mutray Becket .4E4' MiSv:Barbara Rodgers, of ,J,rondon,' „.'.Miss „Carol Loallu1bert:1Vlimico;; ;and-Mr:lames Knox; Long Bra'rich; spent the 'weekend at thehonie.. of and Mrs. D on, :Hillis: and" Teriivx nifer, of -Liget:sell; Miss' IVIarilyh Hillis, of. Tillsenbilrg;,..MisS Elila- ,beth Barry. and ,,Mr. Ted.:CIegg„,bf •Toronto, were Weekend .g,gestof MiSs Mabel E. Turnbull, •7 ' MTS: D. McConnell ',fa a ,,Patient; in Scott Mernerial.7116Spital. Mrs.:IVIargare,t Laniont Spent :twO 'Weeks With her faro:HY:Visiting Ur,' Albert Anaman:11rid.'farip- 21Y, ajVIrs. Norman nunit: faniily,-GaltM..andr.-iVErs:,- ItarVey :Lament arid famsly, Delhi•„ .and.-avir, 'John Larntint „and °Laity, Gederich.. . • ' •:. •, Mt.' aid Mrs. Verne Dale, ,COn-. stance, spent , ThurStray evening 1Vith III'''. and Mrs. Ernest Adanis: LEMON'S- TA)(. • .1 ind PA1cLSERVIC An flatted .„ • PHONES C'EtIL _ • • DA I.. 676 675 •' 'Thankoffering .of" VITMS liyterian-Church-, . Surviving besides' his Mother are his . wife, :the' former jessie Mc- Cullough, of Goderich. township; two solve Bruce .and James, and two daughters, Sharon and Bar- bara; all at borne; four brothers, Reeve William' McKenzie, Exeter; Robert IVIcKenzle, Hensall; L. Philip McKenzie, Stanley township; Rev. Andrew McKenile, Acton, and two Sisters,,. Mrs. 'Howard '(Jean)- Cur-;„ rie:Clinton, and, 'Mrs. IrVin, (Mar- guerite) Ducharme, 'Brussels:- • A private funeral service will be •;;,,te-ld at the Beattie funeral borne. Clinton', on Thursday, at ,condifeted, by: Rev. p.. .T. Lane. Rurial. Will be made in -1Vfaitland 'Goderittit.7 SUNDAY EVENINGS Ey MOndV UNITE') ..CHURCII Lighting ..the: Advent Candles: No. I • sL8• eiehananig, Imga 14 As 36 cev eue°11s -Atci rn)is nl s Many • Beautiful Calendars Filmstrip — "Emil -tanner Cast Away Indifference. • COME TO CHURCH • +, Christmas Belongs to Christiana; -Sell that unnecessary ,piece of' furniture through a Huron Exposi-• for Classified Ad. Phone 141 or 142. 'Travis; 1VIrs7--=Erners-iiii Mts. 'William -Thainer, sen ',Marks:, assistant, ,Mrs. :R.' roteroitteef. Mrs, T"George-Dirndas;'.Mrs, Lleyd- Porter; :and- -IVIrs•-•.-. -Walter eBroactfoet;-Pro,,, Ifain-Cartilliittee114;,'Wes Hankir MrseDatig: Ennis, Mrs. Har-. yey, l3town and Mrs. „Ethel Hack. -HOCKEY:1f PAE:. Seaforth Shoes Winthrop iS*t5.0P,_* • COMMUNITY CENTRE ' TI1A4i:SekiY Night 'NOVEMBER,:27th.,,„ .,.GaMe time , 3;30 , arid FUEL OIL' art_ • ,Rlidne 78 Sea-forth:S. :The fall . thankoffering. of Con- stance wms eve- ning, . the ,baSeraeut,- of the- church With a,:goiid. attendance., is. Karl Earl- LwsonaidMra, Geo.' Leith' received at 'the door, Willie Mrs,. BriiWir Presided, D.,Bnclianan reading :the sciiiiture from „Luke,'16,''., and ',W;-, L.;•,• 'Whyte" leading7in prayer. • '7• 1‘;firS;:Erown'iVelcorried everyone; ,especially the. societies tondesboto iBurns- and read a Thanksgiving. 'peer& by Ec.Igat .Gueat. .Mrs.:JAAtilmeki Glow. Sher: and , the offering, and WS... VernpDale gave the offertory prayer ,7--A-Jprotktrii ber ifoni &Mr of jimior reading 'by.,Mrs.. George' :Roggett; ,piano .-,Jewitt; sole by Mia,,George 'McElwain; -Mrs, Brown introchiced the spe- :cial" speaker: of 'the evening, pr: E., A. •Malister,'•of Seaforth, who shOwed -.filing on "his, trin this smu- ttier to: Japan,. and gaye • a very:,., echic,atin,g and inspiring talk On his .thowed ' rilainW,that Welclonf,realize hoW other:904a really live live iiireidsrinttlie-worid.- .Mrs. Wilbur jeWitt thanked' Dr; 'McMaster and, •.„44,,.that, tOOk part in „the, prograin„ , . White gave .the!beriedie: tion. Liinen-was. setyed and' a: :Vdtei of thanks wia given by the .sticie; Ilea present and was .responded,:to by Mrs. IVIeOregor... -The' 1Vlission, Been 'with' 20', .ineiribers .present. Band held bazaar 'at: the conclu-• '1•The meeting was , eiteried.'bY the sion. ' president. Mr a/ D.. Buchanan 'Of- fered • prayer; :-"Sctifiture reading - was takeri from: P8dni12.0 by Mia, • 'blue. coal -' W114,16 DUNDAS • Ohampton Sttl.i>e and Fnrcnte oil . DUDS LONEY • phone 573 or 138 • Ail KINDS • tl ANCE w. SOUTHGA1E Phone 334 Res, 540 MAIN ST, • SEAVORTII ••- . , She; "Idon't think I loOk 34, do you, Jim” Jim:, "Not arty more, my dear." Mr., Mrs.:Flanagan e4 25. Years . Erienda and relatives of Mr. and Mrs'. Pat Flanagan, of Eitcheher, gathered to- delebrate, the couple's 25th, wedding anniversary., • Mr...and , Mrs. • Flanagan viere married at St... Patrick's' Church; Itinkora‘, the horde' of Mrs,. -Elate- wan who -is. the -former Catherine Coughlin,. They resided, in Dnblin • until moving .°.t0 „•Eitcliener five .Years ago:. :They. have; 'iic.seng.; ;Frank,. Fergus4 igeb, ten, Austin and Joe, all of Kitchener. ' • At a dinner given bY Father C. J. Weiss and 'gather William'33grito ?offered" congrettila,„ tions 'and best Wishes. ProgtesSive otiehre ,was played and dancing was enJOYed,. . .Mrs. 'Andrew Danfzer, of North Bay; ,the bridesmaid, -11s14 Mrs'. .Toe the ' ‘11.Ovver- girl at the Ivedding •25 years ago, attended ,the ceieli-ketions, along • with...friends. an,t1 relatives froth' Tototitti, 'North-, Bay, Dublin, Kin- koi'a and St. Colunilitni; DO WE NEED A CART? .46odtion .tarIVIrSe Harvey :13rtiWri- to be ;sent ••-toti 1VlisS Clara Taylet" at..•Frobishet.Bay children'ChristniaS,' gifts. it Was' .dedided.,te iack hoicep jor Shift -ins at the Christmas ;party' lit' Decein.7.- 'bet: Mrs: Luella ,'Marshall'.,,con.7- •diteted .contests •social 4 1.1n9d" T 41;1119.11r! llIfi.11 reSlaU,1Viarnsd • . The Ladies' .Guild ef'St, George'' AngliCan Clititch 'held' a Suedes -Slid .bazaar: and supper in ''the msinityHalt, on Thntsday• ;atter:: •nOon.-L-Flume,rnedeaprons, fancy ' work- and-' Were on sale ;at the .•Yarious, bo0ths.4.•='Sup•- per 'was; seryed. froin 4:30 Ito. .. Mts.' Stephenson of. •• Seafortinvlslted, Witn.' Mr. ;and -Mrs: Jelin Taylor. during the past' week: • mi.' 'Thomas' 'Reid, of Toronto,,yisited With Mi. and Mrs. Alin. Shannon_ •• Mrs., 'Lawre,riCe :Ctimining,s, 'of Clinton, :visited' with Mrs.. Vier- garet Humphries last. Week' 'and.. iffeirided7the7Anglinan-baz_aar-on- " M and MrS Eny Bennett' and Mr.--and,Igral,'LloYd Porter '4ttena,, ea tho funeral of the late Blanche 13etinett •at•Witigharn ozi Thursday of :last' week. . - :"•.• IVIrS: • Alice ,Martz Of EdniOnton is at present. visiting With her nintlier; Mrs:,„11." W. Hey'. • ' 'Mrs; Hilda Sellers, of daugh-, ' Mrs:'...Vrank; Walters raferrt.':iwo day .4 the Royal:Winter The, 4dgular Monthly meeting Of the 17th, and 'Boundary: Grotip of Il?',Uf.Vs,' United Chnrch, 'Walton, was, held at, the .hoiee,,.0f• Mrs= Martin :Don't Read Th;s unless yo -u are interestc , in- 6 :vvann:ctM:: Fotw�tr For Every Meiiberefthe .^Farnilir':f. • We can: giVe you justtilrat, e-Ll•TTLE sironE•Avith--th-e-nIG Values_.__ , CHARLES -BENN rfgeOSTA Seaforth, Ontario " . . „1,1ArITEs2-y-ot.T ,To ATTEND -Sabrati011‘ • ' -Jlealiuig.. ampaigrt, EVANG. of Napanee, Ontario, 4inging. and, preaching ,each...ni „ • TUES. .11`1113.C. 8 • EVANGELISTIC RALLY--;„ - SUNI)AY NIGHT 7: • SUNDAY SCHOOL 14) a.m. . • • MORNING," WQIISHIP, 11' a.nr- . • Eyetyone WeicOrtie , Rendrick BAFFLES NO-ilUST A FEW MAAS, -FIRST, TWO 002EN •t•GoS.:. egEA1:1- i2V7 • cEkEto..c) oFoop, A POx OF cibt,c KERS, PEANi.rr •BUTTER-A.JAR OF OLIVES../ dAtkOtrr vni v0r NEED TWO DOZal WOULV 'YOU PUT ONE OF 'THEN' • • i3ACK t•EAl27 • Harvey .Craig i .11/Irs. Ian Van Viet favored 'with a Solo, "Glory To • -GcLcitininchttrserved b3r 1lrs. Tho. WillianiScon, Mrs, Roy Williamson Mrs". fletr'y Arinstrong and Mrs'''. • Martin, Bawl: and, a ,social half- hour spent, • ' A very success,fid euchre • and • dance -Was held in the Community Hall last Friday evening, Sponsor- ed by the1ail beard,.wit1t,15 tables in play. -The following wereprize winners:" ladie, high,!MrS: Hilda Sellers: Ione hands, IVIrs: Ray consolation, IVIrs. Jerry Rytinioxie ; afcis,Kenneth gents, 11lgh' eGthra`eSnlhe-orCtrreaeidg.:; h . Tow , Ed. DOugan. Music for danc- • ing -was fUrpished -by the Xris • orehestra.,- ___• • Women's }The ladies of the omen's. Insti. •tide are'reminded of Family Night to beleld next . Thursday' night,' the Commiunity gall. All are reminded to -bring card •'fables, dishe,s, 'SilverWare and food. The supper wiltbe,served at 7.m Mr, Mr, and" mi.s..John IVIcGavire:of Tokonte, Spent' the ‘vveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGaVin. Marian, Reid and Mr. and 'oMfr.'SToNroenatloe, 7t:thce:, hotne of 'Mt. and'..MrS.; George Dutidas on Sunday. •• - ••4., • In Canada's first federal 'election, ht 1801, vciting took plate- front August 7th t�- September 20th., • • Maple LieafkeYel'' MON 73/4. oz. Tin, 2.for',......,.. •York' Fancy 'Cream rashury ,CAlcE MIX -7 ite Aylmer Choice PEACIIEg;;-llake,S, 1.5-,6Z. tin Cheery Morn ' 'INSTANT COFVEE-2-0z. Jar • Saico _WHITE TUNA Stuart House: . WAX 'TAPER .Box xraitlairanie whip - SALADRESSINO-46-Oz. Wjar 20 -oz. Tin , Dole 'Fancy Fruit tOtkitlii• Sea, Lark , ,TONATO J1UICE-48-oz(,. Tin . .- each . ,SPeCtal -IntroclurCtOry Offer: pkgs. for for •,-,•••••1 430 0 . • •Buertnilk Pancake tt1V1ix. . ,• • . :Pilsbury : • - • „ •110.ne,y, -Buckwheat Pilshaty ' •• • ' !.Blueb,erry- Pan , Coapon. Stiperior,Store Ad of London.- „ ,, • . • • • • . VI:8e Pres, 1°4-tirsday, '..Ndvenitier ,.. • . 'Each Each tiperio ,00�Maf hone SEA -FORTH • Free DeliverY,