HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-28, Page 2Since 1860 Serving the Community First rublisiked at SEAVORTI-1, ONTARIO, every -Thursday morning , 3/16Leari Bros. - Publishers ANDREW Y. 1VIcLimii, Editor - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: " Canada (in advance)' f2750 a Year \ Vatted States (in advance) $3.50• a Year. SIIGL Coms — 5 CENT"P-, EACH- ' Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post °Wee Department, Ottawa AFORT-II, ONTARIO NOVEMBER 28 1958 n by Menper of c anadinWeekly Ne papers Ass ciation Need Of Comfy!, Planning Is •Emphasized There have been, thousands'ofprovince,. the greater majority in the . Words 'written 'outlining_ the. aspect s- Southern section... that are paramount in settingone "ThuS.-you are 'situated on a .stra- .. . .. tegically lecated 'fringe, Cariada'S Itown.ahead of another: in-the-eYeS of, fastest growing consumer: marke-t."2 • 'tindustry looking for a site-fp—Which— fre- said Andustry. on .the niove to locate.. • . wants many things for.its,employees: : In, almost every .-caser high up on It..,.;SeekS attractive, -clean -towns'..- It _ „the list ofthings to v.vatch, for are, . wantsa- community -Whore there is firstly, the attitude of the'citiZens gObd,-mun1pa1 administration and wards their town and, .8666d1Y;;;:iS it sound planrnng: -a, well -planned -community. Many-ce-ntresc;-haver_ en_by-passed_ Iktost recent industrialist.t6 dfSniss_.; -.-HaS, -p-r-dSpeetie plOt-town---hy the - -the problem simple test Of their --appearance, .but-- Tresident of the. liattional Gr.Ps•Uni stiainany more have been written off • CO.', Of Buffalo, N.Y., mrho t -old a nieet,=-. because ' of the negative attitude of -ing in_NiagaraLags that by.: 1980 he citizen ,Ohemsebies, Mr. -iToi-th: there will be 10,000;000 More people , said; In -Canada than there now,. are; He This isadditionalevidence that said "many cofripaniee .are, looking high, on the. new $eafOrth ,conncil's to Southern Ontario entre as poten,_ hst of things.-to,Ao shOuldbe action tial pant sites "The greatest *grOwth, • "to.proride-planning. so that the bene, . • will be right here in the Province of ' fits •attained by industrial „expansion OntariO. It is expected that at_least in certaiii_areas.;Milifoi be:offset .or' - :one-third er Canada's 10,000,000-p1Os lost by deterioration and lowered new citizens will live and work in this assessments inother areas. ' Suggest Solution To Higher Education _Probiern ., . Need to, ., strengthen our spell": ,...t.Cehr-r. jstme and foulr,swsreoeokins' obffutawt.Ec:uas- ith more trained . • , , m Tha.s.s,:uilalkier:c:e'a:vt c.':_auhlda.stsulYdayridsP'ailledo-. -' , -:, in a, .un4que : ari'ang,Plen.,t '3 -ng bave iser1Q45__ - It_ would, -help . ' . - minds has l'.'eu ' ore time in propesed, by. a special„ committee e _ tablished to study the matter by the - '' ' ff to6. -As the , Corn- --ate*':.'ill:in-1--,Slita'S, 7-... ' . ---. A. ' . IJniversity of 'Toronto': .thittee pointed put, -uTil-Ver-siffie-ach:', It is too early' to kiioW :Whether or .ers-findit difficult to maintain inter- - knit the plan can be adapted.: But in est and enthusiasm it:IA.0 or 12 class; aiiy event there now is given. PUblic". es.: a .Week for .30 weeks with limited: recognition to -the fact ..that the :de.- tithel'off-.,.-7.-- -'-- - - --,-----‘" -.-- 1- '''',;-,7,- Ilial of higher education to ,..'. Many Whatever may become . of the 1J most deserving students, is on the . of. T. -proposal, - -if, at lease -faces up basis of their inability to.. afford it to -the problem :" It. isn't going to, be - There Seemsto be general agree- abandoned until every aspect iS-Stu- rftent-that:sornething.should be done. , die&thnroughlY,„....If.,,this„Rlah, in its 13dr1IK.PS- this- istheaiiSi'VeT,.------1. : ' . .> . presentfOrm,is not an-arisWerc.ier- In brief, the cOmmittee'prbpdses - .--*'' haps it, at least will he the means of . . that a university education should be . 'bringing forth .a _solution - that is . guaranteed for any -Ontario .student workable, that finds . general favor. with first c1a5.1104.11), r8 (an al.zPI.:ge-: .of 75 per cent Or better)"ana.that un- aricial help ' should be 'available to ' those with second' clasS-honOrs. —Std- -,--Proyincial-rand local police -are dents would move from one cif:ego , operating in., the •observance of Safe to the other if their academic stand: Driving Week which this year is De- li* changed. The committee eStiinat: ceinler 1-7'..... Ey driving:- a 'little ' slow- , ed that, cost to the tiniversity':6i 'TO- . ,..er,tlii$,*.e.ek.,and_eVerY Week n.1.001;'...-. - ..ronto alone Would .be $1,50M00 an- ' ,,,ists irpay.: do their part to....t ut cio.vvil nually. s:,..'f . - ___,..,-..t. .the traffic slaughter.. The. report makes- specific lecom- Observance of these pledges -will do ' inendationSand backs them with rea- nnic,h to improve the, .day"s- driving sons. The first class honor student's --; s ' • ' , would have their fees paid .and Would hah'it 1. J will observe the speed laWS. receive bursaries .based on their ac- . tual need. Second class honor Stu- andrtilbs, of . the road . . - , ; • -dents would get bursaries. In both . I will observes and obey all traf- sections, loans would be :available to.- fic . signs. - . • • . .. - ' - meet emergencies, The committee is. . - ,; I -will, nev-er -fail- to -kaluit- against "loans to fiance the whole cost be -ea -Use they mTr .are not..,praCtical „sPruieeddii..,thr,,weather and. °tiler tr4 e . for students ri-om.lor-tinecime fam..• - -. : '"'''''''''''"%''';'' _ ilies. A 'student might- have to bor_ - -4 :-.4. 1 will never drive My Car, across. , the 'centre. line' of Vie. roa,d _uriles.S I ' row as mtich-aS $4,000. whiCh.' would -.' have- a clear -view . ahead for ample distace........L._ ,. -5..,I Will never enter an interseC: tion Without first taking due precau- ext wee very ee be more than his family'St aritifial th „ , come; The 'committee did not restrict it - Self only to finances. It Urged ,the • university to do ,away with the five .months summer vacation infavor of. i a year that would begin September. 1 and end June 3,0, with a week off, at 'Thai*sgiving, four, WeekS off. at 6. I will never assume:that there, is no, railroad train at the crossing:" • 5.1 will-nevereorribine alcohol and gasoline. . . A0-0.#101„ Christnias . . SHOPPING HOURS irCSdaforth J. • rot' the ,convenience of Christmas Shoppers,“SEAFOR'111 STORE witi. • remain open .en WEDNESDAY , AVT'ERNOONS, DECEVIBElf .10th, 17th and 241h; arid on MONDAY, ,PIIESDAY• and WEDNESDAY, EVE- - NINGS, "DECEMBER '• 22n11, 23rd 4nd 24th: ' ' • . Coinniencing Saturday, December 27th, stores ' will close at 6 p.m. on Saturday nights for the'min' ter• ' months. ' Nie-.011Orits''Committee • Seofortfo Chamber'of , • Commerce, -T, 'as* you [hunk any other subject n sehi.ol heshles the cookingcoot-se?" U NT. , $208,00C Addition • Plans • for .an addition to'. the . : Clinton,. :Distriet. Cellegiate. lusti- tute are, -now befere--the "heads of the 'eight' municipalities have iny-the-7-pperation,-ef: 'School- Teta'.arnount neededto,, be. ratsod-in these, niunicigalitieS' $208,000.- •TentatiVe.',aPpra.valhas been :received. from the .11ePartf' ment. of 'Eclueatien,' Toitente, , for this . addition, which.; will ;inelude five .,,regular. classroarns; on lab - orator,, .ene-';,. general, shag, .;:ene, home .egenoinics•raini„ and a gym nashint assembly room -!Also a hoilcr il?orri,•te.'_pi07,i4te added. heat necesSary. ih the largerhuild- and additiOnal,waShiroOnt:facil- itieS Will be News - Record - ' Free Vaccination-• total, of :8 411 animals received ,anti-tabies Vaceinatien in Bruce QatintY,laStWeek -during' a Six4laY •campaign from north, ta. south., .Thirty-three.•'.'clinics - were . held, .starting • at, Tebefrithry on • Meda „Morning...and . ending- at '.•Rigle3T.'7eii. Saturday'afternoon. It WaS,A free service' conducted by the Canadian Degartirient of Agrieinture.. , The. .Sentiijet Contadted Dr. Carnisli 011 -Tuesday -to. obtaiii--tlie-ebeVe tires= of "the,:.8,411).i.degs, ;11-intbeTed. 4,901. There were some 30 nnscel ianeous aninials arfdi the reit -were to4f4.1-zati.4,Mne4ce'n trel, Riplcy fdr;hiStaneey, 'eatS•:. Outnimihered dogs by'quite a inargiiaLucknow •Sen.tinei„,- , "Stone Striashes-Trioo-r-% • . • , • Sainebtie heaved -a Stone through thetfront. oor-af criteco:.• , tat Tabernacle,: :making., a 'hole,. in the. church • deer.' The ' stone. was found Just:: .inside the door Police.-Were=f informed:Of the van :dalism on SunclaY • Sunday niorn- ing:a: man complained tci 'tbalt.,111S;.....:truek had, been:.:,,,Stoten 'from .. hiSlesideitee:•,Fif: teen :iiiintitek...after :fiad.:been-lodgebv;:,pcilice itivestigat- _ed and '.foutidthe trtich 'parked jitsf.... around: the ,'cOrner from where Man, :Cerriglaiiiedef",Soinetliing Whieli he .,wohld;:oplY!'-ctiMglain of in ex.A, territOrythat',,,'soineene.had'. Stoh• :en bear,•frOna.his-, Signa.1-Star.:: Check the Eedrooni' — ' Today's teenagers may,notheaS disehedient'. aS....enne parents.- fear, one „Exeter _Meth,er.learnedto her. She !..iiis,tilictecl•fherth eorne lipineearlY front tlieSIIDPIS' Sadie , HaWkinsr.:, dance.' . She .Waited 'for. :the ,girLuntil,: 3, ' .ed goll0 for as4Stance: injeelaG scouted ..terS an ..• hour,. then: "he.:•tenierii-, ,bered' ,art-inciderit. Which- happened to Jijix inBiythanurner,.of years. -ago--He'-ealled---the-anxious- moth • erk.aSked.lier, ,to eheek her datigh, ter'S. ''.•lbedreeM::''TTliere,',.'Was. /the *Mising •.faSt, • 'apleetv. She'd. Coinelionie at 1030., and. .gorie..to bed.'While„-,hii er nitlier Was .,in ether..par4 of the heiise.,.,„COnstable .'Cowen reCalled'he. once Organized ..ft a young' bo;.- Who • Was, .later. foitrid TunesrAdvecate.•,, Front The Huron Expositor December 1, 1933 The .Seaforth Golf and, Countfy Clith held. their annual -club' dance ifi„ the G.W.V.A. Hall. on Friday evening. Theclub trophies were presented to the successful play- ers by 'Captain J. C. Greig, Mr. W, j. Thomp-gon, Tucker - grnith, cotild hardly believe his Own dyes Sattirday morning for" as he looked from his house he, saw about 200 large snovvblls dotting his fields and also .niany -other fields. The high- windr-ef-FridaY 'tight had done the workg-'aSsisted materially by the soft ' , . MisS., Janet Cluff and Mr. John R.yrost emerged. 'tie winnersj ov- er a Series of games • in -,the Bad- minton club tournament. Miss Helen ,11/1cLetin and ,Stan DorraneP .placed, second. 9• ' • • . Miss Marguerite Mae, • daughter of. Mr. and Is-.' C. It .Vertnett,„ Clinton, eXchanged wedding 'Vows with Mr.'•'Walter Roger PePPer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pepper, of Tuckersrnith. 'Mr. W. V, Arnold , has sold his grocery business to Mr. Alex,alc-' Gavin. Mr. McGavin gets immedi- ate -possession. • Mayor A. 'D. 'Sutherland, presi- dent -Of -the ,Beaver. aockey Club was in TOronto Saturday attend- ing the annual meeting of the 0. Interesthig items gleaned from -TheHuron EXpOsitor of 25;.50 ' and. 75 years. ego. • ,calt: eight' 'months' cid; :to Messrs, Bell 'and. McConnell,' of Myth., , • Mr. Ernest Murray, of 'Seaforth. and .a'foriner member of .the.T-Itit.- ,on.- Facitball, Club, ,is this year on the. Ya.rsitY teorn;;TorontO ch'am: pions.Of the .inter -collegiate -associ- ation Idotball. series., , Mr.' andlifis. R. r. Coates,.-whO' :itive:heeiv:spendinothe-stithiner at Bellevue,. Idali67:Yeturned. 'on Sat- 'ufday', and'will-spend the Winter at their honisin Seaforth, • • ••,' " Mr, and' Mrs. Sohn M. •Cardrie. have ,retupirecl ,to town and are now -settled-in- their -comfortable home on John St: . jcihn 'Park,Stiffa, had the raisfortmie to get rib ',broken '14- kikck from a 'horse:. ' Mr., Thomas Daly: ha's, . sold his handsome 'little -driving-;,mare' to Mr•,George McCartney,. § §'• • .1.:)?(IrsiTilvileemilEheuir4).-34)n.; r •••-A.littleacin of. Rev. F. '.11,yan, of Brussels, climbed:iv to the bitreau or std.030afd and, got holdOf a small 'bottle Of. .c.afbolie aeld'from which the little fellow drank 'settle and ..Ppiled the rest. The child's throat was' 'burned considerabbr by- the adidt, „. One d4y,14.4t week:4/11.1e Jem- 'Thompson,,, • of the t'asifi..ehl road; Stanley, Was .taking 'an nrmr fut of weed from the wbodshed, a pile' of wood fell on her,: cutting her head ,Somewhat severely and other ;bruising her., • . Mr. William flax has :opened, 'a ,daricing. settool An -Campbell's: bleek:, • gr.. Kennedy took possession of -Sharp's .Hotel on, Tuesday. A fewdaysago as Mrs. Peter Hawthorne, of Hulled, was returnt ing bome from town she; rnet a 'znaiii 10.naber wagen the ,goad. He refused ,to. tutthaut npji a/ter crovvcling her off the road the wheel of 'his Wagon -caught in the• buggy and broke the shafts. The man drove..cm and left Mrs. 1-1AW- thorrie.. behind, Lase Tuesday Ile 'sail Ru8sa. McKillop, cut „his, foot ,-very badly with an 'axe, initiating a severe gash. across the-instep...He 'will, be laid up for some time, Mr, WillMin Mine, McKiilop reefttly cattght n bear in a trap, HOn, Edward: Blake remained fit ,town last 1riday •night •thi his way home frOrn,the.Briteefield 'conven- tion! Te,•*05 the gi.test ;of Mr.' D D. Wileo, . The recent heavy•whidi d'estroY,,: :ed•the ford fence 'arbtind tlth a'grl- eultural grounds. FEDERATION NEWS By 3, CARL 11EIVIINGWAY • The ,follewing was copied frOin the "Wheat ToolBudget,' Nev. 3.4, 1958: ",Agriculture Minister" Hark- ness •lias predieted that for the firat time in several years all sur - may he. rernov, ed from farms and, delivered. to elevatars- in the current crop year. According M estimates, 204 mil- lion bushels of wheat remained on farms • last • July 31, Production amounted to 341 million bushels this fall, giving total supply of 545 million bushels. After allowing for seed and feed needs, it should be possible to deliver the balance, he _predicted. Last year, prairie mar- keting of wheat totalled 378 mil- lionL bushels."' , • • Seemsle ineLreinerater,..,Some- one saying that •agrieultural , 'sur- pluses" have a strange- way of dis- appearing. „ _My mernorymisret. tho accurate -When I have M go back over 10 .yea -but I think it -was 1946. -that we, had our last goof crOp M this area.. Ever since it, seems that_ 'each year's erefili'as been, just a little better than the year, before. This was true in the West until a year ago there was, -a drop in yields and this year, a greater drep, Are we heading toward a series of poor, Sorne!LjnajL,rec,all that Once tipcin a time there` was a ku-rg- Called :.Pharaoh; tv.lio had a chief adV.i•Ser• nained--JOseph,-;- This' wise man 'Joseph 'fold 'Pharaoh :that there Would, be seven . years of bounteous followed ,yes,rs,:'of. famine, TliiS,Pharaelt; shall•:We sayequaIly W1Se,,' said: ' ' "Thank,. you,' ofthe•bountepus 'crop '..Yett,,shall. go through the land .aiide011ect this. surtiltia!".,:grain. and :-Storeit care- fidlyin granaries '6"gainSt't..tirne 'ef • The •-yearS• of lamine came..., and 'again :Joseph went 'througliOut the'land at the King's col -1'0114114..0d 'distributed the.grain 'to :• triaSe Whci ., • . - hiStory.'••:Coittairis a world .of.,,Wi,Sdoni' for :Its, yet '-SO -Many titrieS details .are lacking... 'Did .Jesepli.:go- throtigh' the. land. cry-. :ing ..`"stirp11).s". while servants 'Came along behind boughtup ,the Wheat for sterage:'at- a bushel?2„., dn.,. the:time :of. it.,•resold.-to-4h07:prol ..dneer_ at:. We. .aren't. told;. but '1.,•get :the that Was. -colf6.eted . at ' fair price and resold at the -Saineprice ant1):.al1'peoPle:-rejoieed at the pre-: liecy..:Of .1 joSePh. 'aro: .016„, '9A quite, but pretty wedding WaS' solemnized oat: St.'. James"; rectory; SeafOrth, on -Monday, When Mary Teresa,' eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Sos'e,pb...Matthev4„was-ninted in margMWfllianiMor- risen ,Hart. son of ;MI'S': Jean Hart arid- the' Iate williaMitart, Qf Sea, forth. ' 1 §:- Frain.'„Thp -,Noveinbr.#1.1!os A. P,-JoluisS haS'inirelaased the -50-acre farin 'pf 3. K. ,Wise, on the Huron Road, Tuckersinith„ Mg, hisother propor0,.. 'face 'and eyes scoreb d a Charlie Kerr, ,Of had his theexplesion of 40,:.41,614 14mp;fn the science room f the Collegiate Institnte the other day, Mr, William AberbArt; gmond- 'vine; has 'Purchased the Cumming farm on tbe 7th 'eoneession o/ Tuck, ersinith, : , ' 'Mr.„ Sake Sproat is lab:1'0CW* with sore'luind at present, and is °r37.,.igoint`a.'w-mecilea,-varinne,'?O'fi,etkst; ataoi'y tth *eok. told a heavy Oaft horse wander. ifourstatiticiaxis could' forecast '.production---- re asanabik.' we'll,: Could ,oar :goVerititients:ithen apply the WiSdotri,;',ef :, Piiara�h? How- wi11 the PTea'iraiYae "Or, farm. 'stored 'grain.,,effeet 'feeth.prie: es9 WiIl the farmer producing loSe'his...Shitt or. his. contract?- In 'either,:eaSe,..,he will lose_hxs income if feed priees: 'Were-ta • Wetil.d... the; '.ConStinaer Object,' to 'the,•:,,gOvernMent".spending,.mbileY' to':guarantee."o.'.,..stinply of' foOd? Perhans..,,.pre'clheet,...:-Organiza.tions shouldn't .,-•expeet .,fariner'S • 10..1. pay into", a ,Stabiiiiatietfuticlr.,to staresurplu 'products. Perhaps the. ConsuMerv.4 Sheol& be charged 'pert of laje.bn. 'fikidPrdduets ;to„pro- Vide insur,atice.'against • . , • luron „ Farrn.-.,News , „ RepresentatiVe-for Huron) most of the eattle are now hous- ed for the.wintert,and are in very good condition for winter feeding, and inillting. -Tlie turnip crQP is practically all harvested-- early stored ,erop is notaceeping as Well as expected. SMILE OR,, 111V . . "baddy, what's' the difference between capital and labor?" "When youmake at loan it's capi- „ tal; when you- try -'to colleet, - O'Hara: "Last night i2shot at what 1 thOught was a burglar, but it was only my pants 'hanging _oil the wall." • - - ' - O'Brien:' "Lucky you weren't wearing thein. You might • have been . 0-00•06-40-6-dit • ,Special -C By. JAMES soon, , I read.in the Centify ..riapers this week about a. certain chair whichf on the occasion of the -annual War - :den's Dinner, Was preserted.to the retiring Warden of Huron County. It was .,with more than usual in- terest that I heard about this par- ticular chair because, as sortie peo- ple know, I once tried Pretty. hard th get a chance to sit in it, This chair, Which.::eonieS front Toronto, IA sixty-five years old, and if the 'truth is to be told, is not • in the best condition. It is reaSon,ablYmfortable in fact men have been known to go ,to sleepin it once in a while—but it by no rneans represents Ithe finest intie. art, of furniturecraftsman- 'I'm not at all sure what our re- tiring ,Warden will: dcr 'with this -- chair. -The---chances are that his - wife is not, going to take too kind- ly_ th _any suggestion •that','it be given aplace of honor in her living, ream, ,because it. is not the type which- „fits tntoa well ---'with other living -room furniture. . - And yet it deserves a place' Of lionor somewhere, • • " This, chair 'could :tell ,qUite a, :story if it could 'ta.1.1c• For the past -6,5-ryears-4-ithas pesteriors. of the M'IL:A.'s from Huron, .,and i least that„iS Where it -was the last'. time I saw • the late. Toni Prydel •sitting in it. , il bethie- that; it 'had -Many' other distinguished incumbents andt in. -the heat of debate that oldrchair lias been jumped on, thunmed and, , kicked about., It has heard. many story debate oil Matters' like temperance and. prohibition, and ow that' it is to reside in Huro it mn , ,ay well." find, it little 'strange' - and difficult 'to, understand Abisl County's peculiar liquor laws:- — „ has heard.a lot of talk about reail", and bridges and•noW;.---as Huron, citizen, it May start , wondering] ,When the Saltford, Bridge isever going to. get labia. 'It heard its2own, •owners premise it -for the paSt. five•I :-:-NOWAhat that.old.chair'is a, -zen ..of Huron -lit inay, be 'asking" .' „same , questions about • m•arketing schemes. 'Iniats day that chair has.'1 -.- heard a..dot of talk about the- plight, - of the Huron County farther; Now 'irnray74Orider „if gov,erziritent.has: really listened to any of that talk,. ., n.ow that f • Come ..to think of it, maybe, it is just'as Well that , that chair cannot talk. If it could ' • _ ,I doubt that ,Charlie MacNaughton. 'would have -,ta•ken.', a chance " n that time it has seen a 101of ser- vice. It know's all -about Grits and Tories. Sometimes it has been on .the government' side of the house, sometimes in the opPosition. some:- tit -ries it has- been in the front row and- somet-imes=in-the-ba ek,hench-_. es. But always it has been for ' Lately; it h -as had a fairly prom- inent Position—on the side of the government, in the front row. At brifigiii-g—if-b a ck-145-11-dron -TO'ff many' verbal. chickens might have come home to roost. - But since the Chair will remain silent,- it is safe, land when our re- tiring Warden is through W thit, liege lie jesves it to the County _Museum wher_e_it can stand as a mute rcininder that Huron has had a --voice in legislative affairs for a long tithe, land tliat -HpronIstill' ex- pecfs the best service her electe&i representatives can give her., , HY WAIT 'TILL THE LAST MINUTE? The Best Time To Shop The Best 6-tft. buys I Scotch Lace Tablecloth .: amps ---Table, TV, Dresser, I3,e room I .11ina_ _Novelties .:, Boxed Paper_ GIFT WRAPPINGS: " alie'r' s , . --11'11:b16.--'1!' ' 8-a -e`1s . Christmas. Table Covers .. Naplcirts Toys Games - Paint by Number Sets ' 'Doll' ' Doll Carriages Kiddie Cars Wagons SEE OUR LARGE DOLL SELECTIOIV , - -v . ,Tags. Candles Lathes' Pullovers and Cardigans Sleepers and Pyjamas . Wool Mitts, and GIOves Ieychiefs. Lined Jeansand Slacks . _ Check otir selection of CHRISTMASB6x,ed The Largest Variety cyrid the Best.Values in Tow?-! eafclit Or4—..-StationerY. & Gifts SEE OUft-COMI)LETE ,SELECTION OF AS. WARM; AS SINCERE; AND ' AS 121ENDi.`„(..AS AHAN:PS14AKE ro tr Expositor , PHOlNIE 141 or 14,; 1-