HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-28, Page 1rla°-
'Ninety -Ninth Yeat'• •
' Whole Ndinber -47e8
rings on
Polls .open in Hensall. Monday
icniltriMg at 9 a.m, as voters choose-
• a..•keetre • and council- flak ,:that„
FolleWlng a fiery ratepayer'
MeetingFriday; ;night;
didates let their, naines:-..,stind•inid
qualified ler the cOuncilbaeemVhile,
• Nareaan Jones,. eev 6:" Sinne-;,•19,*
- being opposed by Gordon
• 'Schwalm: :•` . • _
Twe:.WoMenr t first to -appear.
en 'the mimininal_scenedri.:Hensall,
. were nominaiId at the Meeting
and are
- „
dates for Al*e i'lenday election.
:-.111rSf Leonard (Minnie) Noakeswas
the, first , person to,..qualify follow -
ng the norninationsa'•and the first;
A°947Pan„. to • take. -";b• -•."-Step toviladtle
.irnari, a • sister-in-law of • Mrs:-
'Nbakes,: Who also „qualified, was
Mrs. James (Edna Mae),-- Sangster:
• The twoare approaching•the
tion eleq-
' the theme of " "bleating.
on the .11eliSalI- Others
nomnated rncluded laet - year'S.
mernbers,•-„John Lavender and John
,. Henderson". and new candidates,,';
Lorne Hay John Bake and Robert
• NoininationSand qualifications
(Q),' by D. • Sangster and. J. Hen-
derson; ',Norman.- JOnes--(01-bY7.W.
, Fuss and L. Luker;. George Arni.:.•
strong, by L. Hay and R. .Canaer-'
• •
For.' Council -... Jahn LaVender• ,
(0); by.: J. Henderson and.; G.
,Sehwalm;, John' ilenderSen •(Q); by
D. Sangster ---'and G.'7-$ciNialm;
„ Lorne Luker, by H. S,cane and G.
-SclaWalni.. Lorne Hay (Q), by "W.
Doisgall-» and E. Munn;"•• Gorden
•SetiOaliWhy L.:-;-Laverider andlVfiri
• nIe) Noakes ; ' John; Baker- (
,Fiford'' and J. Lavender;
nie Noakes, (Q), by C. Fiforcl and
,'..1.::.:LaVerider; _Edna Mae Sangster
(0), .byjMinnie. Noakes and
lord- Robert Baker. Jr: (Q) _ by C• .
- Fiford.',,and R. ,Cameron.;,,
ford, . by „D. : -Sangster and J. -Sangster
Schobl Trustees -Leonard Noakes'
(Q) by H Searle and Sangster;
H. ' Campbell: (Q); by N. 'Jones and
G. .Armstrong;' Scane (Q), , by,
William. Fuss and - R. •Cameron.
(All by acclamation). ' • , ,
• .PUCWacrp»iccr (Q);14Y-H.
• sbane"and -----4H,SHeliviralm (acclama-
tion); • George Armstrong; by W.
•• Dougall and R. Cameron. '
RC Grrnts
or- Sewe Wor
'. Preliminary approval .: for cen-
' Struction of a- new sewage. diStri=
•J'Antion SyStem.-:and .lageo#';dispeSaI
plant itt Seaferth was given' this
•week :by ',Ontario .Water Re-
sources Commission, The projeet
AS estuntated to •tost $412,000. •
, ;It was indicated the Coin:mission-
'would hold" d..puttlie meeting Prior
final approval 'being given.
' In a covering letter; OWRQ
•.eral Manager, •Dr. , E. 'RerrY
said . indicates our *gerier.L.
al, agreement withthe propesaI
• 'prior 7.to -the granting-of.a final
approval „ it Will be. necessarY. for
Commission to hold a public
tearing regardinglocating of the
Works in , the » adjoining Township
of 'rticicersmith.."„ '
AhniP Brown'
96 On Sunday,
Mrs, Annie Brown, Clinton, cete-
" -brated her 96th birthday lastSun-
day. The former Annie Stephens,
she has a fandly,_ of four daugh-
ters, Mrs. William -Hoggarth, Clin-
ton, with wheal she. resides, Mrs.
Wesley Hoggart14 Clinton, Mrs. Ed.,
Youngblut, ,Londeshoro, and gis;
Gordon Kerr, .Arkona. '
She also ..has 14 grandchildren,
ts great-grandchildren and - two
great -great ;grandchildien. Mrs.
Brown enjoys ,the best of Imalth
and is able 'to go out.-
. ,
DiSsatisfactiori that . existed :zWith.
'Village .sancl,;;bounty-.' affairs,: Was
brought to light at the ratepayers'
rnectingn Ilensall , Friday. -night.
Following. a 'cli,§Cusio,n,of so-callad
barbfference: Of the previouscoml.'''.
and - -fault-finding• with -village,.
Officials As . recounted by . a 1958_
rnented e
..council resigned".
•Chaired by -James.- Taylor, the
meeting heard reports' and spe.ech•
"es-frem- -pretionst beirricillerS-; • ifeW"-
candidates • andether officials,
'Northanjertes,,,re..C_Vge".'aild -al dandi..,
the7hhilding;bf.:a.'neW Cotirity Horne
aiiI-»»thcr»fivemap road:conimittee.
;,.-,,syirredliat.lhesethibgS. Were •de„.
;Cidod. n befrare",;„inclividital. reeve -
lad ,:Tr4teh liance ta fully
..the ••••‘rnatter.., He .also said 'that
• coMity salarie Were•.risingat ",:a
rapid rate.- : • '• '•
Lerne. Luker. reported ;on .road
.and Street Work finished dating the
year; -.including' 500 -feet:, .0•: side-
walk near the .a'ren
capped • street' •ready.
;for j•r17
j•(ii..m.o.:Alf0.•.meeting that :.he'.W,onld,
not ',..ritialifYlifot...-Another • term as
The Meeting, attended .by •attnost
60 ratepayers, thelatke#,**1 at
such a, ,inecting in•7the-•. Village rn.
repent , years, .•heard Councillor
HendersonJQhU -.. eXPres-S-HdiS
Poiiitirrg'ont JriStanCes that
caused his...'diesatisfaCtiOrry..„"Mt
HeriderSikt• "toldthe''.grOtip,.'.:that
is not rmecLofJnsur-
ance .•that
they'..r.lied,:neVer. been told; ....even-
aftef'.requeSting it. what'amorints:
are,.... ;Carried. He claiined :that
barle-elled.,. they. included one on the
-.• •
Touching. On ,"*.read.
'1‘1r:••-' Henderson said when the
.COMitY •hill : for read.werk'e.dine. 'in,
the '.•Wcith:". Cost nmeh more than,
anticipated., emineillor,.PpintL
ea out that the. contity...had:;moved,
,itt''..nnict'UntieeeSsary; equipment.
"T-fion't...kneW hat caused thegoo turnoctt_aLthis meeting,"•
•;Lavender, another member
of last years -council; said; • "Pos-
it was the Work of thecaun::
cil, or the .Werk-Lef.,,Jher':Cliarnber.
of Commerce, or raise,
hb suggested as reasons. He told-
'the•'group:that'.being on the .6oitn.
Oil ',InVoIVOl. ten g haute -pi work, big
.he,,,fOund it interesting'and
••. . • ;
" Terielfing On:internal ' preble.ins- of
cerineil,„tle infornied.,,the group that
Conned has had . the . weal ;pulled
(Contixnidd dn Page 5)•
O ears
at:Donald is
eyed to.St.-Atiorys
Ronald S TvfanDonald, for; manY,
YearS a meiriber of th.e. staff -of
;the Provinee.- of OntarictSavings,
Office here bas been: moved tethe'
St; Marys, office of the bank: ,-The
move' was effective Monday.
Mr. 1V1aCDrina1d.-first:- joined- the
staff. ortliejocal .branch nearly 20
'yeare-• a'gri--,TWitli; the exceptien of
fotr.year in the RCAF,' -during
»which.he served. --overseas;
!MacDpriald has been on the Sea-,
forth Staff. » Durig that • time he
has .been; active in, a variety of
local organizations andba's-always.
contributed 'freely of, his 'time' to
further the -interests • of -the com-
munity. Ile is a 'fernier, president'
of:: the 1Vten's » Club» of; First Pres..;
byterianthurch and former'tfeas-
liter of the Canadian Legion' here.
He issecretary-treasurer the
Seaforth Arena Commission.' -
.1Virst MacDonald and ,their son,
Robert, are remaining here for the
tinie' being, -Pencling-,accommoda-'
tion arrangements being 'Con:Viet-
'In ...one of the. Aiiieteet norinna-
Jinn -:theetings in 'seine .years,-, Sea -
forth ratepayers.. Monday,:. beard.
IOWA- .. Officials review .-municipal
rAlinitt:50 persdris:, were' i11. a•tteircl-
4ance,,:: inchidMg....repreSentatives of
pne Of. the Classes .in-S.entottir pub -
rite ,-School"-who'd6editipallied:thel'
4.1eacher, •J:..A.'1VtaeDonald;;te
' See' .'first • hand how nQminatlon
CletliTD. H.' named
,cli airman ,,....Mayor B. F. Christie,»
who hard..,been,,:re,:eleetad by.. ccla-
mation;,,was the•first speaker and
-.7„WILLItti21 -JEWITT, was ac-
e1ai med reeve of Hullett f1
o -
lowing nominations Friday.
Beginning his fifth year in of-
, _
fiee;--',-Reeve - jewitt7'VTrill be a
candidate for- Warden of Huron-.
e urn Reeve
u e
till.ett electors_ will be called- on
to elect a Council, it..,becarlieat-
pa rent' after the:time • for Mialifir
cations- had expired Satuidaynight,
All Members of the.. coun-
cil qualified,. as well as.; Hugh
Flyanr a rieW 'candidate._ _Wiling
:fa1re.-S7P, Ia-Ce...-en7Depernher, 1, • •
,•At a ratePayets' meeting that
followed the diose of-friondriatiOns
• - •
friday afternoon„ 'Reeve witi:4„ni,
IthWitt,..,whaTliad • ';Ween • eleeteCti,Y,
acelamtttion, discused jn» detail
the 'work of Ilnron. Comfy .Council
as it affected ;11fillett:''Reeve Jew-
itt told the 'Meeting he Wouldbe-a
.candidate _ fOrs-,Hutert,',Wpdett this
Meeting, „chairman was former
'reeve and Warden;, •jolin: W. Atrxi-,
cjl for the manner itt which the
'township ',.business had been • Car-.
tied on. Clerk HarrY„ Tebbutt pre-
,ented a financial"'repOrt -Covering
.the.•.past, year and -reviewed . the,
auditors" :repent fpn 1957,... • •
- Each of the • members Of the 1958
Connell indicated ' that.. he 'would
again be a Candidate- lor.:-Pfffee.,
The inentherS:are • ThoniaS'Leiper,:.:
ErrimerSOre :Hesk; Arehie.. Young
and GeOrge.:,l3rown,,..,And.'eaa,
.di -
cussed certain ',Phases ottownsbiP'
basiness. »»•' : •• •
Reeve John beeves, of - Gedericli
:toWnslalp;'.a.',ViSitor,,at."the 'neepting,.
spoke' on crop .li-nprOVeine'nt' work
and extended best wfshes» to "men -i-'
bers of .council. , He ,particularly
mentioned Reeve Jewitt in his ,rtiri
for warden. » » •
presentative ' on the Clinton District
'Collegiate Beard; , told the ratepay-
ers;'.Of 'Clinton's 'prepOsed.addition'.
and, hew grants would' apply. 'He
discussed the selmore 'financial re
'pert, A Similar report was pre,
sented': by., Oliver. 'Anderson, 'Hut;
lettrepresentati.v,o on the Seafortli
DiStrict,.Board,7No ;representative'
of the hospital:board' was present.
• ltullett.., It'et a",d; ,SuPerinterident
' „(Contintied on Page 5) ;
;Iron F. of
Meets Thurs
a si
issues' 'SUrvey
..The.abiftial.rneetini'Of the Hur-
on Federation •of AgrienitUre is be,
frig held. in Lotaesboro 6n Thurs-
da The Fedtlration will hear
Gordon Greer. Ontario Assoeiation,
president, ':The Meeting »will- elent
effineri- and .,conSider-\ reports on.
the year's •activities. Winston Shap;.
t4iii,‘Of4 Centralia, is .preaiderit.•
The .Fe'deratiap's Annual. Survey,
produced this year 1.1iY : The Huron
Expositor, Werit-Oitt last 'Week to
*all Huron., ,county form ;families.
The 12 -page itewapaper contained
stories of federation activities and
,reports ,from enmity and. provim
Cial -Officers. '
; "I ..eari "Searcelyrealtie- that a
.year.•;••-has•:--paSsed-,Since' I accepted
:the honor of serving you as Mayor
ob otir...toirii,.."Yon7,-Will.
that »wehq.'t ad -a very'busy and
eventftil year;, you 'also knew ; that
the projects: 'and 'undertakings have.
.1V olv ed "a great •.'deal, of tirne*an
est Or your • courted. ;" 1 can
truly • say that in my 13 ;years of
experience • on the. Council .I.' have
neVer n.-mcire 'col:igen;
lad. group ef Men around our
:and -.„I would:dike: at this.
time telextend to,..therry•••sineetej
gratitride-7:l, • . • • • ••:,
I think it Would . good •: idea
„ .
to outline briefly' our fear's wOrk
and tile chalrindri,, of each corernit-
tee i 1 go -Mtn:Yr-note, detail on
theSe... First,, the •eolleCtiOn ...of tax -
be ..twicea 'Year., has.. S.av.ed• . the
RiN-17-117" apprOXiiiiate1g.-$700.06.!, on in-
terest,Their •-•Weihad-Lthe-diffienit-Y-
•yoir will agree this has been set -
tied most satisfactorily:
Ourbiproject,„' of coure.ellas.
-I-Ce-rftheneyil lthe I ae tory; ...finding
resi e
cKkp F o
-,' Kenneth Stewart, RR 5,,Sea_forth,.
Was electnd. president,.o.f.dhe Me,
JCilloP Federating, Q1 Agriculture at
,the ;ann.:nal Meeting -Tuesday .night
»ffeld at Winthrop ' •
:United' .°'
the 'brieetirigStaiak:
..the, Of
Vide -presidents •-• ,
'named "Were:itt
'vice, Jas." .
.2nd vice, "•, .
wa-s- G.
with G.
Eillott,,, as an
'..ttn4drIteds • bl;'1,:tihee cehxa-lnin'
art Program included speches-by
C-ardiff, M.P.,: Doug Wiles
agricultural , representaglie "fo r
'Huron,who spbke. 'ob...;d3,ruceIlds18
faint' accidents and gabies;,:attis-•
sell 'Ream 'snake: on 'the- iWheat
Marketing' Bpard,,..
!tan 'spoke: in& TV :farm.
.Seott.. lea • a.' Sing -
Sang; -locntripanied.. by James' M.
Scott:•7--en ' •the piano. WordS''''01-
taank;i'vere:extendect'to the.ladies
Or. the bountiful supper by Gof:Et'
1.176tt;'°*itlf;,11f,.. s 'Clit.11EL
'plying... •
Rey lidgett, Toronto, federation.
field.rrian far Ontario, guest; speak-
er, iold the groury. What .the feidera
tion barVannotriplished during- the
Pa St.;-• yeai-..-• andf,its plans -for% the,
future, ' alto :toliched on/ Verti-
cal integration 01.'.cent-rant 'farrif-
ing. ;Mr:: ,ilergott was, nitre:di-Med
by' James •and thanked laY
Gordan .Papple. • • - •
° ,Secretary A. R. Dodds: gave the
secretary's „..arld-finaridial reports,
and .thew were adopted. _
To conclude the evening, gbideii
lgeGavin sliewed. ;piettires on. his
,ropen trip .to t1-0 'world- ploWing
Match ittGerinany• and other Bfir.:
:opean, countries, .
..- „,.. " .,., , ,. ,
.s' .
ONE OF Irli' E. LARGEST TRAILER UNITS 161.6e Manufadtured
. , i
Canada, iVforttrears second taximen's lVfolide Chapel, s hooked up
react ,to leave the„General Coach Works of Canada plant at Hensel],
'-ly Morning, Costing approximately $9,000, the unit is'55-feet
by 10 e.,,t, and was convoyed to lVfontreal by relayS'of.Ontario and
Quebec 4.,tavincia1 pollee, The chureli, is lettered, "Taximen'S Mobile
' Church". and "Le Bon Dieu en Taxi." - (ExpOsitor ishato)..
_ _
n Suitabfe .site -and. Making ar-
rari,gements for the 'property; both,
for thefactory and the approach-
ing ,'stieets.,',. It .has - all _meant
great •-inai4 AteetitAgS,.qt4kieg time,
Work.: and ,co-operation. .• The .inclua,
ni,641niportant feature to be . dealt,
as ..,they:',.'inean'eiliployinent:
for:: our :eitiZeris;„,,andit fakes hap-
py, busy People to Make, any town,:
so'l-don't • feel:We should: be --,back.7-
'ward about boosting our industries,
and giving T managementa few,
words ..of-'praise:and apPreciaticific
when we get . the chance., '
sewer extension is another
project, and the -.council, is work-,
Mg:, hard ,to...get•• it Under , way :• 'as
,Seon as..-.posesible..; • . '
.» Tile rriilk-..queetionwas abotlier
itent... »brought. to the ';'-corincil for
dISCUSSiQU. was.
as • ; , th; . „
',.„,• c'
bank, ,ceineterY.... These Problems
are all. thingethat.have4ter-,be:doOk.;
ed In:Ur •' and •,dealt...-vv,dtli' .as .• they
come al -OP g :by :theu... niernber,s .„.of
Tbe Union Ga coming to thwn
Wa s ajiother difipOrtabit tranSaetion::
,)(oft. \q11 agree that i.t.- has ;bean:,a-
attd -added
to our 'facilities.' , Many have -made
use of. it, » and it is »yai1ab1e to
plyeae, at. any
We :will he voting on . the •Iiiced
as.sesernent et,the.Shoe factory on
, .
Decertiber,10.:'-1 Would like. yttu.'to
knOW,- that • :boththe. ,COuncil....-and
Chaniber -of Co intrieree'have 'vnted,
nnani-rnOrfsl-y7-itr,'faVor. Jsf
hnpe yau wiul rp.a ;your local
papers :Where .it is ,eXplained most
fully for you. '' We :feel..that•thiS is
iu-pn1y »a benefit to the present
:factery,-•;:latit anindaceinentler-anY
new inditStry, that Might be Con-:.
Sideriag our town to lc/ea:W.
If y01'; see'fit..to re=elecC'ine.`fon
,amither term ''Of.:::office,' .1 wiU do
mybeSt. to: Serve •:.yOir to the very.
'best • of iny.'abilitY. and the best:
int'erests...let, the town.
• '
„ , ,
' :-WeeVe To.'Retire, •
. • -
. ;Reeve "Nerrnan":ScoiiEts told • the;
'Meeting' that.. it was h»is intentiou
"tel.' retire from publie he for the
-PreSent, lithe•-,had:therorighlY,
-,enjOyed. the 'period of
ublec; ser-
vice .air&• .expreSsed•,,,apPreeiation
:for 'the"..en-oPeration that had been
•ScoiriS 'Said Costs, had
been 'estimated -,it • $2-,300. Of thiS,»
about $2.;00P• liad,been. spent .and it;
Was .exbeeted..10.,-yeat •would end
witiirt' the estiniate,;, • '•
..Referring ',the. proposed• 'add:1-
.;tioa rot ••the ConntyVonise, .',,ReeVe;
\Flit,: is' chairmaituef that
ccilittee,, saidthe' rieW. addition'
'4AWd, .relieve the eountY' of the
,...1.nallii.,POnO-On of The ' 'eeSts ...of in -
dike& hospitalliation;! No iiiereaSe
itt c' ity ale -would be -necessary.
...1‘Williadi Ball, nOminated .: for
reeve,was chairmanof the. towns
finance committee. : ,said. , the
town had :budgeed ,fox,.a--deficitr-t9:
permit. OpinPleticin..Of ...town hall al;
teratiOns out. of •surplus, While
.major items, including- reactsand
industrialprojects • had been' 'nil:.
,clertaket, it -was not expe
deiiqit aS budgeted, would. be -ex-
ceeded inany substantial degree.
Total taxable l assessment is .$1,-
62(014; and 'thiSi will be.. increased
by -about $40 000...os ,the. result . of
(continued on Page„5). -
HeriraReport Ofa
„ .
CripjIed; Children
dren's activities when :Clarende
. • , ; • .
Seaferth-Liens Monday . evening..
heard . reports ,of- crippled: ail-
. .
Committee.,•chairman; told'
of -the, 'work' 'Wrnictrtad:lieen car.
rid otit.-,1The Club diseusaed Par=
tidpation .itt »the' Christmas Seal
caMpaign, :with which it has been
isatielated for serne year:
In. Charge of the meeting -Were
.M; Scott ,and. 'Scott- Cluff, with
the latter, acting -as -chairman.
Legion Sponsors
Midget Hockey,
'lean effort to keep„heekey alive
in Seaforth, Seaforth Brdneh of the
Canadian ,Legion will sponiBrown-
er Mid- , .
get lioek,4y in the town this year.STEPHEN
This .will augment their present ''Reeve -Glen Webb, 'Wellington
spensoring of Peo-Wee. SaturclaY; Hkiitt., • "
morning htiek,ey. » • • .-.4Deptity - Reeve - Edward Gill
Alwaysinterested in the yontli of (a.e01..)„..,,
the,„town.;_theihran'eh took over th ouneil-L(three 50 be
which otherwise would. have Stephen, Dundas. Elmer Lawsbn,
been dropped -this year.---itiv-x "-Edmund- Henderickt, . James ..H.5Y4'
Pected • the steain will play .heme ter. -
rgarnes on Satiirclay bights, 'lint • School Trustees (three to be el -
'final decision will be taken. When ecteel).-George Clark, Roy -Mason,
the schedule. is drawn up • Ray IVfortock (acct.).
• •
EAFORT.W1flAT.00. )5:4'f% ,,PII#ISTIE:".(left.);WaS..xle-cleetedte-
the Office;He begins his seeoncl"terna."--yReeve•forr-ttrepaSt 6 yep
Nornian'SeorM4--'01.1-411n.ned-hiS•••refireinent. 146, hasbeen active :on: ..".'
Huron Couneil, nom:mit:tees: : • ;-.•• •' • • '
Voters wil",,g57.1,t;Y•the,:nolls riex
;week :in -dee Lfluron-irew-n-Shi:p.4:;an,
'fent ";*,HUrorv ''t.dwriS:' and ,--villageS
• , .
FeiloWing,4nOniMatione, , this 'Week
elections,Were • a necessity in :Hal
Clinton; . Wingharri; » Exeter
Seafor•th and dieliSalla. _In Stephen
'there•is-',•az'poseibilitY of Oi--ql,ke
tien..with•-five''neniinated.,•for ,cOirri
cil.• and dWo: names. listed for reeve
Qualifications Were 'incomplete a
ptesS";di•rile.'WednesclaY.:, , •
iifllgft voterI Will CEO tsr.S e foui
r.eouticillers.'Lat.„thebleetioM having
alreadY.. acclaimed. William JeWit
'Wirigham the ; rine
will .be lOt deputy --:reeve and: Conn
wlfile.• at • Exeter' they .wa•
.ehdo.se a • mat or With twocandi
dates listed, and • six.'" courreiller
eight:;cabdidates,,•_At "-Clinton
the tacetwill,:be .for.reevesirip- and
councill,ors: •... • ;, • •
i 'Five I -futon " rnunicipalitie ac -
,_ea . . .
d,_ -aimed their -193.9--officia s --at
.: -4f-ninatiOnmeetings this vveek. At
the sarne,:time, two ,Perth niunicf-
- palitie_s, .Dublin and Logan, returu-
1 ed theirgoverning body.
'Acclaiming their councils and
- reeves -were: HOwici,.East Wa wan-
- oh, Blyth. Grey and Usborne. . •;"
• 1:-. ...• , liovvIdc'
t 11.-eeve-Ar11,ur Gibson_ .„ _
- . Deputy- -Reeve-J-larvey McMich-
ael. •
Councillors -Melville Al,lan, Ivan
t Haskins', Robert Gibson.
e Schipl, Area 'rrustees . --,- Clare
- Harris, Stewart Douglas, . Cecil
11 Wilson. , . . „ . .,
S ' ReeVe-,Clarenee, Hanna. -,..'.
7-COUnci11ors-John Buchanan, El --
din Ptiron, Orville .McGowan, Sixn-
on Hallahan
School Trustees - Gilbert Bee-
. Croft (two more In be 'apponited).
, All :three village Art4stoes »were
acclaimed in I)ublin Friday eve-
ning. , They are . Gerald iffilland,
Charles Friend, a.nd_J.osenh-Looby;,,
' -. • " BLVIII„ -....... .,.....,--,-. ---'
- ---Reeve-WilTrairiT 'Merritt_ , . '
' . C o um cil -10 e rcl 011 Elliott, . Donald
tIowes, Scott Fairservice, --Broden
, •
School Triu,tees---Kcith Websteri,
; Clare -Grover, Frank Elliott,,,'. - -...--
. •
, Mayor -R. »E, MeKinney' (accl,„)
Reeve -.1. R. Adair (accl.).,
Depiuty Reeve - Joseph Kerr
Hugh Carrrxichael,
Council, (Six to be elected) -Ear
y. Cottrell, Warran
Callan, W. F. Burgman, John Cor -
butt 'Jr.„ Dona,14 Nos Ltda.: „Harold
-Pocock;'1GO-racri. W. Buchanan.
.PTJC-DcWitt,Milier (accl.).
Public Sahool Trustees - David
Murray, Dr. E. F. Shaughnessy,
Alton:Adams, Scott Reid-(oeds.).
Mayor --R, _E. _ Poo1e5r,- Ralph
_ fe ( acct. )
Deputy Reeve.2-Chester Mai,vhiri
ney (401.)., - ,
Council (Six » to be elected)-
G-eorge Rotifer: Eldred Simmons,
I.;ee; Sheri -nazi, Will:lain Musser,
Diltirray Greene,-. Claude Far-
roW, Glen Fisher and Ross Taylor.
SehoOI Tnuatees - Andrew- Jack-
son, Reginald 33,eavers.and
Seldon- (accts.), ' ,
PUC -:Wm, G. Cochrone (accl.).
Reeve-williarn Jewitt (acct.),
COuncillbrs (four to be elected) --
George Brown, Torn Leiner, Em4
Inerson Heal, Archie Young and
Hugh Flynn.' „
' MayorL-B.Prton Stanley ,(accl.).
J. Mi1lr, ltobert
N. ,It!wip.
Deputy -Reeve -John Sutter Mei=
Council (sii-to..be' eIec(ed)--L-Doiv
ald Symons,.. J. E. Dale„ --Royce
MacAulay, Duff -Thompson, Herb-
ert Bridle; George Rumball, Nor-
man Livermore • .
• Public School Board' (thrge ,elect-
ed for two-year tenni) -• George
LaVis, K. W. .C.OIquhotin,'' Clayton'
Dixon - •
,• -pup (t\vo elected for 'five-year
'Antorre ,Garon, ,Charles.
, •• •
Reeve-G-Corge Hutchison, _ .
Council -Kenneth Bray,. Archie,
, Hmuaentnh,er,.,AteRT Ffireir, - , "-"" ‘G 1.` e n
School 'I'rustees-Vatsori Brown,
1-Villiarn W. Smith, Joint Connelly..
Reeve -Clayton Smith. ,
'Counnil,=.-. Hugh Love,-• Harold
Hunter, George Ftayne, Ward Flearr,
eS,reall,eddiolpm_n7,0,:rastniL•d;o. ciK(LAN,wndn-e..yteh,a7,1;r,pms,o),--I1,Gera-
Reeve -Wilfred- Kr auskOpf,„
Bauer, Wm. j..
Hill, Frank Dill..'and Gordon Nfogic.
Reeve----Eari Dick,.
Council: Auguste' Duchanne;
Charles"Roney, Harry Norris, Cal-
virr Christie.,
'Sehopl Area Trustees --Andrew
Whethani, Harold' Pethick;
ttAM. ,
kr):- :DIOCESANt
of »the- Women's
A:ssodhition of St. Thonite -Church'
were honored •tit a meeting Tues-
day night. :12fra. #11liarn4,01dfield,
and Mrs, .Alet .16thune. Were 'ad-
mitted. AS life Members' a the
Diocesan WA. Thsit is the ligheSt
honor. .That. can be bestowed .1;ty.
the. WA on its •rdernbers, The Very
trOPreaSiV,... Service Was condutted
by Rev. S. 11; Seines. »-
Held at.» the home of 1Virs. E. C.
Case, the president. Mrs. G. Mc -
Gavin Was in the chair, The group
voted $2,$»to their Soeial Service
Branch work and $10 to the Diocese
of. the ArCtic.
It was decided to have a display
of Pakistan embroidery ‘early itt
the new year.. The annual meeting
will be held at the rectory on. De-
cember 4. Mrs. .114cGavin closed
the Meeting and .lunch.'w'as served,
"Sometimes," the dignified ma-
tron -told her »new'maid.,"“you wiH
have to help me upstairs."
"That's, all right, muni," the
maid assured her,',"I drink a lit-
tle. too much .soreetimes; nieself."
Single » Cepies,5, Cents
.$5.50 ayear in, Advanne
..A.twee'vray-- race 'for "redve , de-
veloped in. Seaforth .ats the, ,close of
nominations, when Councillor
ham- N.' Ball , and -former- mayor,..
Dr, E. A. McMaster, *both qiralip;
lied • for 'the' office. The • vacancy
- occurred --with ' the"..annouritenterit °
by ;Reeve Norman Scoine. .that, he .
Wouldriot again_ be a- candidate: :
,, Ratepayers re-elected Mayor, 13.,
Christie by acclarnetion.,'Court-;;
cil Seats were filled by .acclatna-
tion; five of the present council .
being-;-•rehirxrede• along -with- one -
new ;member, Nelson C. Cardno.-•
There , was .no opposition ',.for
D'Ortean Sills, .re?-electeci;ta ,a 4V-43- '
year .term on the '-PITC; nor- for,.
school trustees, Dr.' J. C. MacLen',. ,
J. • A. Cardno, John E.°. Langstaff '
was elected to fill the unexpired:-
terni.of yeteran:truStee .1. A. West- '
cott, wha:resigned... • „
An, addition» to electing a -reeVe,
Se,afnIthorsei'a„ ta6P. baYla
n' WProvidrl
fixed, assessinent • for » the new •'
Seaforth Shoes factory, for . a per-
iod of 10 years. . ' • • ;
nominated, together with
their occupations - as 'given. an the
nomination papers, aro. aS follows:. "
e:ca l'FFiasnati,d,e' v wz eYevIVri h. a. r,
t h.
E.. A.. Mc3;aste. d.nc.tor, b3.•
A., Stewart 'and \'» 1 Teall.
"W. N. •Ball, lumber and -building
aupp , Scoins and .
Turnbull.' -.. •
N. Sedins, dry cleaner, 'by Scott
bk. 1.d.
• For Co,
-.John aurnbtell; veterinarian.; by
Stewart and W: T. Teali.
. John Baldwin, • hardware merch-
ant, by W. T. Teall,„and James A. .
' Thorpe Rivers, contractor, by J. '
E I.ongstaH 'and J. A. Baldwin..
-Leslie, meta -ant; by John
1-lotharn and F. 1»»' J Sills.
Scott: Habkirk, bus operator, by
D. ,1",` Christie and N. Ball. - -
Nelson Cardno, gentleman, by J.
0., l'urnbull and J. E. Longstaff.
William Ball.; merchant, by'• F.
C. J. Sills an. . Cordne.
P. L. Bractif SLD.. ,by 'S. Halt -
kik and 'J.. 0:- Turnbull.
-PUC -(tw,ojyear, term-) -
.D'Orlean -Sills, hardware nierch-'
ant, by' C. li,,Taltien and E. A. ..N1c-
11,1.aster. • "-• '
• Public School ,Trbstees
- North Ward, -one kcar E.
Long,staff, jeNveller, by J. A. Bald-
win and G. A. Whitney. " • '
North Ward,-. two years --j. C.
MzcLennan,. veterinarian,
A.-12-; McLean, , • "
Ward, tiro years --Mrs. Sal-
ly Sillery, housewife, by E. A.. IVIc;
Master And W. T. l'eall.:
„South Ward,'""two .-yoara -. SIrs.
John Cardno, hougewife, by L F. -
^ford °.ancl. Annies'.A..: Stewart.
RaiseS--' 4 Itrflere
:Donations tetalling $476.92 have
been received by the ;Springhill
Disaster Fund from Seaforth and -
district -donors_ »Tbe»fuhd» was .
augurated by the Chamber.of Com-
merce here »a few days after the
In itddition to these donations,
additionalamronnta,„ have been
donated through funds established
by several district churches.
Hen.011 Pai4,den
Despite. the .fact November,
the last -few :days,' has been •
usually Mild„ strawberries itt the
garden.. are: sothething.-'that: can't
be counted •On, ». .
J`tist ft -is prove' it can .happen. . it
resident bretight 'in, itgnarl-
tity of well -formed :berries he hal,
picked in ii garden Friday: morn-.
AMONG GRADUATES at e0t1v0nation exercises' being held at
the Unit ersity of Toronto on Friday are, (right) 1otigla0 Stewart •
son» 01 Mr. and Mts. S. A. Stewart, Settforth,. and Williana Stephen-
son, son of Mrs. Leo Stephenson and' the late Mr, Stephensoti. Mr,
SteWhit, who retolved hiS B.Sc. in electrical engineering, IS'ortothe
staff of the Bell Telephone Co. in Torento. Arr. Stephenson gx'adtlat,
ed'in engineering .physics and IS on the staff of DeHaviland Air-
craft at DoWnswew.