HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-21, Page 8Tilt HURON .EXPOSTTOR, $EAFORTK ONT,, Nr0V1;211 1958
Rev. D, Leslie Elder .
Minister .
" • Organist and Choir Leader
- 10:00 A.M. • I
C..hureh' School and Youth
A.M. .
idle., Visitation .Conunissioning
Service_ -
Fgerinou--4‘With Botli lElands Tied".
, .
juzdor Choir Quintette -.'‘,Jesus
-Loves _Me" Perry)
Julene gatott, Mary Jen Me -
Lea, Ann Sharp, Meta ReeVeS,
, Markle KempSter.
Lenior Char: Anthem-"TruSt
`gtewart. ,
Sermon -'"The PkaPhet's Chamber"
Visitor'S will be calling, On mem,
tiers and adherents en Sunday -
_ •
We Specialize
All Lines �f
14111-11 C E -
ChUrcl! :Notices., .
McKillop Charge.-Cayan,', 10:00
a,na.; Duffs, 1130 a..m4,
200, W. U. Sumnierell,
Minister. ; : , • •
Thonias* Anglican 'Church.-
Morning-Hp:raw; .11 Holy.
Coniniuniiiii, • the •Ifirst "Sday of
the month at 1.1 Lni„.-and the third
SMiday 'of the month' at 9 am.;
Sunday. Sehool 'every. Sunday Morn,
ar.na,-Itev. IL 'James,
• Pentecostal Tabernacle-Snaday
.School, 10 ain".; IVIOrning" Worship,
'11 a.m.; Evangelistic; 7:30- p.m.;
TuesdaY, StddY;
•TInirscley; &
•ReV. '!..
Egmondvidle 'United Church -pr'..
•S.enaple; "IVIinister; Lyle 'Ham-
gion:d, Organist -Choir ,Leader; 11
a.m., sUbjeet, "The . Sanetu-
l'aries of _Lit., e"; 7;30, General Genii-
cil Night. An :outstaiiditg lakitaa
of the ,Church,-Wlio attended Gem,
..,eral„. Council ,m,,OttawL
'Snider; 'will ,relate.. -the -proceedings
_of_thiat-liighjid_dy. Mr. 'Snider ia'a:
• Proininent,;-Official. of the ....London
Ce/ifereneeThis is: a 'Must for, all
church. -,:offichilS;„ ',A a.m.., •Ont
'grovving• Siinday ,SelioO1 :and.
erv Class; 11:O zunier
ehureh.. • .
offers 41.11 fire and liability_ coVer-
-age at 10% below regular rates te
home owners. .
For full information, iSk
General InAukaftee ,
Phone 214 : Seaforth
The annual St:Patrick bazaar,ed in.
sponsored by. ‘rthe Altar Society, sons and while „there- celebrated
was held on: YednesdaY ix i the theirwedding anniversarY. They
Parish hall aildttracted a large received many .useftil gifts.
attendance. Bobths displaying var• 1V1r., and. Mrs.. _CharlesFriencl
IOUS articles were set up around and Susan attended the Rlyal Wiu
the hall and appropriately degorat- ter"Vair at Tonto. • . • •
ed. . Captain and, qqrs., Edward, Tozer
-Ladies-Serving at the tea tables and: children, Morgantown, West
'Were Mrs., Joseph Delaney, Mx's. Virginia,- and Misses Alice and
Frank Kistner, Mrs, 1.1Uhert O'Reil- Theresa ItYan,-- London; with Mr.
ly,- Mrs. Louis Loohy. and. Miss,,and Mrs, P,atrick Ryan, , . •
Alice -li'eeney. The. serving- tea Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Lon-,
table was decorated with .chr3r,sari- r don, with. Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Ev-
themurns ,„ silver - service and • light- ins,, -1, • ' . .
ed candles, . Ladies pouring tea , Mr: and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton,
were Mrs..A. 1V1, Lobby, Mrs.,Tom and .-IVIrs; Loretta Molyneaux
13utters; -rnaldng tea were Mrs. Kitchener With Mr, and 1VIrs. Har -
Charles Kistner, Mrs,. Mary 1'een old $ h • -
ey, Mrs. Witham Flanagan, Sr.; Mrs. -Charles Lane Brucefield"
and Miss Ann Flanagan. •- - with Mrs. William Lane.
- _The -miscellaneous booth dis_play- Mrs'. Catherine Feeney, Mr, and
ed useful articles and gift, stagge.s: :Mrs, Dan O'Rourke and, Wit-, -and
lions and was. convened -by -11-rs.- Mrs. --Fergus- Kelly • attended the
JOsbph TM:tea, Mrs, John Eckert, 25th wedding anniyetsarp, of 1V1r.
. , , „ .
• On /Friday
6;45 pjii; the pot-liick.".congrega,
tional &linter' 'WeS. held . the
church ;School ' rocitt, :at ..:Niirthside
Church. The occasion marked -the
Present& ',Ori„ an ...a optionsyfIi
7c7illigtVaflian Of the..bildget•for. the:
'After ' a, ,firiel ,dinner, served :by
the., ,xnein b e rs, of -the ,WA, and, en-.
joired by all .present,:a„shortiWia-,,
ship -service and.. a :fill* ptesenta-
tion.;.'f'Seek.-Xe •Fir8ron..thelith--
ject "of ,Stewardship,'
. Mt. . Ernest' Williams, Secretary
of the boa:rd. gtemhrds,...ontlined_
the .birdget.:requirernerits, for the
year 1959,. as prepared: .' by. •the
board.' short„ It/esti/in and dis-
cussion perie d "fond e after'WhiCh
the. budget, Alfas. -agopt0
The,. Offipial,
Jug' the' COngregaticinai 'Meeting And
decided•to f011owItieLplanS, already
Man' "IiirbOld-the';E:i;e17.V1W.Son
eount Of -the-,•eaiiVass. taltingplace-
at that tine:• -.:•••-
ersat Annual w' as .hostess for' for the Wirlter. Mrs". Ebner Steph,
Banqu_ ay n 11. Mrs It J. Armistice Day. A IIMMdtirs Sil-
et Service Ntiverriber Meeting ou Tues- and opened it with tvvo poenis on
, • . Doig, the president, presided over ence• was o'bserVed M memory of
The Canatlian_: Girls in Training the meeting, The roll call *as an- tire soldiers Who dr1,In the wars,
banguet,and. graduation service on Mg T e min es
-Wednesday evening, Nov. 12, in the mg were read by Mrs,' Gordan was,read by Mrs:Stephenson and
church basement. 'Following . the "'apple and Mrs.Lorne Carter gave followed by prayer, The motto,
supperMrs, E,McCreath led the the treasurer's report. The Cost of high livirag,", was
,grouP sing -song. Miss- Marion
kTurnbull thanked the ladies of the
WA fer SerViug,-the very delicieus
supper. Mrs. GOrdon McGavin re-
plied on behalf Of the. WA:
• The following teasts -Were Made: -
to. the Queen,. Mona', - the
ers, Shirley Bolger, -with Mrs. H, of Allsa sPent wedoesdhY of 'Earl Papple gave reports from the
• Ilotham- Sr Wilson St
• the Seaforth,Women'S-Institute for enson presided for the program
held their- mother -and--daughter -swered,T1SY ari-old_pr,overb, or say- and, was .followed -lay prayer,- . A
h ut of the last meet- peem, "The IVIen of Earth Said,"
mrs. Harold Hugill informed the talCeil- 'by Mrs, Alex Pepper.
ladies of -the social events planned Reports on the London area con-
vention were we given by Mrs.
Leonard, Strong And Mrs Graham
,of stristbro,,y, Kerr, GMr4s.enGdoerrdsoonn,Roicfb-Barrcluscoenfiaeindd
sang two lovely duets, "Tulip's and
and her daughters, MiSS Rhea Heather"' and "Each Step ,Of the
clauch, Anne Aclulles„ with Rev.
W: M. Thomas relying;1 the Moth,' •Br°vve:Craig aaRC-1: Mrs- Gr°r °U e e Way. Igrs, Alex Pepper add Mrs.
Bolger revying. , • last week with Nix. and Mrs. John Institute. rally held at Exeter. on
This was followed by a abort
program composed ..of., a_ duet by ,..„-M„ 'is: Alic; Reid arid: lYiosils -Nlaesrt- "ml'itutenenh'of-W'mas-rs"Se'rnvedm_bytolitet-,--civiris,
Barbara Turnbull and 'Ruth Rit, -aia .4-eff-,er-Y-Were ill Load
Barton Mrs Graham Kerr and
, ,
Brenda Hous- week. ,-. , .
chie; Piano solo by
-Mrs._DariRurns, 1VIrs: Fergus Stap-•and Mrs. Patnek Flanagan m Kit- ton; accordian solo, Norma Hoegy;, Mrand'Mrs, Jack Wimpory, of Mrs. •Leonard ' Strong
ron.;:boOth was in charge a Mrs. - MI's. Jim Jordan Toronto with Geraldine DenniS erid,-Mis. Wilmer Guthill., `
Ilealy, IVIrs'. Lloyd McCarthy and. .- Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh, Kelly in of Faye Love, Shirley_ Bosnian and eons, of Vernon, Ont., were guests .
.Stafford,ville,,,- were guests of mr.
etonTobir FlanneryTThe-az-J-chener- on Saturday .evennig--..-- -vocal duet Audrey lVfcNiehol:-.and
James Krauskopf; and Mr,s.. Patrick Jordan... The graduating 'class Consisting .Mr. and. Mrs, Ian Crerar and two
-0atherine 'Buchanan, :Were called. last meek with Rev. and Mr's: D,.- • Miss Eleanor Bo man has re-.
Mrs.' Ambrose Givlin. , Long Branch: with Mr. and,Mrs.
For the children there. Was the D. Loftus. ,• • • • . ' the front and presented • with LeSlie Elder at the manse", • ceiveil Word that she Was iticcess,s.
lish_pOnd, where 'prizes could, be Mr. and Mrs. Jim,Kranskopf, and their "g,raduatidit certificates,' by Mrs. D..11. Wilson is visiting rel..; fur in.l.iaSsing the. examinations for
-atif e Regigtergd--Nurse,,,--1Viiss-BaWman_
' h d • with IVI
Rev. Thomas introduced j„ondon, spenrt-Sunday with Mr,and Hospital, School of Nursing, .Kit-
arrne-were m ,charge. The_home- Sgt..and Mrs: Zandon and daugrh-,
,obtained.for A small fee. Mrs, Louis. c ren • r.- a rs• . Y
gruxer-a-nd Mrs. George -Duch- Mrs' 'Jerome Man gavethevaledictory, address. Mr. arid s. Harold Hotham,./if was a' student •at the iSt., MarV's
cliener, and is -the'clari.,61iter�lr
baking booth,. where an abundance '•ter • .•.: • . the guest speaker for- the ev:ening...iyi'rs,- John Ilotharn,---Sr.„ Wilson 'St.
Cf'cokes.;. -coolcies"atd PreS were 'to., - Miss '-l'atricia Costello, LondOn, Mr:S., E. Toll: She .dave vers .
Miss Ann -Nixon ---spent the and Mrs'. Frank- .
' be had, -wa s-taken.'ca re7of -Gordmr-CoStelle, Toronto, tere'sting talk on ;,the---ineaning of weckend in Toronto
Wilfred'-' O'Rourke '..Mrs. Fetgu-§ with Mr. and Mrs, Pan, . Co stel,le , !he ` word "Leader:, In her ; talk, Mary LFrujuci`6,Rycinvd-aKaidtchaecnde.,rehwiiltdhremn r syaencdt,
• . - •
.1Ioran; Mrs..- Dan ',O'RourkL, . • ` ' . she told hew the -younger Mena- - t , . . ,
Ed.- P.ean, Mrs,- Martin Klinkharn- ..- coNsTAkir,,cE - bets ,Of' :the Sunday- school - and .Swan .and MrS.. - ROSS Sco.t,..Bince- Mrs. lVfartin .Purcell.
to ,rth6, eGrE,,field Were SimdaY,"gnests of Mrs. „ Mrs: Adrian Plue, Codrin
,er-,,Mi's: J-olui„.-E-4furras,, • ' : -.. . - ; , . .,„ , MISSIOn Band look
Elizabeth CreiiiM._ ' , • . ..' .- : mr.7-ai-TI. Oke,, Of -L, -ca. v -members for leadersliip,,,•and that l'IT- A;.,:w, Wright •=. - . - . • - , - Visiting Mr. John Delaney. ,-
' Mrs.' Lorne 'Feeney, ..nrsi':,Gebrge 'don, spent the .weekend with. Mr„.- it- was- un to -these members . to. do, :anlvtdrr1).1A701-liugl,ast7Sgtees‘svaurti,i,i.vTerosriotylltoof Miss Marie 'O'Connor,' - .Eir don,
with Mr. arid ,Mrs. James O'Con-.
Coyne ,' and 'Mrs, Jin.i. Delany look and. Mrs: Lorne.: LaWson. ' -' '-' their, share in the training of these .
Toronto, were weekend :guests Of nor..".. - , , • '
charge:. of ;the: 'sale. of borneimade-' .: MrS, 'James', Medd;‘.' along...-. with! younger members ' '' ' - -. and Mrs,' Allan, Butters,. Co.-
`candY, While ;one'Of the Inusttportu,-, rs.„-:ivIffler.,.. of..0141t9n, spent -the . Marilyn .johnston. thanked• Mrs.' IvIr,:alicl mi's• James A- Ste -wart - Mr.
lar spots in 'the hall .was the' ehilr. Weei(encl with mr,-, -arid-mrs....Ati-. .Toll -for, the splendid addresk, and mrS, .J: D-"cair,n, 01 Brucefield, boorg, with Mr. and Mrs'. J.: 'Lc:,
drell's Penny. sale booth,:with Mrs. lhony LaWsolis. of Pickering ' ,--: Barb•a,ra Turnbull',presented..,Mrs. ,spent- stuld4y • with .1v11:,. .:sn.d. Iv.irs:' Malone. , ' : .' . , • .
Zbe : McLatighlin .... arid : MTS. ' Dan: 1-_,:- mr. ' and 1 Mrs , - Frank,-, Riley . aro . Toll :with,. a., small . gift. _ Rev: Thom- :William 'Nesiiiit, of." town : ' ' Al': and . Mrs-, Bill Hayden and
Costello ' irt. Charge- : . , ''', • :,-spending ,this, week Ivith..Mr. and aS:spolte a fe-w Words of apprecia; ; -Mr--'and lVIrs.'Jobn liothain: Sr-, fanilly, TorOuto.. witli'Mr: and Mrs..
.. In the everiing, g bingo was well Mrs Robert Robert Woods and Debbie, titur to Mrs., Tell; then called on .misses I'ecne and 'ShUr011.• mr. and Willia re McIver'.
patronited-, .tn• :the , hall,' With- ',[v.i,r3; 9f . Appk, , - . . • „, . , .. II/11-5.'ll., .B. Kirby who who „also„,:spoice Mrs, Jolm Hotharri,"Jr. an d• fanaily Mt.' and Mrs. •IVIartin, Purcell and.
,Gerald-H-011and.:and.:Mr. Hugh ,Ket-. • _Miss Helen IVIcIllvaiii. rethrned. a few ' word's to ,the ' membel-s and .an,4„.,.Mr. and Mrs' punenn-TCb°Per, :-M-ni--n- -e-,-ICIterh-esner, Want thaweek
IY ' c a Ilin t. the nninhers, : ' _ .,'''.to.'StratfOrd IVIonday*,after •sperid-. guests. - • , , . ., ' • ,.',.. of ' L'iPPen, sPe.`nt SucclaY, :N-Ov• 9, :end- with--relatiYes-----.- •--.-----
Bin go 1 winners were ;. . Mrs . , 1,Vil- • ing the weekend :With her' parents , Mr..., and . ,IVIts. .Waliace•Shanneir With gr and 3(11s2 C- :E. • I -;a rthe- ' ' • ' -
fred Chessel. Jim. -Delaney.. IVIrs;,..M.:r . andlYIrGeOrge__McIllWaiii: :..and Kathy, 'of Sarnia, were ,week. waite,-'01 G-odericil, who celebrated
Augoste. :Thicharrile-,IFergtth: liOr:-. •• '' '' Mr. ,W.illiaria, - :Jewitt . attended end, inests. at the, home of IVV., and their 22nd wedding • almiversarY an
all -;•John Lavoie l".al.dlne StainiBt04, :County Council, at Goderieli last Mrs John Shannon. ___'.. '- • " ,, Nocember-7. -7,- " •-• ---
.,. , h- ' 1.., ..,.• 'ehael.-Naglei.-iWeek.: •' . • • • - . ,, . • . • : ,:mr Her13 Kirkby. Of. Art Colleg ' .Mrs. ' George Connell, Of tOW11,,
. . . e• Wee , a his Trick-- ' of Goderich . to-wriship. and.
on IS`
CWL Votes Donation • '
The monthly meeting of. 1,ie lo-
cal subdiviSion Of' the 'Catholic Wo-
men's League was ,Iield Thtirs-
daY -evening at the lid:pie:of ,-Mrs.
Wide:rice,' Dalton-. 27 Meriabers be-
present.- 311-S...Michael
'president;- presided, DonationgWere
vOted.'toWard-.Christ• the King Cul-
t,ural,Fo4ndatiOn and. the School .of
Christ Tr:program. .
ening-790-On as, fundraising pro -
:lett.: The annnal .hoine '.card
tieS are - beginning, , Several being
John 'Eckert, '-dedrge -Ducharmo, , mrs, wimain pale and. Mrs Wil- Toronto. -spent ,th '' ' kend- t ' spent' .6" week 'with' -IVIrs' Elmer
GordoAlphonse -Gronin n attended,1inton it
Mi -s-- Hugh--Kclly ,....-hanoiletT-held--at-the:'preshyterian•! And Mrs. -Stack and... -family
Joi HaSthigs," -John *Giffen, Chureh GOderich last ThurSdaY• sirib-yed to their new hoMe-at'.01111- , W. 'A, .Farquhar-
Jhn Eoaney, Mrs: IJohn Moylan, Mr Winiain Dale 'sPent the,Past ton--oia Saturday.
_seri, Mrs•Ella Earquhar,son an
rd-n-ath" ,MacIlroy,_of Londort, and
lqrs Chessel 6.,nd 'Mrs. Norman week' at-- th-e, Royar_winter Fair, ,.'Ren Ennis,' of Lerrdon7-al
•-• ..••• • • ..Terento._ ,,E'rlma-roftRitcheirer,spent,the.weeli,
• „, Special $10: :Stan 'Watson,' Mrs: , Mr, and Mrs, rJack - lVtedd and endwith their pereets,,,.
Mr; an area, Michael: patricia: and Wayne;
Phone 686-W : Seaforth
Ail rassengors basurecL.
676 675
. W4Eit
NOVE;d&Elit 21st TO 29th. •
, .
, 'splendid,' 'congregation was
TAlphonse Cronin, Mrs. Win.:• -•Step- 'sons 'visited Sunday with Mr".,..and "Mrs:, ' a 'Mitchell, sPent Sunday With Mr.
and. Mrs.. •attliews.
Stapleton, Wilfred O'Rourke, Mrs. Shakespeare:- " and family,. of Lendon, were Week-
,Deor_prizes: 'Mrs.' William Mrs. Peter Crerai- and family, Of Mr:. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge -Ari
• - Loin ' : •• !: ' . ' . . ". ' ' ii "end •.vi itorai'Vriticrigraf :Margaret
....elatitentphaSis...waSiven. to -the \ in: ais ofthe , :raw. . -,-!,,:S ..ancl.- r.. an • rs.,. az. - .2- H, amp riesan ...-o or re a es,.,
'IVESSidnary ' elit.reaOliTo-f -iaii-.r...;e1-itirelf- :,Scilii,----weref.--:-....first-lirize." 'Eorelia, Of --Aiilitirp,--',Visited.:With-"-.1111----•. Mid -: -lir :_:Gerald,:.DreSSel,,,of _Langton: '
-With: regarirtii-thc" Frofti.e.• 114,iste.u;, vacuum-cleaner:gut" b..aock.-.11,s_r$:.,"1/1rs. Charles Dexter.: - . - ' ,_ spent: the,, weekend . at, nis: •,horne
efforts atiesa thenatiOn.,,The-•-eirbir :',I2,-,:!*is•L:-"L'Ooliy-;•,,-,speotict ..1g.iie,-','-:':',01-1, • .-1\11.k.,,,3,and.,MrS.,,#,,.:.P.t0SgCA.ICii;,''a lid 'Irere,...",...,,ci,,,1:.:::_2.,.':.:'
contributed ,,e-byy:ay-6..ii.f.heni.: i-ici.- swivel chair ; John L.-.3,Taleue;• third ,faMily •:arid. Mr., and •Mrs. Robert,' ,i Institute ineinberS' are.'.remincl.
-Miss.-Mabel,,Turebnil. and Miss prize ladY'S :luggage ,, case,. :,Mts: - GrinioldbY .„.visited • with Mr; . and ed of.','`Farnily Night"- to be : held
Ruth. Chiff .Sarigialduet.'"Peed -My, :Bertha .Elliott;Jfeurt,h/.clienillebed-: Mrs Charles Glanville,' of "rCredi,' la,,,.tbe Conimunity,'Hall;,„:on'lliurS,
,spread,"-,..1,Mis: AgrieS..:Derseyi-'fifth, lon. ,"..`, . , . - - . - :.-'", .:." .' ' day, eyening, : NOveinber 27. A :, pot-
STiP"ctS'':'.aild rriillQW6es;: ,Mias :.Ann.„ '..„.Seyer:al.,. In* ' 'the eo11-imunitY lifet'Supper-::will be Sekced"..at:7.../00
MeladY1:, doll, •ilonatedHbY George,lhaVe..-attended-the.:' Royal :, Winter. 0./ii..,,,with.: 111T.:.':ItosS:, MC.C.a_11,,,And,.
Gaettler,. Edward. ROWland. , :, .:,- ,,,, "Fair': throughout the weelc.: • • ' ' WS: -Ronald.Berinett as Corceritreii:
:MT. and;Mra.',''MAC .7deriey. visit.' .: Mrs, Earl Lawson is this week- .ers::All MemberS:are!reonested to:
, • .10iting;:with ,,ivi.,,,..,,Agcl..„Xr.,4,..:F;:. bring their own , dishes ,:ankailirev
" ,Wartena.ncr -family Of...•Londrin.:', ' 'ware: : ' ' - '' . .: , ,' ' • •
pres.g•ALL.Iliiclay morning when spe- s__Looby. - s
V n th d on tact t 0 G ss d
reserves this
new BROM
Sheep' • There '-,was• no evening'
service aS.the.,:congregation- avail-
ed -theraselVes of:the- pleasure of
attendiagthe evening anniversary
services, at Fir§t. Presbyterian
Churelt, •-•*
7 This domink SunclaY the'• ein-
,phasis will bes-on the-sUbjeet . of
"Stewardship Of Sell'r; The junior-
cheii .under the, direction
of Miss ..Mahel 'Turnbull.
Shoots. Bobca
Neav RCAF Station
'A ''farity :of. Western Ontario
.a bobcat.; 'wahet near
the 011-nton'Radar Station by Har
ry NOtris,.of the -Eippen area, last
Weekend.:Theholft;-Which. weigh-,
ed about 2.6 poun s, .Was treed by
a hound' after a 'one ,Arid a 'half
hour. chaSe in the;.Clintori area, .
.-FeW bohcats---have been eeen:
Western OritariO: in recent 'fdars,
although the -animal figures Prom-
ently.,-in-'pionear.-,Abeounts. '
• 100 ACRES -Well fenced; ..nevii
:steel -barn. ''I.o.W.'down payinent:
FILVE-ROOM:.1101VIE ,-•-•Oxi
Street.- ..,Small...dikain -paYtnent
ersrnith; with -coMfortable leuse
and small barn: Priced for miick
sale. — f!-
her eyes.
___..ligh,t up
:the new
,ating EVRRY
Friday, 'Night-
"' -8:to 16
Itratitidont. 3§,c_
Children 25e
cflflai fl.S., 'he WM& of Constande: 'United.
Cl'urch will hold their fall tha k
2.1'' ocie.tiesFrfridoainy. STEhaer-'7SitenlafortiVivhERMReYrrYIVIVIIDaEidNengs
0110 rs eterans offennd.ss
A re-rnenibranee serviceand ded: thiopguesttesnaaensahwbtfir°11, Eatd,e,(1A,)3.1\ituiiircen.msa'g_suweeisilli. ea.lnectetEedrin'leaaTno‘Bv.nr:aepdfdoe_k president
ication forrriepl part of the No em he
g, of Hannah Horne and 0 Carol Carter was namea
ber.meetin ,
eater- repnrter. Pia cliosseefiretraersYs'
School. A color -party frorri--Sea-1.,
E Seaforth,
mst is Joyce ,brovvn,
forth -Canadian Legori. waS Pres -4' • Successful Endure
ent,,and.„4. salute was•,taitcri'toihe , The Foresters of the local Court
.members -of $.S,7 Tucker- of C,0F. *held a Very sueCessfilt
smith. iVtrs:•'.;E, Broadfddt,uriVeited 'euchre lasr:Friday eVerairig' with leader.„: Mrs. -W: L. Whyte..
an 'Honour :alud.-Rev-,•• 31,11 18 tables:. FrizeS werd to:: ladies': ; The record • book was .discussed
James, -.Legion. .-riadile:;;; :dedicated', _laigh-lVtr.s.,..Ste_wart Doltnage;,.lone bY members.' Notes were :givers .ofl
.the roll: • East Post ...and, Reveille hod Mrs 1 macre`t0r'.• InW, ',.Tattern, nd
weiie sounded- by •SaCk'lVToore,'",- Mr.S.,:Jiiii-HoWattririeri:.,.high; Bob •aiSa What slo&we. Mean, eer-
. The 'Meeting. was Opened with a Pryce lone bands,' _Gordon:PrYce;• The, :group -Practiced Plea--
WeIcemt `te,•the.•"guests ,by •P,resi- low, Franela HirriLLtinch Was serv-. swing dry' and 'liquid' 'ingredients IIII-IllillitIM101111MITIITIMIIHM11111
,.dent yds: Keith' Sharp. Minutes of ed,- after1Whirch-darichig :WaS dh, aCeurately. - • '.:" " ' '
the laSt:Meetitig..Vver,e. read by. Mrs: jeYed With, anuaic stipPlied by, Mt., •
Mrs. William Leeming has re- scheduled for this week A con -
turned home after spendiv, a week voner for each line was named
with her sisterT--Mrs:-Ell'a Faron- Repats were given ontheDean:
harson- in -London. _ _ et -y meeting by Mrs_Joseph Kale
-1V115-." Wallace Mooney and son, Mrs joserth Eckert and Mrs Jack
eYieeNika'asteythe°11htanweeroef hVieSritorarsoththeirs, MTweivoer prizes, donated by - Air's
Mrs, F. S. Savauge, Phonse Cronin and Mrs William
'ElMaline‘ailOteMarsnd°Mrvilissie Mary MOikses ice IMv ell a dvvyeraen and 3/Intsb, yPhiVroirisse 1\1j:ea:Ilion:
were in Toronto for the weekend ,
Mts. F. S Saliauge is a patient
in Scott Memorial- Hospital.
Mr. Russell Grieve, Windsbr, liL;S McKILLOP BUSY' BEAVERS
his' grandfather, .1V,Ir Thomas 1. B
Grieve. Beavers was held- al the
- Mises. Bessie and 11-eggY, Grieve. /wine of Faye Little 00- Saturday
Luella Moylan, the president, op -
spent the weekend' in Detroit ancl ened the meeting 'Roll =eat wgs
f nMd sr°:' ad''Mr81 George . Addison -eea erldrsewoanel•red s, n Bab yoothi‘ceoen°devile:: Yell8°1ft. ehedt
Visitors on Sunday al the hoine
: next
were Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Ilender- meeting was set for Decerober,
on- Goderich Mr, and Mrs. Et-ic
at the home of the Doig- sisterS,
nest this week at the home iff The, third mee.ting, ,ef the McKil
ani. treasurer, ',Mary '`McGregOr.• Howes and:Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder,
The club,, known as the Cereal pf, Lpridon, ,ab.d Mr. and Mrs. Ir-
Shelf.,was held at thellome of the -vine Tebbutt and Marilyon, Gode-
11 McLend -and fornier pilpils-in.; arid Mrs. Les Pryce Mkt 'Messrs
George, Smith and James Nellans:
• Variety Conceit,. Aids Fund -
vall4rilest Te6oYnce6erjtre*inittthSenj)C8011/Fis'eHcialla
last Saturday - evening.with a good
He gave an erdightening 'talk sin: lattendance and A lively program,.
'Education." • 1e was thanked by 'consisting of local talent and slides
James MatInt4s1-1., ' : '.' ,,„ --, . shown by Mrs Murray Lyona. The•
The, pregrani included , a sold by - ivarisOsun le, woiftt ,St7h2Onic0 pdWaevs 'er,..1rpezaliztdi
J.,aille$ . :T. _ S4b4, ‘qo Flander's - '
Field;,!,. accomPamed on the maw, their ,cooperation. in.:-Jaelpingl',-to..
by MrS. J:-MeGregor,--.-mrg,-1-erini-nrake'n;Siteli a ,success and would
-hall tCearmy epritze',.Helts611' ,71.,1- the ItlY, s'-'1Fikorestt°eteaxtfecir the tul'isaen' kitheir;t°
' . ' for „this needy 'cause, .
IIIMIN,031IIIIIiipirsaitalmons .. '
trodixced. The:roll :call •Of .7nem.•-•
's answered by where they
'were. un, Vg. pay. - •
The' Speaker, Mr: dohnigonian,
Inspector ef,,,SchoolS'forSouth Hut. -
on, was introduced by Keith Sharp.
The death occurred in Morgan-
ville Hospital, New "York, :on No--
vember 9 of Bruce Kilpatrick: Ills
wife, the former Clementine Case,
of Seaforth„ predeceased him •tvirti
years ago; but he :is -survived by
a• son. Robert. ' •
ntrfair merautAN:,. •
There passed away Wednectay, donatiOns from War men,jorlal
• November 12, in ,St. 1 MarY's.Hospi-, HosPital, but- after Don
tal London.11ughlyfeMillan, in his Withlis the finalidaErepork
91st Year, • Sen of' the late Hugh it was -suggested, that. in vieW
e .McMillan and Isabella. McInnis, of , the small balance, perhaps
Mt MeMillan WaS.-bOril in Tucker- nothing should- be .done'-----lor;
smith ohlot 7) emicession 10., where the :present. Mrs, R. M; Wright
he-resided_ell_his.life___Ite was the :moved iThat
last ,sur'viving 'member, of farn- tier/ be given to the War IVIe-morial
of, six. • ", : thiS-Was
In .180.4 he :PurchaSOiAlte-lartri seconded by Mrs. Nelson Carelno,
, the ath cbncession cof TUcker- •A full: report of. the. "Area Confer-
sinitk.` which • he _owned .until- his -0i,e.d in London ,was giAn, :gra,
death. On l'ibY,eniber'--$18957,. he 0„ Oke. , - .
Vas .nnited in 'marriage •t•O,. Mani: Frank Selnibert entertained with
'Ann' Gormley; who, predeceaaed, twO, beantifid violin ielectiohs. ac• -
Jilin 'in:jiffy' of 1944;, also-tWo*-s-Sen,a,-oMpanted hy, Mrs. A. 'IVIacGregor
John, in. Mayof1.90, •,-.?„.uct Francis at thd pianb.
Alexander in 1946. TWO. Of .a fain- E'mations,!'.was AWE and a panel
ily susvive, Sister Mary Frahcls, was introdticed by Mrs. -A. Y, Me -
of St: Joseph's, Order, Delhi,- and Lean: Dr, Seinge, minister of
'Hugh at Mine.: • • , Egmondville United 'Church, as
-,T.he funeral was held: friyx4 'the Chair:Man; Mrs. H. Mason, Mrs.,,,R.
Cleary funeral hoine. Seaforthr nous,sey. -Mrs, John, Patterson, Mr.
St. Iernes' Church, The A. E, ;Williafts andtWo Grade Vill
Feature Panel;
8t S Assogation,
The regular monthly ,meeting of
the Home and School Association
iVaS" held in the School auditorium
on TuesdaY evening, Nov; 18, with
Mrs. Date Nixon -presiding....,Mrs.,
4, -.-Mason was-,'hamed mother.- of
the -month. The :roil all Was read,
,by Mrs.-T.:ohm Talbot- . .-
Mrsf Mott read a •reutiest °for
o ess
• „
$4616 ' -..61il Jac,
othermodeai1lstyes to $:9.5(1
Come Ohdaaa that :I
Sahi knrti Matinee"'
letvellery - Gifts - Fine China
•Saturday Afternoon
KNOte change, p dine)
to 3:30.p.m.
Children' and gtudents 106,
'SATURDAY' -1 8 to -10 p.m. '
•wElirklE,SDAY :8 'to 10,P,m. ,saticiorSi.: • . . • • ,§ti-ueekk. 'suueLl'Y -little ear,
, , bOarers .were4, arms I love you 31.18t the, way you are,
,pkttetite• .•aditasti. Loilt0-1-10;' Cee -.11 11411, '`Vott4a-ay. be just an iinticitte tan,
, • Willie: NOMA- But yeti belong.
la4 end 'Re,Y '*c3r4. hx-L, n• Net the finarteP-Inal4."", '
E.. Morris sang Itequietn ' n.igh' 1)avici Dale and Kirn
'Mass, With. the. Rev, Charles E. Leat.:' Many inte:,resting ideas Were
pastor of, St., J0.111.68'• disei4sed„„mrs, R, Rots8.ars
Chnt0, and the. Rev. VA!' De won. the prize. , .
Vluk of -the parish,'Of Delhi, in the
,„• The death oecurred ether resi7
EAST' McKILLO denee EaSt VVilliani Street.; Wed-
, . nesday morning:1g the former Lot -
The ':,November meeting of -the tie IVEcCulla,- Wife--i*Isnac-41VIcgav,
Women's -Associationo of -Kvaiigeli,' in, in her "Nth:year.' She had been
cal Unite& Iti,etliren Chilrch was in ..poor health .for about a year.
b.eld• at the',Iiinne f, Mrs. Orval Born in Westininster, lowed ' township,-
o, dby
Beuermann. Mrs. Willirc Koehler :she was married to Mr..MtGavhi
read, the 'scripttire, f
prayer by Rev. A.:' Amacher. Mrs,
Arthur. and Mrs.. ,Elmer
Koehler' gave readings , nit ,Re-,
DUring the liusines ;, portion of
•the rn0etingWaS reported that
the group had cempleted ' very McCullh, Stratford, a sister;
successful bazaar. it was oegided IVIisS Bella"lVleCulla, Seaforth.
at :Constarice....in. ,ftfty,
years :she 'resided..iri IVE�XiIop un-
-ti] slae and...herjuiSbend :retired' to
Seaforth iti;10.5.01,4Slie...:WeS :::nriern7:,.
Mit .:..'14.00eVin':;]0'..SilnitiVed.by
her husband;,1iY.:a•brother,:',Genrge
to. putehase several sinoll artieles,
for the church. TWentytfive.dol-
lars is to be sent lb each of ' the
follo*ing. places from this group:
'Springhill Disaster Fund, Salvation
Arniy, Care, and Miss Itellernidn'S,
missionary' work ,in Japan, Names"
were -drawn fet exchange of -gifts
at the. next meeting; to be. held at
the home' of Mrs,.., Eintet Koehler,
eacE" -member to contribute. sPnie-
thing to the Christmas nieeting,
,Little Danger,
Rabies In Deer
Questioned by seVeral hunters
recently a.s to Aro possibilitY that:
the deer they shoot' thiS fall Alight •
4. Lands. 'and Forests I biologist 3,
Funeral services., 'will :be held
G, ,A.' 'Whitney' Vimeral•
Home, ,Goderich' Street, Sedftlf
Ori Friday at 2f00 &Chick,
be conducted,:lakher minister, Rev,
J. "C. Britton. -Interment. Will -fol-
loW in Mattlandbank cemetery.
and FUEL OIL .
M. M. Hart
Phone 784 ; Seaferth
itnhuniinlarod that_
is highlylihiTely.
"It"s -true ,that deer; as well as -
other marninals, ean ntract ish
ies,,bUt the poSSibility of .shootitig
a rabid deer is yeryi, Very ,rernae.
DoMinioh Health 4 , Animals
Brancl'u official's at HUI ; who Check
.aumected-§pecimens fa: the .
ease.. telrns":that-their,-lists':- show, •
no confirreed, rabies' cases in deer
for the whole Of Canada; , •
"This, they say, is not 'surprising,
sine g deer .couid•probably easilY
butruti a rabid fox. If..a a6er did,
have rabies, which isextrerneiy
tOoking the meat • would
most definitely kill.the.,Virus.
hoWeVer, illould have
their doge vaeeinated against Tab-
ieS,..• since: rabid foxeS, and skunks,
have leen found in ,central aud
- 'blue.-tbatr
PVISPAS '; .1.01NENI •
:.Phene,573 ,or 138 •
VVatch For
„. , ,
Si Coliinaban..Pailsh -Ira
DECEMBER , 8 '1958
15 Regular Games for Turkey's; [--
:r Cai'h Specials Door _Prizes:
1st,' ,.',15,00-; 2rici; $10 09; 3rd. $5.06.,
Games start- at 9:00 pin sharp;
. .
fo,„, andMis. JerrY
„ , , .
• .EVEItYONE..--WELC01)•FrJ. •
Phone '
crayon-- -.coltipboub.;
Science 'Hill
Vice:President: ,
Alex • J. .ltohcle,I.R,I13...3, MithelI
DIREC'TORS-1Vlaitin Feeney, R.,
R. 2; Dublin; R -Obert G. Gardiner,
R.R. 1, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy,
. 1, - Kirkton ; Tinio'thy 13.
Toohey, J_Aicen,
AGENTS -Harry' Coates,' R.R. 1,
Centralia; Clayton' Harris, Mit•
chell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell:,•
SOLICITOR - W. G. Cochrane,
:;. Jana e Iceyg .disettssed
"-Facts' 'About •,.:cereals..,,:.• 'FolloW-.
ing0:the I maginary „trip
ty Brawn,' each girl,'.:brciiight • a
sample, Of a. Whole. grained-. Cereal,
end, 'also reported On...priCeS
,fereiit" Marion Runt acrid:
,je.aii-S.eett..dellienstrateilAiie Mak-
ing 01, San-
dia Doig:Onif Marjorie Smith zdem,
onstreted the:Making' etbra_a_inutn..
fin§...The:.girls. „handled. these dein.
onstrations . in: d: very : efficient'
i-naiiner; ,These: Muffins,' ,whqn bait,
jodgedynnd, the':good. and
by the 1eaderS,-.M...rS.:G..13aPple and
The roll ',call. for. the next: Meet-
ing will be, • "Three.things..1 have;
learned apoi.it :flour!,mtiffins , „
wore,. thert .te'rVed,;:for,lunch:.ivithi Are you 'ready tolent-3',...eur. spare •
jaiii',And.'tek::.p.rov4cloct 1)k, the hos .rootia.D. A '.elasSifiectla.difortisement
.J.:iittle'."7.0.face. Phoned to The Huron' •-.E:pogitor;
Doig .4g ve the courtesk• remarks. i4. ,or 142,', Will )1ring tenant. ' ' ,;
where your
ootvvear Dollar
The TATTLE STORE 'with the
Values t. •
Always Out,'
Thrifty &Shoppers
Buy their' Footwear
--- at -the -7
eastern Ontario, - Thei.uTTLE grong „emu the illo
-"Care should be taken with any Vainest
anintal which does nOt appear to " -
be acting in, a normal banner?'
ake them
our ,LaydWay.. Pkh
deposit holds ,any gift until Christmas