HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-21, Page 7In accordance wit1i a resolution passed by the Municipal Council of .the Town of Seaforth: 1 hereby" proclaim that in view of the present rabies situation, noclog shall be . allowed to rin" at large in the Town: of Sea-.'; forth until f u'rther:_no lc :from this date. RmSTIE: oveinber 12, 1958.. 0D;S T E ,. E' H A.V EE. Mc#CML.OP (HUM.' : GtPS :AP 'ROVE' OFFUCER `OR NEIN" ::YEAR .': The Wl4iS and WA -•meeting ofi .D.ufra :Church; I41cKillop, was: -held at the• home, -of Mrs,' Eldon Kerr en Tuesday evening: "Scripture les Sell Was taken by Mrs; Eldon 'Kerr and the roll ca11 was answered -by a home -Made Christmas, gift, The. treasurer's' report, showed the fowl supper had been a defin- ite success. Mrs•,Scott thanked all her committees whoso ably "car- ried kut their duties : at the anni- versary and ....the turkey supper: Mrs. Arnold .Scott and 'Mrs.' Aaron J'antzi gave the .report ozi the Bay- field convention • of the WA. Mrs. R. "X41 Scott 'took the :w -or - ship ',service for the WMS",from 'the Missionary Monthly,: Call, to Worship was taken by Mrs; James Kerr. Mrs. ' Murray Dalton gave. .the.scripturh"lesson-. Comments on the scripture were given by Mrs• James •Kerr. The report: of the sectional;. held EE'D RUBBER' . _ STA,M.PS N EXPOSITOR' THEHURON EVERY: EDNESD at 8,:30 p,.m SponsoredGoderich by Lions Club for or Welfar e _Adm1ssaon $1.00 --- Special Seci 1 jackpot game boosts total.• possible,."pr-ices ta_ e ;:_QVF:I (iQ.00 ll. that unnecessary :;piece • of iurnit r urs through ,a" Huron Exposi- :or Classified Ad. Pho•ne 141 or:142, at Varna, was given by Mrs. -Ken- neth Stewart and Mrs,R:`M. Scott: WA :Officers".. The ribminatiug committee brbugliiri °tire, slate of -officers for 1959. Mrs. Kenneth Stewart -pre-: sentbd the -report; which, was ace, cepted, . The officers are: `past president, Mrs, Ross Gordon; presi- dent,, Mrs. R. M. Scott; first vice-. •president; Mrs; .. jantzi; second. vice-president,, Mrs: K; Stewart; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Ross Gor- don; flower secretary,". • Mrs. `' G. Wheatley; " pianist,- Mrs. -Arnold Scott; 'nominating committee, -Mrs, R. McKercher, Mrs. Alex Smith,. Mrs E. -Kerr; manse committee; Mrs R. -M :Seott Mrs. Rdss Gor don and Mrs. -R. Campbell • Summerell; pant president WMS Officers Honorary- president, Mrs..W. H. Mrs. James Kerr; president, Mrs: Les Pryce; vice-president; Mrs. 'Gor- don 'McKenzie; secretary, • ''Mrs. Gordan Papple; treasurers, Mrs:.: David Shannon;" Missionary, Month -r ly secretary, 'Mrs., James •-Kerr;'•. Mission. Band leader, Mrs. Arnold Scott Mission Band assistant lead- er, Mrs... Murray. Dalton;' temper- ance secretary"•,'` `Mrs' Alex Smith;,; Christian- Stewardship • secretary, Mrs .Robert McKercher; Christian Citizenship •secretary_, Mrs. John Kerr,. supply secretary, Mrs Elden Kerr; Associate Helpers' secre- tary, Mrs: John.Hillebrecht; litera- ture secretary, Mrs Arnold Scott 'finance secretary,' Mrs. Robert Mc- Kereher,. -1 rs D -Shannon, -Mrs: ,Hillebreeht Mrs. Robert. Camp- bell;, auditors, Mrs. Alex- Smith, Mrs. George -Campbell, RNAPSHOT GIJIL rti HUB N EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTIL 'ON'1'., NOV. SCE. (REAM DAIRY• BAR`: EAF:QRT,H :REQ .l.4 ". .��.. • r• ti ii Some people have. -a flair f©r giArifig, They have a talent and taste for Choosing the most exciting Christmas Presents They ive` the he :good things that make hying more p1e surab � �a y of these ern -electric appliances this. Chr�.stma an . eople will.. give mod i?l? s d they'll ;insist on having them ready for; use on Christmas day, b know these .a appliances will make" Christmas (and pp overy day for that matter) anew and'excitingexe ie nce.:, Sos this year, de a little hinti Just • say you'd d 1ik e somethin wonderful forthe- l�usehold samething the -whole hole .-familycan'': n't be surprised, if ou:' et: a su. erb, modern automatic- en, o _ � And dry _. h , .. Y. g Ta electric appliance to help you. "live better electrically"—the safe, b clean, modern way. Ph oto . .a i : hri t-Cardsr h c � s mus: If yen haven't,a, ne'gatfive of a picture like this.,it wouldn't -take lou sis,.. to_ tags,_.: such ..a_'seene dor this year sChristmas -cards •Note -:Be 'sure, to take a d shotthis ear for use nex 'Christina's. goo...Y t:., It's only about a,: •. month' from' now th rt t at_- lcome:of vial.= o lie-' -tore-:will be-''paocking his bag .;With toys.' And loading ;;his ' sleigh.: in, readiness for a fast trip from the Mirth. Pole.. And ' about the same: time; thousands of postmen" -will -be- .packing their bags` with • ienough: .Christmas _greeting mail :to decor- -ate_-the living rooms .of :approxi mately 4.135,000 Canadian':house- holds. But of all the ':Christmas.' cards.. that will flood the. mads:=these, coming. "weeks,' the ones that "will he-cl erished lie most and kept,the longest .perhaps foryears.—are the: kind'" of 'greeting that-oniy ,the„ „Sender.,can' .send .. the` most" unique and;'•personalized- obtain able. photographic "greetings. If you aro' under.: the impression that phetographis greeting cards are expansive we ,Suggest' 'that you ':look .through ,' the ,,samples. you'll find at local film counters. Y u 1I rolia 1 be su" risen' b o p by rP Y the,, Variety -of; stypes and designe. •yotlr, cdealer •'has bit.' hand and by the price ranges"that-:are available. Remember that . 'your . greeting card..n.eed" riot be 'elaborate; or ex. pensive. as long as.-_it:_eontairis rhe; personalized ;message that:Lilly ,a photograph' can„.--bring..,,-Actually, if you sirriply" wrote ";Merry Christmas" ;in the "margin-. of -a. snapshot ; •youtd have a personal lied", ;greeting, that _would , ,be re membe`ied•long ;after' y ' the ordinar ST. COLUMBAN Mr.and Mrs Leo°'Hicknell and family, .and Peter • Hicknell, of Kit- chener, visited Mr,, and Mrs:; Peter Hick � e ne 1' Attending.:the' Deanery meeting' of the Cwt, inGoderich last'' week. were Mrs Steve Murray, Mrs :Jos. Eckert Mrs. Dominic Murray,, Mrs.. Jack McIver and Mrs., Joseph Dale. Mr. and • Mrs. Jelin,: Grace and fatliily, .Port Colborne: and Tom. Murphy • E1rira, spent the week- end With Mr. 'arid Mrs.. J. F; Mur- phy. Mr- and. MrsCarl Steinbach ,and family, , Teeswater, with -Joseph Flanagan and Jim:, Miss.:Marion McIver; : Detroit with ',Mr. and Mrs. William Mc.: Iver,: Mrs,' Joseph Kale' and • Mr. and Mrs,,;Willlam Stapletoki were in Galt- attending the funeral . Of. the late William' H: Evans • Tom 'Sloan 'and 'Bob Murray, Co- Bourg, and.. Tom. Ducharme, .Lon- don, at their.: homes. • .' Mrs's Regina bowman, • London, and Miss Cleo .Bowman, Stratford,, with` Mr.. arid ,Mrs,,.Frank Bow- man... The- closing 'exercises of a mis- sion preached• by the l:ledeniptor- ist "Father, Rev.. Father ,Slohan,. London, were -held. on Sunday`af- ternoon in St, Columban's Roman{: Catholic :Church. ',Terry Ryan is attending St, o'er-, ome's., College, Kitchener. Miss Roseinarie Ducharnia has been successful in! passing her ex:. amination for_ Registered Nurse at SL ' Joseph's Hospital, London. Rosemarie ,is the daughter of . Mr; 'and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Sign . in dr y window: indow: "Are your clothes becoming•to you' or should they ,be. coming to us7" ....COSTS .SO.;UTTL, Huron County:; Temperance w Federation N_UAL. MEETING Prida Evenin Yir+ Nov; a,. 8 1950 Fe- pk el c `i71ii v x1g t a� 0d Erethreri Church - DASHWOOD, .. Past President k', Howson Wingham President ,.,.,..W Cali, Grand Bend 1st Vice -Pres =d..Reith; Seaforth 2nd Vice.Pres, II. 'Hoffman Dashwood • 3rd Vice=Pres, ,Ti, Pym, Elimvrlle Treasurer .--. F"; MGClymont, Varna - Voice of Temperance, II: G. •NVatining, $Clinton kind' had been: forgotten:- •For only a,•feWr cents more you;car' obtain a phatographic-greeting card coni-;' plete with mailing envelope, Should' u decid o e own Christmas. cards; ;ask your; local camera "store,to-snow you •itis 'selection: