HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-21, Page 6TIM gtIft011' E OSIToli, SEAV0 TH, ONT., NOV. 2.1.„ 1958 itlakOMP1-like 6' •• Eac k Ma.c. Lerman- _ . • --,Hotne,...Adcliti‘ signal repart to county couneil: in .1,-Turen's 'agrlltitre, "have beep 'sessional _report *edneaday; All , ...,_if."We.have_beenveryfortunate in ;un.able. to get 'replaCernent 'steers the.. new 'roaci'bnilding on the_19,58• Or adoption program and liiVe-16:-dalterand are-bringing:in .-o• few-7-,Prograni-jhaa4lieen,,,dorie; .be. ...said, ort--20-7-lahje -, 'ads, ye,Ar.,---and, 7 -dairy -cattle -to-'earry-,--themibrough and tiii --bridge building for this have completed27 adeptionsa''. said the winter,: - ' • year is dale, except for :one small - Kra:. Chaffee, , "Several , families The 'need for milk 'iS'not,', great, bridge, near. liensall, which is not have ,'aecepted- handicapped chil- but there -Seems to be a market 3' et 'oeniPleted.' .4• • ' dren; -thlis giving aseeurity and a for: all the .railk that is beirig. PM' ' An 'official , opening ceremony is fanillY.t0 children with., a very spe- cluced, and at a fairly. satisfactory being planned for the three new dal 'need, The Department- has Price.: Those ;of our beef producers bridgesl-builtthis year in HoWick complimented thi§ county on .ita ''tliat had mirage to buy feeder township; as the biggest undertak- tore are to be ready for the Janti- APeCiat adoption work" ' ' .. .cattle in t e fall", of ,1957,- or VS,ho ing Of 1958 inthe. coOritY" roacj. arf ses.sipp of council, , • , : I ., ,The 1950 council Will be asked to had largo cow lierdS,, have ,had •a• system, The.., three -bridges,:_ 046. trainto202Gederich ' consider biulding, a 6 foot addition. relatively, „god eai. Quito feW witb. a span of 60' feet.- and two .-Slieftif ihe_plan was bedscaled down ..' • t the -Thar -6n- PicnieM-Mueurn4st 6aour fmes have -arr, their repace 'with spans ...of -.50.. feet eadh -'' are iiiffiiY -T,Ti7i-2e-s -: ' o - '- '' . l-: - , •. ' .- • ,.. da • the rec male: dation .m6 nt Cai tle ,± or 3:95pbut several -,grouped within :.,a mile and a half, beds. .4. pan or . an , a dditieu tliat of the...041.-4y' histori cenirnittee,- are atill'-looking.. •* •. • , ' :mberea county road treSses kait 's - would .,,Make :::acconimodation for: of which. Chester 'MaiilhinneY,- de, , .,"The swine .situation is not as land filver,; tributaries. in'. Howick ' 247. bad been considerE.ld v Wethj.2-s- 'Ptft,Y reeve 4.L-Exete.1; is chairman: ;attractive" as .it 'was a `few ineliths ' towniniP, ... . . ' ' , '-- .' ' - ., ' • V c4.4Y; :eil, Illurd.ar Ga"c4' tl'°1 1 113,4*-'propoSeC adcliti:..would be agp," -said , Mr.' Miles, ."primarily.1.^ Paving 'work ' cOmpleted 1 this without' rebecirded.vote; thtt. ,a Oa rtt-- Advair.itcti Miran. Council on TntsclaY ap- • proved the architect's - prelimi arY- report fer , the' proposed addi- tion to Iluren Home and the work thus adVariced further step: De, tailed plans -for the 11,300 000 strne- ...to gzve you Your Bell 'Telephone installation paan = Whatever hi rani- may he ;--i a lot Jack MacLennan.. ,. On the. job, his 'skillful reflects cateful,, training:;444Tore than that, we like to think:•-,,thar, a friendly and unfailing „courtesy- lend • a :Pasant touch to his brief visit We• try • to oricOurage •this Friendly 'spirit all through the businesS:=Youll:See'.-47•Wherryon;:visits--':- the Business Oihae. YOu'll, heat in the Operatot!'s, "voice with a smile". • „ . • This helpful, friendly Spirit one of.theMankways. • . . in Which We try to give you gep.clIeiepluirie serice TliE BELL fitLEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA' ,b,tiilt'..-.0.s ' alilell,' With...the,' finishing 1.,.beeatiSe 'of ap:leVer.-prochictien 'Of -Year..."` Mr.: ..Dritriell Ireperted,' :ben; .491:..:.,4-;20,?-. bed Home 'w9,1-11. '.1')P s"zufll.',. 'Of 'fli2Pi...'.and„, wiritibWr,te be left t :pig.s.,.' Faciriir,s- AVIiich• have 'heTtied'.SiStS.::ef 8:$ •miles!ivest ..finin -Kirk, ?•,C/eM- : -''•,..• ' ' . • ' •:'.': - until 1a,feh,...;.....1\leaiiwhile., it. *Mild " increase. the , Swine:. PapillatiOnhe ton. 2.5' Miles in Aslifield.46Wifsliip. ..in. its,. ,.present ...,fertn..;., the ,'t141-1. p..to.l..(fe.. ,'ioe.f.ed. -...,St-cir age . for '' : the gwAi....1.1idude•.:a fa Vorab,lb ratio ' Of .and • tW•6 iiiile's 'in :....the .:CreditOn :calls.. fon bailding-an -,additiori With: museum's. a ecplisitions.. . ' - ,- , • • ... feed.,,, cOSts , to: bog . prie e s. -1,p,e're a s '-' : neiglibOrheoel. Another 12' iniles of at Cornitiodatibil,Io:r.:142,.. then. tear.' '1,111.0 histotic 'eottiMittee alSn'rasl(- 'ing Vertical' inte:gration 'of -the liOg county •road have been 'rebuilt and* ingl'doWn .the -: OM, bUilding-r-whitit;.led-w.f4,--a-g-lb-s-a-ektto--.11ave..--antali-., inisintals7-aild.-.-inare,:,, use.: Of,,:.open..graded':,inapreparathin for..ip,..aying. at.-.-fjfcizerd-..:.itottsItigl..5.0.L...SteB14.9.t.5,-,:p.i.da.611,..4.o.'..trlie=..- to nth •-,•pf-.4iger. Dim..... pole barn _ .._ • :. ., • -• • • • : , ':' : .' : . • , ,• '-:•il'ensali-13TI-dig : --'-- An: aciditioh....-logut . f'aut„.ar's ..a.go IDA,. 'at SaltfOrd.,.: ‘ineltided, la: 'the. ..... : .'.'.,',‘.,:.'...',,,,I;),'..14t.'-i..,y......T.i.lii. ,,i,, -,‘e7.:.,,,,.._.',... ... s. :__._,_:_:,'.4......,..Theblevbriclge:;:that?.,tlii.,..beliig. rEaST'al'-aliFfiftidalforx.,:Ter ',60 -77., --The .,pillilS fOt,ltip ,o-,-,,,:r.,,..ifte a -N-0.-7217.777-77 .'"---7 . I plit.. drafted.: ler :a- total' '0.241 ear' --LTfgh44:3>,::'.:.II6Y'h . frorn .,GOderich • :."' ':'5•Tfit,'-'.'..POilltrYsi 'indriStrY.- :in. '.'11":;e:.'biiii.t: :l'i."1-;:'.1.1q7'ajl:;: '4(1 Mr Brit 1,::teg.•, .‘kv,itiri it ''aL,,!'priee 'es,tiniate„ Of ;.13itildb4,,,;.0f,,,,s.,,,b,:e„.. hi,ag,6 seioss'. -,...l...0.04y ; As, ,:a..,thpiv..4,1,g. f.)Ti .41.1i,, 00.13,,_. ,Tnetil6l.,,,.:'birSi...q.li::„!gte,'...,,'a,pieicYkl),,,ifteow....bien...:91-1,i.1,,,irOi.oil7„.,, $.1',...300'.600.• fol.: the building -Within -it "' 'the .Maitlarid-lrolii..Goderieli.,nortlt. furniShingS.' •-With,.the ..siza.- reduced :•• to •s aj t f..03x1,, is. expected m alter. th'e,'Il'il : at :,the , same level a S lit. pre-".: v iL s , years' ,',Afti,,, ::,,Ta.e,,.,at,d; 1.,,br, .fabrieated reinforeed......ecnetete• ..5 eq.-. to 202- it.. was .estiallated..P4.4'Pd4Sr. ':17olit.:0 'Of No 21 'flaat the 'hiStoric.•.is :./..m.t....th.ah Ogfige . in the. tr-o d,,,h± tle,I1S- cast V•Vccdste'Clc, an'ilr,erts-•: bY: ,I.,...G. ,-.P,errY, .eounta clerk-treas- .....te, eL :the Duniop,7,0m.b, .:; ,; , .,.i0,i).,,,,,,,ii.o...i.tt:acirdn,..vvithit.I.,,the, ric.b.una,,, Ported: to the 'bridge , site', • . • .'.• The county. road departinent..i.s- '-‘t.,--/gr,. that the .figure -el::: .$"1,,a.00,000-L-Tetal•-attendance. -at :the ..UuSeuro„ ty The • eV .rall..picture,'In Canada, br.,.tiiicip.,.g.,Ai.,.--.1,,,itttottg„,,07r.whicb. . itigh't :, 6J,..vg/, ,.,.,)3,t4, ,.bojj.d.i.pg ...and. this 'y.ear, In -:October, ha's. lie.en „I's; 'a doWdatd trend.''',:.; - : ': , . ,• ' 04.1,,w44...ALLoor,0,4i:, be. "5,146eci: , „ . . , .. .furnishings-.' . '. • ' P - . 15657 -----Receipts to . Sentembef.','40,', ' .EkperimentS7-!-aretheirretcontiti;:' - , , . .. .Were. -$8.,S.SP; • and expenses ,:-- were ,d.'" ,Mr...' Miles; reported- to,"',try'to ,,',.:T, his -method sa,),d Mr. ,l3ritnell,-. , , ..,,',...pi,4nts,,, Available' .;':-. , , .$3,901.. , , , . , „ make birdsfoot' trefoil' usefulas_.4.1, •• . ., . - • • shn.uldreSidt'in a' Substantial Say'- . • Provincial 'grants 'available,. Said: '.'.::- . 'pasture...crop in Huron. vii, yoar., -,- - ---------- • -• - .. . ing- .over .lo other methods -, on, ,this Norinan•Scpiris, .reeve of:„SeafOrth -:", type,,Of ,bridge,:partictilagy,,in-light4, 'and :cha,irnian..of the' •-0 onntY liQuie . COO 0 Ci. Favours.:,. :Were established ..,-, using the new , • ., - • . - .. . ._ , . h he.,.said,;.two..::biadsfoot .trefell ' lots- ' et7the7Steet'•Strike7To the aora-,,mi.trea-i...a-aeat-,,..t.h.etatet'of..5,0, ..,;,:.:,, - .::' 0%. . . . • it.,..H ' • i„,h4-th.d. '9f : inoculating the niir:s. 01311,4r,d- .,.,..1p, ,9: ,711.P..,thClgie.'t ,,tt. Ills .. •,is rthe. ..first.: Per: cent, Of tlie.7.Cost ' 0± new coin,: , ....LAjk.,••:.,‘,J11.0t..-,, 1. s,, ype. eye erected -strlictireli;7an(r-70,Per:C-ent.'"et tnalh"'' ' ,'' .. -;-ft''''',.::... ";....,'' '''''..... .... , , ..... - .'''',..1'..ohit'e'.'....e.,isljewirl.11intrians":!''Wt1-.4.•"•;!aill"."!dl:Ole.siedeed-c.f; Work''''.i..'bi...7,',"'n,.4.°.til'ile..19;:.,',--deieloiii-nent tenance .CoSts.:' .The• Ontario:. DePart, :H..ri'''''',ur-on...conticii...went on recera as, .s,lic.cess;'..'...he..„repoi-ted: • "and:. if it '''.:. , ' ,:- ...'. ..:Pf : " - -nteiat:.of. Welfarc;,' lie repoIfect. will-, favdrine7the,...--repl:icement-ot7 the- .hold true.!for-,,anatlier Yea -r, We.,.Will, read.. WIlleh JS , to run -from no t7perisent.17,i'l.laity plan, te:Temodel Canada;' TenaPeranee..Aet. : 43.7.. the :bel'.pushing.',.the, eStablishrnent ' . cef yearl',Ittliiiwlillii,:te,;.;.iipO,211".):ftoP,rialette)_10,41,tli6,i,iis__:, :the'..'eld'hililtiiirg'..af34: 'wj.1.11'..riotl-PaY' floupr, Contra Act,,,• BY'unanlino:1-1§. birdSfeet: trefoil :Stands on ''nlet, 'Of, ' :. '--.... ..,...,',.....:•:.. ,tO.,..a.ntint 200,0,0,'e-a..S:t Of',CalrloWanyaranttoward alterationS,efvotci6enlat.th4gr0c1.)i01,a 4psH64h1161diiityITAong:0rot.hoe. saic;1\l1r1tPe11'Th617tiTilrtheold building olnti1•foiVrdedltHtrynp0snot the abilitytogrow alfalfa We ihgoh,3yth;.4iQiebtytadItis 0eetbd:hat the next stePsyte±meg,Cotiaing,±9; ... hair:6 thousands • Of 'aereSTWithi&.,the' ' TElBS: -.1'.)e • to '9:iltlidj120 , 4,,,0411:;fOil."....-tJ'en7 :Aa,---".endnientS.l.to the ',Canada' Tem', :county : that:Could be 'growing , this 'i.hdeefqa,i.elttirr;Iy''''-'1?..-71.i°y.'':4tPh';.C.1,'Co.-2:iistl.A%...-.eirio-,,,."; der's . at :the:: fr§t-,oi.ohrpt",'1.-959'f,' lpe,ranee • Act to ligliten:•:itsieentrel Profitable leguine.,aS.feed,..in 'areas:: ' The: final .•deeiSitni, kvbethbi''or'-•nnS..Of: honor saleS...:,also......b-y,,UnaniniOns .thst,have al teridenCY.' to: be Ida:MP ''ern '.1.,1L -It.'''''' ' ., to go 4e aqi ,'Nqth :ite. $1,3Q0,09Q'Pri, vote council ,aareed..wi4::4, resell:17 and 'wet,. and 'wili.not.,:grow. alfalfa ,''' n.,:lliglie:Sti'daill5•'•"...-', ....... • - jeet could notlye.,..readeearlier than.,.., He 'cited:, the north end ..6f Mortis. q,'... -..te-wiiSliiia-TaS,':One,-arei.,.,,N.,.vliere:",birdS,_. ri:Offbill,Vearls4i-a.hliedaii:r°r.fililn13:-.-ettlier'lleligilnist larel•i; .)9597::,,,,.,.,,,... ,..-,.;--...--..', •,. 77--77,-,,:jboini-h-,-c-.' fil°17:::.*--a:kid2gd ,:iobrY';-tH'Ii,ealtiQtAtil:-..:,::t.ot:s'Iir rk" -..,,-...After',...hearing,.7a.7,7teqUestfrein:.place • the:. CTA'inl'Hitakin,'" .," ' ' ''.' ,footArefeil-iiiight...rbe„.. telpfal.,..al..„. Iar.:.-•co linty; ;.,i.:ckadg; .. the emiiitY eatl MisS.'"'Clare-..Mepovvaii;. of 'ple.: staff : . The , tao . :deb i siOriS ! ' l")3.'''' 6'Oilil'eu: ''' " "'. ' •' lf If:a . 1. .":'' . . . '.. ,..,: .. build; roads ,to ., its, own ''' Standard .. at ,Of. ,the'....ntroli- Chilclien'S; Aidc. Se- :Ca Mein:the...vete on a , rePart.of the - ' .oaa ',Ok:, 'tha. _tasks .. ef.".:,•19_59,',:,,Said, abohtil'.$17•006 '0..".'.bli-IO.:;•'.. bid': 'des eiety.„ for better '-detention..,,,",reelr,", legislative TeOinniitfee;::'-',of `Iv.Ifi01 l\ifr,',71‘ifilei', ,Wilf. be to . CanciaSs. the for".•:tho:',At.ork on the .','DutiloP-131,y, h. lfto_a:,bil.,e,:j'.t1:e§lci"..f°1.'.; eilii--Ts.`./teodnyg.P, County '*h0:;.,•elet* e,..). ',iJo•olnii.:5.4Dipe;eivse, s.b..,,a.rierelei„i'.OTf 1.ge,Ordee5tilc4n,: ,iltainier's ,of: HurOii;:te. .try to get i•Lrel.ie_..et-',4„i".0:. ru,finilig,'at,::•AbOUt.-$2:f"--7 Wo-thirds:.lof thein•to aSkIhat Hiii' uyCi 'a ..nule.,., eiliThUrsclay. ashecf.,R., o.','.„,,,:ivicTE.av:-' 7 ti oil' bed,b.eerrreferred ' to 'the:coin,: o'n,,,iie. ufade: a•biltpellos-Wft-e-e7a-Fei,- ;:-'71117e7iiitention.,:.,sailtrl..Mr7ti„ritifell',, isli'..IOnden,:architeet -who, iS.,w-ork.,.,.., ,rifittee.:' Wedne.SdaY;..-","-thO .. oordtri-it-r.-witii--a'..testand.4Slatigliter -Progratir: fs.',,t9'''..60,PP.Ite:-11,ie'"r6bui.lOriiig'•'.."--4t11,6;: .#-Ig i:).P:..pldii.,P.,r the cOTitY..'"Ill°,11i....', tee'rs,::report-waS passed ' by council On Nov': ,f,5,..,.1:958;.' ' said Mr. 'IlileS,'. :re,IPairli-i".mi bas : 14" 105,9'''\4th. 1. a4diti:04-i';,t6. • •P611•1:d 'ill:::'Pl.,e:' PIP4':.'• Friday -.without ..r.009rdOcr vete, and. 1,•regiflatien'S. for the 6,.,tnart: Of ':eat.,- 11 -lel; •13.14 :k.:Of ...having . the 14,Milef §Pace.'f.oli".:-::,4:-',CAS' 'Llefenfirinibern.-":1,! without ' a '.dissentiitg ,:y.oice.. , . ., tre'!...te. the ',;tr,nitCd.,- States will•.•:,be 's-,treteli:....,.readr,. foi, paving : late ..„: i4, The 'Plab's: ot.'.,t-hq-'1"?1',6,P0§.01''''acT4i'H': .:. The LSeafoatia. ,-:„,rea.h:,1ti9D,, ,said.:. ft'ightened, Deakingl'fOrward to Ha.f_. 1959 :.4,e4rly:'.,in :106o, . .'. iidn'''''lli°1; bit:"'ID.6141g-7-peP•gefl-ldly; '`f.We. reSpeetfiillY,''Sug'aest:Aliat. the • ' : County--.:,,haviii,g,.. .6,3,ii..rio:§', to .. ek:, .4s., a...7.POii.it.' 0.. nitereSk'Mt.' the 'Oteliat c,'s., L. • 13. Idg41 4' and 'Huron ••.Countv, ,Council..appeint ., a ..port„.,,it',.?•aaiii 'be. rxiosf.ads•,,gii.tat000.s•I' .411-tuell told , councillorswe have -, Ti,,...:O.,..MeTaVisli,"„,eflianden.,•arellor , ' •an'additio. Iv: 10 the „nOrt.h:,..a_rik'eaSt,.;Ana.,...,,iwaStit4;f:0';tha, desirability of ,,:aho...eatay-Foi...hai:la.o..:::;19•59.,To...:,d.6._, roadS'• theTimitering:•publie,'::•driVes'.' committee.:,:to,, seor.•.. legal advice to have Meetings in 'late . Jannary. calculated that .:ian...:',., Hti,ro, n,,;.cetiffifyll ee.iif!,0..t.4he',0,nuer...y.,ohtiriltiang:c.1,\,,,Vhilli.pcnolwd.a.ost; j Llopd,:,,•:,,.peitttioo.i..3,34H,:tim,...:,..:::p9i.tiinicnt,,,,,,Goorri;::clui4t ,i3.0.: farmers with with„. ti:.0 ,tieo..., ,a;',it..,0.01.,.,t,:,.:.64_,,,,,,$7.,..7,4,5,,.,,tr.i.,i1&.s,,...;,,, 3,7;ear:2, Mg:: Wilith...1.:Still"in....::seryiee,-*Ould.,.. p.erraike,,,,A0,.,,;;,, and a.d,f.iiit, ,th6 :1,31_,L ....,:,.., ., ,,..,,.„,.,,: ...,... , ,. ,. ....., ::,in,,ils,e,c4Si.'it;tee:',.t,T5ce...,,it.a,17.il:iic:,,gaunt.:1;,,,thga..4t,11•:tchpe: , .:ilidlitle:*ittioa,;t- tO:cdfdda'rrow.,,.-. Xory''''''-a.'•:lirtidellalg7:fr:ed 'area ....,,,,,,-. ; -.:2-,..,-- Tfll--We'.',,asseine-',•a- vehicle gets ,. gets- .1-a. be ',fern .clOwn., , • :,'. , ,..' ., : :.,',,i '., ' -.' ,t4t•io..I.act.a-or ,.. Control :Act!! ,,,,..,,,,,,.,, :,, . ' ' .477,`,ProjeCtS..-:.', At,.;,. present . the - fent', yea,r,zold.,,ed-:. ., proposal-.:•- ,,,:..- 4 , ' the province receives frOrri.ga:t4;', ..ch,,tibi,jihas., •,co,tni.i.11.4s464, ...fej7,..00,;„ • • . The ': -Mill, be , referred •to ' :i7.,oPor.l.::1e1T.I.''",itinier ,frill'.el);',......fa.a..m..aara-„ari.v.auLah_ziao-rit,,a.otthty . the contitY: 'lSoliciT'ff.,l.s4i4:....\Trl'arden, ; teliSiOn.:yogr..dit,5,:.prePared1)•y! 'Al- and the old :Wilding :, haS,,aeceni,. 'reads;::•$546,00.,. prii..-, yeantheY:.•Will ,clition:lwotild, ;pro:Vide MOdatiOn: for 50 The 15.r9PO.Secl.,...a4:7, ' jo'llio.':'1'il'o-tri.set, Or "a •••eijo.t.t; at :thfill,-r.'0)3(16,14671i7l.:::'..:i.j45i0.1:::::: .-Vrt%....tel,l''1:stMilesat6.d.:, .t...,,, 01 1. i. 04:iii,.s.;,,y.11..;b, 5. iCIss,, i,46:.iputtli.13,61,.0it%06.0117:': heds, foar.,..44..,. tke,'• • janliarY .,session : Of' -CounCil..i. ' :other, 1811,, . AllaWing 'for ::the''spaep ., ,iiticeose: ,T,,,Tirsio.g.; Hti.i.i.l.es. . ' this year by.boy,S;:•and girl:a:in:44f '.,We • are. not ..getting . -our •:,,share of .,.,..,......,. ,.. .- . ,i- 1' c.u..:.;1:.,1i9:d.8,9'8'1:.-6.e,i.l: t,h.kg;.as-;1ifile_''t.ax'.q':11:r...t.:,'s'tthat WOUldherltStbY denilishing Licensing-Ofntrnghomes in o:tleSpr:jectS:wereeompleted,1lc:ilt'le'4ul''°fhPi°l:the.eic.44dttg;th01oposed.od_iirn!lCenpt4 is0 he acae::aa.h?Ch,1gazeC;a,1nrOnW!hhSalVi1iigto'Spbiiizet;:Ytioi would'atlgthe naIaeitYef a.ty:1,pec.11id4y,3;c6tnyh11p.1r0:;clt3,e6i:ea:,a1pt.tiop6ity,4rra,fi':,.'1: lselit.'fidure, Of '110; ":.... • •, . . ..,-:.,[ •the ETcj:rn, .0 . 7. r..4-fo: 24:::,f..14,r)fin.,'tti.e',:43--.6':•,•' potincil..- P.a.S.Sing yet the ,. by -la W,-.Wa S'. ;:ether , Or gatilation'S,''..inaltidecl. • beef' :.riew -constitietion3PWA..#6„ TO: UO.P. forecast..earlier.in.,,the,SeSSIOn;. ClOr' calf clubs. - at,: Bayfield, -.Relgtav,e,. op •., to , , the ..„. eyd_1.1.16,±-eip.it4.- tiof4g. ,7.0p, To ".'CaP,acity : , jpg:,-•.-dici„tssion:•pf .the.'!oolintY.'..•cp.s.ts :.BrUs8els'..,'E);:.eter.:,''.. .'Seafortli' mid ..,:ittiiti,:otit, ohjetiveirsh,k,lid,he,::.4t, .. '1"-iarreY- Johnston ,SuPcriiitelident cli', -,110Sintal...l'eal-e.''..' for '.i*Tigent's, 'S teoh-en To-"ri'sliiiia . dairy calf elubS: b.6. ; eittentlecl,•,:ittl:ifsl ,,aPplicati on . to , . at .Dung,annen , la; Cline W/', ,, Zurich. least $100,000 4.,,yerr.; .i-4•,iiiil.ii.g. a. coynty,, pOrtionf, :::: ! . ,,- - .. : • , . ., . .. . .. : .. . ..wheiLltiwas.....jgedicted that the::. new, at ..:13.,a y field::: 'Bly.th.,• :BrusBela.,•.....•:'Exe-. ef,rthe:HUren County HOtnei.r4ti'oi.... na.iii , rate.: of -80. Mills 't•:-.i..raige,.. the . . .. Ontario' .hOspitali4ation..:, :Tian, ;Ito. , ter.,:ancl ,Seafertn; mixed calf clubs, ed the Dome: is,'*iow.."lieitig,uSed, 'to -7 ,coVer:,,Iiceilsed,:,:iltiritig,..'.1ienieS.': as and 'iyi Tpraberry an.dgowielt town- A%, 4.•-ml,.m..;74.;,..,?''''77-..x.x.,.:„.; well as Publie...lioSpitgl:::-...: .,:.,, ., • ship s .; .: s '. wine' :4.01)0 : at :BrusSelS....,`and, Tho<.,ppW ,l-larfin , by-law ., provides l . Se a forth- and ;in ,Northl. Htirpg:;', ; ..a: ,•a.rnong-,;lether things, that te..41141.i....y. ' tiltry-. ' club at Seafo:rth -,.. grain, for '..lieens'es:',nlirsing,::ho:ines,pittst clubs :at„!.xeter„,,mid•Lticklinw:'.anc,I .haVe .:;a.,,:...regiStered..nurse : on the in lioiAdck,,ancf,McKillop,toWnships;' Staff: -,' and ..'..trittSt.,_ be.. ,Mana•ged, .by ,,i ' white bean. .Chili,f, at.; .H:xeter ;'...,Cern i.ridividtialS.:.w.ho,are certified by ':elUbs,.at.' ze.,ter:,and....jiii ,Godori-elr. •Medicalt'offieeiy -,to-f.--be-:-.Hsultable2 for ;-aitcr,F7-41-617§-iiiiltivf:.:7fewripp.c•• •a - the: responsibilities' of:directinii.‘ ' a ,:stigar711p0 'club ,in'Sotith"lItiren; a... -rinrsingliomei• • ..... , •y.:. '' • -..,. - , !traetOr :pliih,..af:;Dieter;,"::a' lereStili N'tirSitig, ',..honteS,':.to,„ ,qualify 'f' for : eh* . at.. Witigh,arri,' , ., • ..:,... ' 1.,•'.:',' hcensmg,,,,mrist • pass anspection..•by. ::•.:'lvirs,..I.anXeAllister";.liorrie eten.-; tlie,;„mediCal: Officer. :.a:,b1.1ilding,, in: 'oinistfer '?iii -ori., reported12'62,--.giris.: SPeetori :7ariti .ra• Tiro .A'r,iptor,,:. land: '.COMPieted the ."1.957-53 ',winter . pro, ,miist: .hove '..adequate ' ',fire.,:f.,-e*tS.. •jectjand, 823,., girls . completed : the, The- temperature of ,the'',,btiiid.ing 1.98,':sUrrimer: project of ....the -girls: 11,-.5 e 0 ;...4s .a. -nursing :lintrie, •nitiSt,;,be. litOrriemakiti.g.,.„Cliih.-414.:,}Ttrkgni.,, .T.40.- ,inaintainedL.at. .a. .niiiiimum„.'Of :.68i, ,ap53. records $1:i(oW Att. '.1ripre4:e'.. of . .ciegT*0..,,, fizilth., cittisber:. to lvt.ay'....; 1.1. .projects . completect,:,and.-an in there' 'Must ,.be at •Igast: 'one lege% -crease.• of 41 ,individual.', .pienibers, 4iid.:one: waSh-basin ,for 'ea elf,, tight taking ' part iii..t.hoc- pr.ograffi. . .1,491.3].o,qnd ',o,ne bath , trib.- or •shower 'for..each 4 p • • le..OfferigeS. against the,,lfeensi'ng._ y,law.are,,,to be. Pun- 'isliable .by firies:up:te $ati.O:for each use $5400 nn all go -OP dairy atilt!. pp.et C.0,11Celjtrate , , and premixes - (This 0 er exfiires N not* 3004. Cash in on this 'get acquaibted'offer arid Convert your full granary into extra profits .withLe Co op „balanced •:feeding. progrkam. Grains are defi.titrit in silia; necessary nutrients... Co-Ortoricentrates 'make up these ..deficiermies. and give you, increased milk and meat productibn --:greater profitS for • you. SpecialiGet-Accluabited' Prices n: Co-op 24% Daid Cdncentrate.,. j79.00 per Ton Co=op 32% Dairy Concentrate... $87.00 per`Ton Co-op 24% Beef, Concentrate.... $79.0V per Ton Co-op,.32% Beef correentrate'.:.-$87.00 per Ton` This offer also applicable to Beef Coneeiltrates -• with Stilbestrol and Auyeomycin. t ET THE MOST FROM YOUR,FEEADOLLAR -at'--- • MINERS 0001RATIf FOG i7ATION-FEED MILL4- ,gietpl. 13/9 ZION .yvb, are sorry -to report Mrs. Jack has been -Cotifified,- to Stratford Hospital, We viish her a qUich recovery: , lVir,-and_Mys..,...Arthur-Declute; • To; TolittY,-TIEWlyweds, visited Mrs. Malconr-,-,and Mr: and '1V,Irs, Daltrin Malcolm. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and family • visiteil with - Mr„ and Mrs.. Alvin Williams, BM-, forth . • _ , .• Mi' and i4rs Archie, . Harrill), of Milton, and Mrs. Mary Malcolm and- Dalton' visited with Mrs. Alexia 1Vialcolni and Mr. and Mrs. rgarvey Hyde, Herisall,. Sinidak: • and.-Mr,s. Lawrence - H.annon and Mr. -and 'Mrs. Norinari -Bush- field, .visitecl with Mr. and Mrs,. Archie Jeffery -l" • Mr. and Mrs, Qlenn pepper vis- ifed With:Mr. -and Mrs. Russell Dunham LO011. . - Huron Furm:-News -• Recent' rain g have been a help' In filling and cisterns and will hell) the fall plovving.- Most of --the eutsicle--1,verk has been cOm-- pleted with :the . eiteeption Thfin fall, , PlOWIlig„--ocia-ja.-V-are; new completed;, Spree' cattle 'have:teen Put into the, -stable f -or Winter , - Always'Fresh at • .canacity.. watii, :three, extra rbecl.§ set un in. the wing .forfertiale .ni Mei` :Who .requite . bed ,eare. One. applicant, .for admisSiOn to the -Home IS now in :hospital. he said, and Can,. nof 'be 'admitted. tothe Hoine,•because ,there: is no accorn-, .trindation 'During, -416, ynenths,:•-of, this.. year, he, reported. "there have been -23 admitted, 14 dea.tris, and, three.- cliScliarged:.. ,Arranke?aent,§. are being' 'made; he reported; to have -as nnyas--posib1ecif'the ,inniates-- registered' for the pitalization .piati:which is to, eonit, in.te effect JahtlatY 1.• '.'• • Reporting ,on .;operations a the county :f arrn.wniclt is oPepted • oPlijundtiOnX.With the . Home, 'Mr. Johnston ,reported 42 hogs market- ed this.. fall; with n.beipg .graded as:. selects.- During October, 23. eow,s were being milked, with a- to- tal "prodnetion of, 25,313 . pounds; only 20,•0f.the '23:verb. in milk ,for all of the anontia: One -ow in the county herd, he reported -averaged, 61-5, pounds •of-nailk--ii"itla-Y.-in-'0eto-•, Reeire.. Presents Report "Reporting -Tor the. connty pto- • perty 'committee, Daniel Beuer, • mann: reeve of told-coun- I eillhe tender ,of A, G. Grigg arid • Son. Clinton; had been accepted ftif supply ',of 'coal for the county • :jail; at $24 a ton, and thetender of .lkog's 'Scott,. Brucelleid, for the • , supply of fuel .,oil for the, court: house and'registrY office has been accepted at 146 cents a 'gallon,: Huron ,County hat beencOmpli- merited on the work its 'Children's Aid Society is' doing in adoptient cases. said Mrs...Mary P.,haffee, CAS director faiHurort in her ses-.. egetables take on a fresh new title with . • Free! Marie fraser's • • extiting nevi', "Bazaar E3est Seiteta" .fecipes, Write tadayl DAIR rArtmings cAosAo* 409 Huron $tre'et, Toronto Senate-, , • • John G. lierny; nevvly appointed, , county clerk -treasurer, was ap... ,pointed FridaY to he Huron's' re - 'presentative on the 'Sen'ate of the. ,Ilniversity-Lof Western chiterio,.sue- ceeding the :late •Hatve•Y • 'Warden John::MOrrissey a nd lteeVe 33urtoii 'Stanley, 'of .Clinton, were appointe,d to attendlra On& week Civil Defenee Course' in Orli: lia,, to be held lloVember 16-21. A surplus for, 1958 , of -$15542 is estimated in an interiM 'financial statement Prepared by Mr, Berry; and apProved by, council; Tho state- inent shows 'a deficit, of $18,270 for the tine-month,periods-ending Sept, arid an estimated " surPlus Of $28,812 for the three -Month, period' that Will end 'December 1. • •• Reporting for the-#11.t0n.,COurity Library, Mrs.:Alice Jean -E:chniier; County, librarian, told dettneillors that'there has beena great. in- „oreae4ver4heWhold_area ofIfur,, on,- , in the demand -for liookS. " alfily7 the increase has been int the ffelct of .non-fiction -and, chil- dren's books.,!,' she -reported. Sixteen, librarians' in Huron now have qualification_ certifieateS; -she Ag: Rep. Reviews Huron Agriculture 'Tie -‘ Vote Confirms . , . '5 -Man Comrnittee On a- tie irdte 7 -which -resulted when •Goderich reeve, if 1VI, Don- nelly oeerctsed the .second vote to which that town is entitled. Huron. Ceurity establishe&a five7maxi•road committee ati• the opening .session 'Wednesday, no enlarged eon -In -lit -- tee becomes effective - at tlie be- ginning; of:the year. • ' The':- decision to increase • the coirimittee'sMeinbershiP f r o in• thee to five was-anacle at the June session `•of county. council. °Wednesday, ". the opening day of the, November sessio)1, -the debate was revived; and Reeve Harvey • Coleman, of Stanley township. mov- ed for a reversal of the June deci- sion." A vote on the -Coleman mo- tion brought the tie, 16 votes each ,wo; 'the effect, of the 16-16 'vote was to sustain the- June decision for the' five -man cditunittee, " The ,policy, as. stated in June, will be to appoint' three Members and • twe from; urban rauniema dies. U. G. .lierry, clerk -treasurer, noted that the statutory requirement is, that members be , Appointed.' for five-year terms; .0 begin with, one beappoirited for five years, -one for:- four years, one for three, • on for'two; and . orie for ,a' single , year. In subsequent years, ,one new member -will be appointed each year. • , The' road committee has juris- diction over spending of more than • while there iS•ticre4at---rieekl'for, of the total' county budget. In additional milk .stipplies, there 'ap- 'the fifst nine Months 'of.this, year; 'Years to be a eontiiining 'market, total county expenditures were Douglas Mfies, Huron agrieultural $1,014,20, of which • roads -and representative told -Huron council bridges teek trhurad4y. Huron fartliers are contributing to this market increas- Prograftt comPlet0 ing.ainotinti„and dairying is rapid,' ...The largest toad and bridge pro - Sy beotaing .predominate in the gram ever undertaken in Huron is colinty, he said. ' being carried out this year, and is ‘.`Some of our farrrierS," he, said now nearly complete; said J.' W. 10 hiS review of 1058 'developments Britnell county 'engineer in his ;',2:411.1 kA Ticked From the Largest Selection of Cars in Huron CountTat the: OWEST- PRKES A7n:, . „ 953 . . _Chevrolet . Finished in .1.0yely= two-tone, 'green, equipped with.. custom - :built' radio; new tires.; -factary- -,i''obililt-Ifffdtor,' for , a 10W.,Prre - Of .'only. $895 11 These Cars Are Simi ar y rice : • 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE, SEDAN -New motor; automatiedr . radio and. re'ar. seat. speal(er . , • 4953 LINCOLN CAP;tI SEDAN -Equipped with•hkol.tomatic drive; • radio, • rear ,spcalrer;•, full , -electric equipment.;, including six, seat A, , KTualtis _,citaumto.rns;rbii.Ole• ior:v1;aa.rini:,: ;B. jrna:ii}tfo_ornia.y• • fraction of the 'original' cost, • 1953 PVICK...., SPECIALSEDAN-Radio; dynaflovv--- drive;-- - 'r alis 1953 _ • , 1.951- PONTIAC TWO-D001V.,•:OWned by ,a school jeabliet• ," 1953: F0;111) cUST6IULIN.E' StPill‘r-'29vith only -40,000 1953 PONTIAC PATUFINDtR DELUXE CLUB COUFg--ciiiiii.- 193 DODGE TWO -DOOR- STATION', WAGON -Sharp looking vel- hiele 1953 PONTIAC,' TIVQ-DOOR LAURE1TJAN SEDAN -LI -We sold it Phone ZURICH 78 ("c011eet).'aiiil We'll. come upand.showYOtt.the' , , car .ofyour choice.: 05 13 4'4.• ncreas,.naeaia -e • 0-11'4144.j44 Erd 05 •P 44 55 , ,-„, 4 lZ•';'-4 f.-:. i''''2V 4, "st7 „. ''' • • •••• "•••• Fibretex 'Adoustioat Pan* quiet noise, cover up Unsightly. . . is °new cei _ 000 „noise- tra -Acoustical Pa,rieis syroains cost as httle ' Johns-IVIOnvilla Fibre:0X as $28.56 for an average ceding Nevi booklet tells yntkhow Ido-ityonrself" PIA a ceiling o--i-rioise with`4,14 Pihretex Aconaical Panels:. Each panel is drilled ii uniform random patterns with undre.dalf.n.oise-trapppag holes that soak up 75% of room ce ting noise, • The panels, are painted in white flame -resistant , • Glazecoat.finigh arid have the farnous J -M Light- - fling joint that completely concoals nails or staples, aids- alignment. You. -can get -.1theiri from -your -4-M Huilding Materials Dealer. .` 12 -page booklet -"How to Build a Fi retex caustic° Ceiling') -.Gives you compfet;', dataas on n$talling a noise quieting' Fibretex.. ceiling.7For your copy,, ‘qii- the .1-M Building Material bealeidisted below, or Stind lag 43 Coin to Depi..BA-142",,, -,Conadiari Johns-Manviye, Port Credit, Ont. • GET JOHNS -MANVILLE PIBRETEX PANELS FROM When noise strikes ordinary 'ceilings, it bounces back un- - clitninifihed. With Fibretex, un- wanted noise is trapped and •gbserbecl., r . SEAFORTH LUMBER LT JOHNS-IVIANVILLE BUILDIN.8 .MATERI,ALS