HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-21, Page 2boa 1$r Q -Serving the CatrmzunittI Fist Published ' t. E AEO T k '� " ever red. & • . �� R H, ONTAR . Q, . y ,Thursday ay finoxxlam x by,' McLean Bro;a., Publishers; ANDREW Y. " McLEAN, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RA'ir4S: ., tCsnada - . .azice) $2,50 a'Year' .. 4i zn•'adv U ted States (in advance) $3.50, a Year ,' SINGT.tE .COPIES — 5 F.NTS EA'cri. • 7.1 -Authorized, as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa ' kenlber of Canadian Weekly NewSpapers Association AFORTH, :ONTARIO, NOVEMBE'B,21•; 1958 ' iioniinations • Ar„-Ev rybody's" Business The h . . , share,' , ber of major` d. decisions"were taken,.o T° a annual mteetzng-off thes e r:..:, major �,, r • • • - are endirt E uall •'important de- 'being e �lalders' � in the Town of Seaf oath is' . 4p g .... q y 'important ,..... • bein helc1: Monday .evenin It. is the : cisions must be taken next year. Fors ' gthese reasons it is perhaps, even more occasion when o:#ficers are°nominated p h. . ... � 5 �..,_... � _necessary than, usual- that ,the Bea„ to serve on the va. tous�.- bodies re- forth public be "well' informed :about ' - is onsible for operating,.the the; town, and pg.municipal affairs when reports on the -year now ending The town;' has had the, -benefit of ire.. received articularly. ,capable,:,_councils during..,, 'The rueetir"ig provides;; the oi- pot_. pr recent years-couneils " made,: up of tunty to, question public officials on citizens who have'devoted hours and. .the activities 'of the ye4r; :`ta empress ; : hours of their time to the advancing interests of their fellow citizen. It constructive criticism, or 'to- extend' ?' doesn't follouv, _however,` that' 'this. -Credit--for-:a job. well done All too condition will containne :indefinitely; -often theseare Matters.that are dealt The average citizen—as well as "the With on the street during :eleven elected official -has• a responsibility months of the year, •b Whichh-never His "responsibility is. to think moire -•.discussed- at t i rirr -the ga eme its of municipal office, tioi . meeting—the one place where ' ':` and to attend the nomination m eet- action can be taken, iz and insofar as he is able ensure ::.•.. Seaforth municipal' has .ha d a successful that the Most capable representatives e r during which a`'izm- �' are nominated:; Selecting Officials .Is. If„ o At this period of : the . ,year when_ municipal -elections' . are in the "0744, the. Wiartonch ff 'rt E.. o o er,5� dome good advice to r ratepayers. . TheE c ho ,Says; Now isthe'time i 1hgenti ' zens to put their minds to the buss Riess of electing •t - he best. ' ossble • -councillors and.school trust e4s the can find ''Nomination. day ., is toodate .. to:estart thinking :abouit. 'The -r is ' a' crushil . 1.- �- at1 .. ',to- ward o ward niunic' at affairs these Too Many toxpaYers are "c0nte?tr t0 rn to office,: mP• return the s a e� n"as-long as they are willing to dohe Many cases ;they are good mail: '^.Iii -just as many, they are 'complete boobs ' who can barely cost to.,ten i�v•t, t e.:. aid . of all fingers: T 1nk' about it .a Assess the . ark done by. your council . or school "board this'ear. If • there. i n y e s any evidence of ,chicanery, any sign that they • have- merelyr been gohag .through the-Mo- tions,chuck the 'rascals out: Length of ~service has nothing to. :do with, a" man's qualifications for a job Some members of municipal ouncilsare " pure deadwood; ser in l rtanfi: las a chair at i ee,tings.,. "Take::a few houl:s .off, get out to your nomination" meeting and if you g, have a'c0m faint get- i � u ":anal raise P get' . P.. cain Or if you tink yot can > do a better job than some of 'thoseon the ounilor hoard, e c •, run for ;of%ce Pi'ac= = tiCaR anybody can get elected c e d 'cows- Al hou d ., I �o Strike?' (The • Marcor r odney, Ont." W• ith thousands_ Workers . u sand ' s of -. war rs. on. Strike across.... the, provin6e we think; the -""disease sliould spread to thenin- ,, is r' "::Cartel � "1' if � ever lie �n , there was a . y Y professionwhich should `strike for higher Wages, shorter working hours, better 'fri.n...ge.benefitso . better enstons,-more "modern .rnansoesd. .n.goe Ve': tri l ~meeti e �l i s etc.,. the ministry Should :go - on, strike "right:. now and stay •."out" until • their:lot. is greatly-. imps oved': If a minisi,er is call ed to six" evening Meetings a•week he : is on" the' job at .every'ene. The nature of his business does~'not pep - have Saturdays off er- have°Saturdays.:off and no, matter how xrltcli."overtime" he p uts in; le' still gets" the same salary: rr ants a Dozens ' of exciting, desNgns from which to' choose, and -`in' an arnw of:. finishes! make yoUr azing ome in selection array now,. URNIT FUNERAL SERVICE 'HOUSE •.FURNISHINGS PRONE FLOOR COVERINGS SIA:FORTH • •M G/AT/OA42r 50` INTERE57/NG THAI WE'. `, %UST WONDER'/F YOU WERE EER C3V THELAWREi1/1 ' 'wEZIC 5HQW'/ EN IN THE «U0 Eads in Production .. " Certain ;characters. have a way of creeping;back into this column time after time One of •these: is "Snooker",. the cat, ;at Cameron's b�lhard parlors. Snooker r.ecently, came:forth .with her; 90th kitten," a record rn."any mother's life,.:Wing" ham ':,Adv ance-Tim es: Need':Larger School 'Leaders. 'of the-„-intin"ici aliti �P. es' takingpertain the • Clinton :District: Collegiate ,Institute Area will. soon be :Presented. with'. a ..proposal for• an ” addition to the . burldinb:` The: extension. eoir,pleted: !a -few ago. Was intended ;;to..,...provide" for- a 'total enrolment `'of 434.. Where are 492 attending now; " and - ;600 ':is -the: niinyber ':expected within two'• ear s.—Clint y nNew =Re s rot To IIir �.Sc,ibeant, Goderrch °Police Commission will held a meeting• on November` 21 to interview applicants"for . the.,' posy, tion-of—sergea-nt._ At a. ineetin�:. held ;Monday;,„the, •commission . de-, tided `to offer. a starting .salary of: $3,600; followed .by a .$40e increase at the end of the first ".year; antr. annual increases"• of•$200-thereafter until4 $ ,604 is reached. ,;!lp oint- ment of "a "Sergeant'wili increase the ,.rze of"the force ao s1x :'clan—:; Goderieh ,Si g•nal-Star. Inspector To" Northland`s - Lloyd Ellenton Who --has ' been. serving the.:Bruce County Health Unit: as sanitary” inspector,for 'the - Past thepast;?30 months," has,. resigned 'to take::; tip p similar duties with :the,: Marie Rowe. Lake :He commenced his" .duties as one, of" a:three-man "staff - on. ..,.November 1. The Eilenton family resided' here • for a time, but more recently .had been .1acated in:: his home town of 'Kincardine•—Luck- now Sentinel; rine 'Weather Causes Oddities With ;the unseasonable weather we have. been having lately all• sort of, unusual: reports .are ,reach= ing our office. Last Week:a party" informed us they ..;were eating someripe raspberries, from ',their, -patch: .With • elle. little ; a Mount ' of frost we liave` had ;,so "far, . this >seerns .to be_ quite :possible. ;Ori Saturday night -..Clarence Gasch'o " Zurich, . infornxed tis he, had seine ho hollyhocks asks in bloom '.right na Whotrio g w _._ ws,---perha.ps-.spr-ing=and- :fail". have -exchanged. ,:seasons.--, Zurich Citizens , News. , Safety Record Forlifydro Nlenber of iT s -t e. WinghaiTi area of the Ontario:Rural.Eydro, were ;honored `oir Thursday "evening': at a banquet ill the Legion.borne. on their 'outstandin. g ,'safety: record, ;by members of Hydros senior, ,:man- agement. The.loeal groin has:, :built ,the enviable record of 1,000• aeci de t -free days... The'mein-tiers' of the" Wngl>am staff •"service, "some ,30.0._ customer sj- over ' 700: -miles of line •scattered. "over. a" 1',000 e squar mile area. " The'° Staff numbers': 29 at the resent time, p m , "with .tempos- Mary•"s,ummer help .running -any- "4vlrere"`up 'to eight•:extra Trfen— Wingharn,.Advance Times From the Reran Expositor" November 24, 193,8;, ; - The Seaforth Junior Wo.m!en's Institute are -going to hold a : cake and bread baking contestin. the Carnegie Library Hall on Tuesday, December: 5: Miss Helen NicHer- ^ ehdr-will be in,charge of'the'bread exhibits and Miss Erma rBroad foot: :the cake. exhibits, . Chief of" Police James V. Ryan narrowly escaped serious` injury on. Wednesday ' morning`. when a transient whom he was attempting to arrest, • threw .a he, of scissors at him., The chief threw up his arm which saved ihim from' pos- sible fa.cial injury.''; The scissors p creed the c)iiers_sleeve an .,,drew_ Messrs W. 'A Wright , Seaforth; Ross Scott, William Scott and:'John" Cornish, ,Brucefield, and George.•. Beattie, Varna? •were"'in Toronto 'on Monday and; Tuesday attending• a convention :qf Sunoco' oil dealers The Seaforth 'Collegiate Institute 'Board appointed Merton A. Reid as secretary -;treasurer at a meet- ing eeting held last' week. ; " 'A, delightful ,bridge, under" the auspices' of the Seaforth: Ladies' Lawn. Bo'wlin.g,._Club; was held on Wediiesaay evening. First prize was wom,by Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. Alex ;Wright, Brucefield, was successful in winning• the candy house which" has been on exhibi- tion in the window of the Olympia Restaurant, , Master Billy Munn, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. "Munn'; was operat- ed, on.--for--appy ti rd` last last Saturn day morning: Miss Hargan has n oved,into the apartments in the • Ross Savauge residence ' • Miss Davidson left Wednesday for'_ Moose law �yh'exe she" wi1L spend the winter. From ,The $tion Expositor November 20, 1908 Mr, Andrew' Taylor, Clinton, had potatoes on Thanksgiving Day that were:;Ira m a se -dent crop in'his garden, sown in July last. • The new Presbyterian Church; Brucefield, Will be formally open- ed on the first Sabbath iii Decem- ber. The Services 'will be, conduct- ed by the . Rev R. P. McVay To- ronto . ,rr • • • The fins', cutter for . this season appeared on. •the street `on- Monday, November 16, because of the: snow fall on Saturd'ay aild7Sunday, ' Fred I•tammett `'h"as' completed; Interesting items gleaned front The, Huron Expositor' of "25,;50 , and 75, years :ago. his new 'residence on the"old Mar- ket „Square .. • The Ladles', Aid of I'iy'st Pres- byterian ; Church: held a:_ very'suc cesfful•, tea at the home•. of Mrs. Allan McLean on Wednesday af- terroon.`; : ; 'Chesney • 4 Archibald; have.in= stalled a new furnace in` the'Pres- byterian'• 'manse.: MrS. George ,Whitely,' Who. lad :the misfortune to fracture her arm at the wrist a couple of weeks :ago, is . now recovering °:nicely , ' ' Mr, "'Oscar Sproat, spf: Tuicker smith, left on Thursday for Kan" sas,, 'here he will spend the ter with: friends.. :Miss Sophia ' J. Dolmage and Mr James. C. Turner were united,. marriage oil ;Wednesday ' at the :hoiri'e.'of: the .bride's 'father,Mr. Charles Del/nage, . McKillop• Mrs. George Turnbull left on Thursday on a visit "td- friends 'in, Detroit, ; Prom The Huron Expositor: November 23, 1883 ' A few, days ago a •-son of. Mr. Robert Alun of Hullett, about eight years ' old, while nozning " from school, ;attempted. -to jump on a wagon "while it was in motion, but missing, his hold he .fell, and the. wheel passed over his. "Tete, in: flicthig severe injuries_,' Mr. R: "Hood, of Xippen, arrived home • Mondayevening from the Northwest He .intends. to Move his family therein the spring. One •'dast, last week a child be- longing to 1VYr It, Glidden, Holmes- ville, aged about seven years, met with a inose •painful' accident. °A cow was being. driven along the road when the brute attacked the child, tearing its .face badly with'. its'Iso-riis and -inflicting- ither: iiG- piries," carload ' o£ .' cheese :front : the Kinburn• cheese' factory. was, ship- ped from Seaforth station on Jed nesday. , Last Tuesday `Mr..D.-D. Wilson purchased froth. Mr. 'Thomas Gov enlock over 1,000 fowl, consisting of turkeys, geese• and ducks: The late snow has all disappear- ed giving" those, Whd have not as yet -secured, their" root, crops, : a chance of doing ;so. A few days ago • Mr. William Amenfn1 et with a somewhat pain- ful accident. Re was driving"" a nail ;when, a' piece . of Ithe''beads broke bff,and flying up' struek him fair- ly in the :eye. With good care it Is> hoped the optic :wili'soon be welt again. FEDERATION NEWS By J. CARL IEMTNGWAY- The :fatni ;forum season is- now, on its• way.; h suppose.—.partly—due' to'the good weather and the rush of last-minute farm >work, the at- tendance on November 3' for radio :and ,November 4 for TV,,'{vas . net as large as hoped for. In' the discussion the`•vas . iia aority Of' forums .,agreed' that any freedom lost was very ' slight .and that the -benefits gained, were,great:, It was also "agreed that`while..liv •ing in a Will of.°organizations farmers will f,ind_it more_ and more difficult " to remaiilr as individuals., Only-;, five . TV , forums'; reported' from Huron on November 4, "but' -the, -number •was. ..up. 'considerably. on ;November 11; These reported a: decided:improvement itt the tele -cast. Most* of'" tis doe ;not realize' the' difficulties and the.:iirne nes essary to:produee a successful' TV program, but weean-Took forward to "better and better TV product tions as•'thee goes on At a recent meeting', of the' TV, Farm" Forum Committee m Wing ham I 'was! very ;much interested to ;hear Mr Norm Garriock, of the. CRC -say :that members'[ofparlia=; Ment and cabinet mrniS,ters are most ' anxious to hear, the results of, farm forum discussions. This ties ixf very nicely with. the •state- •ment by the.,Ron.: W.. A..'"Goodfel lots -at the- OF -A -annual -that-goy ernments-^are most willing to car; "Ty out the will ofthe, ,people: ..Farm, forum"gives every "niter este. farmer• :the opportunity:. to ;make his`; ideas";lcnown,. "If, your idea is a 'goad one put it in. your -farm--forum -repo: t and you �a rest assured that it rv111Lbe-heard by the people •that can :do some thing : about it Several .of the . townships„ are holding . their annual • meetings in the "near "future and ,we. hope that all.' farmers will he ;out., to these meetings" , ;This -is- : your o"pnortunity, to, elect, the "persons you:`want to' represent;',y`ou. It •ii also :your op pQrtueity to make suggestions and ash for information. The Federa- tion', of Agriculture in your -town-' ship can only be. -as' as yotif participation in .it Brucef ield Plcins Service ',The Women's.Missionar,'Societ yy. are holding a special,service S_un- rlay evening; at 7:30 o'cloeCk in the'. Church audita ium. The guest ,speakerwill be Dr. Donald Watt; Medical. superintendent of the • hos pit al. in,;Tiella; Cooa, B.G.--IIe �vi11 ;tell of the work he is doing .there among the Indians, anal will calsci show pictures of interest,:: A;n invitation extended—:to ev'- :erytne, including.tho e from" ei' h bozmb, church o"s- Varna, :.Goshen: Kippen and; Egmondville-to eoi fe. and share .this time of inspiration.: WMS 1VTeets a The "mo" nt$ly"•''ilieetmg:: of "the` -Brucefield'• United Church uteri's Missioriary Society was held on. Tuesday -;afternoon, Nov. The 'worship ser vi e..Nras tali-: by Mrs.. Norman Walker and Mas, presided over :the,,busiriess, part of --.The toll --cull was ansWeretdby- 16 members by a vorSe on Peace,, 'The treasur'er's "report ryas given;. whh dswthhgrouhail reaicche'hotheired ailiteat 'Altroe PS Mrs ' Mo• "Queen reminded ithe members that subscriptions for -the Nlissionarya Messenger"; were due and asked: or' new subscriptions. Miss E' Bowey, supply secretary;lasked for 'more used nylons A': tetar of: ten calls -were, report-. ed by Miss M Swan_ Community Friendship..'secretary." Current ev ents were, 'given 'by Miss Bowey 1't• ryas • arranged; that the Decent: ber 'meeting bi heldbn a 'Sunday 'everting and "a • suitable 'date be arranged" by" the exeedtive;, The" •study program., "Mission, "Work on the Islands of the Carib-: bean" was taken by Miss Bowey, Miss M, McQueen: and. Mrs, Met fait. After three end a half" years o£ .faithful service ' as president;^ Mrd: Davison tendered :her resig- nation and; -asked the nominating cotnm"Xttee to elect .a president for the -.eom:i➢ g year i'• little girl's-bronc1 ial passages..'"1` Wotild "reconirnend, t he said, "that you,:,have. Doctor .Whesit remove ,the stone " heto be. trusted?" asked the anxious• mother : • "Oh,•yos," the :doctor' reassured her, "I "think • he's absolutely. 1}on- est?" • ...or lust Big Won • CO°.i4CEALE,D - •- E VAULT • �sr QT for personal papers and' - other valuables (only. YOU knowthe dial combindtion) Two ball-bearing letter files. A double index .drawer for 3x5 or 4x6 cards (3200 capac- ity), or for cancelled. checks.' • Two, adjustable storage, corn pprtments und'er lock and key. 32"' high, 30'l" ;wide, 17„ eep'. Green -or. CoIe"grq y'' ' -lac' With plunggr-type k which ....... automatically locks all draw, ers. No. 13.0PL::..,....... $84:95 HUR•0N. P hone :1 No. 1370 EXPO.SI1•0 or 142 p No furnace" t fuss with. ` o shocking'fuel bills: No cold rooms to hill you .. • just solid perfect comfort for a lifetime—at the lowest"possible.cP .oast. That's the Gar Wood h story. Your Gar Wood heating ' Y a specialist can -help:you_choose the unit_best suited to /our needs. This action can -affect-To-lir future heating comfort. See u toda s ayr W for a.free,copy..,.' of our booklet i oof Go a rby for yourd ' OIL 8s. GAS HEATING • WARM AIR & HOT WATER'S - Wisest lnvestrtterg :AIR, CONDITIONING::.. r •HEATI AUTOMATIC = � ..:,,. ,Id� AT ITS BEST! hone 19 L lumbi ` , LING" da eaf ortfi eating alid: lectria:< l MADE n':`(AI*p :E C AstyEr'Y • ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES CQ. LTD: 650,pUP. ` GIFTS FOR MILADY; CHINA ° LAMPS . u LACE. TABLEC LO'THS'; TOYS FROM .LARONE' IIIIGE .STOCK MADE A - HAPPIEII CERISTMAS .Dolls • p ,r Carriages "Kiddie Cars Wagons Paint 13y Nuniber Sets Children's~ Books AND IIUNDREDS OF' 'OTHER TOYS TO SUIT ALL -AGES., ... — 60 wondek U,she. ppk'?..tate, •he prize SIL'S getting I've got_a 1 i•PefYi!ne to Wake him aver See the Many_ Beautiful GIFT WRAPPING Children's and Teens' Winter -Wear SNOW SUITS GLOVES and MITTS WOOL HEAD SCARVES, SWEATERS ItifogIERY UNDERWEAR Seaforth 5c to $1.00 Store—Stationery 8.z Gifts r• .