HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 10,coern.st ,
• •
Church Notices.' ,
_annee_Dittfe,' 11:30 a.nne
200..p411.-eRen.• W.-.11nSano.erel1e
MiniSter. ••
• S Thomas' Anglican Clitircfnen
1VIernint -Prayer; • if . eine :Holy
Ontemunion„ the first Sunday of
the month at 11 Arm., and the third
Sunday. a thu,nlonth *at 9 :a.mln
Sunday Seheol every Sunday morn-
ing at 10-anin-nliev,. T.. H James;
li,ector: • 4' '•
.; *Pentecostal Tabernacle -Sunday
Scheel, 1,0 a.m.; Morning.WorshiP,
Xiam Commurden: Sundann,
angelistinie7n30. ininee Tuesday .8
P•111.,; ...Bible • 'StUdyn,• Thtira1a3n
• ZE-gMendvillennUnited Church.-.
,Speciel Remembrance -.Day :Set;
InceS;; '11 'ann.,. "The Stare of- No
nilaiVie,•Land"n •. Na
-PraYor!!; ,.7:30 p.m.;', Youth
Service',' ' renert: 'of the , 'Natinnal
Connell ef ,Yenthe
givenby,jiirte Maimingand
DeneHerningnran;' _ID' entice Cluircli,
SpheOln'encE:Llyf,irriSter's •Bible-GlaSs
,11: ',entre, Nttraern..CfaSS- 11n.301anrin,
Jtinier' Cherche • "
bazaar,.'• Friday,' NeVeMber
t t
Rev. D. 'Leslie Elder
Minister '
Organiet and Choir Leader
1.01,00 A311: _." ' •
; Ouyeb • Scheel, and youth nrel-,
' 10Wship. ree- •,
"The Unremenibered and the
. • .
l'eace" . . ... ... _en (Colleott)
Installation. of •Officers' • cif tle
. Young People's Society
,*SPLO-*-PLet JJs..He Peace
The return of the SPringliill• Dis-
aster. Fund donations Wig be• ac-
cepted at both Services:. , •
We Specialize in,
-Ajl Lines of
1 14 SU -RA 11 -C -ET.
offers full fire, and liability coVe/..-;•.F FIRT: CRIFB:EXIeLADMS' Ath.
age at IQ% below regular rates to The .hadjg$First-Pres
'•::.Aid.: -:of =S
home owners. . . byteriah Chutell 'had, it'8 regular
`• meeting- **oh Tuesdayeenvidlr',MiSe
..For fulrinformation, ask use .- Jean :Scott;•preeidetite-in the: ehair.
• ' T0
WAS -71sT -ii - •"
.• _.•_... ,_IREID MrseEneAndrentseepened-4thenneet
eitlia--•*-euitalale---neenie "Thee
General Insurance ' " '.
Ladies' Aid:" Proceeds from the'
. •
The Rey; *D. el,eslie.Eldef and
14Irs.,--Eldern of ',Sen*eforth : *Wish to
ahrtlintiee the. eirgagement,ofetheir
tO,Mr .i.rety;Ifertal,b,CroWe.
de,' son of Mr., arid Mra.
H. Crowder., of,Iiikernian:Oiite- the
Inarriage to -takeateFirst_
"Presbyterian seant-th,:.•on
Saturday; NOneinher 22,, '
Fijure .Skati.ng
Qets Underway
- Figure skating lessons will get
under *way. this season en..MeridaY,,
-when • registration_ cominences,
_the "Arena ,at four oleleelr. Arthur
Bourke, inStriteter-olnleat
will be the:charge again.
• Phone 214 . Meuntede tin 'eVere$300.0e., •
, - Agent: . A pi) atek.congregatienanSupper
JOHN A. CARDNO , was olanried for No ember 1T,ffol-
inumprimmineninummnnutiwilli lowing ;the, 'amilyersarYn Mrs. .a
• IT
LNIQN'S - ,. --. -Thompson a, splendin talk,
een-ene,,_ I. . Elder • and 4Mrs, We 'A.,' Wright
7' " ''''mv'''' 7"" Sangan leVely duet; "Church BY,
the Side Of the ROdd',1 :XI'S. :)".' W:
. and. P,CZL.gERMICE .
- All Passengers Insared
676 675
..ancl FI.TEL OIL
WM. M. Nati.
Phone 784 :, .Seaforth
fen a
of beauty
• Matched .
0411r-Alv"=,7. ‘717
4 o •
Wedding Set .
o'nr5;surcd FREE . . .
other Pine
T13S uP
Mr S. .mOV,64,rrf.nf
tnanka--to.,":,those „taking ,part, ..„e„
:seetalenalfthent ,-WaS :•enjoyed,',
lunch being' setYetthy„ the l AndeeWS;
Male •and 'Rees ngrOtip, Whey Were
eCharge the, Me,eting,
• Mr. and Mrs: 'Jack Patterson
and family and Miss Bertha Gall
spent the weekend in -Chatham.
Mr. Ed, Payee and .114se• Helen
pryee attended the •„anniversary
services at Cavan' Church, Win-
throp, Sunday. evening., ,
Mrs, R. K. 1VIeFer1ane spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs 'n‘rank
Johnston in McKillop. ,
'Mr. 'and MrS. Arnold Shewah and
familyeeof-Thamesford, visited on
Sunda -y with. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. J.
Reny: H. V. and Mrs. Werkrnan.
were Stinday visitors with '1V1r. and
Ms. George Mundell, of Ancaster,
'Mr. William, Britton returned to
Sea:forth- Irene ---- Vieforia-,* -Hospital,
London, after his recent operetion.
--On* Sunday last, -Mrs. - Mina
Wynne, Miss, Zeta,. *Webster, 7IVfiss
Marjorie 1Vall and Mr.. E. M. Les;
'ter, all of Forest,, attended the
morning service- and later visited
at -the • parsonage., Miss Connie'
Britton returned with them ,from
a' visit .vvith friends ie. Forest. Mrs.
Wynne also visited with her sister,
Iffren-RnJeWitt, nnf nirens'efit Seat
•• • L Memorial Hospital -arid ,nvith her
' iCudelka; of Noweier, Sunday -at the .zuricin:Finindenel. brother-in-law, .M', Will,im Brit••
kete. Spent 'a. enaren of days' lest nangelical e.d Inrethren tone ,:• ' • • -
Week with Mr and *Mrs.' - • , • ' .. Mohday of this,,nreek,•Rev.,J.
Dale Mr- and Mrs. ,:Cecil Elliott' and, .c, Britten 'attended -,a one-day:con-
' The many :friends of Me willialo* £amil ' Of Clinton, :visited • S*Ond y,* ference. 0/el.:industrial . Ennen ens ne
pritten will be glad to learn -that 'with: Mr.' and Mre, eWilliam, Dale Hamilton Witin,Dr.:•Jag. Semple
he is now out of theeLcindon'hos-;*and ,* *of- Egrnendvillee The 'conference
pital' and is with.his'noie „ReveJ Mr eenn. MrS. James •,Medd at waS.,arranged 133,- the Department
C . Britton-*'*and.*Mrs.• •BrittOrie.. tended ti tenerat,of the:tate,Wna, of ,E.Varigelisni 'andn'Secial:Serviee
Sedforthe • * • e . 'StanburY ef-Rrusse,ls%en Monday' arid. was: addressed-by:lien. „Wm.
:Mr. and Mrs., Verne Dale and . A -Variety 'cOncert"vdfl be., held, Gowland ."of Liitone-.England,
'end.nIVIns-.._Willialn Dale 'ean lireand„ef niethedist rnuuster Min has, spe
tended_ the_ nip -leiter 61 . their . broth-
.er-in,lawentlientatenAet ,:,:int"iiee" "'United -Church Sunday * toeniederin.industrial lifee Minister*
Friday in, Kitchener. Mrs'. ,I3roniby Scheel, to ..he held ,Sa,tOrdar eYe-jattended'frorri "Tertintde'Harnilt."61in
as theeformereTlielma-ninele ,and. 'fling, Nov 15 "•Bay �f -,Cuinte and LOn.clen,','Confere
in:Well :known 'in •.,this *diStriet. To -.las- -Ti-'3/tel'atehaere Of GOderieh, 'ence of .the'-l.'Inited: clnireh aiso
herther*community' extends its is .spending this 'week- at the home Several local union leaders; attend,
hidenSineere' sy,inpatly, in,ber be of ,Mr. ,end Mrs,,,Williain.Dale and ed as weti
re,anemente ".. • 1 Misses ,' Anne and Janet ,GOven=
Mr Earl Lawson spent •*.a.• Sew . :The 'W.A.' .and W M 5 57fl hold none . Of•-•Westen,'"Were' .Weekend
their regul e in the, base- 'vi,sito•rs with 'Mrs. R. R., Scott. :
ment of the church on wecInesdaY; • Miis; ResSie' Grieve was a nreein
W.1. NOTES '
The ,NoVeMber, Meethof Sean
forth •Women's 'Institute Will, • be
held, at the- nenie 'Of Mrs. 'Elden
Kerr On Tuesday, 'afterneon; Ney.
engtn2-: In, ..--IVIrSe4lex!Pepper,„,and
Mr; Elmore,'Stephnseit 'are, prd•
-grant. conveners r *"
The roll_ call, .isto be, answered-
bY an old ,proverb 'or saying..,,The_
motto is, "The High dost.'•of 1,1Y-•
Reports are , to. be given,
,from the Lenclorn Area Convention,
held in October,' and the. Guelph
*C„enfer_encenIast .*.May:'- The: InSti;
tlite-.quitC'boolnewill be en 'di:splay:
• Mrs. :13,Oss Gordon:is cehosteSs
end liMeh, eomniittee' is i-IVIrie.Len:
lie Piy,Mrin.Rn..,Mn:Seott, Mrs_
-Te Rar,t,cit, arid MrSet :Leonard
Strong •-'e.": *ne •
RO,D, Ut
'Prompt --
Order!: &
. „ Beb44fOot
_ph'one•das6,14/ _ Seaforth.
*dgys,..last...weee,k Mrs:,
F, 'Warren and:family' of, Len•
' ' • afternoon, Nev. 12; at 2 9 clock: end- oneet on nines vein , Dykes at
100 ACR,ES-Well fended; *neW
•steel: barn. ' ,Lo W down payirient.
•Strnet.:''S-mall**daVin Patnient
ersmith, ctirnfor,tabie .house,
anti 'Sit -fall: barn.. prided or :clack
• .sale. -"
at Price freedom-
, _qr. ta.A..13.
S Series Qpe.n..
Parr -Line Farre Ferurn met'
Monday* at the heme of )(Ire and
IVirs. Ross Love with a good at-
tendance. The snbject-for discus -
Sinn -was, -"What Price ,Ereeclorn."
In .answer to the first question, the
forum felt they have lost' no free-
dom *.throtigh farm, organinations,
but rather-- have. gained through
freedom in, the niarketing boards..
"We have more te say in. setting
the price of .our • commodities,"
they , agreed.
In ansWer to the question, "Have
You lost or gained financially or
otherwise, through. these' -exchang-
es?" they registered a gain. Floor
price would have beeii reached
months. age -in 'the 'price- of -hogs
they decided. Wheat weuad hay&
been lowernso _they _felt_ they have
gained financially-.
in.the ,most important to
you, freedoin as an •individual, or
as liartenof an organization, _ and
why?" vvas. :the -final_ question.
Through cooperative orgaellations
farmers can share the risk and
management decisions, the "forum
said, They retain for themselves
a larger share of the benefits of
their joint action. Where there is
organization there is strength, the
grotp agreed. They felt they gain-
ed financially from eo-operatives.
The next meeting will be held at
Adkins. Winners in euchre were:
ladies, Mrs. JOhn Solden end Mrs.
Stewart- Blackwell; 'gents, Ross
Love and Stewart Blackwell..
-. •
,Monday night was the beginning -a
of nother, ,Farin Forum season.
Fireside , Forum met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. ,Kernieth Hulley,
with, aattendance- of 1T: „Discus-
sion was,,•"What Price Freedom."
Cream'. cheese, poultry, eggs,
honse---beef,-etc., -have-all-lostn-free-
ket, but have gained by the 'organ-
izations stabilizing prices,_, _this
group decided. II:looks as though
producers are', ahead by working
with tbe -organizatiOns. What is
mere importantnis ton great a
spread,between ,producer and con-
sumer, and too many .middlenien.
• Winners at euchre:were: high,
Mrs. 'Oliver Anderson and Mrs.
Mr,' ,and 'Mrs. PotiOrt wand§ and -
Debbie, of enjann spent:the week-- ' ;11017. 'SeniniC is.,irr Torento".
end with the lattetes patents., Mr. • ST. -31131ES' C.wA1e-,--,:-.-.----1--atteridingrtheeToni,--Allain-Mignielf,s7
and MTSFrarik RiiO3 . .• • , The ',regular monthly;meeting. of at 'Knox- Church and the • • ,
..The .foIlbwing ,yoting..peoPle spent the Catholic, WonininS 'League '-yeaS, Theatre," together with activity, at
the weekend : *at their parental 'field one,Tilesday • evening in the'the‘UMyereity,' meeting ,studentsn
',Tah.6.1vtaQ'regor, of school teem with the President, . Wigs: EYelYul,Cardiaoehas netnrin•
FordWiche .and Mr.. :Charles . Mac- mrsyMeEtue, presiding. The' ec-c,- ed, -after spending aernorith in Cal -
:Gregor, of Guelph, with Mr and reterY, 1irs Foittlne read.. the ,gary. , •
,MrsRoss' MacGregdr• Mr "Dein minutes of 'the ,previous 'Meeting,: Mre...An-Rethnnenis viSitingnin
. .
las • Riley., of ,Eastwooe, _with Mre and 'correspondence' was .,read by St Jacobs • ,
and -Mrs. Frank' Rileye Miss' MarY'*MrS' L Leonhardt. The treasurer's., MrS., Effie ,Stephenson has ren
•Whyten.of Guelph; with Mr and_
'Mrs.,'W. In• Whyte; .Mies-, Marilyn
TanTor, of 'Stratford,. With Mr. and
Ners. HarYe3 Taylor; Miss Laurel
Dale,, of Stratford, ..3nith, Mr, and
Mrs.' William; Dale. '••
Me. •• and • Mrs: ;.-,1;(7.11liarn Jewitt
and :Mr., and Mrs.. Lorne.. Lawson
attended eanniversaryeneryiees •on
, .•
Jewellery - Gifts • Fine Ching
Havifig taken S e fOm
ell)/ ccupied by the Kiddies Shop
the 'store is
until Thursday, November 131h
snow, ,
'Group .4. -.Of '.1\l'OrthSide,.W.A.- eon
their'. meeting en Tuesday at the
home, 6f ..the. president; ntrn,..Har-
a.„ wirs oft. '7"1.111rs; Wits On*- opened
the' .rneeting nnnith . prayer. . The
Scripture: wan-read:`by 'Mrs. jean
,_ : '
neTlien- choir, "-s nprier-
Eriden, . Theinins on. -nee
quested, a larger.' attendatice„at:the
,Genergl*W.A,. Meeting ,Cm...Denerii-'
ber 10, at 2.,30. -Mrs.,. J., W.este.
cOttevvill represent. .the:egretip -on
the nominating,' -committee', . The
election -ea' ,eitiCers, for next: year,
took ,place,ne
• Nftsn'john Bach ,wae•- in :charge
.of, the,:pro.gram. She readea very
interesting:,.ertiele on. "Ft. 'Brides"-
Cathedral.n1e,Serne •-white elephant
articles' .Were- Sold: A -sector plait
*dinner will be held, eh November
1.4n inthe form of. a pet-Inek supn
per • -
kdeliCious. lunch was sernedby•
the* lunch cerrinaittee. Mr. . Pol-
lard thanked Mrs. :WilSore for- the
use of her holm antl'also thanked.
the lunch' ;coxiirnittee•.: :,. •
• •
ET.4zAitTia 131.000ALD
. 'Mrs, Elizabeth MacDO/MIkpens•
ecne away Rive r Vie* -Ntinsing-
Home, ,Widdsorn oti reo'rne,
Inge - She :wan' 88: torn' ori" a '1-ari.1-1
ing•Ttieherinith: 'township, an �, 8
Highwa3e :jtist' eant • of Seaforth,*
Mtg.; Maelnotiald was the.' forriler
-Elizabeth Devereaux, dintghter of
theelate John Devereaux, and Mary
Shannon. •
In 1004 she w_as, mar.ried to Jelin
MaeDoriaId, :and -:was the. last sur-
eivoin:of8..*,farnily of seven.' She
was -educated Seeforth and was
a' .member of'*St, ejarnee Roman
•CatifoIle aura.. • •,
.The deceased is. survived bynene
daughter 'eand' three eensn Mrs,
MaryKitts, D Tex s Charles
aiideLewis;' both 'Of -.Riverside,. and
John .of Windsoi%
---4tequiern,Mass . was held, at 9:00
'a*.ni. • ,Walnesday morning • att
St., Rose's phur0; RiY.ersiclen and
burial.' took :place at St, jetties'
eerhetery, Seaforth; at 2:30 p.m.
repOrt was-ginen by Mrs. -A". Stiles. turned .after epending a few days
.eThe visiting cominittee for No- in. OttaWa. •,
ye/1113er are Mrs L. Sills and Mrs. D. A. Aikerihead is a patient
Jele Slattere.° It was deeided-that in Westminster *Hospital, London.
each member bring her favourite - Mrs. Charles P. Sills, Mr. George"
cookie' recipe to. the December C. Sills and IVIr. and Mrs". 'James
meeting. •• • Slattery visited witheAvir. 'and
Furthee plans were ?made for the Mrs, Ronald C. Sills, Kitehenernon
annual bazaar, to, be held Decem- Sunday. - ,
Mr. 'and Mks. Alvin Smale have
"e 'Miss M. Fortune gene a very in moved into the residence on -Code-
tevesting *report dn the Deanery rich Street' West, ewhich .they.
'meeting held. in,Goderieh,enirs. J::cently purchased frOm Mr. Williafn
McConnell g,eve, a vote of thanks O'Shea. : •
to Mi,s,s Fortifne and to the ladies!. „The yell/1g eornofeM,r. and Mrs.
that attended the meeting. A solo, Harry Nesbitt unclerWent em -
as sling by Miss Julia Flannigan, ergency , operation di -Scott Mem-
accompanied ,by: Mrs. •A. Stiles. 'oriel Hospital ori -Tuesday.
,.• , '
Hugh - Flynn:- lone :lands,. Mrs.
Robert Dalton atudni. C. Babcock;
.1110,.. George Carter
and' Hugh Ely,nn., Next meeting
will be held at the, borne of Mte.
and Mrs, Oliver Anderecih.1
Orange Ball, Seaforth
Friday; islov.".
• 8:30 p.m.
Attspices ,.Orange Ifall •Property
CS moved to enlarged quav-
ters nt h e
uperior ark
o A/lain an
foiner Wright
frOt corner
Jo n Stre, ets.
It is extipoelictwedithoitinttPhleannetxwtithil rb,eeeinweeksoer
Farmers are reminded.that eggs
are now--larrituded--:at- the -side
entrance on John Street,
Se. fort/
Mr:,•and Cosford Were
iniSt • and. hostess, to ;the' Fireside
FellowshiP of First Presbyterian
ChurCh on., Tuesday. evening, when
oichxoeirfee, .t‘dvh:,ae' aelt.pignrege saltadteriendn'dt,,aorippeqeriiestalVf:dresicl't:.'
with.; a siiita,ble- pnem. Mr, E; A.
--'Seyenal'iterns of :busineSs°.were
dealt• -Itswas noted that four
of ..the. -new elders • were s.elected
'froin the Fireside* group,,-'narnely:
F. R.: cosford •• Jack Thompson:.
Scott-eCluff ' and ',Robert' Wright -
The -Christmas -party- is te**13e.beld
at the -home of :Rev:* and Mrs. D.
Leslie", Elder.* „A . donation :of 825,
Was voted to the Sp.ringhill Disasn
_ , ,
Taines*T..sectt Sang ,twe selos„
"There' is, an ..OldFashioeed Town"
and "In, the Gardenoi Ternorrovn,"
'eneenipanied by MrseeT. A. Card-,
no: Mr. Cosford shoWed .two
• tereating films; 'efte.r .yvinch Miis
en,Ennellinanespoke Hiitf 1nil/nein. Leslie Elder 'end Miss Nig Reid eitnrig.S.In,attielhajiokss..
vane-wenn:by, IVIrS. LeOrihardt. Metcalfe . attending 'graduatieri' 4' fogr 7"d:to.
eri Ecluention. Tid heinystery peize ,Carole _Var. a/en:in--Ottawa-ea/id -°
After the meeting., lunch was Sery- 'ereises Osgoode 'High School, .f
or ed by Mrs arid Mrs. I:4. where IVIiss Elder has bee,na.papiL •-__ ee ,
Slattery. and will:graduate-Friday .eyening. . PRESBYTERIAN Curl' .
,mr, ann Nits, J., ce cox and soh, The regular meeting of the CGIT
' of 'ror0nto,-.. visitect-"With her par- of Piret-Presbyterlaff Church was
05--1M; -1.pr:faint/Bunents, Mr a il Mrs Harry Stewart held- Monday The worship wae
* •cia Sundaytaken by • Karen Rugill and Judy
Tuesday, NoYember 11 Rernem, 1 Mrs. F. *Kling, -who recently un- ;Wright - took the prayer. *
Joance Day: being a statutoryholi- dcr)ivent an operatitni at Scott The girls decided to help by
flay, theemain doors of the Post:. Memorial Hospital, has returned 'donating* some money _ to the
Office•will be (men from:7'4.11i. to to her hbmee, ' - Springhill -Disaster. Ftincl. At the
6 p.rn,'. The WfChets ‘311.1 •benolpert•I Mr an&Jlrs, G: A. Whitney close Of, the meeting the .girls took
frOM 12 noon to 1;i00 -pat.. onIY; were in Toronto lest week, attend- down the decoration's' and, folded
,n:hen all phases ofnbusineas will ing a corivention if the Ontario papers for MrS.-§,harp., '
be tra sactede AIleineoming and Funeral service Association, of
The regular meeting of, the E.ecl
Cross Tsociety will be held; inethe
Library -roams on krulay, .Noveme
her 7, at 3'p.m. Sewers a,nd knit-
ters., ar&:. needed for Red Cross
• outgoinleniads will be sorted and which -Mr. Whitney VitS elected.
nleSpatched -as usual. Rural patrons *president • - '
are reminded there will be rid de-
livery oil that" date. •. •
* 'Preparations ;are ' nowbeing
.made' ,for the annual Christmas*
-rust?: 'Stinested deadline dates to
, ensure.* Christmas . delinery on
el post to Europels:November 22
arict to the United Xing ore., is No:.
vember.. 25,,• Mail: *should be" "for- ThenVIcKilIeP Unit of the ,Federan
.warded before these sUggested tion of Agriculture are holding
edalese. to. aveid disappointinent their nnnilalinneefing _and turkeY,
' Your • complete , • postal addrealTalltinet in the basement' of .Cavan
Should appear on all outgoing .and United Chureh, Winthron, on Tiles-
•inec.)• .mmkg .• t • dofa.Y;T,,orN:vt667. b:erid:54,riaftor7:000ntpar.misix
$eiko Drraplzt Ile will bring the unit up.to-Alate
' Guest speaker will 'be Roy Ilergott,
to1°' .5"•W' l'AIL with:"WhIlL" the itcloration has, '.denc
•Usborne, Irwp
tures of his .recent trip to the
what it -wig plan to de*. .
. Gordon McGayin..evill show pie-
William Rohde :and:Lloyd tan, world's plowing match, held in
lantyne apPeaied before 11Si/erne Gerrnarnn, and other . European
Township Cnuirell Merulayn to. re:1 couritrieS. Every effort hasbeen
'quest repairs • to, a brenehnOf thn- made to. make this en interisting
drain uear fligliway 83. Couticil arid worthwhile nieeting: . ' •
agreed to look into the Matter and.
. wake, the neeessary repaire, as
-soon as possibe. .LIrges. FcirrneT• S
Other drain ,work distussed at
the meeting included a complaint To. Plan 'Now •
regarding work on the Main draM,• _• • • ;
clorie by. Fullerton, township. The NeW that. this 'Year's' ,growing
work-atc>pp'ed :too, Soon toprovide season is .over, many farrhers will
a Proper outlet to the, property ,of be thinking of,,next year and mak-,
George, Nile • A request is tc . be ing„ their plans accordingly..*,What
Sent to Fidlarten officials asking arsothe of the factors that htuld
liave;the, drain extended trnoon- be considered? " • ,
• eeSsion •-rmld' 14-15, or furthet,...:, * One important factor ik.the,soil.
necessari,. to clear the road. SoilS are different froin place lo
Annoininatiori and eleetinri 13i'e. place, gnd .craps have cliffethig
law wee read three Vines aid soil requirements. Farmers should
p.$s.d,..Setting,iienninettion on NO- an their crops to suit their noils,
neither, 24,..and 'election, if neces, They should:'. *
sary, DeceMber -I. , (1)*Grew cultivated 'crops on,
Courted' did not coneur *with,a Ieve,l_land. Where possible. *••
resolution regarding charges In (2) VOr telling land, plan a:good.
the, Canada Temperance , Act, as rotation with • plenty. of leguines
iiroposed by Exeter town councit and -grasses, and preferably • het
Accounts, amounting,, tn $2,379.5 more than f,wo grain crops' in Ric.
arid road accounts of $6,029,.4 cession. • •
Were passed fon payment.- • (3) If iptertilled crops must be
Next meeting Itai-be• Decernvor grown tin--shiphit land, Plant and
8 in the afternoon • ' ' cultivate' aCroSS the stelae rather.
'than -up . and dan. •
(A) Keep rough, breken or 'hilly
WINTHR()P 1in1ouiterm ; pasture,
The Mission .Band will ineet ort (5) Censidtr eSeghlishing aewood
Saturday, Nenember • at 2400 lot,, 'A .wellscared-fot, woodlotAs-a
o'cIonk in the &Imlay Sehobl, chg. valuable .asset on. alitost every
keit please' bring YOUr 0nit bejces. farii•..
McKillop F. f A.
_To lienr_FiLeidnIcin
t Annual Meet
-blue coal
• Champion tove and I`urnace 0,11
• Phone 573 or 138,
••Vbene 334 ---••• Res. 540'
RAIN' Sr. •-sE4FortTn...._
- Seaforth Branch" of the. Canadian Legion will
observe Remembrance Day' with a. Church
ryice On Sunday, 'November 9th, and with
-Services at the Soldiers' Memorial in Victoria
Park on Tuesday, Nov. 11 h at 10 30 a.ni
,The Legion wish -es to extend a' very cordial welcome to
all School 'Children, Boy' Scouts, • Girl Guides, Councils of
Seaforth, Tuckers mitt): and AI ealleother organizations,
and the general public.
On Sunday the Parade will leave tite Post,Office at 10:30
atn., leaded; by the Seaforth District High* 'School Band, .
• arriving at St. Thomas' Anglican Church in time to be seated _
• by 11:00 a.m. • '
•' One91oriday, the, Parade will leave the Pest. Office at
10:15 a.m., headed by the Seaforth Distriet High School*Band,
•, arriving at the Cenotaph,. at -10:30 a.m.
'Order of Service
Inyocation-Rev..j. S.emple
CrinkUre'Lesson_11.6-v.4... Leslie Elder _
Adciress-Rev."J. C. 'Britton
• Lagt Post,Comrade Jaglc,Moore
Two:Minute,' SileriCe
Re'veille-L.-Corriraele Japk Uoore
PIacirig of "SiVrea.t4s,
"G -O4 SaVe* th6.Queen", ,
Benediction ---Rev. . J. E. James •
• ChaPlain
. James'
. •
-5 p.m.
num um tini iiiim tin tam,
A Dollar Won't Bu
uch I
Init your
The ,, ST J.with the BIG
• of'.
Funeral : Ambulance Service