HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 9THE. truEow XPOSITQR,$ A 'ORTm 1 0 I egxst atxoxi;: for Ox�tai o I osp tat 'Il�sur.1I1Cc leas' . been all,' over- vhelmin s lccess :To ,d .ter �n:ore than : 5;3U ,()OO resxdeI11 s o£ C)"ti r . o _��.p .yex 90 0 _are. re.stered__a�i'd ��v11. lie; eli ble f®LAbetiefts--T chez the ;e` �e_c ave . ,®�ail �1, 959. 1--'16-‘5vever these arc . ' , 5t><11Ys®me reslldel<its : of the .: rgv>Lt1cc. A•vha -ar. e ,not reg istel-ec! itltc it is to tl'eee. ' eo le t!»t iris mersa e is addressed A NOTE TO: ALL LI�IPLOYE I,{S If ..you employ 15of more persons, enrolment is: mandatory for every .. Ontario resident on your„payroll.. g ,there •is:`any emploer who has :not yet registered his 'employees with the: Corti - mission, he must dorso immediately to ,comply with,l;regulations under, the• Ontario'Hospital. Services Counissiop . Act. Lt►lt x.OYERS OF.FEWER Z RR TH.1. 15 PERSONS Thousands, of fiirrns employing fewer than 1;5'. persons ".haveelected to enrol their -employees as -groups. ,' If you employ fewer, than 15 persons you:may do the sanre,',and afford'.your. •. employees c.o the. nynierice . of group partieipatlon. Group t egistr ation forms are availal le .frons the ('onnniissiou on r Quest. ' RE T ISTER A shoLi:l d lbe. dearlyzailderstaoa reen:bexed , that aitlrn s ,und;flie err_ late _-- TER'`JANUARY .1, 19'59 THOSE:7`PERSONS ;WHO ARE NOT: INSURED: UNI)ER.._THE-. QNTAR:IO--. PLAN MST' PAY THEIR OWN`; HOSPITAL BILLS "IF THEY ARE.. •ADMITTED.FOUR TREATMENT.' T be sure -that -every resident_wh_o is not vet registered may •bave,a final chance to obtain the two months' free coverage, � and also be protected as, of . anuarv1 next the "initial registration peri oil � .,_ � 4 p od has been cxterided`to November 2 2 9,1958. Residents who apply after November v9 will lose._; the two months': free coverage; and; will have to wait up to three months, .: before their hospital insurance.becomes s �'taa -becomee ffecti� c. Thas means � that, if you etre hos. tuli ed d ' �r y during the g2 aiting perrod, zcah.haL^e'to pay your :. o. win hospital, ,bills at the ” �i �e ''all-inclusive" rates: `Register NOS' and have no regrets. o Have you a son' or daughter 19" or over -ho should be registered at the single • prerriiur ? -Have you a relative or a friend who, is aged or infirm -whore ,yon should eriicou'rage to register ? The ONLY Basic I osp l Irisu ranee A ra lalble .. ..:i` . tt tl 1 44$ -dr -Alice- la . p_ro. i e the t::: ,hhe O�itar o Hos...... >`z • n. _ .,__.�v d s he rnos corn reherz p • : p P• p iwe:. A NOTE ASDL' i' ' "ALL-"ALL I-IOSPITAL RATES' Beginning on January. 1. 1959.; the hospitals of Ontario cVill. charge "a11- . inclusive" daily 'rates, ,instead, of -basic daily _'rates, phis -•extr rs ` as at present. The standard- ward all-inclusive" rate -ii.eli will include the cost of extra'".;: services (use of operating room, drugs, 'etc) ' iso `expected to • average : about: ;$17 (i0' a day for the pi bl c hospinil' of Ontario, 1-Io\ve er, as `rates will 'vary frons -hospital to hospital, accord ng to, the type Oi'services available, the charge , -may be 5?9 01) or more -a day in sonic • llrospitals. The . `'ll1 iItcIn ii'o' ,rates t+Ill:�. .apply it•Itether'':'the' 'hospital -2''411 is I)aul I)y the' iiisrarvi ee plait -'4)r 1)y :tlbe'patient. hitiiscylf'.'' ever made available to the'' eo 'l'e of this rov ncc. It :will hospital benefits . ever the p ,_ p province: � • �` I d ios ital services Which a =.e viz is li '�rece cover all. the. st�:txdard'-;vcY�r 1 .. t ed cu ssqr to ',the rreatt ent Qf''"tn-patients" in approved ho pitals: It will alsq provide bene;, r r tat- atie t hospital, care " fits %r eiiex�7 ency' o p n , h .sp within 24 hours following an _ ,accident. The very ION?V emtunis of $2,10 a month for the singleperson and $4.20 a oath for the family afe trade' 'oSSible,b, substantial :contributions.- toward. ithe cost Ernes the Provitticial and Federal ,Governrxxents. 'The °`Family" prem rum covers husband, :wife, "and all unmarried, unemployed children under age, 1 and children -19 of over who : are financially dependent, because of physical : or: mental .infirmity: AS OF NEXT- JANUARY. 1., THIS WILL BE -THE ONLY ST'ANDARD:, WARD -I OSPITAL;' INSURANCE- - AVA1[LABLE TO RESIDENTS OF ONTARIO IF, YOU ARE -Nor or REGIS t FRED YOU ARE NMT /NA/RED.' O'J..:'T'O. R'E-GI S T E<; if .you. are not yet registered, and.are not eligible .to "'register through group;; y .x_yreg%stc�ttio L'Cominission-on,:a:Pay,Dii:e_c4a5.iS.LcOinplete'the 1P'i 'tion form included in this` advertisement, clip,it,'and snail it t(; the Conitnission a cheque or Money,order for'One Month's' `:`Sinile". or "Family" re>niui t W ich a ewer is lieable,•�b0 'h D ''CASH pp . .ISO ., SEN C�,S THROUGH THE MA.IL.. ;- • . . T'f yourrapplication'and 'ape month's premiuni are received by-the--Cotni .ission" • on or before':Novexxber 29 1958,79u will he insured for Tar'luar`yY, Febr ,iary and 11Vlarch, 1959.. Future premiums will be'payable; on a quarterly basis beginning anti i ' I- 959 • '• • IF YOFJ ARE 'Not! ,ALREADY•REGISTERED; USE APPLICATION•-F'ORM BEL0' N,. ttte ®, ....rri a.r s. i .rte rr s imi.' 1111 as rte` t itis ts. titter .. .rfr li�i ii. �, f ONTARIO - HOSPITAL. INSURANCE : PAY -DIRECT APPLICATION SURNAME. (FAMILY NAK1E) .1 _TWO .INITIALS 6 I' Mr. ra Mrs.- ADDRESS.. ,., ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES =COMMIS:SION HOSPITAL .INSI,JRANCE' DIVISION -TORONTO 7, -ONTARIO Telephone WAlrtut 4'-' 3O1 DO- NOT USE IHIS ARPLI ATLOlN 'YOU... ARE. . ALREADY REGISTERED NUMBER, and STREET (Please Print) NAME OF CITY OR TOWN (Please Print) PROVINCE "MONTHLY PREMIUMS Married persons with one or more dependants must pay the family premium. .tpSINGLE PREMIUM: 1'am -unmarried, separated, divorced or Widowed, with. $<'® out eligibla dependani(s) ' Q FAMILY PRE(iIUM: 1 have: eligible dependant(s)...<„ $4.2® imm.mom A.m., INIIN ENCLOSE ONE_ MONTHS PREMIUM WITH THIS APPLICATION PAYABLE 'TQ: . ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVIfES COMMISSION 1: TORONTO '1,;,ONTARIO it®t al� litrt mu opt Nos imp. ■ n me ale memymor_ 1 1