HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 7WN OF S EAF OR. rance b struictions rorri the Counci'l:, e h e C. t1 and e $ Seaforth to SDY V • A NO EVER lit REMEMBRANCE .,DAY....:, 0 osing ces o bosloess .. �I _ attending t °legion Ser. T ich '�ol'1 Pay ;. B. F....CHRISTIE, Mayor, Od SaVe the- Q ueen'r air Societies nifortra A request for uniformity in On- tario dates for Daylight Saving Time was 'endorsed by .delegates from 15 'agricultural. societies in Huron and Perth,; holding their an- nual•zone meeting in•Brussels Wed- nesday, ednesday,. Without-<a-.dissenting•.Voice, re presentatives of. the 15 'societies approved d a proposal by • a three- man hreeman resolutions "committee that the Agricultural Council" of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Ag- ricultural •.Societies be,' asked- to campaign against ;.a repetition of the . atchwork arrangement of time changes that afflicted' • the zone area during the ,Pall Fair- season this . year. The resolution' was drafted by William McKenzie, reeve . of Exe- ter ;and chairman, of Huron Coun- ty Council's agricultural ,commit tee .-J,,'Reaney; secretary of Mitchell Fall Fair; -Frank' Bell; secretary-treasui;er of the Perth C BORNE IBB & R ER"2` S MUTUAL FIRE INSII ANCE CO. WAD • QI I I4 F � -Meter, Ont:; President E. Clayton ,Colquhoun, R R. 1, Science Hill Vice -President: Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3, :Mitchell DIRECTORS-Martin_Fe'enev H. R. 2;DDublin;: Robert G. Gardiner,;; R.R.1, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, ' KirktonTimothy B. Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. AGENTS -Harry:} Coates, R,R. 1, ,Centralia; Clayton • Harris, Mit- chell; itchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell SOLICITOR W. G. Cochrane, Plowrhen's •Association and form= et secretary of Stratford.Fall :Fair. The . meeting approved...it unani- mously; after it had been present- ed by Reeve, McKenzie. Principal speaker at the ,meet- ing meeting was G. W. Montgonmery, Tor- onto, agricultural agent for;!• the Canadian National Railways c'. and former a ric i u a a ' t i u t rat r resenta ive g P for. Huron.. Alex Me aaga t Tor- onto, of the. agricultural branch of the Ontario 'Department of ""•c t e Agr,� ul ur ,was present to an_ swer • queries about provincial grants.to •Fairs ando ' •,, , t, advise: on' policy -':for agricultural societies. James Mair, Brussels, .wa`s re oelected-zone chairman far+ a: sec' and year; John, -Siemon, . Logan township; was re-elected ;vice-• chairman,. 'and 'George Watt, . of Myth,. 'Was, re-elected 'secretary - treasurer.' secretary•treasurer " • 'The women':•s division of the 'Zone also: voted Wednesday to, continue. the 1955 executive :iii office for - 1959, .;with Mrs.,. WilliaYn. Sebben, 417.13:. 4', Stratford, `as president Mrs. Joseph Grumniett, Seaforth, vice-president Mrs. Lorne Scrim- geour,Blyth, :secretary -treasurer•, NIRS.EDO ,., R S, i DOUGLAS' Funeral services . were . held ,at the Thompson, funeral home, ' Port Dover, Monday, October . 27,' for Mrs: Robert Douglas, ;Port: Dover: Rey. Ray Rivers, . of the :...United Church, . conducted the services, and burial was in Bayfield',ceme- tery.. Mrs.; Douglas: was :the former Celina 'Durand, of •:Drysdale. Sur- viving.;.are ,.lrer •husband brother Loins: Durand,"Chiliwack, B,G.,. and sister;'',, Mxs: Frank , Adams, Strat- ford , ocern yin Today,: lighting p1a3is a new role m modern living.. Coloured,+ buibs, new fixture and controls all n ate it easy to add pleasure and beauty to our homes .to create u atmosphere •ofwarn tli, ' spaciousness, and hospitality: I lousework„ and • hobbies are so uxnudch easier an,Safer, if the lighting.' in your. house �s the proper ,intensity for: good v-ision. Xnside and out,: Modern .'iglitng.protects,your home from prowlers, protects your ;family fro ''accidents At Christmas•you can share the festivity and enjoyment With yo.lneighbou neighbours colourful Christmas li• r-ghting.: lighting is a silent artnera.;hel in you �;to see' better, �1Vloderr hg g .,. , . � p F g « enjoy new :Comfort; new -Convenience .. , helplllg� you to Live .etter } Electrically" —the safe, clean, 4mode -rays Electrical , w • ectr C Z; osts `'S0 little .rr • Simon Hailaban Heffl igen '11.1 A,RLOCK Sixteen niern>?ers of Burns' WKS and f radies' Aid, were' guests of First Presbyterian: Church, Sea, forth'y •last Wednesday afternoon at their thankoffering meeting.' C ('(� roup ° essr- Wtson Reid •Jams Mee a n- • o U y Ewing Art Colson, Bill Leiper,: N Weldon Tyndall; Harry Sturdy and. h'homas.Cplson left on Saturday to Simon Hallahan, Belgrave,, was deer hunt in. the, Bracebridge areae elected' chairman of the Huron Misses Gfadys and Ida Leiper County Cream Producers, at their,attepded the, baptismal service rof. annual, meeting in.Clinton Thurs- their niece, Susan -Gail,: daughter: ,day .night;, 'Vice=chairman- is Hof, of Mr, and Mrs.', Gordon Mur-ra- ; ;ace •Delbridge, . Woodham; Carl in. Walton chtirch' on Sunday. ' Hemet wa r u g B s Se e Y, sees e r tar y The u ils 'S of S.+ 6 Hull't an P . et d f•el P t dma or, the n Huron-- H n Lout• n y ,their` teacher MiMarion Hem- Federation of Agriculture,•.," see- ingway, entertained the ladies and retary-treasurer:.,. re -school" children of . - e ti A; resolution . the:s c ion was Passed c. m at a Hallpw:e en party Friday af- mending .,that`. floor prices, of but- ternoon ,.at Harlock School: ,A ' pro •ter be-bated.'on'. the '- cost ;o pro-` ram. was • "ii.children . � ,p � on- by. the.. duction to give • the producer': income'. cool parable' o`current:•dresprizes were givew for costume • ss, Prizes .were won by Joyce wage. levels. • I Roe, Dianne:"Roe,...Janet Hulley and A` Doe 'olu r e Hulle .. ,P; 1 ve on es tion; . which will. n y o Iy lunch was; isu 'be forwardgd to-tliir-p ,ovxn�E2ved .by the pupils. cial group,. opposed any; tariff Mr, and,- Mrs. • George Watt at- strictions on the importation " of tended the agricultural meeting„ Of soya 'beaus; and the - Dominion District 8, held- in_' -Brussels last Government" was commended for Wednesday' Dinner,! was -:served°in Providing `.a deficiency„payment 'to Brussels. .Presbyterian Church: „proVide the growers with 'a -,reason = Mr: and::: Mr -s. Norman .:Walker, able• income, for ?this ;Crop. Bruce, Doris, and -John . of .Bruce; The tie td of ct'eani„.prroducers tofig d„;avJsrted2 wrth_;;Mt anon'd Mrs,,. sell whole: milk for the .manufac Wesley Roe:.and•family Sunday: tore of skim riiilk powder arid- but- Mc and -Mrs.:; George Carter ter .rather than.' separating, at the spent' Sunday • evening with- -Mrs:` farm, was . `discussed ' at some Watson ,Reid •and' David: 'length atr th , meeting, e n , iM : bei r: and ,: .. �.... „_ : g,.,-. �� __A � . � ._.Mrs. ,Frank Johnston_ said that they receive no revenue and` Margaret of ;Toronto--, .spent from their butter to•• assist in car the'weekend. with• Mr. iand',`Mrs .r,ying but their ;eampaign 'of pro 'James Scott:;; ,motion and' adver i i :.' Was,' and Mrs. L -”n s of Sa. sSk uant- 'thereforefelt =that some arrange-ehewan'` and Mr:and • John mentwthe Farrservxce,•_ofBIyth; spenOntarzo%CreamProducers would day With. M. and - .: Mts. Jas, receive ,some financial 'assistance•' • Mr.', ,,and Mrs. Wesley Roe; Joyce. m frothe;; butter :produced, in this and Dianne ;and Mr._' and Mrs., Jno wa s' y, ince' th'e ; promotion is, ..just � McEwmg :attended ; he Winthrop as,.important -,and. beneficial,to'Y .this anniversary. services: Sunda „even grouping whenthe guest -,,speaker was Mined ,'•:•voting 'delegates to,,, at Dr. ; Wesley-Iiunnisett-'superinten tend the' -provincial., annual , meet dent '"of the :Fred Victor .Missions, ing November..18 in 'Toronto were. Toronto ' Mr. Hallahan; Mr Delbridge E1 mer Ireland, Wingliam;• Ray.Hous-• W1VIS Meets toll,. Brussels,. Hume Clutton -code The_ monthly meeting "• of Burns',; rich and:: Delmer Sltmner; Centra .1K1VIS_•was held• at the home of ala: Alternates are Baines J. • El- Mrs.: D.. Anderson,; . on. Tuesdays; liott, Bluevale; Russel 'Bolton; R R: October 28. Mrs_ J Scott,. leader; Londesboro 1,; on Dublin, and' D : Buchanan, of Group 1, conducted the worship service the. befog "Faxtif' A reading .- a8 given by Mrs'. Nel- son Lear entitled, "Forget dt'', and BLAKE Mrs Ed Be11.: sang • "Evening Mr. and M-rs: Klanshen; of Zur- The last chapter:, of the study rich spent an evening with Mr:• book on •Japan was given by' Mrs And Mrs;' 'Earl Oesch "and family. Seott,;,. assisted -by l trs. -'J::"Riley: Miss Pauline: Steckle, nurse -in- They, stated." that- in: Japan,. Coin - training' at the;:; Kitchener Water- munsm has '.a terrible influence loo:' Hospital, -spent the : weekend but the Japaarese.people thinktlrere with her .parents, 1Vii- ” and Mrs, is no'chance of it ever taking over; Alien .'Steckle • their 'country. Under '• the .'church's.. influence tbe?past.wounds are .fast, /�healing Chr-ist is not�iew foifhe Church Groups Japanese,people, as they have nev- 1� er known anything, else. WiVIS AUXILiAItY Mrs, W„ Roe the president; was' The thankoffering,meeting of the in charge. of the ,business session, WMS Afternoon Auxiliary _of First Tithe secretary read:.ti e minutes of Presbyterian- Church w'as' held',;in the last meeting and' the roll call' was: answered .by. 26 •members, Miss :Gladys ::Leiperr-inforin ed+xthes members that subscriptions'?.were.. dues for , the ` Missionary Monthly. and :should `6e renewed,in :October.. The 'WMS v/ill again supply"' ..the.% Mission_, Rand: with 33Wor1d they church:;hallon Wednesday with visitors •present-irdm Burns Unlf ed Cht1rch, the McKillop'': Affiliated" Group anThe,d: Barbara Kirkman Aux- iliaNy, president, "Mrs. J: `7:. $ell, presided, a'nd •lvelcomed . the - guests I Rev iDJ'T,eshe` -E•lder read,"the. Scripture,,. gave, appropriate •cont- ments• on Thanksgiving and led -'in prayer. •Mrs: 1-I, R. P•1Y,' .read : a •messageom •Japan, and `Mrs. •W: A.:, Wright ' sang' a solo,-. entitled, "Just Today'•acconipan edby. Mrs E:: Geddes.''.The offering, was received.by Mrs:`J. McGregor and; Miss. Hattie Murray. The guest spealeer,: MissBarbara Woodruff,?deaconess in l<11(pi.Pres, byteri,•an Church "G6derich gave a helpfulmessage, in Which' she re- minded fir that we ars riot our Own;but that we are , our Master's and are . only managing His prop- erty.. Sh'e also 'pointed out that the: stewardship of our time, .tat= ents and. treasury „is the only way in `w rich to give a proper thanks- giving �. The speaker was, introduced by Mrs J. B Russell' and thanked 'by Miss Be11e.Campbelt •-Ray D,' L'.• Elder pranoun'eed the benedietron. F flowing the meeting ,a .social. hour. was Spent, with luneh sery ed by Mrs:, William Drover and her. committee. • . • NORTHSIDE WlVis The c • October :Meeting of tha WMS. of 'Northside United; Chutch Opened with rrIrs,..0 Walden in the chair. Mr's E IJ. Close led' in (�n * �l■ prayer.: The minutes of 'the last meeting were read by ' Mrs B: Christie. • LTD: • Community Friendship reported' PHONE 47 :S1i;AFOBTH , 13' home and 19 hospital' calls, re ported by Mrs. •J. Scott, :and •Mrs.: P.:B. Moffat reported 49 heine.iarid, 151; hospital 011s tor lithe. group. Circle 4 callers for Nei/ember are Mrs. C. Walden anti Miss. GIadys' Tbompsoln., • The• treasurer's report 'was' g}v carr i Mrs: A, Vtr:` Srlier : Supply secretary 'asked,; for'.elothnrg.• for the. bale be lefti,iat the church November,,. and it 'will be packed at or •' right after` the November meeting. Roll 611 wast taken: by Mrs. Christie , On aecouet,of'the xliness•of•lvfiss .1! ennell, the -arrangements • of the November meeting were left td. ,Mass G,, Thompson acid Mrs S%llLry.-,itepi4t,sc of the sectional riteeting, ;held a:t Varna On October 9,•were very interesting :and grvgn: by Mrs..Walden and Mrs. ,:Christie.: An invitation from Constance for the,' 1959: meeting .was: accepted The 1958 theme"twat doth the Lord require of me'?•" :The'Mis sxonaxy .Monthly • secretary, Mrs,. Bradshaw; asked that all subscrip trolls be; in, promptly as•possible,• The nomination,, committee ares, Mrs. A. Nichol, Mrs Wright, Mrs. J, Scott and Mrs. E:•C. Chamber, lain. Collection" was received by'` Mrs:•..Sillery. •Mrs. W.. Ball spoke of.having the T+:xplorers. named of ter Miss 'Annie Lawretiee, who has+ moved from the, :Midst. It .was moved: by MrsA.iawson and " see onded by Mrs". • Sillery, they be known as the Annie Lawrence Ex plorers.: This was unanimous:. Mrs; Lawson took overthe meeting.: The scripture 'was, Deut. 17:14-20. Comments', on •these verses and, prayer. were taken by Mrs.'Leem ixig. • Ms.,J. C. Tritton 'introduced the new study libok; "The Chris- , ,tian's, Corns IA a ,Cuhitithent" E? receipt ;and ; thank you::.,,were, received. .from the ,Bible Soeiefy.:, for the :donation , of • $p42 25: ,; Tire` president reminded::.. the 'members: of :an, invitation to be ;guests of First Presbyterian , Church;; . Sea- forth,. 'ea forth, ` on : Pet.. 29. Mrs :J; .White` claid• the meeting with prayer.:• RE-VITA'LIZEiJ- CLEAlyINNG, -is Better TJ an ;er' Evat Buchanan. Cleaners, MOUNT FoltEST More : Spirts `'and'' Stains Removed Garments, stay clean longer Will wear longer. , PIIONE 869..r 2 -' SEAFORTH ,ANDY . CALt ER 4' Agent MQN and toURS wionivIIiGS. Martin Senoulr InNI S: • Super Ken- Tone Rez , Wood Finishes our THE IWRON > XPOSITOR,`"SEAFORTk , :ONT:, NOV." 7; 19. Custoriers. of . *Union .Gras;. Company, in 'the •' TOWN SEAFORTH AND • SILL GOF EG V A E S 0 I' :. M ADV LLE, .' Kindly .pny Gas •Account's; a t the' A CQIIIIMERcE. Secifoith, Ontario.' F'ANAD LIMITED, 1VIITED •• It's11.K., we have a telephone in our bedroom•too • • • _:.;To.order-,-•call your- 'telephone business office. • \.... • • • • • • O • •••••••••••••••••••••••• These cars are..brand new and must be sold to'- make way ` for 1959 Models.. This . is -your opportunity to save! 1956 Dodge Four -Door :1956- Plymouth Four -Door 1955 Dodg:e:Four-Doan; .1952 OT;D8IVfOBILE .SEDAN: TRUCKS 1955 Ford .One=Ton Stake Body.; ROwcliffe :Motors. DODGE - . DE SOTO CARS DODGE TRUCKS' CASE BARN[ MACH NERC Y 'Ph�. 67 .Sad a one' or h - arvest ure when you invest at ...Brit'sh• Mort age Guaranteea raves rnett.:'certificate8 " Argy, amount,over $100,:• • fr 8 to 10 years Just mail.your cheque: $ritishi Mortgage does res Write; for at ,investmentfolder. RRITISR MORTGAGE z•- TRUST • 1F`outided In. 1877 ST1tATFORTi fo