HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 5TIN 1
�ommonit1 Centre
,Skating EVERY
Friday' Night
Adults . Students 35c
Children. 25c
SaturdayAfternoon °
(Note change in. tithe)
2:m. to 3:3.0
p p.m.
c � � tudents 10c,
�hlldren°and S -._...
Adults 25c
SATURDAY - 8 to 10P •m,
WEDNESDAY - 8 to Ip p.m..
ractice Time: Available_:
Are you ready to rent your spare,
1-oozn?- , A classified'; advertisement
,phoned, to: 'The ,Huron Expositor,
141 or 142, will bring a tenant.
Rally Day was. observed in Duff's
United Church Sunday morning,
when teachers and -pupils, occupied.
the centre pews Mr: Martin Minn,
Sunday School superintendent, was
in; charge 'of the •ser•viee, with,
Graeme 'Craig reading the .scrip-
ture lesson and Jean Walters, ;tak-
ing the story, An .anthem was
sung by the ,Sunday School chit
dren with Miss Audrey Hackwell
on the 'piano. .•
,During: the service the following
infants' were baptized by the mini-
ster, -Rev. W. M. Thomas: Jeffrey
David;' son of ;Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Jenkins;' Ronald' Douglas, son of
Mr. and. Mrs. D. • Hesk; Richard.
John,:son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Taylor Jane'Elizabeth,' daughter
of Mr.: and Mrs, David Muir;: • Sus-
an Gail clan hter'''of:Mr. and 'Mrs.
Gordon, Murray.
Bazaar At Church
The 16th of Grey and -8th of Mor
N.- .AL_�.
A Nu E
of the
McKillop School Fair
will be;:held' in. Winthrop- School on
-Monday,- Noverri-ber -tOtlr•
ss - .. at 8:30 'p.m.
GORDAN PAPPLE - President'
WILLIAM DENNIS "'- .• Secretary
r h Hal
Dublin Pa �;�
e ., .Nov
00• — .
Sevv`i'ng, •. Canz?Y-`-Fish• Pond --Home E
-king,--Children's -Booth;
- ov:,.aa
Three Door Prizes Everybody Welcome'
.tlmission 50c — Jackpot $65.00- on 56 numbers
�� IT>�-I J. CI�IICiT =-- =NOVEMI3JN.tt 26th
of ,,i�.11ett '��r�sl�i�
hereby . given that I hay
e com-
plied with Section 9 of the Voter's" Lists Acnd
nd OTO-
. -`.that I hay e >>ostec�,up at4ri `' Office at'Lo ;;b ,.
25th -day -of ' October , `1958 the:.•hst .of all
...onthe ,
persons, .entitled to vote 'said m nice alit
at munl.ei pal elections, and that such,list-remains
there for inspection.'
Son all'voters take
Andnd I lkej el call ut• o
medliate pi ceedings-to-have-,.any errors-6r�mis-
SIOJIs col rested according to'law, -the last day fort/
appeal being the 12th day of .Noveraoer, .1 58.
Clerk, Township of Mullett•
ris group held a very successful
bazaar .in, ,tiler,,.) iSement of the
church 3ast..Wednesday afternoon
Rev; -'W.: M. Thomas presided for
a :'short urogram; ,consisting Of:
solo, Mrs. Harold Smalldon; read
ing, M. Robert "�M)Miehael; vio-
lin selection, Mrs. Emerson 'Mit-
chell; reading; Mrs, ,Alvxxi McDon
•_ The various counters 'were well
patronized, after whieh a delicious
lunch was served by the ladies of
the group;
W I Sponsors 'Eiielire
A progressive eu'ehre„party.; un-
der the ausiiices, of the Walton We -
men's' Institute, was held in the
Community. Hall :Monday: evening
The prize winners were: lades'
lone hands, .Mrs;Ed, Dougan; lad
les' high, Mrs, Nelson Reld; <'lad-'
es' -low, Mrs. George Fox; gents'
lone: hands,' David Watson;•high;
Torrance Dundas; :low, .Earl Wat-
soMr .ad
n Mrs David :Anderson,
oL Toronto, spent'. the ';i, weekend
With Mr.' and '1Vfrs 'Gerorge--Dun
:flan ,•-
Mr. and Mrs ;:Dan--.Beuerma'in'
;arid Mr, =and.- Mrs -Edwin Scher,
bartb, of_ •Broclhagen visited_'wth
Mrs P, Miller and Mr. ' and Mrs
Douglas ;;Ennis on' Sunday
Craftsman Fred Walters of Cal-
gary,' is; 'at present visiting with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Mr° and Mrs. Don Gray,” Strat-
ford, .spent the weekend with -Mr.
Joseph' Ilackwell.
-Cpl. ,and Mrs: H. Stark,a-nd fam,.
ily visited' with friendsin Toronto
over the weekend:
isecrse Pro
The fain -eat ' 'an aminal so lin-
portant , in centre -11111g -y rats -. and
Price •on , the • farm is ; becoming
more and- more ,'difficult to keep
healthy. The disease most 'co'in=
mon in our, 'cats, today' is known 'as
di �ein or, .. ormore< a• curate-
cat st e
p ,
ly; as feline panleukopenia. The
disease is caused by a•'virus and.
spreads very ,,quickly. -among
tens and young' catSf,
Usually ,the disease .exhibits' it
self as an:;intestinal disorder, where
the cat -refuses-food and loses con-
dition very quickly. ' Usually the
disease distemper
• Cat, dite er : and a disease of
=niinl._k iown as, mink enteritis rap:
pear to be caused; 1)y the same.
diriis agent."'For; this reason it: is
important -that nrink--•ranches be
'kept 'free tof infected cats. The dis
'ease.,can 'be prevented best by ,a
'regular prograni:_ of 'vaccination.
On farms 'whero ;the disease: is `, a
problelri, it maynecessary-. fQr
a;•veterinarian to regularly innoeu-
late the :i kittens with serum - and
conclude' '.the _program by vaccinat-
ing the kittens' at: .about' three
months of age.':
Dr•, Dunlop, Guest
At linton Lodge
�rDrF J W: - D'unlop, ,prov'inciak:
of education' education' in his ca-
pacity' as..a past grand master of,
the,'Masonic 'Lodge of Ontario, on
Monday evening..'presented---a 50,
year 'jewel to Hugh C. Rorke, of
the Clinton Lodge A F. and A.M.
Mr: Rorke has .been a member
of the 101, -year-old; Clinton,• lodge.
for£5& years; a past district depu
ty grand, muster of South 1furory
district fore 40 year's,, and secre-
tary of his -own ,lodge for 3p: -years,:
a position he still holds.
Dr. ' Dunlop, who'` received . his'
own 50-year',jewel only last Thurs-
day ata lodge in Peterbero, where:
he j ined•When principal df apub-:
lie school there, Paid' tribute to:.
Mr,Rtorke'"not only for- his 'lodge:
interests, lint as "a. worthy: member
of his church and community. •
Taking 'part 'in. Monday- night's
ceremony- were `'Edward Dale,
WM;'Harry ;Ball, Chaplain; .George
Jefferson, PDDGM; and Robin
Thompson; RW.
More than 50. Masons attended
a Masons ,
including • visitors ' from Stratfor d,
l iceter, Hensall, Carlow, Goderi i
and ' Wingham
Earlier , in `- the' day _Dr, • •Dunlop.
visited''.Clin'ton District Collegiate'
Institute—the school, he :attended
Care` In Vegetable
S o�°a7 a -Ne tided
017. !%
FCtfilous W: R« Joh stor :
• By•HARQLD KENDRICK; this 'meeting it was .decided that
athletic and club . tabs, would be.
Akion. =Around` SDI*S Grounds:. given to each member of each club
The" magazine cahi ai ••die, to
and -athletic , tenni. •',•-.1.'
i ,• This .eek 'oth:.bo s and girls
a.•close.y�.ith„a fav~ -`more prizes'be�` s ..Week b . < .Y. gu',_,
Mg won•'by Kathy Buchanan, first; 'athletic,. representatives' were. prey;:
Sharon' Soinerville, ' second; 'Jean ent at the.,Stud'ents' Council meet-
Roberton, third; and ',the. fourth ing. The representatives :are Lynda
draw was -won by Judy: Nott. .Th'e Savauge, Ron Uhler and Robert'
prizes. were; first,' a draw for $,10; Elliott,
second, _.a draw for `.p'5.; -• third; a, .The. Christnt,as cards, which Will
draw .for $3,':aiicllast'= a; drawor be : seld,_by -the- Students' -Council-
$2;'''' 'draw •-for • :a, Professoi•:;,vzas this vear;'.will be the same as last;
ee-'rr- ears”
vron"'b;9,""GaxY-i�9illram�s`Tlr s ,P z -'y
es were presented •atan assembly It was partly decided to have a
Wiiicli°was ]ielt1 oififriday. ',football dance" -en November 14.
.:.:;...•_ . .•.._ -• . li Dick Mc-
Aitat•this•assembly a �rograrn: M1lsie•Will;be be- ed -by
s • Faslane from CKSL.
was •nut' on bydinetAT lbly Com,.r ''
inittee Geraldine McTaggart•of § '§
Sports -
Grade ;'rTx, `,p1aYed: �a,' sa�aplione ,
solo a' is o•:duet:was 'la ed.: b Last, Wednesday: a girls _volloy-
;.Jean :' and Margaret Hiillen •::The ball tournament -+was 'held :1n .the
g §ehool s n the onaning game Citic
Chief. of Police talked;'to •the;stu-
dent...body...about the rabies:;; epi- tournament, Seaforth senior girls'
dem, id- around Ontario: team was` defeated, The scores' of
At the same:.. time . as• assembly the games'.:were: first game Ggde
nd game;
:Wes' going on,„ the: Students'' Co, n, rtcli i5, • S15., - h 1; seed
cil was',. heldin "a meetin in the Seaforth.• •15, GoderSch f ;5; third
Ve table h -vsted in the `fall g g game, Goderich 12, Seaforth 4:
g s a council:. chamber (Room _5). At were:: W -
such" as otatoes roots Nand cab- _.Other senior games W. ing
li ton
ham won both`. does''from•C n
ba e, -should':.be: stored •,in, `-a .cool' -
g ,
•� 15-2 anct-14 4,•
Place. with. a' hi h hu idit Such •. ... , ..:
pg m In the foal 1ay.off: games: first
e e drtions .low .down the p
storage on s
0 � Z �q
_ A . � e ch.' 2 : m ham.:5
ame :God ri 1 _ W
natural .a zng ,processes, of e�,e
-�: "'me ': , in am-g...-Ggde--
tables andpieventahrivelling, anal.: •"' . a.:; ;:,second ga W gli
the 'v ,;table last' rnuch:;lon er rich 6 third`game, •Wingham.. 12,
g, ..g, s:�'o.n1n AS � .,
. . _
wand -haves -snore food ._value: .. ' '.
" time t fiave a'1 ' •' Top scorers for :'Seafoi'th':Senior
:Many -Louse bas,... ns .g
. .,Girls was ;Marjorie Pa liter ,
�w Cond�tr
furance :which ..Creates : a. warm , .. N _
• .� points In. the Junior division tof
n iritable ,,
dry atmosphere, entirely•u s , .:..Recent stuff;}e"s have.: shown=ap- lire tour-n�ainent, • Seaforth was, put,.
for :stored vegetables. The simplest parentl: for the .first. time=tltat out of the :running, in: the first
and`, most satisfactory method of P , _-. s i,
�. . .. salt poisomngan pigs is. a clear-cut •game. The' first :game was won f4.
providing: horne'storage is.to con nd ti n , 1 deric The second
, and .easily , •recogniz-able co di p to, 1. by..'Go h h. ,
struct a Small, . air -:cooled storage; meeting ',,,the ` animal's .. tissues. game,,, was. won by .Seaforth 14', to
iooin in .the corner of• :the base.- .However, Some; of the;synipttms of 6, ''and -:the ',third''game by Gode
nient. ` Select a• corner of the base- he' games:.
the con litieir-r-esemble othe'r.:_;dis rich, 15 -to 8 .In', the'ot r g rr
merit which..has ' a nearby window;: eases ; : This :..makes .:piper, diag, 'first 'game, Clinton •10•, ' Wingham
because an ;opening to the outside' ;
. , . � nos s •;inipoxtant.' ; ' -: 8; '''s,eeond,;'game,.Wirgham;15, Clio-
is req�ziredfor ,ventilating" and,. ton 5;' ;,third game, ` Clinton' 111,
1 Salt paisomng develops when a,
cooing ,the storage. t i s Win 'ham '8,
• high level of -.Salt is given . o �p g g
The :two most im ortant: factors, G er :ch won the 'Junior 'volle
without': '•an'- increase �=ln:. drinking , od i y
in 'operating the storage -:are tem,1 m tom include blind- ball championship by-: defeating
w ate-. ? S s
peratuie control acid high :;timid-, y p
-gess tvinttiching of nose' and n'eG1i Clinton 13-4 and.,1�9 Tie.=top•segz:-
rte Aim at cool3 <'the storage .by •- o•., ers for:seator.h: Junior team wer'e.'
loon nd .
c r a
u c cis i b r
, Eahren .
m s 1•es . l u g °._
a 3 'de see
iia ' n'to 5 wi � Dints ' an
ent do g -Lynda .Dpbson, th 8 p d
licit -te ex:ature-:•as=•roan 'as , os :ewentual'll' unconsCousness
a}p ,... ,, . -• ,•• --. Corrine,Smith with 5 points.
• , e , Ex eriments. at the•.Ontaiio..Xref
• g-;. P . , . ,. ;Championships
Slide; and '>ma�,ttitainin this tem. Thi , �VolTeyball.
eratur e throughout the sv n.ter . ;A .erinary, College .have indicated'that 1 °
pg urn .'as.m st:easil' ro-�wexe w+on:•hY: ',.Jumors,;Goderich;.
'constant ,high humidit - within...the salt pciiso g. r�,: .P 3. p r ham'
g ,: yfor
. ,. Semors, tZ ng,. :. �
as : severe...
- duced,. vuhen water w . Y . � .
storage is as important for ma�ln, ... The 1958: Football, season drew to
restricted.' -The, condition •ci1d '1iof
tabling high quality tn• the:•st4red.�. ,. a close;.Tu;esday- when ;Clinton. was
IS a cool to • erat re::occur. at all a hen• fresh nater :w;as, :. _a ..a
products as s ,• mp• ..0 ,, , . ; � _; •...:de>:eated 21 8 ,liy; Winch, m, in .
A sample :yet, effective •method _is ;;available continuously. • , • sudden death playoff game. in'.Clui-
to r:kee the floor.''of the : storage '+ •< ton_
P I:
vvet,--by pouring,-water:an it at in., - La2t.Thursdai .the Golden Bears'
_ - ..:_;)i10SPIT:'�Ir AUNILI.AR,Y -1°O.IV!•EET, -<
tervals. , Much• more: water will be; were de?`eat d 21-,6 :by the;;Winghani'
re Hired 'for;wettin the floor. Jur The: Seaforth',Hospital Auxiliary., ^ 'm Atthe nd'' f the fir t ha '
q... , g.. , . . tea . . tw , o . f. s •; , �,.,
ing7the•fall, hen ventilation:is, con- will ;hold their regular monthly \Vingh.am•• led by.,,,the •score of• 7-6._
siderable compared to the: winter meeting at .the nurse's residence. At the ea,d of • the: game :Wingham'
season :when ventilation.is:.'slight:; onphuesday evening, N.ovcinber ll. led ,.21-6:' :
ar. eompletel5r.-absent _ ,--'....:-..-tat x.15,> . i- :1T' had• a.:,.brief interl�ie ,,with -the'
coach .of .the Seaforth' Golden Bears
}t"ire•dther•dav Mr,',Dolison told ine.
ktl#at..recognition,:<should ';be given-
to' all. nieinbers :of the , ,team: for,
'.1the wad• in which they played their.;
last .few, games. He ,alsosaid re-.
cognition should:be given to' the
_boys who: came out to all prat.
rites, :but :did notplay very often
• •day. the Senior- •basket=
brill „team' had : its first: practise:'
many' „Seniors turned 'out m
Comment§ which .L' heard.were
that they 'should have a.;good teafh
'this, year. This year the teams
Will be coached, by the :new -PT
teacher, M"r Godin. -
Cosy Corners . , '
.What•chap (staff memljer) with,
the top„ha't, was; out •Hallowe'ening,
Friday night?
What is Tso interesting, at Junior
3.4,0:,1,! 1,as Una caught', yon yet?_
-'sponsored by:-Bruce€ield -United --
Church °'W A., • on
Fr*day, . NOV.•.; 7th
at 230 pm
Brilcefield �Inited''' Cliure
tour CWristn�as•Suit No
W. R. Johnston and: Royalyork Clothes' are offering a big
Mid-season ' sale of suits - Q coats orI overcoats t tailored to your''
individual Measure, at savings -up 10 :20 per cent. -
I u` ant ra new i h ibetter ci e' ini'
If' you want su t for C ristmas, art this
=.week and. dlioose from 'their: big range of imported suitings and
eoatmings..:, �_ --'
Re ar05.00 and• $69.5.
Other Ranges on Sale at
■ 7
-- .
als .:.a• h i
You can s are in the big savings and ,choose -a:;
famour'`,"•Nanette , tailored:to-measure' suit or coat made
by,thea.:R Johnston Co; See the' big Stylebookbook and a
hundreds of exeiting eici s fin v, _:ci;'savc„up to :$13,90.'•;
REGULAR -TO, $69 50
SALE. •,, _
Down' go' the prices ' of
TO-'NOTCJI:• Beef ':and
Dairy Feeds,. and up go
lie sale! ;;Many; farmers
Ire takingadvantage-of'
hese ' LOW Paces' `and
°buying ' the -: Winter
Cattle Feed require-
merits now!
"For ;Restilts That P"a:�. Feed Your, 'Livestock ":The Topnotch Way.
10.00 PER TO Qn-All Beef and Dairy Feeds
bringing, in your own bags, havingus bag off•aTort or
mitre a�
?` ursel . Or,,if';you cannot take your : feed require-
Itup,attileMillyo •,.� -.
� uiremen
cuts in ton•lots,
-SAVE 30c t'tR;
CT. by picking dour requirements
up in Cwt's,_ at ' the Mill
, nods o`vember ;15th ' so bu •oar require-
Topnotch Dalry :1V14>th..e � : y �',_,
: • ,, ... er ` before.the :glad tyf�hTo� mb 5,. P ,,
' hone ,::775:
Here is a fine example; of ,what can be done in back-arid=white brit
when the leaves :tures to•silver'and ..golkl,.our autumn season presents
exceptional opiortnnities for scenes iii;• color.
Every Province' Rich in Pitt .re Sub.•
e f
Canada .has a natural resource, eget a bandy pocket-size exposure.
that IIyou•' seldom see listed. You'l.l gwde at small; cost at almost any
see slriinarals, timber fisheries and pllothiisraplk about exposures -bt oth-.
other resources' referred to f' nm. er you if your's,is •a'boy-type cath
time to time'and-Vetoiii re nitircc•a':-cra,7becauseyou, -tooyy Can get good
tit, `pict''1e snbject$ are limitless, results; .and have a9otof fun •doing,
'Our. Canadian autumn is::a sea-. it • The new color films• have a
son 'When_ all nature:seems: to beck- :\vide exposer'e':;latitiide'•so`that'ev
on.tle Camera fan With one of her en if ,all the conditions are,, not,
most: pressing invitations to visit perfect,,.you're- most'likelis tget
the out-of-doo>:s ti?ith an,ample sup- good pictures anyway'
ply roil filri:;.- ' „As for black -and -white autumn
Every province leas 'a myriad.. of prctitres; t'lon t-fefterfriatthe oiie
nature's attraetitins : a wealth of ; We are= using to illustrate this COI -
scenic 'beauty that, Driers creep uibii is' one If"you Conte acr;oss a
tiopal opportunities• ,for bothblack, scene something .ike it, -take
and white •and• color photography; plenty of time, to• arrange :good,
The 35mm slide fan. •can =reap a ,compositidn.' Note holy the tides
harvest' of ma nificent scenes a ct':the'lefrfbreground'•give. depth to
re t= a in- the Whole scene • so compose your
the: •color ' contrasts. p sen n ,
teresting 'challenge. -for- blacl4 anal-':pictrare' the:'same Waj> -or with' a
white photography and the -use of •person,1ooking off; into to thedis-
filters- .lance; :Note; too, that therr is 'side
•tu n � ea •1s.
Perna s :the au . m 1 g
strangest 'for color' ietures`i and If the ground in front.of yotu is
espec Bally' :now_ -that_ they..can be, in deep shade, ;use a flash btilb to
'taken as 'easily as blaclland- put game- light there,- And if
white. Then, too, the •sunlight has you're using a boi eameta ,,,don t
a softer glow at this tinie,;of year stand, closer to the frees or person.
in Canada, and there is" 5 slight- in the 'left foreground:°than• five,
haze; This is perfect lighting for foot.
color. for adjustable cameras, focits on
If .you are' --using' color film in a the object in the foreground, 'then:
carhera with adjustable :openings cioSe•down to f'16'or f-22 and shoot,
and shutter speeds, read carefully'` t 11.25 Second. At that sltiW'speed;"
the -instructions that come' with holt_ the eamera rigidly to avoid
the .film. They have been prepar- camera ` movement Better still,
ed by • experts for the sole' purpose use a, tripod or plgce:ahe cainera
o£ helping -..you Etc. get the most out -en any solid footing available•
of• your hobby.. If you feel yoil Ilzrs-•is 'also time to prepare
need adAlitlonal guidance• you. Can yGeorge. H, Kay
Outstonding-'gtipp gualities q„
to give sure traction on Snow.
Ice or Mud;
Tread a rubber compound' for'o
fresh Sure bite op revery: tum
of the` Wheal. '
• Designed .for coal running do
.bore.. roads.
Avaitoble now ..
FA.icaMER. ,
a a Y NQN'E 13/9
Low Down,'' Payment
Special Terms To Stift Your Purse
Cornbl+•• .. • • :1111oclel a
•ust :' to time for