HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 3ee the Gigantic Selection of:.
At Your Horne
rr " urska Night.
o,.i6 Nights,, from , 8a to .10 p.in., eitcept T ec. 25th and Jan. lst
Co cin - vember 6th
The Seafor,th.DistrictHigh School•.l3oard will -offer the following
proposed courses
TNG -Element r : Course: Selection of Material Pattern' .alteration ' shortcut,
SIW ay Material;i.
•ma `ing simple clothing. •
2.'- COOKING. Advanced course,
<, , , 3. 'WOODWORKING Basic-: hand tools. and how ,to use tem
4 :TYP1lWRITING•=A be inner's: course, ;dri11S'`rhythmic exercises, touch system.
g ,
5. MOTOR MVIECflANICS-- Fundainental:•studses of the internal: conibiistion.` engine;
ignition;; transmission, differential, brakes, 'maintenance and minor repairs.
1GIC SFEAIU,ING- •Conduct of . rneetin s ' duties of'.ehairman and' officers, Par- •
6� PUB g ,
iamentary procedure; practice, in speaking
�A' 'ele e
ntar c u
7.. OI%, y
. ANI) FIRST AIII—Care of sick Mise f atitise tics' 'and �bandagess •
8, : HON* NURSING It • ¢? p
9, BASIC MGI.ISI'i. and;'.CITIZIINSHIP-For New, Canadians.
There may. be •-other courses in •which there is an interest. •1f so,
please , fill. in coupon, . indicating such. courses, _ and, if there is sub:.
ficient .interest every effort will be made to provide instruction.
'FEES -r-$5,00 per person, pgyabfa on the' opening night' of -..,the course, at •which time
---. ' will assemble in the:Aiiditoriuni to:meat crass instruct
' rSe� _ 1 w
. tT I>x. Orth.. The OOu S Ven
Registration�� multi be :made' on a regis atia f h g ,
er who re i ter. In case•,.ot over -re istration in: any ...
•depends upon the; numb v ., .:. g5 g
course, applications will be accepted iii order' of registration. So, fill'out this '
, form" below and",send it to L. P. 'PLUMSTEEL, Principal, Seaforth District
High School,,
•• '"NIGHT
am interested in. registering in Niht,Masses with. ... : ,,. , ,
as first choice, or.::.:.,
as second :chore;'
Telepl`ione Exchange and Numbed
MR. AND14'IRS. =GERALD. •F. RYAN .Were.'Married in.::St Am
brose Roman; Catholic Church, Brussels, recently;'„ The bride is'the;
former Dorothy ,Ann- Skinner,, R.R; •1< Moorefield;' and . the bride
groom's -parents are `Mr-and`MTs.Lawrence Ryan; R.R. 2;:Walton.
The,;couple will reside at R,R -.1•, Walton. ;,(Photo by .Russell)-,
Members of the Hensall •$antam.• Hospital, : Exeter Scott -Memorial
ball"team were 'banqueted at •, a .Iiosprtal, •,Seaforth . County Home,.
turkey dinner at the Legion, Hall Clinton,,Queensway Nursing Hpirie
Thursday evening : .-Ninety';: sat. Hgnign, and Many' loeal residents
down to dinner prepared-and-berir- `B=a{Yiryn re a-lid.—Miss
ed by"'the %ladies. Guest speaker Amy"Lammie, "London, spent the
was Tim. <Burgess, of Lambeth• weekend. with: :Miss Greta Lam
Rev Charles D Daniel was mos-•mie
ter of ceremonies.Mrs. Eleanor McKenz•ie, of T ip-
Laird; Nfiekle; thanked the IOOF pen home: after - a
•fpr sponsoring the ,team this sum two month's, '`delightful vacation
mer, and wlio.also banqueted.the spent with relaives 'at."Talinake,'
tearii Syd JVIcArthur expressed,; Kansas. „The, tript.*as "made ; by
thanks. 'to the. ladies:.' Gifts' of bus,
smokes `Were presented to manager 'Miss • Mildred, :Forrest, Reg,N
Ernie-�Chipcliase and -coach Ed oil' the "staff `ofBrantford General
Corbett by the' ball team Hospital, • spent the "weekend :• with
Bingo Winners heir • parent's, Mr. and :Mrs Win.
r..W'niiers. of _Le io •- Satur= Forrest.
day :night were.gMa gore'' Wood-- lGleiin Koehler -as -been appoint
burn -:';Mrs • ,Cochrane:;and Mrs N. ed• , manager and caretaker:::- of
Baird;';Mrs:'Baird; .Mrs W7 Doupe,..Ilensall, Arena.'
Gordon Oke Mrs,.:Deitz` <Mrs, `;Mrs.: lice JoVrit was,. in London
Meindinger; 'Mrs George j•:Boa Satin:day last attending the rugby
.Mrs. N. Fleischauer; -;- Irs...;Mein-, game ,•between the Toronto Blues
Binger; Mrs. R. ,Taker and ;.Mrs, • and Western:M stangs, Her grand=
Smith: Donna Wilkinson Mrs„ Wes son, Larry Joynt;;'Of Toronto, 'N'Vas
Vennei:.;and William Webster,; Miss .a; member of the: Toronto team
O'Kes: Also attending the game were Mr.
'Jackp.ot this Saturday will be. 'and Mrs. Laird,J'oynt a:nd.Dr. and
worth ,$115 in.:66 calls., Mrs. Harry 'Jo'ynt, Toronto, and
Puillic lteration,..,will be the Dr. William •Joynt London
e :November• meetin - Mrs Laird •1Vlicl le ':and Miss
theme. o£ th; g'
ol`Hens'all Women's Iiistitdte tobe B,eti,, .Mics e - -spent :.Mein -day :
d 'W�n
lie/o, dneriay, .November 72, in Ridgetown visiting he atter-s
the • Legion Tall at -8.::15 p:m ,...The -grandmother, Mrs" George .. T
guest.speaker•fothe evening will ;Mickle.
be Mrs, Georger Wilson of ; St Mr. and Mrs, 'R C. Chadwick; of
Marys;' Public` Relations convener Burlington , sppent the, : weekend
of the'' Federated 'Women's Insti- with Mr. -and 1vIrs Fred Deer and
tute "of. Canada, ,who will'.give- as. ramfly.•
illustrated talk. on ; het trip; to
a delegate in "7957. Miss • Phyllis• ' ® • '
Case :Will • present 'her report of MI and Ars. Ronald Butters, of
the London Mtea convention.; she. St. Thorn as, with Mr, 'and firs.
Tom Butters
Mrs'. Terry. Flannery.. has return-
ed home :from Hamilton.
Mr. " Hubert Kolkinan , of. Len:
ach Ont.; •has rented the hori�e of
Mr.CarlTrutter; •
Mr Earl Trutt:er and faznily-
have rnoved1.o the farmer farm,,ofr
Ernest 1'kadscheidt,'of R R. L•
Mr. Harry Freriks of Levack,
have;rented an.•`•apartment from
Ceylon 'to which she'' attended as
attended as a•,:delegate•$
Special .InusiCal numbers will :be
given, ':and • Mrs Hairy Hess: of,
Zuriehi';will be guest soloist' 'Roll
call will be:'"Bring a friend'ancl
introduce her," Program ccinven
Viers•are,Mrs; M.' Redden and 147rs
:G Hess; hostesses Mrs G Aria'
strong.`and Mrs. N.E. Cook
Ronald Lorne Coleman,. R.R 1
'Varna,:travelling south •on N0, 4
Highway, :was -blinded, by thesights
.of a northbound •car, crotwclmg.him
off the' road," with the' result that.
:1>,ei..s.tr"Ock, a telephone: pole in, the
north „ditch. 'Daniages, were esti-'
mated at $50'0' by: OFF Cecil`aGib
'bons,-,,ef ,Exeter, ivha,-'ipvestigated.`
Hensall Kinettes• ' observed . Sun-
day_ Novel ber--2;..ate Shut-in- Day'
and called • on;:34 111. and shut-ins;
presenting them. each. With lovely
boxes:;They,'visited South Huron
Hurondale` W.1
Rears,, Reports.
T Iurondale WI met in the Huron -
dale school" with Mrs. Bobert Jef-_.
fery�-and."Mrs, fiarry •.Jeffery a`s,
hostesses, with ' MrS. Henryy• Bid-
ing, Mrs, William B•oweliffe • and
Mrs. Harry `Snell: :assisting, • Roll.
mall was answered by naming; the
person's favorite 'book or .:maga-
maga-zine. The naotto, "Take time to.
read, it's the highway to Imowl-
edae'r, was taken by Mrs: Elford.
program included citizenship'
and -education report by the con-
vener, Mrs, .James, Kirkland; duet
by ,Linda and .Mary Parsons, as=.
sisted. on '.the piano _h t .Margaret.
Oke, and a reading by Mrs:
Rev, Bren DeVries, -.rector of
Trivitt Meinorial.,- Church, Exeter
and Hensall, spoke to the.-
choosing -as his subject,. "Citizen,
ship."He was introduced by' Mrs..
Leslie Gibson -and thanked by Mrs;
Alvin Moil:
Mrs. Gerald McFalls and Mrs.,
Garnet flicks gave reports on the:
London area'eonvention which. they*
attended, 'Mrs.. Percy "pass:Merei
reported- on the Exeter . Hospital
Auxiliary meeting. The. November
meeting .,will be held_ 1n.
borneTSaiool:. Ca-Cc
Mrs. Frank ,-Lostell and.Mrs
V, i'
Mrs. 'Stewart Beattie, of Wing-
4i m;visited- during the " weekend
with her mother, Mrs,' Robert Mc.
Bxiide; who loos .been ,confined to
her. bed. '
Twelve deer''bunters Wt Kippers
Sunday: morning for a week to the
Parry Sound District . They' i`m.&
crude Neil .Taylor, Jim McAllister,
Hinmerson Kyle, 'Wes: 'Richardson,;
Ross Richardson, Howard Smale,.
William Bell, Dave Treibner, Al;
lan "Tremeer, . Ed. • Morton and
.Campbell r Eyre;
Mr. and Mrs.,A; Ashworth and
daughters, of Denfield, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and , Mrs. Darold
Jones and sons. •
Sunday guests, of Mr, and Mrs.
Archie arsons included Mr. and
lVirs. 'Howard ' Ferguson, Roger;
Glenn „and Wayne, .of Thamesford,,
also Mr and: Mrs: Jeseph•:.Fergu-
son, .of near Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs' ,W, T,: Mellis, ,ac:
cpmpanied by .Mrs. John Gibson,
of Wroxeter, -visited over the week
Hensall Legion ...
Completes P lans
Hensall Legion met Monday eve
ning in the Legion Hall with presi
dent'William Brown presiding. The
group decided to'. sponsor; a Pee
Wee ,hockey+: teak ,again chis will-',
ter, ,.Plans were also•,arranged for
Remembrance Day service; to Abe'
held=in •the ,Town Hall-on�'Navem "'
'tier a m ;_'with a :parade'
preceeding, the: service, with the;
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary; Scouts,''
Cubs, and. Girl Guides taking part.
Inthe evening a. sdcial:will be"
held,' attended ,by. members offi
class".of yarious town organizations• ;
and ttlwn .council
iA'•donation of $25 0 Wds'hiade to'
the Spiiin.:hill Relief-Eund_.
and `$10.00 to the 'Beck Memorial;
Sana.tarium Christmas • fund:: Two:
new members •Earl 2lmrner .of
Zurich, : and.' William J. Cameron,.
of ..Hensall,; were ••'initiated into.
membership._ y°
Find . Calf In
4:0 Foot - Well
Aone-year olcl;;_calf w,as._found
Saturday Standing:, in. ;two :feet -:of
water .at th:e bottdhi o£ ,a.;10, -foot;
well ;'.by Hensall district.. farmers.
It was "estimated :by'ilie fanners`
that: the animal had -been ,wedged,
in the' well fer about three days..,
When ,examined by, a veterinarian, •
it was found to he, suffering•irom.
shock _
Qwned by ' Harry Smith; `wlio
lives' 'one:mile:south. of Hensall, the.
calf°:disappeared four•• days pre.
viou$ly T,he well., is located on, he '.
property : o£ `: a, neighboring'' farm;,
owned by .Ray:Bell:
:Farmers ;organized a posse , to
search lor. the e_ al.,f~and_ found
tacks Ieadkug •to ' bushIand? Haw
ever, during - an extensive hunt-
Saturday searcher.s.heard :a noise
in the well: 'and found the . anrixial
Iodged at the bottom Theaniin.al'
was; hauled irom he ti ell, by,,.;; a
tractor, after Ray': Ingram went,
down;' into the wel.1 aiid,,tiod a .
rope`_ around': ijie animals body
Mr. and M1frs.11 issell Sholdice
visited with 'Mr: and', Mrs: • kit ssell
Knight •and •Mr. ',•and+,Mrs.; Noss
Knight c Hear Cranbrook,• recently.
end with Mr. olid Mts. Ed- illi,-
sett af` London,' , •
Mr, and Mrs- N'Lnngspent the`
weekend,,. visiting 'relatives arld
friends •.in OWen, Sound and An
Harr, ' . ,
Mir, and Mrs., Cordon Wren vis-
ited Saturday" and Sunday with a
son and :daughter -lit -law, •Mr, and
1VIxs..Ivan Wren, of Hanover.
KipPen :Young :People. held their
meeting at the United Church On
Sunday afternoon; Noveintier 2nd, .
with Mr, Harold ,Parson's presid-
frig. The meeting opened with aW
hymn. First vice-president, Shin
ley. Reid,: gave the scripture, fof `.
lowed by. prayer •given, by Jeari:
Turner, The, topic, was- taken by,
Ruth Turner, . who. , spoke on the
lifer , of William 'Shakespeare -an i
his great works. This proved to be
both'interesting =and :educatjona1;
After a short business . Period,games ,were enjoyed, The meeting
closed with the singing of a hynuit
and the; Mizpah benediction,
Canadi n Petrofina Ltd.
- Dealer nifd"'Distii utox of r
Petroleum 'Products,
Phone .354 -
AS,':STOVE. and,
FURNACE `04.7H Plijiripit' Tarin and 1toin Dehiver•
lurr Hurr ...':Ilo us
, . . See � Oirr�:ll�larye u
1 tion f 1. They ,
e eG o To` s -'V14h e e Last!
.Son ething For Everyone
eenci e• Dolls J Sewing Machines
Strollers `'Pandas
ooI' Sets Cowboy Outfits
echanical- Toys
robin®Ie Baards
®arts.. _ Bows and - Aria
Rockers able- an airs
Sleighs ' Toboggans
laig Min
or a 'herd's: /e 'View of Christmas
igr. and Mrs: eo Crbnyn, of,
-Blyth,; • With Mr. ? and . Mrs." John:
Mr- and Mrs. Hugh • Pu.gh 'and
Glenn, of Clairinont, with: Mr.• and
`Mrs, .. Ferg'iis Stapleton. . •
Mr. 'and,M.rs.• Frank Evans and
Mrs_ Joseph.. Melady'_in. "Galt,'
Miss Mary Morrison, Kitchener,
With Mr, and'Mrs Janies Morris
, Miss Shirley- Horan, .Brantford,
with. Mr. and Mrs.. , Fergus. H Iran.
e 0 • p Mr and Mrs? Taunt' ;'• Pt�ntiac;-
�.3. 0 TgXe _. Stal'I Mich , with Mr, and yrs Michael.
Nagle, •
Tolle . Collected :Mr, and Mrs. Harburn-,> of Staffa;
have rented the hoine�•recent1y Pur
Less, than .$.3. per,. cent of fie: chased 'by ,Mr, ;d;. J. Coyne, : 0
tax. vi ' .;-Ont,' .
1958'. tae are still: • in 'r r` 'a .J r s
s s i lai ea s t a
j ,
Tom O'Rourke, of 'Dundas,,
Hensall. A'1VI.. T O'Rouk a
11. ecording :to, . 'coYlec- r 4 ,
Hes � tax >
tor, J. A, Paterson, arrears total with Mr,' and Mrs.' Clayton' LaobY;
only. $1,81218: This . report : was ,The regular nuinthly meeting of
made at the'Monthly, meeting •cif the Dublin Women's`In5titiite was
Hensall • council Mdnclay "night.' held at the honi:e' of Mrs -. oseph-
Council instructed. Mr -Paterson, to Looby • an. Wednesday with -a 're-
i 'presentative . attendance.
The res
,? withi i t'
Contin his collectii n i n P
instruc tad to hand in the'tax. r:71. ident, Mrs: I Aikens,: opened the
Council, in considering c; rrca ' meeting; arid the..secretary-treas
ponder ^p 'received„decided to con P.V urer 'Mrs.: Hdna Looby,•, read t:he.
eur: with a resolution passed" by .minutes and a,satisfactory..tre as.
Exeter; town.council recently;- re- nrer's report
gaxding. the Canada Temperance Roil call was aix's'wered by men..
Act, ,lhe -Hensall group :will„.pre :.: boning the. name of- one -of -our :lo<-
.pard a. -duplicate, arid forward it to cal birds. Mrs, A. M. Looby gave;
the parties.. concerned.a xesame of current events;• . and
• Bills . and- accounts,•: passed for Mrs, Jordison listed a ;:number of
payment,. -and totalling 52, 632..48, household hints
included: ;Municipal World, :sup The. guest speaker was Mrs.;Bert
plies, 17.16; .G.• It. • Hess, printing, Daynard, of Staffa, ,'who.:gave an
$10,6;50; C Reid, 'gravel, construe extremely informative treatise on
tion, $1;864.00.; C. Reid, gravel,, .birds, of wiaieh there are' more
maintenance, $14 ;La Prange Fire than 500 species in the Province
Engine Se • Feamite • Ltd' , siipjtlies, of. Ontario, Pictures and actuate:
-$38,-Bell Telephone, services, '.niis<. cordigge of their` vagi.oiis_.songs
cellaneous •$J; Fire Dept,, , $15.55; were • very- interesting. •'•A vote, , of
Township of . 7sborne, . ,taxes,, on thanks,anci a ;small gifts were ten -
'dump, .$55:87;.,,,
en--dump;::$5587,-,, ensall„District`.Co- dered .ta. vtrs ,Dayriard' for her
operative, fuel :oil Hall, $20.47; , E. much , appreciated,. address:
L, Mickle &.Son- tds;-s-alt„streets •An auction of various 'distinctive
$10.50;' C Kipfer,,-.p.ostage, $5:00; householdplants.'. followed, and
F. Datar5, labor, .streets','$20';00; Mrs' Nagle gave ;a piano instru-.
E. Munn1a.berr stzeets, 50; D. mental: Mrs J, tirchill will. at -
E. 1Vlaclinnon; selecting • jurors, tend "a district directors' `'meeing
$150; N. I -t. ' Jdnes, selecting jur at ,Embro. ora November •3i d. •
ors, $1,50 'J, A. Paterson select Oa Tuesday, a group of W..
irig jurors $5, express F D $1:15, members attended., a shoat course,•:
salary $116.66; Receiver Gen"rrral, 'featuring the proper procedure for
incotne tax, $1.75; E. R: Davis, W..I, tit"eetings. it: was conducted.
salary,'' $ 31,.58; Drysdale' Hard* 'by Mrs. Meratter, of Owen Sound,
ware, supplies , Hall $3:09, streets honoraryi provincial representative,
$6.60;• Bensail P.U,C., Hydro and of Federated Women's: Institutes,:
water,” Hall,- $17,40: Lavender's Various;'interesting discussions'
Garage, supplies F,I. $39.40, trac- took place •and;.• -much information'
tor $19.80,• • relief, $20,' , ivas ..obtained by the rnenrbers.
$239.95 ..
WI STYV Gla() 1SE ` ItOtO
refrigerators - Dryers 1:
Deep Freeze
Special Prices
�- .Il Appliances
R �
we will give
kith, Each Apidiaite
With �ac
1FN t Hee Freeze,`or':Goinbination ti:ef . ei°ator
and Beep, Freeze..,..: ,
Phoue,,a4 -- URICI
Phone 04 W 1 - SEAFO i