HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 2Si/ice 1869- Serving the Conviriani6 blisbgd at SEAFORTH,. ONTARIO, everY. ,ThursdaY,, 1119riting .by McLean Bros., '''ublIskierS" ANDREW Y igal.,BAN, Editor . gtBsdittPrmic; RATES: Canada (in advanee).:.2.50 a Year . 1-Tnita•Siates acT,vanee).'-$3.50 a Year 778INGI•ktOPIES .5-CENT§1"ACH-7•-- - Authorized is,SeconclOaaa Mail; l)tst Office •Department, Ottawa • Member ef'. Canadian Weekly. - Newspapers Association . BAFORT, NOVEMBER:7,. 1,958 So That TheirSacrifice May Not . Be. Ili Vain' $eqpi:th-' and district citizens, in At no "bine should Armistice Day : ,common with their fellow Canadians be regarded as a holiday, as a 'day, of om-coast t -O eoigt; will -pay tribute relaxation, of pleasure. Rather,' it i§:a day, of •remembr9,nee,..of,dedica:. o the dead of' two wars at Remein-• ranee Day services Tuesday In the two •1diiars, ' ' The deeasiOn -thi",e°2\a ;v65°I, tunitY. for 'Citizen.sAp pat,homage- to .•tOP aggression in Korea; 288 were° the fiTeinory ofthos,..e--wh-O-i-4id.----46Wir---: killed --In addition, thonsands moi e - their live's, to presers:Ta oiir Wa3r'„Of, -suffered wound, the.results Of which life. 'Unfortunately; it is an oeeasion tliey ,Will.never he -rid: that In paStyears-:-VarickeirignlYreq---.77. --ThleSe- Canadians. died to protect • by far too many among those who and yreserve our freedom—freedom benefit from the s,adrific-eSof the. to worship; to vote; to .speak as .we fallen. A :Remembrance Day- cere, will. They died, too, to free human - Via*, atttncled by 4niere handful of fty from war: Remembrance Day, itizenS is not Only an affi ont, to therefore, is a -time when their sacri-: those who gate their...411:U Isail in:- be-r—recadlgd a-ndaut - dication of care' 'attitude ‘thoughts - and actions 'directed in . that prevails all toc. frequently to- Such a fashion that their lives Will • •not have - been. given in 'Vain. Ynicipal,.-Vcrtring,--Arrangernents,-Need .0 tions macle, th'.3rdon't know 'the tithe limits; they., clbn't know 'eVen,.. some- times, if 'their -names have been left oft. • • ,It is all very -well to say they s 01,11 .know—that they "should read the 'fine , print. more 'carefully: ,'But-, would it not be more practical tO take steps to,. point outin a'stra-ight .f.Ort‘Tard Way_ ;just what -Voting right's 'a ratepayer has, .and' the,.steps..he,,•must:take. to . - guard ' - As f ar:aslack'of interetneleC tions is concerned' there 15 n dQubt thata long 'delay' between nominaNew Uerk Starts - r•Rdures to , follow whereby names -tion and election results ina loss ofwli, he lists., may be added; .• enthusiasm... P•erhai)s dt-ls- too . late, to co.ntiii,y,a.r•ni:er-la7irwho 1 the- 613.-ew,seierrek- Members of Seaforth-Cduncil at—a; recent meeting,' expressed concern about the little interest there appears to be in municipal elections. In con-- 'sidering the cause,It wa. suggested that the period that elapses between nomination day and .election allows 10,h3i—ilitere.St thatd- , haladen aroused to dissipate. At the same time, 'the possibility hat-there-ararrfe-who would wish to vote but.who_vkroulcnot hate -their name on the voters' .was raised. The statutes, of c,oursel.set out prO,-7, BA TO Brother . Charles Johnston was in Loadon laSt„ Friday bight at: TA:Ames Hall, attgriallitc-attieagradaationagerernon- Jes out--by.atheraUniversitT of -0litario-.7-Hisolarether, • Letinaral; who is 'principal of a 'nubile Schopl St Marys, :received his Bach- elor of Arts degree,.aIong with 1.80. other still:lents being honored that night'Clinteri ITewsRe,cord..••: U TY BROD-HAGEN ' Flowers ,wer.e placed, in 'the ehanCel of St,. Peter's Lutheran sandtry. fralit t1ftn Oral:of• Mrs. Ed wesenterg (Ariv al.litda Pfeifer), Toronto.' Which.*as held in.igoroutO last .IVIondaY.' • • • Members of United 1...utheran Church Women were guests of the., Ladleal Aid of St.-PauPs- Lutheran Chureh, Efflce, on Wednesday., af- terrioem; . SteWards • Of the Christian Home met oil:Thursday evening , in., the church basement.Mr. and • Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Mr. -and Mrs. .11-a1ph: Fiseher and Pastor and Mrs. E: J. Tieeher' were. in chaage of devea tiOnsIllhe tonic Wasa'''We Take , Our Cherubs to Church" MiS.aFiSeher led a dise-USSion., on this to,pieo,Pes-:. :Mr:Fischer,: shoed slides, on their visit in •Nova: 'Scotia. , • •Viee-president Ronald Hinz Was , chargea,of • 'bush -lege.- The bus trip t� the Royal Winter -Fair :on Friday, . NM/ember.' 211 ,• was the main disciisSion-Lurfets ,-wasj-Serv:- .edby .the same .corninitteeas in charge ef devotions: • A ,aalloWe'en tamewas:. also enjoyed. • Phe synipathyof the conirounity extendedto the farnibe and ,rel- atives.aOf lVfogl.E,....,Who felt -when the .curtain--finally.--relled shows. toco. . There was one; down .• passed away in S , Joseph s 'Hos up on the Cardn.o's Hallastage. on the vacant lotlacress.froinawhatpitai London a, on Tuesday r. Longbefore lliad read Lavery ad- was then-the.:old;fairnittire factory; ,•;, Mr and_Ma-_J0hxt ..Mnelfer: and_viertiseine•nts.., painted .:on..JhatLold„.„There' was a 'big ' redfacetf, man- wit4 her curtain (by the Way, 1: wendea 11. there one mother Misai-Aughat,Hillebrechtall:it IS...Still' up these') . . b tte "3-rniractilous cuie all l\tr.andl,Mrs.• Kenneth Raney , Them the house hght...adddenly ;•Wlifchsa•WoUlall,fix. all hiiman 111 inda and Fred, ttorigji,. dirriined; „n the curtain went up and •ments, g, .. reniember, plan t� fake .Up; residence:an Teron to "narned'at-IY•' 'Stieceeding.'Lerne eS•ananaaer here nob.- oef ....Belgaa ye ; li;ds been 7;iniiligirithae-B-felagravea •Robimon isarnaariedwitli.."iiire SOM. of high:School:age; •Bud Orr; who has. 'been .einPlaiyed at ,, the local Co-op'' for over 'two Sears, :g� to-Beigrave to take- 'oiler. the frian-: :agee's pdSition .0:ere; Blida .a.: native :Of Laickliowabacfrbeeri'einploy- ed . be- fore' returning M. laiicknew.-Lticit7 ,,a •• • 'IteheiVesll3A •...Congratulations :.are• extended: iViiss. Edith Lockhart; of Toronto, foarperlY of Blyth; on reCeiVirig:•her Bachelor of !Arts' clegreeat the fall, 'cell -Vocation. heidaat the, UniverSity Of.a.Westean. Ontario,. PridaY,. Oda: 20.: Mr•arid-,1WallStuart. RobinSbna G °deride: arid Mi a arid Mrs. AMU 'GrimineWa..„.Tor.entoaaW,ere the guests,!latteriding .the cenveea- tion.-a1VHS-a-1,LeckliattaislaDhOnaeo ecci.:- nbinie. teacher :at Beverley-Heights- j46.10t:-71:Tigh -Sql.k66,1-iii. North' York/ -Blyth• : bmitted. frbin t ::•. '-'-bilt action must be .6.'k4,k):"..Witl'ill ,Cel':',:-,'. : ,;:•':ldO,l'al4attlii.•14".a,,b,(y6tait, til'i',.• 'sre.;',Neit.;...:,' of. :• the :, •To.wn•',:';-.4 ,••1,Ttinighani,-eeni.: , tain Prescribed time :if Onl-:S.sions. are : ''..3 . yearas.,another ' Matt .r . and ' • "t • : .... ,..,: ., , „ e, ,..,,,, ., i, con . .,.: riekt,,Weelo.:'The neWarriuniciPal•Ofo .. . .. . to be corrected„'.: •:- ....,. 2 ' ::',;.'...'.", ., .''',"...,,,...'..i.' .'":., .: ."be-;hOpe4that the....CoUncit.tliQh. Ini.git't.":''.- 'neer.'..:6thei..tO , WingliaM.. wifha' the. • . ' This is all iety-ti*p1.6'. 'O-4P4.0i41S;--,.---.de-v-O, ....tv-S-Onie:tinie....;th ..4E't'i4d'v.'6f'.'th" ••• '•,,b.p.,,i,, possible . "recOnimendationa . and /leo le. who • .,-1 y ;‘ :., 4 ..,., : . ... , .. .61., ,... . I.:... ,...d....i.,. : ,,..: . , ..:„... ,,,- ...,,,. :"':-,frariirtairliarrio. 'Where 'h/asabeen, . e• P : 4, to day deal-. :,.- proems, •re.ate .._ ,0:•.•tutIllicpai.:•e.te-eL'..,...tb,..iiii„:..eleikloi the,iiaStl„t 76'Y,'eari: ,...ing with municipal .nlatters...,..gtlt;.':t.O......'., ::ti.OriStiOtTiii.'-late,09tOtier-.;-bnt:,,erl' ' ''''Fill'll'iei';'' Ills'.• average: citizens • •it, :preSentS::',1;di ' ' i..-,..A..,the':*.eaf,". :tune to take - t-' Yi''''' .1Yfni'd'iall,,,;i,o7,44.46:..,i:ta,.,t..!;VIZSgittqritiolrea, fa.c. 10,Pa I. ,, a - cnities. 7'To ' begin .' with,:' '66y':',4 - ',.-t, : -the'5.tn-d.TY.-,rindiq--4't•O'S.''''.'-a'etiO ... , on, liTixtbiltd:T.11.,..„_:-,,,, ity• on .mumemal, work.,Wingharri, aa-.... . YF -7„.. ..AdvaliceTiniesa ..know ho -to ,go abOntliaing.corree:-.,•-. :,:lielPfut: - ' -:.1 ' :- ' " -• • ' ''''' . ' • . • . ,,.. ijilt: Chief.. could this duties on Monday of EDERAT • The king -pin of the completely, 'iebUi1tiiifiOIiCe force will :be Sergeaat ;Frederick ..Minshall, a0owho liasl served witia-theaileOp • Police denartmeat.for 20 years.' On -;rattefesting items': gleaned from: Monday :he will become chief- of • , The Huron Expositor of 25; .50 By 3,, C2Lital , HEivai\Tura_wAy., ... the" town forde and take over di- . - • • • , , - rectiOn of four rookie constables. and 75 years •ago. Hallett Township.' Federation Of -"SI'', ee. x'a-Cille' F' HaMA(Mot Hathll meet._ Nva• •80sPe.nded on .August 27, e "a-•"..aaa••••'.6"-•a-•*-"'•••"'" Agriculture held its annual . ... ' - - • ' lig in' the Commit unar ll af acting chief ef the town force has ,Fr°n1 The' Ilur.°;n •E*Pci.T.°1* . Kr' Pavid metellan 'ha:ihg s rented. desboro On October .30. The been CP1- Helmar Shell, who has November 10,, I933his farm on ;., I - • the stlif 'c, meeting - was well '. attended with --h-e-eon '''') . ° t fr . .. . oncession, n loan t he town 0 111 the 0 . .iTackersInith; to Mr: Ilerify Carter some0 t . .0n or •-tuna - te 1y • ' Provincial . Police Sgt.. Minshall -• 14 presen . - ' - • . -• . *for. me, I had to attend the anima]. was selected. 'from. approximately Hon. Robert Weir, Minister - of of the west end • ing through' Western Ontario, yll-'2 , coal Stove attlie- home of; Mrs, Cream Producers and missed t e Ping of: OS from a meeting - of • the 'Huron Couttiy ' 40 aPPliants •for the. 1°1)- Ile. will Agriculture, who- has been innter-l• By the eica start at a salary .of $5.,200 'Pei irear- iGeorge' Baeker ' Brussels on Fri: dd d h -' f lid , T( a ress an s owing o s es ma- . • • i which is several hundred_ dollars .nn Thursday 1st a' visitor at the . more .than tbe salary which was • home of William,, 11.- Armstrong, , ads, night aaf-Ast ' week, . Migses en- by: Anson McKinleY, •Zurich;.' asdrnisr Ilullett. • and Pearl ,Baekea had • a ind on Which I have. heard 'very:i Ohl 1° thev.ehlei wh° ecl..--rGederich Signal -Star. • • IVIayor D. Slitherland Wes, narrow escape • from.taUffecatien, favorable. comment': ected preaident of lthe Beaver When fond, the former - , - a,.„. , . a.. , Was' lin-• At 'the cream procrticers meeting . ' . ' - , , til .eetE 5 -n -t o• • Hockey Club at the annual :meet- , conscious, and. the lattea partlY SO a .the.aelleaeing county directors were Other loll corriPaldea have long Ing oh Tuesday 'evening- • ' -, - !... 'The eiTlienall• flour; mill has been -eleCted as votingdelegatesto the abice 'dtig and gone 'front this" area,. . , , When thieves broke inteahls stere i-closed'dOWnfalaalmost_fohr MbnthS', provincial annual to be held in the but the tTal-Ott-Mar Oils IA d. -keeps late Monday night or •early -.Tues-'! during which time they have.etiMpo •Royal, York on November 18: ,Iltaa- :plugging .away ' at ..itswell; near : Alay , Morning, W. L. Querengetser;...1„Ped 'their' entire . mill With 'the -11f- I ace: belbridge.„'Elmer ;Ireland,: Rae,-Credifon. - .After . nine a years ;. fit teneral merchant. •Brodhageria•leSt:' eSt and rnest • mli-16-date •milling I Houstoa, Simon ;TIallahan, Huine ' drilling,: most • 'of thern fraught with, merehafidise, •,' valued '4it. ,..a4noit 'InieltinerY. ' :. ': ' .. ."'." '•I'Clutton, 'Delrhar. Skinner; .alter-, frustration, the company, Still:holds: ' ,oo: , ,--, • ' ,,. , . • • . - Mr. H. 11: *RuSeh, HenSalla has . nafes,. lames '.1. Elliotti., Russ'ell;, hope 'of success .: ' The,...; ekploratiori • Pupils Of • Seaforth ' Collegigte. In'. ' Ptirehsed 'thiring• the :past Week 4 Bolton and Den Buchanan .- . . I will. soon end,' however.•-• The cern- , , ., stituth : .g 4 th e r e d iii the assembly sParr, Of fine Ponies,. , . ,Simon Hallalian was re. -elected pan y Plans a ,"do • or,,diP"' Woe this - xoom cai •ThursdaY, n10riiingo ..!:vbeh. ''llir•:4611n 'Tumor, Jr is fn'l\reith` chairman, :With .1.1oriee Delbridge fall thatavviittell' the tale; accord special Remembrance' Day , pro - ern Ontario on his . atalual, -deer .1 as yice.chairmara and aa ;•.,', Hem,: ing - to ..drill,.er• George. .McMastdr, gran -i -*-as' carried out. .0Capion . Es huntifra, e., edition. ea . a, a ingway',aS .Secretarytreasiirer. Who's been. on • the- job for . seven a .§'", TWO.' reaeliitiens wer.e • aPproVed: Yeats. McMaster Said the cable ApPIeyerd and Rev Father T, Vi -,-1.:'• ,. ' • Hussey were-, guest speakers. Art tad 'Constance landmark" dis'- . prem. now aberaa apapa;aataa, November 9' 'IS83 ,• appeared this week when the barn • 011 Lej Stephenspn's property was •- tarn dOwn. He intends to 1:e.builf$.1 A little. bova .son of Mr: Sallies Miks Mona Sills is visiting in: Reynolds, of -the Township of ,Hul- 'Windsor and Detroit. ' - .lett.;. aged -three. years, fell from a tariff' restrictions on the iniporta. and has hit- a quartz formation-- hcirse'on. Saturday arid got badly. tlort of soy beans ar1 the Federal Exeter Times -Advocate. The ,•first recommended that the tool rig; which 'has, been working on the well since 1949, will be •te- floor price of butter be based on a cost' of production that ,,would Placed by a diamond rig soon. "We return to the producer- an income shotat be able to fillish it aip hi comparable to the currebt wage two or three months;" hd stated. level.The second • opposed any The drill. is -down over 4,000 feet Mr. and Mrs. A. D. ,Armstrofig,• . Seek Pole Smasher . Proyincial' police from the EA- thr detachment' are looldng for7a . who recently purchased the, . _....mq,- cut- about the fabe . , G-overnment was commended. for Nichhel home on James Street, are .. . Mrs. Sohn .1-1mtings;aof. Ilibbert;seProviding a •deficieney payment- to- --Fairlig a iumber • of' changeand mat'Vlith a most4painful •actident 1 ProVide the growers with, a reas- arnprovements made, preParatory m ,Beafeata-en Batiidaya-Blie, was i Ortabie. iriCOIrie fk-OM 'WS. Crop. •h - car in t is district with a'hub cap ifo Moving in. .- -' • ' ' alighting from a °Wagon in frent I The -trend of cream producers to - l llifiga-J-enti •seott :and MO. 'Helen ;,of: Mr, belong to the McMillan are' visiting in TOronto. • Thorne's store, When -her !Sell whole milk for the mannaac. I rnl8sing, which' could Reason who, broke „a hydro Tole in . foot slipped, causing' lier •-to'' fall ture DT skim milk de a d b t -i P°w r n '1' Z ' h -1 S rid - ' Ti . . • R OSSROA id Tjrne Shows Y- JAIVIES scow- - It is not ,without some surprise as we came out of tite„, old 'Public these days that find when i_read School, a fellow was standing there the Years.Agoae section' of •'this' handing' out bills about the show. journal I remember most of the He had three rnonstrons and him. peeple and the events which are grae bloodhOrtrids on a leash and . recalled -there. It seem a no trine every boy in the schoollstood back at , all since I used to read :those and wondered if he dare .try” items about the good old days as pat one of the brutes,,-, Nobody curiosities about a time whichrWas tried at „ • remote and,no Part of My. life, •,• I can still see that show --Simon Wela, that's how. it' not Legree -with his -great -bullwhip; so young as •I soinetirries like ,to whacking poor •old Uncle Tom, think, , ' standing there with his arms up Take t.at week aea .matanee! raised,: his face contorted in ag- There was an item there :about a enY: And I'eertainlY won't' 'forget aVfinstrel showheld ii Cardno" • Hall:" And all at onceethere I. was ti back. there at that verY show. • startedto -iiiiibber when she died ral: -thatbecausenightI fell a innelaorviye -. --- s Eve, there on the stage and got. -haa-cli,a'tb,eaearioatht.irt!'' •Tia-eaans,sa-taileiliglIgoay;11 hoisted up to -Heavers- right before-- shows like that Were just 'about Our eYes., • the, most pleasurable aucl ekciting mY Yea, those were the events of the year:. • • • days; - -- I' 'can still feel the eXcitement And• remember the < medicine PatttaLof 1Vi , • with mr. ,and Mrs. Russell Shall- the stagewas full of men, • all tapevorm,.. -In fact he a a , . . dice on Sunday. _ Mr. and..IVIrs.' JohrfFiacher, Mar- tin aild Roger, of Toronto.; with:his parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. 4• Fischer. ••• .'" Mr. and 'Mrs.. Frepinan SpenCer; Mrs. laYdia;QUerengesser and Mrs. Frank Sivigger,. of -Datroit, called • aFTfiom,e rivri. and-IVI-rS7-Ed. Smith on Saturday, after attend:, ing the: funeral of, :Albeat Rock, Ma., and Ars. a flab:gal. Wairdell, Cheryl and Wayne: and. Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman ^Hinz sl-.)ent the week: wearing; white ties and tails. tho bottle with 1. soinethin, in it that orchestra Was playing • and ,when looked like a ,y,ellowisli-white snake it stopped, Frank Sills; his :plairne ,which he said his remedy had got. ,white hair gleaming andlook- out of the bowels of a woman near, . , ingo-twice als .handsorme as when,Dublin _ - he was in the thardWare - store, 1.'‘ That was quite a thrill too.. bodmed, "Gentlemen, , be seated!" I And now :what , do I see?, 'The,. , . Arid that •ivas.:the way it started same cowboy picture three. or four na see-the-lal-e-Jaek --DalY, times a 'night -on TV. Ma_ybe. fin_ • Tat and comfortable, his 'face 'old-fashioned, but I feel sorfY or • blackened, catching and eating im- • today's kids if that is the best en- - agiriary flies from:has seat as one tertainment they can get. Caive- ef the comie • endineto 1 can 'still me the alinstrel Show,- and, Unclf,- bear J. E. Keating and' Bisonnette Torn and the •Medicine Man any - singing a funny song wrhiCli 1 third< day. • - Was - ea lled ea_ • . Mr. 'and: Mrs, Ed.. liniZ; :near (early in Septeinber,,im, the walls ----------------- , ooe sought the --Mr. and Mrs: -Lavern W'.1..) t'avitha -Flies- G o -in -the_ Wintertime?" Monkton, on . . they climb), • • help of his faculty advisor. "I'in Mr. Don. Wolfe and Miss , Beth AnyWay, all, this made a kind of tremendously Worried," • said he, Cole attended • the Teachers' Col- Magic for me, and I still feel it. "about finding. my station in life." lege, fiftieth anniversary in Strat-, - And I remember all the other , adrrioniSlied the eld prof, ford on Saturday ,evening. • a shots I saw in this town when 1, "I can assure you .that you needn't Mr. Wilbur .HeegY and Mr-. P. was a boy. 1 cae..reealt..theofirst- -worry. Somewhere, soinetime along Boyd have: been on a hunting trip performance I saw of Uncle Tom's life's . pathwaY, someone"wll tell itt NortlaetnOntth'bOE--1-• 1 • • . a :Cabin, in that .same hall.. At neon yciu whereto get they were hit hard the. -eyeS looked ,at you .and said-: .:not afraid for•mySeg, Mac. But .wifo,and hidst • What'll happen., to thent WhOltlook Altar Meat . The annul dance of the Seaforth aero,.arta her foot remhining caught doff and MuntrY: Club Will this between 'the wheel and th6 box of yen't--lie- held vii Fri&Y;November- the Wagon; '.13reaking- her leg' lie' 24, in. the GoW-V.A-- Hall. _ taveen the knee ?aid the ail/de. • Mrs. " Patterson visited with Mr. James nSirfflife, late March, friends in Mcicillop last week....• hit and postmaster Of Blake, in. a • tends cothing to Seaforth M live: • • • Mr.. 'Miliaria Robb Vrom:Vte Ituriih.igicOs„ ger .., /1,4ve raurfted-torosidTdOn,thilloilirY • tl- apaat:4 year in the Townshipl: of lClinten intend§ to build a new Lan; -• - • •,.. • •ttirling rink. :•- • „ Hallowe'en ilight AleXan- A pretty Wedding was soleinniza :der Stewart had a set Of:harrows 'ed -at the .,horsie. of.aagr: and..,Masa t *en_ from „Ins' lolacksniith shop, Andtaw ' jdainstdia :when their. About a week later they 'Were:re= daug,hter, 'Caroline.; • 'exeliariged turned during the night 'to the ',VoVei.With Mr.• Charles IL Staples: seine, position: (a. • Owing to something. going Wrong ;Mr. Writ Barwick Varna; was With brie -of the engioes at the elec.' aSSiatirig Mr. Jail kid .loading Tutaclay night, saw legs arid they Were rolling the the town was darkness for a logs- on the , wagons- with horsea .00aa,timea, a , when adhain breke,, and:fying back ' tittle, , Winthrep;'; had his ,Strilek hint On the temple, knock- .* no destiallyed by wind last intrblindOWn and. the :log rolling" OWE! the. skids strhcklhim on the leg and also! injured, his knee. , Mita end Mrs, J.. O.. Grieve, 1.6th Weed still tontinnes.searce and CollneSsien, celebrated deer; althOugh there• Is- Mere- ceal being burned ha' this toWn than 'Oink' silver iv4ling 'anniversary 6ver before, 41114,' Friday, ,,, ter, rather than separating at the .I' . . „. s pole a .\`''57.-, in ,..I front. of- oloinon farrn, was- diseussed. The cream Baechlerasa on 1Viain Street.1--Ac- producersareteiVeffho revermefroni 'cording -1d ptiblic Utilities manager tlie buttet_to_assiit in carrying on Milfred SchilhP, !die pole was -broke ail. 4afif „Stimetiine hi the early hears of their. campaign 'otapaotrietion al aolvertising. . ' • • a' e• morning.. • The damage caused It Was felt that smile arrange- seVeral •residences to' be put out Merit should be made whereby :the of .hydrei,laand Mr, Schilbe was call. Ontario. Cram, Producert . would ed out through the night, te,repair receive some ,financial -issistan the :damage:- 'Rtiniii, tire -marks, :from the hater. produced in this .whietta waY,. 'since •the mromotion is , just' . could be seen, it seemed 'that the car which: hit tire .pole earne, Os important arid; benefieial to this down the street west of -the 'scene of the- accident and went around a Mr. tecticaad; ,fieldnian for the 'the cornet too fast running into Ontario Creani Producers, showed - - the pole.. No one haa reported see - Odes on The TYPe ef 'Assistance ing the atecident happen. -Zurich availalaie•fOr advertising and pre. Citizens News: motion Throughout the cennty at • fall faits and other activities, , . „Managers ,Switc•h .. .Nofef The Source of. figures Oa Lorne -Power, manager ,o the hog' produetiOn in my .article of 1,, ucknow Distriet Co -Operative :for two Weeks ago , Was the Market the past 1.5. Months,' has accepted Information Section, IVIarketing a petition, With -the Central officei .week, tut; has a new one in its PiaP6 ag4in. • pensions FE(1)3rutl:Ah'n°ous pension° t1 dsof-lowr ida°Iviloswatinncde can hoothatno-sffirt?hveirdof ee 'aro r emergenciet. Most Of us have some form o i,nsurane.e. against 'sickness, accident.s. and hospital bills. But :where would your wife turn for help,.__if she weie. _widow or it you were disablect? The ,Canedian _Legion's :Poppy Trust Fund is 'the ,answer for thousands of war widows orphans 'and' disablled 'veterans. t is a comrade's enduring _answer twithe. eyesthat talked Service, , Department ,-of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. Sorry I didn't- quoM thia aouree prelViousIy. • • Newfoundland has some of tha finest nicose arid caribou hooting 1.,iichttow heutg his first postuift. in ,eartad4.. ••• mr,:'and P6i,ver fimily • �f the United= Co-otieratiVes af. On- tario at Weston. „Lane will .rrian-. age:. the ,proPane . gas ',•dep,artrnent at the Central -office..„He entered the-CoLoP orgamitation 1111W57. With re,P•Wir" -.4.4.4..rc • v.mva: Jap•ta.,,, , • • r''',I-!.1'1'1,4;4.• .;:r•ara ea Or In ea or atur, a • .00.0:1.00.:i