HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1958-11-07, Page 1Ninety -Ninth Year . Whole Number -47335, ataie riii3)4Y',.1\10VE.M.O,R,. 7, 1$38 Single Copies 5 Cents $2.50a 'Vear4n Advance A • Tiickersinithtolvaship 4-U' harvested by 'fall fair, time, the rthur S.Boit , accordine.cfri A :member was successful in grow: special achievement claY" wasoBolton, th ing e creimpion whitei beans, n, • 4-H White Bean, Club. project sistant agricultural „representative this year.: Robert. Fotheringham, •lltimn, County. • ' RR 3; Seaforth, .Won: the 'contest; The beans, 'all'OTthe Sanilae vare ,at the achievement day, at Clinton. iety, Were of a .good quality, and •Because tire beans-'bad.nut been 'five of the exhibits have been' en-. red in the ,Royal Agricultural Winter Fair -competition:: The re :splts; ,department officials feel: in- dicate ethat_thiLvalriet,y__of quite suited for this area. - Results of the judging. were as fellows: champion, Robert ,Fhther- ingham; reserve ,ehampion white' beans; George ,Stasik, RR 2, Hen- . sail; 3rd, Norma Geiger,. RR 2, rant Bi s KZurich:4th, Kippen; 5th, BillGary JonesRR 3 Billy Charters RR 3 , . -- , , Takes - Kippen; 6th, Gerald Chapman, .RR H.ibbert To nship Council took 1, Exeter; 71h, Ross McBeath, no actionon grants to; farm or- RR '3, Kippen; 8th,* Jerry Johnstcin;,, ,ganizations at, their regular meet- RR 3, Kippen; 9th, Ronald Schroe- .---mg=2.11onday____:_Counctl _was • ap-, ,der;,RR-2";.-HeriSall;-10tir,---Margar.4-- ;-• proached bY representativ,es -of the .et Coleman, RR . 1, Staffa; '11th„ ecteration Of Agriculture and,.also Donald Coleman, Rh 1, Staffa; " The Free Enterprise Livestock pro-, 12th, Susie Mae Lostell,- RR - 3, ducerS, of Ontario, each asking for Kippen;, j3th, Phyl i Lostell, RR 'a grant for their organization..Af- 3, Kippen; 1.4th, 'Lloyd Losteli,.RW ter considerable discussion council 3, -Kippen; . 15th, 'Donelcle Lostelt, decided to hold''back on the grants RR 3, Kippen. , at- the 'present time; Tbe group 'suggested that _.the organizations ' try to -raise. their own binds, • through canvasses. , ,es n . A by-law was passed appointing deputy returning officers, Poll outh -Huron. clerics and polling places if an is necessary. Nomination -day will be•Novernber -2Thetween- how's of one-, and two o'clockin the afternoon, zovincial ,Ald fp.. T...:Drainage. werereceived for the Mc-: • Donald DraM arid' the Shillinglaw Drain;: and cheques were issued' • distributing the grants. Clerk Roy- .;--.13nrchill was, instructed by resolu- ton to prepare byelaws for the Pridliarn-andethe-Glerm. drains; and .teliave them _forwarded to the as- sessed. owners on the drains by .Tegistered mail. • „ Council set December 2. as the :date for the next regular meeting. General orders for .$1,721.46 and zoad accounts for $1,900.57 were ,•orderecl .paid. - , • ' , Delegation Meets Council DamageLight - A delegation -of •Hibbert township • -- • , fanners,- representing the . Free '/Jeeken4 Ftres Enterprise Livestock Producers of Ontario; met with the reeve and ,. Seaforth: fireinen. answered_ twe: councillors at their Hibbert conned alarm • over the • weekend, but nieeting this week. They "reclUest- neither was seridus, according to .ri 0 One.. case of rabies has been confirmed in_Huron County __Up to noon Wednesday, only one case - was -apparent, said Dr.' J. C. Mac- Lennan of the Health of 'Animals Brafieli, Seaforth. A fax, shot on a farm just south of ShiPlca, in the southern' end of the county, last week, was rabid according to a report received by Dr. MacLerinan from., the Federal Laboratories at Hull, Quebec. The fox yeas slain at a spot two Miles north of the Huron -Middlesex- bor- der, near' the village. ' ed a. :grant for -their organization chief Jahn F Scott ' .• , tn•help, 'raise funds. for legal ac- • ; • - Smoke damage- resulted .When .a: •,-1-ierC to appeal td, the, ;Farm- Pro- - spice -heater 'flared up ,at the resie" diicts"-Marketing,--L;;Re*f-rd, ':;to. have, 9. s. .denee-. of . Mrs.' Chapman. in ", ..tjeiet.,,a",f,sujildYe..!$•• 'H°g'•'15r,(4lueee,rs„.. '17,°te rriondville Sunda's). afterneelf- ' .Considerable discussion took On Monday a tractor on a far -place. about ' the lower price of- in uc ersine. , owne y Dr, 1V1. bogs,since the -vote was held and W. Stapleton, caught' fire, blt -the • the'-'-drifav•orable conditions! th-V.fire was extinguished before (lain- liave existed-sin.ce that time.. The age. °resulted. ' delegation felt that they being a • farrrt organization. had as -much right to participate in an eqttal , grant as, the. Federation. of Agri- • rulttire, or any other -farrri, organ- izaticin. 'A letter also was • present- ed -containing' the inaines of many -other farnie,rs • who, are of :the same, opinion. . The Council irivekigated tlie.ties; sibilities of both organizations get- ting a grant, Mit, alt 1' •ninelt-r'dis- ,Eussion they. deeided against •giv; Ing grant • ta either' one, They • sitgg,ested that each :organization -eanvaSs for their Own funds, , , • iscuss Distric TB Organization Glenn,. Hays, Q.C., Gocierich, president, and Mrs, J. B, Russell, Seaforth, • executive secretary of the Huron TI3 Association, were in • London Wednesday. attending a meeting of representatives ' of the seven counties in the are served by Peck Sanitarium, The meeting discussed formation of a district organization. • .Tprnips,-Beets' EStablih. Records• . . It; .n1Ust. have „been:the, 'weather during ;the. 'past 'summer that has 'ceased- many 'gigantic finds' in -area gardens and ',fields. For --several weeks -We have reportedmonstrops- -.00tatoe$ ,being found. ,,zThis, it'4 beetS and' turni 8 „ POI/NTJENG SKYWARDS,- giant crane rests as it completes tile task of raising tons of steel beams to form the roof__"structure qf the new' Seaforth Shoes factory on West - Street. Work on the factory is advancing according to. schedule, officials said this week, and_the 20,000 - foot building. will be closed in shortly. - `. (Expositor photo by Phillips). •-.- ,•'.-The .:2?th._ annual-, -HallOWe'enifincy. co.stumes: seven „andeundere: rbc sponsored by ihe•.•.sea' Seaforth Barbara BrYans, Mary Oke;'Rieb-,' Lions Club attracted 'hundreds; oi. costumed.' children to . the -' .arena' Friday evening. Each' child re- ceiVeda' bag of candy' on arrival. -A -Prograrne which included num- bers by meM13ers of the Seaforth Figure Skating Club, and judging of costumes and racing,. was fol- lowed by public ' skating. Bingo, ,with chicken s and turkeys as priz- es, -was --underway- in the -auditor- ium ; during the evening. - Following are prize - winners: - Farmers peal Gs e n SiXteen Ilibbert TownShip-...-proP- 'erty gots': appeals: to „ court of 'revision over • the:properly assess- ment, . result. of • installation 'Of Main gas ,lines ,througle'their, prop- erty, May. ;form: basis :of case Which rn ght-- go etO. the Ontario, aird.--fate 'ilit-'-dyirriej Wide, palicy'ruling. ' • ---,..- - The ;Hibbert' „lOwnship, landown- ard ;and Stephen! Nesbitt, Debbie: eight ,to !.1.1...: -.years; Anne Sills,eJanot! Turnbull, Sheila ROW, att, over , 41 . years', . 'Mary 'Jean:BOO:art,. Mary' 'Criele.' Gail Ford, Dale, and; Penny; Tabor; -comic cps -brines,. even and under, Billy .BOUssey,•,„.Tinf.',SnewH: don„. ;Jane,. ;',• ; -Christine: Turn- bull; -eight .. to 11, Cheryl Moqre JulieeHoover,„, Jean Maria ;Halle WendyJtioore.; 5:1. and over, Toni . Peterson,, Tom Philips, Jim Silis, DavioL-Watson, KiWNic-1 'Lean.:'and John, Vanee. boys, '131By Bons s ey, , Sonny - • ,V„aric,e;•.... .Margaret ',,MeLeazi.,,7„..Railaareae-eBoxie. _Barbara Brlans;,Jarie...Sins;''.seven to • eight !.,..bby8.'eBobbY.Blaek •nar tWipperfort, jimmy ,,Rowatt,;' girl •Mary • : Debbie - Christine Turnbull; ,nine':,to, boys, Larry •McLlwain, David ton,: Rudd McLean::: girls," Janet . • , „ Turnbull, Dawn .; Wrigh ,Vv en y Key, 11_ ta .13,_ boys, • Jim-• en=-. ny Akker, Allan Patterson; girli, Elaine Eckert, Mary Crich, Katy Charles Dungey won the door ,prize, an electric blanket. • Quiet Hallowe'en Seaforth ,experienced one of quietest Hallowe'en occasions on record. Lovely fall weather, re - stilted in hundreds .of children • be- ing on the streets and 'visiting uckersmit efersAction on • te ues • Sedforth and. distriet.- vvill! pay . • liribute'to••its war dead in inipres-- sive 'services on Sunda d T Sunday an nes:. !claY•-• ' • ; . • -" • , annual Poppy Day ...Cam- paigri gets under •way Friday and: continues SaturdaY;, , when mem- bers of the ' Legion -Ladies'-- Aux.- iliary will' canvass Seaforth homes, factories ' and :places Of basiness. .PraceedsTifolii-the, sale ii.f2iieteraii- ,Made. poppies' inake •• possible' Continuation of -Legion welfare' work: Arrangements_fer the_Rop, -py Day canwaign and for the Re'. Jrneinhrafice -"Day program -gener- ally are in charge Of. the spegiaf .eyents,,cdromittee of the ...Legion .....Action, was , deferred by, ,Tueler-, cin -a, . . , . . . the.. •TOWit. of Exeter for- edrierire- . . • .., • ,. • „ •rence.• -a ,;resolution .-requeating 'thee•Minister. of: 'Justice:- to , make , • Certain-. amendments?. to the Can- ada. 'Teniperarice. IVfeeting, :Menday.. afternoon, all ;:memberse ,except..; Councillor 'Victor Lee, were pre -Sent, 'Reeve, Ivan ,' Forsyth' - Grants for . wreaths for Reinern,• -branee•Day_were. Made to ,,the See' forth and .Hensall,Pranehes' of :the Canadian, Legion.: Reeve koraYth.! -11plac the wreath for Tucker 45Hini_th7.af 'the Seaforth ceremony, and Elgin Thomp,Son?.. Will !represent the township -at the HenSall, Cereinon.Y.' - -TreaSurer g.. P. Chesney was -in- structed StruCted to complete Paythent On. the Second' Concession and the Bin- elairTMOniciPale-Drainsinion--!ree. ceiptHof 'certificate of Completion: from, township. 'engineers and. to call payment on the same. Frank Kling 'Was. employed -houses _across • town:. • ter; :Service.; to. . the ,PrePeFtl.e.S.'nt Seaforth -under-Chief; .Ef."717yle • Hammond - and Jaek!,!. Fraiser. !..,riier.,:..1-iiiteltinson;9'..-, inatitaiiied..: an .iii 'Egirienqville;: at''',:a';''•-e..OS-Of.;$3-7.5. .-- -atouadthe-eleck":. patrol; • and'.,a.,i,.,:a council !. disc ussed.:,,the ,:lpi...eseiat result ?there ,.were :•.tiene .! of ,,' the,. tis:. rabies,:..e.pidernie:•"thill••••.11.ged......:.tidat:. iial.";. ineiderits...:',Of;:rowdyisni .,..' ii -34:: •,.•K.atep.Asi.01.•..,: use ,leVerk.',Precantion -daMage•Lig.:,•-tor4,--e.,-.,, -,': .in,....ebniliattifige the 'diSea'§'e 'by 1.6ef,j,-,. . , , , , . Only ,,tl!istriet'inelderit "reported', 'ing , a ;,:e.lese watch 011 :domestic. --.; .., .'6,... A. . WHITNEY, of Sea- .. .,. Llka§;',,,,atl•the_:,'BeafortIll2Litiris•••.Fatik;,. :dogs •,...;ande:Cats'!:arid .lepert'-,sYnip.,-.".",•."_:forth, ...,was:nanied-'431-esiderit.' Of ", ,: „ .. , : , .„ Where 'a 4o,foot:,.lona, .itiof.:bridge-. toniS..-...iiiirriediateiY --to • a. Yeterin-• '- the Onta'rld • Funeral', Service ' • • Siiii1.11100i ' 'Elevell- 4ri---,winter.-'sterageHon,tlie!.ebatile-ofe-ariani-e!r-46,et,hef:flealith,;:of, Animals ssocia ion . lir... , ..oro,n a. : 'lat.-,-, ,..•. ..! -... ' :- • . ler-Trc fl:c. •thetk: tIlit,7:4-,i,,i,.§,.errni'6w,ceas§Lsti2iT).y.reLdHt.k.n.,,..r.tid,r4:til,9eeriyteZe.,..:p:::,rA4enocol-t;:ii.lts., ,i3.a...s.,.....ci•;,:e.."-i.4...,ci.i,6,, a....e'ci:i ,:‘Eg..7„:,,,,.,, wee ... The 50--rnemb r, assec a.- . , •tiOn--..".helil it :•antittal cenveriee,.. darn and lower -the Water • in the. d 'ell' ve 't : S'ee.2e.. d np,, ,....;tien,.in.th.elcing,,Edward.:1-lotel..:,•r, ,'SeVeial,;',dp-i.,St'n'TI'.'•4:,*rri"Otorist4s-, et:I.,' •.Tueice.r.sraith". . Telephone .,•Sysfetn,..,' Year S,,, , , .. ;'",., ,.: :enmity, ,$.,..,.fiospitatieation,t$17::50..;,. "....exeelltive. •for :.-tife.'.'.'PaSt..; five .::..,,....,..fdl.seer._r.icathy,,19a ao,s:„.-.-0.1., h.,..3..-eoi:g,i,:h.t,,s,61:ieliic;Diutria jeg.p.,'i7toloi.....;,_.,_, 4‘e,e,' $000;''StiPPleinefirark al: . ' ' here, headed ,by Charlie ,Wood. - The - annual church •,parade of ,• Seaforth - Branch ,...156 „Canadian - 'Legion -takes place Sunday . morn,' ing- ;to St., Thomas' : Anglican „. • Church,, when Legion Padre; Rev. ,J,....,EL,,James, will conduct the ger:: .._, fiarade • +at . Veterans, : which' f4,3rms„ at .the Past 0.ffice 10:30, "4> clock,- will be. led- by the SDHS and, Theparadewill" be u-in„..charge....of_Legion President Hare.-- rycoNn eTsbnietstday the annual Remem- brance Day memorial, parade and • . service .takes place. .The parade, which: will, incl,pde Veterans, Boy Scouts, , school, children, inunicipal officials and representative§ of dis- tract` Organizations, will. be headed - by the SDHS Band. At the ceno- taph in Victoria Park,- the cere- m_pny will be in 'charge of Legion. Padre .Rev.- J. 'James. e• Members of the,Legion will hold. rlimner in the Community Centre :4 on •Tnesday. evening. This is being , arranged bythe;Ladies' Auxiliary: - planning', and co-ordinating- the variouS. -R ernembra nee. Day -attiVi- •es, are President • Harry, Nesbitt, and special events -chairman Chas. --'- Wocid; of the Canadian Legion. Legion officials, in discussing parade arrangements, emphasized , that. if was hoped:that all veterans and servicemen in'thee district, re- :gmelleas .of ; whether or .not they were Legion members, woUld. take _sp,ea:vti''cine.:: the church Prade' and, in the Remembrance Day parade and The NoveNmbinehlr amtritl-erlesting the.. Seaforth branch of th Lee• being held.,Thursday evening: Nomz•-7:- 7 Mations for the '- various, offices:, , will be '.receiyed... $1,0AW"REMIA .„..„ „ . ,..„ t b $2,2:56';••;.graSs g f era ;presented,; their aPpealsjo the Iscuss ro township _council, which met at '• e staffa, as a court of revision . Huron County Publishers meet; Blytli ,Stendard-, and the Exeter " • -• Times-A(.1c ocate • • el The council reached no •decision and the appeals., May eventually roach_therminicipal board, -in -the opinion of 'Perth CountY. Assessor A. A. MacDongald. . -The nrop,erty• 'owners &intend that sale 'value .of their land has been recIticeir because of a main gas line running from Stratford to .GOderich:. ;;-, • , The.ega,. line;--birried, about four .feet below .the stirface, runs "'Par- allel to the CNIt Sttatferd•Go,de- rich „ • -; ,,,,,PropertY owners!. had another. noint • in. . their: argiiirient. They eentend; that ' they should, leither have ,ati assessnient'reduetinn or: rebate, the amount Of Hactual cash -tax'..the. .towirship ,reeeives from the gas eornpany, • • • Mr., MacDougaid,said he thought the ;Whole case may reach; OMB level fer, a ruling applicable to the • • . piovince. • Pell,: fia.' 2, . Seaforth,, _nrOttItht .a-',regiStered; Latirentian.- . .shi,pping turnip. to. The :Expositor ,10.,,,;ois n Spnds..'.Dublin .this Week. The .everSizedVegetahre 101. • • - • ", „ H ° meastired -36 inches ;in'. eirctiinfer- , . Mn • ",•., tospita 'Taken ;from. a- field of 'ts.vo acres. Sohn ' Ryan, .53,; Dublin, is in sat - of this :Variety, Mr,' Pell' said there Isfactory • condition in Stratford d. I 8 I St - • Th 'oft ; T Oerte ig.na - ate c c-oc nes ay evening. d , ,with . the, present. Jo ad ; a ,111„ e LP • • ; . :were: , several, ntln s. ,•a as Gerieral Hospita ; \Vit. ea '1n3u.r-. E''----------------------------------------------------ee1iej't f M t iver6 MaY61- ine in Zurich Saturday, paid spe- cial hoeor to , Chester L, Smith, a -veteran publisher the county. PreSentation of ,•engraVed- 'silver serinng tray Was made by J. Mel- vin Southcott,- Of the'EXeter TimeS- AdvoCatee senior member of the association. • ' Since 1914," Mr. Smith was pub- l'sher .1 the h Her icl .unt:1 Y _ . , Of great interestto Ihe publish: ers.--ev.th -prellitistary discNssion •o ra" project whereby the entire his-. ;tories of .the - communities they r serve, jas ,sholin !in the files of e__. papers published, could be ricord.: . ed • on microfilm _in • a very _small area, compared, to -the present stor-' age space necessary for bent& Mr. Whitney has served on- the ce7-i-25tIvadST-S-1->021-.12, . .p'eliceidet,aehrrierit ,Wa$ in, ' ary-• and ,$234.43e.. :::Brueeoparaileld.: Innndi7ilin' and near '' 9'''For ...ee,iyer,"Greneral ;$7.15; read, open- , • . • 1'in: all,' eleven sum non 'is - the„--„,end".•6r December. 1.957,; When. ing 327.25 ceretri°113C $25'85;' grants' Springhill Fund stied, • • , „ ' • •• • Councit":adjetirn ed. to nieet Tu es- eccin a n Springhill. families .tollowing.. the - ...disaster of•twO ;weeks'. ago, \thich -ae-e101'itiese-r-ect bi the Cliariaber of Commerce, has re- Sulte.cl: in. donations ,arnounting to ' ''.." he,.. 'cam eign E0 aid stricken da D b 2 t i•oo P ; att- o mel 00111.:-.7 reparting the tdtrd of ,contri- lititions • Which had' -been. left at • . ,,Seaforth l3anks, C. of 'C.....PreSident; 'C..J; Sills, 'said-tnal if: Was col'ic 't1 -1.e t . tions :I.c.)rthcoming, • • ' '•• ' 'cl ••th t 'of- the weeklies county are ad b Ma • B *F h ti Ins§tIls New Autoniatit Oven , A modern-- automatic oven. fired With natural gas was installed this week in Sinities'''Bakery. ' - • e. • ' The gleaming stainless steel nnit has a eapacity of 12 pans, and pro: vides coiriplete.heat cbritrol during e baking precess.:: the paper wag. „sold to, the Exeter ' cd, Yoi B. r s e, • TimesAdvotate. ;Continuing' in. the ab6ut -1-P° years olu, drld 'files of :wore:de 'IPPerWash Titeaday• to ek- iStifombaaipteht' intkleinepags; 40ennecir tikaviirihs hesteitiiit••Oirskl‘til'in%e i,acsolts Ictsthseeli'l 1,sa' neaocnikceicntiri)' ibncildetraySaacsth: ,tT" bwelii, hsv..1;tas rbeeeeonm, ityinsetnalli;;I:,,,, • lagoon-tY,pe • §ewage .dts- Zuriell; correspondent for ,the Exe- inglY . difficult ' to ' ProVide. fileS' a lagoon -is -Pe disposal- plant for„,i ter Tinies;Adv0eate. • ' Were inicrOfilmed, it- was sug.dest-, Seaforth: • " ' The meeting. was in the Damin- ed -the' eullutY histOri-cal ''eamMit,- The Ipperwasb ,ServeS ion Hetet in Zurich. • ' te°; as Welt as Ice -al', librarie, the military. -camp ;there, arid. is •-Barry Wenger, publisher of the would wish to obtain designed to handle a ivaq of up, to Wingham AdvanceTirne8 is the ' - 5 600 persons In use.; a year and,' new president of . the association, . • a half, the logoonj$ working 'Per, _ • Aunurn Eon' membas .reported. • ; • With' CYril, Snowden, of the Sea, forth News, - the he* vice,presiderit; , • . _"There isn't' a trace ' of sniell,” Wilma' Dinnen„. -.of the Clinton' a Ma3•or •Christie 'said, "Phe area is 1, NeWs-alecerd, is secretary: ' •otitis 11 euchers all . lands Caped and there is • nathi-!.. Business- 'of, the meeting was * ingito,go wrong."- Sewage is pump,' chaired by, A. Laurie colqebetde Duncan mace.ay, ^Aubprn, vas .into the. lagoon, ' covering about Publisher of the Clinton News- elected- ''president of •the Men Ane J'acres, a centrifugal purnp. Record .and the. Zurich Citizens Teachers' Federation of -Perth; and While' the IPPerIx'aSh'• setuP in- I:" NeWs, new past president. of the Huron at the annual Meeting, -and •aludes, a second lagoon and a see, 'group, which . alSO, incltides, the barintiet held in the, Seaforth Pub end purnp, these haven't been rer,-1 °rimer large thd one he• exhibited. les sufkeed vdien farne.,...tractor. ,eena,c ina. r.‘,„ Reeve N. .seeIns, Ceurt- ' Not to be otitdone by field preps, and wagon be Wa.s •eperatinf was.. ••••, was ,named• vice-prestdent, and cillors ,D,..Turnbull;' Thorpe Riy- • . a gigantic beet is 'on display at in dcbilision with a. tractor- railer piR ATA, The ExPositor this week too. round truck on'Highway fI; miles west. rata en; in his •garden by Harry McLeod, of Mitchell, early Friday night, I R.R. 2, Seaforth, this overgrown • The Wagon of the unit being op-' :WM40 P414.0%*7 family-siied vegetable weighed 5 crated by Mr, Ryan Was denielish-•V,•%11 pounds 81/2 -ounces: It measured ed and an estimated $200. damage • ''_ 21 inches in circumferende, was caused to the tractor:, Dam- A* g p,4 4 I RA age to, the tractorArailer. unite, En t 11 driven by William MeGlinghey, 22, '• " o erator e The yery:--Revereried C. Ritchie an visitors Alfell t Specia B.A.7;137.E., address /Ph. profess -or of Pastoral ' I annivers- klirat • Presbyterian- Ohngrega e1t is . -------,•••. •• • Theology and Hol-niletics at the Presbyterian College, IVIontr.eaL , The . services 'Sunday-.- -morning and evening -will mark. the. 91s1 anniversary of tlie.• •Presbyterian congregation, Special • inusic be offered by the. choir, tinder the leadership of ll• A. Kempster, with specials, .soin and duet numbers, Gtlest baritone 'seloist will 'be GOr- clop Ileighton,,of Krio.X' Presbyter- ian Church, Guelph The special speaker, Dr, Bell,, was Minister .6f, the Vicar MemOr-• ial Chureb.; in Montreal, prior to his appointnient to the collhge. staff. In 1948 he was elected mod. ei.or of the 14th General As- sembly of the,Presbyterian Church, the youngest 'Minister to serve the church in that CapaCity., An able speaker., he Itas conduct - ad preaching -fnis'sionk-in-the, Vnit- ed States and 'nlatty point• in Cn- ada In 1951rhe Visited Emope, an reached in Seotland for sev- era.'weeks. • • john:' Talbot. Seaforth, secretafy- D; ' Hopkins, principal of of the Bank,' Of Commerce :here. .‘ 11. treas;urer,'. - ' *. • .•?Ni:'ils n and- . P manager Eronte-School. was •gues peake . Arrangements for he, vi8it welt. . James Pigott,. 01 'Woodstock, and eoinpluted by Mr, 'Ford, .who be- . „Burton Ready, of St„ Marys, two came famibar with the:installation • scholarship winners, Were intro.! while he was reSident,in Thedford. duced to the nieMbcriil--Their ' • es were given'to them. The stu-1 o attending • Stratford College.- - Jefferson, Clintim,' \vas with a Iife membership CraWford; StraffeIrd,-,Mr. Is a retired ,public school , • Goderich was' estiinated at• Despite; .1a3"; persons that •clerits -at ' • • :-•,,••••- ;;.• tele:Vision' is, cutting 'dow n 'on• the teachers' Pruvincial!sConstable,Ken c a 4t3 $800: • • • r drng of banks, Seaforth .. George Of Ine.,..S.P.b4ugVille, detaehinerit rs; board. • could not agree • Presented veatigat6d., following:, A.' report bY*-kr' .• - Librarian' Mrs; Gordon, Wright: -At; ,Jefferson ensoll InfOrei. end DebraTariiiine Clark three- year old daughter, of Mr,LantILMrsi James Clark, Heilsall; has .retUrn- -eil.lfolne-Wom..Clintrin:-Pnblii Hos- iratwIrere dr:i/Vin- ed since Sunday.. The little girl fell front her father's ' car Sunday while the family were travelling Irtween. Strathroy and Ailsa Craig. • The child, was in the back seat With her brother, Beverley, 6, when in :5rime mariner the door flew OPen, and she fen to th*e gravelled shoul- der of the -road. ;SeVeral,,stitehes were, required to CZOSe • a head wothid.She also suffered, other cuts her`body„ • -,' the meeting., of the board Month.* prinnpal. night, the librarian report.ect-an in- : , ked,....'circulation...of books, over • ' • the past few months. - 1(ifinStren ConSider sarne time, Mrs: Wright , reported that the number cd Te. Tgvie „ bdr§. had increased n mere Members_ now riumbering,270 'and • c11-111-T-V172.e.tebet-'rri ' hoard; '.following -a-receinnienda, .at the Mondayrneetuge, of Sea. tum by connty' librarian' Mrs.,' R. forth Kinsmen:, Also 'discussed at G. Eicknuer,.. ;the board. dropped 'the; animal niember3hip charge of 10 cents for adults and 5-centa.for' children.- Carelg, at the library ,.are: 1:0,W; free to, Seatorth.. residents, - With the onith'pastnignt'being. fines. :When required.. Non-resident .fees are $1.00' per year. • • The Monday meeting was chair- ., ed'by.:MiSS M. E. •Turnbulb and all members were present.4. . • ; the Meeting was the sponsoring of heekeY in the coining season., . Guests Monday night were Govz, ertior- Ken IVIcKenzie, Listow.el; deptitY-governor,' Itensall; Maitland Edgar,: Pre'Si.- dent of, Clinton Kiri, anarold 'Paggert, president of Lohaoll Club.: In the future„, meetings WW be held an the fit.t and third Mon- days of eaeh...morith..- i'_Dgstrict tr,lunters r Seekirig Ganie, - : 8eaforth hunters are out in* ful force this week, taking advantage of perfect, fall weather and, open season, In the Bruce Peninsula is a group theltiding M. E. Clarke,:•A. W._ Z. tr. Munroe, George Kitbso., wilnani. Ball, Harold Jack- - son and. William: -.10",alian: They left on Sunday:, ' Leaving; Tor:Vorthern.,Ontaricti& Wednesday were S. M. Scott, SiShti' Modeland., Bev. Thompson,..' John Broughton, William Leyburn end J. E, Keating. IVIessrs. Arthur Devereaux, Jim Eckert "and Al Geldhock • and Dr. rf."..Melady are hunting this week' at .1;urk:s Falls.. It Pays to smile 'in -the morning Later in the day yott may net feel like it; MARY 'DENNIS, R.R. 1,, Walton,' iw, 'Crowned, 458 Stratford Teachers' College 'Aluinni• Otteen.„ by Init year's ' qneeri,: 3acquelittric.. Basier. of Listowel: hiliss Dennis wag -Chosen, in bafloting by Inem- bers Of the 108 graduating class at the. college,. At Present Miss Dennis , is leaChirig iil SiilittrtarLOItitori,'. Prior to attending the